Ah, 1971.
It was the year Disney World opened in Orlando, Apollo 14 landed on the moon, and Playboy magazine showed pubic hair for the first time. For me, it was my year of sexual awakening. As a sixteen-year-old, I’d just started my Junior year of high school, where I earned decent but not spectacular grades and pretty much kept to myself. I was on the Varsity football and wrestling teams, a member of the glee club, and pretty much socially inept. I lived in a solid, blue-collar community, without much hope or ambition to achieve more than our fathers had, and I was okay with that.
What I did have were fantasies—to be more specific, sexual fantasies. Of course, I now understand that most teenagers have them, but at the time I assumed it was a quirk unique to me. It wasn’t like I could ask any of my friends if they had dreams of sex with actresses and models or if they got an erection when snooping on their sisters in the shower. No, all I could do was absorb the male bravado around me, where every guy claimed he had banged a dozen girls and every other guy claimed to have fingered an older cousin at a wedding.
While my fantasies spanned a wide range of possibilities, with starlets on one end of the accessibility spectrum and girls I went to class with on the other, ultimately, all seemed to be equally unattainable. But that didn’t prevent me from dreaming about the nubile beauties who filled the classrooms and hallways. With their tight sweaters and short skirts exposing tantalizingly long legs, I was surrounded by opportunity but lacked the coolness factor to be successful. I was solidly stuck in the friend zone, long before it had a name.
While drooling over female classmates was a daily activity, one thing that never interested me was female teachers. Throughout most of my school career, most of my teachers were female and generally of an age somewhere between my mother and grandmother. Never were they attractive to me and if someone had suggested sex with one, my penis would have withered and fallen off my body for sure.
In those days, teachers were not even considered real people. They were these authoritative knowledge fountains whose sole purpose was to pour facts into your brain between the hours of eight o’clock and three o’clock, Monday through Friday. Outside those hours, we just assumed they went into their storage pods (aka the forbidden teacher’s lounge) and waited for the next school day. On the rare occasion when you spied a teacher outside the classroom, it seemed unbelievable, almost like a Bigfoot sighting. And then you did your best to avoid them lest you had to engage in conversation. What even would you talk about? It was just unnatural.
All that changed on the day I started junior year biology class. All the kids were seated waiting for the teacher to arrive, just to see what she looked like. Our schedule listed her name, but she was not a teacher any of us recognized. Starting a new grade level was always stressful, but normally, you at least knew the teacher’s history. With a brand-new teacher, it was all a blank sheet and our imaginations ran wild with horrible possibilities.
Five minutes after the bell, this young woman came rushing into the classroom with papers flying everywhere and a look of embarrassment on her face. She had a large leather case hung over her shoulder and her arms were filled with folders and loose papers which were now in the process of falling everywhere. She dumped her armload onto her desk before crouching low and scooting along the floor, picking up all that she’d dropped.
No one said a word, but what caught my attention was how far up her thighs her skirt had risen. She had gorgeous legs and as she swiveled her body to grab the last folder, I saw a flash of white between her thighs. That patch of white fabric, now burned into my retinas, was triangle shaped and as my cock stiffened I understood that I was seeing her panties.
As an adult, I understand that looking at her in such a compromised position was just wrong, but as a hormonal teenager, all I knew was that I was seeing underwear on a live woman for the first time. It was intoxicating and would be used as masturbation fodder for weeks. You have to understand that in 1971, there was no Internet with its endless pornography, and what few X-rated movies existed were almost impossible to get into. No, all we had were commercial nudie magazines that were cookie-cutter and boring, with the only excitement being the introduction of visible pubic hair in Playboy. So, the bar was really low for things that caused a boner.
After she was settled, I don’t remember much about what else happened that first day. We did learn that her name was Miss Taylor and that she was from Georgia and had just graduated from teaching college that year. This was her first teaching job, and we were her very first class. While most of the class groaned at hearing that we were her first, I was fascinated. It intrigued me that I would be learning a new subject while she was learning how to be a teacher.
As the weeks passed, I found her teaching style to be casual, friendly, and with a bit of humor. She had an excellent technique for clarifying complex subjects and never made anyone feel dumb when questions were asked. I found myself working hard for her class because I truly wanted her to like me. Why? Because for the first time I saw a teacher as a real person and not just an automaton.
