Parents always try to protect their children and keep them from making the same mistakes they did when they were growing up. That’s why I find myself in a quandary now, even as I’m looking forward to a major advancement in my career. My name is Justin, and my wife, Julie, and I are forty years old and living in California. I’m an aerospace engineering director and I was just offered a vice-president’s position with a competing company’s division in Mobile, Alabama.
I am happy to have the opportunity and will be accepting the offer, though it’s hard not to think about a similar move that I made with my family as a teenager. My son, Jason, will be turning sixteen and finishing his sophomore year in high school just before the move to Mobile. He has been a successful starter on the football team and is popular with the other kids, although it is a much smaller high school than the one he’ll be attending in Mobile.
My parents made a similar move to Mobile when I was just turning sixteen, and it was hard for me to fit in and get acclimated, starting as a junior in a new high school with no friends. I still remember the feelings of loneliness and despair that I felt at starting over. I tried to play football in my new school, but the boys I was competing with were bigger, stronger and faster than me.
I was barely able to make the second string and got very little playing time. My concern for Jason was that he might fall into the same trap that I did, by trying too hard to please everyone and make friends in his new school. You’ll understand my concerns better after I tell you the story of my move.
The shipping company that my father worked for transferred him from the port in Texas City to Mobile. He was a longshoreman foreman, making enough money for us to live in a middleclass neighborhood, but not enough to afford for me to go to a private school. The population in the greater Mobile area was about thirty-nine percent black when we made the move in 1990. The Texas City population was about twenty-three percent black. The public high schools had an even larger percentage of blacks, since the white families that could afford it sent their children to one of the many parochial schools in the area.
As luck would have it, we moved into a home that was next door to a white family like us. Their son, Sam, is my age, and he happened to be the star running back on the football team in the high school I would be attending. Even though he had to compete with many black boys for that position, he became a starter on the varsity team in his sophomore year. Sam was five feet and ten inches tall, muscular, and powerfully built at one hundred and ninety-five pounds. I can still remember that his neck was as big around as his head.
Sam and I became good friends right away, and I knew that part of that was because my father had gotten me a used pickup truck with a crew cab when I turned sixteen. Sam often asked me to drive him over to visit his girlfriend Suzie, and I tried so hard to please him that I would sometimes wait in the car for over an hour while he was inside with her.
He was very popular in school and had many of his football friends stopping by over the summer. It was good for me to meet some of the boys I’d be trying out with later in August. And since the team was seventy percent black, many of the boys I met were black. My high school back in Texas was mostly white, so that was a new experience for me, to be around black boys that way.
I would learn later, when school started, that Suzie was one of the most popular and prettiest girls in our school. She was a cheerleader, and her 36D tits looked huge in her tight uniform. I had no experience with sex, but it was obvious to me that Sam was fucking her when I took him to her home to visit. He was always a lot calmer when we were leaving than when we got there, and I sensed what had to be the smell of her pussy and his cum when he got back into the truck. I have to admit that I was more than a little intimidated by Sam and didn’t have the nerve to ask him what he was doing on his visits.
But after I got to know him a little better, he would say things like, “Come on, Jason, and take me over to see Suzie. My cock is hungry for some of her sweet pussy.”
By the beginning of July, I was finally starting to realize that I was being used by Sam. I thought about refusing to be his free taxi service, but I was so happy to have at least one friend in Mobile, that I swallowed my pride and kept taking him to see Suzie. I also remember stupidly thinking that if I was a good friend with a star on the team, then that might help my chances of making the team when we began practices in August.
That first summer was very hot, and in the middle of July, the daily high temperatures were averaging in the mid-nineties. One day I was over at Sam’s when two of the black players were visiting. We all decided to go on a fishing trip that weekend, so we could swim in the cool lake. Darrell and Tyrone were both going to be seniors. They were star players and pretty cocky, and I got the feeling that the only reason I was invited to go was because I was the only one with a vehicle.
