After yet another hot day on the nude beach, the night air was still warm when we walked to the restaurant. We all dressed casually in shorts and tops, except for Gaynor who opted for a silky white dress patterned with pink swirls. There wasn’t much material: spaghetti straps and a skirt ending at mid-thigh. It left plenty of caramel-tan flesh on view and, with every hip-swaying stride, the skirt clung to the contours of her long, shapely thighs.
We didn’t drink as much wine as the girls. They had another three days in the resort but we had a morning flight and I always avoid too much alcohol on the night before flying. When the girls invited us into their apartment for a final drink, I was reluctant but Tony glanced at his wristwatch and said, “Okay, thanks. But just the one.”
Charlie supplied the drinks: brandy over ice for Tony and rather large glasses of white wine for we girls. Clinking glasses, Gaynor toasted, “Happy holidays. Very nice to have met you both.”
“Yes, same here,” I said. “It’s been wonderful.”
Gaynor smiled at me and ran her tongue around her lips. Her brown eyes stared straight at me as she said, “I’ll let you have my phone number, Jen. We don’t live very far from each other and we could meet up some time.” She paused. “If you like, that is.”
I thought of the photograph of the large black cock stored on Gaynor’s phone and her offer to fix up a meeting. It was an offer I was keen – no, not keen, anxious and desperate is more accurate – to accept.
“Yes, that’d be good,” I said quickly and sipped my wine. Just thinking about my fantasy of being fucked by a giant cock excited me. Now the possibility that it could become reality had my heart racing and my pussy leaking.
Tony looked at me with a quizzical frown. We didn’t usually swap contacts at the end of holiday encounters. But he didn’t know that this situation was different, very different indeed.
“Yes, it’d be nice to meet up again sometime,” said Charlie and added, “You could visit us. It’d be best before the end of summer. We’ve got a nice pool and we could have a BarBQ. . . ”
“Whoa, slow down Charlie,” interrupted Gaynor with a husky chuckle. “We’ve all got busy lives and these things need arranging.”
“Yes, I know but . . . ”
“No buts,” said Gaynor. “Jen and I will swap numbers and take it from there. Okay?”
Charlie nodded as Tony finished his brandy and got up from his chair. “Okay, that’s it then,” he declared. “We’ve got a taxi coming at nine in the morning so I think it’s time for us to love and leave you.”
He kissed Gaynor and then Charlie on their cheeks and looked at me. I still had a good measure of wine in my glass. “You go along,” I said, raising my glass in his direction. “I’m not going to rush this. I’ll be there in ten minutes or so.”
When Tony had gone, Gaynor got her phone and I recited my number to her. “Good, I’ll text you later and then you’ll have my number as well.”
Charlie had stripped off her clothes, slid open the balcony door and gone out to sit in the balmy night air. We joined her to finish our drinks and she said, “Why don’t you pair got undressed?”
“Not me,” I said, “I’ve got to leave here soon and get next door. You never know who might see me out front.”
“No need to use the front door, Jen. You could easily straddle over this fence thing,” she said, nodding at the waist-high wrought-iron railing that separated our two balconies. “Tony’s already opened your door a little to let the air in.”
As I debated, Gaynor put down her drink and swiftly lifted the flimsy dress over her head. Her huge, firm tits jiggled and I saw in the half-light that she was naked, no pants or bra. She stepped out of her mules and said, “That’s better.”
“Better? Blow me, you’ve hardly been wearing anything all night,” I said. “Just that little thin dress which is not much more than a handkerchief anyway.”
“Ah, but no clothes at all is best in this heat, isn’t it?”
So, I stepped out of my shorts, whipped off my blouse and was left standing in shoes and purple panties, no bra. I sighed as a warm breeze caressed my tanned body.
Gaynor reached out to grasp my left hand and said, “Just had a thought, come with me.”
We went back inside the apartment and she picked up her phone. “Think we need a picture of you to show my friend.”
“Oh,” I said. “Is that necessary?” I wasn’t sure about having a near-naked photo of me on someone’s phone.
“No, not necessary but it will help,” said Gaynor. “When he sees you in all your glory I know he’ll be keener than mustard to meet you.”
“I don’t know, Gaynor. I trust you and all that but what if it somehow got in the wrong hands. It’s a bit too risky, I think.”
Gaynor didn’t speak, just looked at the phone in her hand. Then she looked up, her brown eyes staring directly into mine, and said, “I’ll take one shot and, if you don’t like it, if you’re not at all comfortable, I’ll delete it. Okay?”
I thought, sucked on my inner cheek and then nodded.
“Okay,” smiled Gaynor. “Hop up on the bed and kneel with your back to me.”
I did as she asked. “No, not on all fours. You’re not going have a doggy fuck.” She laughed. “Sit up and back on your legs, hands on your thighs.”
I complied with her directions. “That’s it,” she said. “Right, now keep your back straight . . . that’s great. Fold your arms and bring them up under your lovely tits . . . that’s it, wonderful. Now look down slightly to your left, keep your back straight. . . . great, hold still.”
I heard the click of the phone and soon Gaynor gave a low whistle. “Wow, that’s hot. Look at you,” she said, handing me the phone.
“Mmmm,” I said. “That is good.”
The picture angle was slightly from rear left. My pantie-clad cheeks looked firm and round as I sat back on my heels, and my tanned back was shapely with just a glimpse of a boob in the crook of my arm. My hair fell forward, concealing most of my face. I knew I couldn’t be recognised. Even Tony might struggle to identify me. Well, perhaps not. After more than 12 years I reckon he knows every inch of me.
