Sunday, August 17th, 2023
My dearest wife,
On Wednesday I received your first two letters describing all the fun you and Simon were having and I thought I might return the sentiment only I had no erotic tales to tell. Then I remembered you saying that if the opportunity came up while you were away I should take advantage of it and tell you about it later. Let’s just say that last night, opportunity knocked and I answered the door!
Two weeks ago, we received an invitation to a dinner that was being hosted by the university but as we were planning to be away with Simon, I declined. Now that I am left to my own devices, I called and asked if I could still attend. The organizer agreed that I could so I dressed in my best suit and went off to the convention center where the dinner was being held.
The dinner itself was nothing to write home about and neither were the speeches. It was at the following reception that we met.
“I enjoyed your speech,” I said to the tall, mature woman who had spoken so well about how the recent shifts in political parties served more to divide us than unite us.
“No, you didn’t,” she smiled, her eyes twinkling. “I noticed you because you seemed to be the only single man here worth looking at. You almost fell asleep!”
“It’s been a long week,” I told her. “My wife is away and I never sleep well when she’s not home.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she said. “Is she away for work?”
“No, she’s on vacation with a friend,” I said.
“And she’s left you all alone to get into God knows what kind of trouble!” Her hand reached out to brush my arm.
“Trouble is my middle name!” I joked.
“That’s funny!” she laughed. “It’s my middle name too!” She squeezed my bicep. “Come here, there’s someone I’d like you to meet!” She took my hand and led me to a gathering of people with a gentleman I recognized at the center. She touched his arm and he excused himself from the group. We moved to the side of the room,” Mark, meet Congressman David Miller of Denver, Colorado. David, this is my new friend Mark…”
“Easton, Mark Easton. It’s nice to meet you, Congressman!”
“The pleasure is mine,” he said. He bent and kissed Caroline’s cheek. “Is he the one?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t asked him yet?” she said cryptically. She turned to me, “My husband and I want to know if you’d like to join us in our suite. We have an interesting proposal for you!”
“Proposal about what?” I asked.
“Let’s discuss that upstairs!” she winked. I nodded and she smiled broadly. “We’re in suite 712, when you see us leave, wait 20 minutes and come up, we should have everything ready by then!”
Yes, darling, my mind went exactly where yours just went. I thought that they were inviting me to join them for a night of naughty fun. Turns out, we are both right – sort of. It was a lot of fun for two of us, but not for the other one!
I kept an eye on them as they schmoozed and mingled their way around the room. It seemed everyone in attendance wanted a few minutes of the Congressman’s limited time. Caroline caught my eye and gave a little wave as she hugged an older gentleman and then took her husband’s hand. They waved to several people as they left the ballroom and headed to the elevator.
I waited the instructed 20 minutes, passing the time by watching people and wondering what sort of depravities they had in their lives. I finished my drink and walked to the elevator to find a rather large man standing beside the elevators. “Are you Mr Easton?” he asked.
“I am,” I replied and he called the elevator. When the door opened he stepped in with me and inserted a key into the control panel. The elevator doors opened on the top floor, “All the way to the end of the hall on your right, Sir. Enjoy your evening.”
“Thanks,” I said and I walked down the hall and tapped on the door. A moment later, Caroline answered it wearing nothing but makeup and a smile.
“Hi!” she said. “Come in, please!”
I was speechless, not expecting to be greeted in that way. I entered the room to see the Congressman sitting in an office-style chair, his hands bound in his lap. Caroline laughed at the look on my face. “Sorry for the surprise!” she giggled. “I like to use one of my husband’s favourite terms from his army days. ‘Shock and Awe’ he calls it!” She reached out and grasped my hardening cock. “Our proposal is that you and I get on that bed and fuck while my husband is forced to watch! Do you think you could do that?”
“I’ll do my best!” I said and I started getting undressed. She helped me and as soon as my cock was exposed, she was on her knees sucking it into her mouth. She looked up at me and for the first time, I noticed the colour of her eyes. They were a brilliant green and unlike any colour I had ever seen. I assumed she had put contact lenses in while she waited for me to join them.
She was a very skilled cocksucker, almost as skilled as you and Maggie. She took me into her throat easily and hummed softly as she used her tongue to great effect. She must have sensed that I was getting close because, after about five minutes, she stood up and bent over her husband. She kissed him deeply and smiled at him. “Doesn’t our friend’s cock taste delicious?” He just nodded and smiled. “You’ll find out soon if his cum is equally delicious!” She came back to me and urged me onto my back.
