I’m attracted to both men and women. I’ve always known that. I mean, how can anyone not be? There is a certain amount of truth in the old cliché, ‘it’s the best of both worlds’. My preference doesn’t lean toward men, particularly. I actually haven’t a real preference based on something as minor as my lovers’ gender.
That was a problem in my younger days. I was, and still am, as easily aroused by the flash of a woman’s thigh as I am by the way a man’s jeans frame his butt. Same sex relationships may be gaining acceptance in the cities, but in the little town Rosedale, even the hint of being gay can still cause hushed whispers to be spoken with raised eyebrows. These people are so mired in the sticky vanilla of monogamy, they couldn’t begin to image themselves tasting the fruit from a different tree.
I found a committed relationship to be dreadfully stifling, regardless of whether it was a man or woman sharing my bed. It wasn’t until I met Malcolm and Mia that everything changed.
It was late spring, and the past winter’s chill was a distant memory. It was Malcolm I met first. That day, gorgeous and puffy white clouds were the only things marring the otherwise pure blue of the sky. I had a rare weekend off, and was enjoying the afternoon in a Café close enough to the sea that I could hear the waves crashing on the beach.
I was sitting at my table and nibbling on my bagel when I heard the sound of scuffling feet. The hurried gasp of “Oh shit!” behind me made me turn just as I felt the weight of a man falling in to me. The impact sent my coffee splashing onto the hardwood floor and my bagel was last seen rolling under a table.
An older gentleman lost his grip on his order, and his efforts to save it caused him to stumble into Malcolm. He didn’t even see it coming, and like a domino falling against the next, he ended up tripping into me. I lost my coffee, but he was so cute and apologetic, that all I could do was laugh.
“Please, let me buy you a fresh cup,” his voice was gentle and filled with a mirthful laugh. He was a handsome man and as he rose, I noticed he was several inches taller than me. His green eyes were intense but soulful. His ruffly brown hair framed a strong face and luscious lips curled up in a pleasant smile. He was slightly lanky, but his arms were strong and well-muscled. I felt an instant attraction to him.
“Oh, that’s okay it’s just coffee,” I said, feeling a sudden flush in my cheeks.
“No, I insist. Besides, I also cost your fine bagel, wherever that ended up.” He was ordering the coffee before I could even begin to object. How could I say no to such an attractive creature? My mama didn’t raise no fools.
Returning with our breakfast, he sat down and sipped his juice. “So, would you mind if I asked your name?” His eyes lit up as he spoke, waiting for me to respond.
I felt like I was being swept away and I answered before I even realized what was happening. “Arya. How about yourself?”
“Malcolm.” He was incredibly calm considering he’d just been knocked over my table and I couldn’t help but return his smile.
“Tell me a little about yourself, besides your lack of grace?” I asked, holding back a giggle just as I took a sip of my coffee.
“Hey! It wasn’t my fault. It was that other guys,” he said with an exaggerated shrug. His lower lip popped out into the sexiest pout I’ve ever seen. It took all my will not to pull him into a kiss so I could suck on it.
“For starters, I love being outdoors. There is nothing that beats going out into the woods and camping. I also enjoy playing basketball and jogging to keep fit. There is always the beach too, I love to swim.”
I felt the excitement rush through me as I listened to him chalk off all the things I liked to do. “Me too!” I said, reaching out and putting my hand on top of his. “I enjoy indoor activities just as much.” I took a sip of my coffee, letting the thought hang for a moment. The slight raise in his eyebrow was delicious, but I continued before he could respond. “You know, films, art, music, cuddling and cooking, those sorts of things.”
“Cool, same with me. My ma taught me how to cook. She said it would come in handy when I wanted to impress a girl. Now that I’m twenty three and on my own, I’ve learned this is very true.”
“Well, then I am impressed. I do love a man who can cook. Cooking meals together can be lots of fun.” I bit my lip at the idea of cooking with Malcolm. The thought of him brushing against me in a tight kitchen was already making me blush.
It was past three in the afternoon by the time we parted ways. I hadn’t wanted to, but I had plans with my friends that evening. I was excited when he asked me for my number and I gladly gave it to him. I had hoped I wouldn’t have to wait long to hear from him.