“What d’you think?”
“Yes, it’s fine,” I said. “But promise me you’ll keep it to yourself. Don’t go flashing it about or sending it to anyone.”
“Course not,” said Gaynor, putting a hand on my shoulder and giving me a gentle squeeze. “Trust me. I’ll show it to my friend, that’s all.”
“Okay, then.”
“Then again, I will be looking at it myself quite a lot.” And a broad smile flashed sparkling white teeth. “Yes, quite a lot, I think. Ah, memories, memories,” she said with a slow shake of her head.
I studied Gaynor’s face and glanced down at her breasts, the flat stomach with the ruby jewel in her navel, her round hips and the dark curly bush. I recalled the taste of her pussy juices from a few days ago, my first experience of same-sex love. The memory of Gaynor between my thighs, licking. . . The moment was shattered when Charlie cried out in a stage whisper, “Have you pair done in there yet?”
I clambered off the bed and Gaynor led the way out to the balcony. Still thinking about the session with Gaynor, I finished my drink, noticing a slight tremor in my hand. I’m like a bitch on heat, I thought.
Placing the empty wine glass on the table I said, “Thanks a lot but I really must be going now. I need my sleep before tomorrow’s flight.”
Charlie and I exchanged kisses on our cheeks. Her skin was cool in the night breeze but I felt my face was flushed. Gaynor took me in her arms and our breasts squashed against each other as we hugged. I felt her tummy and pubic bone pushing into me as she kissed my cheek and then lips. Then we parted and I walked to the dividing fence. Gaynor held my hand to steady me as I cocked my right leg over the iron railing, followed by my left.
Gaynor handed me my clothes and blew a kiss. “I’ll be in touch, Jen.”
“Look forward to it,” I said and stepped into the cool of my apartment, more than a little flustered.
Tony was already asleep, breathing heavily but not snoring. I tip-toed to the bathroom, sat on the loo and fingered my wet slit. I rubbed and tweaked my clit and, within seconds, I had a minor orgasm. Was it Gaynor? Was it the anticipation of the big cock? Was it a mixture of both? I shook my head, none the wiser. I just knew that I had been aroused and needed that quick masturbatory relief.
I peed, wiped myself, washed my hands and brushed my teeth. As I entered the bedroom, my phone on the nightstand beep-beeped. A text message. It was an unknown number but when I opened the message I knew it was from Gaynor. I saved her number to my contacts list and the photo of a big black cock to my picture file.
Within a couple of days of returning home, the demands of business dominated our lives. It was almost as if we’d never been on holiday as Tony tackled one problem after another. In our absence, one mechanic had quit. For some weeks, a marked slowing down in car hire had been a cause of concern and this continued. Van hire was still flourishing but two vehicles had been involved in separate incidents which left them extensively damaged. Repairs, even through our own garages, would take some time and it was costly having them off the road.
“It’s just one thing after another,” Tony said as we drank a post-dinner brandy.
He’d told me that our head mechanic Jim had a mate who could fill the vacancy in that department but Tony was concerned about the car hire section. “Don’t know what to do about that,” he said. “Our prices are competitive but the demand is definitely down. And it’s summer. Dread to think what it’ll be like come the winter.”
Historically, summer was the best time for car hire, mainly because of holidays, and I shared Tony’s concerns. But I tried to be optimistic. “Perhaps it’s just a blip, just one of those things. It could all improve just as quickly without us doing anything.”
Tony sipped his brandy and stared into his glass. “It would be good to believe that,” he sighed. Then, with a quick grin, he said, “But enough of that, Jen. Why don’t we put on a film and forget all about work?”
“Sounds good to me, honey,” I said. “There’s already a new DVD in the machine waiting to be played.”
“Right,” said Tony and reached for the remote. We snuggled up close on the sofa and he pressed the “play” button. “Aaah,” he said as the credits rolled, “another of your big cock specials.”
“Yes,” I said, pulling down his trouser zip and inserting my right hand. His cock immediately responded. “What more could a girl want than to look at big cocks and at the same time feel her man’s warm, thick tool?”
Tony bent to kiss the top of my head and slipped an arm around my shoulders, hugging me and then resting his left hand on my round left tit. My nipple hardened against my bra as his fingers almost casually brushed across my blouse. I lifted his cock out of his trousers and slowly rubbed my fingers up and down his thickening shaft.
At that moment, a monster black cock with enormous helmet appeared on screen and I let out a little gasp and squeezed Tony’s cock harder. A petite woman, dressed in the cliche schoolgirl outfit and with her ginger hair sporting pig-tails, slobbered over the dome until she was lifted onto a bed. Her virginal white kickers were quickly and roughly pulled down over knee-length white socks and discarded. The man grabbed both ankles, spread her legs wide and poised his massive knob at her hairless pussy. I held my breath, stopped masturbating Tony and watched enthralled and amazed as, without any preamble or lubrication, the big head disappeared, causing the woman to yell, “Fucking sheeet, ooooh fucking hell.”