She climbed aboard and lowered her pussy onto my cock. She started rocking gently at first then she increased the pace as our arousal grew. Suddenly she got off me and untied her husband’s hands. “Lie down!” she commanded and he obliged. She moved over top of him settling her clit onto his mouth and told me to fuck her from behind.
Once again I felt the warm snugness of her cunt as I slid inside her. Between her movements and mine, my cock was almost coming out of her each time I pulled back. Her husband must have been watching intently because the next time it slipped out, instead of going back into her pussy, my cock slipped into his mouth. It was a very different but not unpleasant feeling as it slid along his lips for a few strokes until he spat it out. I felt his hand on my shaft as he guided me back into his wife’s pussy.
Several more times I slipped out of her and into his mouth before he guided my cock with his hand. “Don’t cum inside me!” she ordered. “Spray your cum on his face!” Like a good husband, I did as I was directed and I pulled out to let my cum shoot out onto wherever it might land. I felt his mouth on me again as the last of it dribbled out.
Caroline pushed me away and moved to share my spunk with her husband. Even though you and I have shared my cum with each other, it was strange to see this dynamic. So this is what cuckolding really looks like.
After they finished sharing what was in his mouth and on his face, she laid back down on her back and spread her legs. “I don’t suppose you’d like to lick my pussy?”
“I’d love to lick your pussy!” I told her as I moved between her legs. She twisted and writhed and soon I felt her hands grab my hair and pull my face into her. She screamed unintelligibly as she came, her cunt gushing her slick fluid onto my face. Eventually, her hands relaxed but she maintained enough pressure with her grip to pull me up to kiss her.
“Did you like playing our game?” she asked with a smile.
“It was fun if a little unexpected!” I said.
“And you, Darling, did you enjoy it?” she asked her husband.
“You were right, Dear, his cum is delicious!” he said.
“Come here, you fucking cuck and get him ready for me again!” she commanded before turning to me. “That is if you’re okay with it!” She kissed me deeply and I felt his hand on my cock again, stroking me slowly until I was hard again. It surprised me that I responded in that way to his touch. She got back up on the bed on all fours and turned to look over her shoulder at him.
“Get the lube!” she ordered him and he picked it up off the nightstand. He applied it generously to her bum and then reached out to cover my cock with it.
“My wife would like you to fuck her ass with your thick cock!” he said before backing away and resuming his place in the chair.
Not being stupid enough to refuse such an offer, I moved in behind her, lined up and pushed myself into her. She grunted and let out a moan as I overcame the initial resistance and felt her tiny hole give way to me. I thought I might last a bit longer but the erotic strangeness of the whole scene overtook me. I pushed forward and came into her bum then continued fucking her once the initial rush had passed. I felt her fingers enter her pussy and massage the underside of my shaft as she fucked herself to orgasm once more.
I softened and slipped out of her and was no sooner clear of her than her husband was in there, licking my cum up as it dribbled from her ass. When she was as clean as he could make her, she turned and embraced him, kissing him softly and whispering to him. “You love it when I cuckold you, don’t you, my darling?”
“More than life itself!” he whispered back. Now it was my turn to watch as husband and wife reclaimed each other culminating with him filling her cunt with his cum. After he finished, he got up, fixed us both a drink and we watched as she collected as much of it with her fingers as she could and licked them clean.
I spent the night with them in a regular MFM threesome during which each of us filled her pussy, mouth and ass with our cum. He didn’t touch my cock after the initial encounter but he did lick her pussy clean after I filled it as I did when he’d had his turn.
Exhausted, I left just as the sun was rising. I caught a cab home and called in sick to work before falling into bed and passing out.
So it appears that we are both sluts! Have to say, I am surprised that I wasn’t more revolted that another man sucked my cock, I know you would love to see that and maybe someday that might happen for us. Don’t hold your breath waiting for me to do that though, that’s not gonna happen!
Caroline wants to see me again without her husband. I told her I was fine with the one-time encounter but if it was to be an ongoing thing, I would need to talk to you about it and get your agreement. She thought that concept was silly but that’s how we do what we do. As for the Congressman, he seems like a strong confident man in public but in private, he is a pussy whipped cuck!
I’m looking forward to your return on Sunday with your pussy full of Simon’s cum and your lust somewhat satisfied!
