“Wow! Look at all the mercenary Star Jumpers out there. It’s an entire armada.”
“Armageddon,” Roulph quipped. “For us, at least.”
“There are some mercenary groups out there that I’ve never even heard of.”
“Well, Charlie, ten super-large draws a lot of tough love.”
Charlie, Shanta, and Roulph were geared up and strapped into their Battle Cranes. Shanta piloted the newly acquired Condor, one of the biggest, most powerful mechas ever produced. Roulph had upgraded his smaller, more mobile bird, and was now behind the controls of a modified Night Owl, a missile-heavy Crane with stout armor and quintuple lasers.
Sophie’s frantic voice came from the Drop ship’s forecabin. “There’s too many of them, Captain. We won’t be able to land. We’ll get shot out of the sky!”
“Look at that! Those bastards not only betrayed us, but they’re launching a million and six fighters. We’re dead; it’s game over, man—game over.”
“Don’t bequeath your sex toys, yet. I have a plan, kiddies.”
“Seeing as how we’re in the shit, and every single, fucking mercenary in the entire Terran sphere is shooting at us, would you care to let us in on it, Charlie?”
“Sophie,” Charlie said, “I need those warp engines at full power, right now, or this is going to be a very short mission.”
“I can’t do it, Captain. I don’t have the power.”
“You will. Drop the Battle Crane shields and execute maneuver sixty-six.”
“Are you insane? You’ll be open to enemy fire, and you’ll burn up when you hit the atmosphere. I told you, when you thought it up, that it’s suicide.”
“What the fuck is maneuver sixty-six?!”
“My thoughts, exactly, Roulph.”
“The jump ship is going to go into a barrel roll, skip off the atmosphere of Sylvan Five, eject us just above the planet, and release us into space. We’ll tumble through the ether, take out as many of the fighters as we can, descend through the atmosphere, and land ready for battle.”
“Is it too late to quit? Sophie’s right; you’re fucking crazy.”
“Big-R is right, Charlie. We’ll burn up going through the atmosphere. If that doesn’t kill us, the landing will.”
“Use the hop-jets to right yourself so you go down feet first. We’ll be landing in a big lake we saw. All you have to do is not burn to a crisp.”
“Oh, that’s all. Whew! I was worried.”
“But the fighters, Charlie!”
“We’ll eject in the roll, which will also spin us. Use energy weapons to shoot them down or, at least, get their stabilizers.”
“So, maneuver sixty-six is spinning through space like some Dervish bird, shooting at fighter ships while in a twirling free fall from space, somehow surviving the heat of entry, and then plummeting several kilometers into water that could be only a few inches deep?”
“You’ve got the gist, Shanta.”
“I want a fucking raise!”
“Okay, I’ll ask her,” Sophie said. Her voice was a bit unclear, as all sorts of warning beacons were going off in the cockpit. The acrobatics she was forcing the drop ship to execute far exceeded the ship’s safety limits. “Charlie, we have an Emma Cloudheart on a secure channel. She says that she needs to urgently speak to you.”
“Oh, Federal Suns Media Network. Patch her in, please.”
“Make it a quick conversation; we’re about to get murdered.”
“I’ll ‘moider’ the bums!”
“Ha! You’re always good for a laugh, Roulph.”
“You’ve got Charlie,” she announced. “Emma, you’re on live communications, so me and all the crew can hear you.”
“Ch-Charlie, I’m on Sylvan Five right now. Don’t land; it’s a trap.”
“We know, we know. Ten million is a hefty bounty. We either fight here and now, or we fight someplace else, later. Besides, once this score is settled, we have a planet to save.”
“But, you’ll get destroyed and turned over to the Pirate King. Who knows what he’ll do to you?”
“My money’s on killing me. Until that happens, I have an entire ass he can kiss. Hey, lover, you want an exclusive?”
“Fuck, yeah, I do. What’s the price tag?”
“Fifteen million.”
“Steep! Let me check with my bosses.”
“Charlie, what the fuck are you doing?” Shanta queried. Roulph and Sophie echoed her question.