Tony moved his arm from my shoulders. His fingers, which had toyed with my nipple, now tugged aside my panties and started to slide along my wet slit. I resumed rubbing Tony’s firm erection as the monster on screen pushed deeper and deeper, slid back and forth, then deeper still, pussy lips clinging to the impressive girth. Suddenly, bringing another gasp from me and a cry from the heroine on screen, the entire length snaked in. Balls slapped heavily against her raised cheeks as the mammoth tool drove up and down, in and out, relentlessly. Now the woman rocked her hips to meet each thrust and I could only marvel at the way she enthusiastically accommodated the exceptional length and girth. Oh, if that was only me!
I felt Tony’s cock pulsing in my palm and he wriggled, thighs taut. I increased hand speed and murmured, “C’mon honey, let it go, shoot it all for me.”
Seconds later, I said, “Oh my god, oh yes, that’s tremendous. . . ”
Tony’s cum had spurted fiercely – jetting three or four streams – splashing on my right thigh and drooling stickily down my hand and between my fingers. But, on screen, the huge cock had been withdrawn in time to release powerful soaring arcs of semen which landed on belly, tits, face and hair. At that sight, I bucked my hips, pushing my clit against Tony’s fingers, and came with a great sigh of relief and pleasure. We both sat panting, my hand around Tony’s subsiding cock and his fingers crooked in my sopping pussy.
We stared at the close-up on the screen of the woman’s gaping hole and I wondered, yet again, just how that must feel.
Tony kissed my lips. “Thanks, that was great,” he said.
“Mmmm, thank you,” I said as the action on screen changed. A buxom black woman was on her knees surrounded by a group of six or seven naked men. All sported throbbing erections. None looked less than eight inches.
As the woman began to suck, lick and use both hands on the gathered joy sticks, Tony asked, “Want to try your dildo, Jen?”
“Think I just might,” I smiled, automatically opening my thighs at the thought of the 11inch black toy. I stripped off as Tony fetched my monster from the bedroom.
With practice, I had become more relaxed with the huge plastic dong but it still hurt on penetration and this night was no exception. It took a minute or so and lots of lube before my pussy was stretched enough to admit entrance. When I’d eventually got about half the length inside, I wriggled forward to the edge of the sofa and stood up. I turned to face Tony and his gaze immediately fell to my pussy and the black toy hanging out of it.
“What do you think? Does that look good, honey?”
Tony, too, was now naked and I noticed his cock twitching. “Yes, your pussy looks heavenly. You really can take it now, can’t you?”
In reply, I raised my right leg, bent at the knee, and placed my foot on the arm of the sofa. The dildo was still firmly wedged in my tunnel. The noise of sucking and slurping coming from the screen was simply an erotic background accompaniment as, with both hands, I pulled the thick baton up my tender but eager hole. Tony began to play with his burgeoning cock and it was soon stoutly standing to attention. I needed only a few long strokes of my black friend to start an orgasm building. Before I was too far along, I hastily withdrew the tool, dropped it on the floor and quickly straddled a somewhat startled but happy Tony. His throbbing flesh easily slid into my yawning cavern and I rode him feverishly. Although there was a void and looseness after being stretched so wide, I managed to contract enough to feel Tony’s proud cock.
“Oh yes, Tony, that feels great,” I yelled in encouragement as I bobbed up and down, my hands behind me on his thighs and my tits bouncing in front of his face. When he expanded before release, I gratefully felt his engorged dome deep in me. The hot blast of soaking fluid could not have come at a better time. I, too, squirted and collapsed forward onto his shoulder. Tony wrapped his arms around me. Again we were breathing heavily as our mingled juices oozed out, dampening his pubic hairs and forming slick lines on my inner thighs.
“Now, that was great,” I whispered breathlessly in Tony’s ear.
And I meant it. But, once again, I couldn’t help imagining what it would feel like to have a truly big cock filling me, fucking me and finally erupting, flooding me with hot cum.
Yes, I admitted to myself, it was now an obsession and one that wouldn’t go away. I’d settle for just the one experience. Honest!
It was a Saturday, almost three weeks later, when Gaynor telephoned. I was in the garden, reclining topless on a lounger, when the call came. I was immediately excited – and yet nervous – when I looked at the caller identity.
“Hi Gaynor, how are you?”
“Smashing thanks, Jen,” came the husky voice. “Been a bit busy since we got back so that’s why I haven’t rung sooner.”
“Oh, that’s okay. It’s been a bit hectic around here as well. A few problems with the business needed sorting.”
“Nothing serious, I hope.”
“No, no, not really. Just business, you know. There’s always something. Anyway, everything’s fine.”
“That’s good then.” After a brief pause, she asked: “Are you okay to talk at the moment? You know, personal stuff?”
“Yes, “ I said. “Matter of fact, I’m lazing out here in the garden all on my own, topping up my tan and getting through a bottle of Shiraz. Tony’s gone off to play golf.”
“Sounds like a nice day. Charlie and I have got a double date tonight so I thought I’d call you before starting to pamper myself. Must look good for the clients.”
“I’m sure you’ll look wonderful, both of you,” I said, bringing to mind Gaynor’s caramel-complexion and awesome figure.
Gaynor chuckled, a throaty rattle. “Yeah, right you are, Jen.” Another pause, then, “Anyway, the reason for the call. . . ”
Pressing the phone to my ear, I felt sweat on my palm. The big cock photo guy! Was it possible? Had he said yes?
“I spoke to my friend and he fell in love with your picture. I told him you were much, much better in the flesh. Sooo,” she dragged it out, “are you still willing and wanting? Or is that a stupid question?”
Was I willing? Yes, of course. I was over-the-moon-ecstatic at the prospect of turning my fantasy into reality.