Your loving husband,
Reading the letter from her husband got her motor all warmed up to the point where she needed only the lubrication from her pussy to make her butt plug slip easily into her ass. She took her rabbit vibrator from her handbag and slid it into her pussy to stimulate both her clit and her G-Spot together. Soon after, she was a quivering leaking mess as she came all over the toy and her hand with the excess running down over her ass onto the seat below her.
She heard a noise and looked around furtively, hoping no one had seen her. “I have to stop doing this at work!” she thought as she slipped the toy from her pussy and wiped it off on some paper towel that was beside her desk. She bent down and pulled her thong back up before pressing slightly on the plug in her bum. She got up and opened her classroom door to go to the staff washroom and clean herself up a little before her afternoon classes started.
~ ~ ~
She had to stop on her way home to pick up a few things from the arts and crafts store to replenish her classroom supplies. As she waited to check out she heard someone call her name.
“Mrs Easton!” someone called. She turned to see Grace, one of her students with her mother in tow.
“Hi, Grace! Hello, Katie, isn’t it?”
“We’re going to make Christmas cards!” Grace said excitedly.
“Wonderful!” Shelly said.
“Gracie, could you excuse Mrs Easton and me for a moment? Go look at the Christmas crafts for a minute.”
“Okay Mom,” the child said.
“I remember where I know you from,” Katie said quietly.
“You and your husband rented a cabin out at Foote Lake two summers ago. You had a lot of sex while you were there.” Katie looked at her and bit her lower lip. “My husband and I watched you one night, he was very inspired!”
“Oh!” Shelly said. She stopped herself from telling this attractive woman that the man she’d been with was not her husband. “Glad we could help?”
“I especially enjoyed the afternoon those two college kids flipped their canoe accidentally on purpose right in front of you. I just wished you hadn’t gone inside to have your fun!”
“Oh, my!” was all Shelly could manage.
“Hey, I don’t judge! Whatever floats your boat!” Katie said quietly.
Shelly grinned as she blushed a little. She wasn’t ashamed of the things she did but this encounter reminded her that letting things get too close to home might have some unintended consequences like getting fired for violating morality rules for schoolteachers.
~ ~ ~
Shelly and Mark cuddled in the afterglow of physically expressing their passion for each other. While they both loved the adventurous lives they led with and without each other’s company, they loved these times when they were alone even more. With the others, it was just sex, pure and uninhibited pleasure just for the sake of it. When it was just the two of them, it was so much more.
“Remember that parent I told you about who said she knows me but couldn’t remember from where?” she asked.
“Yeah, what about her?”
“I ran into her today with her daughter. She told me that she remembered where she knows me from.
“Oh, where’s that?” he asked.
“That night at the lake when I was with Simon and we fucked outdoors on the grass, remember I told you in my letter that the couple across the lake watched us? That was her and her husband.” Shelly propped herself up on her elbow and looked at him.
“Oh. I guess that’s what they call chickens coming home to roost,” he grinned.
“Not funny, Mark! This is serious! If the school ever found out I behaved in that way, I’d get fired!”
“Oh, sorry!” he said, pulling her back down to hug her.
“She thinks I was with my husband,” she said. “You know what that means!”
“That I can’t ever meet her because she’ll know it wasn’t me you were with.”
“Exactly.” She sighed deeply. “Why do we never think of these things when we think with our libido? This could be so bad!”
“Don’t borrow trouble!” he cautioned her. “We might not ever have to cross that bridge, let alone figure out how to cross it!”
“But what if we’re out to dinner or on a date night and we bump into her? And what about the annual school picnic where the kids and parents get to meet the teachers’ partners? She’ll be there and you’ll be there and she’ll know I was with someone other than my husband in that cabin!”
“You are getting ahead of yourself!” he said after kissing the top of her head. “It was dark, she might not recognize that it wasn’t me you were with.”
“She recognized me,” Shelly protested.
“You are pretty unforgettable!” he whispered. “You are taller than most women and you have this gorgeous curvaceous body! You are very easy to remember!”
“I’m serious Mark! This could mean the end of my career!”
“I’m sorry. I’m just trying to find the silver lining here,” he said. He pulled her in tight. “What should we do about it?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “It just freaked me out a little.”
“Let’s sleep on it,” he said. “We can talk about it in the morning.”
“Okay,” she whispered. “I love you, Mark.”
