Belle: The Beginning

"Belle tells the story of her early adventures as a succubus."

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The wind blew my hair and I tried to tuck it in behind my ears but it was to no avail. It came loose and covered my eyes and face.

I glanced over at the speedometer. Jake was doing close to a hundred miles an hour. My eyes turned to his face. He was staring at the road in front of us, his features hard and still. He must have known I was looking at him but he paid no attention to me. I guess he was still in shock after what happened in Cactus Hill.

I put a hand on his leg and slowly a smile grew on his lips. He looked at me quickly and the smile turned into a grin.

“My lover,” he said.

“Watch the road, baby,” I said.

I moved my hand up and when I reached his crotch I unzipped his jeans and freed his cock. It immediately became hard in my hand and that resulted in a long groan from Jake. I have this effect on men, as soon as I have them in my hands they moan and groan, and I love it.

I let my palm slide over his cock head and there was already pre-cum oozing out of the tiny hole which I used to lubricate him. Then I gave him a fast hand job, and when I meant fast it’s so fast my hand is just a blur. He came quickly and his hot cum flowed over my fingers and down onto his jeans where the fabric sucks it up.

I let go of his cock and his smile disappeared, the hard face was back. It’s funny how my touch can make people love me, or want me or have a hundred other emotional feelings.

That’s the way of the succubus, and that’s what I am, and always have been. I guess I should start my story from the beginning.


In the beginning, I was a demon, a spirit, not really evil, but not good either. I lived off the libido of men, and sometimes if necessary women’s.

My mother was Lilith, yes, the same as in the bible. You can look her up if you want.

She wasn’t a very good mother and I was let to roam the earth as I felt fit. She never taught me anything; I had to learn by myself. Of course, there were others like me, but we don’t do well when we are together, we are not creatures that do well in packs. If I feel another succubus around me, I leave and go as far away as possible. I guess it’s imprinted in us, a way to protect us.

For thousands of years, I was a spirit. In those days men lived in caves and hunted large animals with spears and rocks. I would watch them and when I found the strongest I would come to him at night. He would stir as I made him hard with my mind and then I would mount him, but it never made me feel anything. I got bored quickly and simply sucked the libido out of him through his mouth, and then I left, leaving the dead body behind.

It was easy then, humans were simple, and didn’t understand what was happening. They couldn’t see me, and by the time the realized something was on top of them it was too late, and they died. I was happy then, I was free and could do anything I wanted, but that was to end when I made the mistake of trying to attack a Warlock.

The year was 500 BC, the Romans had conquered Europe and the known world was under their rule. I was still in spirit form at the time and had been drawn to that part of the world due to its many strong and good looking male warriors.

One night I saw a small grouping of trees by a river. I flew around in circles trying to see what had drawn me there. I felt the presence of an enormous libido of such strength which I had never felt before. It took me awhile to spot him but when I did I flew down between the trees and hovered above him.

He was a large man, neither old nor young. He was dressed in a long gray robe belted at the waist with a rope. He had the hood up so I couldn’t see his face.

By his feet burned a small fire and over it hung an iron pot. It smelt horrible so I moved away a little. Suddenly the man spoke.

“Succubus, come to me, take me here and forever, I am yours, oh Succubus.”

I almost laughed. Who was this man? He could not call me, I chose who to come too.

“I know you are there, come to me Succubus, take me away from here,” he continued.

I flew in circles above his head, and then I swooped down and passed right in front of his eyes.

“Ah, there you are. Don’t be afraid, I will not harm you,” he said in a sing-song.

Harm me? No man can harm me I thought and made another turn around him. That was a mistake, his hand flew out and as I flew by in front of him I went through I light cloud of powder which he had thrown.

My eyes stung and I lost control, crashing to the ground. I landed hard but didn’t really worry since I was a spirit he couldn’t see me.

“Ah, you are beautiful, so special and now you are mine.” The voice came from behind me.

What did he mean beautiful, I am like the air, like the sky, there is no physical me? I was about to move up into the sky when I felt something warm. I looked down and his hand was holding me. It wasn’t possible, I suddenly had an arm and he was pulling at it.

“Don’t leave Succubus, you are mine,” he screamed.

He threw more powder at me and this was not the same as before. I felt how my mind became weak, my will to escape disappeared and before I could stop it, everything went black.

When I came to the first thing I felt was gravity. I felt so heavy and as much as I tried I couldn’t raise myself.

