My first blow job was in the summer before my senior in High School while I was on a camping trip with my best friend Carl. We were camping out in the woods near his house. At eighteen, Carl wasn’t tall, only about five-foot eight, nor was he big-shouldered, but he was well proportioned. He had strong shoulders and arms, green eyes, light brown curly hair, and a wide, firm mouth. And I in contrast am five-foot five, small framed, with blackish hair, and not much body hair though.
Carl got his uncle to get us a six-pack of Coors. After drinking it, we were buzzed and he suggested we compare our cocks. His was about four inches long soft and with two massive balls pushing it up and out. All around the base of his cut cock grew a ticket clump of black curly pubic hair. Mine on the other hand, was a little nubbin of a thing. It was so small that it caused him to smile.
He came over to me and gently forced my head down into his lap. Suddenly I was face to face with his reddish/purple head. I frozen, wondering how I got to this point, when my gaze fell on the slit in the tip of his head. I got all tingly and wanted to see if it was real. I tentatively reached out and wrapped my fingers around his now hard, throbbing cock. It was definitely real. It was warm and soft to touch, yet hard in my grip. It was the first time I ever touched a cock that wasn’t mine. I sat there, staring at the cock in my hand, not really thinking of anything but seeing what it looked like. In a slight daze I began gently caressing it, rubbing the shaft and moving down to caress his balls. I can tell Carl enjoyed my touch because he arched his back, pushing himself against me. I could feel his erection growing in my hand.
Submissively I kneel in front of him and plant a kiss on the tip of his hard throbbing cock and then run my tongue all over the head. I slowly move down his shaft and gently kiss his balls, licking them, running my face over them, and then sucking one at a time every so softly. I could hear him moan, as he runs his fingers through my hair and as I sucked him into my mouth.
I could taste the saltiness of it. Then I took the head out of my mouth and run my tongue under it, circling, licking and then sucking him back into my mouth. Instinctively, I started bobbing my head, rhythmically move my mouth up and down his shaft. I could feel his excitement grow as I gently suck him and my hand caressed his balls.
I sucked faster and faster until with a powerful moan I felt him tense up and then he was cumming. The taste wasn’t exactly what I expected. I thought maybe it would have a sweet taste I guess. The salty flavor of his cum burned on my tongue as I swallowed it down. I felt his cock pulse in my mouth for a couple of squirts and then he pulled out and squirted all over my face and in my hair.
The first shot hit me just below the right eye, but I couldn’t pull back because Carl was holding my head. The second shot followed pretty quickly after that and got me right on the nose. It began draining off the end of my nose and caused it to itch like hell, but things were moving too quickly for me to react to it.
The third shot splashed against my cheek and a fourth shot hit me square in the right eye. Laughing, Carl then took his cock and rubbed his cum into my face. It was a little humiliating, but I guess that it didn’t gross me out too badly. He let go of my hair, so I stood up and started trying to wipe the cum out of my eyes with my fingers.
“Those were some good shots,” Carl bragged, “I hope you enjoyed that.” Then for the rest of the night it was like I was Carl’s possession, his slave. It was so humiliating. He made me stay naked and wouldn’t let me wash the cum off. Like all testosterone driven teenagers, he was quick on the recovery so I had to suck him off two more times before morning.
I’ve often wondered why I’d sucked Carl’s cock but the answer was simple, I’m a submissive cocksucker. I was afraid to say no, because I liked to please and wanted to be accepted. When Carl pushed my face into his lap, I didn’t resist. Instead I was compliant and obedient, in a word, submissive.
Whatever the reason, from that point on I became Carl’s personal secret cocksucker. He threatened to tell everyone that I was a cocksucker, so I had to do everything that that he wanted. Whether I liked it or not, I was Carl’s slut, his bitch…his cocksucker
Although I tried to not to face the truth, I have a dependent personality and my sense of self-worth is dependent on what others think of me. People who are often only too happy to use me for his own sexual pleasures, as Carl had and would continue to do, if I allowed it, which, of course, was a foregone conclusion.