“I love you too! Goodnight Sweetie!”
“Good night Sweetie!” she replied. She snuggled into his body and listened as his breathing slowed. She closed her eyes and eventually fell asleep. That night she dreamt that everyone had found out about her lifestyle and laughed as she was escorted away from the school. Her dream ended when she returned home to find Katie on her knees in front of her husband and Simon, taking turns sucking their cocks.
~ ~ ~
Shelly had 11 days off over the Christmas break during which they visited her family for a few days. Her parents’ house was full of people so, while they were able to maintain their routine of fucking at least once a day, they tried to be quiet about it. It was after she woke her husband with a blowjob and she shared his cum with him that he made a suggestion.
“I heard from Caroline last week, she wants to know if we’d like to join her for New Year’s Eve.”
“Why not? We don’t have any specific plans do we?” she asked.
“Well, we did tell Maggie and DJ we’d have them over during the holidays,” he reminded her.
“Oh, yeah! Right!” she said. “And Simon said he’d like to get together with us.”
“I think he said he wanted to get together with you, Sweetie!”
“He did say that!” she whispered as she laid back and closed her eyes, allowing the mental image of him to enter her mind. She might not be in love with him but she definitely still lusted after him and his eight-inch cock! “Would you mind if I spent just one night with him?”
“If that’s what you want, Sweetie,” he said. She kissed him deeply.
“You are so good to me!” she purred. “Very few husbands are secure enough or strong enough to share their wife with another man like that!”
“You know the rules,” he said.
“I do. And I will always come back to you!” She felt down to his cock to make sure he was hard again before climbing on top of him and sinking her pussy down over its length. “Would this New Year’s thing be with just Caroline or would her husband be there?”
“I don’t know,” he said as he felt her grind her clit against him. “Does it matter?”
“Well, I would like to see her make him suck your cock!” she growled.
~ ~ ~
Katie and her husband were out taking advantage of some of the Boxing Day sales when she spied Shelly and Mark walking out of a store that they were going to go into. “There she is but that man is not the man we saw her with at the lake,” Katie said.
“You don’t think?” her husband asked.
“No. That guy has darker hair and is taller. The man she was with at the lake was blonde,” she said. “Looks like Mrs Easton has a boyfriend!”
“Would you get your mind out of the gutter, please? That’s our daughter’s teacher you’re fantasizing about!”
“No, I think I’ll leave my imagination right where it is!” she replied. “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t like to have a go-around with her, she’s just your type!”
“She’s cute and I do like a girl who is round in all the right places!” he said as his hand moved to the inside of his wife’s thigh.
“I know you do!” she said as her hand found her husband’s cock. “Next time I get a chance I’m gonna drop a hint and see what happens!”
“That’s a little close to home, don’t you think?” he said.
“That’s what makes it exciting!” Katie grinned as she squeezed his cock.
“That couple at the resort last winter wasn’t enough for you?”
“They were amazing! But they awakened the beast in me!”
“Awakened the slut in you more like!” he said as his hand crept up to feel the warmth of her pussy.
“You always say the nicest things!” Katie said. “Fuck this shopping crap! Take me home and fuck me!”
“Whatever you say, Dear!” he said as he restarted the car. He followed Shelly and Mark’s car out of the parking lot.
“Follow them!” she ordered her husband. He dutifully did as she commanded and followed them at a distance. Soon, they turned onto a quiet street not all that far from their own home. “Pull up to their driveway!”
“Mrs Easton! Hi!” she called out as she put down the window. Shelly looked over and saw her. Her face dropped for a moment as she recognized the woman who had told her she’d seen her at the lake with Simon. Then she recovered and smiled brightly. She went over to the car, “Hi Katie! Please call me Michelle or Shelly. That’s what my friends call me!”
“Sure, Shelly,” she said. “How have your holidays been so far?”
“Good!” she said. “How’s Grace enjoying her time off?”
“She’s at her grandparents for a few days. We went there for Christmas and they offered to keep her so Grant and I could have some time to ourselves.”
“Oh, fun!” Shelly said. She waved her husband over. “This is my husband, Mark. Sweetie, this is Katie Montgomery and her husband Grant. Their daughter Grace is in my class.”
“Nice to meet you both,” Mark said.
“Do you guys have plans for New Year’s?” Katie asked. “We’re having a few people over and if you have nothing else on, you’re welcome to join us!”