“You said you wanted a raise; I’m fundraising. On your starboard. Fighters coming in.”
A dozen one-pilot crafts, short-range fighters, whizzed by the pilots’ fields of view. All three of them, with the Lander’s armament buttressing their attacks, fired. More than half of them spun out of control. More came after that, then more followed the second barrage. Soon, the inky blackness of space was littered with slaloming fighter craft, and the emptiness of space was filled with lasers and rocket fire.
“Charlie, they said I should start at ten but let myself be talked up to twelve.”
“Fuck. How did you know?”
“An exclusive with the pilots and crews of Pagan Vengeance, who will either emerge victorious from facing impossible odds or die gloriously? Federated knows that it’s worth triple that.”
“You heard the slut. Everyone, this is Charlie speaking. Federated Suns Networks has just optioned a thirteen-and-a-half-million credit exclusive from us, so don’t talk to any other media. If we live, we’ll have a huge bonus on top of saving Sylvan Five.”
“Nearing the atmosphere. Are you ready to die?”
“No, Sophie, we’re not, but we are ready to execute maneuver sixty-six.”
“You put the ‘cute’ in ‘execute,’ Charlie.”
“Why didn’t you name it sixty-nine? I like that better.”
“I like seventy-seven even better. You get ‘ate’ more?”
“Eight more, ate more, Roulph.”
“If we live, it’s a deal.”
Emma’s voice crackled through their headsets and communicators. “Hiya, sexy Humes. This is Emma with Federated Suns, coming to you live from the surface of Sylvan Five, currently under attack by B’Ross’ pirate brigade and almost every mercenary still above dirt. We’re pleased as fuck to announce our network exclusive with Pagan Vengeance.”
“Maneuver sixty-six in T-minus one minute. Dropping the force fields, now.”
“Thank you, Sophie. Fire at will, guys.”
“I feel bad for Will,” Roulph laughed. “Everybody’s always shooting at him.”
The fuzziness in front of the Battle Cranes’ cockpits dissipated, signifying that the electronic fields that protected the mechanical war machines from enemy fire had been switched off.
“Eat beams, you ass monkeys!”
Shanta fired furiously, aiming at the stabilizers on the crafts’ wing tips. Her two teammates did likewise, filling the sky with glittering beams of energy. While there was nothing to cause friction and gravity was all but negated, the thrust of the crafts’ engines needed stabilizers to keep the small fighters from careening off in random directions. If a stabilizer could be destroyed, the one-pilot war machine would be useless and uncontrollable.
“Ejecting in five, four, three, two, one. Good luck, you crazy fuckers.”
“Sophie, two things,” Charlie screamed as her Battle Crane launched away from the ship’s hull, spinning on three axes. It tumbled through space chaotically.
“Go, Captain, my Captain.”
“Shoot yourself behind that moon and hide for safety until the Jumper can get to you, and play the suicide playlist.”
“Roger, dodger. Come back safely.”
“Yeah,” Roulph chuckled. “It’s do-or-die time.”
“Nice music! What is it? Sounds old.”
“More than a thousand years old, Shanta,” Charlie giggled. “It was called Heavy Metal.”
“What, like our Cranes?”
“Maybe; I don’t know. But if we’re going to get fragged, it might as well have a good beat! Fire at will and shoot your flight jets as soon as you hit the air.”
“Poor Will.”
“Watch this!” Roulph cheerily erupted. “He flies through the space with the greatest of ease. He’s the daring young Pilot shooting at fleas.”
All three pilots’ Battle Cranes, slowly descending from Sylvan’s gravitational pull, spun around, wildly, firing into the amassed squadrons. The fighters were packed so densely that every shot, no matter how random, seemed to connect with a target. More often than not, a hit would alter the flight trajectory, sending the injured craft into its closest neighbor. This wreaked havoc within their ranks, the damage they did to each other was much more severe than the Crane pilots’ shooting.
“I concede, Charlie. Phase one seems to be working.”
“Yep, boss lady. I bet we’ll be seeing a lot of Space Birds in the near future.”
