Quit curtain twitchin’. He’ll see.”
“So now we can’t look out our own windows? This is how it starts, Tabitha.”
Tabby sighed. When she met her husband, she was an intern and he was a radio host, ‘Straight-Talkin’ Steve’ Duke, famous for his rambling, bigoted monologues. That was a long time ago now, nearly twenty years, and a lot had changed. She wasn’t a naive, star-struck teenager anymore and Steve… well, Steve wasn’t much of anything these days.
Her husband had been forced into early retirement – fifteen years early – after pushing the envelope too far during his ‘cut the crap half hour’. The CTCHH was a ‘proudly unscripted’ thirty minutes of waffle, opprobrium and, on the fateful April morning when Steve destroyed his career, a certain six-letter word repeated, defiantly, as the producers scrambled to pull the plug.
No one wanted to hire him after that, and he was too proud to go independent – he swore he’d never become ‘one of those ham radio freaks’ – so he found the whitest town in the country and moved there. Tabitha weighed her options but joined him, for the kids’ sake. After ten years of mornings like these, she sometimes regretted her decision.
Steve was wealthy when she met him and he was still wealthy now, thanks to the station’s generous ‘golden fuck off’ settlement package and a surprising property windfall. The Duke family had been extremely lucky financially. A paperwork snafu left them rich but homeless for a week in 2008, their old place bought and paid for but the new one not quite ready to close on. They checked into a hotel and watched with horror, then excitement as the credit crunch turned the markets to crap.
Steve gouged the hell out of six Porcelain Grove’s previous owner. The man eventually teamed up with a neighbour, also cashing out at the bottom, and made Steve an offer so sweet he laughed as he signed. Crushing the hopes of a newlywed couple and a widow netted the Dukes a little over $3m, allowing Steve to live like he was still a minor bigshot for almost a decade. He let the bereaved woman lease her home back from him and Tabby long suspected Steve took payment-in-kind when she couldn’t make the numbers work. Steve eventually evicted the widow, just as the two women began to bond.
Despite her husband’s supposed mastery of the property markets, the northern unit stayed empty for almost a year. She began worrying Steve was using it as a secret party space – somewhere to bring the spun out strippers he called girlfriends without springing for a hotel. The kids had been begging for permission to start a land grab and so, reluctantly, she said ok. Each of her children took over one spacious floor of the McMansion McNugget. Around that time, Steve’s car stopped lingering mysteriously in the driveway for hours before he came to bed. Tabby was glad, despite the extra time with her husband.
Two years later, Gideon came home with a black eye and an expulsion, and she was again thankful for the space again. She turned the ground floor into her own little home-school HQ, and got to know the young man her son had become. He was complex and angry, like many young men, but also prone to crying jags when his slight, wispy teenage body exhausted its capacity for rage. He used to cry alone in his room. Now his mother was there to hug him.
At eighteen, it was hard to believe he was less than a year younger than his sisters. They seemed to have been gifted the development their little brother was denied. Eliza, the elder twin by seven minutes, filled out first. She still hadn’t gotten over the confidence boost, despite Mary-Anne first catching up then overtaking her by a cup size. They shared the same golden hair and soft blue eyes – though Mary-Anne wore her hair short in stark contrast to the waterfall of sunshine that cascaded down Eliza’s back.
“Hi mom,” said the girls, each leaning in to kiss her cheek. Before noon on a Saturday was early for any of the Dukes, and the twins were in their pyjamas. Eliza wore a soft cotton vest and shorts that, while practical, showed she knew how to use her curves. In contrast, Mary-Anne dressed conservatively. She had become an avid baptist in the year before their move to Porcelain Grove; it was her way of coping with her father’s public implosion. She didn’t realise at the time that her dad was only a Christian on air. By the time she worked it out, she was serving a new Father. She led an enthusiastic youth ministry, packed with boys her age, all fellow virgins desperate for salvation. At 9 PM on a Sunday, each one came to Jesus in their heart. By 11, they each came to Mary-Anne in their hand.
