Being touched in the cinema.

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I looked through my wardrobe, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. I would be seeing him again that night so I was super excited. He made me feel so wonderful and I was definitely happy to have him in my life. I tried to imagine what our evening together would be like in my mind; every time with him was always so perfect, so it was hard to imagine anything other than perfect.   My phone rang and I answered it, feeling rather happy to hear his voice, “I’m gonna be there soon” he said, “You ready?” “Okay”, I replied, “Yes, I’m ready, see you soon”. I opened the door to him and smiled, leaning forward to hug him. “Nice dress” he said, looking me up and down. “It’s new” I said, heading out the door. We arrived at the cinema and got the tickets and popcorn, quickly walking off to get to the movie on time. Once we walked in I realised how busy it was, I’d never thought that the movie we were seeing would be popular. “There are so many people” I said, looking around the cinema shocked. He didn’t say anything and sat down, grabbing onto my arm to show me where to sit.

We were the only ones in the row and he took it as an opportunity to touch me, I slightly jumped as his hand slowly ran up my leg, eventually brushing on the side of my underwear. I took a sip of my drink and had some popcorn, pretending to ignore his hand slowly stroking me. Nobody around seemed to notice so I continued to let him do it, slightly gasping as he put his fingers inside my underwear and felt me. He used his other hand to eat popcorn and watched the movie, slowly moving his fingers around inside of me. I giggled at one point and he turned to look at me for a moment. My eyes flickered to his and we held each others gaze for a moment, before looking back at the movie. He started to move his fingers around in me faster and faster and I felt myself getting wetter and wetter. I was aching for his touch more and more so I pushed his hand away. “We can’t do this here” I said, looking at him angrily. “Why?” he said, “Because it’s not the done thing” I replied, pushing his hand away even further.

He looked slightly annoyed then licked his fingers, tasting my juices on them. I told him he was gross and watched the movie. I still couldn’t stop thinking about it though, I was still wet and wanted his fingers in me again, I was aching for it so badly now.

I knew the movie was about to finish though so I decided to wait, knowing that it would make sex so much more passionate when we got home. Right before the movie finished he placed his hand on my thigh and slowly moved it up, quickly coming to the discovery of my now very wet panties. He seemed happy about it and slipped his fingers into me again, making me let out a soft moan. Just as he started to go faster the lights came on and he quickly moved away his hand.   We slowly walked out of the cinema and I pleaded for him to touch me again. “Soon” he said, holding my hand as we walked to the car. The drive home was almost unbearable, I needed him so badly now. I could hardly stand it any longer! Once we got there I ran to the door and unlocked it, running inside and going to the bedroom. He followed and jumped onto me and soon as we got there, pulling off my top and exposing my naked breasts to his hungry gaze. “Mm, touch them” I said, “He grabbed hold of one of my breasts with his hand and held it for a moment, eventually moving his fingers to my nipples and lightly squeezing them. I felt myself tingle as he did so and slightly put my head back as he squeezed them harder. He moved his mouth to my nipple and sucked it then, flicking his tongue over it then taking it in his mouth. “That feels good” I said, “Taste my wetness”. He slowly moved his hands to the side of my underwear and threw them on the floor, lifting up my dress and putting his head between my legs. I arched my back in delight and left his tongue flicking over my clit. He sat up and put his penis to my mouth, urging me to suck on it. I did as he wanted and took as much of it as possible into my mouth, watching him looking down on me and I sucked on it. “Mm, babe, that feels good” he said, pushing it down deeper in my throat. I moved my mouth away from his penis and told him to fuck me. He rammed his thick penis into me and made me gasp and moan in utter delight. “Faster” I said. He smiled and went faster, sweating with intense pleasure. I giggled as he came inside of me, pushing down on me harder and falling down in exhaustion. “That was nice” I said, laughing and turning to face him. He looked at me and placed his hand on my face, “Yes”   he said, “It was.
Published 15 years ago

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