“Yes, I sure am.” My heart-beat was racing and I wiped my brow with the back of my free hand.
‘Thought as much. Now then, one thing, does Tony know yet?”
“Er, no, he doesn’t,” I replied slowly. “To be honest, that is a serious problem. I really don’t know how to approach him, how to tell him or even ask him. I just don’t know what to do.”
“I see. Do you think he’ll be upset? To be honest, I thought he was a guy who would support you, be happy for you to have what you want in the sex department.”
“He supports me absolutely, Gaynor. As I told you, we have a very active sex life and have shared lots of experiences. But, we’ve never been with anyone else. I don’t know whether he’d go along with that or not.”
“How would you feel about him being with another woman?”
I considered the question, knew what Gaynor was hinting: What if the shoe was on the other foot? If he had a fantasy? “Truthfully, I don’t know. It would depend on circumstances, I think. I can’t actually picture Tony fucking with anyone else but, I daresay, he feels the same about me. Difficult, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is. It’s a problem. But, Jen, and this is the point, if you’re ever going to have your way with a big cock, it’s a problem you’ve got to overcome. Otherwise, it will never happen, will it?”
“No, no, you’re right, I suppose.” We were both silent for a few seconds. “Got any ideas?” I asked.
“Other than you just asking Tony straight out?”
“Yes, other than just blurting it out. Any suggestions?”
“I’ve got one. But, tell me, if he says ‘no’ is that it? Will you forget all about your fantasy?”
It was one hell of a question. “Now that’s putting me on the spot, Gaynor. After twelve years of happy marriage, I’d like to think I would go along with Tony’s decision. But I do keep thinking about being fucked by a big cock. In fact, I’m going crazy thinking about it. Even now as we speak I’m getting wet. Bloody hell, Gaynor, what am I gonna do?”
“Calm down, girl,” said Gaynor with another chuckle. “You’ll have a heart attack carrying on like that.”
I laughed lightly into the phone. “It’s okay for you to talk. I bet you’ve had a big cock and know what it’s all about.”
“That’s the truth, Jen. I’ve had me a few in my time and I expect to have a few more before I’m done.” Her husky laugh filled my ear. “Okay, Jen, listen up. Two Saturday’s from now, Charlie and I are having a summer party. You know, a few drinks and bits to eat around the pool. Just a few friends, no more than a dozen all told and we want you and Tony to come. You can stop overnight if you wish.”
“Sounds lovely,” I said. “I’ll tell Tony tonight. But what about. . . ”
Gaynor cut in, “This is my plan. My friend is invited, of course, and I’ll tell him about your situation with Tony. What I suggest is that we just see what happens, go with the flow, see how things develop or not on the day. No pressure, no need to say anything to Tony if you don’t want.”
“Mmm, I see what you’re saying.” I thought a bit more. “I’m not quite sure how I’ll feel or behave knowing that there’s a man there ready to feed me his big cock. But, okay, I think that’s a plan we can work with, Gaynor. Well done and thanks.”
“No problem, Jen. And, by the way, my friend is a professional escort but there’ll be no charge if you two do get it on.”
“Oh, I’d never thought about that. How naive of me!”
Gaynor laughed again. “Never mind, Jen, just have a word with Tony about the party and let me know. Stopping overnight would be fab. It’ll be good to see you again.”
“Yes, sure, and you too. Give our love to Charlie.”
“Of course – and ours to Tony.”
“Okay, Gaynor, thanks for the call and arranging everything. Oh, by the way, what’s your friend’s name?”
“Ah,” said Gaynor. “His professional name is Justin. It’s a bit of a joke really, a play on words, because when he’s performing I can tell you he’s more than just in.”
She laughed loudly and then said, “With that thought I’ll leave you. Bye, talk to you later.”
The party plan hit an immediate snag. The date clashed with Championship weekend at Tony’s golf club. They play 36-holes – a round on Saturday and another on Sunday – and it is the biggest competition of the summer. And one that Tony never misses.
My heart sank when Tony pointed out the clash. “Well, never mind,” I said quietly. “It would have been nice to see them again and have a weekend away. But your golf comes first.”
“Perhaps they’ll invite us another time,” said Tony, smiling hopefully.
“Mmm, maybe, who knows? Anyway, that’s that. I’ll give Gaynor a call tomorrow and let her know the bad news.” I stressed ‘bad news’ and my voice clearly expressed disappointment.
Tony looked at me for a few seconds. “Why don’t you go?”
“What, without you?”
“Yes, why not? After all, I think they’re mainly your friends. It’s a woman’s thing, isn’t it? I doubt whether they’ll miss me. It’s you they really want to see.”
“No, the invitation is for us both. . . ”
“Look,” Tony interrupted, “of course they would invite us both.
I pondered what Tony had said. Being honest, I was totally swayed by the big cock prospect. I didn’t think too objectively and didn’t really consider what might happen. The possible consequences never crossed my mind. At that moment, I was too excited to be rational.
“Okay, Tony, I think you’re right. It could work out to be perfect.”
On the Friday afternoon before the big weekend, I had a good workout at the gym and Tony took me out for dinner at my favourite Italian restaurant.
By the time we got home and prepared for bed, he was obviously quite horny. His cock was already semi-erect when he got under the duvet and I teased him. “I thought you athletes had to avoid sex before an important match,” I said, casually fondling his balls and planting a kiss on his nose.