“Thanks for offering but we’re going to visit friends in Denver. We leave the day after tomorrow!” Shelly said.
“Oh, too bad. Another time perhaps?”
“We’d like that!” Shelly said.
“Awesome! We should go. It was nice to see you! Nice to meet you, Mark!”
“You too! Say hi to Grace for me!” Shelly said as she waved to Grant.
“She will be disappointed she missed you, she always talks about how you’re her favourite teacher!”
“That’s so nice of you to say! She’s a special girl! Take care!” She watched as the older couple drove away. “Not a chance in hell I’m getting involved with the parents of one of my students!” she said to her husband.
~ ~ ~
“We’re not hosting anyone for New Year’s!” Grant said as he drove away.
“I had to dangle the hook in the water somehow!” Katie said. “We’ve set the line, now we wait to see what happens!”
“You are incorrigible!” he laughed.
“Insatiable, you mean! Especially since I discovered how much fun girls can be!”
“If you’d listened to me when I first suggested that you wouldn’t have had to wait all those years!” he said.
“I know! You were right! I hate to say it but you were right!”
“I hear it every day, Dear, it never gets old!” he teased.
“You’re an asshole!” she laughed.
~ ~ ~
“You never said how attractive Katie is,” Mark said to his wife after they ate dinner.
“I never thought you’d ever meet her,” Shelly replied.
“You don’t think she’s attractive?” he asked.
“I think she’s gorgeous!” Shelly said. “She is definitely your type!”
“You are my type!” he whispered as he moved behind her and put his arms around her, hefting the weight of her generous bosom. “All curvy and full and cuddly!”
“Mmmm, you have a month to stop that!” she purred as she turned her head to kiss him. “Her husband is pretty cute too!”
“I guess if you like tall and dark-haired with broad shoulders,” he teased.
“I’ll bet they’re a lot of fun!”
“I knew we’d get there before long!” he said. “You’d like to fuck him, wouldn’t you?”
“The thought had crossed my mind!” she said.
“Your dance card is pretty full for the next little while!” he reminded her.
“I know,” she said. “Speaking of which, we need to get ready, they’ll be here soon!”
Her husband helped her prepare by running her a warm bath and preparing the things she needed. A half-hour later she was ready and she called him into their bedroom. “What do you think?”
She was wearing a lilac-coloured, flower print bra and thong panties with a matching garter and white sheer stockings. Her dirty blonde hair was curled and brushed and her face was perfectly made up with dark smoky eyes and bright red lipstick. “DJ is going to love that look!” he told her as he moved to her to kiss her lightly on the lips.
“I told Maggie to pull out all the stops tonight! I want her super hot-looking for you!”
“Maggie would be super hot-looking if she were wearing a potato sack!” he said. “But even in the finest lingerie, she couldn’t hold a candle to you!”
“Aww, thank you, Sweetie!” she said as she gave him her brightest smile. She ran her hands along her bra, cupping her 38DDs, “I love the way this new lingerie fits my body! It makes me feel super sexy!”
“It makes you look super sexy too!” he whispered. “You’re gonna look so fucking hot when you and Maggie start kissing!”
“Maybe you should take a picture or two?” she suggested.
“If Maggie agrees, absolutely!”
It took all of his willpower to not throw his wife on the bed and ravish her as they waited for their friends to arrive. Shelly slipped a matching robe over her lingerie and sipped on the glass of wine he’d gotten for her, her lipstick leaving bright red marks on the rim of the glass. She looked at the lip prints and raised her eyebrows at Mark.
“It’s gonna look so amazing when I leave a ring of my lipstick around the base of DJ’s cock!”
“I’ll be sure to get a picture of that as well!” he said.
Shelly took out one of his letters and read it to get her libido warmed up, not that it needed much help, she was pretty much perpetually horny!
Saturday, August 26th, 2023
My darling Shelly,
You have been home for a week now after spending 14 days fucking your boyfriend and you haven’t shut up about him! Every day all day it’s “Simon’s cock this” or “Simon’s tongue that”, ordinarily, any man would get sick of hearing it. But as we know, what we have is far from ordinary, rather, it is the very definition of extraordinary! I am a man who enjoys listening to his bisexual and eternally horny wife tell him the stories of the men she’s fucked and the women whose pussies she’s licked or fingered! Don’t ever stop telling me those hot and lascivious tales for I will never tire of hearing them!
