Getting ready in our beautiful suite at the luxurious Carlos IV hotel in Prague, Charlotte had showered and put on her loose-fitting knee-length blue dress, one of my favorites as it fitted tightly over her bust and loosely below the waist. This was our special night out. Our last in Prague before we travel on to Berlin. Her perfume was heady and sweet her makeup discrete. To complete her outfit she put on a pair of black hold-up stockings with a dainty frill top.
I wore a smart casual jacket, a pale blue shirt, and dark trousers. We were a handsome couple as we climbed into the taxi from the hotel forecourt to take us to the Valmont Lounge Club.
By the time we got there, it was buzzing. The club is a sensuous and decadent underground space, modeled on eighteenth-century France and the frolicking that goes with that. It proclaims ‘ anything is possible, will you let yourself be seduced’ on its website. It certainly had the feeling of naughtiness to come, full of good-looking, well-dressed, and smart people with a wide range of ages, delicious cocktails being served by delicious-looking staff male and female.
Luckily, I had booked a table which as it happens wasn’t quite ready for us when we arrived. The delay in seating us proved to be the start of an unexpectedly adventurous and fun evening.
Charlotte, perched on a bar stool awaiting our table, made a ravishing sight. Her long legs dangled beneath her dress, her body – still slim and trim for a mature lady – was shown off by the tight-fitting top. I could not but notice, to my delight, that she drew many glances from admiring men of all ages. And some also from women as has always been the case when we’ve gone out in any city. Charlotte always did exude charisma and sexual attraction.
After about 15 minutes, our table was ready and we were seated. The table space was pretty cramped, up against a wall with a small sofa with barely enough room for two. We squeezed in happily and ordered two more cocktails. For comfort, Charlotte managed to fold her leg under mine which raised the hem of her skirt just a little and revealed the top of her hold-ups. Much to the delight of many in the room I noticed.
Perhaps it was this sight that attracted the attention of a friendly couple who wandered over to us with a smile.
‘I’m so sorry to ask, but might we be able to share the table and pull up two chairs?.’ Said the tall middle-aged man in what sounded like a Dutch accent. His equally tall wife nodded in agreement and smiled at us both.
‘Sorry.’ She added. ‘ We could not get anywhere to sit.’
‘Of course.’ We both replied. ‘ You are most welcome to share the space with us.’ Charlotte and I replied enthusiastically.
They pulled up two chairs into our space and huddled in. Andrius and Karin were from outside Amsterdam and roughly our age which is middle to late fifties. She worked as a nurse, and he as a town planner. We soon got on fabulously and there was an early sign of gentle flirting between the four of us. Karin was a trim lady and wore her hair up in a fetching bun which her long fingers regularly adjusted. Her smart dress was shorter than Charlotte’s and showed off her elegant legs. They also made a fine and good-looking couple.
I’m no dancer and Charlotte has known this all our married life. She on the other hand is drawn to any dancefloor like a fish to water. Soon the music got to her.
‘You like dancing?’ Asked Andrius. Charlotte nodded enthusiastically.
‘Oh please.’ She gushed. ‘ My favorite hobby.’
I watched as they disappeared into the crowded room. The dance floor was teeming full of couples. Karin lent into me, her pert boobs inches from my face. I could not help noticing she was not wearing a bra and her perfume was exotic and powerful
‘Not for you then?’ Prefer sitting and watching do you?’
I smiled back and leaned into her ear.
‘Always watching.’ I replied.
‘Sometimes that can be fun too.’ Was the suggestive reply.
On the dance floor, Charlotte gyrated and twisted around Andrius in an expert fashion—her arms in the air, her head bobbing. Her dress sometimes twirled so high, her stocking tops were visible. Karin noticed this and pointed it to me.
‘Your wife is a showoff, a little, do you think?’
Karin moved to sit closer next to me on the sofa, her black skirt riding up just enough above her knees to reveal stocking tops like Charlotte’s. Her hand now resting on my lap under the table, just a fingertip away from my growing penis. I felt a mixture of embarrassment and arousal and I felt my cock beginning to strain at my trousers. But I did not move her hand away.