So, we made our plans to go to a remote lake that Sam knew about, off the beaten track, that was accessible in my truck. After the other boys left, Sam warned me about not letting the black boys goad me into doing anything that I wasn’t comfortable with.
When I pressed him to explain what he meant, he said, “Let’s just say that they like to take advantage of younger and weaker boys, so don’t fall into their trap by making any stupid bets with them, or anything like that.”
We got together on Thursday night and loaded Sam’s small rowboat and our other camping and fishing gear into my truck. Then we left early on Friday morning, stopping at the grocery store to pick up our food and beverages. And of course, we also stopped by a liquor store where Tyrone used his fake identification card to buy us beer and wine.
It was mid-morning when we arrived at the lake, after a two-hour drive. Darrell and Tyrone were talking trash the whole way there, mostly saying how much white girls liked fucking their big, black cocks.
They even teased Sam about wanting to fuck Suzie, and he just laughed it off saying, “Sorry guys, but Suzie wouldn’t like those little, black wieners after being used to my big, white sausage.”
Everyone helped set up the large, four-man tent and organize our campsite, and we were ready to have fun by noon. It was too early to go fishing, so we all decided to go swimming in the cool, clear water of the sand-bottom, spring-fed lake. None of us had thought about bringing bathing suits, and the other guys started undressing. I was apprehensive about being nude in front of them, especially after hearing them talk about their big cocks. I was bashful about being nude around other boys because of my rather small, four and half inch dick. It’s only two inches long when soft, and all but disappears in my pubic hair.
Sam got undressed first, and I was very impressed with his muscular body. Then my eyes were drawn to his soft, uncircumcised cock that is about seven inches long and very thick. It also has thick veins all over the surface and was swinging and hanging heavily between his legs, along with his huge balls. I had seen many boys nude in showers, but for some reason, I was fascinated with his cock. Maybe it was all the talk in the truck that had me anticipating what the other boys’ cocks were like. For the first time in my life, I was staring at and impressed with another boy’s cock.
Darrell and Tyrone were also very muscular, with sculpted bodies and six-pack abs. Their cocks are also uncircumcised, very thick, and over six inches long when soft. Their big, egg-sized balls hung low in their hairy, black scrotums, and I was fascinated by the way their genitals swung between their legs as they moved about.
I finally mustered the courage to take off my clothes, after the other boys were already in the lake. When I walked to the water’s edge, Darrell looked at me, laughed, and said, “Damn, Tyrone, look at Justin standing there. I can’t tell if he’s got a dick or a pussy, with his little clit barely showing like that. It’s going to be nice having a girl with us out here to help us get off.”
Tyrone looked and laughed too, until Sam spoke up and said, “Come on guys, get off his ass. That’s not something he can do anything about, and we all can’t be well-hung.”
Darrell’s comments and the laughter of the two black guys were embarrassing for me, but I was so anxious to be friends with them, that I tried to ignore their taunting. I got into the water and began swimming and splashing around. His comments struck a nerve with me, though, and made me even more aware of the size of the other boy’s genitals. I couldn’t help but stare at them when I didn’t think they were looking. His awful comment about me being like a girl, made me feel inferior and submissive to them, but strangely, it was also somehow arousing to be treated that way.
We swam and played in the water for a while, and then went back to cook some hamburgers over the campfire, as we began drinking beer. Then Tyrone brought out a pack of playing cards, and we played poker until about 4:00 pm when we got into the rowboat to go fishing.
The lake is a good size, about three hundred acres, and we rowed to several different locations, trying to locate the fish. With all the beer we were drinking, the guys had to piss fairly often, and I have to admit that I enjoyed watching them when they pulled out their big cocks to pee. I wasn’t very good at hiding the way I was staring, and Darrell and Tyrone always looked over at me and smiled as they shook their cocks after pissing.
