It was a beautiful Saturday morning, Cheryl was sitting in her backyard gazebo waiting for her daughter Joanne to arrive. They had made plans to get together since Steve was out of town until next Tuesday on a job. The birds were out and she had been watching them with a cigarette while enjoying the weather.
As she finished her smoke, she noticed a text message pop up on her phone from her daughter.
‘Sorry, Mom. I can’t make it today, something came up. Will is gonna stop by on his way home from the hardware store to pick up the roasting pan that you said I could borrow. He should be there in ten or fifteen minutes.’
“What a surprise,” Cheryl said sarcastically to herself after reading it. Cheryl had a bit of a hot and cold relationship with her daughter. She loved her dearly but there were some issues that stemmed from a bad divorce with her father that would come into play from time to time. Joanne had a habit of canceling plans between the two of them at the last minute when it suited her. The only reason Will was coming today was that Joanne needed her roasting pan for a dinner party the next day. Cheryl couldn’t remember the last time she has been invited to her daughter’s house for dinner. She pushed this thought aside and replaced it with something much more fun.
Instead of stewing in bitterness over her daughter, some naughty thoughts of petty revenge came to her involving her son-in-law, Will. She had admired his muscular frame for years, and ever since John had pissed her off with his unexpected visit a few weeks ago, she was eager for a new lover. Will was her favorite son-in-law by a long shot, so it was an obvious choice for her, he was a nice guy and pretty funny when he wanted to be.
He was a good man, part of her wondered if it would be a waste of her time to try and seduce him, but then she remembered his wandering eyes. Cheryl had caught Will checking her out many times over the years. If she wore a low-cut top and bent down in his presence, she was almost certain to catch him looking in her direction, trying to look inconspicuous, when she noticed his gaze. Even after having been caught a few times in this fashion, he persisted. This gave Cheryl the kernel of hope she needed. This would be a perfect opportunity to see if Will was interested in her. She looked down at the plain t-shirt and knee-length shorts she was wearing. She would need to put on something a little spicier to catch his attention though.
She quickly went inside and up to her bedroom. She abandoned her baggy clothes and tossed them into a hamper. In their place, she selected a pair of tight-fitting shorts that were half as long as the ones she had on and a yellow tank top that would offer Will as much cleavage as he wanted. She stood in an old, mismatched pair of bra and panties while she examined the outfit she had chosen. It looked sexy, but still gave off the appearance of casual attire in case Will wasn’t interested and she had to bail on her plan.
Next, she looked down at her underwear. If things progressed to the point where clothes started coming off, she was pretty sure that it wouldn’t matter what underwear she was wearing, but she had purchased a new pair of bra and panties recently, and wanted Will to see her wearing them. She was running short on time and she dressed herself quickly so she could get ready for Will’s arrival.
She gave herself one last look in the mirror and adjusted her breasts slightly to maximize their visual appeal. She then headed down to the kitchen to check on the coffee pot. She heard a car pull into the driveway as she came down the stairs. When she got to the kitchen she raided Steve’s weed stash, she knew Will was a big stoner so she hoped it would help convince him to stay longer than planned. She heard Will come in the front door so she called out to him in a sing-song voice.
“I’m in the kitchen, Will.” She tried to sound happy, not sexy. She didn’t want to come on too strong. Will would take more convincing to commit adultery, he was nothing like John. She just hoped it wouldn’t take too much convincing. Will gave her hope on this front as soon as he entered the kitchen and noticed her tank top. While he could not see any real amount of cleavage from across the kitchen, his instant recognition of her choice of shirt was a good sign to Cheryl.
“Hi, Cheryl.” Will seemed apprehensive of her when he approached and it was reflected in his tone. “Joanne couldn’t make it today, but she wanted me to grab that…” Will was interrupted by Cheryl’s exasperated guffaw.
“Couldn’t make it, my ass. Let’s not waste time with her excuses. I have a full pot of coffee and I was expecting company to help me finish it. Why not stay for a cup of coffee with your mother-in-law? Maybe we can smoke a joint as well. It’s so nice out.” As Cheryl mentioned the joint she leaned down over the island counter that was in between them to grab the bag of weed and rolling papers that she had purposely left on the far side of the counter.
The move worked perfectly, Will helped himself to the generous amount of cleavage she offered, and after a few drawn-out seconds, he raised his eyes to meet hers. A sheepish look came over his face as he realized he had been caught but Cheryl’s only response was a warm, satisfied smile.
“I need your help, Will. I can’t roll a joint to save my life. Will you stay and hang out with me for a bit?” This was a total lie on Cheryl’s part, she was very good at rolling joints. Will had a conflicted look on his face. She could tell that he was on the verge of saying yes, Cheryl just needed to push him over the edge.
“Joanne was expecting me back soon. I’m not sure if…”
Will’s half-assed objection was interrupted by Cheryl once again.
“Oh, forget about Joanne. You’re only here because she was too lazy to come herself, and doesn’t value your time as much as her own.” After one and a half failed marriages, Cheryl had a good idea of what buttons to push to get in between a couple. She stood up straight and pushed her chest out slightly as she spoke. Once again her breasts caught his attention. The vocal tone of Will’s response told Cheryl all she needed to hear about whether her scheming was working so far.
