8 – No Holes Barred!
After a night of discovery during which Katie and her husband had their first sexual experience outside their 16-year marriage, they and their new friends had breakfast and cleaned up the rented cottage they were staying in. They made their plans for dinner and then settled in for a lazy day at the lake.
They were in the deck chairs, taking in the mid-summer sun and trying to get a vitamin D recharge after an exciting and exhausting night. They tried to keep the conversation on anything but sex, but eventually, the newcomers’ curiosities got the better of them and they couldn’t help themselves.
“What’s the craziest thing you guys have ever done?” Grant asked. Katie sat up a little to hear the answer because she wanted to ask the same question. She was not disappointed.
Shelly looked at Mark and nodded for him to go ahead and tell the story. “I’d say it was the time we entertained eleven men in a single night,” he said.
“Eleven? Are you fucking kidding me?” Katie asked, not believing what she had heard. “How in the fuck did you come to be with eleven men in one night?”
“There was this softball team,” Mark said nonchalantly. He told the story of how they were in a motel in a small town in North Carolina and there was this men’s softball team staying there. Glances at Shelly’s figure turned to comments, which turned to catcalls, which turned to Shelly calling them out for it. When one guy said something about her being a stuck-up prude, she walked over and grabbed him by the crotch. She thought he would wither into the background instead, he just looked at her and smiled.
“He was fucking huge!” Shelly said. “My libido took over, and I dared him to show it to me. His eyes met mine and he didn’t blink as he dropped his pants and took it out. He bet me I couldn’t deep-throat it, and I looked at Mark and he nodded. So I did. It took me a bit but I did it!”
“What was the bet?” Katie asked.
“$100. Each. It’s a good thing I was able to do it because we didn’t have the money to cover it! I would have had to work it off in trade! Either way, I got to fuck and suck eleven cocks, and my darling husband was right beside me, cheering me on the whole time.”
“Holy fuck!” Katie breathed. “I don’t think I’d ever do something like that!”
“We didn’t plan it,” Mark said. It sounds corny but it just happened!”
“And I’m glad it did!” Shelly added. “I’m getting all wet just thinking about it!”
The two women looked at each other with fierce lust, but they were stopped in their tracks when Katie’s phone rang. She took it and left them all for a few minutes. “Crisis averted!” she said. “Grace couldn’t find her diary. I told her where it was in her backpack and she’s all right now. She said to say hi.”
“She’s an amazing kid!” Shelly said.
“She is,” Katie replied. “Tell me, do you ever feel self-conscious about your body?”
“I used to,” Shelly said. “But Mark made me see myself in a different light. I’m comfortable in my own skin.”
“I think you’re hot!” Grant added. “Like smokin’ hot!”
“Why thank you, Grant!” Shelly said. “What about your wife? Do you think she’s hot?”
“Careful!” Mark cautioned.
Grant looked at Katie and smiled. “I think my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world! She gets more and more beautiful to me every day, and I am the luckiest man in the world to be married to her!”
“Good answer!” Shelly said. “I can’t disagree!!”
“I suppose I’m good-looking,” Katie said. “But my husband exaggerates!”
“I don’t think so,” Mark said. “For the record, I think you are a very beautiful woman, Katie. I won’t say you are the most beautiful woman in the world because my wife is sitting right beside me, but you are undeniably beautiful!”
“Hear, Hear!” Shelly added.
“My husband tells me that all the time but I don’t see it!” Katie said.
Mark stood up and took Katie’s hand, urging her to her feet. “Let’s go inside!” He held her fingers and led her inside the cottage and into the bedroom he’d shared with her the night before. Shelly and Grant followed close behind, their fingers interlaced.
He stood Katie in front of the full-length mirror on the back of the door and stood behind her. Shelly sat on the bed and pulled Grant down beside him, kissing him and whispering in his ear, “She’s gonna love this!”
Mark took two fingers and pulled Katie’s hair back, exposing her neck. “Let me tell you what I see!” He leaned forward and kissed her neck softly. “You have beautiful brown hair with highlights of red and gold that stand out in the sunlight! It frames your pretty, round face with those deep, deep blue eyes that anyone, man or woman, could easily get lost in. Your skin is so soft and clear, marred only by a few marks and scars that tell the story of your life. The colour of your lips is so perfect that it should be a crime to paint over them, and when you smile, you do it with your whole face, and it lights up the room!”
