Becky’s Blockbuster

"The erotic website's story competition sees an entrant in it finding memorable inspiration for her work."

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Entering the competition had been a spur of the moment decision and although Becky didn’t need the lure of a prize to be inspired, she had decided to make the next story she wrote suitable for submission.

Becky’s disappointment at her lack of creative ideas found her discussing it on the forum she used that was for fellow authors of erotic fiction. Those she exchanged messages with included some who she regarded as good friends, as well as others who she thought could become so, given time.

Alex was was one of the newer people Becky had welcomed into her circle. He was inexperienced in terms of writing, but he was easy-going, if less adventurous than most of those Becky chatted to in the on-line group.

When Alex saw Becky’s post about feeling unmotivated to write, he replied to it, saying, although he was new, he had seen enough to know that members of the community would be thinking of her and ready to help, if they could.

Becky noticed the reply Alex had left and thought he had shown great kindness in the moral support he had offered to her. Becky thanked Alex for his good wishes in a swift response, together with asking him if he was working on anything else himself at the time.

Alex told Becky he had decided to write something that had its roots in the the competition she had decided to enter, He explained that his story would be based on a entrant’s experiences, drawn upon after she had decided to try her luck in a writing challenge. Alex emphasised he knew he lacked the experience to be judged against others, but that the competition announcement had inspired him to use his limited skills creatively nevertheless.

Becky decided her next response was a little too personal to be appropriate as a forum post and so she sent Alex a private message instead.

‘If I tell you about some of my best moments, perhaps your competition entrant could also use these in her writing. It might be a little too much for you to call the character Becky, but you and I will know that’s her real name, won’t we?’ Becky typed, giggling as she did so.

“She’s called Nikki now, then. I can’t wait for her to be the star of the show,” Alex responded in a message..

Alex was delighted by the offer of help Becky had made to him and he thanked her for this, He also said he would make Nikki’s adventures different enough to Becky’s to ensure nobody who saw the story could identify her in it,

“An excuse to wallow in the nostalgia of my best bits? I’ll take the risk,” Becky said in reply.

Within twenty-four hours, Alex was reading Becky’s first account of one of her experiences that would be the inspiration for the opening encounter in Nikki’s adventure. It was agreed that Alex would write something and then type it out into a trio of messages to Becky, in order to see how everything sounded to her.

“I actually got very horny typing out the details of my experience to you. I’m still not sure if this makes me weird or not,” Becky explained, as the parting shot of what she had to say..

Once Alex had the opportunity to read Becky’s message properly, he was surprised by how much detail it contained. It hadn’t been the purpose, but what Becky had written was a big turn on for Alex, although this inspired rather than distracted him, Alex was dedicated in his re-work task, forever mindful of the need to modify her account sufficiently to meet the agreed understanding.

Within a few hours, Alex was ready to send his first re-worked sample.

“Nikki’s mind drifted as she looked at the blank page where she had hoped to see the next paragraphs of her competition entry. A vision of her top-to-toe oral experience with the salesman didn’t see her inspired to include an adaptation of it in her own creativity, but she did find it to be one of the more pleasant ways to take time out from the frustration of writer’s block,” Alex began.

Taking a break from his own creativity, Alex sent Becky a message to ask her if she had made any progress with her story. The query was answered quickly, Becky saying she was still rather stuck, but she explained that reading Alex’s opening words to his re-work had at least made her feel like unwinding with a session using her favourite vibrator.

Alex gave a detailed account of Nikki’s pleasure in the next portion of the story he sent to Becky. When he did so, he focused on the anticipation and the effect of this on Nikki in far greater detail than her actual climax. Becky enjoyed reading this, purely because Alex’s approach differed from what the majority of people seemed to do.

“My fingers haven’t been busy on the keyboard yet, but reading your opening efforts and trawling through my highlights archives has kept them active elsewhere!” Becky typed in her next private message to Alex and she did so with a big smile.

Becky’s newly offered episodes to be used in Alex’s writing started to back up, as Alex took time to use what was contained in them to the best of his ability. Becky’s plans for Nikki would have been based next on an extraordinary experience with triplets, but before she had the chance to send the details of this to Alex, she realised she had just stumbled on the key to her own intended writing endeavours.