‘We don’t mind.’ I smiled. ‘So long as she’s happy.’
The music changed to a slow ballad. I peered into the mass of dancers to search out Charlotte. She was pressed against the bar top behind her and Andrius in front of her on the crowded dance floor. He had his left hand round her waist, just above her ass. I noticed occasionally it slipped just a little downwards to rub against her and gently lift her dress at the back so he could rub her pert bottom through the thin fabric. They were so close, moving as one. Charlotte let her right arm drop between them, almost casually but with intent, her hand flat up against his crotch. She kept it there as they moved. Her hand seemed to push into him, into his bulge.
He leaned in to nuzzle her neck and she arched her back in appreciation. as his right hand pushed the front hem of her dress up to reveal the tender flesh between the stocking tops and her pussy. Neither of them looked at one another. They just peered into the middle distance enjoying their own fantasies. Moving as one body. Hands and fingers exploring each other in the dimly lit, pulsating room.
Karin caught me staring and moved her body closer.
‘OK?’ She smiled. ‘No problem.’
”They both love it. Having fun. No problem. Let’s order another drink while we wait.’
They returned exhausted, sweaty, and slightly disheveled. Charlotte flung herself on the sofa alongside Karin and gave us both a huge hug.
‘That was so much fun. So special,’ she gasped.
Her dress rose above her knees not minding any longer that this revealed her hold-up stockings and the bare flesh above for all to see. Andrius grinned and Karin did not seem to mind at all as Charlotte drew her legs up underneath her.
We were clearly all getting a bit tipsy and time was wearing on so we decided to call it a night. We would share a taxi, they suggested, as their hotel was in the same direction and just a mile or so beyond ours.
Karin and Andrius climbed into the back seat of the Mercedes taxi with Charlotte bundled alongside Andrius so that he was sandwiched between the two women. I sat in the front next to the driver, able to turn my head towards Charlotte who was behind him. She had let her dress ride high now, not caring, enjoying being tipsy, the stockings and their tops and the flesh above all clearly visible much to Andrius’s obvious delight. She lay back in her seat, arms folded to her side, legs out wide with a naughty grin playing on her lips. Karin leaned forward and looked across at her as the taxi drove off and shook her head in amused disbelief.
I kept the driver talking so as to distract from the backseat fumblings. Andrius had moved his hand up Charlotte’s open legs to her crotch, his large fingers pulling aside her panties and gently stroking her damp pussy. Obligingly Karin was undoing his trousers, to bring out his erect cock and began massaging it.
‘That was a fun club to visit.’ I said nervously and to no one in particular, still trying to keep the driver’s attention.
‘Something for everyone.’ Replied Karin, still playing with her husband’s growing erection.
‘Yes, and such a nice company of people, so interesting and friendly.’ I said.
‘It’s always good to meet new people and get to know them better.’ Smiled Andrius.
‘Oh absolutely.’ Was all Charlotte could manage as her legs were now spread even wider, one foot on the seat by her door and her pussy wet from two long fingers playing in and out.
Andrius orgasmed first, in almost complete silence. How he managed that I don’t know. Karin, waiting for the erection to slacken, folded his penis back into his trousers and gave him a peck on the cheek. Charlotte lasted a little longer before coming to her orgasm with a sigh that I had to disguise from the driver with a cough. She looked flushed and delirious. Bright red-cheeked. Glistening pussy, dribbles of cum on her thigh. Tired eyes.
The taxi drew up at our hotel entrance, a doorman letting Charlotte out with a slight stumble he’d have taken for being intoxicated. She was careful to pull her dress down, but not before he glimpsed her stocking tops. Perks of the job. We exchanged email addresses with our new Dutch friends, promising to make Amsterdam one of our next visits.
The lift ride up to our room was a frenzy of fondling between us. I tore down Charlotte’s damp panties as we walked down the corridor and once in our darkened room lunged ourselves onto the bed.
‘Let’s relive every moment of this evening, right now.’ I whispered as my cock grew harder in her hand.