“Oh, my!” Katie breathed, her arousal beginning to build.
“I love your shoulders, so strong and round with the hollows of your collarbones just begging to be kissed.” He moved around her and placed soft kisses down her neck from just below her ears to her collarbones. He kissed her lips softly and she moaned as he moved behind her. “Your breasts are, what’s the word I’m looking for, darling?”
“Magnificent!” Shelly breathed as Grant’s hands started massaging her shoulders.
“Yes, magnificent, that’s the perfect word!” He hefted them in both hands, pushing them together and running his fingertips over her sensitive nipples. She moaned again and craned her head back, hoping he’d kiss her neck once more. She sighed when he did.
He ran his hands down over her tummy. It was almost flat but not quite. He moved them to her waist and ran them slowly up and down. “Your waist narrows perfectly, giving you an incredible shape like an hourglass. “Did you know that 70 years ago, a body like yours would be featured in fashion magazines? Pin-up girls like Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable had bodies just like yours, and in the 1930s, you would have been what was known then as a bombshell!” He hefted her breasts again to emphasize her cleavage. “Don’t ever be ashamed of being curvy, more men than you realize stare at you every day!”
“They just stare at my tits!” She protested.
“Your magnificent tits!” he corrected her with a smile as their eyes met in the mirror.
His hands moved to her tummy again and slipped a little lower, his fingers tracing along the outline of the top of her shorts. Her eyes followed them down. “I hate my stretch marks!” she said.
“They tell the story of your life!” Mark protested. “They tell the world that you are a mother to a wonderful child as well as a sexy, desirable woman!”
“Amen!” Grant said softly.
Mark’s fingers undid the button of her shorts and he slid them down over her hips. “And your hips! It’s like they were carved by a master artist! The roundness and flare are in perfect proportion to your waist!” He kissed her neck again, and she closed her eyes and sighed loudly. His hands went to the triangle of hair that pointed the way to her cleft. He rubbed it for a moment before slipping his fingers between her thighs and rubbing her clit. He knelt behind her and looked up, meeting her gaze again as his hands slid down either side of her thighs. “More soft skin that reacts to the touch!” he looked over his shoulder and beckoned his wife to join him. She stood beside Katie and took her hand.
“Do you think Shelly is beautiful?” he asked her.
“I think she’s gorgeous!” Shelly smiled into the mirror at her.
“Would you agree that you have similar bodies?” Katie and Shelly both nodded. “And what do you think, Shelly?”
“I didn’t like my body, but then my husband, and later my boyfriend, helped me to look at myself in a new way. Now, I love my sexy, curvy body!”
“And Katie’s body?”
“I think she looks like a goddess!” Shelly breathed. “I’m not just saying that, Katie!”
She took Katie’s hands and brought them up so they could both caress her breasts. “I am hot!” Katie said with a smile. “Thank you, both of you!” She turned and kissed Shelly and then kissed Mark. “Shelly is a very lucky girl!”
“I’m the lucky one!” Mark said. “And your husband is a very lucky man!”
“He’s about to be!” Katie grinned. “And so are you!” she pulled Mark onto the bed and beckoned with her fingers for her husband to join them. “It’s time to do that thing we talked about last week!” Shelly retreated to a chair and waited for her turn to clean up Katie’s body. Her hands went to her pussy as she watched her new girlfriend alternately take both men’s cocks into her mouth.
Before long, Mark was behind her stroking himself into her pussy while she sucked on her husband. They stayed in that position for a bit, and then Katie proved that she had listened to Shelly the previous night by telling the men to change positions. Twice more she moved them around until she was on her back with her head hanging over the edge of the bed and Grant’s cock in her mouth while Mark fucked her pussy.
Grant came first, but this time she didn’t mind! He let the first shot go into her mouth before pulling back and painting her face with the rest. He slipped himself back in for some aftercare while Mark continued hammering her cunt.
She groaned and then moaned as her orgasm built. She felt her husband’s cock soften so she spat it out and looked up at him. Their eyes locked as Mark brought her closer and closer to where she so badly wanted to go. Her legs wrapped around his hips, her strong thighs holding him so he could not get away until she wanted him to. She wanted him to fill her pussy with his cum and she wasn’t taking any chances that he wouldn’t.
