Best Laid Plans – Part 2 – Chapter 8

"The vacations continues and Bill and Jeanie his GF join them for supper."

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It was nearly 6:00 when Ted and Pam decided to go inside and get dressed for dinner. They weren’t sure what Bill’s plans were, but they had been told to expect him to cook steaks. Bill had said they would be eating together. Ted and Pam were just coming inside when Bill came out of his bedroom wearing a big smile and an outrageous Hawaiian shirt.

“Hey there, ole son,” he said to Ted. “You and the pretty lady had a good afternoon?”

“You bet,” Ted told him. “We were just coming in to change for dinner, but I don’t think I’ve got anything to compete with your shirt.”

“Ain’t it a beaut?” he said with a laugh. “Sorta matches my eyes.” He laughed a little louder and asked Ted to help him pick out some wine. Pam waved and retreated to the bedroom.

Bill showed Ted where the wine was stored and instructed him to select a white and a red. “The women will probably want to sip some wine, but I’ll stick to scotch. What about you?”

Ted told Bill that he would probably have a glass of red wine and then give him a hand with the scotch, which Ted had already noted was an excellent single malt. Ted made the picks and brought them back into the kitchen, where Bill had started preparing the steaks.

Bill looked at Ted, saying, “So, have you and that long-legged beauty been enjoyin’ yourselves?”

“I’ve always taken advantage of a situation when it rolled my way,” Ted replied. “And I can assure you that it has rolled in my direction since before we even got here.”

“The pilot on the plane reported to me that he thought the two of you had enjoyed your flight down here. I don’t suppose that he mentioned there is a camera in the passenger compartment so that the pilots can keep an eye on things in the back when they don’t have an attendant on board.” Bill grinned and said, “They are hoping you’ll see that she takes her dress off on the return flight.”

They both laughed. Ted told Bill it would be a cold day in Hell before he mentioned any of that information to Pam but assured him that he would see what he could arrange on the return trip as a way of thanks. Ted poured a glass of white wine, and one of red told Bill I’d see him shortly and went to the bedroom to get dressed.

Ted found Pam in the bathroom. She was coming out of the shower and wrapped up in a towel. Ted held out the glass of white wine to her and said, “I thought you might like to have a glass of wine while you get dressed.”

She accepted the wine, took a sip, and made an appreciative facial expression to indicate that the wine was good. Then, she took a second sip and said, “Maybe I’d like a quickie before I get dressed.”

Ted put his glass out toward hers in a toast and answered, “That is something we have never had and never will have. Sex with you is like this wine. It needs to be savored.”

“That’s very sweet,” Pam said, leaning over to kiss him. She took another sip of wine and said, “I’m thinking that maybe I’ll pour it over your cock and savor them both simultaneously. How does that sound?”

Ted laughed and said, “I thought by now you’d be all sexed out. You’ve had more orgasms in the past two days than in the past two months.”

Pam loosened the towel and let it drop to the floor. “You are dead on about that, but I’m planning on a lot more before we get home. And I may drop down on my knees and give you a BJ in front of Bill if I catch you eyeballing Jeanie.” Pam turned to the large mirror by the sink and set her glass down. She put her hands on the countertop and leaned over to give him a clear view of her bare butt. “Maybe I’ll just let you get all worked up looking at her body and then bring you in here and let you take out your lust on me,” she said as she looked back over her shoulder.

“I don’t need to see anyone to get my lust worked up for you, babe.”  Ted stepped up behind her and put his arms around her, taking a breast in each hand. He kissed the back of her neck and lightly ran his fingers over her nipples. “There has never been a second that I wasn’t ready to make love to you. Not since I first met you. I’ve always been ready and eager.”

Pam stood in front of Ted, watching his hands on her breasts in the mirror. Pam leaned her head back on his shoulder, still looking into the mirror, and said, “I want you to fuck me again tonight. I don’t want you to make love to me. I want you to fuck me until I’m sore. I want you to fuck my mouth, my pussy, and my ass. I want you to take me any way you want.” Still watching in the mirror, Pam took his hand away from her breast and moved it between her legs. Spreading her legs apart, she put his hand over her pussy and said, “Feel how wet I am right now.”

Ted watched Pam close her eyes as he slipped a finger inside her and moved it around slowly. He felt her nipple getting hard under his hand as she shuddered when he put his wet finger on her clit and rubbed it. Pam half opened her eyes, and he watched as she got a dreamy smile.

“I like watching you touch me in the mirror. I feel like this is a porn movie, and we are the stars,” Pam said. “I think tonight I want you to fuck me right here in front of this mirror unless you’d like to skip dinner and just have me instead.”

