Here we go again. Another sexual adventure with a very sexy mature, and very beautiful lady. Today she would be called a MILF.
It had been a long and boring night driving a one-man patrol unit in a nice suburban area with a very low crime rate. It was during the week so most everyone was home and asleep by now. I had received the usual calls of barking dogs and loud music, all of which were quickly taken care of. I contacted those responsible and requested they quiet down. On slow nights, I usually stopped every forty-five minutes to do a check of a business or residence to stay awake and alert. At 2 am I received a radio dispatch for a residential patrol check, which is rare for this time of night. I drove my patrol unit to a nicer part of town with expensive homes and very large lots. Subdued lights were on in the house. Most homes have outside night lights on, as did this one. I saw nothing out of the ordinary. No vehicles on the street, either moving or parked, and no pedestrians.
Following policy, I walked up the driveway with my flashlight and walked around the home. Nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary. I had two options now. Go back in service with a report of “checks OK” or contact the occupants. I was feeling a little sleepy and opted to contact the occupants of the residence. Ten seconds after I rang the doorbell, the front light came on and the door opened. I was totally shocked at the lady that opened the door. She was about thirty-five years old and stunningly beautiful. She looked as if she had just dressed for a night on the town. She had a large full head of red hair without a hair out of place. Her make-up was perfect as if done professionally. She had a very nice party dress a couple of inches above her knees and was wearing what appeared to be expensive-looking high heel shoes and a nice evening jacket. All of this was complemented by appropriate jewelry.
I asked her if everything was alright. She said she was not sure as she kept hearing noises outside. She requested that I walk around her home with her to check things out. I agreed and we duplicated the walk-around I had just made. She must have a professional gardener as the flower beds around her home were well cleaned and very nice. As she walked, she bent over one of the flower beds below a window and picked up two burned-out wood stick matches. A couple of windows later, she did the same thing. By the time we checked the home and the rest of her fabulously landscaped yard, she found three locations where someone had recently lit two wooden matches and dropped them on the ground.
We went inside her home and sat at the dining room table. I took the information for a report to document what she had found. She acted truly fearful and asked if I would stay awhile. I radioed the dispatcher and advised I would take a thirty-minute meal break in my patrol-unit but would be available for traffic.
She asked me to sit with her on a very lush divan. As soon as I sat down, she scooted over next to me, revealing a lot of her thighs. She reached over to put an arm around me and I quickly scooted away. I let her know that I would love to have her hug me and whatever she had on her mind, but I was still on duty and it would not do for me to show up at my next call with her strong perfume and make-up all over my uniform.
She then let me know we could take this up after I got off work. She wanted to know when was my next night off. Fortunately, it was the next night. She requested that I arrive at 11 pm as she had trouble sleeping and wanted to know what I usually drank in the alcohol department. I radioed back into service advising dispatch to log the last call as a patrol check OK, no report required.
I ended my shift and entered the breakroom to finish my reports. A few of the old-timers were sitting with cups of coffee and smiling ear to ear. As I sat down, one laughed, indicating that I had met Patsy. They wanted to know how many matches Patsy had found and if she still wears too much perfume. I knew I was not going to hear the end of this for a while. They nicely clued me in regarding Patsy, the Queen of Badge Bunnies. She was a professional woman with two children. She usually did not allow anyone to come by until after the children were asleep or spending the night with her ex-husband.
Patsy only dated law enforcement officers and usually not more than one at a time. She preferred non-smoking young single men that had a vasectomy. Until the vasectomy was confirmed, she would not allow regular sex, even with a condom. I asked what was next and was told to show up when off duty, squeaky clean with nice clean clothing, particularly underwear, and a bouquet of flowers. She had a full liquor cabinet and was very generous with it. I called after I got home and confirmed that we were still on for 11 pm. I then blacked out my apartment, turned on my noise-canceling machine, and got a very good day’s sleep.
I arrived promptly at 11 pm. She met me at the door and invited me in, followed by a very nice hug and passionate kiss. She had drinks prepared and on the table in front of her divan. We talked and sipped our drinks. She said she was glad that I came as sometimes the office talk scared off officers. She let me know that she only dated officers as she felt very safe with them. She said her only problem with officers was that a few talked too much, particularly those that she had rejected or did not date very long. She made it clear that discussing what happened between us would end any relationship we may have. She said that she only had sex with one person at a time and never started anything new until the last relationship had been over for a while.