We had good luck catching enough bass for our supper and returned to camp just as the sun was setting. We cooked the fish and had beans and corn, and of course, we continued drinking beer. As we got more inebriated, and the evening progressed, the two black guys were teasing me more and more about my small dick, and the way I had been watching them piss in the lake.
At one point, Tyrone laughed and said, “Look, Justin, I can’t blame you for looking and being interested in our cocks, since yours is so tiny. Let me know if you’d like to feel a big cock in the flesh, just to see what it’s like.”
It was about 9:00 pm when we decided to play poker again. Although we were playing for relatively small stakes, with a minimum bet of a quarter dollar, and a maximum of five dollars, that was still a lot of money for kids in high school. I had a part time job in Texas City, that helped me pay for the operating expenses on my truck, but I hadn’t been able to find a job in Mobile. We were all pretty drunk by then, and Darrell and Tyrone kept pushing the maximum limits on the betting.
Sam knew that I didn’t have much money and that I needed to save it for my truck expenses. So, during one of our piss breaks, he took me aside and said, “You’d better be careful with Darrell and Tyrone, man. I’ve seen them take advantage of other guys playing cards, and they’ll try to get you to overextend, just for the fun of it. I’m not shitting you, Justin, you might want to sit out the rest of tonight.”
I was just drunk enough to feel confident in my card playing ability, so I ignored Sam’s advice and resumed playing. It didn’t take long before we were in a hand where there were several rounds of betting, and there was almost two hundred dollars in the pot. Sam had just folded, and it was my turn to either match the raise or fold. All my money was in the pot, and I felt certain that I would win the hand with four kings.
Darrell was pushing me to decide, and I said, “I don’t have any more money, Darrell. Could you loan me ten dollars to call, and I’ll pay you back later?”
He looked at me suspiciously and replied, “You must have a pretty good fucking hand if you’re willing to borrow money to call. If you win, you’ll have no problem paying me back, and if you lose, I think you’re probably good for it. But I want something more for giving you the opportunity to win my money. I’ll loan you the money, but if you lose, I get to do something to you that you might find distasteful.”
Sam grabbed my arm and said, “Don’t do it, Justin. This is just the kind of shit I was warning you about.”
I ignored Sam and asked, “Okay, Darrell, what do you have in mind for me if I lose?”
Darrell thought for a second and responded, “You’ve been staring at my cock and balls every time you had a chance since we got here today, and that’s made me a little horny. If you lose, you won’t have to pay me back the ten bucks, but you’ll have to lay back on your sleeping bag and let me teabag you for at least five minutes. If you want to do more after that, that’ll be up to you.”
I knew what teabagging is, and I had never even considered doing anything like that before. I wasn’t sure if I could even do it, without throwing up. But I desperately wanted the money in the pot, and I felt confident that I’d win.
After accepting the bet, Darrell said, “Okay, motherfucker, if you lose, you’re damn sure going to go through with it, and you’re going to do it right. I’m not just going to press my balls on your face. You’ll need to suck them with no complaints.”
With the bet in place, I called, and I laid down my hand. I was very cocky when I ceremoniously slapped down my four kings, one at a time. I was reaching for the pot when Darrell said, “Not so fast, motherfucker.”
I watched in horror as he smiled, and slowly laid down his hand. When he was finished, I saw that he had a queen-high, straight flush in spades. He gathered all the money in the pot, and then stood up.
As he pulled down his shorts, with no underwear beneath, he pointed down at our sleeping bags and said, “Okay, guys, make room so Justin can lay back for me. I’m going to enjoy this. And, Justin, you’d better not back out on me.”
Sam was shaking his head and mouthing ‘I told you so’, as I slowly lay back on my sleeping bag. I could hardly believe that I had agreed to doing something so degrading, as having a black guy straddle my face, and feed me his sweaty balls.