“Okay, Why not? Joanne can wait an hour or so.” Will tried to sound uninterested, but Cheryl could tell he was thinking about more than just a joint and cup of coffee. Cheryl gave him a warm smile and turned around to pull two mugs out of the cupboard. She hoped Will’s gaze was on her butt while it faced him, but for good measure, she made certain he couldn’t avoid it when she bent over to reach the cream from the bottom of the fridge.
“Steve always puts the cream so far down.” She spoke in a flustered tone as she bent over at the waist in a very exaggerated pose meant to grab Will’s attention. Before she stood up, she turned her head back to look at him and was happy to see his eyes quickly dart from her ass to her face.
‘So far, so good,’ Cheryl thought as she stood up and poured cream into each cup before putting it back in the fridge. She told Will to grab the weed and she led him to the backyard gazebo, after filling each cup with hot coffee. Cheryl put the mugs down on a patio table and Will sat down and started to roll while Cheryl pulled her chair out and arranged it to face him. She struggled to maintain her patience as she watched Will slowly rolling a joint, his rolling skills were nowhere near as good as hers.
She kept things light at first, she had always enjoyed Will’s company so it was no problem to keep the conversation going easily. Will was a warehouse manager at a small distribution company and almost always had a funny story about some workplace drama. He was finishing up a story about a new hire that had left before lunch on his second day when he finished the joint and asked about a lighter. Cheryl realized she had forgotten to bring one.
Steve always kept a spare on an old bedside table that they kept out here. Cheryl stood up and walked over to retrieve it at the far side of the gazebo. She bent over at the waist again to give Will another look at her big butt. She took her time finding the lighter in order to give Will a few more seconds to gawk at her.
Before she stood up, she gave each of her nipples a quick pinch. Will didn’t seem to notice her pinching, but he noticed her stiff nipples. She gave him a welcoming smile as she walked back to her chair and handed the lighter to him. He arranged his chair so it faced Cheryl and they started passing the joint back and forth.
Cheryl began gradually increasing the sexual tension with a few simple compliments. Starting with his choice of shorts and T-shirt, she slowly worked her way, inch by seemingly innocent inch, towards comments about his muscular physique. Will worked out regularly and his hard, muscular frame made this obvious. He had dark hair on his head that he kept buzzed down to a short and satisfyingly coarse stubble. If he wasn’t exactly six feet tall, he was close enough that no one would notice. Cheryl didn’t have to think very hard to compliment this man by any means.
They puffed slowly on the joint while they sipped their coffee and talked freely. Will was the kind of guy who was tight-lipped when his wife was around, but would open up much more when she was absent. Cheryl had always enjoyed Will’s company and would leave this experience with a smile on her face whether Will fucked her or not. She would just have a much larger smile if the former option took place.
She took a big toke and passed it back to Will. Once it was firm in his fingers she coughed. While she did this, she made sure her arms were clear of her jiggling boobs so Will had a good look. Once her coughing fit stopped Will spoke.
“I don’t think you and I have ever smoked together before, just the two of us I mean.” He coughed out a particularly big hit before continuing. “I’ve smoked alone with Steve a bunch of times, but this is a first for you and me, I think.” He passed her the joint before coughing once more.
“I usually prefer to smoke alone, but when Joanne told me you were stopping by I knew I had to make an exception for you. A ‘first’ for us, as you put it.” She took a small puff and exhaled before she slipped in the rest of her sentence. “Maybe another ‘first’ between us is in order.” She cringed internally at such an obvious come-on but she gave him a devilish grin to better sell her off-putting statement.
“Uh, what do you mean? I…” Will looked noticeably flustered by her ambiguous, yet obvious suggestion, Cheryl interrupted him before he could get too far into that thought. She knocked the lighter on her lap onto the ground in between them. She reached down to both pick it up, and to give Will a good look down her tank top.
Will, of course, took the bait and couldn’t help but stare, he was trying to see just how far down her cleavage his eyes could reach, when Cheryl grabbed the lighter and looked up at him with a smirk. When Will noticed he had been caught red-handed by Cheryl, she raised an eyebrow at him and smiled.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have looked. My eyes wander sometimes.” Will looked worried and was trying to downplay some of the sexual desire that he felt through confession in a contrite tone. Cheryl wasn’t fooled, however. She could tell by how much he had been looking at her breasts today alone, that this was a futile effort on his part. He wanted her, and she could see it in his eyes. The wheels were already turning, so she pushed a bit further as she sat up straight in her chair. She leaned forward to pass the joint and also to give him another look at her cleavage.
“It’s OK, Will. Take a good look. I wouldn’t have worn this shirt if I was worried about you catching a peak.” Cheryl was already fully committed to her plan before she said this, but there was certainly no going back now. She pushed further still to reassure him that this wasn’t a trick or test.
“ I know all about your wandering eyes for big boobs, Will. Hell, you might not even be married to my daughter if you didn’t have an eye for busty women.” She gave him a wink as she sensed an easing of his tense attitude. She was thinking of something else flirty to say to him when Will interrupted.
