The pandemic had changed our lives completely. There was no chance of any more gang bangs or meeting up with any of my many choices of naughty adventures on my bi side, or even just a quick fuck with my Turkish toy boy.
Gary and I had ironed out our differences. He did want to carry on with his cuckolding after all, and we spent many happy hours during lockdown watching the videos and looking at photos of my extremely busy sex life prior to Covid.
I was happy enough with that but imagined that it would be difficult for me to get much more fun. Being housebound for six months had taken its toll on me. I had put on over half a stone, and it all seemed to go on my tummy.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I was dismayed that I seemed to have aged considerably since the photoshoot with Adil over a year earlier. Apart from the bit of excess on my tummy, there were signs of some lines returning to my face, and some ugly fatty areas at the back of my thighs.
I had also gone past the seventy-year-old milestone, and although Gary kept telling me that I looked nowhere near my age, I didn’t really feel at all comfortable with my looks.
Under two years earlier, I was well into gang bangs with guys usually under half my age, and I was having really sexy fun with both sexes. I wondered what my regular holiday lovers would make of me, and didn’t feel confident enough to contact any of them.
I told Gary exactly how I felt. He thought I was exaggerating, and kept trying to reassure me. He treated me to a day at the beauticians and asked if I wanted to have another facelift.
Temporarily, I felt better about myself after the beauty treatment, but I told him that I really didn’t want to go through another facelift.
A night out at Ray’s Bar improved my confidence a little, seeing many friends that we hadn’t seen for a while. Most were quite complimentary, but the best thing was that Ray cornered me twice during the evening, taking me into his little storage room near the toilets.
We had a good snog both times, and he told me that he wanted to fuck me later. It never happened because there were people still drinking there until 4 am, but at least I knew he still fancied me.
That made my mind up. I determined that I was going to go on a health kick.
The thought of all the fun I would miss if I didn’t look after myself gave me the inspiration to work really hard at it. I joined a local gym and went on a very strict diet.
I even got Gary to start coaching me at tennis. I was pretty awful at it, and I also hated the gym.
But gradually, I started to feel better about myself, and that was helped even more when Ray messaged me one night to ask if he could come round.
It amazed me that he still wanted me, but the sex was great, and we had another couple of sessions over the next fortnight.
Gary, of course, still wanted to listen to us making out, and he was always ready to hear me tell him exactly what had gone on before having his way with me.
Then, one evening about a couple of months ago, Gary sat me down at his PC and showed me a couple that he had contacted.
They were swingers who lived in Cyprus. Vanessa was sixty-four, and her partner was Kurt, a German guy in his forties. Gary had made contact and gone as far as sending them some pictures of me. They were keen to meet us, and Gary wanted to know what I thought.
I told him that I was interested, so he fixed up an online chat for the next evening.
Vanessa was lovely. Good fun, unassuming, and attractive. Kurt wasn’t really my type, though. He came over as a little immodest and said things that made him sound like he was God’s gift to women.
They were very keen on meeting up somewhere in Northern Cyprus (the Turkish part). They lived in the Greek part, but it was easy for them to cross the border, and we would just have a forty-five-minute flight from Antalya to get there.
It became clear that a swap was their preference. I actually felt a bit of jealousy, because I thought that Gary was getting a better deal than me.
I didn’t commit myself straight away, saying that I wanted to chat and find out more about them both before making arrangements.
They were OK with that, and after two more chats with them both (and another lovely fuck from Ray sandwiched in between), I felt ready to give it a go and left Gary to sort out flights, hotel and dates, etc.
So, just over a fortnight later, we were off to Northern Cyprus for the first time in our lives. Gary had booked four nights in an all-inclusive hotel, where Kurt and Vanessa would meet us the following day.
The journey was stressful; with PCR tests and vaccination certificates, etc., it made travelling not nearly as easy as it used to be. But we arrived safe and sound, and Gary had arranged a hire car for us, which we didn’t have to wait long for.
Luckily, Google maps worked OK on our phones, and we drove to our hotel without any hitches.
It was a large hotel, with a casino. We had the evening and night to ourselves as we weren’t meeting Vanessa and Kurt until the next day.
