
"Beauty gives her male client the pain he desires"

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Beauty found pleasure in pain, inflicting pain on others. Men and women paid her handsomely to unleash her inner beast on them. In her basement, Beauty had designed a paradise where she inflicted pain for pleasure.

She always enjoyed preparing for her clients. Slipping her body into her latex jumpsuit, she breathed deeper as she dressed. She loved feeling it caress, fondle and embrace her body. The rhythm of her breath raised her voluptuous breasts. Beauty’s thigh high stilettos molded perfectly to her legs and feet. Surveying herself in the mirror, she oozed sex, assertiveness and dominance.Beauty saw the red light flash. Time to go to work.

Opening the dungeon door, she paused and smiled. He was there, his back to her, face covered with a mask waiting submissively. As the door slammed closed, he flinched. Beauty walked over to him and cracked the horsetail leather whip across his back. He remained still.

Beauty cracked it again and again. “On your hands and knees slave,” she commanded. He obliged quickly. Beauty cracked the whip across his back, moving lower until she was forcefully striking his nuts and dick. With each lashing, his dick started hardening.

She reached into her bag of toys and emerged with an anal plug. She slammed it into his ass. He let out a yelp. Her inner thighs moistened. Beauty grabbed the anal plug, pulled it out while lashing his dick. She stopped, surveying her handiwork; bright red lash marks, his heavy breathing, asshole gaping open. She rammed the plug back in.

She loved this part. His body began jerking. His arousal was building fast.

Beauty abruptly stopped. He was panting. She reached into the bag and retrieved two nipple clamps attached to a chain. She fastened them on his nipples, screwing them into the tightest position. He yelped again. Her inner thighs got wetter. She resumed whipping him, ramming the plug and yanking the chain on the clamps. They were both flushed.

Beauty pulled harder on the clamps, wielded the lash harder and fiercely slammed his ass. Increasing his pain made her pleasure build. She needed one last thing. She put a leash over his head and tightened it around his neck. She wrapped the leash around her wrist with the clamp chain and rammed the plug in and out, while lashing the whip.

His dick was rock hard. He was sweating, his breaths erratic. It was music to her ears. Beauty was sweating. She pulled tighter, rammed harder and lashed with force. His entire body began jerking and his dick spasmed.
As cum shot out, she continued her pain administration less forcefully, riding out his orgasm. He remained on his hands and knees panting. Well used and satisfied.

Beauty dropped her toys and walked out the room. She leaned against the outside dungeon door allowing her own climax to wash over her. Unleashing her inner beast always satisfied her. After regaining composure, she went to shower.

In the shower, she relived each moment of the session. Beauty closed her eyes, laid her head back and furiously stroked her clit, allowing the fullness of her climax to overtake her body. She could hardly await tomorrow. Another client. Another session.

Published 10 years ago

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