Charlie laughed, manically. She assumed that she was headed toward her death but was determined to cause as much damage as possible before she was dragged, kicking and fighting, to the Grim Reaper’s feet.
“We’ll hit the atmosphere in a few seconds. Fire your hop jets and turn your Birds’ torsos against your rotation axis to regain control.”
“Not that it matters, because we’re going to fucking die, but will the fighters follow us?”
“Only a small percentage of those, the bigger ones, are shielded against the atmospheric pressure and heat of entry. We’ll be fine.”
“And medium-well!”
“Now, I have one last party favor for our enemies.”
Charlie had anticipated being followed by the short-range fighters and had stowed an extra power core in her Sparrowhawk. As she turned through the void, already feeling the tiny cabin of her Crane heating up, she mentally calculated the optimum trajectory and released the core into space.
“Almost there. Almost there…”
“What are you doing, Charlie?”
“Firing, now!”
Her three lasers fired toward the glowing orb. There were so many ships in the vicinity that she had to blast through three of them before she had a clear shot. When the bluish beam of concentrated light tickled the power cube, it exploded in a huge, green blast of energy and force. An exploding Battle Crane core has been known to take out smaller Birds and cause severe damage to larger ones. The smaller, unarmored spacecraft fell victim to the tidal wave of force, and more than a dozen ones near the blast were charred and damaged into utter uselessness.
“No wonder you decided to fight wearing almost nothing. It’s fucking hot in here.”
“Yeah, but it’s a dry heat.”
Emma’s worried voice came through the speaker systems. More than half of the settled galaxy was watching. “This is insane, Humes! Charlie X and her crew of superstars have launched themselves into space and are attempting to go through the atmosphere of planet Sylvan. We have Doctor Emmett Brown here with us. Can you hear me, Doc Brown?”
“Yes, Emma. Big fan of yours.”
“As a Battle Crane designer and engineer, what do you think about Charlie X’s unprecedented tactics?”
“It’s suicide, pure and simple. Cranes weren’t meant to handle that sort of friction or heat. If entry doesn’t kill them, the fall certainly shall. The hop jets won’t be able to counter terminal velocity.”
“Well, crew of Pagan Vengeance,” Emma said. Her voice was distraught. “the experts think that you’re going to perish. What do you have to say to that?”
“We’re having a heatwave, a tropical heatwave,” Roulph sang.
“Kind of busy, you bimbo. Ask us if we live. Fire jets!”
“There you have….” the reporter’s voice disappeared into static as the massive weapons of war hit the upper corona of Sylvan Five’s atmosphere.
The pilots’ view ports showed a nightmarish scene. Outside their armored hulls, the combination of friction, heat, and gravity caused the giant war machines to glow cherry-red. Nothing but steam, smoke, flames, and sparks could be seen. Inside her cockpit, Charlie pulled out her cyber-vibe and began furiously fucking herself. If she was going to die, she was adamant about cumming while going. Shanta, overcome with the intense heat, stripped nude, although that offered no relief. Inside his Night Owl, a sweating Roulph whispered, “Shanta, I love you.”
Shanta, in her Condor, which was a hundred-ton Crane, broke through, first. Her skin was dried and cracked, her hair was smoking, and she felt more parched than she’d ever recalled being. The blue sky was a welcome sight, and she laughed, on the brink of madness having truly believed that she was going to snuff it, when she saw water beneath her Battle Crane’s quickly descending feet. Her exterior cameras showed lots of charring, and her fancy, new paint job was scorched to the point of being unrecognizable.
Leagues away, Roulph, who was determined to face death with a quip from his lips and a smile on his face, screamed when he saw the planet emerge beneath him. “Whew! That’s what I call a Cajun Bird!”
Even further away, Charlie’s Sparrowhawk, which she’d had painted a dull black, looked merely singed. However, a few of the fighters had followed her into the clouds. Hitting the accelerators caused her Bird’s feet to lurch forward as if walking. She then fired her hop jets, sending her Crane into a head-over-heels spiral.
