Part 2 – Chapter 11
Pam stopped giggling and turned to Jeanie. “You want us to show you what we watched last night?”
“I would,” said Jeanie. “I would very much enjoying seeing it right now before Bill returns.”
To Ted’s complete surprise, Pam stood up to find the pad that they had used the previous night. She walked to Ted, dropped the pad in front of him and turned back to Jeanie. “We would love to show you what we saw last night. If you feel that we are doing something wrong, please offer your corrections.”
Pam directed Ted to move his chair slightly before kneeling down on the pad. Moving his legs apart, she said, “Are you ready?”
“When have I not been ready for you?” he whispered.
The act began and Pam was first. Again, Ted was a little surprised because when Pam began to masturbate as Jeanie had done last night it seemed to him that Pam was already quite wet. In what seemed like seconds, he could hear her fingers moving in and out of her pussy. It was obvious Pam’s nipples were hard.
Ted had been aroused seeing the two women lying naked in the sun, but now he was beyond aroused and within a matter of seconds actually forgot that someone was watching. He watched Pam fingering her pussy with one hand and stroking her nipples with the other for several minutes before she said, “Stand up and let me get you out of those tight shorts.”
Ted stood and let Pam unbutton his shorts and let them drop to the ground. Since he hadn’t bothered to put on his boxers, his erection jumped out at Pam. She looked up and smiled at Ted before she took the head into her mouth and held it there while she stroked his shaft. After a full minute of Ted watching Pam work on his member, he remembered that he was supposed to be playing Bill’s part and took off his shirt and tossed it aside.
After a few more minutes, Ted sat down in his chair, putting his hands out to Pam and helping her to stand in from of him. Remembering so well what they had watched the previous night, Ted ran his hands over Pam’s body, touching her breasts, legs, ass… everything until he reached between Pam’s legs. As Bill must have found when he reached between Jeanie’s legs, Ted discovered that Pam was dripping wet. He quickly slipped a finger inside her. Excited by her wetness, he began to finger her hard and fast, what Bill had done when he starred in this play.
Pam was so wet that Ted could hear his fingers sliding in and out of her. He could also hear the noises that she made, indicating that Pam completely enjoyed his actions. Having not really done this before, Ted made a mental note to try it again later.
Ted heard Pam whisper, “Turn me around.”
Ted removed his fingers and put his hands on her hips, turning her slowly. Pam was almost directly facing Jeanie. He looked up to watch her as Pam bent over and backed up to find Ted’s cock. Pam put her hands on the sides of the chair and lowered herself onto Ted’s rock hard cock. She waited until she had taken all of it before moaning. Pam sat still for a moment and then started to slide back and forth on Ted’s cock. She was hot and wet. Within seconds Ted could once again hear the noises being made from her wetness.
Ted looked up again at Jeanie, but this time saw that she had changed her position and was fingering herself as she watched. “Put one more notch in the erotic belt,” Ted thought because this is just so hot. He was quite content to let Pam glide up and down on his shaft and watch the beautiful Jeanie masturbate, but noticed a difference in the tone of Pam’s moans. Pam had moved to whimpers, which had always been his tipoff that she was nearing an orgasm.
A motion caught Ted’s eye and he looked up to see Jeanie stand up and walk over to them. Ted was wondering what she had in mind, but didn’t have to wonder long. She stood immediately beside them, leaned forward and kissed Pam’s mouth. She quickly dropped to her knees on the pad, spread Pam’s legs wider apart and began to rub Pam’s clit with her fingers.
Pam actually “yelped” with pleasure as Jeanie began to rapidly move her fingers from side to side over her clit. Ted felt Pam’s legs begin to tighten and moved his hands to cover her breasts. Pam’s nipples were like rocks. He squeezed them lightly before hearing the noise that grew from deep inside her.
Pam’s entire body shook as the orgasm took over and moved every nerve ending between her legs. Because Ted couldn’t see it, he didn’t know until much later that just as she was ready to cum, Jeanie had covered her clit with her mouth and literally sucked Pam into orgasm.
Ted held Pam until she stopped shaking, but Pam was still breathing very hard. Remembering what they had seen before, Ted was expecting Pam to move off of him and get on her knees on the pad. After all, that was what they had seen. But Ted had one more surprise coming. Pam did move, but only moved enough for his cock to pop out of her dripping hole.
