The next morning, sexually sated for the first time in days after getting stuffed with cock at the club the night before, Amy was sitting on the couch absentmindedly playing with her jiggly new C-cups when they began to remind her of their ever-present need for another splash of the bimbo potion. As tempting as it would be to indulge them, to allow the drug to trigger their sensuous swelling once again, Amy obviously wasn’t going to turn herself into even more of a bimbo just to experience it. Then again, she thought as a new idea occurred to her, maybe I can have my cake and eat it too…
She picked up the potion, opened the top, and took a deep whiff. She smiled as it had the effect she had hoped it would on her hypersensitive body, and she savored the pleasant sensation of her breasts’ sudden, urgent need to expand even further, secure in the knowledge that she was safe from that growth as long as she could keep the drug off her skin. She arched her back as she took another long sniff, imagining that her tits were actually swelling, advertising her sexual availability even more openly than they had last night. She slid a few fingers into herself at the memory as she inhaled the drug’s potent scent, feeling her pleasant yearning to become a sexy bimbo increase, strengthened by an abrupt demand for stronger pheromones from her hungry pussy, whose need for cock had swiftly reawakened due to a combination of her fingers’ stimulation and the drug’s influence.
As she continued to mindlessly breathe the addictive fumes and her renewed need for cock continued to grow, Amy suddenly couldn’t think of a reason not to sprinkle just a bit of the tempting liquid on her skin and found herself eagerly removing the stopper and preparing to dump a generous helping onto her large, naked breasts, which were filled with delight at this new opportunity to bimbofy her further. Because that’s what it was at this point – her tits wanted her to be a busty, brainless sex toy, and right now that was exactly what Amy wanted too. As she began to tilt the bottle, however, she squirmed uncontrollably in anticipation, which caused her to slam her knee against the corner of her coffee table. The pain brought a brief moment of acute clarity to her enthralled mind, and she was able to find the strength to force the stopper back into the bottle and place it back onto the table unused.
“That was totally too close,” Amy giggled, breathing a sigh of relief and rubbing her sore knee. She tried to be mad at herself for her stupidity, but her head was too saturated with feelings of warm, fuzzy sexuality to be anything other than horny at the moment. Even so, she made a mental note to never smell the potion again, since it had apparently been designed to eventually compel anyone breathing it in to put some on their skin. This realization didn’t make resisting her renewed cravings any easier though; she was still just as tempted to dose herself as she had been – more so in fact – and now she was sexually frustrated again too, with her pussy once more begging for the pleasure that only a large, throbbing cock could provide. And, since no man could resist her enhanced pussy’s charms, Amy knew that it was only a matter of time before her own need would drive her to fill herself with eager, spurting dick once again.
Her only solace was the inkling of an evil idea which had just occurred to her. There was no way that Sam (or any other woman, for that matter) would be able to resist the smell of the potion, and as Amy thought back to how fun it had been to bimbofy the annoying salesgirl and the unsuspecting girl at the bar the previous day, she realized that if you wanted something done right, you should just do it yourself. Sam was becoming a bimbo today; she just didn’t know it yet.
Amy finally dragged herself up off the couch to go get dressed, away from the ever-present temptation of the Bimbo Potion. She briefly considered resisting her urge to wear a revealing top and a short skirt, but with how cute they would look on her and how much skin they would show, the thought of all of the welcome attention her new, curvy body was sure to get from any man who saw her was far too appealing. Well, in for a penny… she giggled to herself and decided not to wear any underwear as well. Not because that would make the process of getting a cock in her needy pussy much more straightforward, of course, but because her pussy just felt so much more comfortable exposed to the open air. Sam would doubtlessly make fun of her for her outfit, but the clothes Sam would soon find herself compelled to wear would put these to shame anyway.
She grabbed the potion, walked out to her car, and drove over to Sam’s, all the while trying to remember what came after, “in for a penny…”
“Wow Amy, you look like a slut! Are you copying Val’s new look?” Sam jeered as she opened the door.
Just this once, Amy decided to fully embrace her inner bimbo. “Hey, Sammy! I got a new perfume, and I thought you might want to see what it smelled like!” she said as she stuck the potion in Sam’s face and giggled, enjoying the feeling of her bra-less boobs bouncing in her low-cut tank top. She felt a bit self-conscious at just how much fun it was to act like a bimbo, and at how naturally it came to her now, but if it got Sam to sniff the potion just once without her getting too suspicious, it would be worth it.
“Jesus, Amy, you really are a brainless bimbo! If I smell your stupid perfume, will you go away?”