I looked around and saw that I was in a house made of stone. There was a fireplace where a fire sparkled and a huge iron pot hung. The smell coming from it was much better than the one I had smelt in the woods. Through the open windows, I could see the night and the stars. There was a full moon that lit up the tree tops and I sighed at its beauty.

“You are awake.”

I whipped my head towards the voice and moved back so my back was against the cold wall and my knees close to my chest. I felt weak in this form, my body could be attacked and I didn’t know what the man wanted.

He looked at me and said, “Don’t worry, I will not hurt you. I want you to take me, to end my life.”

“Who are you?” my lips didn’t move, I spoke to his mind.

“I am Marcus, a warlock.”

“How did this happen?” I said and indicated my body.

“I have traveled far and wide and in Egypt I found a scroll spelling out the way of bounding a succubus to earth.

“Why me?”

He laughed, and it was a kind laugh which made me feel better. “I didn’t even know if it was going to work, I thought it was some drunken Egyptian’s practical joke.”

“Why do you want to die?”

His face became sad and he turned away from me. “I am sick, and I can feel that I will not last the winter. I have been sent away by my people, they are afraid I will make them sick too. I don’t want to starve to death alone in this house.”

I moved a little and for the first time, I realized that I didn’t know what my face looked like. I could see my legs which were thin with fine dark brown hair covering them. My feet looked more like hooves and my hands only had three fingers with long claws. My entire body was covered in the fine hair; even my ample boobs were hairy.

“I look like a dog!” I said.

Marcus laughed and stood up. “You look like a flying dog.”

He went to a corner and came back with a large metal shield that had been polished to be able to reflect the sun. He turned it towards me and when I looked into it, I screamed.

My face looked like that of a bat and from behind me wings protruded, ugly black wings that slowly flapped like if they had their own life.

“So this is what a succubus looks like, how in the name of all daemons do we manage to seduce men?” I said.

Marcus put back the sheet and sat down on the bed next to me. “In the scrolls, I read it was explained that a Succubus is also a shape shifter. Some decide to take one body for their entire life and some decided to change at will, it is up to you.”

I was quiet thinking about what he had said. “How is it done?”

He shrugged his shoulders and slowly shook his head. “I don’t know, you must know, or ask another succubus.”

“Ha! That will never happen, we don’t socialize much.”

“Anyway, back to my reason for bringing you. I could kill myself, but I am a coward and afraid of the sight of blood.”

I realized I was hungry; it had been a day or two since I had fed. If this human wanted help to die, who was I to bereave him of that need?

“OK, I’ll help you.”

“Thank you, thank you so much. What shall I do?”

I moved off the bed and gently pushed him down on top of it. I was a bit concerned about my appearance and his ability to have an erection, but when I undid the rope and opened his robe his cock was hard and ready.

“You better close your eyes, “I whispered.

He did and I lowered my face and took his manhood between my lips. Then I began to move up and down while massaging his heavy balls. This man had not fucked in a long time I realized.

When he began to moan I moved up on top of him and gently guided his dick inside me. When he slid in, he said, “Oh, you are so hot. I have never felt a pussy this hot before.”

“I’m glad you like it since it is the last pussy you will ever have,” I answered and began to ride him.

Sadly he didn’t last long, within a minute or two his gasping became moans and just as he came I took his head between my hands and kissed his dry lips. When his seed pumped into me, I began to suck the libido out of him.

When it was over I gently put his head down on the pillow and looked at him. He was at peace, a smile played on his lips and as his cock went limp I moved off him and covered him with a blanket I found at the end of the bed.

I tried my wings and slowly left the ground flying over the tree tops. I realized people could see me and that was a dangerous thing. I needed to figure out how to shapeshift as soon as possible.

I flew into the mountains figuring it would be a good place to hide while I decided what to do. Just as the sun came out I saw a cave and landed in front of it. I knew wild animals sometimes took shelter in them so I threw some rocks inside. When nothing came out or made any noise I went inside. It wasn’t very deep but I found a shelf in the rock wall where I laid down and rested.

When I woke the sun was shining outside and I sat up with my legs over the ledge. When I looked down at them I saw that the hair was gone and my hooves were now feet. I checked my arms and hands and to my relief, they were also without hair and I had grown two more fingers.

Suddenly I had two feelings that I had never had before, thirst and hunger for food. I decided to go and see if there was something around that I could eat and drink.