Ted felt the cool air hit it and then felt two hands caress it. Since he could see Pam’s hands on the chair, he was left to assume that Jeanie was still between their legs and she was touching him. It was only seconds until his next surprise. Ted felt Jeanie’s mouth completely swallow his cock until her nose was touching his pubic hair. Her hands grasped his wet balls and began to squeeze them as she sucked Ted’s cock in and out of her mouth. Ted wasn’t really certain about what he should do.
Jeanie took her mouth off Ted’s cock and he felt Pam begin to stroke it. Pam stroked it five or six times before letting Jeanie take it back in her mouth. The two of them traded off, back and forth, for several minutes until Ted knew he was about to cum. He took Pam’s breasts in his hands and squeezed them, trying to be tender, but knowing that he was too excited to think about tenderness too much.
Ted heard Pam say, “Make him cum, Jeanie. He’s ready.”
Ted dropped his hand from Pam’s breast and put it between her legs, thrusting it inside Pam’s pussy as the top of his head began leaving his body and flying twenty feet into the air.
Jeanie had his cock locked in her mouth and sucked it in as far as she could take it. He felt the explosion and the pulses of hot cum that came one after the other, again and again, until he was too weak to move. He could feel that his cock was still hard and she kept it in her mouth for a long while. Then finally let it slip out from between her lips.
When Jeanie moved away from them, she put her hands on Pam’s hips and pulled her down until once again Ted’s cock was inside Pam’s pussy. She leaned forward and licked Pam’s clit and ran her tongue over Ted’s balls before she stood up.
It took a few seconds for Ted and Pam to have their wits about them. Finally, their eyes focused on Jeanie, standing like a goddess in front of them.
“Damn,” she said, “You guys are good.”
“Are we forgiven for peeking?” Ted asked.
Jeanie laughed, picked up her robe and put it on. As she tied the belt around the middle she said, “You weren’t ever in any trouble. I just think you two are very sexy together and I wanted to watch you fuck. You were just so good and so hot, I had to join in.” Then she leaned forward and whispered to Pam, “Does he always cum that much?”
Pam giggled once again and said, “That’s why I always call him my stallion.”
Jeanie leaned forward and kissed Pam’s mouth, moved to the side and kissed Ted before she stood up and said, “I’ll keep that in mind for next time. I must go in now. I’ll see you both before you leave.”
Ted and Pam let Jeanie get halfway to the house before they looked at each other and said at the same time, “Next Time?”
They got up slowly. Ted found his clothes and slipped them back on. Pam put on her wrap and picked up her towel. She turned to find Ted staring at her. She looked at him for a second before saying, “I don’t know! It just seemed like a good idea at the time. Besides, you’ve always said that you wouldn’t share me, but I never said that I wouldn’t share you.”
Ted continued to stand there and stare at Pam.
“OK,” she said. “We were having girl talk and she was telling me how great Bill was and how much she liked to make men cum with her mouth. Then when she decided that she wanted to take you on, my first thought was that once she got hold of you she was going to be completely jealous of me.”
Ted said, “You weren’t concerned that I might find that she gave a better BJ than you?”
“OH Damn,” Pam stammered, “I never thought of that.”
Ted pulled Pam to him and hugged her. “You don’t ever need to be concerned about that, babe. There isn’t anyone in this world that competes with you in that department. Hands down, you are the world champ.”
Pam gave Ted a quick kiss and said, “Would you like for me to remind you that I’m the champ right now?”
Looking at his watch, Ted said, “I have a good idea. Let’s get our bags packed, put on our traveling clothes and I’ll be happy to let you prove it all the way home on the plane.”
“Oh crap,” Pam said. “I had completely forgotten that we have to get to the airport.”
“I can’t imagine why,” he replied with a laugh.
At 1:45 they had packed, managed a quick lunch and were headed out the front door where Amos was waiting for them in his highly polished car. Pam stopped to give Jeanie a hug and Ted carried their small bags out to the car. Bill and Jeanie followed them outside and before they got into the car, Bill stopped them.