Unsure of what to expect, I asked her to let me know where this was going. She was very specific. Fun sex only, no long-term commitments, a clean professional break when either of us was ready to end it, and a very good and sexy time while it lasted. I reached for her and she let me know that I had to pass the kiss test before things progressed. I asked her to give me one of her kisses that she enjoyed the most. We embraced and she proceeded to give me the deepest, wettest French kiss I had ever received. I reciprocated and we deep kissed for almost an hour, taking a break, and she led me into another large, very nice room. This room had a huge padded chair with a small table beside it with about a dozen white towels stacked on it.
I assumed that I had passed the kissing test when she moved me in front of the chair. As we resumed making out, she unzipped my pants, lowering them along with my underwear. We kissed for a few more minutes while she slowly stroked my cock. By now it was really firm and ready for whatever action was coming. She had me sit and she knelt on the plush carpet between my legs and slowly took my entire cock in her very moist mouth. She slowly went down until my cock was entirely within her mouth. At twenty-five years of age, no one had ever done that. Things are different today, but that was not the norm in the late 1960s. After approximately twenty minutes, I began to climax. She had one of the clean white towels from the table in her hand and quickly diverted the flood of cum into the towel. I was completely drained and cleaned. The now not-so-fresh towel was deposited into the dirty clothes receptacle on the other side of the chair. Patsy had everything needed for fresh drinks close at hand. We enjoyed a nice slow drink and practiced our very wet and deep kisses, which I must have passed with flying colors. My cock was ready for some more attention and she knelt in front of me again. Usually, the first blowjob is the best, and it was unbelievably good.
This was even better than the first time, a much more erotic and pleasurable one. She knew just how much suction and pressure to apply to make it very enjoyable. This was fantastic. Her technique was out of this world. I thought I may pass out it felt so good. She kept most of my penis in her mouth with her hands gently working on my shaft and balls. This was a hugely enjoyable event that lasted about forty minutes. As the second climax became imminent, Patsy retrieved a second towel and corraled the next climax, and expertly cleaned me up again. As we rested and enjoyed another nice cold drink, I suggested that we go to her bed for the next round. With a big smile on her face, she gently let me know that this was a far as it would go tonight, but she let me know that she hoped there would be many more nights and that we would definitely take our sex to a much higher level. Besides, she indicated that we had a few unused towels left.
We managed to use up the rest of the towels by morning. When her alarm went off at 6 am it was time for her to get ready for the day. We made a date for the following week. I let her know that if she would leave off all make-up and perfume, I would meet her nightly in the school parking lot near her home and we could practice kissing for my thirty-minute lunch break. This turned into a several-times-a-week event for several years. Additionally, we continued our spectacular weekly sex dates from 11 pm to 6 am inside her home. I did not worry about parking my vehicle in her driveway.
The following week, we started meeting several times a week at the rear of a large school near her home around 2 am when there was very little radio-dispatched traffic. I would have attracted too much attention showing up in a police cruiser at her home nightly at around 2 am and staying for half an hour. In those days, the schools were not fenced or well lighted. Absolutely no cameras yet. We parked and stood beside her car and hugged and kissed like newlyweds. I was usually breathless for the rest of the night.
At 11 pm the following Thursday, I arrived with a really nice bouquet of flowers and a fifth of good bourbon to replace the one we went through the week before. She met me at the door with a great hug and kisses. We entered and had a nice drink and proceeded to make out again like teenagers. After a while, we decided to have another mixed drink and take a breather. I asked what I could expect tonight. I was told that blowjobs were high on the list. The previous week she did not want to remove any of her clothing. My hands were allowed on her lovely breasts and pussy. She wanted to know what I would like to do and I said I would like to rip her very dressy and nice clothing off and eat her pussy.