Sometimes he would call my house out of the blue and tell me to come over to his house and blow him. And of course I did. Carl cruelly used and abused me to fulfill his every whim.
Shortly after school started, Carl met Melinda, the girl that he eventually married. Once they were going steady she would let him get to second base and even on rare occasions, get his hand under her skirt. But, she was adamant about being a virgin bride so a quick feel was as close as he ever got. That’s where I came in. On the way home from their traditional Saturday night date, Carl would swing by my house so I could suck his cock for him. I have no idea how many times I blew him during our senior year.
The next summer, Melinda’s cousin spent a couple of weeks with her. Melinda couldn’t go out with Carl without taking her cousin along. So not to make her feel like a fifth-wheel, I was drafted as her date. She was kind of shy but sweet, so I didn’t mind. We went to the drive-in and in typical teenage fashion, instead of watching the movie; we had a hot make out session.
Things got so hot that later into the movie when the girls went to the restroom, Carl made me jump up in the front seat and give him a quick blow job to cool him off. Melinda had been playing with him, so his cock was already out and hard. She had him so worked up that as soon as I closed my lips around it; he went off like a volcano.
When his cock erupted, the first blast hit the back of my throat and slid down my throat like a salty raw oyster. Knowing what was expected and wanting to please, I swallowed his entire load and sucked hard on his shrinking cock, drawing every last drop from his spent tool.
I almost got caught. Carl was so caught up in emptying his balls down my throat that he forgot to keep his eye out for the girls. Fortunately, it was dark enough that they didn’t see me rising back up as they came giggling up to the car.
I couldn’t help chuckling to myself when I heard Melinda cooing in sympathy when she discovered that Carl’s little solider had shrunk. Giggling, she promised to bring him back to life. I guess she succeeded because after we dropped the girls off he made me lean over and suck his cock again while we were stopped at a red light.
While we were stopped a carload of guys from the other high school stopped beside us. It was dark enough that they couldn’t tell I was a boy, so thinking that Carl was getting lucky on a date they cheered and whistled for him.
I must have sucked Carl off every way and everywhere possible. Besides the drive-in and on the road, I sucked him off at the lake, in convinces store bathrooms, the back row of a darkened movie theaters, his grandparents bathroom, you name it. .
On Saturday nights he still swung by after a date with Melinda for his blowjob. This went on all summer until Carl eventually went off to college.
Since then I’ve always been a secret cocksucker throughout my life and I’m fifty-one now. It still excites me knowing that society frowns on it, yet I continue to do it. I love sucking off ‘strangers,’ in parks, rest stops on the interstate and adult bookstores. ,
When I was nineteen our preacher had a heart attack. The association sent a young preacher fresh out of the seminary to fill in for him while he was ill. After the service he told me he needed some help and asked me to drop by his office on Monday. Turns out the help he needed was getting his cock sucked. I blew him the first of many times there in his office while the choir was out in the auditorium practicing.
I don’t think he could have preached a sermon unless I blew him first. That was back when the church was busier, two services on Sunday, Wednesday night services and men’s fellowship on Thursday night, so I blew him a lot. It went on for six weeks until the regular preacher came back.
Once I turned twenty-one and discovered adult bookstore, I went cock crazy. I practically lived in the adult bookstore in the next town. The one I frequented featured individual viewing booths and glory holes. Its neighbor down the block had a movie theater in the back of the store. The open theater was for the bolder types and the viewing booths were for more private anonymous encounters.
When I started going I was naïve and shy so I op-ed for the privacy of the viewing booths. The first time I went there I couldn’t believe how dark and sleazy the booths were or how bad they reeked of testosterone, sweat, and even a little fear. I suppose the taboo aspect had something to do with it, but being down on my knees in a dark booth sucking a stranger’s cock through a ‘glory-hole’ and swallowing his load was exciting. So exciting that one visit was all it took, I was hooked. After that, I was there every Saturday and Sunday, morning, noon, and night. Surprisingly, Sunday morning during church was a good time to suck cock. I was amazing how many guys snuck by to get their cock sucked while their wife and kids were in church. I was so cock crazy that I sucked every cock, that I could get my mouth.