I was never one to rush into things, let alone relationships. Malcolm and I slowly got to know one another over those first few weeks. It wasn’t anything serious, just learning more about each other. There was a little flirting, which to me made sense because I was attracted to him from the first day. One night, while we were at my place watching a movie, he brought up the possibility of us being something more.
“Arya, where do you see us going? Are we just friends, or do you think we could be closer?”
I was caught off guard because I had no idea he even thought we might possibly be dating. We cuddled while watching movies, but that is about it. Friends can cuddle too, right?
“To be honest, I just saw us as friends. I’m not against dating you, Malcolm, but no, I didn’t think we were.”
“You would want to, though, right?” He seemed so shy and I could sense it was difficult for him to ask.
Once he had though, he put me in it an uncomfortable position. I had tried many times to be involved in committed relationships with a single partner, but my sexual tastes left me feeling trapped. Over time, I knew I would miss the touch of my partners opposite sex.
“There is something I need to tell you before we start getting serious…” I let my words trail off a little.
“Oh god, are you married with like four kids or something crazy like that. You are, aren’t you? Oh, my god, I knew it.” His overly-serious tone belied the mirth hiding underneath.
I laughed, feeling better about it and raised my hand as if surrendering to his glib accusation. “You figured me out, kid. You know my secret.” We laughed and held hands until I felt I needed to continue.
“No, but seriously,” I began again. “I’m not really into monogamous relationships. I’m what you’d call polyamorous. I’m into both men and women and I’ve never been able to give up one for the other. I will fully commit to you, but I can’t be locked down to one gender. I’m suggesting an open relationship. I won’t necessarily go ‘seeking’ out others, but I can’t close the door to the possibility. You know?”
He seemed shocked and I could tell that he had a lot of questions and I squeezed his hand tighter. “I don’t believe in secrets and I won’t lie to you. You’ll know everything, if it happens, or at least anything you want to know. The same goes for you, too. You’d be welcome to enjoy others as well.”
We talked about it for a few hours, until I knew for certain he was comfortable about it. I told him he could always come to me and that the subject would always remain open. He asked me out that very night and I said yes, of course. Even if I didn’t meet anyone else, it was nice to know that the person I was dating was open minded to the possibility.
After being single for as long as I had been, I knew the odds of me finding someone besides Malcolm was slim. It was just nice to know I had the option if I ever did. Who knew just a few months into our relationship I would end up meeting Mia.
I was out with a few of my gal pals, shooting pool and having a few drinks when this striking blonde waltzed into the place like she owned it. She looked so out of place for a local pool hall. She and a few of her friends came in, giggling and being rather boisterous. She seemed like a girl who was always the center of attention. Her strong personality and hot looks just screened ‘everyone look at me.’ She was the kind of woman who never went unnoticed.
Mia was naturally glamorous, and she could pull it off without even trying. Her blue eyes sparkled under her perfectly teased hair. She had on this cute plaid skirt with thigh highs and a white matching button up shirt. She had kind of a naughty private school girl look, the kind that you couldn’t take your eyes off of, I f you know what I mean. She wasn’t some thin waif suffering from anorexia either. Her body was full and beautiful with feminine curves in all the right areas.
They racked up the table beside us, playing a round as my friends and I were finishing ours. Caught up in the whirlwind that was Mia, we stood around their table, watching them dominate the room. Mia ran the table on her friend and then, raising her wine glass, issued an open challenge for the next game. None of the girls offered to play, so Mia’s gaze fixed on me when I raised my glass.
“I’ll take you on.” The words were out of my mouth before I even had a chance to think about it.
“You’re on!” she said with a wolfish grin and slapped a twenty one the table.
I quickly found out why no one wanted to okay her. She was good. Not just good, but amazing at pool. Her father had taught her how to play when she was a kid. They had a table in their basement and that is what they did together. She was an only child and her mother had passed away when she was born, so it had always been just her and her dad.
She talked a lot about herself while playing. It was rather nice, because it was a natural conversation. She wasn’t showing off at that point, she was just being herself. However she did kick my ass, but she was gracious about it. I was pleasantly surprised when she let me keep my money in exchange for my number.