Darrell first straddled my chest, facing my head, and then moved up over my face. His big, egg-sized balls were hanging on my mouth, and his thick, soft cock was laying across the side of my forehead. His balls were sweaty and gamey after being out in the heat since our mid-day swim. I really liked his musky aroma, though, and the feeling of being pinned under him that way.
I opened wide, taking his hairy scrotum and big balls into my mouth, one at a time. I thought that I would be totally grossed doing that, but I was starting to enjoy being used by him that way. I loved sucking on his massive testicles, and that was my first ever sexual experience with another person.
In the position we were in, Darrell was looking down, smiling at me. My mouth was wide open as I sucked and tongued his balls, and Tyrone and Sam were sitting up close, laughing and poking one another, as they watched me suck him. I was getting so turned on sucking him that way, and I remember reaching up with one hand on his hard, muscular ass, and the other on his hip, to hold him firmly in place above me.
I didn’t know how long I had been sucking him, but it definitely seemed like a lot more than five minutes, when Darrell said, “Holy shit, Justin, I was mostly kidding around, and never thought you’d actually go through with it. But damn, man, you really seem to love it, and you’ve already been sucking me for almost ten minutes. And from the way you’re holding onto my ass, maybe you’d like to try something else.”
It was hard to hear what he was saying, and before I knew what was happening, Darrell, began to slide farther forward on my face. I kept sucking him and soon felt his long, bulging perineum pressed to my mouth. In that position, I was almost totally smothered in his big scrotum and crotch, and I loved the feeling of being dominated by him that way. I sucked him there for a few minutes, and then I heard him say something that I didn’t understand with his thighs clamped against my ears.
The next thing I knew he was gripping and spreading his ass cheeks with his hands and sliding farther forward on my face. Then I realized that he was sitting with most of his weight on my face, which was squeezed tightly into his ass crack. The smell was strong and funky, but not at all unpleasant, and I was licking and sucking his ass. I never expected anything like that, but I enjoyed sucking him that way, even though I could only get occasional breaths by twisting my head to the sides.
He stayed on top of me that way for what seemed like another five minutes, slowly sliding his ass back and forth on my face, and I intermittently heard the other boys talking and laughing as they watched. Darrell finally slid back, sitting on my chest, and I realized that his cock was fully hard, and over nine inches long.
Darrell pressed his oozing cock head and foreskin to my lips and said, “Damn, Justin, that was fantastic. You really seemed to enjoy sucking my balls and ass, and you’ve got me all horned up. Now, maybe you’d like to get a taste of my cock. I’ll give you all the money from the pot I just won if you’ll suck my meat for me and get me off.”
He was looking down at me, and Sam and Tyrone were watching in anticipation as I pondered Darrell’s offer. I wanted; no needed, to get that money, and I had already degraded myself in front of them, in the worst imaginable way. So, they all looked on in amazement as I raised my head and opened my mouth wide, to take his cock head into my mouth. I was both ashamed of myself, and at the same time aroused as never before, as I began actively sucking his thick, black cock.
The position we were in didn’t allow me to take more than the head and an inch of the shaft into my mouth, so Darrell swiveled around, never taking his cock out of my mouth, and he ended up facing my feet, and leaning over me fucking my mouth. I felt the prominent veins on his shaft and his foreskin sliding back and forth as he got into a rhythm fucking his big cock into my mouth and throat.
Tyrone and Sam were watching and cheering Darrell on, and I heard Sam say, “Fuck, Justin, I told you not to bet with these guys, and look what’s happened. Now you’re Darrell’s bitch, and you really seem to enjoy it. Maybe that’s what you wanted all along.”
Darrell had been fucking my mouth for about five minutes, and I was able to take almost eight inches of his cock into my mouth and throat. His big balls were slapping against my head on each stroke.
He finally tensed up, and I felt his cock pulsing and cum shooting into my mouth as he moaned, “Oh, fuck yeah, cock sucker, keep sucking and swallow all of my fucking cream. You seem as hungry for it as some of those white bitches that I fuck, and now you’re my bitch too.”
