And now, that beautiful playground lay stretched taut and helpless on her bed.
Because, even the most wonderful man can fuck up.
Nikki’s nostrils flared. Eric’s lapse of judgement had a name – Moira, a twenty-something, spawned in Brazil and newly hired into the company’s finance center. Last Friday after work, she had strutted into the young professionals monthly social, with her wet dream tits, long tropical legs, and bikini model ass all bursting out of a scandalously short cocktail dress.
Arriving late, Nikki had found Eric and Moira, drinks in hand, chatting cozily alone in a milling sea of friends and colleagues, Moira occasionally touching Eric’s arm. No problem. Eric knew how talk to women and women liked talking to Eric. The attention he got flattered Nikki, but, waiting at the bar for her white wine, hot prickles suddenly rushed down her spine and perspiration flooded her armpits.
What the hell? Despite seeing Nikki walk in, Eric had not disengaged from Moira or acknowledged her presence, and, worse, Nikki could feel the surreptitious stares from friends and jealous rivals alike. Tomorrow, office tongues would be wagging. Nikki, smiling with fake indifference, had taken three face saving sips of wine before meandering in to reclaim her boyfriend. Moira crystallized Nikki’s humiliation by wrapping her in a girly hug after a clueless Eric had made the introductions.
Inside, Nikki had raged. Eric’s neglect hadn’t been premeditated, and she had unshakeable faith in his adoring fidelity. Yet he had diminished her in public, something she would never do to him.
Cutting him off was easy. They didn’t live together, and sometimes to keep sex fresh, they imposed chastity timeouts of a week or two for the carnal romp that followed. Still, that Eric didn’t suspect a thing when Nikki suggested a celibate week only fueled her anger.
The next morning Nikki woke early, still seething but calm, somewhere in sleep her subconscious had defused the burgeoning tantrum. Blowing up in Eric’s face today, tomorrow, or the next wouldn’t accomplish anything. When the storm passed, they’d end up making love with all forgiven and forgotten. This time, Nikki craved something more satisfying than a fight and a fuck.
But what?
Nikki had drunk her herbal tea, eaten a banana, texted “love you” to Eric, and driven to her gym hoping a long swim would clear her head.
‘After two years together, are we getting complacent?’ Nikki had debated herself as she kicked through the water. ‘Are we taking each other for granted? Is he getting bored with me? Or, am I just jealous and spoiling for a fight? Why that bitch? At least you held your tongue and smiled, girl. What a catastrophe it would have been if you hadn’t.’
Nikki’s mean streak had gotten her into deep shit more than once. Keeping it suppressed wasn’t a problem, although Eric would sometimes goad her into a lover’s fury because he thought his ‘bad Nikki’ cute as hell, especially naked.
With that epiphany Nikki had twisted onto her back, spouting water as she drifted to a stop. All the leaden anger was falling away to the bottom of the pool. Smiling, she settled into a backstroke, and when she climbed exhausted out of the water, Nikki knew what she would do to her boyfriend.
She’d give him a dose of his precious ‘bad Nikki’ he’d never forget.
So, come this Saturday evening, Eric, his brain fogged with eight days of unrequited lust and beguiled with new exotic lingerie, had welcomed the thick, black rope Nikki tied around his wrists and ankles. The blindfold gave him pause, but by then, there was nothing he could do about it. After some kissing, whispering, and teasing, Nikki had introduced Eric to the hell of tickle torture. It was the one erotic weapon for which he had no defense, reducing him to manic contortions of unbearable yet painless agony.
Now, Nikki played with Eric’s cum, careful not to swallow, and watched the slippery patina of sweat slowly drying on his skin, thirsty for the tasty puddle in his navel. Nikki considered rubbing him down again with cold damp towels; cool, dry skin intensified the tickle sensations imparted by the delicate, tortuous scratching of her fingernails.
Speaking of nails, Nikki thought, time to resharpen.
She lavished extra attention on her thumb and index finger nails, honing their edges wicked sharp. She glanced at Eric but he hadn’t moved; the first time she had resharpened, she had knelt behind his head so he could absorb the implications in the delicate rasping of the file. As she attended her fingernails, Nikki inhaled deeply, rolling Eric’s familiar essence over her tongue – a hint of seawater, a ghostly whisper of bleach, and a discordant note of bitter herbs, the presence of which meant Eric hadn’t ejaculated in days. She resisted yet another urge to swallow Eric’s delicious cum.