We had a few drinks (well, it was all-inclusive), a quick look in the casino, and then straight up to our room. While having a cigarette on our balcony, I realised what a stunning location the hotel was in, with a beautiful view over the moonlit Mediterranean sea.
I didn’t sleep too well. Despite all the many and varied bits of sexual fun I had experienced, for some reason, I was quite nervous about meeting our new swinging friends. Gary obviously wasn’t as he was off to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
As arranged, Kurt and Vanessa arrived at the hotel shortly after lunch. We met them in reception, where we waited whilst they were shown to their room and had a quick freshen up.
From there we walked to one of the pool bars, where we chatted easily over a bottle of red wine. Then we took a stroll along the beautiful sandy beach for about half an hour.
Kurt was actually a lot more pleasant than I had found him on Skype, and as we returned to the hotel gardens, Gary and Vanessa were together about ten yards in front of us, so we had sort of paired off without really thinking anything of it.
We found another bar, this time inside the hotel, and sat on very comfortable chairs around a large table. We only had one more drink.
The conversation was getting very funny with so many sexual innuendos it was untrue. As we laughed together, I felt Kurt’s hand on my leg for the first time. I didn’t object but just opened my legs a little. At the same time, I was trying to see if anything was going on between Vanessa and my hubby, but I couldn’t really tell.
Then, out of the blue, Kurt suggested that we went to our rooms. It wasn’t clear whether he meant for swinging fun, until on the way to the lift, he took hold of my hand and told me that we were going to his room, and Gary and Vanessa would be going to ours.
We were all in the same lift together, and as soon as the doors closed, Kurt was all over me, grabbing my tits as our tongues found each other. Gary took the hint, and I heard Vanessa sigh in pleasure as they did much the same.
Our room was on the fifth floor, so Gary and Vanessa got out first, giving us a knowing smile as the doors closed and we continued up to the seventh floor.
As soon as we were in his room, Kurt started saying some very wonderful things about the way I looked, and then coolly told me that he was going to take all my clothes off.
And he did. I was wearing an orange t-shirt, which he lifted over my head, folded up and laid carefully on the nearest chair. Then he just stood there looking at me and smiling.
Not a word was said as he unzipped my white skirt and helped it down to the carpet. I stepped out of it, and once again he folded it up and placed it on top of my t-shirt.
Now I just had my flip-flops, and bra and panties on. They were a brand new white set, not too revealing but see-through in some places.
Kurt stood directly in front of me, again saying some very complimentary things as he examined me. He didn’t touch me, just ran his eyes all over me.
That carried on for what seemed like ages. I eased my flip-flops off, and that brought him into action.
Everything happened quickly after that. He pulled my panties down with his teeth to start off with, and again I stepped out of them as his hand pulled them right down.
Then, without hesitation, he found the clip at the back of my bra, and then pulled it off, again with his teeth. I had to help him with one of the straps.
Naked, and full of anticipation, I stood and watched as he took all his clothes off very rapidly, throwing them all on the carpet, all crumpled up.
Kurt was probably just under six feet tall and had a well-defined body that was completely shaved. Nice.
He lifted me up, pulled me towards him so that I could feel his cock against my tummy, and then carried me to the bed, which we sort of fell onto together.
What I was treated to next was truly wonderful. Kurt went down on me. His tongue was strong and wild. It was all one way. He wanted to make me cum before he had any satisfaction himself.
But he knew about edging. Time and time again he brought me close but then held back. It was awesome.
What a gentleman. So patient. He decided that he wasn’t going to fuck me until I had cum, and he was prolonging that moment.
When I did cum it was so powerful. I screamed so much I am sure it would have been heard all over the hotel. My cum literally gushed out of me as Kurt continued to treat me to some more fantastic action with his mouth, and my legs were out of control, twitching like crazy.
Eventually, he moved his face away from my soaking wet pussy. I wanted to give him a blow job, but it was not to be. He told me that I tasted divine and that he was now going to fuck me.
He wanted me doggy fashion and moved me quite forcibly onto my knees. He wasn’t nearly as patient now! As soon as his cock was inside me, he pounded me remorselessly.