Her first orgasm came on slowly, building from a warm feeling in her pussy to a blinding rush of raw emotion and pleasure. She didn’t know herself as a screamer but the long seduction as Mark described how he saw her body, along with the vigorous fucking he was giving her, changed all that. She inhaled deeply and let it go as her second rush exploded from within her. It was well that her pussy was stuffed full of cock else she would have squirted her come clear across the room!
The warm rush of her orgasm triggered his, and he emptied himself into her. Their bodies rutted together with jerks and spasms like this was the last time they’d ever fuck anyone! He tried to continue, but her legs held him against her, so he could not move very far.
She opened her eyes to see her husband looking down at her. “Clean me!” she whispered, and like a good husband, he did what she asked. Mark extricated himself from between her thighs only to be replaced by Shelly, who took on the pussy clean-up job unbidden. Between his kisses and her licks and sucks, she came one more time, soaking Shelly and almost biting her husband’s tongue as her body stiffened, held there and relaxed.
Shelly kissed her way up Katie’s body until her face was beside Grant’s. She waited for a chance to butt in and when it presented itself, she took advantage. “Big girls make the best lovers!” Shelly whispered.
“We should put that on a T-shirt!” Katie laughed.
“Too fucking right we should!” Shelly agreed. They kissed and giggled until Shelly relinquished her place on Katie’s lips to her husband.
They retreated to their own spouses for a bit and then, one couple at a time, they showered and went back downstairs. When Shelly and Mark arrived they saw the other couple on the couch in each other’s arms and cuddling. “Now do you believe me?” Grant asked, and Katie smiled and nodded.
When Katie noticed Mark, she reached out her hand to take his, pulling it to her face to kiss his fingers. “Thank you, Mark! That was one of the most erotic things anyone has ever done for me!”
“I didn’t do it to turn you on, I did it because I meant it,” he said. “Not all men want the stick figures and tiny waists with ginormous fake boobs. You and Shelly have bodies that were made to give and receive pleasure, and now that you’ve decided to take the chance and live this lifestyle, you’ll get many more opportunities to do just that!” He bent to kiss her as she sat on her husband’s lap.
“Did that bother you, Grant, to see Mark kissing your wife while she’s cuddled in your lap?” Shelly asked.
“It’s different, and I’m still getting used to the idea, but no, it didn’t bother me. I trust that she will always come back to me.”
“That’s the secret sauce!” Shelly smiled. “That trust in each other that no matter where your libido takes you, you will always go back to each other! She pointed out the window. “When Mark told me to come up to that cabin with Simon, he trusted me, and I can never violate that trust, ever.”
“Same when she told me to go be with our friend Meredith in Colorado,” he said.
“Girlfriend, Meredith, you mean!” Shelly teased.
“Caroline’s girlfriend, my friend with benefits,” Mark corrected her. “ But that’s not my point.”
“I see your point, Mark,” Grant said. “I’m not going to sit here and say I’ll never get jealous or feel uncomfortable if Katie goes with another man, I’m sure that time will come. But I understand now that if that happens, that’s when I have to lean on that trust.”
“Exactly!” Shelly said. She got up and kissed her husband before going over and kissing Katie and Grant in turn. “We have two more nights together, let’s make the most of them!” she took Katie’s hand and helped her to her feet. “If you boys could sort out supper, I’d like to talk to Katie about a few things!”
She led her lover back upstairs to the freshly made bed in the master bedroom. “I wish this place had a big tub, I’d love to take a bath with you!” Shelly breathed between kisses.
“We have a whirlpool tub at our place, let’s do that sometime!” Katie replied.
“Mmmm, yes, let’s!” They kissed as they undressed each other and soon they were wrapped in a snug 69. As Shelly licked and fingered Katie’s pussy, every so often she would slip a finger or two down and tease Katie’s bum. The reaction she got emboldened her and she moved around to kiss her lover.
“Have you ever done it back here?” Shelly asked as her fingers probed her back door.
“No,” Katie whispered. “Grant wants to but I’m scared it will hurt too much. I take it you and Mark have?”
Shelly nodded, “Not just Mark. I’ve done it with most of the men I’ve been with. It was scary at first but if you take your time and prepare yourself, it’s fun!” Shelly continued to rub her anus as they kissed.