After walking for a while I found a small lake and walked up to the edge of the water. I had seen men and women drink so I cupped my hands and leaned out a little. When I saw my reflected I fell back.

Then slowly I looked again. My face no longer looked like a bat, but not entirely human either. My mouth was much wider and my lips fuller. My nose was long and straight and my eyes were a bit too large for my face and almond shaped. My ears were a little pointy and the hair on my head long, curly and dark brown. My wings were still there, but overall I was pleased with my appearance.

I walked out into the water and stood absolutely still until the ripples had died down. I looked down at the reflection of my cunt. It was perfect, small lips and no hair at all. I let my hand slide in between my legs and felt my clit go hard. It was big enough so I could grab it with my thumb and index finger and while I stood there I played with myself until my legs went weak and I fell into the water with a laugh.

I had never bathed before and the warm water on my skin was so relaxing I stayed there for a long time.

I had drunk and now I went looking for food. I found berries and also a rabbit which I skillfully killed by throwing a rock at it. Apparently, I was very strong and had perfect aim. I ate the animal raw and then went back to the lake to drink more water.

I was on my way back to the cave when I heard noises and pricked my ears. They came from my left so I quickly hid behind some bushes waiting to see what or who it could be.

A few minutes later two men came walking through the trees. Between them, they held a young girl. She was naked and had scratches on her body.

“Now we will find out if you are a witch,” said one of the men.

“I beg you, please don’t do this,” said the girl and tried to get loose.

The other man hit her in the face and her body went slack. They continued dragging her towards the water and when they reached it they dropped her lifeless body on the ground.

One of them tied a rope to a net with stones in it that he had been carrying and the other man tied the other end of the rope to the girl’s waist.

They were going to kill her I realized. I had killed many humans in my lifetime, but what I saw now made me angry.

“Let’s make sure she dies and doesn’t come back,” said one of the men and hit the girl hard in the head using a rock.

I flew from behind the bush and landed between them.

“Leave her alone,” I said, my voice was deep and had a resonance in it, like an echo.

The two men jumped back. “A devil, a demon,” screamed one of them and turned to run.

I jumped up on him and turned him around so he fell on his back. When his mouth opened from the impact I kissed his lips and sucked in his libido and left him for dead. The other man had managed to run a bit further but I caught up with him and ended his life the same way.

Then I went back to the girl and cradled her head in my arms. She was bleeding from a deep wound in her head. I looked at her and she was of such beauty it hurt me deeply to see her die. Her long legs were perfectly shaped, and her tummy was flat with full round boobs and tiny brown nipples. Her oval face was kind with soft lips and a small straight nose. Her curly brown hair was similar to mine but shorter.

“Are you an angel?” she whispered.

“No, but I know some and they will take care of you, you will be safe with them, trust me. What is your name?”

“Belle, am I dying?”

“Yes, my dear, you are.”

“It’s so peaceful and quiet.”

“Be still now and the angels will soon come for you.”

“Who are you?” a deep voice said behind me.

I didn’t dare to look because I already knew who it was. “I am no one, please, take this girl.”

“Move away, and stay clear of us, daemon.”

I slowly rose and walked away without turning. I heard wings and then it was quiet. I dared to turn and when I did Belle’s body was gone. A white feather lay in its place and when I picked it up it became dust in my hand. I looked up in the sky but saw no one.

I decided to have one last drink of water and when I looked into the lake I saw Belle. Somehow, and don’t ask me how I had shapeshifted into the dead girl.

I can still feel her inside me, like an echo out of the past, and I think she is the one that sometimes, just sometimes makes me spare a life, like Jake’s for example.


“Why do you do it?”

I kept my eyes closed and said, “Why do I do what?”

I heard Jake sigh. “Kill people.”

“It’s in my nature, I can’t help it. If I don’t, I die. You should know, you are also a killer. You are actually worse than I because you do it for pleasure.”

“That’s bullshit; you get off on murdering innocent people as much as I do.”

“Like I said, if I don’t then I die.”

I wasn’t in the mood for a philosophical discussion so I gave him the echo voice. “Do you prefer to die?”

“No, of course not, it was just a question, calm down.”

I could sense him moving in his seat, probably away from me.

“Just be quiet and drive. I don’t feel like small talk.”

“Just one more thing, why is there cum on my jeans? I would like to clean it.”