Honestly, I didn’t think I’d hear from her. I thought she was just being nice. When I got home later, I called Malcolm and told him what had happened. I told him I didn’t really think it would go anywhere, but I was hopeful it would. I was almost giddy and had to laugh when Malcolm said that I seemed to have gotten creamed me in more ways than one.
About a week passed and I was a little let down that she hadn’t called. I was beginning to kick myself for not getting her number instead. I was ready to consign her memory to a ‘what might have been’ when, to my surprise, she called me out of the blue.
“Hiya Arya, it is Mia, I’m sorry I haven’t gotten around to you sooner, babe. I didn’t want to come off as desperate or anything.” She giggle nervously into the phone, which I found both to be cute and disarming. “I was wondering if you’d like to go on a date with me?”
“Um, well, I’m not into girls. That isn’t my thing…” I use my most serious tone, teasing her.
“What?! I can always sense another lesbian,” she claimed. “Oh God, oh shit. I could have sworn I was getting that flirty vibe tone from you!” Her voice cracked and I could almost feel the blush that must have been burning in her cheeks.
I instantly regretted teasing her and I quickly cut back in, giggling quietly at her discomfort. “I’m kidding, babe. Your instincts were dead on. I was totally flirting with you! I’m mean, oh my god, have you actually seen you? Really, I should say that I’m bisexual. I like the V and the D, ya feel me?”
“Arya! I was on the verge of dying! That is such a relief. I’m only into ‘The V’ as you so nicely put it, but I would still like to take you out.” The way she said it was almost predatory and I felt like she was sizing me up as her next meal.
My mind was whirling and I realized I had to tell Malcolm. I’d never actually dated more than one person at a time and I was thankful he would understand. The next thing would be to tell Mia. She deserved the same respect and honesty I’d promised him.
“Well, the thing is… I do have a boyfriend. We are in an open relationship though. We’re allowed to date other people but I’m not going to break up with him. I really hope that’s okay with you, otherwise I’m going to have to decline.”
There was dead silences on the other end of the phone. It was long and I actually looked at the screen a couple of times to make sure we still had a connection.
“Hello?” I finally said, breaking the silence.
“I can live with that.” she finally said. “As long as one isn’t more important than the other. Well, if we becomes a thing anyway. You know?”
“No, that isn’t how I work. You would be just as important to me as he is. I treat everyone I date the same.”
“And I don’t need to date or fuck him? Again, only into ‘The V’…”
“Certainly not. I’m not going to push anyone into that either. He and I have only been together a few months.”
This made her happy, which made me happy. We ended up going out on a date, which went perfectly. After a few more dates, she became my girlfriend. It was my first time dating two people. In other words, I was in the polyamorous relationship I had always envisioned.
I knew right from the get go, how different they were. Like me, Malcolm is a quiet and relaxed person. I have a wild side though and that’s where Mia came in. She was fun, loud and always on the go. I was surprised that they got along, but deeply happy they did. I encourage all three of us hang out often, but of course getting one on one time was important, too.
Malcolm seemed content just dating me, not venturing out to meet anyone else. Even though I told him several times it would be fine if he did. He was allowed to as well. But, he kept telling me that this is what he wanted. If something changed, it would happen in its own time.
Mia however, enjoyed knowing she could meet other girls. She’d often go on dates, flirt with many and occasionally had fun with them. I liked that she was embracing an open relationship. She always told me if anything happened, just like I did with them. No secrets were kept between us.
Then something happened one night I never thought would ever happen to me. We were all at my apartment, drinking and watching scary movies in the dark. It had been a few weeks since we all were able to get together and hang out. I missed my threesome dates.
It was getting late, we were all cuddled together watching a new flick, when I started to feel a little frisky. I’d kiss one, then the other, before going back to the first. We had never fooled around together, but the idea came to me and I deeply wanted them both right then and there.
Clothes were stripped off slowly, naked body parts all around. I relished in both my boyfriend and my girlfriend at the same time. Stroking Malcolm’s cock while sucking on Mia’s breasts. Malcolm leaned over and sucked mine as Mia started to play with my pussy. Her fingers teased along my slit until she slipped a finger inside me while her thumb rubbed against my clit. For his part, Malcolm knew exactly what to do with my nipples, sucking hard and using his teeth to tug on them until he had me whimpering in delicious agony.