“Prepare yourself how?” Katie asked.
“I’ll show you, but first you need to answer one question. Is that something you want?”
“Grant wants to try it but I’m not sold on the idea,” Katie said.
“Then don’t do it! That’s the thing about sharing: if it’s not something you both want, then don’t do it. You don’t just do it to make your partner or your husband happy, you do it because you want to!”
“But I want to do it for him!” Katie protested. “I want to give that to him if that makes any sense!”
“It makes perfect sense,” Shelly said. “When Mark and I first got together, we talked about our fantasies. That’s what led us to our first encounter with our friends. We talked about sharing and watching each other with other people, and we talked about different things we might try. Anal was on his list but not mine. And then we went with Maggie and DJ and they did it. When I saw the pleasure it gave her, and she wasn’t faking it, she loved it, and I knew I wanted to experience it. So she and I talked about it, just like you and I are doing right now, and she showed me how to get ready for it. Yes, it was uncomfortable at the time but so was when you lost your virginity, right? But now you love sex!”
Katie kissed her lover. “Prepare myself how?” she asked again. “Would you help me?”
“I’d love to!” Shelly grinned. “Do you have some toys with you?” Katie smiled and got up, retrieving a small locked box from under the bed. “My toy box is much bigger than that!” Katie laughed and, using a small key that was on her necklace, unlocked the box and opened it.
The first thing Shelly saw was a long, dark, thick, realistic-looking phallus. “You go, girl!” Shelly teased as she took it out and looked at it. “I have one this size but it’s nothing like the real thing!”
“You’ve had a big cock?” Katie breathed. ‘I so want to do that!”
“Maybe someday you will!” Shelly said. “But that’s not what we need for the moment! I would like to fuck you with that later though!” She set it down and leaned in to kiss Katie. “Let’s see…” she whispered as she kept looking. “These will do!” She took out a slim vibrator and a realistic dildo about the size of her husband’s cock. “I don’t see any lube.”
“We don’t use lube, I am always so wet,” Katie said.
“You should always have lube close at hand. Good thing I have plenty!” She kissed her lover and excused herself.
She went downstairs and kissed both men, “You boys don’t need to use the upstairs washroom for a bit, do you?”
“You girls going to take a shower?” Grant asked. “I wouldn’t mind watching that!”
“You have work to do, mister!” she replied. “We’ll need at least a half an hour!” She kissed them both again and walked back upstairs.
“Fuck she’s fucking hot!” Grant said to Mark as they watched her round ass wiggling up the stairs.
“You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know!” Mark replied.
Shelly stopped by the other bedroom and retrieved her lube from the nightstand and a small bag from her suitcase before returning to Katie. She watched as Katie slid the thin vibrator in and out of her pussy, removing it to draw a circle around her clit with the tip before sliding it back inside herself.
“I could watch you do that all day!” Shelly said as she bent to kiss her lover. “But we have work to do!” She showed Katie the two bottles of lube and explained how one was best for pussy work and the other for back door play. “We use this to clean you out. Do I have to give you the graphic description or can you figure that out for yourself?”
“No, I think I got it!” Katie said. “That’s pretty gross!”
“Not as gross as if you don’t do it, I promise you! That is not something you want to find out the hard way!” they kissed again and Shelly got up. “Let’s run you a bath!”
Ten minutes later, the bath was ready and so was Katie. A half-hour after that, Shelly was finished as she withdrew the larger of the two toys from Katie’s bum.
“Are you okay?” Shelly asked.
“I’m perfect!” Katie said. “I came so hard!”
“Yes, you are perfect!” Shelly agreed. “As for cumming that hard, that might have something to do with me sucking on your clit while I fucked your ass!”
“I think you’re right!” Katie laughed. She looked at Shelly. “I never dreamed that sex could be this much fun! I mean, I love doing it, but it’s more than just cocks and pussies and orgasms. It’s fun! You’ve taught me that! Thank you!”
“It’s been my pleasure!” Shelly said.
They went downstairs and kissed their husbands. “That sounded like fun!” Grant whispered.
“You’ll find out just how much fun later!” she whispered back, running her hand over his erect cock.