It didn’t last long but was great. I didn’t cum again either. I don’t think there was any more left. But he didn’t pull out and he made a lot of noise too as his sperm mixed with my juices.
We lay together on the bed getting our breaths back. I was ready for some more action, but Kurt said, “That’s a great start, Jill, but we have to meet up with Vanessa and Gary now.”
So, it was a quick shower before getting back into my neatly piled clothes, then off down to a lounge bar.
Apparently, Gary and Kurt had arranged exactly what happened before we even left home, down to the edging, the sexual positions, everything. Gary had done exactly the same with Vanessa.
Strangely, we all talked very comfortably about it in the bar, which thankfully was nearly empty.
“Marks out of ten, please, ladies,” Kurt said with a smile on his face.
Vanessa looked straight at Gary and said, “Ten – definitely a ten.”
I kept them waiting before replying, looking at them one by one before simply saying “Eleven” as I smiled.
We were still the only ones in the bar as we chatted and joked for ages. It was only about 4 pm, and I think most people were out by the pools enjoying the sun.
I really liked Vanessa. She was attractive and had a great sense of humour. We were very similar figures too, probably a size 12 like me. Her hair was a little shorter than mine and was jet black.
Prior to arranging our holiday, I had asked her if she had a bi side, and she had told me that was not on her agenda. I really fancied her, though, and I told her so while we were sitting in the lounge bar.
She just thanked me for the compliment.
Time passed quickly, so it was soon time to get changed for dinner in the hotel. We arranged to meet in the dining room ninety minutes later.
Gary and I talked briefly about what had happened earlier, and then I asked him what was planned for later that night.
“Nothing to my knowledge, Jill,” he said. “We will just have to see how it turns out, I suppose.”
Well, what did turn out was that Kurt suggested we all go to one room after dinner, and we all happily agreed.
Kurt and Vanessa’s room had two double beds, whereas ours had just a double and a single, so we went up to the seventh floor where I had enjoyed Kurt’s attention earlier.
We paired off, Kurt and I on the nearest bed, and Gary and Vanessa about ten feet away on the other.
There was a little bit of hesitancy, and I was the one who made the first move, rubbing Kurt’s cock through his jeans while looking straight at Vanessa.
She smiled back at me and then started to unbutton her blouse as she turned back towards my Gary.
That was the cue for us all to get stripped off. Kurt and I were quicker, and I was already giving him a blow job by the time they got naked.
I loved the look of Vanessa, but I only got a brief glimpse before we were all doing a sixty-nine. And then I could only concentrate on what I was doing and what was happening to me.
There was no edging this time. I had a lovely cum as Kurt’s tongue worked its magic on me again, and then I straddled Kurt as his lovely cock entered my pussy.
I had a good view of the next bed now as Kurt pounded me, thrusting powerfully as his hands were tweaking my nipples.
Gary and Vanessa were still in a sixty-nine and I could tell that she was near to a cum. God, how I wanted to do what Gary was doing to her.
The sensations that I was getting made me tear my eyes away from the other two, and then Kurt turned me round to take me from behind again.
He was so powerful and strong and I was loving all the attention I was getting. One hand was squeezing my tit while the thumb on his other hand played with my bum hole.
Another fantastic orgasm for me followed, and not long afterwards, Kurt shot his load up me. Wow, it was great.
We lay back and rested. Now we could both watch our partners going hammer and tongue at it.
Noticing us both watching them seemed to spur them on. They swapped positions very often.
I felt both proud and a little bit jealous as Gary brought her to two cums, and then shot his load all over her lovely tits.
The mini bar in the room was then raided, and we all ended up on the same bed, naked as nature intended, and laughing and joking together.
They were drinking a lot quicker than we were and had consumed three while Gary and I were only halfway down our second.
There was a pause in the conversation, and the next thing I knew, Kurt’s fingers were inside my pussy again.
We were all on the same bed now as the action started again.
Pretty quickly Vanessa and I were both being screwed in the missionary position. Our heads were quite close, and I couldn’t resist trying to kiss her.
She resisted and pulled away. I tried a little later when she seemed to be close to another cum, but again she turned her head away from me.
I was getting close to a cum myself, and I started to moan and squeal. I tried yet again.