“That sounds like the perfect menu to me,” he whispered in her ear.

Pam took his hand and pulled it away from between her legs. She turned to him and put the finger that had been in her in his mouth. “Do I taste like a main course or dessert?” you asked.

“You always taste like dessert, precious, the best dessert I ever tasted.”

Pam wrapped her arms around his neck and gave Ted a long, slow kiss. She dropped her hand down between his legs and felt his erection. Giving it a squeeze, she said, “I’ll be thinking about this every second until we get back in this room after dinner.” She squeezed it and added, “Would you like to see what I’m going to wear for dinner?”

“Absolutely,” Ted responded. “Am I going to be underdressed in slacks and polo?”

“Not at all,” she called back over her shoulder. Pam quickly ran out of the bathroom. Ted heard her call from the bedroom, “Why don’t you take a quick shower while I get dressed?”

“Roger that,” Ted called back to her.

He was just out of the shower and drying his hair when he heard Pam say, “How’s this?”

He looked up and saw Pam in a long, mid-calf black dress. It was simple and perfect on her body. Straps on the shoulders worked down to show a fair amount of cleavage. She turned slowly to let Ted get the complete view. He saw that the back was cut low and accentuated her ass very nicely. Pam turned and, facing Ted, said, “Before you ask, I’m not wearing any panties, and I believe that you can tell I’m not wearing a bra.”

“Show me,” Ted insisted.

Pam picked up the bottom of the dress and lifted it up so he could see that she was completely naked under the dress. “I’m hoping you’ll have an opportunity to put your hands under this dress tonight.”

“The important thing is that I know what’s not under the dress and that you can feel yourself nakedness. You have repeatedly proven to me that being around others without lingerie makes you a little crazy. And that’s the way I like you,” he said.

Pam took a few steps to reach him, dropped down on her knees, and sucked his soft cock into her mouth. She sucked it hard and slowly let it slide out of her mouth. “Is this the kind of crazy that you want me? If it is, baby, I’m already there.” Without taking her eyes from his, Pam once again sucked all of it into her mouth and slowly let it slide out, saying, “That’s what drives me crazy.” Quickly she stood up and turned to walk out of the bathroom, stopped at the door, looked back at him, and said, “You should hurry up. My glass is empty, and I need a refill.”

Within ten minutes, Ted had applied the cologne that he knew would tickle Pam’s nose, dressed, and was ready to go out to meet Jeanie and Bill. As he reached for the door, Pam put her hand directly over his package and said, “Remember, you are going to be tumbling in the bed with me tonight, so don’t get any ideas about Bill’s bimbo.” She took his hand and slipped something into it, saying, “And when you get your glass refilled, you might want to take this little blue pill. I’m planning on getting laid tonight and want to ensure you can keep up with me.”

Ted stood back and let her walk out first, if for no other reason than to give her butt a quick feel. Pam turned and said, “Thank you. I hope there’s more of that to come.”


They found Bill at the outside bar, ready to put steaks on the grill. Pam hugged him and asked if he had taken a nap.

“Nap – Hell,” He said, “If you think I’m going into a bedroom with a dish like Jeanie and taking a nap, you just don’t know old Bill.” He looked over at Ted and said, “Give this sweet thing a refill, ole son. You may have to get her liquored up to get her to bed. I sure don’t have any more room in my bed.”

Pam laughed and told Bill, “He prefers me sober. He says that I moan louder when I’m not drinking.”

Bill was obviously a little surprised by her remark, but he enjoyed it and got a big laugh. “Well then, he and I will ensure you don’t over-imbibe.”

They were refilling glasses and talking about the wine when Jeanie entered the door.

She walked directly to Bill, kissed him, then turned to Pam and told her how much she liked the black dress. “I love these long dresses when the weather is this nice. I think they are so comfortable, and Bill thinks they’re very sexy,” she said.

“Now that’s the god’s truth, right there,” Bill said to her. “Now, missy, tell that young man what you’d like to drink, and he’ll fix you up. I’ve got to start cookin’ these steaks ‘cause I’m gettin’ downright hungry.”

Obviously, there wasn’t a pair of panties or bras between the two women. It was apparent from Jeanie’s dress that she was well endowed, and she was letting Bill see it all. Ted thought he noticed a little snarl on Pam’s lips as she watched Jeanie give Bill another kiss before moving to sit at the patio table.