God tests me she’d thought as her hips and thighs filled out, followed by the almighty petal burst of her bosom. It was as though her body, distraught that its impressive flowering had attracted not a single bee, resolved to keep brightening the blossom till something landed. Soon she was busting out of even the most demure outfits. Some days, she forewent lipstick for fear she already looked like a hussy. If she must be sexy, she wanted to be powerful with it, but her physique made her look desperate and slutty.
Her pyjamas were a light blue linen, buttoned-down and androgynous, designed to leave everything to the imagination. Mary-Anne hadn’t yet realised how ineffective this approach was. Even baggy, shapeless garments bent tightly around her curves, like Venus worshippers in prayer. She looked fit to burst. Two shirt buttons threatened to pop off like corks, unleashing the raw sexuality of her naked form. Mary-Anne had brought boys to tears all through high school. One after another tried to win her heart, only to find it already belonged to Jesus.
“Morning ladies,” said Steve, peering round approvingly.
“And you, also,” Mary-Anne managed awkwardly, crossing her arms over her chest. Eliza, acting like she hadn’t heard, put one foot up on the breakfast bar and began painting her toenails.
Steve glared at his wife, angry but begging for help.
“Liza?” Tabby could sense the tension rising in the room. “Be nice to your dad.”
“Hey, Steve.” Tabby gave Eliza a pitying, accusatory stare of disappointment. Eliza matched it for a moment then threw her hands up in the air theatrically and shouted “Fine!” She made her way across the kitchen to where her father stood, stomping as best she could in bare feet.
“Good morning, Elizabeth.”
“Yeah, you too. Got a light?” She fumbled a smoke out of her pocket and let her dad light it for her.
No good deed, Tabby thought. She spent seven years quitting, only to watch Steve poison her daughter to curry favour.
“Thanks. Hey, whatcha looking at anyway?”
Eliza pulled the cord before her father could react. The motor whirred, pulling up the blind like a portcullis. Eliza gasped.
The first thing people noticed about Leeroy was his size. At 6’8”, he’d been a giant amongst men his whole adult life. Perhaps it was the space he took up, the way he loomed nonchalantly above lesser men, or the attention women paid to him. Leeroy’s sheer physicality read like the final answer to a question most guys didn’t want to ask. Many of these guys started fights – about anything, or nothing, or the fact he was black. Leeroy would try to talk them out of it, especially if they were drunk or clearly unstable, but he had his limits. Guys that threw the first punch, wouldn’t take a hint or got ‘creative’ with their vocabulary got their asses handed to them. Leeroy didn’t think of himself as violent or aggressive. Nevertheless, the first time he fucked a girl in front of her n-bomb-dropping bf, he knew something life-changing was happening. A lot of racists spat their favourite epithets at him through broken teeth even in defeat, retreating to safety or passing out. This one said please, sorry and thank you as he watched Leeroy’s big black cock change his girlfriend’s world. The only word he called Leeroy the rest of that night was Sir.
He was nineteen and the power was intoxicating. After forty-five minutes of working her open, he came, thundering like a jackhammer inside the girl’s creamy wet, strawberry pink pussy. As his balls twitched against her body, she whispered something that made him realise: power is not a toy.
“Make him lick it up.”
Make him? He could, of course – the boy was so eager a glance would probably do it, or a sternly delivered word. He could also imagine, all too well, the whiteboy’s dusk submissiveness, newly learned but freely given to a man ten years his junior, evaporating in the white light of day. He could imagine the humiliated racist believing his own bullshit as he told the cops he made us do it. Who were they gonna believe?
Instead, Leeroy got out his camera and filmed the whole thing: the whiteboy begging for the creampie, hungrily cleaning it up and finally saying thank you. From that day on, he always got receipts. In fact, he made a career of it.