I had tasted my own cum before, but I was amazed at how much cum Darrell was ejaculating into my mouth, and how great it tasted. It was a little bitter and very thick, and I kept swallowing until his cock began to soften in my mouth. I had never even thought about sucking a boy’s cock, and there I was, having just been fucked by a muscular black boy, and eating his cum. I was then little more than a boy-whore, after having agreed to suck him for the money.
Darrell rolled off and sat on the sleeping bag next to me before saying, “Damn, Justin, when I said earlier that it was going to be nice having a girl with us to help us get off, I was only kidding. But shit, man, that was great, and I really needed it. You really seemed to enjoy it too. Was this your first time being a cock sucker, and do you want to suck Sam and Tyrone too?”
The excitement of sucking his balls, ass and cock had sobered me up a little, and it was embarrassing sitting there in front of my new friends. I know that my face was red, and I was looking down when I responded, “You’ve got to believe me, guys. This is the first time that I’ve ever done anything like this. I guess all the beer had me fucked up, plus wanting to get that money, that made me lose control of myself. But heaven help me, I have to admit that I did enjoy it. I don’t know about doing it again, though, we’ll just have to see.”
It was then I noticed that Sam and Tyrone had already taken off their shorts, and they must have been stroking their cocks while watching me suck Darrell. Tyrone’s cock was about half hard, and it looked like it would probably be about nine inches long when fully hard.
He gripped his cock and low-hanging balls in one hand and shook them at me as he said, “Fuck, man, watching what you did for Darrell has got me all horned up too. I don’t have much money left, but I’ll give you ten dollars if you’ll do the same things for me. Come on, Justin, I’ve got a big load here for you. You can suck me off first, then I’ll give you a taste of my balls.”
Tyrone leaned back on his elbows, and I crawled over between his legs. I laid down, hugging his thighs and ass, and I took his hardening cock into my mouth. I loved the tasted and texture of his precum-oozing foreskin, and the thick veins on his cock. He wrapped his leg over my legs for leverage, held my head with his hands, and started humping into my mouth.
I improved on what I learned sucking Darrell and was really sucking and tonguing his cock hard. He was moaning and gasping within only two or three minutes, and then he stiffened, as his big cock began throbbing, and filling my mouth with his Negro seed.
I kept sucking and swallowing as he said, “That’s it, cock sucker, keep sucking until my balls are drained into your cunt mouth. I’m really glad that Darrell broke you in for us.”
His cock softened, and I continued sucking him. I enjoyed the feeling of having his thick fuck meat in my mouth, and his rubbery foreskin sliding back and forth, and I didn’t stop until he pushed me down to his balls. He used his legs as leverage to tilt his hips back, and I began sucking his egg-sized testicles, in his hairy, black scrotum.
I sucked him that way for about ten minutes, until he said, “Whoa, whoa, man, my balls are getting sensitive, and that’s enough for now.”
When I sat back up, Sam was leaning back with a ten-dollar bill in his hand, and he said, “Fuck, Justin, if you’re going to be a cock sucker, I might as well get my turn too. I’m missing Suzie’s sweet pussy, and she’s never sucked my cock and swallowed like you just did for Darrell and Tyrone, and she’s damn sure never sucked my ass. Lay back, man, I want what you did for Darrell.”
Sam straddled my head, facing my feet, and pressed his big, white testicles to my mouth. His balls are the size of small plums, and I enjoyed switching from one to the other, taking them all the way into my mouth and sucking and licking them. I felt his heavy, thick, soft cock hanging down on my throat and chest. He started moving slowly back and forth on my face, until I was sucking his bulging perineum, and my nose was being pressed into his muscular ass.