For one thing, she was pretty. Maybe not gorgeous, but very attractive. Her reddish-blonde hair was cut short, just down to her shoulders, and her pale complexion was dusted with cute freckles. She was tall, about five feet eight and though slender, her hips and ass were shapely. I especially loved her breasts. Not only were they grapefruit-sized, but with the lightweight blouses and lacy bras she wore, there were days when a hint of darkened areola was visible. During many classes, I suffered from a stiff cock leaking into my pants.
I was so desperate for her favor that I began to have dreams where she was a damsel in distress. In almost every fantasy, she would be threatened by bad guys or monsters and I would swoop in and save the day, superhero style. Then she would be so grateful, we’d have sex and my dream would end, usually with me cumming in my pajamas. I now understand that in adolescence, dreams like this are not unusual. But I had no idea that within months I would learn that some fantasies do come true.
By early spring, as I was approaching my seventeenth birthday, I had established myself as the teacher’s pet. After her class, I had study hall, so I often stayed to help her set up or tear down experiments. And with a solid “A” in biology, she even let me help grade other classmates’ papers. We were extremely comfortable with each other, and I suspect now that a more seasoned teacher may have sensed our interactions had strayed outside the lines of a traditional teacher-student relationship. I didn’t care. All I knew was that I had my first teacher crush, and the end of the term was frightfully close.
It was a Friday in late April, and her class that day covered genetic diseases and the various underlying side effects they caused. For one particular blood disease, she mentioned that afflicted men were unable to have children, and I had difficulty understanding why. I just wasn’t seeing the biological connection.
“Miss Taylor?” I called, raising my hand. “From a genetics standpoint, what is the mechanism that prevents a man from bearing children? Is the man’s sperm defective?”
The class giggled and just as she began to answer, the bell rang, ending the class.
“Class,” she called out. “Next week is spring break, but I want everyone to read chapter seventeen before you return. There will be a quiz about the material.”
As I was gathering my books, Miss Taylor stepped over to my desk.
“Mike, if you want to hang around, I’ll answer your question.”
As the last student left, she closed the door and sat at the desk next to mine. She grabbed my notebook, flipped it to a blank page, and pulled a pen from my pocket. She began sketching, but at first, it was difficult to see what she was trying to show me. A minute later, I was shocked to see the image of a limp penis, complete with hanging balls.
“This is what the penis looks like in its normal flaccid state. Though I imagine at your age, this is probably the abnormal state.” She couldn’t help but chuckle at her little joke.
I smiled back, though I felt my face flushing as my crush talked about my penis.
“Now, when a man becomes aroused, blood flows into spongy chambers which run the length of the penis, causing it to harden and become erect.”
She began a new sketch showing a penis in all its erect glory. As she ran her finger along the shaft, pointing out the spongy chambers, my cock responded to the stimulation by growing down the leg of my pants; call it life imitating art.
“The problem is, for a penis to become hard enough to slide into a female’s vagina, the male’s body has to have sufficient blood pressure to fill and stiffen the chambers. With this genetic disease, the man typically has low blood pressure and is unable to achieve an erection. No erection, no penetration, and no procreation.”
Hearing her describe sliding penises was too much for my brain. We were so close together, I could smell her perfume and see the little gold flecks in her emerald-green eyes. As she spoke, I was transfixed by her full, ruby lips and glimpses of her delicate pink tongue as her mouth moved. My cock was leaking, and my brain was screaming at me to kiss her. I needed to say something.
“Uh, er,” I said stupidly, “I thought an, uh, erection was caused by muscles. I mean, ah…”
Beautiful laughter filled the room and for the first time, I saw how young she really was. She’d told us she was twenty-three and to a guy my age, that seemed old. But she looked so delighted with my naive understanding that rather than feel insulted, I fell even deeper in love with her. Soon we were both giggling like kids, tears streaming down our cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” she gasped, trying to catch her breath. “I shouldn’t be laughing. But you looked so serious, I just lost control for a moment. Forgive me?”
“It’s kind of dumb, now that I think about it. I mean, when it’s hard, it feels nothing like my muscles, and when it’s soft, where would the muscles have gone?”
I froze, realizing I had just described touching my cock to my crush, who was sitting almost in my lap. Whatever shade of red my face had been, immediately turned three shades darker.