“Ole son,” he said, as he always did, “I’m really glad that you and this pretty lady could join us down here in this little hideaway. I hope that the two of you will come back again. You’ll always be welcome. I’ve always thought that you were good people, but now Jeanie has seconded the motion and it is passed. But before you leave I’ve got something that I want you to take with you.” He handed Ted a box about the size of one you would get a watch in and he handed Pam a smaller box.
“You two good people work on my business like it was your own. In the years we’ve worked together you made me a lot of money and made me look like a stinkin’ genius, which you know, I’m not. So, these are gifts from me to you. You don’t have time to open them now, so get a move on.” He shook Ted’s hand and gave Pam a hug. “Now get on down to that plane and I’ll talk to you again real soon.”
Pam gave Jeanie a hug and jumped into the car. Ted gave Jeanie a hug and she kissed his cheek. He jumped into the car and Amos was off for the airport as they waved out through the window.
Pam leaned back against the seat and Ted turned to look at her. Once again Pam was wearing the red dress. However, this time Ted knew that there was nothing underneath it and the thought of it excited him. The little voice in the back of his head said, “How could you possibly be excited AGAIN.” His answer to the little voice was, “Shut Up. I’m hoping I don’t ever get over this.”
After they turned the corner and lost sight of the “cabin,” Ted leaned over the front seat to talk with Amos. When he did, Pam took his hand and pushed it up under her dress until his fingers were touching her bare pussy. Ted looked back and Pam gave him a radiant smile.
The plane was waiting for them and Howard was standing by the stairs. They got out of the car after thanking Amos for his kindness and said hello to Howard.
“Did you folks have a good time,” Howard asked with a big friendly smile.
“You’d better believe it,” Ted answered. “We had a great time and I don’t think that we looked at TV once and I turned by cell phone off.”
“Me too,” Pam told Howard. “I promised to turn my cell phone off and I don’t plan to turn it back on until we are home.”
“I’m thinking that we don’t turn them on before 8:00 on Monday morning,” Ted said.
“Agreed,” Pam countered and then turned to Howard, “Are we ready to go?”
“Indeed we are,” Howard said with a big smile. “If you folks will just get on board and get into those seat belts, we can be out of here in five minutes.”
Pam started up the stairs and Ted stood beside Howard as she reached the top and went inside. Howard was still looking up when Ted said, “It’s a great view, isn’t it buddy?”
“I apologize,” Howard said sincerely.
“No need,” Ted said as he patted him on the back. “She is exquisite and I would be offended if you didn’t admire what you saw.”
Howard smiled and said, “You are a Man’s Man.”
“Listen, Howard,” Ted said. “We are all ranchers and we all recognize prime stock when we see it. I don’t plan to share it with you, but I’m pleased to know that you appreciate good breeding when you see it.”
Howard laughed and told Ted to get on board so that we could get underway. When they got inside and closed the door behind them, Ted spoke to him again. “By the way, Bill told me about the monitor that you have up front. I don’t know that I can make your trip any better than the last one, but if you’ll promise to keep us safe on the way home, I’ll try to give you something to look at.”
For a moment Ted thought Howard was going to choke. Then he laughed and said loud enough for Pam to hear, “We’ll try to give you a smooth ride. Remember, there is champaign in the fridge and other goodies to make you feel at home.”
Ted went to the back of the cabin and stowed their small bags in the same place as before. Pam took the same seat that she used when we started our journey just three days ago and still looked as excited as she did then. Ted leaned over and gave her a soft kiss. “Do you want your champaign now or wait until we get into the air?”
“I’ll wait,” Pam said excitedly. “Oh look, baby. We’re already moving.”
“These guys don’t waste any time.” They were already to the end of the runway and ready to turn for takeoff.
As the plane was turning Pam asked, “Can I fly naked?”
“This is a private plane, darlin’. I think that you can do anything you want,” Ted answered with a laugh.
He watched as she quickly unbuckled her seatbelt, pulled the red dress over her head, and reconnected the seatbelt.
As the plane began to move Ted watched as the plane bumped down the runway and her beautiful breasts bounced along with the plane. Then suddenly the plane lifted up into the sky and Pam squealed with delight. Ted was laughing with her, but also delighted to see her sitting there completely naked.
She looked at Ted and said, “How many women do you suppose have taken off naked?”
“I’ll bet that the answer is… not many,” Ted answered.