A few months later a guy in the next booth ran out of tokens right in the middle of getting his cock sucked. Instead of going and getting more tokens, he gave me a half price coupon and told me that if I’d meet him in the movie theater in the back of the store that he’d let me finish him off. I’d never been there before and was curious about the place. Since things were a little slow that night, when I ran out of tokens I decided to take him up on his offer.
Even though I was a frequent visitor to the viewing booths, I’d never been down the street in the movie theater which was located in the back of the store. I was still extremely naïve back in those days and it embarrassed me to be seen buying tokens so I’d always tried to buy them when there was no one else at the counter but the clerk. The entrance to the viewing booth area was only a couple of steps from the counter so it was easy to buy the tokens and in two steps fade behind the curtain and no one notice. The movie theater on the other hand was located in the rear of the store. After buying a ticket you had to run the gauntlet in plain sight of all the customers to get to the back and enter. You can’t imagine how embarrassed I was to buy a ticket and entering the theater. As I moved down the darkened aisle trying to find a seat, I felt like everyone in the theater was looking at me and knew that I was a ’homosexual’ and that I was there to suck cocks. When I sat down, I looked behind me and saw a guy playing with his exposed cock. When he caught me looking at him I was so embarrassed that I scrunched down in my seat so no one could see me.
In a few minutes I felt someone sit down beside me. Without turning my head I glanced out of the corner of my eyes and saw it was the guy from the viewing booth that I’d been blowing. As I sat there staring at the screen, he reached over, un-zipped my pants, took my cock out, and started stroking it. Instead of me sucking him off, he jacked me off. This was really strange for me because up to this point I’d always been the active one and no guy had ever touched me. After he made me cum, I looked around and discovered we had an audience.
My vow didn’t last long. After I thought about the situation, I realized that sure everybody in the place knew that I was a homosexual and that I was there to suck cock. But I also realized that there was nothing to be ashamed of, because that was why they were there too. They were there either to suck a cock themselves or to get their cock sucked. Either way, they were no more anxious than I was for it to be known that they frequented the place. What happens in the Adult Bookstores stayed in the Adult Bookstores which was a good thing because the preacher’s cock wasn’t the only one that I sucked over the years. My son’s principal for instance. I suppose it was because he had more to lose, but he stuck to the viewing booths.
The first time I saw him there I probably wouldn’t have even noticed him if he hadn’t been so furtive in the parking lot. I held back and watched him go in. When he bought tokens and vanished behind the curtain into the booth area, I quickly bought tokens and followed. I slipped through the curtain just in time to see him go into a booth. I rushed down the aisle and grabbed the empty booth next to him.
When I got in the booth there was no doubt what the principal wanted, because by the time I got in and locked the door his cock was already sticking through the hole. Always accommodating, I didn’t waste any time getting down on my knees. To my surprise, even semi-erect his cock was huge. And, after I sucked on it for a couple of minutes, it was also very, very hard. I couldn’t believe the size of his cock. As it grew, it got so fat that I had to really stretch my jaws to get it in my mouth. But, damn, it tasted so good that it was worth the trouble. I had mixed emotion, as I knelt there slurping and sucking his gigantic dick. On one hand I wanted to prolong my sucking as long as possible, and on the other, I couldn’t wait to taste his cum. The decision was soon taken out of my hands. With a moan, he let go and his balls erupted like a volcano. His scalding hot cum came spewing into my mouth and cascaded over my tongue and down my throat. It felt like he dumped a cup full of hot cum down my throat.
