makes my life seem complete.
I feel so secure in your arms
that I am afraid of nothing.
That aura that I see surrounding you
sooths my empty aching heart.
It fills it full of love to overflowing,
showing my pride to the world.
Whether we are in the same room
or separated by time and space,
your life force envelops me
and allows my mind to laugh.
I feel myself holding you
as we protect each other from harm.
I picture us being as one someday,
and, that is the day I live for.
You hold me in your arms so tight
I feel your heart beat at my chest.
Then, as if on cue,
my heart synchronizes with yours.
When the end of this plane comes,
please hold me as our bodies entwine.
No words will have to be spoken,
as none will replace the feeling of pure joy.
One last kiss that will hide
the shattered core of our existence,
as we lose ourselves in passions bliss
in that kiss that has to last forever.
As our world closes in one horrific second,
our souls will merge in that kiss
to last for eternity and beyond.
My love, we shall become as one.