After a long hot night Friday night, Saturday we let the boys relax while we took full advantage of the large kitchen. While cooking up a storm, we decided to just wear aprons and nothing else.
In the kitchen were me, Melissa, Peaches, Sharon, and Samantha. Vikki, Karen, and Tracey were sitting out with the boys. While we were in the middle of cooking, I noticed the house next door was able to see down from their back veranda into the kitchen through the window, which we had opened. As I was at the sink rinsing, I thought I heard some movement and voice, so I automatically looked up.
There staring down at us were four young men in their 20s having a smoke. When I turned around to see where their eyes were looking, Melissa was busy at the kitchen bench, and they were watching her. I think they were hoping she would turn around but got a shock to see me staring back at them. So I gave them a wave and a smile.
Me: Melissa, we are being spied on.
Melissa: Where?
Me: From next door. There are four young men looking down on us.
Melissa turned and gave them a wave. When they saw she was pregnant, one gave her the thumbs up, so Melissa lifted up her apron. They all then gave her the thumbs up. When they looked at me, I knew what they wanted, so I stood back from the sink and lifted my apron. I also got the thumbs up.
Sharon: What are you pair up to?
Melissa: Giving our voyeurs a show.
When Sharon came into view, the 4 boys raised their hands as they wanted to see under Sharon’s apron, but she did one thing better. She took it off. The boys started clapping, so Melissa and I did the same. We decided to really turn the heat up for them and called Peaches over. When she saw the 3 of us standing there naked, she took her apron off but didn’t know about the boys.
One of the boys nearly choked when Peaches gave me a kiss. This made her look up and realize we had an audience. Peaches blew them all a kiss, then pointed down at my pussy. Just the look on their faces said it all, so Peaches got down in between my legs and ate me as the boys watched. I had to hold onto the kitchen bench with one hand as I could feel an orgasm approaching fast. I then started squirting onto the kitchen floor.
When Peaches stood, she turned around and looked straight at the boys while sucking on her fingers, waved, then walked away, leaving me standing there recovering from just being eaten. The boys soon disappeared after waving down at us.
Before we could resume cooking, the mop had to be used to mop up my large puddle of squirt. When I turned around, Melissa had Sharon up on the kitchen bench and down at her pussy, as watching Peaches get down in between my legs must have been too much to just stand there and watch. So I waited until Sharon had her orgasm before I mopped the floor.
We didn’t bother putting our aprons back on, and when the food was cooked and ready to be served, Sharon went for a shower as she had flour on her bum after sitting in it. The boys weren’t surprised when we all walked out naked carrying plates of food.
Darren: I should have guessed as to what those four boys were cheering for.
Me: They wanted a perv, so we gave them something worth perving on.
As we were all sitting around having lunch, the four boys came back to where they were before. One ended up leaning right over, trying to see where we had disappeared to.
Melissa: If you’re looking for us, we are over here.
As soon as they saw Darren, Bradley, and Greg, they quickly disappeared. After Melissa was done eating, I could see her lower back was causing her pain, so I went into the pool area and brought out one of the long pool lounge’s cushions and a couple of towels.
Me: Do you want the shade or sun?
Melissa: Sun, please, so I can tan up a little.
I helped Melissa get down onto the cushion before lying back. She then rolled onto her side, squashing her boob in the process and squirting breast milk onto the grass.
Melissa: Looks like I need to express or have someone suck on my boobs.
Me: There are plenty of mouths that can give you relief. Let me know when you’re comfortable, and I’ll give you a massage.
After squeezing more milk out, Melissa got comfortable as I rolled a towel she could use alongside her body. I spread my towel out to sit on for her massage, then sat behind her.
I started at the top first and worked my way down her back. I was then handed a bottle of lotion to use. As I did in between her legs, I didn’t use any as I wanted her pussy to be the last thing I do.
Before touching her wet pussy, I wiped my fingers on my towel as I had other ideas. I wanted her pussy and to clean up the mess around it.
Me: Lift your leg, woman, so I can do in between your legs.
Melissa: Haven’t you just done that?
Me: Not properly.
I lay down with my head towards her pussy, and once her leg was lifted, I moved in between so I was face on to her pussy. I then started licking. Melissa rested her leg over me as I took care of her pussy.
Melissa was soon showing signs of an approaching orgasm. We could hear the four boys were back outside, but we didn’t know if they were back at their vantage spot or not. We soon had their attention as Melissa’s orgasm hit, and she let out a scream just as I moved out of the way, and she started squirting.
The four boys then started cheering Melissa on, so she started rubbing her pussy. I finger fucked Melissa as she rubbed, which brought on another powerful orgasm and soaked the grass.
When I looked to see what the others were doing, they were sitting there enjoying watching Melissa and me while having a drink. After Melissa had her 2nd orgasm, she rolled onto her back. I turned around and moved up to give Melissa a kiss.
Melissa: I so needed those orgasms, and I bet the boys are back watching.
Me: Yes, they are back looking over.
Melissa: Give me those lips of yours.
I leant down and gave Melissa a kiss as I put my hand on her belly. This woke up my little girl, as I felt a hand touch mine. While she had her hand pressed against Melissa’s belly, I did a circle with my finger.
Melissa: Are you trying to wake her as she’s been still until now?
Me: You know she reacts to my touch. Now roll over so I can finish your massage.
Melissa: It is getting uncomfortable lying like this.
Once Melissa was on her back, I put some lotion on and massaged it in. After I was done and had some playtime with my little girl with a not-so-impressed Melissa, I helped her up off the ground. Melissa and I headed inside so she could have a shower after being sticky from her breasts leaking milk. We then spent the rest of the afternoon lying around relaxing until it was time to fire up the BBQ and fire for dinner.