The pulse of the drums was deafening. Allen found himself dancing between two sweaty jock-clad daddy bears bouncing to the music. Rough hands slid up his kilt. One of them, Red-haired and stocky, danced in close to Allen, pushing his ass into Allen’s crotch.
A tongue entered his mouth. A rough white beard rubbed against his cheeks.
“Come with us.” A hand grabbed each of his wrists and he followed.
A beaded curtain parted before the trio and they entered a dark back room. The drum beat was still present but accented with moans and slapping noises. Allen’s back was pressed against a cold wall. His kilt lifted. Two mouths found his hardening cock and kissed around it.
Hands teased his balls, thighs, and hole. One of the daddies stood and licked the side of his face and said, “Want to be in the middle when that sling is free?” The bald man pointed to a leather hammock swinging with a twink aboard.
“Let’s enjoy the show.” Allen winked.
They approached to queue up for the sling. Allen’s kilt was a formality at this point as his body was bare to those near enough to see. The bald bear kept his mouth on Allan’s cock and balls.
The sling emptied the red-headed bear hopped in with practiced ease. A hand grabbed Allen’s head and pushed him into the displayed hole.
Sweaty, musty, and sweet. Allen tongued the hole of the daddy bear in the sling. He tasted the tang of lube and he paused to look at the man whose hole he was eating.
“Prepped and ready for you boy,” he responded with a devious smirk.
Allen stood back up and took aim at the hole.
The other man undid Allen’s belt and removed the kilt. Freed and skyclad, he slid into the red-headed bear’s hole. He was quite lubed and Allen quickly got up a good thrusting rhythm. The bald daddy wrapped his hands around Allen’s chest and played with his nipples. The redhead groaned and growled with each thrust. His pierced cock bounced against his hairy belly.
“Mind if I slide in?” the thick beard nuzzling his neck.
Allen thrust deep into the man in the sling, turned his head to the white-bearded man, winked, and spread his legs. A cool slick finger gently wiggled into his hole, opening him slowly.
“I think you’re ready,” the daddy said into his ear. Allen leaned forward.
The bald man entered him which pushed Allen deeper into the red-haired bear. The song changed to a rapid trance number and the three soon found themselves fucking along to the beat. A small crowd gathered to watch the trio fuck to the music.
Hot, grinding, fast, fucking. Allen’s body was electric. His cock was in a velvet chute that seemed to grip and suck him in. His hole burned with the hot thrusts. He surrendered to the rhythm and sensations.
Hands, nipples, cocks, holes. Pinching, grinding, thrusting, grasping. Spitting, grunting, begging fucking.
He felt his balls tighten to his body, ready to blow. As if in response, the hole he drilled clamped down on him even more. The legs of the red-headed bear spread wider. A hand gripped his shoulder and his waist. He felt teeth sink into his shoulder. He wasn’t sure if he was thrusting or being thrust. It didn’t matter. He was cumming, he was cumming and he was cumming. He filled, was filled, and emptied.
It didn’t stop, only slowed. Cum dripped to the floor joining spurts and pools already there. Allen held still, breathed deep, still deep in, and still probed deep. His head spun, his cock pulsed, and his hole stretched.
“Want to take a turn in the sling?” a breathless whisper punctuated with a thrust. Allen wanted nothing more, his knees trembled at the thought. The red-headed bear seemed to know exactly what the next move was he reached for Allen who pulled him up and out of the leather sling. He grabbed Allen tight around the waist and forcefully kissed him.
“Time to return the favor,” the man said, still kissing Allen. His short beard roughly rubbed against the younger man’s face. Allen was spun while their tongues tousled. The kiss broke and Allen was lifted by both men and fell into the enveloping leather swing. He felt his own cum stick to his ass as he shifted into position.
The red-headed bear was between his legs, a hungry smile on his face. He lowered himself to Allen’s cum dripping hole and tongue fucked the sling-bound younger man. Allen’s hips rolled in ecstasy. The tongue fucked him deeply, probing, tasting, getting his hole even wetter.
The bald bear with the white beard was next to him, hard cock pressing against Allen’s face. He took the young man’s hands and wrapped leather restraints around his wrists. Allen’s feet were in stirrups. He was going nowhere and was immensely aroused by the idea. He took the bald man’s cock into his mouth in thanks. Tasting cum and his own ass as he sucked.
Allen’s ass was wet and cool as the red-headed bear took his mouth off the hole. He jerked his cock slightly and aimed at Allen’s spread ass. The pierced cock slid deep inside of him in a single thrust. It was larger than the previous cock which now filled his mouth. The couple began fucking him in earnest now, again to the beat of the club music. The crowd tightened in. A flash of a camera went off. There were more cocks pressed against Allen’s restrained body. In his hands, on his side, a second cock on his face trying to get in his mouth.
He was surrounded and ecstatic. Bouncing and swinging. Voices, grunts, swears, and cocks. Allen didn’t know whose cock was whose and he didn’t care. He was full, he was covered in sweat and spit and spurts of cum. Man after man, cock after cock entered him, fucked, came and went. Some big, some small, all satisfied.
At one point while being fucked by the biggest cock yet, a short stocky furball of a man climbed on top of Allen and rode his cock. His hairy ass enveloped Allen and milked him for all he was worth.