Oh boy, this time she didn’t pull away, and our lips were together. I tried to get her to open her lips with my tongue, but there was a little resistance to that.
But then suddenly, Bingo! She went for it and our tongues played with each other at last.
We were both being fucked, both close to a cum, and well, she just lost it altogether. Her tongue was fantastic inside my mouth.
I’m sure we both wanted to say something as we were simultaneously brought to a shattering orgasm, but our tongues were still locked together.
Gary and Kurt got off the bed, leaving Vanessa and me together. For a moment, I thought she was going to get up as well, but she didn’t.
From what she had told me, I knew that this was her first bi experience. So patience would be needed from me.
Well, that’s what I thought. But how wrong I was. My aim was to give her nipples a little licking and sucking first, but to my amazement, Vanessa moved her hand straight down between my legs and started stroking me there.
We carried on tongue flicking as I felt her fingers enter my pussy, which was full of Kurt’s cum and my own juices. It wasn’t tentative from Vanessa. She was really going for it.
So I did the same for her. I am not at my best left-handed, but I managed to find her lovely wet pussy easily. She opened her legs immediately, and I could feel how wet she was.
Vanessa hadn’t found my clit, so I became a bit of a teacher and found hers. It was the biggest clit I had ever felt and I played with it tenderly.
She was a good pupil and responded about thirty seconds later, gently working her finger around my swollen bud.
It was a really exciting moment. We both started breathing heavily and moaning a little.
I decided it was time to give her a real treat and pulled myself away from her. I think she wondered what was happening, but she soon found out as I got my head between her legs and started licking her. Again there was no resistance.
She visibly shuddered as my tongue found her clit, and I heard her cry out my name as two of my fingers continued to explore her lovely pussy.
Vaguely, I was aware that Kurt and Gary were pretty close to us watching and I thought I heard Kurt encouraging us.
I really wanted Vanessa to do the same to me, but it was her first time, so I didn’t want to push her too hard, and I resisted the urge to turn into a sixty-nine.
Instead, I just kept going on her soaking wet pussy lips and clit. I just wanted her to experience a lovely cum from my actions.
She was getting pretty close when I felt some fingers exploring my bum cheeks. I didn’t turn around to see who it was but just kept working my tongue and fingers on Vanessa.
To my delight, I could now feel a thumb in my bum hole and some fingers sliding inside my pussy.
That made me really go for it with Vanessa, and I heard her shriek as she had a powerful cum. God, it was a big one and I tasted her lovely juices.
As she came down from her orgasm, she blurted out some very dirty words about me. All were complimentary I think, but I was still being expertly fingered myself.
I still didn’t turn around to see who it was, but I was pretty sure it was Kurt because Gary doesn’t usually pay that much attention to my bum hole.
Actually, I was enjoying it, but I wanted to give Vanessa a big hug and cuddle, so I faked a cum, and then took Vanessa in my arms and embraced her. She returned the hug.
We stayed like that for what seemed like ages. No words now, just big strong hugs and the occasional kiss.
We were probably not far from dropping off to sleep enveloped in each other’s arms, but the guys started telling us how they had enjoyed watching us, so we came apart and sat up together on the bed.
Kurt got some more drinks for all of us, and we all sat together on the bed talking about what had just happened. He was a little over the top thanking Vanessa for “trying something new” and asking how good it had been for her. Personally, I would have left that for later when they were alone together.
That was obviously what Gary thought too, as he was quiet for a while whilst we finished our drinks and then announced that we were going back to our room and would see them at breakfast the next morning. It was only 10 pm.
When we got back to our room, I realised just what Gary thought of Kurt’s untimely words.
“What an absolute fucking prat,” he started as soon as our door was closed, and then went on for ages about what an impossible position he had put Vanessa in, asking her to express her opinions of a brand new sexual experience in front of everyone.
He shut up eventually, and we both showered. I finished first so I said, “It’s still early – shall we go and have a dabble in the casino?”
“Good idea,” he said, “that might cheer me up a bit.”
So I got dressed and glammed up for the second time that night. I chose a shiny blue dress, just below the knee, but with a slit up one side. Gary wore a navy suit with a pink striped shirt and plain navy tie. He looked classy.