Last night was amazing as we tried to recreate having three cocks inside you at once. First, I slid your new toy into your pussy, the one you bought on your way home that reminded you of Simon’s eight-inch pole. Then I slipped your smaller one that you say reminds you of my cock into your perfect round bum. You laid on your back with a pillow propped against your bum to hold that one inside you while I fucked your perfect cunt with ‘Simon v2.0′, as you named it. Then you leaned your head back over the edge of the bed and took my cock into your throat and swallowed it whole.
I have to say, you are the best cocksucker who ever sucked a cock but last night you outdid yourself! The way you hungrily gobbled my hard shaft as I fucked your face and throat with it and then the scream you tried to belt out around it as you came over and over! It was the most intense feeling I can ever remember having. Hopefully, someday, we will get to recreate last night with three real cocks!
I have tried to come up with anything new that we haven’t tried before but I think we’ve checked off everything on our sexual bucket list. So I guess that leaves us limited to finding new partners with whom to share each other’s bodies as we seek out new adventures both together and separately. It is with that in mind that I suggest the following for our winter vacation in February.
How about we go to an adults-only, all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean? The pictures and videos I’ve seen and the stories I’ve read make it seem like the perfect place to find some new and exciting friends to have fun with. I have these images that go through my mind sometimes of you getting your body serviced by one man after another in an almost endless supply of long thick hard cocks until you beg me to make them stop. I know this must be a dream because I cannot imagine you ever begging anyone to stop fucking your tight pussy!
Just imagine, all the cock and pussy you can fuck, suck, lick, kiss and taste for seven consecutive days and nights and after each one I will happily clean any cum, male or female, from your body with my fingers, lips and tongue. Sounds heavenly!
Some people might say it’s weird or perverted to get such pleasure out of watching the woman I love have orgasm after orgasm from being with other people but that’s just who and what I am and that is what pleases me the most.
If we do decide to take that opportunity, any time you see someone you’d like to be with, go for it! If you have a chance to tell me beforehand, great, but don’t let that stop you! Your body, mind, and soul were perfectly designed to give and receive sexual pleasure, far be it from me to deny you any opportunity to fulfill the destiny for which you were created. All I ask is that you be open and honest with me about whatever adventures you have and to come back to me when it’s over. Do that and I will love you until the end of time!
I can hear you now in our bathroom, cleaning and preparing your body for me, for us, so we can draw the maximum amount of physical and emotional pleasure from each other’s bodies. In a few minutes, you will emerge and give your body to me as I will give mine to you and we will moan and sigh, scream and cry as we finger, stroke, lick, suck, tease and fuck every last ounce of erotic pleasure from each other and afterward, I will hold you close to me and revel in the thrill that you are mine, forever.
I hope I can live up to your needs, wants and expectations!
I love you, my wanton, horny, hotwife!
Your devoted husband,
Shelly’s fingers were dripping her slickness as she reread this letter from her husband. What a wonderful idea it was for them to write these lust letters to each other! Usually, they were an interesting way to get turned on in advance of a long, satisfying masturbation session but this letter filled her soul with emotion as she read it before welcoming their best friends for a night or two of gut-wrenching, heart-stopping, orgasmic sex. “He thinks he’s the lucky one!” she thought as she folded the paper and slipped it back into the envelope. She sipped her wine and looked at him before placing the envelope on the side table and looking at him busy himself preparing drinks and snacks for their friends and lovers.
She stood and went to him, her heels clicking on the polished hardwood. She slipped behind him and slid her arms around his waist, bringing them up and pulling him back into her body. “I don’t deserve you!” she whispered, as she always did upon seeing him after reading that particular letter. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek from behind, leaving a bright red mark on it from her lipstick.
He turned and kissed her softly so as not to mess up her perfect lips. “It’s like we were made for each other,” he said. “You, a devastatingly gorgeous woman who lives to give and receive pleasure and me, an ordinary man who lives to allow and enable you to do just that!”
“You are far from ordinary, Mr. Easton!” she said softly. “You are the most extraordinary man in the world!” She kissed him again as they heard their friends’ car enter the driveway. She smiled at him, “They’re heee-eere!”
He smiled back at her, “Do try to let the door close behind them before you start tearing off their clothes!”