As I continued sucking to get that last drop, I realized that his cock was still hard. And I could tell by the way that he wiggled his hips that he didn’t mind if I kept sucking. It wasn’t long until I was rewarded with another mouth full of delicious hot cum. Surprisingly enough, his second load of hot cum was as big as the first.
I couldn’t believe it. The principal’s cock was still hard. For a guy his age to keep an erection and get off twice was very remarkable. And for his second load of cum to be as big as the first load was even more extraordinary. To still have an erection after two orgasms was phenomenal. I was amazed as I continued to suck his incredible cock. In about the same time frame as the other two, my son’s principle again filled my mouth to overflow with his third load of hot gooey cum.
God, this guy must be superman. I’d just made him cum three times and his huge dick was still rock hard. And this was pre-Viagra. His erection had no chemical help. As I sucked him off for the fourth time, I vowed that no matter how many times it took, I was going to continue to suck him until his balls were completely drained and his dick was limp. And I was prepared to suck all nigh if need be.
Suddenly loud a loud voice and banging on the door frightened me. I thought that it was a raid and that the cops were trying to bust into my booth so that they could catch me sucking a cock. I guess the o principal was equally as scared, because as I was jumping to my feet, he was zipping his fly.
Turned out that instead of the cops, it was only the janitor wanting us to move to other booths so that he could clean the ones that we were in. As I stepped out into the hallway I looked to see if the principal was indeed moving to another booth. If he was, I was going to follow him so that I could finish sucking him off. But alas, it wasn’t to be. The last I saw of the principal was his back, as he sped up the aisle toward the exit door. Gone and never to be seen again by me at the bookstore even though I looked for him every time I went back there.
Actually I always suspected his absence was due to a new sissy looking assistant principal that he hired. Not that there was anything going on between them, but they always seemed to be having late business meetings.
* * * *
A few years ago at a party one night, I heard one of my new neighbors telling one of her friends, “Not all men need oral sex. We’ve been married for sixteen years and James and I never have oral. Our marriage is strong. He’ll never leave me because we have a great family unit. Besides,” she giggled, “I’m very good looking, tall, slender with long legs, blonde with blue eyes. He’ll never leave me.” She giggled when she cummed too. Later that night I fucked her in the bathroom while the party was still going on. I pulled her panties off, sat her on the counter and fucked her to two orgasms. And she giggled both times. She had to go ‘commando’ the rest of the evening because I kept her panties as a trophy.
The irony was that I’d met her husband, James at the beginning of the summer. He was a super masculine, deep voiced, big, strong, sloppy, deep voiced, carpenter kind of a guy, not a metro bone in his body. He was a man’s man who can make fires in the rain, change his own oil kind of masculine guy with the deep bellowing voice and the lumbering step. The big black leather jacket and electric guitar, move a refrigerator filled with beer around with one hand and use a chainsaw with the other kind of masculine. He immediately spotted me for what I am…a cocksucker and I’ve been blowing him once or twice a week ever since.
* * * *
When I was forty I met Brain, who was thirty-four. He was so much fun and so exciting that I sucked his cock anytime that he want. Brian also introduced me to BDSM and anal. All of it felt humiliating and embarrassing but I loved pleasing him. He took me to the Midtowne Spa where I gave him a blowjob while other guys watched me. It was the most embarrassing thing I’d ever experienced and I loved it. Another time we were at a party and I striped naked for him so he could put me in bondage and fuck me while the rest of the partygoers watched.
He wanted a threesome but when he made it happen, it was very hard for me because not only was it in a sleazy motel room, but also the other guy was the preacher of my church. They had been best friends since junior high and had done thing together before. I didn’t realize it at the time, but to them I was only a piece of meat…a cocksucker to be used for their pleasure.
The look of lust on both their faces, as they watched me slowly strip, made me shiver with anticipation and fear. By the time I was down to my cute little burgundy panties, they were both kneeling naked on the end of the bed waiting for me. They like my panties so much that they made me leave them on. When I leaned over and kissed the head of my preacher’s cock, he laughed and pushed me to my knees at the foot of the bed.