“Whodunnit!” Becky shouted out loudly into the room she was sitting in.

The word Becky had exclaimed was the loose criteria for the erotic story competition she wanted to enter, but that had left her bereft of ideas. The triplets experience was one she felt would be a perfect fit for the brief and so she messaged Alex excitedly with her news.

Becky’s message said that,, regrettably, she needed to claw back the next experience she has hoped to offer to Alex, but she did so explaining that this was for the best of reasons. Alex was delighted to discover Becky had found what she had been looking for with regards to her story and he felt sure Nikki would be happy with any replacement Becky could offer, too.

Becky eventually found the time between her stints of newly-inspired writing and the real world to supply Alex with new material to re-work, The triplets’ use of their wild sexual appetite to distract and confuse those charged with solving crimes was developed expertly, whilst periods of reflection on what she had written allowed Becky to relax with some pleasure, once Alex had sent his efforts for moderation and review back to her,

One evening, Becky decided to open Alex’s latest message as she prepared to meet a friend for a catch-up. The content was based on the details of an encounter she had shared with Alex, describing a liaison with three oil workers, who had just arrived at the heliport after three weeks of celibacy on the rig. Once Alex had finished his work, a small airport had replaced the heliport, a change of country and an amendment the physical stature of characters had also been made. The alterations were there, but the central elements of the story remained.

“Taking turns had just seemed a poor use of time to Nikki. The feeling of a cock inside her, whilst she sucked wildly on another and and a third moved between her buttocks was insanely erotic. She remembered how she had writhed, screamed and felt her body on fire, the moment all three came together inside her and sent her into a climax she enjoyed as much as any she had experienced before. Could Nikki work this treasured memory into the erotic crime story? She knew she would need to think carefully about that, but any excuse to relive the episode seemed too good to pass up and her fingers soon slipped inside her body dreamily,” Alex’s message concluded.

Together with what Alex had put forth previously, the latest offering made Becky doff an imaginary cap at her computer screen. After doing so, she went in search of her ‘birthdays and special occasions’ vibrator and then re-read what Alex had sent, whilst bringing herself to an intense orgasm.

Becky felt sure Alex knew his place in the scheme of things and that he would take anything she said in the way it had been intended, Had she felt differently, she would not have considered telling him he had just brought her to orgasm with his imaginative work, so it felt good to pass on the news to him that he had,

“Not many people who I’ve never met have sent me a message that’s made me rush off straight away to do it justice with my vibe. Excellent!” Becky typed, before sending the update on to a delighted Alex,

Although everything was all a bit of fun and no more, Becky made reading Alex’s messages her reward for progress she made with her own creativity She found his contact helpful to her writing too. Sometimes, her reward for making headway would be a read of Alex’s latest re-work, at others, revisiting what he had produced previously would be her treat.

“When I’ve finished my crime story, I think I’ll read a really special one of your adaptations to celebrate,” Becky informed Alex, as she prepared to write the final scenes of her work, before moving on to the read-through phases of the project.

A few days after her most recent message, Becky contacted Alex to say she would send him the last of her memories she wanted him to apply his magic touch to. She explained that, as it would be a way to commemorate submitting her story, she felt it would be fitting to mark the occasion in a suitable way.

“I’m heading into slightly weird territory here, but I thought if we met up somewhere safe, we could sit and read what we’ve written to each other. No hiding away, no thoughts of it becoming real, or anything like that, just two creative, sexy folk listening to something that will make them both smile.” Becky suggested.

Putting a face to the name seemed like a good plan to Alex and he liked Becky making it clear what the purpose of meeting up was. A date was fixed, based on when Becky felt her story would be ready to be sent to the judges and it was one that Becky knew would give Alex time to do something with her most treasured memory too.

Both Becky and Neil realised many who knew them through the different areas of their lives might be bewildered by how their journey might end, but they didn’t care. Friends would see horny strangers meeting with an agreement not to do the only thing that might make it make sense. The writers would see a story with what they might view as anti-climax and lack of resolution. The ‘real’ world would see danger and naivety and be disapproving. So what?