He was just as sweaty and musky from the heat of the day as the other two boys were, and it was a big turn on for me. I had only been sucking his balls and perineum for about five minutes, when he spread his ass cheeks with his hands, and moved forward to press my face fully into his ass crack. I kept sucking and licking, and soon felt my tongue graze over his sphincter. He pressed down harder when he felt that, and I was struggling to breathe with my face fully buried in his ass.
I sucked and licked his ass for another few minutes until he moved back and pressed his hard, ten-inch cock to my lips. I opened wide to take in his big, foreskin-covered, cock head, and he began fucking my mouth. After sucking those big, nine-inch, black cocks, I was a little surprised that Sam’s is even bigger than the black ones. I kept sucking him and swallowing his cum as his cock softened, and I tried to hold him in place as he pulled away.
We all sat there quietly for a few minutes until Darrell said, “We’re all sitting here naked with our cocks hanging out, and we haven’t seen yours on hard yet. Come on, Justin, get your fucking clothes off so we can watch you jerk off.”
I had already suffered the exquisite humiliation of sucking off my three friends, and I had almost cum in my pants just from sucking their cocks, balls, and asses. My dick was still hard from sucking Sam, and I quickly undressed and sat back on my sleeping bag. I started stroking my little dick, and I was so aroused that it only took me a couple of minutes, to shoot my cum onto my stomach.
Sam looked at the puddle and said, “You might as well eat your own cum, Justin, since you’ve already swallowed all of ours.”
The boys laughed as I scooped up my cum with my fingers, and sucked it into my mouth. Then Darrell said, “You know, Justin, we can’t afford to keep paying you to take care of our cocks, and I’m betting that you’ll want to suck us for free anyway. I’ve never heard of any homos who are as eager to suck and swallow as you are. You can be our little cunt while were on fishing trips like this, and even when we get back to Mobile. I think our other team members will appreciate your talents too.”
We stayed up late into the night, and I sucked each of them off two more times before we finally went to sleep. Then, when we got up early in the morning to go fishing, I sucked them off again before we went out in the boat. We were drinking beer again, and all alone on the lake, and the guys went naked from the waist down. I periodically sucked their cocks and balls when they wanted me to, and they didn’t necessarily want to ejaculate each time. They just liked the feeling of being sucked, and they liked seeing me on my knees sucking them. Then things were taken to a whole new level.
Darrell was standing up and pissing over the stern of our little boat, and he called me over to him, saying, “Come here, Justin. You seem to love our cum so much, so maybe you’ll like everything coming out of our cocks. Come on, man, get a little taste of my piss, just to see if you like it.”
At that point I was willing to do anything to please those boys, and I got on my knees next to him. He put his hand behind my head and pulled me towards his cock, and then he stopped the stream momentarily as he pulled my open mouth onto his cock. Then he started pissing again, and I sensed the tasted and strong flow of his piss in my mouth. He held me firmly on his cock, so I had no choice but to swallow, as the boys cheered me on.”
Tyrone was laughing and saying, “Damn, boy, you are one nasty motherfucker. Hurry up, Darrell, my bladder is full, and I want to feed that cock sucker too.”
I thought that I would choke and throw up drinking his piss, but it really didn’t taste that bad. It was mostly diluted from all the beer we had been drinking anyway, and I liked the feeling of it shooting into my mouth. It was kind of a proxy for his cum, and I liked the forcefulness of his piss stream.
It was late morning when we got back to camp, and then we went back out to fish that afternoon. The boys used me whenever they felt like it, and they sometimes even sat on my face in the boat when we were fishing, while I sucked their balls and assholes. I found out in a very vivid way that what they say about teenage boys is true. They were insatiable and could ejaculate many times a day, without needing much rest in between. Just knowing that my mouth was available to them, made it impossible for them to resist using me that way.
We got back to Mobile on Sunday afternoon, and even after the probably dozen ejaculations that Sam had in my mouth over the weekend, he still wanted me to take him to see Suzie. I waited in my truck for about forty-five minutes, and when he came out, he said, “Let’s stop down by the river on the way back, I’ve got a treat for you.”