It seemed like just seconds until the plan was leveling off and the seat belt light went off.
“Do you want your drink now?” Ted asked as he took off the seatbelt and got up.
“Yes, please,” she said with a big smile. “Get us both a drink and then I have a plan.”
Ted had no idea what ‘her plan’ was going to be, but he opened a little bottle of bubbly for Pam and fixed a scotch for himself. Handing you the drink, he said, “Now what is your plan?”
Pam took a swallow and looked up at Ted with wide eyes. “Well, I was thinking. Over the past few days we have fucked like a couple of animals. And baby, it has been absolutely wonderful. Every second was memorable. Every room we had sex in was excellent and I loved every minute of it. But I was thinking that maybe on the way home we could just make love. Just get naked on that couch and make love all the way home. How does that sound?”
Ted didn’t answer her, but moved over to the couch on the side of the cabin, set his drink down on the table and began to undress. When he was naked, he sat on the couch and asked, “Name your position.”
Pam went to him. She looked down between his legs to see that his cock was hard and ready. Pam put one knee on the couch and put her hand around his hardness. “Are you always ready?
“I’m always ready for you,” he answered before he put his hands in her hair and pulled her mouth to his. In a very short time their kiss moved to somewhere near 800° and Pam had straddled him, taking his cock inside her and moving slowly while they kissed.
Moving slowly together, Pam put her mouth on his neck and whispered in his ear, “Do you love me?”
“More than words can express,” he answered.
“Do you want me?” she whispered.
“More than you could ever understand.”
“Do you forgive me for sharing your with another woman?” Pam whispered.
“There is no need for forgiving,” Ted said. “You can share me with ten women if that excites you and makes you happy.”
“But you won’t share me?” Pam asked.
“Nope,” he said. “Because I am a greedy and selfish bastard. I don’t want any other man to know how totally wonderful you are. And as long as you don’t have any other men, you won’t know how inadequate I am and will continued to think that I’m a good lover.”
After a long kiss she said, “Let me remind you, I’ve had other men and I know that you are the best of the best. So let’s forget about that humble shit.”
“No more humble,” Ted said and flipped Pam over on her back. As he did, she wrapped her legs around him, taking all of his cock as deep as it would go. “This is what I want,” Ted said. “This is all I want. You. Just your naked body beside mine. I just want to make love to you every minute of every day. And if that’s not possible, then every other minute.”
Pam laughed and replied, “I’m certainly glad that you are willing to settle for every OTHER minute.”
“That’s the extent of how far I’m willing to go,” Ted said.
They kissed for several minutes while Ted remained on top of her and continued to move slowly until she said, “I’m anxious to get back in our own bed, because I want to make certain that you know that I love you and I want you every day, not just on holidays.”
“I know that,” he said. “But a little time away doesn’t hurt any. Besides, in a couple of years I’ll be too old to keep up this pace and you may want to look for a younger companion.”
“Honestly!” Pam said. “Now you know that as long as you have a lot of money in the bank I won’t care about how old you are.”
Before he could think of something to say to show mock offense, Pam flipped him over and positioned herself of top as they were both joined naked on the leather couch. Ted started to say something, but Pam put her hand over his mouth and began to move her pussy against his cock. Her motions got stronger and harder. The calm attitude that they both had was quickly gone. Within an instant she was rocking back and forth over his cock and they were both gasping for air. “One more time, baby,” Pam said to Ted. “Give it to me one more time before we get home.”
He held her ass in an effort to help her move faster and faster as they both moved toward a final orgasm for this wonderful trip. Just as the lights in the cabin blinked to let them know that the plane was on final approach, they both exploded with a mutual orgasm and lay helpless and limp until they felt the landing gear of the plane lock into place. Pam pulled her dress over her head and Ted pulled on his pants and shirt just as the wheels touched the ground in their home city. They gave each other a knowing smile as the plane taxied to the private plane terminal.
As Pam was moving down the plane’s stairs, the female captain put her hands on Ted’s shoulder. She smiled and said, “I hope we get a chance to fly together again. But next time I’d like to be the one naked in the seat.”
Ted put his arm around the captain and gave her a hug. He smiled and said, “Absolutely. I think that would give a new meaning to ‘mile high club.’