“Shut up, please.”


In those days the life of the Succubus was good. Humans were dumb, uneducated and believed in just about anything. Maybe they still do, but it was definitely better back then.

I had to deal with other creatures like vampires, werewolves, trolls, and all sorts of uncanny things that lived in the woods, lakes, rivers and mountains. I stayed away as much as possible, but I have had sex with a vampire and a werewolf and I don’t recommend it.

The wolf only likes doggy style and he keeps on howling until you are deaf. The vampire is cold and after sex usually just falls asleep hanging from his feet from a beam or branch. I can’t really feed off them, they don’t have the same libido as a human, but I just did it out of curiosity.

It took me a couple of weeks to realize that I could move around humans like if I was one of them. Since I looked like one, smelt like one and walked like one there was no way people could tell I was a succubus until it was too late, and by then they didn’t really give a shit because they had had the best orgasm in their life and were on their way to meet their maker.

I spent hundreds of the years moving across Europe and the Middle East. I was never drawn to Asia or Africa. There were enough good looking men around for me and I didn’t see the need to travel further.

By 1492 I lived in Spain and when I heard about Christopher Columbus planned voyage to India I figured I should see more of the known world. Little did I know that the man was clueless and that we would end up in present day Central America.

I boarded his ship dressed like a boy with my hair cut short and my boobs tied down by bandages.

Luckily there was no lack of gay men on board so whenever I needed to feed I would lure one of them into the bowels of the ship where I would fuck him senseless and then throw his dead body overboard. It was quite funny to watch their faces when they realized I had a pussy instead of a cock, but by then they were already in my power so they didn’t even try to get away.

I jumped ship in what is present day Belize. In those days it was mostly jungle and swamps and the few people that lived there were simple Indians who I could feed off without any problem.

I heard them speak about a great kingdom further north and I decided to check it out. It took me several months to make my way there but when I finally reached the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan I was amazed.

It was nothing like the European cities I had seen. These people were rich and the way they lived showed it.

The women and men wore gold, and their clothes were of expensive fabrics that had beautiful embroideries.

The city was constructed on several islands where the rich lived within the city and the poor on the outskirts.

As I walked the streets people stared at me. I didn’t look like them or dress like them, but since this was before the Spanish arrived they had no idea who I was and where I came from.

I took lodging above what I can only describe as a bar. It was a place where men would gather in the evening to play table games, talk and drink.

One of the benefits of being a succubus is that I pick up a language very fast. Within a week I could speak fluently with them and that made me less interesting in the sense that I was not a threat.

Men are men everywhere, from Jerusalem to the Mayans, men like women and they like to fuck. It didn’t take long before I had my first sexual experience with an Aztec warrior.

He was not a big man compared to today’s, but he was strong and sinewy. I was in the bar helping the owner when he walked in.

Dressed in only a loincloth that covered his cock and with a large knife at his side he walked up to me.

“You, come with me,” he said.

“Why? I am busy,” I answered.

The room went quiet. The owner glanced at me and then at the warrior. I stood my ground and stared into his almost black eyes.

“No woman speaks to me like that,” he said and grabbed my arm.

I didn’t want to make a scene and drawing unnecessary attention to me so I went with him.

He led me to his living quarters which were on the top floor of a building a few blocks away. When we went inside he threw me on the ground.

“You are now my slave,” he said looking very proud.

“No I am not. I am no one’s slave,” I said.

He went to grab me again but I was faster and put my hand on his outstretched arm. Immediately he got that silly grin on his face that my touch creates. His eyes changed from anger to love and he sat down on the floor next to me.

“Who are you?” I said.

“My name is Eztli, and I am a great warrior.”

“I am sure you are. Tell me more about yourself.”

“I am rich because I have taken many treasures during the battles.”

Good, I thought, the guy was loaded. I needed someone with wealth and a nice place to stay. My room above the bar was rat infested and had roaches the size of mice. Eztili would be perfect as a lover until I had figured out what to do.

I leaned in and while holding his hand I kissed him on the lips and as I did, I sucked out some of his libido so he would be under my spell for the time being.

As I did I noticed that his cock had grown hard under his loin cloth. I lifted it up to see what he was packing and to my delight, he had a nice thick shaft.

Using my left hand I began to slowly stroke him and he became as putty in my arms. His moans and gasps increased in volume and when I gently let him down on the floor he smiled up at me and reached for my pussy.