~ ~ ~
While Shelly and Mark were greeting their friends, Katie and Grant were having their own fun. They were concentrating on saving for their daughter’s education so they chose to live in a smaller home than they would have liked. The downside of living in such a small home was that, with their daughter in the next room, they couldn’t be as free to express themselves out loud as they would have liked when they screwed. But tonight, she was at his parents’ house and they had the place to themselves.
Every so often, they would take her to the home of their parents or a family member for a sleepover and have a date night. They had developed a routine for these nights. It would start with dinner, either at a nice restaurant or exquisitely prepared at home, after which they would go dancing or to watch some live music. Then they would retire to the one household luxury they allowed themselves, the large whirlpool tub in their ensuite bathroom. They would bathe each other and clean each other’s private parts, trimming some of the hair and delicately removing the rest with a razor. Katie had sometimes thought that getting waxed would be easier but that would deny her husband the pleasure of grooming her pussy personally. She loved for him to do that, especially the little suckling kiss he would place on her clit before he pronounced himself done! Then they would help each other dry off and he would brush and blow dry her hair before leaving her alone to finish her preparations.
While she put the finishing touches on her makeup and donned her chosen lingerie from her rather extensive collection, he would prepare their bedroom by placing lit candles on every surface that would hold one, pour them each a glass of chilled white wine, and put on some soft music, usually jazz. Then he would wait for her to appear, a vision in sexy underthings and usually wearing four or five-inch heels so she matched his height. He would hand her glass to her, they would toast each other and their love, take a sip of the wine and he would take her in his arms and they would dance slowly, beginning to arouse each other with soft kisses that turned more passionate before they fell onto their bed and let their lust take over.
And so it was on this night. They sipped their wine and danced and kissed and fell onto the bed and made love. Katie in particular enjoyed their date nights because it meant she didn’t have to hold back when her husband made her cum. She pulled him tightly to her and screamed out her orgasms as she squirted long streams of clear fluid and her hips bucked and writhed. Then he would cum and that would trigger another screamer from deep inside her soul.
Usually, they would hold each other and fall asleep, often waking up in the night for another round. But on this night, after fantasizing about getting naked and superimposed with Shelly and watching her suck her husband’s cock, she laid her head on his chest and put her fantasies into words.
The previous summer after watching Shelly and who she thought was her husband at the cabin by the lake, she started fantasizing about her and her husband bringing another lover or two into their bedroom. They had talked about such things early in their relationship but after she got pregnant those conversations fell by the wayside as life became more complicated. Now at 35, she wanted to give it one more go to see if the stories she read on that naughty website were true.
It happened almost by accident. They had taken their daughter to his parents’ house and were out having dinner. Instead of going straight home, they decided to go for a few drinks and get a hotel room. As the evening progressed and the drinks flowed, she became horny and started whispering to her husband about the things she was going to do to him when they got to their room. Alcohol being the inhibition-lowering drug that it is, made her less discreet about the level and tone of her voice and they were overheard by the couple at the next table. When Katie excused herself to the washroom, the young woman followed her.
They greeted each other as they checked their makeup in the bathroom mirror. “Date night with your husband?” the young woman asked.
“Is it that obvious?” Katie laughed.
“It is when my husband and I can hear everything you’re saying,” she said. “I’m Leanne.”
“Hi Leanne, I’m Katie.”
“Katie, can I ask you a question?”
“Would you and your husband like to try something a little different tonight?”
“Different how?” Katie asked. Her inebriated state prevented her mind from processing quite quickly enough to catch up.
“Well, my husband and I were noticing you and yours. I think your husband is very cute and he thinks you’re flat-out gorgeous and we were wondering if you guys would like to come up to our room and have a little fun?”
Katie stopped and let her mind catch up. “By a little fun, you mean…”
Leanne leaned in and offered her lips to Katie. The next thing she knew, their tongues were playing tonsil hockey and Leanne’s hand was up her skirt. Their kiss broke and Katie looked at Leanne. “Let me talk to Grant!” She gathered herself and returned to their table to find Leanne’s husband talking to hers. Grant introduced her to Leanne’s husband, Mike, and Katie asked if she could speak to her husband privately.
“You’ll never guess what just happened!” she whispered into his ear.
“That young woman kissed you and asked us to join them in their hotel room,” he said flatly. She nodded, surprised that he had guessed correctly. It wasn’t until later that she learned that he had set the whole evening up but by that time it was too late.