I had no idea what he was talking about, but I dutifully drove down to an isolated place by the river, where kids usually parked and made out at night. Sam unfastened his pants and pulled them, and his underwear down and said, “You’ve been such a good cock sucker, that I thought I’d give you a taste of Suzie’s pussy. We just had a great, long fuck, and she was wondering how I could hold off from cumming so long, after being away from her all weekend. So, go ahead, Justin, get a taste of the prettiest girl in school.”
His cock was soft and covered with the slimy wetness of his cum and her pussy juices. I loved the aroma of their mixed juices as I took his cock into my mouth, and the taste was amazing. Sam’s cock got hard quickly, but I had to suck him for almost fifteen minutes before he ejaculated into my mouth. That became a routine occurrence for us on our future trips to visit Suzie.
That weekend fishing trip was the beginning of two years of being a cock sucker for Darrell, Tyrone, and Sam, as well as a few other boys on the football team. I also dated girls, and never considered myself to be gay, since I had no emotional attachment or yearning for the boys. It was more of a bisexual thing since I was just doing it for the sex act itself, and I would never have even considered kissing the boys, or anything like that. After I went away to college, I never did anything like that again, or even thought about it, until I became concerned about the impact of our move to Mobile on my son, Jason.
We moved into a nice suburb of Mobile, and the similarities to my story became apparent right away. We had planned on sending Jason to a private school, since I could afford it with my new position, but there were no spots available for him in that first year. So, he would be going to the local high school, and it just so happened that our new, next door neighbors have a son named David, who is a star running back on the football team.
Jason and David became good friends right away and spent a lot of time together during the summer. Other football players, mostly black, also went over to David’s home, and believe it or not, the boys went on a fishing trip together. The only difference from my experience was that the truck belonged to David, and not Jason. I never knew, and didn’t want to know, if anything like my experience happened on their fishing trip, and I frankly didn’t even know how well-hung Jason is. Jason’s behavior never changed, which would have been an indication that something might have happened, and to this day, I still have no idea.
Something very interesting did happen to me, though. Jason did better than I had thought he would and became a starter on the football team. So, we obviously went to all his games. On the first game I attended, which was a pre-season scrimmage with another high school in Mobile, I was shocked to see Darrell in the stands. It turns out that his son, Marcus, is the same age as Jason, and he is a star on the team. He’s one of the boys that Jason met over at David’s and went fishing with.
It was hard to talk in the crowded stadium, so Darrell and I decided to meet for breakfast at the IHOP on Saturday morning. Imagine my surprise when I arrived at the restaurant and saw Darrell, Tyrone, and Sam sitting at the table. Darrell had obviously let them know that I had moved back to town. It turns out that Tyrone and Sam both got married right out of high school. Tyrone’s kids were already grown and out of the house. Sam had married Suzie, which was no surprise, and they had two daughters who were in college.
We reminisced about our high school football team for a few minutes, and then Tyrone dredged up my past cock sucking behavior, saying, “You know, Justin, we’ve all stayed pretty close over the years, and we wondered what happened to you. We sometimes talk about that fishing trip, and how you took care of us so well after that. As our wives put out less and less for us, the more we’ve thought about you. Now that you’re back in town, well, we…”
That’s when Sam interrupted and said, “Yeah, Justin, now that you’re back in town, we were wondering if you still had a taste for cock meat and cum, like you did back then? We would sure enjoy having you take care of us again.”
I thought I would just tell the truth and said, “Look, guys, I haven’t even thought about that shit for twenty-two years, at least not until recently when we were making the move to Mobile, and I was concerned about Jason getting a good start in school here. Are you guys serious? You’re still thinking about that?”