“What is this? You are hairless,” he said.

“Mm, in my village all women are like this,” I lied.

His fingers ran over my lips and when they felt my enlarged clit he said, “You have a small cock?”

“No, it’s my pleasure button,” I said and leaned down to kiss him.

As I did I adjusted my position and his dick slid into my yearning cunt. I gave him the best I could and over the next two hours I made him come over ten times.

When I decided to go for an evening walk I left him drained on his bed. His mouth was open and he had a vacant look on his face. He didn’t speak or move and for a second I was worried that I had killed him by mistake. I touched his cock it grew hard again and I smiled to myself. He was still alive.


We drove all night and by the time the sun came over the horizon we had reached a medium sized town. I needed a shower and Jake needed rest so I told him to pull up to the first motel he saw.

Ten minutes later we stopped at a motel off the main road into town. The room smelt of mildew, dirty socks and stale beer, but that’s what you get when you try to keep a low profile.

I dumped my grimy clothes on the floor and felt Jake’s eyes on my body as I walked into the bathroom.

The water was cold but I didn’t care and the hard soap got the dust off me. I walked back into the room dripping water since there were no towels to be found.

“Now what?” said Jake from where he leaned against the dirty window with his back to me.

“I need to feed, so get on the bed.”

“Fuck you.”

“No, you got it wrong. I am the one doing the fucking.”

He turned around and his eyes wanted to kill me. His anger was adorable and I tilted my head, giving him my most innocent smile.

“Oh, do you want to hurt me, baby?” I purred.

“You have no idea how much, you bitch.”

I slowly crossed the floor towards him, making sure he saw the swing of my hips and my gently bouncing boobs.

When I reached him I put out my hand but he slapped it away. “Don’t you touch me, I have figured it out. If you do, I am under your spell.”

I bit my lower lips and crossed my legs, and looked up at him. “Now, now, puppy, either we do this my way, which means you don’t get hurt, or we go down your street which means you will be in pain, a lot of pain.”

His eyes were wild and he looked around for something to hit me with but found nothing.

It was time to scare him into submission. “Jake, can I ask you an honest question?”

“What?” his eyes still afraid.

“Do you think I am sexy, just say yes or no?”

His looked confused. “What do you mean?”

“Apart from me scaring you, do you think I am attractive, sexy and hot? Am I fuckable?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Good, then I’m going to give you two options.” I stepped back and stroke a sexy pouty look. “You can let me fuck you like this, or…”

I shifted to my daemon look. “ this.”

“Holy shit!” Jake pushed himself up against the wall as away from as he could.

The room filled with the stench of sulfur. I stuck out my snake tongue and licked my own boobs while my wings slowly flapped behind me.

“You know what I am. The only thing you have to decide is; do you want me to fuck you as Belle or like this?”

His eyes flickered from my feet to my head and with a weak whisper he said, “Belle.”

I shifted and I was the beautiful young Belle again. Jake let out a long sigh.

When I took his hand he followed me to the bed where I sat him down on the edge. Standing in front of him I pushed his head against my pussy and within seconds he was sucking and licking my clit. While he did I played with my boobs and felt how his hands moved up the back of my thighs to my round ass.

He used some of my pussy juice to lubricate a finger and then he gently pushed it inside my anus and my legs went weak.

“Mm yes, that is so naughty, Jake, but I love it,” I said, my voice dark and soft like velvet.

When I was ready I gently pushed him down on the bed and undid his pants and took out his hard cock. I didn’t care that he hadn’t taken a shower. As I moved up and straddled him I could smell the sweet heavy fragrance from my pussy. It is so strong it often makes men fall into a dream like state.

“Oh God, you are so hot,” moaned Jake as I began sliding up and down his shaft.

His hands reached for my boobs, pinching my erect nipples and giving them a long needed massage. I supported myself by putting my hands on his chest and then began to ride him faster and faster.

I can move so fast that I become a blur for humans and that’s what I did. I love to watch the men’s faces when I do it. Their eyes open wide and then their mouth forms a perfect circle. Within a very short time, they come and if I don’t stop they keep on coming until I do.

I gave Jake six orgasms in quick succession and just as he came a seventh time I leaned down and drank some of his libido, just enough to get me going without risking his life. When I had had my fill, I slid off his cock, gave it a kiss and then lay down next to him but by then he was fast asleep, completely drained and in the need of several hours rest.