“Fuck yeah, breed this bear ass! Fill me with your cum, cumdump.”
Allen couldn’t respond, his mouth full of cock but he did as the power bottom bear demanded. Loading the round fuzzy ass while taking another load from a man he couldn’t even see.
The fucking continued with the music but the crowd eventually thinned, the fuckers spent and sated. Allen could finally discern whose cock was where. Old bears, young twinks, leather boys men of all shapes, sizes, and complexions used him like the fuck toy he now knew he was. A man approached from the wall. He was fully dressed in a three-piece navy suit. His stiff cock poked out of the fly and a cigar hung from his lips.
The businessman sidled up beside Allen, rubbing his cock against the young man’s body, blowing smoke in his face, and massaging other men’s cum into Allen’s skin. Waiting for his turn. Allen’s hole took another load and another satisfied cock slid out of him. The businessman grinned.
“Ready for one more?” He asked through a puff of smoke. Allen nodded hungrily, looking around he realized they were the only two in the back room. The man grabbed Allen’s balls and pulled the boy onto his rock-hard cock. Allen groaned, leaking precum from his cock and other men’s cum from his ass. The man rubbed Allen’s spent cock as he thrust into the restrained young man. His rough hands moved up the boy’s body to his nipples. Taking a firm hold of him from there and increasing his pace, pulling the sling-bound man onto his cock while thrusting into him forcibly.
Warm ash fell on Allen’s cock and balls tingled and excited him back to a full erection. The attention on his nipples, the wide cock sliding into him, the thick sweet smoke. Allen felt himself on the edge again.
“You like this fat cock boy?” the man grunted. Allen could only nod, he was speechless, non-verbal, just a toy to be used.
“Good slut” the man said, twisting his nipples. Allen came immediately without warning, a surprising amount sprayed across his chest, hit his face, and splattered the man’s pinstripe vest. He felt his body convulse and his used hole turned into a vice on the cock inside of him.
“There we go, grip me, boy. Milk me with your cunt.” The businessman’s breathing was labored, Allen hoped he was close. He wanted this man’s hot load deep in his guts.
“You want my seed, boy?” The man growled, the cigar burning bright. “I want to hear you beg for it.”
Allen groaned wordlessly and tried to swing himself onto the man’s cock.
“BEG!” he bellowed, slapping Allen across the face.
“Please s-Sir, give me your seed,” Allen cried. “Fill me with your cum and make me yours.” He did not know where the words came from but he knew they were true.
“Damn right.” He spat, pulling his cock fully out of Allen’s gaping ass. “You were made to be fucked by me.”
The businessman’s cock shot its first burst of cum at his hole, landing mostly inside the winking opening. He shoved himself all the way back in and continued to inseminate the bound slut.
“Oh yes! Please, Sir, fill me. I need it. I need your load inside me. Yes!” He was desperate, babbling slutty pleas for carnal fulfillment. “Breed my sloppy hole. It’s all yours, Sir. I’m your cumdump fuck toy.”
“Take it! Uhg take it all, you filthy boy.” They grunted and groaned. Somewhere in the process, Allen came again, simply from being used by this man.
Their orgasms ebbing, the man spat the butt of his cigar onto the cum soaked floor and ground it with his heel; never leaving Allen’s hole.
“You ready for your last treat?” The man asked through labored breaths. Allen couldn’t think of what else could possibly be left but nodded nonetheless.
“Good boy,” the man sighed and Allen felt something hot and wet gush into him. The acrid smell of piss filled the air as the man emptied his bladder deep inside of the boy. It was intense, nothing he had ever felt before. He was suddenly so full. His head spun with lust and his soft cock oozed out another load onto his belly. The man pressed himself hard against Allen’s ass as he continued to urinate inside.
“Squeeze that hole, slut. Keep my piss inside you.”
Allen obeyed. He wanted nothing more. He felt like he was about to burst, but the man was still going.
“Tight boy,” the man demanded. Allen clenched for all he was worth as the man grabbed his cock, slid out, and finished by covering the boy’s face and body in the last burst of piss.
“Don’t spill a drop.” The man stepped back, shaking himself off onto Allen and the floor. Allen licked the piss from his lips and moaned.
The businessman was at his side now. Cum and piss-dripping cock still hanging out of his fly. The trousers and belly of the suit were soaked with sweat cum and urine.
“Release,” the man said while lighting a new cigar. Allen did and all at once felt empty. He gasped, breathing hard. He opened his eyes and looked around for the man who marked him with seed and urine but no one was around. The dim back room was empty save for the pools on the floor and the boy who’d encouraged them.
A short while later the man came back and undid the restraints. Allen had forgotten he was even bound. The man produced a permanent marker from his breast pocket of a different suit than the one he wore before. He wrote on Allan’s stomach “Baron’s piss pig cumdump”
“Ass up,” he barked and Allen complied. He felt the marker press against his ass cheek and heard the sound of a photo being taken. The businessman handed Allen his cell phone and kilt.
“Call me for another round sometime,” he said walking through the beaded curtain. Allen looked at his lock screen. It was a picture of his own piss-soaked cum leaking ass. “Call 616-3242 to rent by the hour” was written on it in black marker.