They managed to keep their hands off each other long enough to eat supper but they all felt the charge of the sexual energy in the room. Each of their minds pictured erotic images of their fantasized couplings. After Shelly’s loving and careful preparation, Katie thought she was ready to take that leap of faith, but her prior nervousness returned as she anticipated Shelly suggesting that one of both men take her behind. Shelly sensed her nervousness and reached out to take her hand. “It’s okay,” she whispered. Mark looked at her and she shook her head. Katie smiled and squeezed Shelly’s hand to acknowledge the encouragement.
After dinner, the two women cleaned up. When they were done, Shelly excused themselves for a few moments. “You don’t have to do this!” Shelly said. “Not unless you are sure it’s what you want!”
“I want to,” Katie said. “I’m just nervous!”
“It’s okay to be nervous,” Shelly said. “I get nervous sometimes.”
Katie found that hard to believe that such a confident and gorgeous woman as her would ever get nervous. She’d done it all, hadn’t she? She decided that if Shelly could do it, then so could she. She kissed Shelly and nodded. “Let’s do this!”
They returned to the living room and sat with their own husbands. Shelly started making out with Mark, whispering in his ear between kisses. They progressed quickly from kissing to removing their clothes and soon they were naked. Shelly got up on all fours and Mark applied the slippery stuff and got behind her. Katie and Grant noticed what they were doing and stopped to watch.
Shelly winced as her husband entered her but she soon became comfortable. She kept looking over at their friends to see if they were watching, and as soon as she was convinced that they were, she concentrated on herself. She slid her hand down and tickled her clit while Mark buggered her from behind.
Katie watched in awe at the ease with which Shelly took her husband’s cock into her backside. That she appeared to be enjoying it immensely surprised her further. She was stunned to hear her beg her husband to fuck her ass hard over and over. She thought that Shelly was doing this all for her benefit to convince her to overcome her earlier fears to try it. But when she saw and heard Shelly’s orgasm, she knew – she was not that good an actor!
Mark kept pounding into his wife as she came. Katie could see the impressions his fingers were making in his wife’s hips as he pulled her back onto him, driving himself as deep into her backside as he could. She saw the sheen of sweat on both of their bodies as they fucked. And there was no doubt in her mind that this was not lovemaking, it was fucking pure and simple! She moved to see his shaft glistening with the lubricant as it slid out and drove back in. Then he held himself into her and she watched as his balls retracted as he came.
She watched them uncouple and then reconnect as they kissed and cuddled in the aftermath of the violent storm. They smiled and whispered between kisses and Katie found herself longing to feel what they must be feeling. She went back to her husband and kissed him, “I want to try that!”
She took the lube and handed it to her husband but Shelly’s hand intercepted it. “Let me,” she whispered, and she applied it to Katie’s backside, slipping one finger, then two inside her. She slathered some more onto Grant’s shaft and he got into position behind his wife. Shelly guided his cock toward her but stopped him just before its head made contact. “Go easy!” she cautioned. She allowed him to advance to contact and stopped him again. “Let her do it!”
She moved beside Katie’s head and whispered instructions to her. “When you’re ready, just ease yourself back. Katie nodded, took a deep breath and rocked backward. She felt the pressure against her build as she continued her backward movement. Then she felt her body give way and he was inside her.
Shelly had told her it would be uncomfortable, and she was right – and wrong. It was indeed uncomfortable, almost to the point of being painful, but she welcomed it. “So full!” she mumbled as she stopped to let her body adapt to the intrusion.
“Are you okay, Baby?” Grant asked. She nodded her head and took a deep breath before rocking her hips back some more. He saw, and she felt him slip deeper inside her forbidden hole and she stopped again, breathing heavily at the unfamiliar feeling of having her ass penetrated so deeply.
She took another breath and moved backward again, feeling the thickest part of his shaft slip inside her as the discomfort eased a little. She kept moving until she felt his hips flatten the soft flesh of her ass cheeks and he was fully inside her. “Jesus H Christ, Honey, you feel huge in my ass!” she moaned. Shelly looked up and grinned at the expression on his face as he heard his wife describe his manhood in that way.
They stayed coupled together, neither of them moving until Katie slowly rocked her body forward onto her elbows which made him slip slowly out of her. He took that as the signal to start fucking so he started moving and she looked back over her shoulder, “Let me do it!” He held still again and Shelly moved to kiss him.
