After talking to her online for some time, he knew he wanted to protect her and show her she was not worthless, but a gift to cherish. He had explained to her that he feels a submissive or a slave is a wondrous gift, what she gives is the truest and purest form of love and devotion. To give everything to another, what better gift could one receive? He had finally convinced her it was not her lot in life to only be a toy for the pleasure of someone else, she deserved to feel the pleasures and live the desires that are inside of her.
Their friendship online turned into a courtship, it had been a slow one, her fears always keeping them just one step apart. Everyday he worked on gaining her trust. There were a few setbacks but mostly due to panic and fear. They had worked out those issues and she now knows she should be treated better and believes, with him, she will. She is petite and has blonde hair, she is very pretty. He says her eyes take a hold of him.
Finally getting her to move was a long effort, but he believes it is worth any effort. The day she came to his house in the woods, she could see that this was going to be different. He showed her around the house, telling her to just leave her bags at the door, he would get them in a bit. She was impressed with this place, larger than she would have imagined, the kitchen is huge, as it would be she supposed. Windows line the walls and the outside is inside in most rooms in the house,
She was shown the Master Bedroom, it was a large room with deep carpet and heavy wooden furniture. She thought, “there is nowhere here for me.”
As they leave the Master Bedroom he opens a door just inside the room, it leads to another bedroom. This one is a little girls room, a place to be a little and really play, what ever part she wants. She also sees there is a door to the hall, so she is not trapped in his room. She no longer wanted to be a prisoner. As she walked around the room and looked at everything, she sees there are a lot of things she had told him she had once wanted, nothing special or expensive, just dolphins and other lovely nic-naks and toys for her to admire and play with as she pleased. He remembered! This thought made her smile, for the first time in a very long time, she realizes.
While she is occupied with looking around, he had slipped down and gotten her bags and brought them to the room. Not knowing what his dress code might be, she brought mostly sundresses, shorts and tees and little girl undies, as well as a few adult pretty things she hoped her new owner and Daddy might like to see her wear.
She has been in his house for 3 days and the only contact with him has been in passing and at meals. He is a wonderful cook. He has been gone for his work but tells her he is almost done with this project and will be home for a while after that. She has plenty for her to occupy her time, but not to fill the lonely spot. Of course, she will be brave until he can be there every day.
He came in that day in the late afternoon and gave her a nice kiss on the cheek, just after he puts away his cases in the hall closet. Then he says, “I am gonna make dinner tonight and then we can start with some of our bonding. I will give you that time to make sure you are prepared.” He turns and walks to the stairs, going up, nothing else said.
“ Prepared for what Sir,” she says too softly for him to hear. What is he planning to do. She has been waiting for him to show how abusive he can be, like they always do and tonight must be the night. For that she is always ready. Still she goes into her room and get some pretty perfume and dabs it, brushes her hair and then slips into one of her prettiest sundresses, a nice light blue. She hears a knock on her door and he asks if he can come in, he has something for her.
She opens her door and he has a medium size box. Handling it to her he says, “This is for after, when you go to bed, put these on.” Then he turns and walks back to the stairs, saying over his shoulder, “Dinners ready, Molly.” Looking in the box she finds a little girl nighty, so cute and cotton soft, it says, “Daddy’s girl.”
She loves his cooking and hurries down to the dining room. As they eat, he tells her that tonight they will start to get to know each other a lot better, “I think it is time for you to get a bath from Daddy, don’t you?”
Well that was not where she was expecting this to go, but she is ready to see where it ends.
“ Let me start your water and while it fills I will wash these dishes and then call you. For now, you can go watch TV if you want.” He picks up the dishes and goes into the kitchen, she keeps thinking the other shoe has to drop soon, this is so too good to be true. She dashes off to see what is on TV.
After a short time, he calls to her from the bathroom, she guesses the dishes are done and the tub is ready. She heads in to the bathroom where he is sitting on the pot.
“ Time for your bath Molly, so lets get out of those clothes.” He tells her as he watches.
Molly pulls the dress over her head and is in her little cotton panties and no bra, her tiny, tender breasts bouncing a little. She starts to lift a leg to pull off her panties and stumbles, he takes her hand and helps her pull the panties down and off her feet. She is now standing in front of this stranger completely naked, vulnerable as hell, yet she does not feel any fear, just desire. Desire for this man that is treating her like a princess, just because he thinks she is worth it.
She is waiting for the grab and smack, but it never comes. He holds out a hand to help her into the tub and helps her sit down, kneeling beside the tub after she is down.