No matter how tough you are, fighting is dangerous. More than once he was cold cocked, or hit over the head from behind. Leeroy spent hours in the gym, building a set of muscles to rival his towering frame. He found, suddenly, that whiteboys didn’t want to fight him so much. They wanted other stuff, though. Most always had.
Half a lifetime spent at the apex of the sexual food chain gave Leeroy an easy confidence that couldn’t be faked. Just seeing the way he moved made Eliza want to get on all fours and scream, ‘I’m your little white whore,’ as he ripped her panties off. She felt a welcoming wetness grow between her legs as Leeroy pushed past a delivery man half his size.
“Mary-Anne? Get your fat butt over here,” Eliza told her sister, the insult masking her envy.
“What is i- Oh G- Oh ohhhhhhh!” Mary-Anne sounded like she was trying to close her pussy lips through willpower alone. “Mom? Have you seen this guy? The… the removals guy?”
“He’s not a mover. He’s our new neighbour.” Eliza’s jaw dropped. The three women looked in each other’s eyes for a moment, all certain what it meant, none wanting to admit it. Tabitha came to stand by her daughters. One way or other, their lives were about to change. She held their hands, squeezing tightly so they’d know she would always love them, always support them in getting their needs met. “Be careful. It ain’t polite to stare, even at summat new. How would you feel if he did it to you?” Tabby was smiling, feigning naivety. The three women exchanged smirks, the start of their own little club.
“Don’t worry, ladies. I’ll keep you safe from that thug,” said Steve
Eliza laughed. It wasn’t cruel, or even intentional. A single, involuntary ha, delivered without alighting her gaze from Leeroy’s sculpted chest. She didn’t notice her brother Gideon take his place in line.
“What yall up to?” Gideon looked up at the three women as he had his whole life and noticed something new. Each was staring out at the road with a look of primal need. He’d been trying not to look at his sisters’ breasts so much lately, but movement drew his eye. He was shocked to see Mary-Anne rubbing herself through her night shirt. Her nipples were hard, all the women’s were, six erect buttons of desire begging to be pushed.
Gideon gulped and followed their eyeline. When he saw Leeroy, it was as though something important and vulnerable deep inside him was being squeezed. He felt a cold dew on his forehead and his mouth went dry. He could not look away.
The black man’s muscles glinted in the morning sun. Sweat shimmered against his skin, perfect golden droplets rolling across the mountains of his strength. Ignored but not unnoticed, the white family stared at Leeroy. Secretly, each wished the newcomer would use that strength on them in dark, exquisite ways. Some kept this secret even from themselves.
Leeroy didn’t even glance in their direction. Attention had to be earned, after all. Still, he quietly wondered, as he carried the last of the boxes, which of the Dukes would visit him first.
It was 11.12 AM when the huge newcomer disappeard inside his new home. The moment Leeroy was gone, every member of the Duke family found they had a sudden, urgent and private piece of business to attend to.
Steve had been repressing his sexuality so long it felt natural to be rock hard from staring at someone he ostensibly hated. Like the rest of his family, Steve had the unsettling feeling that he knew the stranger. It was the darndest thing – like seeing an actor in an unfamiliar role. Steve disappeared into the basement and checked the ‘most wanted’ files for a few minutes before navigating to a site that would help him take care of his erection.
Tabby tried to think how she’d manage her husband, what with the inevitable fight he’d start. She should begin making a peace offering now. The man at number six was huge, he could probably end her husband’s life with a single blow. But she should try and prevent the fight anyway.
Gideon sat on his hands, his face flushed with humiliation, trying to resist touching himself. After a while, moans echoed from above and he lost the battle.
Eliza and Mary-Anne went straight upstairs. Mary-Anne had the top floor, Eliza the one beneath. After a moment, Eliza ascended to join her sister.
“Marie-Ann? Can you see him?”
“I’m busy.”