“Hers are not as big as yours are though, that’s for sure.” He blurted this out without thought and it was plain to see on his embarrassed face. Cheryl’s ego soared at hearing this, and a wicked smile crept onto her face. She could not have hoped for a better response to her flirting.
“No, they aren’t. Are they?” Cheryl’s enjoyment of this was obvious as she handed the joint back to him. Will took it and helped himself to another look down her shirt while she continued to smile at him. He took a long toke while he tried to fight the temptation building inside him. Cheryl was a bit surprised that her stoned antics weren’t immediately rejected, she didn’t take Will for a cheater. A few weeks ago she would have thought less of him for his behavior today, but she had since decided that real life was too complicated for a black-and-white mentality on moral behavior.
Will pulled his gaze from her lovely breasts and up to meet hers. He looked deep into Cheryl’s eyes and was intimidated at first by the intimacy, but he maintained eye contact. Cheryl let the moment drag on as the gravity of their last exchange sunk in. Once it was over, she noticed their coffee cups were empty and the joint was down to a roach.
“Why don’t you get us more coffee while I roll us another joint.” She gave him a cheeky smile before continuing. “I may not have been entirely honest earlier, but I’m quite good at rolling.” Cheryl slid her coffee mug towards him on the patio table they sat next to.
“Do you know how I take my coffee?” Cheryl asked. Will chuckled at her joint rolling confession before he stood up and responded.
“Yeah, I know how you like it.” He looked back over his shoulder and smiled at her as he walked away.
“I’ll bet you do,” Cheryl said as she watched him walk away. She admired his muscular form for a few seconds before she turned back to the table and started to finger-bust the weed for a joint. She worked quickly and was most of the way finished before Will came back and put a cup of coffee next to her at the table.
“Wow, that joint looks damn near perfect.” Will was genuinely impressed with her work.
“Thank you. I end up rolling most of Steve’s joints for him when he drinks too much, which is a lot, as you already know.” Cheryl gave the joint a long, exaggerated lick to seal it, and also to entice Will. He was lost in thought for a few seconds while he pondered what else that tongue of hers could do. Cheryl smiled as she grabbed the lighter and lit up the joint. Things seemed to be going well for her so far.
‘We’ll be naked in no time’ She thought as she took a puff, she would have laughed out loud if not for the ensuing coughing fit. She handed Will the joint and reached for her coffee. She decided it was time to turn things up another notch.
“So, tell me, Will. A good-looking man like you must get laid anytime he wants. If I was Joanne, I would jump your bones every night.” Cheryl smiled at him, but she was a bit worried by the long pause before his response.
“Well, I wouldn’t say anytime. Joanne can be a bit particular about how she likes sex to initiate. There isn’t a lot of variety.” Will stopped and thought carefully about whether he should continue or not, Cheryl gave him a comforting squeeze on the thigh just above his knee to encourage him to continue.
“Everything has to be a certain way. She needs a full-on massage, which I like doing most of the time, but it’s starting to feel more like paying an entrance fee than seduction these days. She can be a bit selfish.” He took a small puff and exhaled before he continued. “Sometimes she just falls asleep altogether before anything fun happens. Other times I just give up halfway through the massage and just half-ass it until I can stop.” Will let out a big sigh after he was finished.
‘Yikes!’ Cheryl thought as she took the joint from Will. She took a puff and tip-toed around the majority of the issues that he had mentioned, so as to not disrupt the sexual tension they had been building.
“My daughter, acting selfish? That can’t be true.” Cheryl’s words dripped with sarcasm and Will laughed heartily at this joke, so she continued.
“I love my daughter very much, but if there is one thing I have learned about her, it’s that she is almost certain she knows what she wants until she stumbles across what it is she really wants.” Cheryl gave Will another squeeze on his thigh, this time a few inches higher than the last time.
“She doesn’t love you because of what you do to please her. She loves you because of who you are. If you stop trying to placate her and just be yourself, she will probably respond much more favorably to you. Make your needs and wants as important to you as you make hers.” Cheryl could see her words had the intended effect on Will. He just needed someone to show him his inner confidence and Joanne didn’t seem to be up to the task.
‘Never send a girl to do a woman’s job.’ Cheryl thought as she passed the joint and waited for Will to say something.
“You are probably right. I’ve suspected as much for a while now.” Will took a puff before continuing. “I just hate the thought of pushing past all the temper tantrums she is gonna have.” Will was beginning to look stoned now and it softened the tense look on his face.
“It will be worth the effort, trust me.” Cheryl leaned in towards Will and placed her hand on his thigh, this time it was high enough that she could feel the edges of his pockets. She gave him a light squeeze before she started rubbing gentle circles on his thigh. Will didn’t look at all uncomfortable with how close her hand was to his crotch, his eyes were firmly locked on her cleavage.
With her free hand, she took the joint out of Will’s mouth and placed it in her own for a puff. She turned her head to exhale and coughed lightly. Her hand was still on Will’s thigh and she moved it at the exact moment she coughed. It was made to look like a careless accident, but of course, neither of them was fooled when two of Cheryl’s fingers came in contact with Will’s right testicle.