The casino was very busy. We strolled around looking at what was available. Everybody looked very smart, so I was glad that we had decided to dress as we had.
The people working in the casino had very smart maroon uniforms too. They were very attentive, looking after us very quickly with our drinks order and changing our money for poker chips.
I fancied playing roulette, and a seat became vacant as we approached. Gary stood behind me and advised me on what to do.
My luck was in. I was betting on a block of four numbers, and on the third spin, I won. Gary watched from behind me for quite a while, and then when I won again, he told me that I had gotten the hang of it, and he was going to play blackjack.
I was enjoying myself and had started a bit of conversation with the lady next to me. However, she was nearly out of chips, and she left the table soon afterwards.
The seat wasn’t empty for more than thirty seconds, and a distinguished-looking guy with a bow tie sat down next to me.
We were both being lucky. My pile of chips was getting bigger, and he kept winning smaller amounts, usually going for the colour and getting it right time after time.
There was a bit of small talk. His name was Adam and he was from South Africa.
After another win for us both, he told me that he was quitting and going to the bar for a drink and that I was welcome to join him.
I had two more bets, lost them both, then picked up my chips and left the table.
Gary was still playing cards, so I told him where I was going and gave him my chips. Then I strolled over to where Adam was sitting at the bar.
He bought me a drink and led me over to a very comfortable settee with a glass table for our drinks.
Adam was a perfect gentleman, probably in his fifties with receding black hair. Immaculately dressed, a little James Bond-like, I suppose. But the most striking thing was his voice. It was very deep and had a sexy throaty gravel with it. It was a real turn-on.
He told me that I must have been his lucky mascot because he usually lost all his money very quickly.
To be honest, I didn’t really know if he was coming on to me or just being nice. We were sitting quite close to each other, but there was no attempt from him to get closer.
There was just a little pause in the conversation and then he leaned over and said softly, “I have been very lucky tonight, but I would like to be even luckier with you.”
I turned and looked him straight in his warm and dark eyes and said, “I think I am the lucky one,” putting my hand on his thigh at the same time.
So, while hubby was still playing cards, I was whisked off to his room.
Adam had booked a much better room than our standard one. It was huge and on two floors, with a lounge downstairs and a really big bedroom with two double beds upstairs.
He was in a hurry and pulled me up the stairs. He pushed me against a wall where we kissed while he pulled the zip of my dress down.
I wasn’t wearing a bra, so as soon as the zip was all the way down my back, my boobs were popping out, and Adam again wasted no time as I felt his tongue and fingers on both of my nipples.
We both knew what we wanted, so we came apart and quickly stripped off. I noticed he had a slight paunch, but he had shaved all his body hair, which I really approve of.
Both naked, he picked me up and carried me to the nearest bed. His cock was already hard, and I went down on it and gave it and his lovely shaved balls my best attention.
Adam controlled everything, and he pushed me onto my back, parted my legs as far as they would go with very strong hands, and then gave my pussy a really lovely licking.
He knew what he was doing, not having to use his fingers at all as his tongue brought me to the edge. I wanted him to carry on and finish me off, but he wanted to do that with his cock.
And he did, taking me in the missionary position, pounding me hard and furiously, pushing one of my legs high in the air as he started grunting and swearing.
He exploded into my pussy before I had a cum, but luckily for me, he kept going long enough to do the trick.
It was very quick, and there weren’t many words afterwards. We had both gotten what we wanted. The best thing for me was that I had proved that I could still pull and it boosted my self-confidence.
I needed a shower, but it wasn’t offered, so I quickly dressed and made my way back to our room. Gary was back and still awake, so I updated him while taking my shower.
He soon joined me in there with a massive hard-on, which I took care of after we had dried ourselves.
Two days into our break, and things were going really well. Kurt had really impressed me with his lovemaking prowess, Vanessa and I had broken the ice, and there was a real prospect that we could have some more bi fun together, and I had proved that I could still pull.
Gary was pretty happy about everything too, but my aim was to have so much more fun with Vanessa and limit his time with her. There were two more days and nights left, and I was determined to make the best of them.