The look on her face told me that was not going to happen tonight. I carefully assured her that I would not pursue that if it made her uncomfortable. She said that she was unsure if I would appreciate her old lady body being at least ten years younger than her. She indicated that she would probably allow me to eat her pussy when she was sure I had a vasectomy but that it would probably be in the dark as she was very shy. I actually had a vasectomy several years ago but did not have the documentation. It looked like another wonderful night of me getting a ton of blowjobs without giving anything in return. She said my kisses were the best payment of all. She really enjoyed our deep and enjoyable kisses along with my fingers in her pussy that actually brought her to several orgasms during the last week.
You probably have realized by now, that we both really enjoyed kissing each other deeply and passionately. We made out for a good while then she removed all my clothing. She kissed me all over and I loved it. When she finally made it to my cock, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. She kept her movements soft and slow but stimulating enough to keep me hovering just below cumming. Eventually, she speeded up and brought forth a fountain of cum that took two towels to contain. While having a nice mixed drink, I suggested that we could go into her bedroom and turn off the lights. She could keep her sexy panties on and take off everything else. We could then make out like teenagers and feel our almost nude bodies together. I really wanted to kiss her nice and firm titties and well as a lot more of her body.
Surprisingly, she thought that was a great idea. Unfortunately, the alarm went off at 6 am. We reluctantly agreed to wait until next week rather than have to rush it.
The next week went by quickly. Several nights at the school for making out and feeling her great body. My Sergeant had a request for me as I was the low-seniority man on the shift. He wanted me to come to work at 10 pm and get off at 6 am to keep too many calls for service from backing up during the shift change. I asked if could come in at 10 pm and get off at 7 00 am with the rest of my crew but take a one-hour lunch break in my unit and still be available for traffic if needed. He thought that was a great idea. Patsy thought it was a great idea as we could make out for an hour instead of thirty minutes.
The next Thursday I was promptly at her house at 11 pm. She was still arriving at the door dressed like a million dollars. She was wearing very expensive clothing but no perfume and minimal make-up. I showed up with my usual bouquet of flowers, a fifth of premium bourbon, and a large shopping bag full of Victoria’s Secret’s finest ladies’ underwear. She loved it and began to wear it every time we got together. The frequent trips to Victoria’s Secret kept my checking account to a minimum, but the results were worth it. Inside the house, we had our very enjoyable make-out session, which still got better each time. Then we had a few drinks. I held her to her promise and we went to the bedroom and turned off the lights. We were again kissing like teenagers and making out. I carefully removed her blouse, bra, and skirt. I also removed her pantyhose, which were still much in style.
The week before, I went to the lab to obtain a new sperm test. I was provided with a Playboy magazine and sent to a small room. I was able to produce a sperm sample. Probably one of my most embarrassing adventures. A nice glass of wine would have helped.
Now we were in Patsy”s bedroom and she was very relaxed and agreed to remove her panties and allow a small night light. She did not have an old lady’s body. Most twenty-year-old ladies would have traded with her. I am fascinated with pussies, and Patsy had a classic beautiful well-trimmed thick red bush. I dove in and finally got to return the favor. She was very wet and the tasty pussy juice was flowing. She responded and rolled into several small orgasms. I was hoping they would be larger and more powerful. She explained that she was still nervous and had a hard time relaxing with me as she had not been divorced very long and still was a bit shy but was relaxing more each time.
Time was getting short so I decided to save the sixty-nine for another day with a lot more time. I wanted to take it slow and easy and savor it for a lengthy experience. Believe me, it was worth the wait. I oiled her up well and gave her a very nice massage, paying particular attention to her breasts and pussy. She enjoyed it and became very passionate. I was surprised when she rolled over on her back and spread her legs. Her pussy was glistening and ready. for love. I entered her slowly and proceeded to slowly speed up. She was very tight and lubricating well. She did not take long to climax and it was very strong. We were both covered with perspiration and very satisfied when the alarm sounded.
Due to pressing personal matters, we did not get together for several weeks. We did manage to work in a few 2 am make-out sessions at the school. I get a bit teary-eyed now, more than twenty years later, when I drive past the school. Now it has a police cruiser parked out front on school days and a huge ugly chain-link fence surrounding the property. Quite visible are the white cameras on every building. They would have recorded quite a story had they been there twenty-five years ago.