“Oops,” Cheryl said with a playful look on her face. She kept her fingers in place while she gauged his reaction
“Whoa.” He was a little shocked at how forward she was being, but he spoke in a nonchalant voice that only served to encourage Cheryl to seek out the rest of his testicles with her eager fingers. Will was lost in the initial rush of sensation as Cheryl lightly rubbed his balls, it was almost a full minute before he snapped to reality and objected to what was going on.
“Listen, Cheryl. You’re very sexy, but we should stop this.” The look on his face wasn’t at all convincing and even now he struggled to look her in the eyes. Cheryl passed the joint and pulled her chair closer, she spread her thick thighs as she sat forward in her chair. She placed her free hand on his forearm as she pressed onward.
“Hush, Will. When was the last time that Joanne took care of you properly?” she slid her hand upwards and rested them on his bicep.
“ She is too selfish, you said so yourself. You need some relief.” There was a quick, passing look in Will’s eyes that implied she was correct, so she kept going.
“You will find me to be a very generous lover.” She was recycling old lines she had read in romance novels at this point, but it seemed to be working. When his eyes drifted down to her chest again, she knew for certain it was. She decided to go for it.
“Will. You are a good man. You don’t need to worry about anything. You just sit back and let your mother-in-law take care of you.” She was massaging his quickly hardening penis with both hands as she spoke to him. Cheryl knew for a fact that this gazebo was well positioned for privacy from any possible onlookers so she slowly unzipped Will’s fly without a care in the world.
“Oh, fuck! Cheryl. You are gonna get me in trouble.” He looked straight at her chest while he said this. He remembered that there was a joint in his hand so he took a big puff while he let her continue.
“No trouble. Just a little secret between you and I.” Cheryl unfastened the button on his boxers and reached in to pull out his now fully erect penis. It wasn’t the biggest she had ever seen, but it did not disappoint her at all. It was warm, smooth and its girth filled her hand in a way that made her eager for what was to come.
All of Will’s previous hesitations faded away as Cheryl started to slowly jerk him off. He completely relaxed in his chair as her hand slowly moved up and down on his penis. He moaned softly as Cheryl maintained a slow pace, she thought about pulling off her shirt for him, but decided it would be more fun to tease him until they got inside. She reached down and lightly pinched each of her nipples again.
“You like it when I jerk you off nice and slow, don’t you?” Cheryl looked him right in the eyes and spoke softly. A more intense moaning was his only answer as Will leaned back and slouched down into his chair. Her boobs jiggled ever so slightly with each stroke of her hand and she could tell that Will loved it by the excitement in his eyes. Cheryl handed him the lighter for the joint which had gone out of his hand.
“Why don’t you finish that yourself?” She worked away slowly on his dick while he smoked the last few puffs of the joint. She could tell he was getting closer, so she used her free hand to keep playing with her nipples to tease him over the edge. Will took one last puff and put the roach into the ashtray before leaning back.
“Oh, yeah. I’m gonna cum.” Will spoke quietly, almost to himself, as he approached his climax. Cheryl had left a roll of paper towels on the table when she was cleaning the glass. She managed to unravel and tear off a sheet with one hand without losing momentum on Will’s orgasm, which was close, judging from the look on his face.
“Oh, Cheryl.” Was all he managed to say before he started. Cheryl was ready with the paper towel to catch every bit of it. Cheryl liked Will’s O-face much more than John’s. John had an exaggerated, almost pained facial expression that looked like he was being stabbed in the kidneys. Will’s facial expression was far more relaxed and sexy, it made Cheryl want to see it again and again. Will breathed a huge sigh of relief as Cheryl pumped the last bit of his semen into the paper towel.
“ Wow, Will. That was such a big load of cum. You came to visit just in time.” Cheryl tossed the soiled paper towel into a nearby garbage bin before she dutifully tucked Will’s softening penis back into his boxers and fastened up his shorts again.
“Would you like to come inside with me, Will?” She spoke in a voice that teased the endless, sexy possibilities. Will said yes without a second of hesitation. Cheryl stood up and led them inside. When they were almost at the back door, Will gave Cheryl a firm spank. She turned back and spoke with a playful scolding tone, as she turned the doorknob.
“Will! The neighbors might see.” While this was a genuine concern from where they were standing, secretly Cheryl loved it and wanted another.
“ I don’t care. You’ve been teasing me with this plump, round ass all morning.” Will kept his eyes on her butt as they walked through the doorway. Will closed the door behind them, when he turned back Cheryl was bent over the kitchen counter and looking back over her shoulder at him.
“Just plump? Come on Will. You can be more honest than that.” She swayed her hips slightly as she teased him. Will moaned in satisfaction as he walked over to her.
“Okay, how about this.” He gave her another hard spank and continued speaking.
“I think you have a big, fat, sexy ass, and I wanna bend you over every time I come here to visit with your daughter.” He gave her a spank for each word of ‘big, fat, and sexy’. Cheryl gave out a little squeal of delight with each one she received.