“Eat lasers, you fucking turncoats. I made it through Hell, and you get to pay it!”
She took out the leader of the assault, and the others broke formation, heading back into space.
“Kiss my purple pubes! This is vengeance, pagan style.”
“Charlie, Roulph? I’m down and wounded, but ready for battle. Please tell me you guys are alive.”
“I hope you like your sex extra-crispy, Shants. I’m through, but My right arm looks a little fucked, checking. Nope, just a flesh wound. Ready for some hot action.”
“Charlie? Charlie?! Come in, you fucking slut.”
“She’s not showing up on the scanner. Fuck! I think she died.”
“Sorry to disappoint, kids. I made it. I had to blast off-course, though. Some lander-fighters crashed my party.”
“I’m more than fifteen kilometers off the drop-point target, ladies. Should I sit here, underwater, and play with myself or make it to Nav-point A?”
“Save your cum, Big-R. I’ve got you on scope. If we live, I want it all over my tits and face.”
“There’s a huge field of rock formations in sector THX 1138,” Charlie said. “ Head there and find a place to hole up. We’ll use the rocks as a defensive fortress until we have a solid idea of what we’re up against.”
“Since you’re still so far out, do we have time for a break?”
“What, Roulph? Need to pee, already? You’d think it would have evaporated. My fucking hair is on fire.”
“I was hoping for sex, Shants.”
“Just like a man to think with his dick.”
“I don’t think with my dick; it thinks for me.”
“Head off, you two. Go half-speed for about five or so, then, I’ll run cover for you until you’re on site.”
“Charlie! Are you insane, or do you just have a death wish? Run and hide.” The broadcaster’s voice was shrill and worried.
All three pilots laughed hysterically at that.
“I thought you knew our Captain, Cloudheart. This is why we get paid that big minimum wage!”
“I hear you’re good in bed. Want some of Big-R?”
“I only fuck A-listers, Roulph.”
“But she’s not a groupie!”
Bit by bit, the lumbering, hulking Birds of destruction slogged through the chill waters, headed toward the shore. Charlie, gunning her engines to the point of breaking, looped around them, following the lay of the land off the shore in an attempt to discern the most strategic point one would strike from. When the holo-map on her Heads Up Display showed a highly likely spot, she veered toward it.
“Kiddies, if I don’t make it, it’s been an honor.”
“You’re not allowed to die until I get to fuck your ass, Charlie.”
“While I lick your clit!”
“Deal. Be safe and conserve ammo. There are probably hundreds of Cranes out there, all looking to get rich.”
Less than ten minutes later, Shanta and Roulph, already out of the water, heard, “There’s more than two dozen Birds just over the ridge in front of me. It’s okay; I have my dildo with me. It’s been one hell of a ride. I’m going to give them a little bit of Razzle Dazzle before they take me out.”
“Charlie, no! Hold back, I’ll be right there.”
“Stay on mission! Save the planet, not me. Sophie, you’ll be in command when I’m gone.”
Charlie switched to the open channel and addressed the army of Battle Cranes. “Attention, flock of Birds on the Eastern ridge. I intend on resisting capture, so you’ll never take me alive. I’ve got nothing to lose, so you are warned. You’ll never take me alive.”
A mature, chuckling voice responded. “Let’s not hold the wake yet, little lady. Not everyone on Sylvan wants you dead; I just want you.”
“Who the fuck are you, Bird Jock? Identify yourself.”
“D-Ness Hopper. You may have heard of my little mercenary outfit.”
Hopper hadn’t even finished speaking when Emma’s voice broke through the communication. “Humes, breaking news! Hopper’s Fury is the first group to face Pagan Vengeance on site. As the largest organization in the sphere, with over two thousand Battle Cranes, Pagan Vengeance doesn’t stand a chance.”
“You got it wrong, reporter.” D-Ness’ voice cackled. “According to my people, I owe Miss X a big one.” he paused, momentarily. “That is if you’ll do us the honor of letting us fight by your side.”
“What?” Shanta’s voice chimed in. “According to the media, we’re rivals, now.”