“Patience, Buddy, the hard part is over! Let her take the lead for now!”
Katie pushed back against him again until she felt his hips once more. “Mmmm, I like it!” she purred. Slowly out and back in again she moved a little more quickly for a few strokes before she looked back once more, “Go easy!”
Grant followed her instructions and moved slowly, still having a hard time believing that the woman he loved and lusted for would agree to what they were doing. She had said from day one that this would never happen! He was reminded of an old saying, “Never say never!”
Katie felt Shelly’s fingers tease along her slit before slipping inside her pussy to massage her magical little spot. “Next time, we’ll use my rabbit for this!” she thought as her fingertips drew tiny circles inside her pussy. She nodded her head for her husband to go faster and that’s when Mark decided to get in on the action. He moved to kiss her, and the intensity of everything she was feeling, his kisses, Shelly’s fingers, and her husband’s cock, all stimulating her body at the same time, began to overwhelm her. “Mmmm, easy! Slow down a little!” she groaned, and everyone paid attention. She kissed Mark, “Later.” He moved away and back to the chair to watch.
Then she reached underneath her and moved Shelly’s fingers to her clit. “Slowly!” Shelly kissed her softly and complied.
Then she reached underneath herself, over Shelly’s hand, and grasped her husband by the balls. “Fuck me!” she commanded. It was still uncomfortable, but she knew if she didn’t do this now, she never would and she was not a quitter! She started this, and she was determined to finish it!
Grant started slowly, sliding himself out and back in, being careful not to hurt his wife. By this time, her bum was accustomed to the intrusion and she wanted him to start putting a little more into it. “I said fuck me!” she growled and, as he promised he would in front of God and the congregation, he obeyed! His hips started moving with a purpose and he felt the impossibly tight grip her ass had on it. He looked down and was amazed at the sight; it was like something straight out of a naughty video they’d watched where the man’s cock was glistening and the woman’s ass distended a little as he pulled backward.
Every so often, he felt Shelly’s fingers against his shaft as she slipped a couple inside his wife’s cunt to tease her G-Spot before moving back to focus on her little hard bean. He drove moans and groans from her as she began to really enjoy the feeling of having her ass fucked. Between Shelly’s lips on hers, her fingers on her clit and her husband’s cock in her ass, it didn’t take long at all before she was ready to blast off to the planet Orgasm. The fire inside her ignited, the fluid shot from her, and she took off like a rocket, squirting and gushing all over everything that was near her pussy. She ran through all the vowels and a few of the consonants as the stimulation from three separate points of contact pushed her over the edge into orgasmic oblivion!
“Gotta stop! Please! No More!” she panted as the height of it passed and she felt herself coming down. Shelly’s kisses turned from hard and wanton to soft and loving, almost caressing her lips. She felt her fingers leave her clit, trailing upward until they were at their mouths. She licked and sucked them clean and then smiled at Shelly.
She sighed as Grant’s cock left her, replaced by an emptiness until he rolled her onto her back and took her into his arms. “You never cease to amaze me!” he whispered to her as they cuddled and kissed in the post-coital bliss. “I can’t believe what we just did!”
She looked into his eyes and smiled. “I want to do that again!” she whispered. “But first, take me upstairs and wash me clean!” He picked her up in his arms and carried her, the first time he’d done that since their wedding night!
“How come you never pick me up like that?” Shelly asked. He almost said something a little smart but very stupid, but he stopped himself. He stood up, scooped her up and carried her upstairs. When he deposited her on the bed, she laughed out loud! “I expected you to say something stupid about big girls!”
“I thought about it but changed my mind!” He kissed her softly, “You gotta admit though, that’s pretty impressive!”
“Not that impressive!” she argued. “You did thump my head off the doorframe!”
“Sorry, Sweetie!” he said, and he kissed it better. “I promise to carry you to bed more often!” They kissed and fell back onto the bed.
The next morning, Shelly and Mark went downstairs to the smell of a full breakfast. The delicious odour of bacon, eggs, toast from homemade bread and coffee filled the air. Katie was bustling around the kitchen, filling plates and pouring coffee. “Good morning!” she sang. “I trust you slept well!”
“Like babies!” Mark said brightly.
