Debbie lay panting between her brother and brother-in-law. Her mind was awhirl with her erotic fantasies, and the contentment of having them fulfilled. She had never in her life dreamed that sex could be so wonderful. She’d imagined sex with her brother, her brother-in-law, and sometimes both, but those fantasies were a pale imitation of the reality she had just experienced. She knew one thing for sure, Ken and Owen could have her again anytime they wanted her.
The two men were casually caressing her as she caught her breath in the afterglow. She was at first shocked, then aroused beyond control when they took her to the bedroom and started in on her. Kisses, first from one, then the other, started things off. The two men escalated things rapidly and her arousal escalated with their manipulations. Their two mouths and four hands were seemingly all over her, touching her erogenous zones, and setting her body on fire.
The next thing she knew she was on the bed and Owen was kissing her deeply. Ken had a more southerly destination in mind and soon her legs were widely spread, and his mouth was giving her pleasure like she’d never known. She moaned out her orgasm into Owen’s mouth as her body clenched. The orgasm that held her in thrall eventually faded while the next began to build. When Ken moved up her body and looked into her eyes, her need was written on her face. Ken didn’t keep her waiting as with three slow strokes, he penetrated her pussy and bottomed out deep in her. He kissed her with heartfelt passion as he began to long stroke into her. Owen laid back on the bed and watched as his beautiful sister-in-law orgasmed on his brother-in-law’s cock. The woman so obviously needed a good fucking and was even more obvious in her appreciation for it when she got it.
The three whiled away the rest of the day, playing, arousing, and satisfying each other in wonderful ways. Debbie had her first, and second, experience of being spit roasted. Owen took a turn alone with her, then her curiosity got the best of her, and she had the two men double penetrate her. Late in the evening they trotted downstairs and fed their ravenous appetites before returning to the bedroom. Kisses and caresses soon wound down to sleep. Lisa would have to sleep with Emily this night because the bed with her husband in it was full.
Sleeping with Emily wasn’t going to be a problem for Lisa. She and Emily had slipped away to be with each other in Emily’s room some time ago, but sleeping wasn’t on their minds for quite a while after that. Both women were glad to give their pussies a rest considering how busy those orifices had been over the last few days. Neither was sure if tender licks actually contributed to the recovery process, but they spent an amazing amount of time applying them to each other anyway. Regardless of the healing properties, the tongue lashings sure felt amazing.
Ava, Noah, Daniel, and Logan got fairly blitzed that evening and ended up in front of the television watching a monster movie and yelling at the screen. They all managed to find their own beds after a drunken parade up the stairs.
Ken woke in the morning to find Debbie lying next to him, watching him with affection. “Good morning, sis. You look stunning this morning. Uh… Why are you watching me?”
Debbie’s hand came up and caressed his cheek. “I was just thinking how blessed I am to have made love to you. It wasn’t something I ever dreamed could happen. I began thinking about you differently when I saw you in your tux for your high school prom. You weren’t that little boy I knew anymore. You had turned into a very handsome young man, and I found you desirable. I also felt guilty as hell about it and kept a tight rein on my attraction.
“When times were at their worst with my husband, fantasies about you and Owen, but primarily you, were my escape. Now you’ve gone and shown me that my fantasies didn’t do you justice. I’ve never felt this sexually fulfilled in my life. I was just watching you sleep and thinking about how much I love you.”
Ken pulled his sister close. “I love you too. There is another thing I want to do for you as well. Come on, get up.”
Ken tugged his reluctant sister out of the warm bed and walked her into the bathroom. “I’m going to get the shower going. Join me when you’re ready.”
Ken got into the shower and gave his sister a little private time. It wasn’t long before she joined him, and he gave her his patent pending shower and hair-washing session. By the time he finished rinsing her hair, she was ready to melt. In one shower her brother had shown her more romance than her husband had in nearly twenty years of marriage. Their lips met and they kissed deeply, basking in their love and affection for each other. A little while later Ken dried her off before spending the next half hour drying and brushing her hair.
Debbie was so relaxed afterward that she lay back down in bed and fell asleep snuggled in Owen’s arms. Ken smiled down at her before leaving to visit his wife. He smiled contentedly as he walked down the hall and wondered what he would find when he opened the bedroom door. He pretended that he wasn’t relieved to find her in their bed. He didn’t need to pretend that he was happy to see his sister lying next to her.
Ken walked over and sat on the bed next to his wife. She was in the process of waking up and she smiled up at him. “Hey babe.”
Ken stroked the hair away from her eyes. “I love you beautiful. Did you have a nice evening corrupting my sister? Hmm? Were you leading her down that heathen path to lesbianism? How can I save her from your irresistible ways?”