“Well, we know what you really did, Captain Shanta. Besides, ten super-large isn’t worth getting out of bed these days. Your quick thinking saved my company’s reputation. That’s worth so much more than just money.”
“I think you just gave us a fighting chance, Commander Hopper. I can never repay you.”
“The debt is ours to pay. But, if you want to fuck, later, I’ve heard you’re pretty wild, even for a Dramadonian.”
“Keep my ass alive, and you can plunder it.”
“Ha! Pirate joke! There’s our fearless leader.”
“Commander, Hopper,” Shanta asked. “Is Major Nestorius boots down? We have some unfinished business.”
“It’s Colonel, now.” Nestorius’ deep, sexy voice rang through the communication system loud and clear. “I got promoted, but sorry I’m late. I had to circle back and grab some Vibro Blades, just in case we made it out alive.”
“Yeah, though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, because I’m clean, sober, and ready to splooge some love all over Sylvan Five.”
“Jenkins? Please tell me they gave you a good bird, this time.”
“Got an Osprey, Miss Shanta, and I owe you my life, twice over. I’m here to pay you back.”
Hopper chuckled. “You were right, Major. He’s turning out to be quite the pilot and warrior, now that he’s got over his ego.”
“Yeah, I was a cock-knocker. I’m sorry; I’ll make it right or die trying.”
“Well, here’s your chance. Come on, you apes! You wanna live forever? Let’s show these bastards that ganging up on one of our own has consequences. See you in Hell!”
“How come you don’t’ give us such lofty speeches, like that, Charlie?”
“Stow it, rookie. Get to the rally point.”
“I see a dozen Cranes positioned around the rally point. Looks like it’s time to dance.”
“That’s me, Shanta,” Colonel Nestorius replied. “If I were facing death, I’d hole up here. Looks like I was right.”
“When this is over, you have to eat my ass, remember?”
“Hey, I thought that was my job?”
“Correction, both you and Roulph have to eat my ass.”
“Only if you win our duel.”
“Commander,” Charlie began. “What do you think about you and your platoon heading over to THX 1138 as well? They’re gunning for me; I can be bait. If you power down just behind the rocks, you won’t show on any scanners.”
“Ambush the ambushers! Want a job, Commander?”
“Just a Captain, sir, and, no, thank you. I’ll be dead or still running my little motley crew.”
“Just a thought. You run a classy show, Charlie. Why only a captain?”
“Because everyone in Pagan-V gets paid more than me. I’m only as good as my friends.”
“I concur with your plan. I hope your little birdie was some horses under the hood.”
“Don’t need no stinking horses,” Roulph laughed. “If you’d seen her on Krill, you’d know better…um, sir.”
“I lost a bundle betting against you Cumming For Charity. Glad to know you, Roulph.”
The battle raged for more than two days. Luckily, for Charlie and the rest of Pagan Vengeance, D-Ness Hopper’s group had set up a temporary rearming depot a few kilometers away. The other few hundred mercenaries had felt that their sheer, overpowering numbers were sufficient. In their hubris, they didn’t allocate for a full-scale war, let alone a few dozen reinforcements showing up. At only ten-to-one odds, using the fortifications of the rock clusters as shields, The three pilots and their allies eradicated the smaller, faster Battle Cranes and sniped at the larger ones before they were even in range.
The carnage was incredible. Although there were no casualties, the devastation covered several square kilometers. Due to their different landing times and distances away, an organized, group assault wasn’t orchestrated until it was far too late. More than half of the opposing merc forces had been incapacitated, and the rest turned and fled in a disorderly retreat.
“Is that all? I thought we were against impossible odds. This was more like amateur night.”
“Ha, ha, Roulph, we’ve been here for two days.”
“Uh, amateur weekend?”
“Alright, kids, you’ve earned a fortune on this one, let alone all the salvage. Let’s pack up and head to base.”
“What about B’Ross and his assault.”
“The pirate King fled with the remnants of his armada, yesterday. Our resistance made him rethink his plans of conquest. We’ll hunt him down on our terms, not his.”