Becky’s last message containing a memory she wanted Alex to turn his hand to was one that came with some additional notes she had attached. Becky’s notes suggested Alex should read the guidance before looking at the rest of the message, which was something he did immediately.

‘As you’ll be sitting next to me reading, I think Nikki can take the night off and Becky can step in for this finale. Characters are a part of stories and you’ll need to put Nikki back in afterwards, but I think I need to be there for this performance. Sorry. I can be high maintenance when it suits, I’m afraid!’ Becky’s message read.

Alex wasted no time in telling Becky he’d start his project straight away and it was agreed that progress reports from both camps would help to bring everything together perfectly.

With message exchanges having been completed, Alex scrolled to the scenario Becky wanted to celebrate her story submission with, Not for the first time, Alex discovered what Becky had in mind was full of surprises.

‘At the risk of sounding like I’ve turned into a daft romantic, my final flourish will seem very tame in comparison to what has gone before, but that’s perhaps the point, if there is one, I discovered that something simple can be as special as wild madness and can make you feel just as good as the complicated stuff at the right moment. Take good care with this one and I cannot wait to hear you read it to me, Becky x ‘

Alex felt honoured to be given the task he had been set. Becky was aware of Alex’s limitations as an inexperienced writer, but she felt he was someone who could personalise what he said in a way those looking for mass appeal perhaps didn’t have the time for… She realised she would find out if her instincts had been right soon too.

Becky focused hard on putting the finishing touches to her story and once she had done, she submitted it to the competition judges. As soon as she had completed the task, Becky sent a message to Alex to let him know. Alex replied to say he had completed his own work too, When Alex asked Becky if she wanted to see what he had written before she heard it, Becky said she didn’t and that she was already excited at the prospect of the meeting, which was then arranged for the following weekend.

Alex and Becky had both already enjoyed plenty of first meetings with people they had encountered on-line. This had been for the purposes of friendship and in Becky’s case especially, sometimes far more. This occasion did feel different for both of them, however, which explained why on the day they travelled to a small park, Alex and Becky greeted each other with an embrace and a kiss that was about a meeting of minds more than anything else.

It was a dry day, although not particularly warm for the time of year, The park was quiet, which meant Becky and A;ex were able to select a bench that was set back from any thoroughfare and with no signs of worn areas to suggest the grass in front was used as a short cut.

Alex and Becky shared laughter as they discussed everything that had happened to bring them to the park with the plans they had. Becky liked the way Alex used humour to make sure she felt at ease and his insistence she should speak up at once if everything wasn’t exactly as she wanted it to be.

“I’m actually ready, if you are,” Becky said as she pulled her completed story out of her bag, prompting Alex to produce his own from a zipped document holder.

Becky knew Alex was showing her his own work to allow her to choose how to proceed. She smiled at the thought put into the gesture. and it allowed her to feel even more comfortable about what was in store than she did already.

“I’ll go first,” Becky said, feeling calm and confident as she prepared to begin reading. Alex put his arm around Becky’s shoulder at her request, The physical contact just made everything more personal for Becky, not least because she knew Alex would only do as she asked, in this regard.

To her own surprise, Becky actually enjoyed reading out her story and Alex could tell how much skill, time and effort had been put into the erotic crime story she shared with him. The sex scenes within the story were very descriptive and Alex marvelled at the words Becky chose to make everything sound fresh and new. A couple of pauses allowed a quick drink of water for Becky, after which, she reached the part of her story involving the triplets. This phase of Becky’s piece centred around the chaos caused by the trio impersonating each other as a way to confuse the police, avoid detection and mess with the heads of everyone they had sex with.

‘Kara loved to tease. This time, she did so with the apparent disappearance of some light freckles on her face, which, of course, had belonged to Olga and had been visible to the officer when she had been sucking his cock. Hanna, meanwhile, particularly enjoyed her breasts seeming to have grown a couple cup sizes when she emerged from the bathroom and its hideaway within and her nipples appearing much larger too, due to the triplets’ playful deceit and Kara’s change of places with Hanna,’

Alex loved listening to Becky reading out her her competition entry. The words conveyed the same sense of fun she had always enjoyed sharing with the right people and the disinclination to take any matters seriously that she felt shouldn’t be shone through everything in Becky’s story.