“Oh, Will. You’re so dirty and I love it.” She stood up and turned around to face Will. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him so her breasts were pressed against his chest. He kissed her with a passion that Cheryl had not felt from a kiss in years. She had never kissed Will before, but it felt so natural. She slipped the tip of her tongue into Will’s mouth, while his hand moved up the back of her shirt where he started gently rubbing Cheryl’s lower back.
She could have made-out with Will for much longer, but she was getting so horny now she had to stop. She pulled away and silently led him by the hand up the stairs, her heart was beating fast in anticipation of what was to come. When they got to her bedroom, she gave Will’s hand a brief squeeze before letting go and kissing him once more.
Will brought a hand up to cup one of her breasts as Cheryl put her tongue inside his mouth again. They both moaned into each other’s mouths as his hand touched her. He cupped her breast firmly, but patiently, not squeezing them, but only feeling their size and weight with his hand.
His restraint seemed almost like teasing to Cheryl, part of her wanted him to rip her shirt and bra off and mash them roughly, like he was a horny teenager. Cheryl unbuckled his belt and then forcefully pulled it off before she unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down to the floor.
Will pulled away from their kiss so he could remove the rest of his clothes. Cheryl was almost too distracted to take her own off at the sight of Will’s naked body. She worked clumsily at the tie on her shorts as she admired his almost fully aroused penis. It looked as nice now as it did out in the gazebo and she was even more eager to get it inside her now.
She pulled her shirt up over her head and pushed her shorts to the ground. She stood in a simple black lace bra and panties that displayed her curves beautifully. Will hummed in satisfaction at the sight of her, he reached out and squeezed her ass firmly with one hand while he began to trace the top edges of her bra with his finger. After a few sweeps back and forth he slipped his finger down into her bra and brushed against her nipple. She moaned lightly at his touch which caused Will to smile even bigger.
His penis was fully hard at this point and brushed against her thigh. She gave him a playful smile and pushed him back onto the bed. She slowly slipped each of the shoulder straps of her bra down her shoulders and paused to smirk at him to tease and delay the big reveal a bit longer. She then flipped the cups down and rotated the bra from front to back in a swift gesture that allowed her to quickly unclasp it and drop it to the floor.
“Those are fucking enormous, Cheryl. They look even bigger out in the open.” Cheryl could tell he had wanted to see her breasts for a long time by the hunger she saw in his eyes. She chuckled and left her panties on as she climbed onto the bed, she crawled up between his legs and stopped when her lips were within an inch of his penis. It looked like it was dying to be sucked on by her eyes, Will looked down at her with an almost child-like anticipation written all over his face.
Cheryl licked her lips before slipping her tongue up the back side of the head. Will gave out a noise that was halfway between a sigh and a moan, and it made Cheryl smile before opening her mouth to slide the full head of his dick inside. Will moaned quietly as Cheryl explored the full length of his penis with her mouth, tongue, and lips. She worked quietly for a few strokes before she started to moan. She got an instant reaction from Will.
“Oh, Cheryl.” Will was starting to get louder now. She loved hearing him moan her name like that and it encouraged her to think of how to entice him further. She re-positioned herself onto her hands and her knees with her butt up in the air near his face.
“Oh, fuck yeah!” Will gave her ass an excited smack. Cheryl kept moaning on his dick as Will worked his fingers in between her legs from behind. He lightly rubbed her pussy over her panties, tracing a finger along her labia as he reached further for her clit.
Cheryl’s pussy was already moist before, but Will’s touch quickly made her wet. Even from this slightly awkward angle, he was good with his fingers. He slipped his finger inside her panties and made sure it was wet and slick before he slowly pushed his fingertip inside of her.
Cheryl responded with moaning and humming that gradually got louder with each successive fingering he gave her. Will was getting worked up by the act and signaled for Cheryl to stop with her blowjob and get on her back. She did as Will asked and lay back, she was pleasantly surprised to see Will spread her legs and position his face in between her thick thighs. He removed her panties and stroked her gingerly as he spoke in a low tone.
“What a nice pussy. I could kiss these lips all day.” He licked the full length of her vulva as she tried to giggle at his silly joke. Cheryl could count on one hand how many times Steve had put his mouth on her pussy, and when he did it was always disappointing. It wasn’t even that Steve didn’t know what he was doing necessarily, but he simply didn’t care to do a good job. She could tell that Will loved pussy within three seconds of having his mouth on her.
He teased her clit with a few small licks before he gave her a long slow lick from her ass hole to her clit. Cheryl had never had anyone lick her ass hole before and it surprised her, Will did not give her much time to dwell on it as he started to focus on her clit. He began lapping at her in a gentle but consistent manner that Cheryl loved. She was already certain this was the best oral sex she had ever had, and when he started to slowly push his finger inside her, she was ecstatic.
“Oh, Will! How are you so good at that?” she asked, somewhat rhetorically. Will paused for a few seconds and looked up at her to answer
“You have your daughter to thank for that. She only gave me one chance to try on my own before she got frustrated and showed me exactly what she wanted me to do. I would like to think I learned well.” He smiled at her before resuming his work.