I fondled his cock which of course went hard under my touch until my eyelids became heavy and I too fell asleep.


By the time the Aztec empire ended I was a rich woman and on my fourth or sixth husband, I don’t really remember. In any case, the city was ransacked and I stayed for a while feeding on the Spanish as revenge for killing my latest hubby.

I couldn’t carry much gold with me but I took what fitted into a small bag and then took off up north. I had heard the Spanish soldiers talking about a vast land which they called America and I figured it might be an interesting place to visit.

When the American Civil War ended I lived in New York. I had married a businessman and lived a quiet comfortable life. Every so often I would sneak out at night to feed and fuck unsuspecting young men. During a month I suffered a depression and I killed over one hundred men. The city was in an uproar and I had to stop my hunting completely for a few weeks. While I did I fed on my husband. It kept me alive but I lost a lot of strength.

I never found out where that strange feeling of melancholy and sadness came from, I had always thought I was immune to human illnesses, but apparently I wasn’t at least not the mental kind. The depression disappeared as it had come, and overnight I was back to my old self again. I still couldn’t feed in New York so I would fly either to Boston or Washington during the night. I liked both cities so while in human form I would walk the streets and enjoy the sights and sounds.

When my husband died in 1889 I decided to leave America and go back to Europe. I had heard about the industrial revolution and I was dying to see what had become of my old continent. I closed down his bank accounts and sold the grand house we lived in. I had the money transferred to London and on a foggy morning, I boarded a ship which would take me across the Atlantic.


“It’s time to wake up,” I whispered in Jake’s ear.

He stirred and slowly opened his eyes. I wasn’t touching him so I immediately saw anger burning behind his pupils.

“Bitch, you did it again,” he snarled at me.

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Get up, take a shower and let’s go.”

While I waited for my turn in the bathroom I looked out the dirty window. Cars drove by and a few buses. I turned and saw our dirty clothes in two heaps on the floor so I decided we had to buy new threads.

At least smelling good we crossed the road to a strip mall where I had seen a thrift store. I didn’t have much money on me and I didn’t think Jake had either. Being a drifter like I had been for the last twenty years money always a problem. How I lost my fortune is for another time. Usually, I simply spelled some poor shmuck into giving me whatever he had in his wallet after fucking him, but that meant getting away quickly because the spell only lasted thirty minutes after I was out of eyesight.

I grabbed a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and a new leather jacket. My boots were still okay so I didn’t have to worry about footwear. I also got new underwear but no bra, since I didn’t need one. My tits are always full and firm.

After we had paid we changed clothes in an alley behind the thrift store. I was pulling the T-shirt over my head when Jake said, “Where are we going?”

“Nowhere and everywhere, is there any special place you would like to see?” I answered.

Jake looked good in his new jeans and sweater but his face still showed the anger.

“Yeah, as far away from you as possible.”

“That won’t happen anytime soon.”

“Will you ever leave me alone?”

I picked up my old clothes and put them together with his in the plastic bag from the store.

“Yes, I will, but when it fits my needs.”

“What am I to you, a packed lunch?”

I laughed. “Exactly, meals on wheels, now let’s go.”

He didn’t know it but I had a destination in mind and when we got there I would find some answers I needed and with a bit of luck, kill and old enemy.


“You are an impossible woman to satisfy, how do you do it?”

I looked down at the young man under me. His name was Gordon and he was my boyfriend.

After arriving in London I moved into a nice flat close to St’Paul’s cathedral. I had plenty of money so I didn’t have to worry about having to work. I made a few investments and my money grew at 10% a year making me one of the richest women in London at the time.

Of course, no one really knew who I was and I never flaunted my wealth, it would only attract men who wanted to cheat me out of it.

Gordon was someone completely innocent. He had come down from York looking for work in the big city. His parents owned a small grocery store so he wasn’t poor.

We met on the sidewalk where he bumped into me and made me drop my purchases. Being a gentleman he offered to carry them to my place and when I saw his kind brown eyes I said yes. As he was about to put down the packages by my door I touched his hand and he smiled up at me.

“Would you like a cold drink?” I said.

“Yes, please,” his voice weak.

He got his drink and then I took him to my bedroom. After taking my clothes off, I sat him down on the bed.

“You are beautiful,” he said.

“Thank you, Gordon.”