Sam responded saying, “Fuck yeah, Justin. I found a couple of cock suckers to get me off when Suzie’s on the rag, or following the births of our daughters, but neither of them were as enthusiastic or good at it as you were. All they wanted to do was just give my cock a quick blow, and one of them didn’t even swallow. But shit, man, you swallowed everything we put into your mouth.”
Then Darrell spoke up saying, “Yeah, man, I recently connected with a couple of white cock suckers on Craigslist, who had an unbelievably strong urge to worship and suck big, black cocks, but they didn’t make love to my cock like you did. And my wife never did like sucking either. If you’re even a little bit interested, we can go over to my home, since my wife is at work and Marcus is at football practice. Come on, Justin, I think I can see a little interest in your eyes.”
Darrell was right about that. The more they talked, the more I remembered how much fun it was being submissive to those three men, and others, and how much I loved the feeling of a big cock throbbing in my mouth, and filling it with cum. I almost felt like I was back in high school again, sitting with those dominant men, and I suddenly had a hunger to try it again.
I looked at them, as they stared at me waiting for my answer. As a matter of some vestige of pride, I didn’t want to seem too eager, so I replied, “Okay, guys, I guess that we can go over to Darrell’s home. I’m not certain that I can get into that whole thing again, but if you want to try, I’ll at least go there with you.”
We finished our breakfasts, and I followed them over to Darrell’s home. It’s in a nice neighborhood, and his home is nice too. We all went inside, and I could hardly believe how eager they were.
Sam and Tyrone started taking off their pants and underwear, as Darrell walked out of the room saying, “I’ll be right back. I want to get my old sleeping bag out of the garage, so we can relive that fishing trip as realistically as possible.”
Darrel came back and unrolled the sleeping bag on his family room floor, and took off his pants and underwear too. They all watched in anticipation as I laid down on the floor, and Darrell straddled my head, facing my feet. The musky odor of his crotch was strong, and his huge, black balls looked even bigger and were hanging lower than I remembered. His legs and ass were thicker, and he had a little beer gut, but that didn’t bother me a bit, as I sucked his scrotum and one of his tangy balls into my mouth.
It was like we had gone back in time, and I felt like that teenage boy again, sucking and licking his big, black balls, and being smothered under him. I wasn’t sure if he’d want to do everything that we did back then, and I soon found out when he slid farther forward on my face and sat down harder with my face pressed into his ass crack. I sucked and licked his asshole and licked the entire cleavage of his ass.
I was just barely able to hear the laughter of the men, and Darrell saying, “See, I told you guys. Once a cock sucker, always a cock sucker, and he’s really munching down on my ass too. It’s really nice having him back in town.”
In just a few minutes, Darrell pulled back and shoved his hard, precum-oozing cock into my mouth, and fucked me like a cunt. His cock seemed a little thicker and more gnarly than I remembered, and I loved the feeling of his vein-covered cock. He had only been fucking me for a few minutes, when his cock began to throb, and my mouth was flooded with his tasty semen and sperm. I swallowed all his cum, and just laid there as Sam and Tyrone took their turns on my face and in my mouth. We were there for two hours, and before it was over, each of those men had ejaculated twice into my mouth.
Soon after that, Sam had a party at his home and invited Darrell, Tyrone, and me and all our wives. Julie met all my old friends, and we began socializing regularly together. Being in a social group like that also allowed us guys to get together more often, and we even went on fishing trips to the same lake where it all started.
Sam’s wife, Suzie, still looked damn good for being forty years old, and even though Sam was fucking her less often than when we were teens, he still tried to time things, so I could periodically suck his cock, right after he finished fucking her. Darrell and I sometimes talked about our sons, wondering if they were having boy sex the way we did, but I never saw any signs that was happening.
So here I am, now at the age of forty, still in love and having sex with my wife, and at the same time living an alternate reality of providing oral relief to my big-cocked friends and enjoying every drop of their fluids. Over time, Darrell and Tyrone introduced me to a couple of their black friends, and our fishing group got bigger and tastier for me.