“Oh, you learned very well. My thanks to Joanne, I guess.” She spoke her daughter’s name with a little bit more bitterness than she expected, but the thought that Joanne was at home, waiting for her husband to return, while his face was buried between Cheryl’s thighs turned her on immensely. Will was getting very worked up as well, and when he couldn’t control himself anymore he pulled away from her.
“Sorry, Cheryl, but my dick is so fuckin’ hard right now. I need to fuck you.” He crawled up on top of her, and when he got to her breasts he paused for a moment to kiss and lick her nipples. He was enamored by their size and shape, and he pulled himself away from them somewhat reluctantly.
Cheryl was disappointed when he stopped, but she enjoyed the feeling of Will’s strong, warm body on top of her. She spread her thighs wider to invite him in, she loved the intimacy as she looked into his eyes and saw the hunger for her there. She had stopped enjoying missionary position with Steve years ago, this was a pleasant reminder of why she used to enjoy it so much. Will teased her labia briefly while he looked down at her. Cheryl was so wet and horny by this point that she couldn’t stand the teasing.
“Please, Will. I need it. Please fuck me.” She didn’t want to sound desperate, but she failed in this attempt. Will smiled down at her before slowly pushing himself inside her. Cheryl moaned sweetly as she felt Will’s girth filling her up. She wrapped her arms around his torso as he gently explored her vaginal depth, slowly stretching her out as she gasped and moaned in his ear. She could feel the hardness of his body at work, she ran her hands over the contours of his back muscles and it drove her wild.
Will increased his pace slightly and Cheryl instantly gave up any notion she may have had of staying relatively quiet. She moaned loud enough to be heard throughout the main floors of the house. Cheryl started to scratch her fingernails across his back as Will’s dick slipped in and out of her. Will grunted in pleasure at the feeling of the scratches and increased his pace. Will kissed her passionately before lowering his torso.
He brought his chest close enough to feel her breasts squished against him. Cheryl raised her legs and locked her ankles around his waist as Will lowered his head next to hers. He started to thrust harder now, grunting and groaning softly as he worked his pelvis to drive himself as deep into her as he could manage.
“Oh yes, Will. That feels so good.” She dug her nails into him a bit deeper. She felt so close to Will and it felt good to be wanted by him in this way. She worked one of her hands up to rub his head stubble. He continued to thrust into her until he felt the start of an orgasm tingle away in his loins. He raised his head just high enough to look Cheryl in the eye.
“Do you want to change positions?” He continued to thrust into her as he asked.
“Baby, I’ll do anything you want to do.” Cheryl didn’t try to sound so acquiescent with her tone but she meant it for the most part. John was very good at fucking, but he wasn’t the lover that Will was.
Will laughed in a way that dispelled any notion of embarrassment that Cheryl felt for having been so blatantly honest with him. He pulled himself out of her and told her to lay on her side, he spooned up behind her as they arranged their hips and pelvis’ accordingly. Will placed his hand on her right knee, which was bent slightly to allow him to penetrate her wet pussy easier.
He pushed himself fully inside her and then brought his hand up to cup her breasts, he massaged them gently and pinched her nipples as he gently thrust into her. Cheryl loved the feeling of her breasts being played with and she squeezed his hand to prompt a tighter grip before she slipped her hand in between her legs to rub her clitoris.
Will’s love of big boobs drove him closer to his inevitable orgasm. He thrust into her faster and with powerful strokes that made each of them moan together. Cheryl could tell that Will was getting closer and she worked at her clit a little faster in hopes of cumming before Will did. Cheryl could feel Will’s breath quickening on her neck as she felt an orgasm blossoming in her loins. He gave her boobs a hard squeeze as he spoke in an urgent tone in her ear.
“Oh fuck, Cheryl. I’m gonna cum soon.” He released his grip on her breasts slightly as she responded in kind.
“ Me too, Will.” Cheryl couldn’t remember the last time she had an orgasm in unison with a partner, but today was her lucky day as her orgasm bloomed just as he spoke. She urged Will on in the sexiest tone she could muster.
“I’m cumming, Will, cum for me baby.” She put a slight tone of pleading into her voice and it worked like a charm. Will began to push into her faster, Cheryl could feel his penis getting even harder inside her. He grunted wildly as he began to ejaculate, Cheryl hummed and cooed with immense satisfaction as the last waves of her orgasm faded out while Will thrust the last few drops of his semen inside of her.
Will pulled out of her and lay flat on his back and took a deep breath. Cheryl turned over and shuffled up next to him. Her large breasts pressed against his body as she cuddled into him and lay her head on his chest. Neither of them spoke for a few minutes as they held each other and caught their breath. Finally, Cheryl broke the silence.
“Did you bring the weed?” She pushed herself up to look into his eyes. Will nodded and told her to look in the pocket of his shorts. Cheryl pulled herself away from Will’s comfortable chest and gathered the items need to roll another joint. She grabbed an old hardcover book from the bedside table and used the flat surface to start rolling. Will was enthralled by the sight of Cheryl rolling a joint in the nude, he sat up and turned to sit, facing her cross-legged. Cheryl had gathered her disheveled hair together and let it hang down her right shoulder. There was a small amount of perspiration on her neck and chest that Will would have licked off her if it wasn’t for the joint she was rolling. The book lay across her lap, covering most of her pussy in a way that enticed Will even so recently after sex.