“Yuppers!” Amy smiled, her bright blue eyes twinkling.
“Fine, give it here,” Sam said, grabbing the bottle, taking a big whiff, and shoving it back at Amy before preparing to go back inside and slam the door in her face. Suddenly, however, Sam could tell that something was different, that the liquid had affected her somehow.
“Wh-what did you do to me?” the attractive, soon-to-be irresistible redhead asked in a thick voice as she swayed unsteadily on her feet.
Amy watched Sam’s pupils dilate as the influence of the potion’s powerful fumes grew. Sam felt an odd pressure building within her, as though the mere scent of that liquid was filling her with potential, with transformative energy that would soon compel her to become… something. Something better. Something desirable. There was a growing hunger, a growing need that she couldn’t quite put her finger on, and all the while, her urge to smell that scent again was getting stronger.
“Do you like it?” Amy asked coyly as Sam mindlessly leaned forward to inhale the potent fumes again. This time, however, she didn’t lean back, leaving her nose only centimeters above the increasingly enticing liquid stored in the bottle, becoming more and more captivated by it as her thoughts continued to drift. She became filled with reckless pride at her own powerful womanhood, which she had skillfully leveraged to become a successful young businesswoman in spite of existing in such a male-dominated world. Even so, however, Sam began to feel that as powerful as she was, her alluring femininity could be stronger, should be stronger. Sam had been chosen by this wonderful liquid – it was tempting her, compelling her to fulfill her destiny and fully unlock her power over men. Sam wasn’t sure how, but she knew that this perfume was the key to everything she had ever wanted. Her thoughts turned to her personal goals and aspirations, the fame and success she was owed, and she knew that her innate feminine power, combined with whatever this potion was, could conquer the world.
Amy, her own irresistibly alluring power over men already having been forcibly unlocked for her by the potion, began to slowly sneak past Sam into her house, carefully keeping the open bottle at an arm’s length. As she squeezed by Sam, the swollen tits that Amy now had no choice but to love displaying for men as proof of that irresistible femininity bumped pleasantly into Sam’s arm as Amy led the potion’s latest thrall by the nose behind her. Once they were safely inside, Amy shut the door to give Sam some privacy for the personal growth that was soon to follow.
All the while Sam continued to breathe in the addicting aroma, feeling her desire to smell it being quickly replaced by a desire to feel it on her skin.
“Oh, do you want to try some?” Amy asked playfully, feigning surprise. “It gets even better once it’s on you!” she exclaimed, an evil grin spread across the elegant features of her supernaturally alluring face, not that Sam noticed, of course, as she was entirely focused on the contents of the bottle. Amy tilted it and offered it to the increasingly needy Sam, who was momentarily suspicious that Amy was willing to part with so much power so easily, but by this point, she lacked the willpower to resist the potion’s temptation any longer. As four drops splashed onto her outstretched palm, she instinctively rubbed the cool liquid deep into her skin, which immediately began to tingle with the feminine power she had sensed from the potion’s scent.
Amy watched as Sam embraced her transformation, again reliving the overpowering desire to swell into a voluptuous bimbo that she had felt in the throes of the drug. She knew that Sam wouldn’t be able to resist, just like she hadn’t, so she put the bottle on the counter and sat down on the couch to watch the show, slipping her hand into her panties as she vicariously experienced the drug’s intoxicating effects. She had apparently gotten better at resisting her desire to dose herself when she watched someone else’s transformation since all she really wanted to do now was play with herself while Sam bimbofied, but maybe it was that she just hated Sam that much.
Sam, meanwhile, had forgotten that Amy was even there, as she was suddenly filled to bursting with unrestrained femininity that concentrated itself in her bust, her hips, and her tight little ass, making Sam feel like she had to swell with that boundless sexuality or she would explode. She was already aware of the powerful allure of her sexy female body from using it to get ahead at work, taking advantage of the power over men that their instinctive sexual attraction gave her, but as her boobs were overpowered by the potion’s influence and began to expand, Sam realized that she could be so much more. If her influence over men was due to their sexual attraction to her, the key to her success was a body that would overwhelm their lustful eyes with sexual femininity, and that meant that her secondary sex characteristics needed to be conspicuous, obscene even, in order to attract the attention that she wanted.
