Behind the Curtains on a Slow Bus Home

"Travelling on the twenty-six bus...."

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Friday afternoon 2pm

Music on
Music off
All the leafy lanes
And car parked streets
Blinds down or drawn
Curtains plain, chintz, washed or boiled

Then there is closed

Baby sleeping, Daddy shifts
Or Mummy tired 
Granny nodding and knitting
Uncle Ted wanking
Auntie Pat masturbating
Yes you heard me right
All those sweet white than white
Male, female or in between
Rubbing, pulling or poking
Knickers down, pulled aside
Brassiere up or off 
Two, three, four fingers or more
In, out shake it all about
On the plumped up pillow
A rolled up used sock today
Crinkled panties yesterday
Thinking of Neil from Deal
Or Cath from Bath

Last night
Tomorrow night

Any night, any place, anywhere
Perhaps on the bed
In the chair
Slow, slow, quick, quick, slow
Kleenex, towel, sheet
Maybe on the carpet floor
Light blue with a hint of cream
How far do you go Mary Jo?
What really goes on…
Behind the curtains on a slow bus home

P.S. Did ya lock the door!


Published 7 years ago

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