He tells her to stand up, this gives him the chance to wash her legs, as well as putting her pussy at eye level for him to admire. Starting at her calves, up to those little knees, taking his time on each thigh.
Turning her around, he gets to wash her pretty ass. He lays down the cloth and use his hands and fingers to clean her completely. Spreading her cheeks and bending her over just slightly. Watching as the suds flow down between her cheeks and across those tender lips, with bubbles slipping between the soft mons.
He sees her starting to let her own juices go and mix with the suds moving down both legs. He takes his finger, washing and teasing her puckered little hole. It starts to open slightly, as if winking at him. Daddy pushes in a finger, just a bit, to clean inside. Then he turns her around facing him again.
Washing from her thighs to belly with the Hello Kitty cloth, as she is standing in front of him. He pats the insides of each thigh to get her stance open a little for him. Reaching up he traces his fingers along her mons, they are close together, hiding treasures inside. Parting them slightly with just a fingertip, her pretty labia, those luscious lips poking their way out. As if saying hello to him, her sweet lower lips are smiling in their own way.
Looking up, seeing her eyes closed, swaying slightly. He hears a soft moan slip from that pretty mouth. Getting a handful of suds and rubbing them against her pussy, slippery and wet. Moving back to that little puckered hole and forward to her clitty, hiding in those lips like a shy wallflower. His tender touch coaxing her clitty to show itself. The tiny button is so pretty. It is also swelling and heating nicely.
Using his fingertips he taps her clit, and she starts to awaken. He can see the pulse as the little button throbs. With each tap her body shakes and shivers. Juices begin flowing like a small fountain, running down each leg, glistening. He makes a mental note to start orgasm control soon, and teach her about waiting for permission. He can see she is so close to release and he has just barely started, she is truly a prize. He keeps rubbing the soapy bubbles all over that tender pussy, from her lil ass to that hard, tiny clitty. The little button no longer in hiding.
He begins pushing the bubbles inside her pussy with two fingers, each time he pulls them out, again tapping her clitty with the back of his hands, knuckles lightly rapping against that swelling little button, just hard enough to cause a flinch. As it gets a little harder with each rap, she starts to shake with need, her offering flowing down each leg. Knowing she will not be able to stand much longer if he continues this cleaning.
Stopping the attention to her pussy and holding her tight and close. He lets her go when she feels steady, removes his shorts, and steps into the big tub, sitting at the back, getting comfortable. Taking her hand, he pulls her close to him, turning her around and pulling her body back against him. This time using his bare hands, he scoops up a handful of suds and massage them into her lil breasts while cleaning them. Once again his attention moves back to her sweet pussy as she sits on his lap, she can feel a cock growing under her, as she leans against him.
Again, sliding fingers inside her, this time not as much to clean as to please. Returning to the pace where he had left her, moving his fingers in and out a little faster and as she gets close to the edge, close enough to fall over the edge, he reaches up with the other hand and firmly pinches that tiny button and whispering in her ear, “Cum for Daddy my pet, cum hard and let me hear my name as you reach your release,” with this said his thumb slips inside that little puckered ass and he releases the grip on her tiny clit, beginning to rub even faster than before.
“Oh God Daddy, that is so good …….. I am cummin hard ……… pleasssssssssssssseeeeeee ………… dooooon’ttttt …………. stoooopppppp ……….. PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEE!!!.” with that last howl she starts to cum hard, her hips jerking forward and she starts to squirt like a hose. Holding her tight as she sprays the wall across from them, shaking and squirming all over him.
As the waves of pleasure wash over her and subside, he pulls her back against his chest and in his lap, her squirming had made him so hard and ready to cum. But tonight was about her, showing her, comforting her, introducing her to her new surroundings.
Daddy smiles, his lil babygirl is all he will ever want. She is HIS.
He keeps holding her tight as the orgasms slowly fade away. Kissing her softly, whispering in that tiny ear, “Babygirl, Daddy so loves taking care of you, washing you, teasing you and forever pleasing you. I hope that our lives can go on like this forever.”
He kisses her deeply, wrapping her tightly in his arms. They enjoy the hot, steamy, bubbly water that surrounds them.
After a nice, long, warm cuddle he has her get out, drys her and carries her to her room. Leaving her on her little bed he says, “go ahead and change for bed, we will talk tomorrow. I really loved our time tonight Molly.”
Kissing her softly and turning to leave, she sits and watches as he goes. She can’t believe they are done, she didn’t get to please him, she still needs to serve as much as ever, but he told her that he wishes her to serve because she desires to and not because she is owned. She looks forward to this new life.