“Stuff that nonsense,” he said, introducing one then two two fingers into me. “I’m not an athlete and, if I was, I’d give up if I couldn’t make love to my beautiful wife whenever I fancied.”
“You’re a sweet-talking man,” I said and twenty or so minutes later we both lay on our backs, perspiring and sated. It had been a good session, mutual foreplay evolving into the doggy position, then reverse cowboy and, finally, missionary, which is still my favourite.
I thought how fortunate I was to have such a loving, caring husband and lover. “If you play golf half as good as you’ve just performed, you’ll be champion this weekend,” I said softly.
“Now who’s sweet talking?” he laughed, his right hand playfully squeezing my left thigh.
Thankfully I didn’t encounter any problems on the morning drive. SatNav behaved itself with accurate directions and the sun appeared to greet me as I reached the picturesque hamlet where Gaynor and Charlie lived. Having gone through the village centre with its sprinkling of shops, I turned at the next left onto a tree-lined avenue where houses were set-back from the road. I pulled up at the entrance to the third house on the right and confirmed the number on the gate-post before proceeding up a drive to the huge red-brick house.
Admiring the extensive exterior of the property through my windscreen, I switched off the engine and opened the door. At the same instant, Charlie, in matching white shorts and crop top, emerged from the house and trotted towards me, arms spread wide.
“Great to see you,” she said, enveloping me into a warm hug and then leaning back, our hands clasped. “You do look well, Jen. Love the outfit.”
I wore a lemon skirt which hugged my hips and firm buns but was free-flowing in pleats from the crotch. My white cotton top was sleeveless, cut square and low enough across my chest to reveal a hint of cleavage.
“Well thanks. You look great, too, Charlie. Looks like the sun’s bleached your hair since I last saw you.”
“Nah,” she said, shaking her head. “It’s had a little help from the hairdressers. But there’s nothing else false about me.” She giggled. “C’mon let’s get inside. Didn’t have any trouble finding us, did you?”
“No, very straightforward.” I leaned into the car and removed my overnight bag from the passenger seat. “Is it okay to park here?”
“Sure, perfect. C’mon, I’ll show you around.”
The house was huge. Five bedrooms, all en suite, a dining room with table-settings for twelve, vast kitchen with breakfast bar, and a lounge with patio doors opening on to a lush green lawn and kidney-shaped pool. Chairs, loungers and tables were scattered around the area and mature trees and a wooden fence ensured privacy.
My room had a small balcony and it overlooked the pool. “Like it?” asked Charlie.
I nodded. “It’s a lovely room. In fact, the whole house is beautiful. The escort business must pay well.” Oops. I put my hand to my mouth. “Oh, I’m sorry Charlie, that’s rude of me.”
“Not at all,” she said, a grin on her elfin face. “The business does pay well but this place isn’t ours. Well, it is, but not really.”
I was puzzled at the contradiction and Charlie quickly added, “Sorry, I’m confusing you, aren’t I? I’m like that, I’m afraid. Bit scatty and don’t always stop to think what I’m saying. But I’m sure you know that from our holiday together.”
I smiled as Charlie frowned in serious thought. “What I mean to say is, we don’t own the place. We rent it.” Then she giggled. “A perk of the job, really.”
“Oh,” I said and waited for an explanation.
“Yep, a client of mine owns this place. He’s a very, very wealthy widow, worth multi-millions. He lives away most of the year. He’s got mansions and apartments around the world. Some are private and some are investments. Like the holiday apartments we had. An agency leases them out and some big travel companies have options on them for high season.”
“Right,” I said. “We’ve always fixed our own flights and booked the apartment through an on-line booking company.”
“Yep,” Charlie nodded. “That’s how it works. We can stay anytime there as long as it’s not booked. Another perk, eh?” Before I could answer, Charlie switched direction. “Empty your bag and come down when you’re ready. I’ll be around the pool.”
“Right,” I said. “Is Gaynor about?”
“Ah, no, not at the moment. She was working last night but she’s due back any time soon.” She paused and then shrugged her shoulders, her small but perky boobs quivering with the movement. “There’s been a slight change of plan but we’ll tell you about that in a bit. See you at the pool.”
And she left the room, leaving me perplexed. Change of plan? Why didn’t Charlie stop to explain, tell me what’s happening? Oh well, as she says, she is a bit scatty and sometimes speaks before fully engaging brain.
It took only minutes to unload my bag. Gaynor had said the weekend would be totally informal and I hadn’t packed much in the way of clothes: casual tops, a pair of shorts and a bikini. Plus what I was wearing and pairs of panties, no bra.
The big house was very quiet as I descended the stairs into the hall, strode through the lounge and out into the garden. The sun was hot and Charlie was sitting up on a lounger, two tall glasses of wine and a bottle in an ice bucket on the table at her side. She was – surprise, surprise! – naked, except for owl-like sunglasses.
I walked to the spare lounger next to the drinks table and picked up a glass. “Cheers,” I said and Charlie mimicked the action. “Mmm, that’s nice. Cool and dry.”
“You’re overdressed, Jen. Why don’t you get comfortable?”
I smiled. “I’ve brought a bikini but I wasn’t sure what to do. I mean, you’ve said there’s been a change of plans.”
“Did I? Oh yes, I did.” Charlie paused. “Truth is, I shouldn’t have said anything. Gaynor was going. . . ”
Before she could complete the sentence, a familiar husky voice rumbled across the lawn, “There you are.”