“Goddamn, if you two girls aren’t the prettiest things I’ve seen in a long time. Sweetheart, move over there and sit next to Pam. I want to see the two of you side by side, and then I can die happy,” Bill demanded. Ted noticed Pam’s demeanor change at once. Bill asked Ted to get something for him from the kitchen. When he returned to the patio, Pam and Jeanie were involved in a discussion. Ted decided that Pam had forgotten about what had upset her earlier.

In short order, Bill had the steaks prepared and set on the plates, and they all sat around the table for dinner. The steaks were terrific, as was everything Matilda had prepared at Bill’s direction. After eating, they killed another bottle of wine and sat around the table talking for another hour.

When Ted checked, his watch indicated it was 9:00. He started to hope someone would do something soon to break up this gabfest because he remembered what Pam had said privately about wanting to get fucked tonight. But instead, she appeared to be involved in a conversation with Jeanie and Bill.

Ted was trying to think of something to say to break away when Bill stood and announced, “I’m gonna clean off the table and get these dishes to the kitchen. I wanna get Jeanie into that little tiny thing they call a swimsuit in California and float around in that pool for a while. You two wanna join us?”

Before Ted could open his mouth, Pam spoke up, “Thanks, Bill, but before we came out for dinner, my date suggested that he wanted to see me naked. So I’m guessing he wasn’t talking about being in the pool.”

Ted almost fell over.

“Damn girl,” Bill said, “That fella of yours is smarter than I thought. Why didn’t I think of that?”

Surprising them again, Jeanie spoke, “I’m quite certain my tiny little swimsuit won’t stay on for more than fifteen seconds. I really wasn’t planning on even putting it on.” She turned to Ted, saying, “I was here with Bill once before, and I can tell you that he only loves me for my body.” When Bill started to say something, she stood up and put her arms around him, saying, “And I love you for your body, so that works out quite well.” She lifted her face to him, and they kissed. “You are a tiger, and I am completely yours,” she said.

“Then pick up these plates and help me get them into the kitchen,” he said.

Jeanie filled her hands with dishes and said, “Get a move on, old dude. I have some needs that need to be addressed.”

Everyone laughed as they took dishes inside the house while Ted and Pam stood side by side.

Pam leaned to Ted, saying, “I’ve been thinking about your cock in my mouth for the last half hour, and I am wet and ready.”

“Prove it,” I said. “You know the rule.”

Pam looked up to see where the others were. Noting they were in the kitchen and Bill appeared to have his hands under Jeanie’s dress, Pam turned toward Ted and lifted her dress so Ted could see her. “You want proof? Just check it out,” she said softly.

Ted put his hand on the inside of her thigh and slid it between her legs. He could feel the heat from her pussy and pushed a finger inside. “You said you were wet,” he whispered back. “You aren’t just wet. You’re dripping wet.” He moved his finger inside her and said, “Now tell me what you want.”

Pam’s eyes closed, and he could tell she was feeling his finger and concentrating on how it felt. “Just what I said before. I want you to fuck me. I don’t want any tenderness. I want you to fuck me. I’m prepared to let you do it right here with them watching. God, your fingers feel so damned good. I can’t wait to feel your cock in me. Can we go now?”

Ted didn’t move his hand and continued to move his finger inside her. “I think we need to get into the hot tub on our balcony. I know that water turns you on.”

“I can’t be more turned on than I am right now,” she said, “But the hot tub sounds like a great idea. Can we go now?”

Slowly, Ted removed his finger, leaned over, and kissed her before saying, “Let’s get the rest of the stuff off the table into the kitchen, then we are free to be on our own.” Pam watched as Ted put the finger into his mouth and sucked on it. “I may not let you sleep tonight.”

“I hope you don’t,” she replied before picking up as many things on the table as she could. Ted grabbed the rest and followed her into the kitchen.

When they put the dishes down on the countertop, Ted said, “OK, guys, this is everything from outside. We will refresh our drinks and leave the patio and pool to you. As my lady said, I want to get her into our bedroom and get her naked.”

Jeanie stepped over to Pam and hugged her, saying, “If he gets tired, just give me a shout because you’re the sexist thing I’ve seen in a long time.”

“What?” Bill said.

Pam looked at Bill and said, “She said that she hopes her screaming with pleasure doesn’t bother us. And I’m thinking I might need to send my man to your room for lessons.”

“You are a great liar,” Bill said with a laugh. “I hope you two have a great night. I’ll see you in the morning. That means before noon, but not too much before noon.”