Emily grinned at her husband. “I think you have the roles backward dear husband. She’s obviously corrupted me.”
Lisa’s arm flopped over and her hand landed on Emily’s tit. “Did not.”
Soon the two women were fully awake. Ken decided that rather than have them get up, he would take off his clothes and join them in bed. Settled in between them Ken hugged the women contentedly. Emily noticed the pensive look on his face. “What’s on your mind, honey?”
Ken turned and kissed his sister’s cheek before settling back. “So much has happened this week. Sure, we had some issues with Brandon and the drugs, but overall, it’s been wonderful. Tomorrow, we go back to our lives, and we’ll be separated by distance. If we’re lucky we’ll get together once a year. I want more than that for Emily and me both. I want all of us to explore our new sexuality together. I don’t want our new closeness to become a faded memory.”
Lisa rolled onto her side so she could look at them. “I have an easy, not so easy, way for us all to be together. Ava’s going to ask Debbie to move in while she gets her divorce. No, she hasn’t said that’s what she’s going to do, but the writing is on the wall. I’m sure last night was all the incentive she needed to make up her mind.
“Anyway, you guys need to move in too. I know! It’s Ava’s house, but I’m telling you that’s what she wants too. We’d all be together and the cost of living would be much lower.”
Ken had imagined just such a scenario but never imagined Ava would suggest it. He looked at Emily’s face to gauge her reaction. A tear trickled down her cheek as she smiled at Lisa with deep affection. That told Ken everything he needed to know. “We would love to do that. There is the whole working for a living thing to deal with, but we’ll figure something out. Obviously, Ava needs to be involved in this discussion.”
Emily let out a yell and hugged her husband hard. “I love you so much! We have a ton of planning to do. We need to find jobs and figure out moving, and mmff…”
Ken covered his wife’s mouth with his and made her forget about the details for a while. When He released her, he smiled at the look on her face. “Let’s enjoy our last day of vacation and take care of that stuff after we talk with Ava. Sound good?”
Her response was to twist around, throw the covers back, and try to swallow his cock whole. Lisa laughed, then kissed her brother with building passion. It didn’t take long for Emily to get her husband as hard as granite and as soon as she got it that way, she straddled him and fed his cock into her pussy. Lisa, not one for being left out, lowered her pussy onto his mouth, and he set his tongue loose to greet her. Emily and Lisa got into a heated kiss while servicing themselves on his mouth and cock.
Ken was far from ready to cum and Emily enjoyed the extended fuck. She enjoyed it so much that she ran out of gas after her third orgasm and was more than willing to let Lisa take her place. When Ken finally let them know he was close, the two women took turns sucking his cock until the resulting explosion of cum shot deep in Lisa’s mouth. She immediately put a lip-lock on Emily and shared the gift Ken had given her.
Ken’s reputation proceeded him and the two women soon had him in the shower and were basking in his attention. Fortunately for Ken, the two women decided to dry each other’s hair. He took advantage of the opportunity to put on his swim trunks and head downstairs. Ava, Daniel, Noah, and Logan were all sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee and filling their bellies. Ken couldn’t help but notice that Ava was looking like she’d been ridden hard and put away wet. “Ava, it looks like you’re ready for us all to go home so you can catch up on your sleep.”
Ava smiled at her brother affectionately. “I got plenty of sleep. It’s what these three did to me when I woke up that has me worn out. I need a nap before I can party today, and that’s just what I’m going to do after I finish eating, and you and I talk.”
Ken understood that she wanted to talk in private. He enjoyed a cup of coffee and a breakfast burrito while he waited. When Ava finished the couple walked upstairs and into Ava’s room. Ava quickly stripped and Ken tucked her under the covers. Their lips met in a long kiss and they dwelled in their affection for a while. When they came up for air Ava was ready to talk.
Ava looked up at her brother hesitantly and with some apprehension. “I never dreamed that this week would work out the way it did. I love you and Emily, and now I’m in love with you and Emily. That scares me a lot. I don’t want to lose you both because I want too much from you.”
Ken caressed his sister’s cheek. “We love you too, Ava. It’s making us both crazy thinking about how far apart we’ll be when Emily and I go home. I want to explore our new relationships, and that includes Lisa and Debbie.”
Ava nodded. “I have a suggestion if you’re interested.”
Ava struggled to get the words out. She was scared to death that Ken and Emily would turn her down. “Would you and Emily consider moving here? You’d have your own room and all the privacy you want. Then, you both would be here and we could explore these feelings we all have for each other.”
Ken chuckled. “It’s funny that you ask that. Lisa, Emily, and I were talking about just that thing this morning. Lisa said that she wants us here and she was sure that you wanted us here too. She also mentioned that Debbie will probably move here too.