He was pulled away from the moment by the sound of his phone vibrating in his pants on the floor. Joanne had expected him home over an hour ago. He should probably check his phone he thought, if he wanted to avoid an argument when he got home. He had fewer unread messages than he would have guessed, he gave her a generic excuse that he had been held up running errands because he bumped into an old high school friend who invited him to go out for a beer. He decided to finish it off with a half-truth. He told her that he had just arrived at her mom’s house within the last ten minutes and decided to stay for coffee and would be home later than he initially planned. He set his phone down on the bedside table and sat back down on the bed as Cheryl finished licking the joint to finish it off.
They sat up in bed and snuggled close together so they could continue to caress and stroke each other at their leisure while they passed the joint back and forth. Will seemed to be a bit uneasy with this unprecedented breach of his ethics, so he was making humorous small talk to keep his mind occupied with other thoughts. Cheryl had always enjoyed Will’s antics when he wanted to be funny, so the two of them laughed and flirted together to keep Will’s conscience at bay.
Will had just taken a particularly large hit from the joint when he heard his phone go off four times in a row, Joanne was usually pretty fast at sending text messages when she was angry, so it didn’t bode well for her acceptance of the excuse he gave for the delay. Cheryl saw the look on his face and tried to get his attention back on her.
“Just leave it for now, Will. She will be fine on her own for a bit longer.” Cheryl started to lightly rake her fingernails across his scrotum, she instantly got the reaction she hoped for.
“Oh fuck, Cheryl. I love how that feels.” Will’s dick started to stiffen up again from her gentle scratching. Will was silent for almost a full minute while he enjoyed the feeling, when his phone went off again he was snapped back to reality. “I need to check my phone, she is gonna be pissed if I just take off all afternoon and ignore all her texts.”
Will reluctantly pulled himself away from Cheryl’s touches and stood up to get his phone from where he had left it. He hadn’t even read the first sentence when Cheryl interrupted him.
“No, Will. I’m not finished with you yet.” She tried to sound sexy and pouty as she shuffled over to the edge of the bed to start jerking him off where he stood.
“Stop it, Cheryl. Give me a second, will you?” He didn’t sound at all serious in this request so Cheryl only increased her pace while he read the messages on his phone.
“Is she mad?” Cheryl asked with a devious look on her face.
“No, not mad. Just irritated because she says she had plans that she needed my help with around the house. She pulls this shit all the time. She comes up with random plans at the last minute that just end up wasting my Saturday.” He tried not to let the hand-job he was receiving interfere with texting his wife, but Cheryl could tell from his heated summary of Joanne’s message that she was getting through to him more than his wife was.
This realization made Cheryl’s pussy begin to moisten up again, she leaned forward and licked Will’s dick before she slipped half of it into her mouth and eagerly got to work sucking on it. Will didn’t say any words to acknowledge this, but his moaning told Cheryl all she needed to hear.
She loved the feeling of how hard his dick felt in her mouth as Will relished the moment of telling off his wife, via text, while her mother slobbered all over his cock. He said nothing until he was almost finished, he spoke the last sentence he texted to Joanne out loud so Cheryl could hear.
“I’ll be home when I’m home, woman.” He chuckled darkly before tossing his phone onto a nearby pile of dirty clothes. He then looked down at Cheryl as she furiously sucked on his dick, one hand was in between her legs playing with herself while she used the other to stroke his balls.
There was saliva running from her lips and chin down on her boobs which jiggled wildly from the momentum of her movement. Will reached down and gave them each a gentle squeeze before playing with her nipples. Cheryl moaned passionately on his dick as it slipped back and forth over her tongue and lips.
As distracting as Cheryl’s bouncing breasts were, Will was more intrigued by her fingers working away on her clit. He tried to see around them to get a better look, but her breasts offered little in the way of a clear view. Will pulled himself out of Cheryl’s mouth and gave her a playful smirk as he gathered her legs together at the knees. In one swift and controlled movement, he simultaneously pulled her butt to the edge of the bed and pushed her onto her back. Cheryl squealed with surprised delight as Will got down on his knees and spread her thighs.
Cheryl loved feeling so exposed to Will in the moment as he stared directly at her vulva and ass hole. She started to wonder if Will was going to give her butt any more attention, but this thought was interrupted by Will’s warm, wet tongue slowly sliding up her ass hole. It felt weird but she could tell by Will’s excitement how much he loved putting his mouth on her ass so she let him continue to eagerly lick her. Will pulled himself away and worked his way up, he used a finger to tease her labia while he focused on her clit with his tongue.
When his finger was wet he started to work small circles around her ass hole. Cheryl loved the ticklish feeling it gave her, when it was combined with his gentle but steady licking on her clit, she felt herself drifting off into the feeling. She moaned and hummed loudly as the pleasure moved through her. Her thoughts were interrupted by Will’s wet finger slowly pushing itself into her ass.
It felt strange but she couldn’t deny that she enjoyed it. Will slowly worked his finger inside her to the second knuckle and then slowly pulled it back before he started over again.