“Yes, that is a good analysis,” she said, switching back to teacher mode. “The change in solidity and texture of your penis means an erection has to be less about tissue mass and more about fluid dynamics.”
As she spoke, she glanced down at my lap and saw the bulge of my cock running down my pants leg. And where my cock ended, a large dark stain had blossomed through the fabric.
“Hmm,” she said quietly. “Speaking of fluids, it appears your penis is leaking. Perhaps my explanation was a little too graphic?”
“Yeah, a little,” I said, my voice unsteady. “It doesn’t take much to set it off.”
She sat back in her seat, eyes moving from my face to my crotch. It looked like she was trying to decide something.
“If you’re up for a little more education on this topic, come see me at the end of the day.”
Fifteen minutes after classes ended for the day, I was at her classroom door. I hesitated, unsure of exactly what she meant by additional education. Stepping into the room, I found her working on a pile of essays from another class. She was so intent on her work, she didn’t notice as I approached her desk. Leaning forward as she was, I had a clear view down her blouse of her lacy bra. It was too opaque to reveal anything, but it was lightweight and did a good job of showing the shape of her breasts.
“You know, it’s impolite to look down a woman’s blouse,” she said in a scolding tone, surprising me.
“Uh, I’m sorry,” I said apologetically.
She looked up from her work and favored me with a big smile. Again I was struck by how beautiful she was. Her skin was pale, and her face had a light dusting of freckles that made her look even younger. Her lips were full and lush looking, and for a moment, I fantasized about kissing them.
“Just don’t do it again; it’s rude. Now, are you ready for your lesson?”
I nodded wordlessly as she stacked her papers and stood. She took my hand and led me to the back of the classroom, where she used a key to unlock the door to the storage room. I’d visited this room many times helping move equipment for various labs and activities, but I wasn’t certain why we were going in there. She closed and locked the door and led me to the back corner where a sofa and other furniture had been stored.
“I use the sofa sometimes for naps or relaxing between classes,” she said, answering my unspoken question. “Now, take your hand and place it over my heart.”
I stood, not quite sure what she meant, so she took my hand and placed the palm flat against her chest between her breasts. I could feel the slope of her boobs and my pulse rate accelerated.
“Feel my heartbeat,” she said softly. “I’m excited about what’s going to happen, and you can feel how rapidly my heart is beating.”
“Uh, oh,” I began stupidly. “What’s going to happen?”
“First, I’m going to finish my explanation of how an erection works. Then I’m going to show you how to make love.”
She unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off, placing it neatly on a chair. Her bra was peach-colored with lace trim around the edges, and I could see a vague darkening where her nipples were hidden. She then unzipped her skirt and slid it down her legs, removing it along with her shoes. She now stood before me, barefoot, dressed only in her bra and panties. This was my first time seeing a woman undressed like this in real life, and my cock was already a steel rod trapped in my pants.
Glancing down at the obvious bulge, she cooed, “Looks like you are enjoying the view. Now, why don’t you strip for me, so I can begin our lesson?”
I removed my shirt, pants, and shoes and stood wearing only my boxers. My cock formed a visible lump running down the leg of my shorts and twitched with excitement. A large wet stain had formed where my cockhead was leaking, and she smiled.
“There goes that leaky penis again,” she said, laughing. “You young guys get hyper-excited so easily. It turns me on. Now strip off your shorts.”
I yanked down my underwear and my cock sprung up and stood straight out from my body. I saw her eyes widen as she took in the full length and girth of my cock. Based on what I’d seen in the locker room, I knew I had a penis to be proud of.
“Oh, my,” she said with admiration. “I suspected you had a large cock, but I seriously underestimated you. This will be fun.”
She kneeled in front of me and took my cock in her soft, warm hand. Using her finger, she slid up and down my shaft, causing a drizzle of precum to leak onto the floor.
“Feel my finger as it traces the spongy membranes in your penis that are now engorged with blood. These are what cause an erection. When they’re empty, your penis is soft and flaccid. But when you get sexually excited, blood flows into these tissues, and then muscles constrict, which slows the flow of blood out of your penis. The pressure builds, and your penis hardens into what you see now.”
I was trying to listen, but the waves of pleasure from her finger stroking my cock were making it difficult to concentrate. Plus, the way she pronounced the word ‘engorged”, with her sexy southern lilt, just melted my heart.