‘You saved up for me, baby,’ Nikki thought warmly. ‘How precious. And I bet you think I’ll untie you now. Dear boy, are you in for a rude surprise.’
Nikki put away her nail file. She crawled like a stalking cat onto the bed between his legs, nuzzled his slack balls, painted her lips with the last trace of juice seeping from his drooping cock, and cuddled close. One arm she coiled around his head, the other she extended along his torso until her palm rested innocently on his hip. Her sticky lips hovered above his.
Eric recoiled as Nikki exhaled into his indrawn breath. She smiled and tightened her arm around his head.
What is it with him and semen, anyway? she thought, synchronizing her exhalations to his inhalations. Blows his load in my mouth like it’s my pussy, but I can’t get a thank-you kiss until I gargle? Time for some immersion therapy.
Nikki sealed their lips. Eric jerked, trying to turn his head, but to no avail; their lips remained locked, hers pliant and promising, his stretched thin over clenched teeth. She let him have his fit, then, like a lazy spider, curled her fingers that rested on his hip onto their stiletto-sharp nail tips and began a slow walk to his ribcage, stopping with her thumb perched at the hollow of his armpit.
One promissory rake of her thumbnail rendered Eric’s body rigid. Threat delivered, Nikki settled in to wait, imagining herself a colorful starfish in a warm tidal pool, its arms hugging a succulent oyster, patiently waiting to feast. A fresh tang of perspiration betrayed the dreadful anticipation percolating behind Eric’s blindfolded eyes.
A twinge of guilt pricked Nikki for doing this to Eric after the savage blowjob that had extracted such a bounty. She had sucked, licked, and nipped his turgid, hypersensitive glans during and far beyond ejaculation, all the while pretending her fingers were spiders dancing on his ribs. All his howling, begging, bargaining, and lunatic thrashing had not mollified Nikki’s remorseless, obsessive-compulsive oral loving of his beautiful penis after orgasm, nor had it convinced the spiders to stop dancing.
Like the starfish, the advantage was all Nikki’s.
To Nikki’s amusement, Eric delayed swallowing – a rookie mistake. His reward was another dribble, then another, each accepted and swallowed grudgingly. Perfect. On the fourth share, Nikki impishly squirted the huge cum load she’d held back into his mouth in one great spurt and swung astride his chest, talons unsheathed and poised to rake his ribs.
“Hold it in your mouth,” she warned. “Don’t spit, don’t swallow, or I swear to God I’ll tickle you until sunrise. And that’s after I pluck your ass cherry with my new and very large dildo.”
Nikki didn’t have a new and very large dildo, but Eric didn’t know that. She just wanted to deepen the mind fuck. She climbed off the bed, settled in again at her dresser, and checked the time; she’d held his cum for probably five minutes, and, sauce for the goose being sauce for the gander, set about repairing her makeup ruined by the blowjob she’d inflicted.
“Hey, baby,” she called over her shoulder as she made final tweaks to her lipstick. “How ‘bout blowing me some cum bubbles? I do it for you.”
For a moment Nikki considered painting his lips; cum would contrast nicely on pomegranate. No, she decided. Too ridiculous.
She capped her lipstick and picked up her hairbrush as little white bubbles began percolating between Eric’s lips.
He is my slave, she thought, stroking the brush through her long hair. And I like it, like it, like it.
Fifty languid brush strokes later, Nikki moved to her full-length mirror to fuss with her lace bustier, adjust the matching lace panties, and straighten the slender garter straps supporting her seamed stockings – all designer Italian silk, in black of course. Nikki smiled. Something else Eric didn’t yet know was he had paid for this very expensive pussy fluff, along with the shoes, salon, an afternoon at her favorite spa, a bikini she would probably never summon the courage to wear, and a new purse.
Nikki dropped her hands and studied her reflection.
The mirror reflected a surreal scene, unimaginable mere days ago. Behind the stunning, powerful woman ornamented in silk lace, a beautiful, naked man lay at her mercy.
‘My prisoner,’ thought Nikki, the words an imperious silent shout. ‘Is this what it feels like to be… dare I think it… a dominatrix? If it is…’
Her breath quickened and her nipples hardened to firm points; a moist, intimate rush dampened her swelling labia. Arousal, until now a slow, simmering bed of embers, flared in a geyser of deviant flames that threatened to engulf her. Nikki spun away from the mirror and closed her eyes, forcing deep breaths into her lungs. She bit down hard on her lower lip.