“Will you look at that? I have one missile and two square millimeters of armor left.”
“Sophie, how are things up top?”
“Hopper’s Fury swept in about thirty hours ago. We’re all fine here, now. How are you?”
“Emma, did you get what you wanted?”
“You just made my fucking career.”
“Next time we meet, you owe me.”
“Name your price?”
“Wear that slinky groupie outfit, again.”
“I believe we have a score to settle, Shanta.” Nestorius’ voice was jovial, although exhausted.
“As soon as we’ve rested up. Once you guys blow your load, you’re practically useless.”
“Roger Dodger.”
A few hundred kilometers away, another temporary metropolis had been set up. The mercenary code dictated that enmity began and ended on the battlefield; if they weren’t being paid, they were simply coworkers. Not only had the several dozen mercenary companies in the settled sphere set up their camps, but they’d also left a large section open for any survivors of Pagan Vengeance.
“Look at that! I’ve never seen so many mercs gathered in one spot, before, and they left us a prime spot.”
“Of course, they did. The winners traditionally buy the drinks.”
“Did you see that, Shanta,” Nestorius observed. “There’s a fighting arena set up. I can’t wait to feel your mouth on my cock.”
“And I can’t wait for you to eat my ass.
1. D-Ness chimed in. “We saved your ass, Charlie. Are you going to make good on your promise?”
“Only if you promise to fuck me all night. I have some eros-rock from my home planet if you want to make it extra hot.”
“As hot as your entry looked? I’m game.”
The band of mercenaries exited their Battle Cranes and immediately went to shower off the dirt, sweat, soot, and other evidence of battle. Suited up in clean pilot jumpsuits, they held a debriefing, which took a couple of hours, and then made their way to the saloon. Other than cheers and respectful salutes, they were not accosted.
“Look at all you sorry rental-soldiers! Drinks on me.”
“To Fallen foes.”
“And fallen comrades.”
“One and the same.”
Outside the run-down Crane pilot bar, Shanta and Nestorius sat near the combat arena. They were sharing some Blue Death from Romulus. The outlawed liquor was known to cause extreme intoxication, erratic behavior, and also have aphrodisiac effects.
“Rested up? My sexy ass needs some attention.”
“Well, Captain, choose your weapon, and let’s have at it.”
Shanta opened the box, seeing the two, identical Vibro blades inside. Randomly choosing one, she handed the other to Colonel Nestorius.
“En Garde, you stud.”
Nestorius stripped off his crisp, clean uniform shirt, revealing a finely chiseled chest. His bristling muscles made Shanta more than a little aroused. She eyed up with sexual hunger.
“Two can play at that game.” She paused, unzipping the front of her jumpsuit all the way down to her navel. This exposed her luscious boobs, almost to the nipples, her chest, and her stomach.
Wordlessly, they smiled at each other, then nodded. The handsome colonel led the attack, which Shanta met, head-on, using her reflexes and leverage to counter the man’s physical strength. A crowd of intoxicated mercenaries and media reporters gathered, cheering and narrating the contest. Even Charlie and D-Ness left the bar to watch the two fight.
The two warriors were both highly skilled. Shanta’s flourishing style was evenly matched to Nestorius’ barbaric, power-swinging techniques. They crossed blades a hundred times, sparks flying and the weapons humming.
“Your perfect tits are distracting me.”
“We can’t have that, now, can we?” Shanta backed away, quickly slipping out of her uniform.
“Yeah, that’s much better.”
The nude, dark-skinned beauty charged at her opponent. The swarthy colonel’s parries were expertly executed, and they ended up in a tête-à-tête. Then, smiling, Shanta lowered her sword, saluted her opponent, and stood there.
“I’m too fucking horny to fight. Hit me with your weapon and claim victory.”
Nestorius nodded, then smiled. “Honor dictates that I not be handed victory; just like everything else, it must be earned.” He cast his weapon to the ground, the blade disappearing as it fell.
“A draw then?”
“Agreed. You are my equal in swordplay.”
“Then, how do we settle our duel?”
“You suck my cock, then I eat your ass.”