“As far as Emily and I go, we would like that very much, but there are some things we have to work out. First and foremost are jobs. Neither of us can work remotely for any length of time. As soon as we get back we’ll start the job search. If we can find something suitable, we’ll move in without a second thought.”
Ava’s eyes got huge and a smile broke out on her face. “Really! Oh god, then we need to plan. We’ll need to figure out schedules, get you moved in, and figure out chores, and mmff…”
Ken figured a passionate kiss shut up his wife, so it ought to work on Ava. He was correct. It took him a while to settle her back down, but eventually, she fell asleep. He kissed her forehead fondly and left the room. He made his way downstairs and went out to the pool. It was time for some laps. Maybe he could get some exercise that didn’t have an orgasm at the end of it. He was practically shooting sawdust at this point and really needed to replenish his cum load.
It appeared that everyone else had the same idea. Low conversation and a lot of napping occurred until evening arrived as everyone replenished their batteries. Ken and Emily took advantage of the time to pack as much as they could. Ken had a suspicion that they would be rushing to the airport in the morning after spending the night enjoying the orgasmic delights.
When Ken and Emily went downstairs for dinner Logan took him aside and discretely handed him a little blue pill. “Here you go. man. I expect we’re going to need this tonight. Hold onto it until later when the need arises, or the need won’t arise, as the case may be.”
Dinner started out relaxed, but the excitement began to build, and the group was laughing and having a blast by the time it was over. Margaritas were mixed and they were preparing to go out on the pool deck when the doorbell rang. Ava looked at the door with trepidation. It seemed like every time someone came to the front door this week, they either brought or caused trouble.
She opened the door and paused. “Well, hello, Melody! How’s my favorite neighbor?”
Ava genuinely liked Melody. Melody and her husband Dennis were in their late twenties and had lived nearby since they married five years ago. Melody and her husband visited often, sharing the pool and dinner. Ava thought the tall brunette was exotically beautiful and she just knew Melody would be a firecracker in bed. She’d been getting subtle hints from the couple that they might be interested in expanding their friendship, but neither of them had done anything overtly to seal the deal.
While Ava’s house sat on several acres Melody and her husband Bill lived just a few hundred feet away on a rise that gave a commanding view of the valley they lived in. It hadn’t escaped Ava’s notice that the commanding view included her swimming pool. Ava prepared herself for her neighbor to tell her to tone the sex and nudity down.
Melody looked nervous as she dug the tip of her toe at the floor. “Uhm, I was wondering. I mean, well… Shit! This is hard.
“Ok, look, Dan and I like to look at the stars and, well, we were looking at them the other night and happened to notice three hot men fucking your brains out.”
Ava raised an eyebrow. “So, you were looking at the stars and for some unknown reason, the telescope tilted down, waaay down, and just happened to focus on my pool deck? Admit it, you guys were spying on me, weren’t you?”
Melody’s face turned deep red. “Oh shit, I’m sorry, but you are so hot, and when we saw those three hunks I just had to watch. I’m really sorry. It won’t happen again. I’m sorry. I’ll leave.”
Ava grabbed Melody’s hand. “Oh no you don’t. You’re going to come in here and tell me what’s really on your mind. Come on.”
Ava pulled the not-so-reluctant woman into the great room and hugged her. “It’s ok if you like to watch. It turns me on. Now, tell me what you are so afraid to say, but desperately want to say anyway.”
Melody’s red face got redder. “God, Dennis didn’t tell me how hard this would be. Okay, whew, okay. Well, Dennis likes to watch. I mean he really likes to watch and what he wants to watch most is me being… Well, you know.”
Ava shook her head. “I do not know. Spell it out for me, Melody.”
Ava could see the moment that Melody let go of her nervousness, “I want to get fucked like you were and Dennis wants to watch through the telescope while it happens.”
Ava gave her a huge grin. “Oh hell yes, girl! We are gonna rock your world. Come on. I’ll introduce you.”
Ava walked back into the dining area and introduced Melody to everyone. As Melody stood enthralled by the sexy men around her, Ava motioned for the other women to join her. She took them into the great room and told them of Melody’s request. The four women giddily came up with a plan and set out to implement Project Fuck Melody’s Brains Out. FMBO kicked off when the four women took Melody by the hand and led her out onto the pool deck.
They put a margarita in each of her hands and immediately started playing with her. They had her stripped and horny within minutes. Ava hugged her closely from behind to stabilize her. Emily was having a tongue battle with Melody and that was enough distraction for Lisa to plant her mouth on Melody’s pussy. Melody…