Focus, girl, she said to herself. Remember why you’re doing this.
Slowly, Nikki opened her eyes. They were drawn to Eric’s flaccid cock and balls, now pink and hairless as a new baby’s ass. She smirked. Like a drowning man grasping at a straw, he had seized on Nikki’s suggestion to shave his pubic hair, and she had suspended scratching the names of ex-girlfriends on the soles of his feet long enough to oblige.
Let him explain that to the boys in the locker room, she thought smugly. Maybe I’ll keep his balls bare.
Eric’s furrowed brow belied a miserable concentration as cum bubbles continued to form and break on his lips, now crusty like a sugar-glazed donut. Nikki made a game of squashing the bubbles. “Like the way your cum tastes?”
No, Eric nodded.
“That’s odd,” said Nikki. “I like it, but I’ll grant it is an acquired taste. Don’t tell anyone, but I nearly puked my first time. Oh goodness, I forget my manners. Would you like to swallow now?”
No, Eric nodded emphatically.
Nikki knelt across his hips. “You wouldn’t? Well, baby, now we’ve got a problem. You sure as hell aren’t spitting that shit on my best sheets, and I’m for damn sure not taking it back. So, what are we gonna do?”
The ropes muted Eric’s attempt at a shrug.
“Leaving it up to me? How ‘bout I let you spit in a glass, dump it on your face like you just gave a big ‘ole sloppy blowjob, take a picture, and use it for the background on my notebook? Honestly, I’m getting tired of that pic of you from the 10K.”
No. No. No.
“Doesn’t work for you, eh? OK, baby, don’t say I didn’t give you a choice. I’m gonna count to three and guess what? When I’m done, all that manly goodness better be tucked yummy in your tummy, or bitchy girlfriend is gonna get mean again. One…two…”
Eric’s Adams apple move up then down.
“Good boy,” Nikki said, tousling his hair.
“Nikki,” gasped Eric. “Nik, baby. Enough, please. Let me go. I swear I’ll never do it again. I swear. I love you. Oh Nik, please, baby. You’re my darling, my only one.”
“No talking.” Nikki pressed her fingers against his lips. “That’s right, lover. You will never shame me in front of our friends again. I am your woman. I am your lover. I am your goddess. I am your trophy. I belong on your arm. It’s the only place in the whole fucked-up world I want to be, and you for goddamn sure better never forget that.”
She kissed Eric hard, sucking his lower lip between her teeth.
“Baby,” she said. “I really want to fuck you, but I need to know you want to fuck me. So you get five minutes to think that beautiful cock to life.” Nikki licked her middle fingernail and lightly scratched her name across Eric’s belly, grinning at the flinching muscles and panicked breathing. “If you can’t get hard for me, I’ll be so disappointed, and you don’t want to disappoint me, do you?”
Nikki poured a glass of red wine and ventured onto her apartment balcony, not caring who might see her so exposed. Let them look. The night air was like biting into a cool, crisp apple, suffusing deliciously through the silk to pucker her nipples and raise goosebumps on her arms. She closed her eyes and let the wine chase away the chill. From below rose muted but unmistakeable sounds of passion – a couple was making love on their balcony. Very late at night, she and Eric would sometimes do the same, with Eric doing everything imaginable to make her cry out.
Guilt nibbled at her conscience. You should have just had the fight and gotten over it. You’d be tangled up naked with him now, making sweaty love, sleeping, or talking. But no, you had to do something extreme, kick open a door to a place neither of you dared imagine. It turned you on, all right, but what about Eric? You didn’t give him a choice. Come tomorrow, what if he’s angry? Really angry?
That dreaded thought brought a fresh chill lapping at her skin. Nikki raised her glass but found it empty. She turned from the rail to get more wine and through the balcony door there was Eric, helpless as ever in her ropes, with his beautiful cock hard and beckoning. The chill vanished in a surge of hot blood from her core. Pulse racing, Nikki hurried to him, her hands reaching for a knot. She paused. Not yet.
First, she would ride her lover like a crazy cowgirl until he burst creamy hot inside her; she owed him that. The anticipation wetted her anew. An unexpected, mischievous smile greeted her in the dresser mirror as she unclipped the bustier garters to slide the lace panties down her legs.
Fuck him, then untie him – but not before she sat on his face.