“Now the erection will persist until either the stimulation is removed and the body goes back to normal, or until you achieve orgasm, which then floods the body with hormones signaling the brain to allow the penis to relax.”
She now had her hand wrapped around my cock, stroking it from base to cockhead. I could see through my haze of lust that her nipples had become erect and were poking through the fabric of her bra. Feeling bold, I reached down and rubbed one nipple with my fingers, loving the feel of its rubbery texture. I then pinched it and heard a woman moan with sexual pleasure for the first time.
“That feels wonderful Mike, please don’t stop.”
I moved back and forth, massaging her breasts and tweaking her nipples, as I felt my cock get even stiffer. She stroked me faster, and I felt my orgasm begin to bubble up.
“Uh, Miss Taylor?” I groaned. “I think I’m going to cum soon.”
In response, she moved us to the sofa and had me lie down. She climbed between my legs and as she dipped her head, I felt this wonderful wet warmth surround my feverish cock. The pressure of her lips and slippery tongue elevated my pleasure to a height I’d never experienced before. My entire shaft was being slurped and sucked, and my brain almost couldn’t process the flood of sensations it was receiving. Suddenly, I felt my orgasm hit.
“Oh, Miss Taylor, I’m cummm…”
My cock exploded as a huge jet of hot semen blasted down her throat. Then, in rapid succession, several more spurts flooded her mouth with my seed. Miss Taylor never missed a beat, and I could see her throat bobbing as she swallowed the gallon of jizz I was feeding her. As my orgasm subsided, she used her hand to jack me while her lips were still clamped over my cockhead. This squeezed more semen from my penis as she sucked up every drop. As my climax faded, she continued to hold me in her mouth, gently sucking and licking until my cock softened. As it slipped from her mouth, I felt a trickle of saliva and leftover semen saturate my pubic hair.
She looked up at me with a grin and used the back of her hand to wipe her lips. Her hair had become disheveled, and I could see a fine sheen of perspiration on her cheeks. Her pale skin had flushed from the exertion, and it appeared her nipples were hard enough to cut glass. She gave my flaccid penis a quick kiss before getting up from the sofa.
“You must have gotten quite excited,” she said, smiling. “I don’t think I’ve ever swallowed so much cum before. I can see you enjoyed it, and frankly, I did too. But now I’m so horny I’m about to explode.”
“It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt,” I said. “I’ve had such a crush on you all year that this is like a fantasy come true. What can I do to help you with your horniness?”
“How about I teach you how to pleasure a woman orally?”
I watched as she removed her bra and I got my first look at her amazing breasts. With my minimal experience, I knew nothing about bra cup sizes. But to me, her boobs looked like ripe grapefruit waiting to be squeezed. Her areolas were dark against her pale freckled skin and her pointy nipples were upturned begging to be sucked. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her bikini panties and slid them down to her feet, where she kicked them aside. I gasped at the vision before me.
Her pussy was the first I’d ever seen outside of magazines, and it was everything a guy could want. Her pubic hair had been trimmed into a small triangle patch and cut short so that the cleft of her pussy was visible. Her pubic hair was the same shade of reddish-blonde as on her head and was made up of soft, touchable curls. I could see just the edges of her labia peeking out from her cleft, and my cock ached in response.
“Miss Taylor,” I said in a barely audible voice. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Your body is fucking perfect, and your skin looks so soft and touchable.”
She smiled at the compliment and said, “You’re so sweet to say that. It’s good to know a young guy can still appreciate my body. Now, let me show you how to make me cum.”
She took my place on the sofa, stretching out with her knees bent and spread wide. Her pussy slit was now open, revealing a glistening, pink crevice. I wasn’t familiar with all the parts of the female anatomy, but whatever I was looking at was the most magnificent sight I’d ever seen. Some primeval mechanism in my brain told me that this wet, fuzzy part of a woman was my sole goal in life.
I knelt between her legs and stared raptly at her pussy, completely lost in thought as I tried to burn the image indelibly in my memory. I must have stared too long when I heard her speak.
“Would you like me to explain what the parts are called? Lean in a little closer.”
“Yes, please,” I almost moaned as I moved my face only inches from her pussy.
I could now detect an aroma that made my stiff cock even harder. It was an odd combination of sweat, tanginess, and something else. A desire, driven by this unfamiliar scent, that made me almost cry with joy. My instinct was to bury my face into her wetness and kiss every inch, but I managed to restrain myself as she began to teach me.