I took his hands in my and placed them on my boobs. Immediately his thumbs began to rub my nipples. I unbuttoned his pants and then helped him take off his clothes. He had a wonderfully thick long cock that I began to suck.

“Oh, no one has ever done that before,” he moaned.

I began to lick along the shaft and said, “How old are you?”

“Twenty-four.” He blushed and looked away from me.

“Are you still a virgin?”


I stood and pushed him down on the bed and then straddled him.

“Mm, what is that lovely fragrance?” he asked.

“My perfume, do you like it?”

“It’s intoxicating,” was the last word he spoke before his eyes glazed over.

That afternoon I gave Gordon over twenty orgasms, and by the time I had sucked a little of his libido he was knocked out. His cock was red from all the fucking and sucking he had received.

That was two years ago and now we lived together in my flat. He had asked where my money had come from and I had told him I had inherited it.

Gordon looked up at me and smiled. “I love you, Belle.”

“And I you, my dear boy.”

Which was a lie, a succubus can’t love. We can only care about humans.

I moved down along his legs until my lips kissed his cock head and he looked down at me.

“Please, no more, I will die if I have one more orgasm.”

I giggled. “Fine, let’s go for a walk.”

We walked hand in hand along the pavement in the sunny afternoon. The streets were busy and they sidewalks were crammed with people. He went into a shop to buy me a gift and I waited outside.

“I know who you are, succubus.”

I turned left and right but saw no one. My body began to give off the sulfur smell and I had to control it before it got out of hand. The people that passed me wrinkled their nose at the smell.

“I am in your head,” said the voice. It was cold and feminine.

“Who are you?”

I hadn’t used my inner voice in years and it sounded strange to me.

“You need to leave London and never come back.”

I looked around me again hoping to see someone I recognized or who was looking at me, but saw no one. I was also worried that Gordon would come out before I had figured out who this woman in my head was.

“I’m not leaving.”

“Then the boy will die.”

Another puff of sulfur and my eyes turned red and I could feel my tail trying to punch out of my skin.

“Bitch, if you even try I will rip you apart and feed you to the rats.”

There was laughter, soft, sultry and beautiful.”

“You can always try, but first you have to find me.”

I felt her leave my mind just as Gordon came out.

“Hi, you look upset,” he said.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Let’s go back home.”

A week past and the voice never came back. I stayed close to Gordon and never let him out of my sight. I still had no idea who the woman in my head had been or what she wanted apart from me out of London which I had no plan on leaving.

One afternoon after a long walk Gordon said he wanted to rest so I sat down in our salon with a new book I had bought. He went to our bedroom and I smiled when I heard the door close. Poor thing, we had fucked before the walk and it must have drained him, I thought.

About half an hour after he had entered the bedroom, I thought I heard moans and groans coming from the inside. I put away the book and I was upset. If he was jerking off by himself I would punish him. To my surprise, the door was locked from the inside so I went into the kitchen and got a knife.

When the door sprung open I stared at the sight in front of me. A young woman, not more than twenty was straddling Gordon. Her hands were on his chest and her claw-like nails were dug deep into his flesh. She was beautiful with long blond hair and a round ass. The little I saw of her tits said they were perky and firm.

“What the fuck, get off him you bitch?” I roared while the stench of sulfur filled the room.

The girl whipped around and in a blur of movements she was sitting on top of the headboard of the bed.

“So, we finally meet, succubus,” her voice was the same as the one in my head.

I glanced at Gordon who hadn’t moved, his eyes were open but there was no life in them, he was stone dead.

“What did you do to him?” I said while approaching her slowly. I had no idea what I was up against.

“He is dead, as I promised. There is no need for you to stay in London any longer, leave before you die.”

I jumped onto the bed not caring that I stood on top of Gordon’s chest, but by the time I was there the girl was already by the door, she was much faster than I.

“You are slow, succubus, no match for me.”

“What the fuck are you?” I said standing on my dead boyfriend.

She smiled and showed a row of sharp teeth and burning green eyes. “I am the Nightmare.”

With that she was gone, just disappeared into thin air. I spent weeks looking for her and waiting for her to come back, but she never did. What she did do was to come into my head at night when I slept, raking havoc with my dreams and my mind. A month after Gordon had died I packed my belongings and took a train to Madrid, fuck it, I thought, she can keep London, but one day I will find her and kill her.

If you have enjoyed this story please visit my blog for more information about me and my novellas.

Published 8 years ago

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