Gaynor, clad in tight stonewashed jeans and denim shirt which was tied in a bow under her bouncy breasts, kicked off her heels and walked barefoot across the lawn towards us. We hugged, kissed lips briefly, and Gaynor said, “It’s great to see you, Jen. Everything okay?”
“Fine,” I said, “lovely to be here. It’s a great house.”
“Yep, all thanks to Charlie here,” and she leaned down to kiss her friend.
“Yes, she told me about the perks of the job.”
Gaynor smiled. “So, how’s Tony? Pity he couldn’t come.”
“He’s fine.” I glanced at my wristwatch. It was just approaching noon. “He’ll be at the club now and thinking of nothing but golf. If I’m not careful, I could become a golf widow very easily, you know.”
They both laughed. “Doubt that very much,” said Gaynor. “Not with a beautiful, desirable wife like you. I’m sure your holes give him more pleasure than any of those at his golf course.”
It was my turn to laugh.
“I’ve told Jen there’s been a change of plans,” said Charlie. “Sorry, didn’t mean to. It just came out. Sorry.”
Gaynor shook her head and familiar gold hooped earrings bumped against her cheeks. “Ah well, what do you think, Jen?”
“Think? I asked.
Charlie butted in, “No, I didn’t tell Jen what’s happening. Just that we’d had a change of plan.”
“Right,” said Gaynor and looked at me, brown eyes sizing up my skirt and top, and then glancing at her naked friend. “Think we’re both overdressed here. Let’s get rid of these clothes and I’ll explain what’s going on.” She reached for my hand and led me back to the cool of the house.
As we climbed the stairs, Gaynor asked whether I’d brought swimwear. She thought the bikini was a good idea for later. For now, be naked. So, I slipped out of my clothes, and stood in front of the full-length mirror.
“Perfect, lovely,” came the husky voice from the doorway. I turned and naked Gaynor smiled at me. “I’ve missed you,” she said.
I felt my face flush and Gaynor quickly said, “My, I do believe I’ve embarrassed you.”
I gave a corner-of-the-mouth weak smile. “I’ve often thought about, well, that day when I wasn’t well and how you, well, looked after me.”
“Jenny, Jenny, no need to be nervous or shy,” said Gaynor crossing the room and pulling me into a hug. She kissed my cheek and she ran fingers lightly down my spine. After a few moments, Gaynor broke the silence. “We’ve got all weekend and I know you’re here for something special.”
She leaned back and stared into my eyes. As I began to speak, she put a forefinger to my lips. “Shush now, Jen. Don’t say anything. You want a big cock and you shall have a big cock. But, before you leave, we will be together again. Okay?”
It was my turn to pull Gaynor into a hug. Our breasts squashed against each other and my pussy mound nestled on her thigh. “Okay,” I muttered into her shoulder. “But what’s the change of plans?”
Lounging around the pool, drinks in hand, Gaynor explained the schedule. Originally, it would have been a pool party with guests arriving from two o’clock. Now it would not start until five and, instead of a dozen or so guests, it was restricted to nine. The other six were: the millionaire owner of the house and two other agency girls, the couple from next door – and Justin.
At the sound of his name, I reached for my wine. I sipped – no, gulped – and my chest heaved dramatically as I inhaled deeply in an attempt to control my excitement and expectations. The truth was now hitting home. In a few short hours, I would be meeting Justin, the big cock photo man, in the flesh. Oh God, what to do? I so want the experience. But what about Tony? Could I really go behind his back to satisfy my craving, my lust, my fantasy, my curiosity? In fact, would I commit adultery?
You silly woman, I thought. Here you are, naked on a lounger, having travelled with one purpose in mind – and now you’re getting cold feet. Tony will never know, one voice said in my head. But you will, said another. I closed my eyes and leaned back, arguing with myself until I remembered Gaynor’s words, “Go with the flow, see how things develop or not.” Yes, that’s what I’ll do.
Caterers arrived at four and that was the signal for we girls to shower and prepare to party. “Bikini time,” said Gaynor, adding, “I’ve put a kimono-style wrap on your bed for you.”
I was selecting a few grapes at the buffet table when the neighbours arrived. A couple in their mid-forties I estimated. John and Helen and both wore robes and deck shoes.
Next to come through the patio doors, with Charlie hanging on his arm, was Mr Millionaire. He had slicked-back thinning hair, carried a little weight on his medium frame, and a thick gold chain nestled among his greying chest hairs. He was heavily bronzed. About 60, I thought, as Charlie approached and declared in her best socialite voice, “Evan this is Jen, our latest new friend.”
“Enchanted,” said Evan, taking my hands and kissing the backs of both. He wore a sparkling diamond ring on the pinky of his right hand. “You are lovely, my dear, and we shall get to know each other better, I’m sure.”
I nodded and smiled at this confident man. “My pleasure to meet you.”
Evan grinned, one gold tooth in the upper right corner of his mouth. “I understand your husband cannot be here with us. That’s a shame.”
“Yes,” I said, surprised that he knew anything about me or why I was alone. “Guess I’m a bit of a golf widow.”
“I don’t believe that for one moment. I think this must be a rare, one-off occasion,” he said, smiling and giving me a knowing nod of his head and heading for the bar.
Trailing in his wake were a willowy blonde with long legs and a curvy Asian girl whose raven tresses stopped just short of her jiggling buttocks. Both wore bikinis, the blonde’s was black and the Asian’s white.