As my preacher continued to laugh and call me a slut and a cocksucker, the two of them playfully rubbed the head of their cocks all over my face. As I submissively knelt there enjoying the feel of their cocks on my face, I reached up and gently fondled their balls. Eventually I took both their cocks in my hand and even though it was a tight fit, put the head of both their cocks in my mouth at the same time.
When they got tired kneeing at the foot of the bed, they moved to the head and leaned back on the pillows with their legs spread invitingly.
Getting up and joining them on the bed, I crawled between my preacher’s legs and went down on him. It was very humiliating sucking the preacher’s cock while he told Brian what a sweet wife I had and how helpful she was to him at church. After I sucked and slurped on his hard cock for a couple of minutes I took him so far down my throat that I gagged. When I jerked my head back and gasped for air, he grabbed my hair and cruelly yanked my face back toward his crotch and snarled, “Open your mouth, you aren’t through sucking my cock yet!”
As I noisily slurped and sucked his big cock, my preacher moaned and wiggled his hips. Suddenly he grabbed me and raised me up by my hair. Then grinning like a fool, he smirked, “Damn, you little slut, you really do like to suck cocks don’t you?” Then, still laughing he shoved my face back down so I could finish sucking him off.
When he got ready to cum, he put his right leg over my shoulder and held my face so tight against his crotch that my nose was buried in his kinky pubic hair. When his balls exploded he groaned, “Swallow that cum you little cocksucker,” and then laughed as he cummed in my mouth
After I’d finished swallowing his salty cum, he held me against his crotch so I kept right on sucking him for a while. He laughingly called me a ‘little cum slut’ and a cocksucker as he wrapped his fingers in my hair and guided my mouth up and down on his shaft.
Almost before I could get mouth off him again, he made me stop sucking and get up on my hands and knees. As I knelt there I felt him pull off my panties and smear lubricate around and into my ass hole. I quivered with fear when I felt the head of his big cock pressed against my virgin asshole. Afraid of the pain when a cock that big pierced my ass, I tried to relax my sphincter. I needn’t have worried though. Except for the initial thrust there was no pain. Three of four strokes later, I could feel his balls flopping against my naked butt. I didn’t think it could be possible it to feel any better, when I felt the palm of his hand …smack… pop against the cheeks of my naked butt. It stung with a combination of pain and bittersweet pleasure. I moaned with pleasure as his cock pumped in and out of my ass hole, and his palm …smack… continued to crash …smack… against my tingling …smack… butt cheeks. It was long until I felt him tense up as he cummed.
After I removed his condom, I washed off the preachers limp cock with a damp washcloth. Once I had him squeaky, clean I went back down on him and sucked him hard again. I would have sucked until he cummed in my mouth again but he had other ideas. As soon as I had him good and hard again, the preacher flipped me over on my face and made me spread my legs. Spreading my butt cheeks, he rammed his cock balls deep in my quivering ass again. As he pounded my ass he roughly grabbed my hair and yanked my face up so that the Brian could get his cock into my mouth.
It was fantastic. As Brian held my face and rammed his cock in and out of my mouth, my preacher hung on to my butt cheeks and pounded my tight ass. It wasn’t long until we were all three cumming, Brian in my mouth, my preacher in my ass and me all over the bed.
After we rested and they both fucked my mouth again and I swallowed both their loads I was too spent to continue. My ass tingled with pleasure as I dressed and stumbled out to my car for the drive home. That was five years ago. Since then about once a month the preacher asks me if I could drop by the church and help him out with something. That something is always a blowjob.
I suppose it’s amazing, but I’m now in my fifty’s with a wife and two kids in college and even though I still suck cocks ever chance I get, no one knows about it. No one that is but guys that frequent the adult bookstore themselves. And that doesn’t count because what happens in an adult bookstore stays in the adult bookstore.