I jerked his thick meat in one hand while fingering Mia with the other. It was so euphoric. The silky, velvet sounds of moans filled the room around us, with no one being left untouched. The dull sound of the film playing on the TV was barely above a whisper and its glow lit the otherwise impeccable darkness. There was just enough light for me to soak in the erotic view of my lovers.
I helped Mia into a position so I could eat her pussy from behind. She knew I loved her on her knees and she gasped as I slide my tongue over her crack. Delighted in her flavor, I let my tongue roam down to her folds. Malcolm didn’t skip a beat and moved behind me as I knelt behind her. We formed a chain of oral sex and I suddenly wished I had a mirror in my living room, just so I could see what we looked like as Mia and I got our pussies licked.
Malcolm used his fingers first, stroking long strokes over my clit. I could feel it growing hard with each touch, tormenting me, taunting me to beg for his mouth. To feel his tongue suck on my clit as I did the same with Mia. Inhaling, moaning gently into her pussy, as I leaned back, and craving him to replace his fingers with his mouth. I gasped when he sucked my lips between his teeth.
My body responded, a wild fire of heat racing through my veins, I gasped again, shoving my face further into Mia, giving her immense satisfaction. My tongue darted in and out of her, as if I were an animal lapping up water. The prickles of his facial hair, nipped into my flesh as he pushed deeper into my pussy. His nose pressed against my skin and the wash of his breath intensified the thrill of him going down on me.
Mia’s legs started to tremble, pushing back into me. I grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling her into me more. Her legs bucked a little as I felt her begin to come on my face. I sucked and licked, letting her sail through her orgasm with all I could give her. From her moans, I knew I did just that. Malcolm was still at me, lapping at my clit, with little wiggles in between, keeping my fire burning.
When Mia came down from her orgasm, Malcolm quickly grabbed me, pulling me on top of him. I faced away from him, gazing at Mia as she tried to catch her breath. My back against his chest, with just a little adjustment, he slid up inside me. He groped, squeezing my breasts with his large hands, growling deeply into my ear with each thrust. Mia climbed up between our legs, looking up at me with those dazzling blue eyes. Her tongue snaked out and gently flicked along my clit, giving me just enough stimulation to drive me fucking mad.
Bucking my hips to match Malcolm’s pace, my pussy rose toward Mia, making her lips feel even more blissfully intense. I had never been in a threesome before and having two people I loved both pleasuring me at the same time was more than anyone could ask for. Mia sucked my clit into her mouth, letting her tongue do all the work as she let her fingers scratch lightly along my thighs.
Malcolm worked my upper half, turning my head enough to kiss him and I felt his hands still groping and fondling my breasts. He’d tugged on my nipples, pulling them hard and as far away from my chest as he could before letting go. He knew how much I loved nipples play and he seemed intent on driving me insane with his strong fingers.
My hands reached up behind his head, running through his hair and pulling it hard. Hearing him groaning in gratification was a joy to me. He worked deeply inside me, as I rolled my hips downwards, into him. Both he and Mia were hitting all the right spots, I stretched my body taut, letting out a long moan as I released my orgasm.
It was an intense, quivering legs, mind hazing, and everlasting orgasm. Neither of them stopped, not until I think Mia assumed Malcolm was near his own undoing. Then, she moved from my pussy to reach up and kiss me while Malcolm worked his last few strokes, until his seed burst deeply inside me. I squeezed around him, taking it all while tasting myself on Mia’s supple, sweet lips.
We dragged ourselves into the bedroom right after, throwing the sheet over us. Me in the middle, cuddling both of my lovers, stroking their hair and holding them close. We had never even done this, but it felt so right. No one seemed awkward or uncomfortable. I knew it wouldn’t become a habit, but it was perfect for this night.
Everyone did in fact have a good time. It was something we all felt was right to do. Mia joked she’d finally had a threesome with a dude, even though she never really wanted to be with one. She said I owed her now, and that I’d have to be in a threesome with her and another girl. I told her with the right girl, she had a date. Malcolm continued to be happy dating just me. He loves Mia like a best friend and she does him as well.
I couldn’t ask for anything better…