“Two of Evan’s latest stars,” said Gaynor at my elbow. “The blonde is Karen and the other goes by the name of Miranda.”
“Latest stars?” I queried.
“That’s right. Bit like Hefner and his bunnies. Charlie’s been his favourite for over three years now but he always has something fresh in the larder.” Gaynor smiled. “It’s the way of his world. He’s got the money, he’s generous,” she swept her arm around the scene, “and we all know the score. It’s all very discreet, you know, nothing sordid. He pays, he gets.”
“Charlie told me he was worth millions and had properties everywhere.”
“Yep, worth millions and millions. I reckon the escort agency is just a hobby and means he’s never without the company of attractive, willing women.”
“Oh, you work for him? It’s his agency?”
Gaynor nodded. “He owns it but I doubt he earns any money from it. We pay a small sum from every job but I think that pays for the office, advertising and the managerial side. Also, what’s especially good about this agency, Evan has a lot of very rich contacts.”
Gaynor didn’t embellish but looked at me with a knowing tilt of her head. I smiled back.
An hour into the gathering, I was standing in the pool with Miranda, the warm water lapping over our chests, when he arrived. It just had to be Justin. Gaynor escorted him through the patio doors, holding his hand and leading him towards the pool. He was slightly taller than Gaynor, but under 6ft, and was well-built without being muscular. He wore a blue T-shirt with matching knee-length trunks. He wasn’t black-skinned, more dark chocolate.
“Someone here wants to meet you,” said Gaynor as they stood on the poolside.
I looked up as Miranda turned her head to see who had arrived. “Hi Jen,” said Justin. “Mind if I join you?”
I gulped like a besotted tongue-tied schoolgirl. “No,” I began croakily and coughed. Trying again I managed, “Course not. Please,” and spread my right arm as if making a bullfighter’s pass.
Justin pecked Gaynor’s cheek, she patted his buttocks. In a swift movement, Justin removed his T-shirt. His chest was firm and his stomach flat with just a hint of a tummy bulge at the waistband. He walked down the steps and waded across to join us.
He shook my hand and then kissed Miranda’s cheek. Clearly, they knew each other.
Justin was adept at small talk and he soon had me answering questions, probing about my life and likes and dislikes. Miranda decided it was time to catch some rays and we were alone in the pool until the couple from next door dived in and swam around for a few minutes.
“I must say that Gaynor was absolutely right,” he suddenly said.
“About what?” I asked.
“You.” He smiled, showing even, white teeth and a broad tongue. That tongue could work wonders I mused as Justin said, “You’re even more lovelier than in the photograph.”
“You can’t see much of me in here,” I said.
“You’ve got a pretty face,” he said. “And the water is clear enough for me to see your body.”
I looked into eyes that were like chocolate drops in snow.
“Well, while the compliments are flying, I’ll tell you that I like what I see. You’re a handsome man Justin and you have a nice build. Not too many muscles,” I said and brazenly stroked his left bicep. “I’m not into big men.”
“Oh, that’s not what I was led to understand,” he said, his eyebrows rising in mock surprise.
I put a hand to my mouth and shook my head, realising what I’d just said. The image of the big cock photo jumped into my brain. Justin continued to smile at me until I dropped my hand onto the surface of the water and splashed his torso. “You’re a cheeky young man,” I said, laughing. “I’m trying my hardest to behave here, you know.”
Justin still mocked me, holding up his hands in surrender. “Sorry, but I couldn’t resist it.”
It was my turn. “Maybe I wont be able to resist either,” I said and lowered my gaze to look into the water and back up at his beaming face.
So, there we were, looking at each other, thinking who knows what thoughts. Justin then reached out and we instantly waded a step to meet, arms looping round to hug. He planted a kiss on my brow and I turned my head to rest my face on his damp chest. We stayed like that for a few minutes, water washing between us and the sun hot on our backs.
“I’ve had enough of the water for now,” I said and looked up into his eyes. “I want to sit in the sun while it’s still warm. Coming?”
Justin laughed. “You bet,” he said. “Lead the way, Jen. I want to watch you walk up the steps.”
So I did, swinging my hips as I stepped up out of the pool, and made for the lounger where I had left my robe and towel. Justin’s trunks were dripping and my bikini, what little there was of it, clung to me. I started to pat dry my chest and shoulders and looked around the garden. Everyone, including the two catering ladies and the man tending the bar, were naked.
“Well,” I said, “looks like we don’t need these wet things.”
Justin nodded, also glancing around. “It’s usually pretty informal at Evan’s gatherings.”
“And the girls,” I said. “They made that obvious when we were on holiday.”
I dropped the towel onto the lounger and then whipped the bikini cups up and over my head to set my tits jiggling free. I bent to pick up the towel and Justin said, “Very nice tits.”
“Thanks, glad you like them.” And I covered them with the towel, patting myself dry. My nipples were stiff under the soft cloth. Right foot on the lounger, I leaned to wipe my leg and foot and did likewise with the left. That was me dry. Except for the small area covered by my bikini pants.
Justin said, “You haven’t dried your back. Here, let me do it.”
He came up behind me and took the towel out of my hands and gently rubbed my back and shoulders. He kissed between my shoulder blades and then patted my buttocks. “You’re done,” he said.