By the end of listening to Becky’s competition entry, Alex realised he had laughed and smiled more whilst being read to than at almost any other time he could recall. He felt giving an erotic crime adventure a constant theme of humour was a fantastic twist and he made sure Becky knew this.

“Becky, I absolutely loved that. I’ve got face ache from laughing and I feel absolutely honoured to have had you read for me. Thank you, Brilliant stuff,” Alex said truthfully,

After she had finished reading, Becky put her arm around Alex, She smiled as she told him she had actually started to feel very horny towards the end of her story, and this was simply because it meant her time to be a listener was approaching.

“Anticipation is criminally under-valued at times like these, Alex, I’m very wet already and my knickers would be too, if I had any on under this skirt,” Becky said with a smile and a sigh of contentment.

“I hear you,” Alex replied, pointing to the bulge in his trousers.

Becky and Alex shared a long hug in between their reading responsibilities. Becky’s nipples stood erect beneath her blouse and they explained her opinion on the importance of anticipation far better than a long speech on the topic might have done.

“Weird and wonderful, part two. Over to you, kind sir,” Becky said quietly.

Alex began reading with the papers he had typed on in one hand and his other holding one of Becky’s, It just happened and it was perfect.

Alex set the scene by describing everything that was in view and could be heard from where they were sitting. Becky found herself transported back in time to her early twenties by this and it felt so right. Alex explained that Becky had come to relive sitting on the same bench, or one just like it and by doing so, stir memories of a beautiful and erotic experience she had enjoyed whilst relatively inexperienced sexually.

“Becky felt the breeze, It was just as it had floated across her body then, when he had been sitting beside her. She could hear his voice whispering to her. She needed to feel his touch so desperately,” Alex said.

Alex described the slow massage that had danced on Becky’s shoulders and the beautiful sensation she felt when he had begun to unbutton her blouse, Alex paused to allow Becky to feel every movement of the memory recreated, after which, he spoke of the fingertips and kisses that had fallen lightly onto her breasts,

“I feel it, Alex,” Becky said, her face alive with a smile of pure pleasure.

Becky was in a place in her mind that she wanted be and the way the experience was unfolding was true to the memory in a manner she hadn’t dared to dream was possible. She told Alex to read more, her body demanded it and when Becky heard the description of kisses lingering on her breasts and nipples, she wanted to dwell upon this for some time. Alex realised and so he fell silent for as long as he felt Becky would appreciate it..

“Those kisses..My nipples. i’m so, so horny now, Alex,” Becky said, taking a firmer grip on Alex’s hand as she spoke.

Making things clear to Alex, regarding what she wanted and did not, suddenly felt like the best decision Becky had ever made. Yes. she could have quite happily told him to throw his script away and fuck her for all he was worth, but, somehow, what was happening felt too precious to change it and possibly ruining everything by doing so.

The lips that lingered on Becky’s nipples in the story only became firmer once fingertip touches had begun to slip slowly and blissfully down her body, Once Becky heard Alex read that the touch had eased beautifully to the top of her skirt, she prompted Alex in a whisper.

“We lie on the grass now; I need those fingers,” she said eagerly.

Imitating the story. Alex and Becky moved from the bench and onto the grass. The grass was damp, but this didn’t matter. The wind had picked up, but Becky didn’t care.

Becky saw a picture in her mind of her adventure of bygone days. Just as now, Becky and her lover had moved to the grass at this point too. Perfect.

With Alex kneeling and positioning himself between her legs, Becky felt the touch of his rising massage, When eased beneath her skirt, the fingertips that brushed over her upper thighs brought a long sound of contentment through closed lips, as Becky’s head rolled briefly to one side.

“Fuck me with your fingers, Tell me and then do it, Alex, Now please,” Becky said, the sound of her voice distorted by the arousal that was overtaking her body,

Alex talked of the slow descent of the touch and the kisses that felt so exciting. He spoke also of the anticipation that hypnotised Becky with every movement made closer to her impatient, pulsating clit. As he announced the moment the massage had feathered gently inside Becky, Alex’s fingers did so too.

“Love that,” Becky whispered, her praise directed at both the words and the touch Alex had eased inside her.