The potion obeyed her wishes, and her body became soft and inviting as her curves continued to swell to generous, even pornographic proportions due to the powerful quadruple dose she had received, but she suddenly realized that it wasn’t enough to just be sexy. She also needed to be able to command respect, to make men take her seriously so that she could direct her sexual power over them to her own purposes. She could feel the potion bending to her wishes here as well, could feel herself stretching, becoming taller and more imposing even as her breasts and butt continued to swell and her hips flared, and Sam grew giddy with the realization that she could actually direct the power of this liquid, as long as she directed it toward sex in some way, of course. But then why wouldn’t she, when her sexuality was the key to unlocking her influence over men? Her body had to demand sex if she were to be able to demand male obedience. It never occurred to her to think about what would happen if she stopped directing that power, but since both she and the potion were currently content with making her tits and ass swell it didn’t seem to matter too much.
Suddenly, however, it stopped obeying her wishes and refocused its attention and Sam’s on the tight little pussy between her legs. Sam was momentarily taken aback since the overwhelming sexuality of the rest of her voluptuous body should be more than enough to get her way and achieve her goals, so she should never need to debase herself by allowing a man to actually stick his cock into her, but then the potion made her aware of the pheromones that she was now producing, and Sam was astounded by the brilliance of the idea. She would never have thought of a detail like that, but now even being close to a man would be enough to draw him into her sphere of influence, and focus his attention on the sex he wanted to have with her that would leave him pliable and obedient. Sam and the potion were a team, working in tandem to make her an irresistible bombshell so that her dreams and aspirations could all become a reality.
As she willed her new pheromones to grow even stronger, however, Sam failed to notice that the potion was tightening her pussy and heightening its sensitivity in the meantime, and she failed to recognize that her pheromones were tied to her own sexual arousal, which had been growing unnoticed for a while now. Sam had conflated her growing need for sex with her desire for power, which had made her all the more receptive to the potion’s sinister suggestions, and would soon make herself more receptive to cock.
As the potion’s influence moved back up her body, Sam felt her thighs grow thick and powerful, perfect for wrapping around a man’s torso and pulling him into her, forcing him to finish deep inside of her pussy. Not that she would ever need to go that far, of course, but the idea did send a pleasant tingle down to her swollen sex. Sam’s waist slimmed and her abs tightened into a six-pack, while her back muscles strengthened to support the massive mammaries that would advertise her sexual availability to all virile males in sight. Her arms grew as well; not bulging like a bodybuilder’s, but lean and toned, while keeping the inviting softness that was the theme of her new, redesigned body. Sam was tall, fit, and strong, just as she had imagined herself, but more importantly, her new curves exuded an overt sexuality that was impossible to ignore. This would especially be the case once she went out and got herself a new wardrobe, one that would show enough skin to properly display the tantalizing assets that Sam now had a desire to offer to any man willing to meet her demands.
Finally, the potion reached her face, where, once again, Sam directed it to make her irresistible, but strong. Her cheeks ached as her cheekbones rose, high and severe, and her features became elegant and seductive, yet powerful and in control, just like the rest of her. Even so, however, the potion slightly altered the femme fatale image that she was going for, and secretly caused her lips to swell, redden, and soften. Sam found herself absentmindedly slipping a finger between them to suckle seductively as her other hand began to explore her new, hypersensitive body.
But then, just as her mind was full of images of men helplessly giving her everything she wanted, her head fogged slightly, and she began to realize that what she really wanted was to get her hands on their nice, thick cocks. She immediately recognized that the potion had betrayed her, but it was too late, of course. The dose she had received was far too strong, and she felt her thoughts continuing to shift against her will as she continued to succumb to the drug’s terrible influence. Even so, she held on to the thought that was the core of her identity – that she was a strong, independent woman, and didn’t need any man – but the potion unexpectedly agreed with her, and showed her that she could just use them for their sexy bodies, and for the thick, throbbing cocks that could give her the cum that she really needed. Sam found herself reluctantly agreeing with the potion’s position, unable to find a flaw in the logic as she thought about how good a cock would feel right about now in her new body, which she now realized the potion had been designing specifically for sex all along.
Sam still wanted to use men for her success and knew that she been given practically unlimited power over them to do so, but in exchange, their thick, throbbing cocks had been given a delicious power over her as well. Men would be driven to give her practically anything she wanted, but she would also be driven to fill herself with their cum in return.
As the potion’s effects finally wore off and Sam returned to full awareness, she turned to Amy on the couch who was still playing with herself with a shit-eating grin on her beautiful face, in which Sam could now clearly see the potion’s influence.
“Omigod, Amy! You, like, tricked me! You made me all sexy and slutty like you!” the new and improved Sam yelled with a pout that was more cute than angry, with her pale, freckled cheeks framing her bright green, come-hither eyes and thick, red cocksucking lips.
Amy laughed, a deep, satisfied laugh in a voice that the potion had filled with seduction, while…