Bedtime Story for My Pet #7 – Bound and Blindfolded

"A interactive role-play for submissive girls - or for girls who just enjoy being tied up."

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This is another interactive audio in the ‘Bedtime Story’ series, which allows the listener to follow instructions from an imaginary Sir and verbally respond to his questions and commands.  Here is the scenario:

Sir has ordered you to stand before him and strip naked.  
And now he has tied you to the bed, spreadeagled and blindfolded, for his enjoyment.

Tie appropriate lengths of rope to the feet of your bed, or to the bedposts, if any.  (If rope isn’t available you may also use scarves. knee-socks, pantyhose or anything else that would work.)

At the end of each length of rope, create loops to slip your hands and feet through.  The ones for your ankles may be tightly tied but leave the ones for your wrists loose enough to get in and out of fairly easily.

You will need a dildo or equivalent, and something to blindfold yourself with.

When ready, sit on the bed and tie your ankles, making sure your legs are spread wide.  Place the dildo where you can reach it easily.  Then turn on the audio, lie back, put on your blindfold and slip your hands through the loops.  The audio begins with 10 seconds of silence to allow you to get into position.

You will do and say exactly what Sir tells you to.  Whenever necessary, slide your preferred hand out of its loop and use it, imagining that it’s Sir’s hand, while following his instructions.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.  

Women who wish to explore their submissive side, please visit my Biography page before contacting me.



Published 5 years ago

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