“These outer lips, the large puffy ones,” she said drawing her finger across her mound, “are the labia majora. They form the exterior of what is generally called a woman’s pussy or, in more vulgar terms, her cunt. These swell and flush pinker when a woman becomes sexually excited.”
I reached out and slid my finger along her outer lips. They were soft and yielded slightly as I pressed. Her pubic hair was sparse here and a little damp.
“Now these smaller lips are the labia minora,” she explained, moving her finger inside her cleft. “Mine are a little small, and mostly stay within my groove. As you can see, they’re thinner, and a bit wrinkled, but they too will change color and swell with arousal.”
Moving my finger to her inner lips, I was amazed at how much wetter and warmer they were. Some kind of slippery fluid was covering everything, and my finger slid without any resistance. These lips were velvety and soft, and I loved the way they formed around my finger as I rubbed through her cleft.
“Now we move to one of the most important parts,” she said, with a trace of sultriness in her voice, as she moved her finger to the top of her pussy and massaged a little nub of flesh. “This is the clitoris or clit. It is a tiny bundle of nerves hiding inside a little shroud of tissue. Some say this is analogous to the male’s penis. When stimulated, it swells and can protrude out of its little hood. Given proper attention, a woman can achieve orgasm just by having her clit rubbed.”
I started to touch her clit, but she took my hand and told me to save that part for later.
“The final part of today’s lesson is the vagina. See how my finger is at the bottom of my slit and there appears to be a wrinkled opening? This is the part we covered when we discussed reproduction in class. No need to go back over that, but suffice it to say, this is where your penis will be in just a few minutes.”
Just hearing her words forced a groan from my lips, and I felt a trickle of wetness run down my erect cock. In some ways, this was too much information too soon, but there was no way I was going to wussy out of this opportunity. While I was lost in thought, I realized she was speaking again.
“Now I know your brain is screaming at you to shove your penis inside me, so it can make a baby. That’s basic biology, after all, and the primary goal of any species. But first, I want to show you how to perform oral sex, also called cunnilingus. Become skilled at this, and it will thrill all your future lovers.”
“Yes, Miss Taylor,” I said with awe and reverence I’ve rarely felt for anything. “Please teach me more.”
“Move your face down near my pussy, and lick up through the labial cleft. When you reach the top, use your tongue to massage my clitoris. But be gentle, it’s a very sensitive spot.”
I was so close, my nose almost touched her as I extended my tongue and licked upward as she had instructed. My nose and mouth were filled with her essence as a mixture of tangy and sweet flowed over my taste buds. There was something about her aroma that awakened a part of my brain, causing my hips to jerk. As I felt the bump of her clit pass under my tongue, I swirled the tip, making small circles around the rubbery protrusion.
“Oh, yes,” she sighed, as her body lifted upward, increasing the pressure on my tongue.
Pleased with the result, I repeated my actions over and over, licking and sucking her pussy as my mouth enjoyed her taste. She had begun to squirm and her continuous gasps of pleasure were turning me on. My cock was now aching for relief, but I forced myself to think of her first.
“Okay, now use your finger and slide it into my vagina,” she said, stuttering her words. “Be gentle, but try to go in as far as possible and then begin stroking.”
I moved my finger into position and felt around, trying to find the entrance. One spot was very warm and seemed to be leaking fluid, so I gently inserted my fingertip, feeling a squeeze as her vagina enveloped my finger. She was so wet, my finger slid completely inside her, and I immediately wished it was my cock instead. Mimicking a penis, I began plunging my finger in and out of her tight, warm sheath.
For many minutes, I licked and nibbled and finger fucked her as she squirmed and bucked her hips, all the while making a variety of squeals, grunts, and moans. She was now getting so wet that I could feel liquid dripping from my chin onto the sofa. Suddenly, she grabbed the back of my head and pushed my face hard against her pussy.
“Oh, God, cumming,” She squeaked as her body began to shake, and I felt her muscles tighten.
For more than a minute, she rode her orgasmic wave as I continued to stimulate my crush. As her body relaxed, I slowed my oral stimulation until I was just kissing different spots on her labia. My finger was now motionless, held in place by the warm grip of her vagina.