“As I recall, when our Gracie was a baby, she only slept a few hours at a time, and every time she woke up, she was hungry and needed changing!”
“Well, I can attest that every time my husband woke up last night, he was indeed hungry! And when he was done, the only thing that needed changing was the bedsheets!” Shelly laughed.
“We know! We heard! You two certainly have an active love life! Katie giggled.
“Lust life more like!” Grant laughed. They all joined in the laughter and Shelly went to Katie, kissing her and taking her hand.
“Maybe after breakfast, you and I can make a little lust life of our own!” She kissed her girlfriend again and sat down to enjoy their meal. After they finished eating, the men cleaned up while the ladies went upstairs.
They kissed for a few minutes and then Katie invited Shelly to sit beside her on the bed. “Tell me about Simon,” she said.
“Well, I don’t remember everything, but between our lust letters and Mark’s revelations, I think I have most of the story.”
“You mentioned those before! What’s that about?” Katie asked.
“Where do I begin?” Shelly said. “I guess it started with Simon. I was having an affair with him and Mark caught us. Not in the act, but we were together and getting friendly and he walked in on us. I thought he’d go ballistic but he didn’t. We talked it through, and I tried to explain that I was feeling ugly and unattractive, and he understood. He convinced me that I should keep seeing Simon if that was what I needed. He told me if it made me happy, he was fine with it!”
“Holy fuck!” Katie breathed, not for the first time that week.
“So we ended up together, the three of us and he saw how Simon made me feel, and he suggested that I go on vacation with him. That’s when you saw us across the lake.”
“So your husband arranged for you to go away for two weeks with your boyfriend, knowing you were going to have massive amounts of sex, and he was fine with it. That’s fucked up!” Katie said.
“I’m surprised to hear you say that after what’s happened this week, considering,” Shelly said. “You have to remember the rules we talked about and understand that is how we love each other, by trusting one another that, no matter what happens, we always go back to each other!”
“I guess I don’t have my head wrapped around that yet,” Katie admitted.
“So anyway, every day, I wrote a letter to Mark describing what we’d done the previous day in great detail. I mean, I told him everything! What we did, how we did it, how it made me feel, everything. Those letters kept us connected the whole time, and now, every so often, he’ll read a letter that he wrote to me or I’ll read one of mine and I get to relive it!”
“And that’s how you restored some of your memories after your accident,” Katie said.
“Somewhat,” Shelly replied. “The funny thing is, just after I had my accident, I had no recollection of Mark. I didn’t know him, didn’t know we were married, nothing. But I could remember most of the sexual things I’d done. I remembered our wedding night with Maggie and DJ, the honeymoon cruise we took, the eleven guys from the softball team, everything. I just had no memories of him being involved in any of it. It was so weird!”
Katie frowned, “It must have been awful!”
“It was. But he stuck with me and got me through it all, and as I got to know him again, I fell in love with him all over again! He was amazing! One night, I asked him to tell me about how it happened that he didn’t join Simon and me for those two weeks. Instead of telling me, he read me the first lust letter I wrote him. It was like being there all over again!”
“Do you love Simon?” Katie asked.
“I did, very much! But I was never in love with him if that makes any sense.” Katie nodded, and she continued. “Then he met someone he fell in love with and they wanted to make a life together. She didn’t want to get involved in the lifestyle but she let him come to me one last time just after New Year’s. Mark spent one night with us and then he arranged a hotel for me and Simon to say goodbye. The next morning, he picked me up and took me home and Simon was gone forever!” She sniffled back a tear, and Katie hugged her.
“Did you write Mark a letter about that night?” Shelly nodded. She reached into her purse and handed it to Katie.
“Go ahead, read it,” she said. Katie began reading and Shelly stopped her. “It’s better if you read it out loud!” Katie laid back and started reading, and while she did, Shelly moved between her legs and started playing with her pussy. Katie enjoyed the feeling as she read, stopping only to let Shelly make her cum when she got to the part about her going home to Mark with a broken heart and a pussy full of her lover’s cum!
“I think maybe I should write a letter to Grant about us!” Katie said.
“Then I’d better give you something to write home about!” Shelly grinned. They kissed, and Katie smiled at her.
“You just did!” she whispered.
“You’re going to need more than that!” Shelly laughed as she lay on her back and opened her arms to invite Katie in. “A lot more!”