Becky savoured every second of the dual pleasures that she heard about and felt on her body. Alex picked the right moment to pause, Becky’s wish to dwell on the anticipation further. Her nod to signal she wanted Alex to resume his reading and massage had a sense of urgency about it when it came, Alex understood this and he sought to demonstrate what he did to Becky.

“Becky could wait no more. She needed that moment and the joy it would bring with its raw simplicity, He was told this was no time to talk and that he had a job to finish and his thrusts inside her became quicker and deeper. Her body was now teetering on the brink.”

Alex fell silent at this point, apart from a few words that showed Becky he had judged everything perfectly..

“Just you and I now, no more reading,” Alex said softly, his words achieving the seemingly impossible for Becky, in making everything feel even more erotic and special than it did already.

Wanting to devote all of his attention to the massage, Alex thrust his fingers firmly. When Becky moaned, he moved deeper and when she cried out, he increased the speed and intensity of his work. To a scream of triumph from her mouth, Becky’s body convulsed and was hit by the force of an electric, wildly powerful and deeply intense climax.

“Oh shit, that’s nice.” Becky shouted. “Very nice indeed,” she added.

Becky’s body twisted with the forces released from inside it. Rich flow washed over her gorged clit and spilled freely from her.body. Endlessly, Alex plunged, circled and excited Becky as she jerked. tensed. rolled and glowed in the grip of something very special indeed. To the sounds of utter joy tumbling from her lips, Becky felt an almost continuous barrage of unrelenting power ripping from within. Her eyes filled with tears of joy, Becky basked in the heat of relentless pleasure, her smile only broken to allow erotic sounds to spill out of her mouth noisily.

Alex kept his touch moving on Becky, as she rode the waves of her climax. Different parts of Becky felt the most intense pleasure at different times, but all of them were joined together in a worship that was directed towards the forces of desire crashing from inside.

“Lovely. Don’t stop, Alex,” Becky pleaded, as her climax continued, the massaging touch keeping its intensity and its ability to fire yet more erotic charge around her body. As requested, fingers kept moving, kisses continued and they combined to ensure there was yet more for Becky to savour from her release.

The lights, colours, shapes and images of Becky’s climax remained bright and well-defined in her dream state. Excitement at the show was heightened by so many factors, all of them important and a source of celebration.

Becky’s desire to prolong and intensify every sensation brought all of the strength she had remaining within to drive her body forward. The one spot to ignite her again was there. She surged, she made sounds that she didn’t even know she could, until her sweetest spot felt the thrust of Alex’s fingers against it, deep inside her,

“Fuck. Alex,” Becky screamed in a high-pitched wail, as if a key to a long lost treasure chest had just turned in the lock. This moment was on another level for Becky and she almost had to remind herself to breathe. If what had gone before was powerful, the new phase was all of this and more, complete with fresh colours and patterns in her mind and an even more fierce heat that set her entire body alight once more.

Excited, rejuvenated and delirious, Becky squirmed uncontrollably at the mercy of pure pleasure. There were attempts to cry out that made no sound, attempts to move that lacked direction and years of waiting to relive a memory and do it justice had been achieved.

Becky’s climax bulldozed on, even after Alex had slid his touch from her body and thrown his arms around her in an embrace. This was a time to just feel the closeness of a body and ride out the crashing waves, which Becky did for every second there was an opportunity for her to do so.

The final flourish in the park saw Becky smiling continually, as the wildness of orgasm gave way to dreamy erotic afterglow. The expression on her face remained, the laughter rang out and the sheer excitement of what she had enjoyed saw what had just happened instantly join her very best experience list in terms of its significance.

A period of silent reflection followed, once the erotic fires had subsided. When Alex and Becky finally got to their feet, they looked around for the last visual memory of their surroundings. After that, it was back to their lives, the odd chat on line for a while, but most important of all, they had memories of something magical shared that would last forever.

Becky’s story received special recognition, in addition to finishing in tenth place in the competition. The judges commended Becky’s use of humour and the part the triplets had played in the story. When asked on line for what had inspired these elements in what she had written, Becky’s answer was simple:

“Friends old and new and the part they played in helping me to understand what matters.”

Published 5 months ago

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