In the quiet of the storeroom, her panting was the only sound as her body recovered from its intense climax. I felt I had done a decent job on my first attempt, and was hoping dearly that she was pleased too.
“Mike, darling, that was excellent. I haven’t cummed that hard in months. But I’m a bit sensitive now, so could you give me a few minutes to catch my breath and recover?”
Very gently, I slid out my finger, enjoying the way her pussy tried to keep me inside. A small trickle of clear liquid dripped out of her vagina, and I took the opportunity to suck her juices off my finger. This may have been my first time tasting a woman’s essence, but I knew immediately I was hooked for life.
I sat cross-legged on the floor next to her and tried to burn her beauty into my memory. Reclined as she was, she looked like a model in a painting by one of the old masters. The curve of her hips and swell of her breasts were to me more erotic than any Playboy centerfold I’d seen. I longed to run my fingers through the soft wispy curls of her pubic hair and wrap my lips around her erect nipples, but I forced myself to wait until she was ready.
We spent the time talking, sharing intimate details of our lives, as lovers sometimes do. I learned that she had been engaged in college, but then broke it off when she caught her fiancé cheating on her with her younger sister. And now she had trust issues, having lost both her fiancé and her sister. I spoke of my social awkwardness and my inability to connect with girls my age. It seems we both had hit rough patches, and perhaps that’s how we ended up in this room at this moment.
After about thirty minutes, she invited me to join her on the sofa. I reclined beside her, and we kissed, tongues touching and caressing. I knew about French kissing, but had no experience with it. Miss Taylor was happy to teach me, and I turned out to be a quick learner. Soon I felt her hand slide down my body and grasp my hardness. I moaned into her mouth as her fingers squeezed my shaft and massaged my sensitive cockhead.
She put her lips to my ear and whispered, “Are you ready, lover? My cunt is aching to feel you inside me.”
Without a word, I moved my lips down to her breasts and engulfed a nipple, sucking gently. As my mouth made love to her breasts, I moved my body over her, and she spread her knees wide for me. She was still holding my cock, and as she squeezed it again, I felt a blob of precum drip out.
“Here, let me move you into position,” she said as she wiped my cockhead through her warm, wet cleft.
My glans touched the entrance to her vagina, and a wave of warmth spread over me as my libido went into overdrive. This was the moment I had dreamed of since the day she walked into the classroom.
“Okay, feel how wet I am?” she cooed. “Push forward and then pause when you are fully inside my cunt. It’s been a while for me and your cock is pretty large, so I’ll need time to adjust.”
I leveraged my hips forward, and my cockhead slipped easily past the grip of her vagina’s entrance. I could feel a ring of pressure around the groove just under my glans, and I paused, just enjoying the wave of pleasure rocketing through my body. Her hands gripped the cheeks of my ass as she impatiently urged me to continue.
Pushing forward again, I almost fainted with pleasure as more of my cock was embraced by the warm, moist squeeze of her vagina. My cock was thicker near the base, and I stopped again because she had become very tight. I still had about two inches outside her body and wondered if it all would fit.
“Uh, Miss Taylor,” I said with a groan. “I don’t want to hurt you, but it’s very tight now. Should I stop pushing?”
She smiled at me and kissed my lips and said, “Mike, darling, it feels so fucking fantastic. You’re filling me and I don’t want you to stop. All you need do is pull back a few inches and push forward again. Do that a few times, and it all should fit.”
I did as she asked and within three strokes I was fully inside her warmth. Every inch of my shaft was being squeezed with what felt like a wet, velvet sleeve. The sensation was so overwhelming that I was fighting hard not to ejaculate too quickly.
“Okay, that’s perfect,” she gasped. “Now pull back until just the tip of your cock is inside me, and then push forward again.”
Part of me was reluctant to remove myself from the most incredible place my cock had ever been. But as I pulled out and felt the sensual grip of her vagina trying to hold me in, I realized there was another level of ecstasy to enjoy. In and out I moved, setting a leisurely pace so that I could thoroughly enjoy the feel of her wrapped around my cock. But my need to cum was getting desperate.
After a few minutes of stroking, she said, “Mike, can you speed up and push as deep as you can? This feels so good, I’m already getting close.”
“Me too,” I grunted as I doubled my pace.