“Oh, Will. That’s nice,” Cheryl said with a hint of surprise in her voice. Will paused briefly to chuckle and respond, with his finger still in her ass.
“Your daughter likes this too. Like mother, like daughter I guess.” He laughed again before resuming where he left off. It made Cheryl feel dirty to learn this little secret about her daughter, but it was a good kind of dirty.
“Get back to work, funny man,” Cheryl scolded him in a mocking tone. Will did as he was told and seemed intent on making up for a lost time. He arranged his fingers so he could slide a finger inside her pussy as well, he started to slowly finger her ass and pussy at the same time with one hand while he continued his tongue-work on her clit.
Cheryl tried to extend the pleasure by delaying her orgasm as long as she could, but Will was too good, and she was already too worked up to be able to delay for long. She felt an orgasm slowly creep up on her, she grabbed Will’s head tightly as the pleasure overtook her. Will pulled his fingers out and gave her a few last licks before she motioned for him to stop.
Will wiped his face on a nearby towel that had been washed and folded but not put away before joining Cheryl on the bed. She took a few minutes to collect herself before sitting up with Will who put his arm around her as she leaned into him. Cheryl reached over to grab the ashtray where the unfinished joint they had abandoned was waiting for them.
They smoked the last of the joint in relative silence as they basked in the warmth of the moment. Once it was gone they stood up to get dressed, Cheryl stood in her new bra and panties for a few minutes longer than necessary to give Will another look before she put her shorts and tank top back on.
When they got to the kitchen they exchanged goodbyes. Cheryl wanted to make plans for another time, but she didn’t want to push her luck. So she wanted to keep her goodbye subtle, yet sexy. She almost forgot to give him the roasting pan before he left.
Will poured himself a glass of water while she pulled it out of the cupboard. He drank it greedily before setting the glass down and turning around. Cheryl was bent over, facing away from him to reach the roasting pan in the cupboard. The sight of her big ass bent over was too much for him. He gave her a hard smack on the ass before he spoke.
“Sorry, Cheryl, but I need to have you one more time, I think. Joanne doesn’t have a big, fat ass like you do.” He worked furiously at his belt and shorts to get his cock out. She heard his shorts and belt fall to the ground behind her.
“No apologies necessary, my good sir,” she said with a huge smile on her face as she stood up and placed the pan on the counter. Will impatiently yanked her shorts and panties off so he could toss them across the room. Cheryl giggled at his newfound enthusiasm as he pulled her shirt off and quickly unclasped her bra to leave her completely nude again.
He took his shirt off and dropped it on the ground next to hers before he moved her over to the island counter and bent her over slightly. He reached down between her legs to feel her pussy. She was still wet, so Will positioned himself behind her so he could slide his penis in between her legs. He rubbed the head of his dick on her wet labia before pushing himself back into her. Will gave her a few slow, even strokes to test out her comfort level before he started to pick up the pace. Cheryl could tell he wanted to fuck her hard, and she wanted that too, so she encouraged him.
“Ooh, that’s it, Will. Push.” Cheryl picked up one of her large, heavy breasts and turned her torso just far enough for Will to be able to see her suck her nipple. Will responded with an excited groan as he began to thrust into her harder, Cheryl dropped her boob and turned away from him. He gave her ass another spank to hear the sound of it before he grabbed her firmly by the waist with each hand and pushed into her even harder. The sound of his hips driving into Cheryl’s big butt filled the kitchen and blended with the sounds of their heavy breathing and moaning.
Will was furiously fucking her now, Cheryl loved every inch of every thrust he gave her and she had to restrain herself from screaming. He would not last long enough to make her cum this time, but she was OK with that after what he had done to her upstairs with his tongue and fingers.
“Fuck me, Will,” she called out in the sexiest voice she could muster. Will continued to thrust wildly into her for a few minutes longer than Cheryl would have expected before he announced his oncoming orgasm in a gruff, desperate voice.
“ I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna fuckin’ fill you with cum, Cheryl.” He started to ejaculate as he said her name, and his voice faded to a moan. Cheryl could feel his semen flowing into her as his thrusts slowed down. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her so he could fondle her breasts as his orgasm finished.
“That’s it, baby,” She said to him in a tone she hoped didn’t sound too mothering and creepy. He responded to her affection with a kiss on the back of her neck. He pulled his penis out of her as it went limp, Cheryl turned around and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. They held each other for a few minutes longer while they kissed again before they started to gather their clothes. Will had to help locate her shorts and panties from wherever he has tossed them,
“It gives me one last chance to see your bare ass,” he joked when they couldn’t find them in the kitchen. She laughed and rolled her eyes at him as he found her missing clothes in the TV room.
Once they were fully dressed she walked Will to the door and gave him one last passionate kiss on the lips and a tight hug before sending him out the door back to his wife, with the roasting pan she needed. She chuckled darkly before speaking under her breath while she watched him walk off.
“Well, Joanne. Maybe next time you shouldn’t send your husband in your place when you don’t want to see me.” She started to chuckle and her laugh turned to a cackle, as she closed the door and decided to roll herself another joint.