As soon as Pam was in the bedroom and the door was closed, she had her dress off. Standing in front of Ted completely naked, she put her arms around him and said, “I don’t know how I can possibly be horny after all the sex we’ve had in the past two days, but I am. Can we go back in the bathroom in front of the mirrors and pick up where we left off?”

“Lead the way,” he said. Pam turned around as he watched her walk away. He put their drinks beside the bed and followed her into the bathroom.

When he got inside the bathroom, Ted found Pam on her knees. Before he could say anything, she said, “I believe this is where we stopped, wasn’t it? Come over and let me help you get out of those clothes.”

Within ten seconds, Pam had his pants and boxers down around his ankles and had his quickly growing member in her hand. “This is where I want to start. Any objections?”

Ted didn’t respond because she had it in her mouth instantly. She looked up and made a little moaning sound as if Ted’s cock was just what she had wanted for a long time. Pam licked, sucked, and stroked it for several minutes. Finally, she stood in front of the mirrors before leaning over the countertop. She pushed her ass toward him and spread her legs wide. “Please, baby,” Pam said in a low but husky voice, “I don’t need any foreplay. I need your cock inside me.”

Ted stepped out of his pants and took his shirt off as he stepped up behind her. He didn’t say a word as he put his hands on her hips and pulled her back against his rock-hard cock. Ted pressed just enough to move the head inside her. Feeling that she was now even wetter than when they were outside, he rammed it into her, burying it as deeply as possible as he held her against him.

Pam gasped in delight.

Ted watched as she closed her eyes and concentrated on the feeling between her legs.

Waiting just a few seconds before he started to push, Ted moved slowly. He remembered that Pam had said she didn’t want any tenderness. She just wanted to be fucked. That’s what he gave her. He was giving it to her as hard as he could. Within seconds, he could hear their skin slapping together. Ted could feel that his balls were already being coated by her juices.

Ted watched in the mirror as her head came up. Her eyes were wide and watching.

“Yes, baby,” she said, “Oh god, yes. Fuck me, baby.”

She put her head down and murmured over and over, “Yes… yes… yes.”

Ted had no idea how he managed not to orgasm within a minute. Pam was so hot and wild that it turned his temperature up to boiling. Her noises got louder with each stroke until she cried, “I’m cumming, baby. Don’t stop. Oh god.”

Ted could feel the shudder run through her body and her pussy clamped down on his cock as she cried out again. Finally, Pam leaned over the countertop and went limp in his hands.

Ted stayed motionless for a few seconds until he looked up at her through the mirror. The look on her face was beautiful. It showed that she had just been completely and satisfyingly fucked to a degree beyond her expectations.

After several seconds she said, “That was unbelievable,”

Pam shook her head as if to clear it and looked back into the mirror at Ted. “Did you cum?” she asked.

“Not yet,” he answered with a smile.

She stood up and turned around to him. “Good. Because I want to end this the way it started.”

Pam pushed him back and once again dropped down on her knees. “I want you in my mouth when you finish. I want to make you cum as hard as I just did.”

Pam took the base of his cock in her hand and swallowed the rest, sucking it in and out of her mouth as she stroked it with her hand. Taking it out of her mouth, she stroked it harder and faster as she licked the head. “Oh yeah,” she said in a loud whisper, “You are ready to cum, aren’t you, baby?”

Ted put his hands into her hair and began fucking her mouth. “Yes, I am,” he grunted. “Hold on tight, baby. It’s going to be a lot.”

She gripped his cock tightly and then took his balls in her other hand, squeezing gently, making him cry, “Oh god! I’m cumming!”

Pulse after pulse of hot jizz shot out of his cock, and she moaned as it covered her tongue and filled her mouth until he finally stopped. Pam swallowed in one gulp and smiled up at him.

She inspected the end of his cock and took one final lick before she stood up. Wrapping her arms around him, Pam said, “That was absolutely perfect, and I think you were louder than me.” Reaching down, she found his still-hard cock and said, “Are you ready to go again?”

“Try and pace yourself,” Ted said with a smile. “Why don’t we get in our private hot tub and let me refill my tank?”

“I think your tank doesn’t need to get any bigger,” Pam said as she ran her hand over him lightly. “If you cum anymore, I won’t be able to swallow it all.”

She shuttered and said, “I would like you to cum in my mouth. I love how you taste, and I like the power I have over you.” Pam kissed him passionately and could taste him on her tongue.

“If I had a choice between having an orgasm myself or making you cum, I would always take the noise you make and how your body feels when you have an orgasm,” Ted whispered.

“Please feel free to get me off many times tonight,” she cooed. “I promise to entertain you each time.”

Published 2 years ago

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