Shanta screamed in triumph, then fell to her knees before the colonel. Her desire consumed her to the point of possession, so she tore at his pants, ripping them open, and plunged her wanton, eager mouth over his half-erect cock. For Shanta, facing the danger of her career always left her with a lust for living, and nothing short of brutal, uninhibited sex would quench her thirst to feel.
“Really? Right here?”
“Shut up and blast your load over my face. I need cum; it’s my thing.”
Her horny desires consuming her, the exotic woman knelt in the dirt, fingering her juicy cunt with fervor as she feasted on his long, hard, cock. Nestorius gently held her head, thrusting into her mouth delicately, to not make her choke or gag.
“That’s it, you fucking merc! Fuck her face.” Charlie was an unapologetic voyeur. To her, watching others give and receive pleasure was almost as sexy as doing it. The lavender-haired warrior unzipped her uniform and thrust both of her hands between her legs, moaning as she watched.
Also enjoying the dirty spectacle playing out in front of hundreds of Crane pilots and the media—which meant that millions, if not billions, of viewers, were also observing—pressed his erection against Charlie’s undulating ass, grinding his hard-on between her butt cheeks.
“Whip it out and fuck my ass, hard and deep,” Charlie cooed as she stripped nude.
A veteran of countless battles and used to keeping his cool under pressure, Nestorius was hard-pressed to maintain his composure.
“Oh, Shanta. I can’t hold off much longer. I’m going to blow.”
She pulled her mouth off his hard cock, laughing at the television reporters remarking how huge it was. It was big, but not as big as Roulph’s. “Can you get it up, real quick, again, or not? I need fucked.”
He nodded, helping the Captain to her feet. Then, he scooped her up in his strong arms, gently laying her on the ground. The writhing pilot spread her legs, pulling him into her. Her other hand kept playing with her clit, and she moaned, begging him to fuck her. In one forceful, violent thrust, he’d submerged his throbbing shaft into her sodden hole.
On the edge of the fighting area, Charlie was hunched over a large crate. Completely nude, her hands spread her ass wide apart.
“Oh, fucking fuck, that feels good. Harder! Fuck my fucking ass like you hate me. Oh, fucking stars!”
“Your ass feels so good, Charlie.”
“Hard, faster, and deeper, please. Fuck me with your famous fury, D-Ness. Make me fucking cum.”
The horny mercenaries’ actions were a catalyst. Soon, a few dozen pilots had followed their examples, and a full-blown orgy erupted.
“I’m going to cum, Shanta,” Nestorius shouted.
“Cum inside me and then lick it out.”
“That’s kinky and perverted!” The battle-hardened warrior paused. “I’ll fucking do it, but you have to lick it out of my mouth.”
“I think I love you! You and Roulph should marry me.”
“Gonna blast. Take it, you fucking sexy slut.”
“Fuck my fucking ass, D! Take it; take it. You own it. Cum on my face.”
As if synchronized, the two men of Hopper’s Fury came almost simultaneously. Charlie spun around, grabbing her man’s cock and aiming it at her face. Shanta, lost in her all-consuming desires, screamed like a banshee, then began moaning when the colonel knelt between her shaking legs and began sucking his cum out of her freshly-fucked hole.
“Get my ass, too. You swore. Oh, fuck! Your tongue feels so good, all covered in cum and fucking my ass. Somebody bring me another cock and some wet cunts to play with. I need cum!”
“Hiya, guys!” Roulph shouted as he ran up to the dirty, nasty orgy taking place. “The MRB has announced that the remnants of B-Ross’ fleet have been spotted orbiting Sylvan Four. That’s right next door.”
“Pagans, mount up!” Charlie yelled. “We have a fucking ten-million credit score to settle with our dear friend.”
“there you have it, Humes,” Emma said to the cameraman. She had been enjoying Roulph in private, finally learning why they called him Big-R. “The game, as they say, is afoot. Stay tuned as Pagan Vengeance seeks… well… vengeance.”
Charlie, her face coated in spunk, smiled at the cameras. “Such is merc life.”
The end.