Bad Day In Toulary, Chapter 3

"Vance finally finds his place."

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Vance follows Sara into the bedroom, where to his amazement she quickly sheds her panties and bra. “C’mon, Van, get out of those clothes and fuck me. This is what you keep telling me, you want to fuck me after some big cock has filled me with cum. So come on, babe, I can see your little pecker is hard as a rock. If you back off now, sweetie, don’t ever talk to me again about wanting to see me get fucked by a big cock. Won’t happen hun’, no way. I give you what you want and now you’re all pissy. Don’t blame me if I tried to do what you asked.”

Vance slowly undresses, shaking his head. “Dammit, Sara, the thing is, I wanted to watch you get fucked by that big cock. I didn’t think you would go out and fuck anyone without telling me. This has screwed up my plans.”

Sara waits till he has gotten undressed then reaches out and pulls him to sit on the bed, using his cock for a handle. “Okay, sweetie, now listen carefully; you know you have been after me to do this for almost a year, right? Now how many guys do I find with a big cock? Simon is the first big one I have seen and if he hadn’t fucked Maddie, I wouldn’t have known it then. So you see, it was like a target of opportunity. I didn’t want to pass it up cause, hell, I might not see another one for a year. Now then, if you had just called me and told me you weren’t going fishing, then I could have told you about Simon and brought him home and you could have watched my little pussy get stretched. So instead I thought that I could bring him home and fuck him and tell you all about it. Then he could come back when you were here and you could watch. You see how simple that would have been? Then you wouldn’t have messed his truck up, and you wouldn’t be pissed at me.”

Vance listens shaking his head slowly, “Shit, Sara, I think it would just be better if you got the hell out of here, this is so fucked up.”

Sara, still holding his cock, squeezes it and makes him take a deep breath.

“Well, sweetie, this is what will happen; you will have to throw me out of here forcibly, and I will fight you like a tiger. You’ll hurt me and then you will go to jail and then have to find someplace else to live. So, baby, you might as well come fuck me like your dick tells me you want to. I love you and I’m not going anyplace.”

Vance finally relents and pushes Sara onto her back, “Well anyway, after what I saw Simon fucking you with, you probably won’t even know I’m in there.” He moves between her upraised knees and pushes his small, hard cock into her slippery passage. Hardly feeling anything, he grumbles, “See there, I can’t even tell I’m in you. Oh well, the hell with it, I give up.”

He raises up off her and Sara suddenly grabs his arms, “Van, honey, remember how some of those stories you read tell about the guy fucking the wife’s ass while the studs have the pussy? Lets try that, my ass is virgin territory so you know it will be tight and get you off. That way my ass will only be for you. Come on grab the K-Y out of the drawer, babe, and punch my tight little ass.”

A half hour later a groaning and sweating Vance falls over onto his back. “Jesus, Sara, your ass is so tight I thought you were going to pull my dick off – and I came twice. That was really great, babe. Like you said, from now on your ass is mine and you can take care of Simon with your pussy. One of my friends at work is hung like a horse, and I bet he would love to fuck you.”

“Whoopee, sweetie, maybe you can call him today and you can watch. Wow, babe, hurry and call, I can hardly wait.

Vance looks over at his wife with raised eyebrows, then picks up the phone.

And another cuckold is born.

The end

Published 10 years ago

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