Beyond Reach

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It starts with, “Hey, how are you, hon?”

I say, “I’m fine, and you?”;

With ease, we tell our thoughts within,

A spark ignites for two.


To each, we tell our stories now,

We share our secrets deep;

Our kindred spirits are revealed,

I dream of him in sleep.


We send our pics and message too,

Our bond grows day by day;

Talks turn to passion, we can’t stop,

Lust won’t be held at bay.


He tells me what he’d do to me,

His voice ignites my fire;

My fingers dance between my legs,

My want for him is dire.


His words, they tell me where to touch,

I writhe and drip and moan;

My eyes, they search for him to squeeze,

Then see I am alone.


His silken tongue speaks words of love,

I say, “I love you too!”;

But words fall short without his touch,

My bed is built for two.


It’s not enough without him here,

I need a hand to hold;

He feels the same, my lips on him,

Aren’t felt within the phone.


I ache for him, and he for me,

But Fate’s a bitch we know;

Confined within this tiny screen,

There’s just no room to grow.


Dear God, this perfect man you sent,

He’s miles beyond my reach;

On bended knees, I beg to thee,

What lesson does this teach?


With broken heart, I face the truth

Our stars will not align;

To him, my love, I bid farewell,

The ring is hers, not mine. 




Published 4 years ago

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