“You want to?” she asked. He smiled and nodded to her before waving the other couple over. He kissed Katie and then placed her hand in Mike’s. He led her to the dance floor and before the song was over, they were kissing. Grant watched as a tall, broad-shouldered man went over to them and said something. He saw his wife blush and nod before she looked at Mike. He read her lips and the words she said were unmistakable. “Let’s go!”
That night was their first foray into another world and after swapping husbands with Leanne for blowjobs and a hard fuck, the two women wrapped themselves around each other’s bodies and Katie learned that she was no longer bi-curious. When they finished soaking the sheets of both of the queen beds in the other couple’s room, they all went to their own room and made a mess of those beds as well.
Katie opened one bleary eye as the alarm on her phone jolted her awake. She raised her head and noticed that the arm draped across her body was not that of her husband, it was tanned and had a tattoo on the forearm. She looked over to see her husband and a very pretty younger woman looking back at her, smiling before she rolled into him and kissed him. Then it all started coming back to her.
She watched as her husband and their new friend fucked in the next bed. She was a little shocked at first but then the scene began to arouse her. Just then, Mike stirred and she felt his hardness against her bum. She rolled over and, morning breath and all, started kissing him. He stopped her, excusing himself to the washroom before returning to her and telling her that maybe she should freshen up a bit before they continued. She got out of bed, somehow surprised that she was naked in front of strangers and then realized that they were not really strangers after all.
She did her business and had a quick wash before swishing some mouthwash around and having a drink of water. She went back into the room and Mike held the covers open for her to slip in beside him. “We have some catching up to do,” he said, motioning to the other bed where her husband was just mounting his wife from behind.
By this time her mind had stopped spinning and she had caught up. “Let’s just watch and then they can watch us!” she said. She settled in beside him and they lay on their sides watching their spouses wring another orgasm from each other. After Grant filled her pussy with his cum, they cuddled for a bit until Leanne looked over at them and smiled.
“So are you going to fuck my husband or not?”
“I think so!” Katie said and she rolled into Mike’s embrace. Instead of copying what the others did, they manoeuvred themselves into that favourite position that allowed them to service each other orally. Katie loved sucking cock and Mike confirmed to his wife that she was very good at it, mumbling something about giving her some tips! Katie came at least twice before he did and as she licked his cum from her lips, he excused himself to the washroom.
The cool air barely had time to hit her body before Leanne joined her. Pulling the covers up, she kissed Katie, “Mmm, my husband is delicious! Perhaps you’d like to taste how your husband’s cum tasted from my pussy!”
“What a fine idea!” Katie whispered before kissing her lips and then making her way down the younger woman’s body. Leanne had the last orgasm of the morning as Katie licked and sucked her husband’s cum, leaving Leanne’s pussy as clean as she could make it.
They showered with their own spouses and as he lathered her breasts, Katie placed her hands over his. “Can you fucking believe what we just did?”
“Did you have fun?” he asked her.
“Do you think?” she laughed loudly. “If I’d have known fucking women was so much fun, I would have done it years ago!” She kissed her husband. “Maybe we should do this again sometime!”
“Maybe we should!” he said. They kissed again before finishing washing each other and relinquishing the bathroom to their new friends and lovers.
After everyone was cleaned up and dressed, they looked at each other. As he had done the night before, he took his wife’s hand and placed it into Mike’s before taking Leanne’s hand and pulling her close. “This was fun!” she whispered between kisses. He looked over and saw his wife’s lips leave Mike’s as she looked up at him and smiled. “Maybe we could exchange numbers and get together again sometime?” he suggested. Leanne shook her head.
“We don’t do repeat engagements. We did that once and it turned out bad when the other guy asked me to run away with him. It’s one night only for us after that.” She kissed him again, “I had a great time!”
“Me too!” Grant whispered. He looked over and saw his wife moving away from Mike and coming back to him. They watched as the other couple picked up the last of their things and bid them farewell. When they were alone, Katie kissed her husband.
“Any regrets?” she asked. He shook his head.
“You?” he asked.
“Are you kidding? Did you actually look at the body on that woman? And the way she made me feel when she was licking my pussy? I was in heaven!” She kissed her husband hard. “That might have been our first time but I sure hope it wasn’t our last!”
“I agree,” Grant laughed. “You know the old saying, ‘Great minds think alike!’”
She finished the saying, ‘And fools seldom differ!’” She kissed him again. “You sit down and relax and let your bisexual wife suck your cock!”