“I’ll let you use it…”
Marie-Anne opened the door and pulled her sister inside, grabbing the dildo from her as she did.
“For a Christian, you sure seem to like playing with my sex toys.”
“For an atheist, you sure seem to give a crap. In any case, that’s boys ain’t allowed. Dildos hadn’t been invented in bible times.” Marie-Anne’s bed was by the window. She knelt on all fours, her pyjama pants already off, and positioned herself so she could look out across the street. Across from them, on the balcony, Leeroy was lifting weights. Marie-Anne let out an involuntary sigh.
“Are you gonna use that thing or what?” Eliza asked Marie-Ann, watching with irritation as her younger sister held the toy between her legs an inch or so from her clit.
“I… I’m shy. You know how I get. Could you, maybe… hold the reins for me?”
“You said you didn’t wanna play that game no more.” Eliza teased. She enjoyed playing with her sister, but there was always a lord-forgive-me speech sometime after, so she liked to make Marie-Ann work for it. “Is this really what you want?” She ran her fingers between Marie-Anne’s legs and found the wetness there. Instinctively, Marie-Ann began to buck against her sister’s hand. In response, Eliza grabbed her clit, forcing her sister to kneel upright. “Is it?”
“Yes, God, yes, Eliza! Make angels on me.” Eliza moved so she was pressed against her sister’s back, then reached in front of her and grabbed the dildo, pushing it between her sister’s thighs and holding it in place with her own. They couldn’t both cum like that, but it would be a fun way to start.
“I’m gonna make you cum so hard you see stars, little sis. Save your cherry again. But you gotta play Marie-Anne wants after. Five times.” The younger, bustier sister shook her head. “Four?” “Three.”
“Four, but I use one up now. Marie-Anne wants… to take her top off.” Both girls watched in the mirror as Marie-Anne slowly unbuttoned her top. Not for the first time, Eliza felt a pang of jealousy at her sister’s incredible body.
She doesn’t even know how to use it. She needs me to do it for her.
In truth, she was glad of the power. Eliza’s envy melted away when Marie was squealing with delight on her fingers. She pushed her sister forward again so she was on all fours and began rubbing the tip of the dildo along the outside of her pussy.
“I can see him… Oh God! He’s so hot.” She was peaking at their new neighbour through a gap in the curtains. The vibrator gently hummed against her sensitive button. “He’s working out. Those arms… those muscles.” Marie-Anne moaned, louder than she intended.
“Don’t you wish you could feel those muscles spread your legs wide open,” Eliza said, and did just that. “Feel that Big! Black! Dick! Smack! Ing! Your! Clit!” Eliza slapped the buzzing cock against her sister’s clit in time with the words, causing the girl to yelp helplessly.
“You know you’re gonna give your flower to that hot chocolate thug, don’t you? That you’re gonna moan for his Big Black Cock? I wanna hear you practice!” With that, she angled the toy upwards, splaying her sister’s pussy lips with two manicured fingers, and pushed the dildo into her twin’s cunt.
“OH MY GOD! Gimme That BIG BLACK COCK!” Mary-Anne moaned desperately “Don’t stop, I’m close, I need it I need it I NEED BIG BLACK COCK!!” She pushed backwards onto the vibrator, straightening her back so she could use gravity to fill herself. At 8”, it was the biggest thing she’d ever had in her pussy and, in her lust, she took it all.
Amongst her many talents, Mary-Anne was lead vocalist for the church choir. Her many hours of practice were on show now, as her orgasm rose through the octaves. She climaxed with an obscene F Sharp, then turned and kissed her sister passionately on the lips.
She reached between Eliza’s legs to return the favour but she was too slow. Her sister grabbed Marie-Anne by the wrist and pushed her onto her back. Marie-Anne gasped momentarily but the noise was smothered as her elder sister mounted her mouth. Eliza’s pussy smelled of desire.
“Give it to me, give…