After a dozen fast strokes, my balls were aching for release, and I was running math formulas in my head to distract my brain from letting me cum. It didn’t help that she was moaning and making little gasps of pleasure as our pubes banged together. But what pushed me over the edge was when she wrapped her legs around the back of my thighs and pulled me in deeper. I felt my cockhead slide into something rubbery and suspected I was hitting her cervix.
As my orgasm hit, the first jet of semen was so strong that my urethra burned from the effort. When the second jet splashed her cervix, she climaxed too, and her body vibrated with ecstasy as her orgasm washed over her. We held each other so tightly that for a moment, it felt like we had become one as I continued to spill my seed into her. Thrust after thrust, my balls slapping against her ass, as we both reveled in tremendous climaxes.
Far too soon, our orgasms began to fade, and my cock was reduced to simply dribbling the last of its load. I slowed my thrusting until she finally asked me to stop. Not wanting the moment to end, I halted my motion but kept my penis pushed fully inside her warmth. Even post orgasm, her vagina continued to spasm around my cock, trying to milk me of every drop. I was still hard and had no plans to move until I had to.
As our breathing slowed, I leaned in and kissed her again, letting my tongue gently touch hers. She sucked on the tip, treating it like a tiny penis, and my body shuddered with delight. I was still lying on her body, and the feel of her nipples pressing my chest was an added delight to the wonderful experience we’d just shared. I was so in love that I was half tempted to ask her to marry me, absurd as that would be.
“Miss Taylor,” I began. But she put her fingers to my lips, stopping me.
“I think just for today,” she said softly, “that you can use my first name. Please call me Lily, short for Lilibeth. It seems only right for a man who has his wonderful cock buried in my pussy to speak to me as his lover.”
I smiled, and after a brief hesitation, said, “Lily, what a beautiful name. You’ve given me an experience I’ll never forget. I know it’s not appropriate for me to say I love you, but I do. I’ve loved you since the moment I first set eyes on you, and am truly saddened that the school year is coming to an end. But regardless, I’ll treasure our time together for the rest of my life.”
She kissed me for a long time and as my cock remained hard inside her, she said, “I’m happy for our time together too, but today was a magical moment that can never be repeated. Hopefully, you’ve learned that you do have something to offer other girls and that you need to believe in yourself and start taking risks. Promise?”
I made her a promise that I would, and as we kissed again, I felt her legs untangle themselves from mine. A wave of sadness passed through me as I realized the moment was coming to an end. But she still had one more surprise.
“One of the things I love about guys your age is their stamina. I can feel that you’re still erect inside me, so how about we fuck once more? But my legs are a little cramped, so this time we can try doggy style. Sound good?”
I had no idea what she meant by doggy style, but five minutes later I was kneeling behind her, thrusting my cock into her warm, wet pussy and learning about a whole new set of erotic sensations. She didn’t climax, and when I came it was just a few weak squirts, but we both agreed it was a wonderful way to end our time together.
The last two months of school were uneventful and though we did find time to kiss and fondle after class, she was true to her word, and we never had sex again. That summer, I took her advice and asked a few girls out and on the third try, it worked. We only dated for a few months before moving on, but with my newfound confidence, I had no trouble with future relationships.
When I returned to school for my senior year, I learned that Miss Taylor had taken a position with a different school. It saddened me that I wouldn’t get to see her in the halls and at pep rallies, but I was secure in the knowledge that she had been a great teacher, both in biology and in love. I did see her around town a few times, and she always greeted me warmly. And to this day, I wonder if I should have pursued her after I graduated from college and our ages were more aligned. But I didn’t, and it’s a regret I carry with me to this day.
Thank you for reading my little story about a high school fantasy. This is very loosely based on real events, where at age sixteen, I had a crush on my biology teacher. She was a beautiful young blonde woman, right out of teaching college, with a southern accent that melted my heart. During a class on genetic diseases, I did ask her a question about fathering children, and at the end of the school day, she tutored me by creating detailed drawings showing how erections were formed and thoroughly explaining the body’s processes.
During our talk, she used the term “engorged” repeatedly, and it sounded so erotic with her southern accent that I ejaculated in my pants. When she noticed the blossoming wet spot on my trousers, she immediately terminated our discussion and sent me to the bathroom to clean up. We never spoke of it again, and she never met with me outside of regular class hours for the remainder of the year. From the seeds of that encounter came the story you’ve just read, and hopefully enjoyed.