I felt awkward. We were naked all but for vital areas. My pussy was alive and I desperately wanted to see Justin’s cock. It was just feet away but hiding somewhere in his wet but loose trunks. So close and yet still not mine. I wasn’t sure what to do, what I wanted to do. Did I want him to reveal it now, with all these other people about? Wouldn’t it be better in private? Shouldn’t it be an intimate moment? And, once it was exposed, what then? Would I let Justin fuck me? If so, what would I ever say to Tony? Or would I just be a cheat and say nothing?
Justin broke into my thoughts. “Think there’s a problem, Houston,” he said, smiling at me. “I guess you’re wondering what to do now.” He pulled at his trunks waistband. “I could just take these off. But is that what you want? Or do you want a private viewing?”
Bloody hell, I thought, a mind reader.
“I can see you thinking about it,” he said. “But, in the meantime, I’d like you to remove your briefs. After all, you need to dry yourself properly.”
I shook my head. “No need really, the sun will dry them quite quickly.”
“Okay,” he said. “But I know you normally swim and sunbathe nude.”
I said nothing, turned my back to Justin and undid the ties at my hips. The tiny piece of damp cloth fell to the ground and I picked up the towel to dry off.
“My God. You. Are. Beautiful,” said Justin slowly as I turned to face him. “It’s a pleasure to look at you but I do want to hold you and feel all your gorgeous body.”
Okay, he was a professional escort and versed in flattery. But the intensity of his words sent shudders through me. He wanted me! And I wanted him. I couldn’t deny that any longer.
The back of my lounger was in the upright position. I sat down, swung my legs up and leaned back, turning my head to face him.
“I’m flattered,” I said. “But you’re holding back, aren’t you, standing there in those sopping trunks? I think it’s time to reveal all, don’t you?”
“If that’s what you want, Jen.”
He turned away from me and slid the wet trunks down his legs and stepped out of them. The backs of his legs were lean, his calves sturdy. And his cheeks were pear shaped. Like I had done earlier, he bent at the waist to dry himself with his back to me. I watched as his long muscles rippled and I held my breath as he placed the towel on the floor and then stood upright. Where should I look? At his face or down there?
Slowly, he turned. Time seemed to stop. I was still not breathing. I looked at his face and his lips parted in a smile. His chest steadily expanded and contracted. His breathing was controlled, not like mine. His stomach was firm and, yes, there was a slight pot belly forming low down.
I cannot say much about his thighs except to say that, between them, hung the object of my fantasy. His pubic hairs were trimmed, manicured even, sitting just atop his thick shaft under which his big balls sac was tight up against his groin. One thick vein meandered along the top of the baton until it reached his dome. And what a dome! A plum colour, it was slightly thicker than his shaft and looked to be at least two inches long.
“Okay, Jen?”
I blinked and, finally, exhaled. “Yes, oh yes,” I uttered. “Please, sit down, let me get my breath back.”
I tried to control my heart beat, my racing pulse and uneven breathing. The excitement was overwhelming and I looked across to where Gaynor was standing, drinking, with the next door couple. She raised her glass at me and smiled. I nearly knocked over my glass as I reached with a trembling hand. I managed to raise it in salutation and bring it to my lips.
Justin was now sitting on his lounger, legs stretched along the mattress, but his cock was laying on his right thigh.
“Just like your photo pose,” I said. Justin drank some wine and I asked, “Tell me, how big is that now? I’d guess at about eight inches.”
“Very close,” he said. “You’re about an inch short.”
I thought about that. Two inches longer than a fully-erect Tony. And, amazing to comprehend, only about an inch less than I managed with my black dildo. But, I reckoned my dildo was bigger in circumference and the mushroom head was definitely larger.
“What’s the biggest you’ve had?”
“Well, that would be Tony. He’s a good seven inches and thick with it,” I announced proudly. “I’ve got a big dildo as well. Ten inches and very, very thick. To be honest, I struggle to get the thing in.”
Justin laughed. “Toys aren’t so manageable, not so pliable,” he said. “This thing,” and he lifted his cock in his right palm as if weighing it, “is much more gentle. I promise you.” He let it flop back on his thigh.
“Glad to hear it,” I said. “And what about erect? How big do you get?”
“Normally, when I’m ready to enter, it’s about eleven inches. Not fully hard, you understand. I find most women like that. Of course, I’ve had some who just can’t accept it, can’t take it in.”
I nodded. “I can understand that. But you said not fully hard.”
“Yes. Firm but not solid. That comes later.”
“When the lady is fully open and receptive. You know, when you’ve got fully lubricated and expanded and can relax and enjoy the girth. Then, when we’re making love, I’ll thicken and grow a bit more.”
Making love? Not fucking? I liked that. “So, you’ve no idea how big it gets exactly.”
“Almost. There was a time when Charlie pulled me off. She gives an excellent hand job, by the way. First class. Anyway, Gaynor stood by with a tape and as I was about to come she measured me. It was all a bit of fun.”
“I bet. And what were the measurements?”
“According to Gaynor, it was virtually thirteen inches long, six inches around the shaft and eight around the head.”
I gave that some consideration. I knew Tony’s wrist was seven inches round and his forearm from elbow to wrist was a fraction over ten inches. Tony’s arm in my pussy? Never! I looked again at the flesh lolling on Justin’s thigh and sighed. Could I take it in? Or would I be one of those women who couldn’t, however much they desired it?
What I knew at that moment is that I must try. Sorry, Tony, I love you very much but a woman’s gotta do what a woman’s gotta do.