Coming back from our Lassen backpacking trip, Autumn and I didn’t say much; I guess we were both thinking about what happened there.
I caused the entire thing, the prime mover. That’s what I would have been called in my philosophy class in college. I told Autumn I wanted to see her fuck another man, and I’d arranged for Hayes to meet us at the lake. Everything followed. I’m her cuckold and everything that means.
When we walked into our house, the first thing I did was hold Autumn, kiss her, and say, “I love you, What happened up at Lassen was what I needed; I didn’t realize I wanted you and Hayes to … I don’t know; do it exactly that way, but somehow you and Hayes knew.”
I led her into our bedroom, saying, “When I saw you and Hayes walking into our camp, I knew that it’d happened; I could see the difference, and you were coming to tell me.” Then I continued, “There was a sudden pain in my gut, but there was also a sense of euphoria that I didn’t expect. My emotions were all over the place: euphoria combined with self-hatred; pleasure and pain, arousal vying against a complete loss of libido.”
My hands started undressing her, and I lay her back on our bed. When I had her naked, I started licking her clit while still trying to talk.
“The conflict was driving me crazy. You knew that, didn’t you? When I came while watching him fuck you? You let me touch you and kiss you, but you kept what I really wanted out of reach.”
“Joey, that was hard to do, but you wanted Hayes to cuckold you, and that was what Hayes wanted so I did. That’s wonderful, what you’re doing, but let me do you.” She pushed me onto my back and enveloped my cock with her mouth, then kissed me and moved so she was straddling my hips and slowly lowered herself onto my cock.
M reached up and held her tits, twisting her nipples, while I felt her vaginal muscles grip my cock. When I came, I gave a final twist to them and I yelled, “Honey bee, God, that’s the sting I adore. Can you feel it? God. need to recover before we unload again. Let me hold you.”
While we were getting ready for bed, Autumn stopped me. “There are things, um, Hayes asked me before we left. He asked, um, he wants to continue.” She stopped for a second and continued, “He wants to continue cuckolding you, ah, to continue having sex with me. Joey, I said yes. I said yes, I want to.”
“You want to continue, um, fucking Hayes? Is that right?” I stopped there until she nodded. “When I saw you fuck, and you and Hayes decided to be exclusive; I expected you to continue when we got home, or want to at least.” I held her and continued, “We’re married, and I want to have sex with you.” I paused to be sure. “There’re limits to what I can say yes to. I won’t give you up. Share your love, yes. Give you up, no.”
Autumn looked at me before saying, “I told him I’d come to his house Wednesday for a few hours. Maybe after work? Uh, he says he doesn’t want to stop. But he isn’t intending to replace you or us. I’m not sure if I’m asking permission or just letting you know.” She hesitated before continuing, “Well, I’m not asking permission; I’m telling you; you gave me all the permission I needed before we even left to go camping.”
“That’s not … “
“That is what we told you up at Lassen, Joey, “ she interrupted. “You agreed to it, and it’s what you wanted.”
She finished getting ready for bed and when I joined her, she turned and held me.
“Joey, this is what you wanted; you told me you wanted to be cuckolded. Hayes wants to fuck me again, and I want to fuck him. There’s nothing to decide or discuss; it’s happening.”
She turned in the bed and said, “You want to watch, don’t you? That’s the problem, isn‘t it? It’s not that you don’t want me to fuck him; it’s because you want to watch.”
I tried to interrupt.
She kissed me and held my cock. “I’ve already told him that next time we’ll let you watch.” She said, “I told him we could do it again on Saturday, here. You can watch then. After Hayes and I are through, you can take me. I’d like that. I want to feel your cock again after Hayes.”
She continued to pump my cock and I could feel my climax getting closer and closer. Before I could stop her, my cock erupted.
“I knew that thinking about Hayes and I fucking would get you close,” she murmured before licking my cock. ”I was right, wasn’t I?”
She took her finger, wiped my cum off my chest, and fed it to me.
She’s right, Autumn’s right. I thought I wanted it to happen once; when it happened, I let it continue for over a week. Now that we’re home, I still want it. I want them to continue. It’s a complete surprise to me, but, thinking about it, I guess it’s not to Autumn.
Thinking about it, I don’t think it’s a surprise to Hayes, either. Hmm, am I going to be her cuckold, permanently? Permanently permanently or just for a while, permanently?
On Tuesday evening, Autumn took me into the bathroom with my old beard trimmer.
“I want my, um, pubic hair brought under control,” she told me. “Okay, I want you to tame this. Shorten it all with your beard trimmer and then shave it so there’s just a patch there.” She laughed and said, “Kind of like those old-fashioned soul patches. I’m going to ask him to eat me and I want to make it easy for him, so do a good job.”
She handed me the trimmer, saying, “Get to it now.”
I’m trimming her pubic hair for Hayes to fuck, so he can eat her pussy more easily. I wouldn’t have believed I could do it, much less get an erection doing it. Do I want to do more for her? Help per dress? Pick out clothes? Am I one of those wimps who helps their wives get ready for their lovers?
“Tomorrow, before you, ah, get dressed for Hayes; I want to put lotion, skin lotion on you for him. Um, I’d like to help you get dressed for him, um, God, Autumn, if you would like me to.”
I hesitated before I said, “That’s if I’m not stepping out of line, dear. You’re in charge, so-o-o.”
Say yes. Say yes. I’m further down the rabbit hole than I imagined. I want her to visit Hayes and fuck him. Hell.
“Can you get home before four in the afternoon? I’m going to need the time to get ready. So, if you’re here, then yes, I’ll let you help.” She smiled at me and added, “You do want it, don’t you? You want me to continue to cuckold you, and on Saturday, when I cuck you here, so you can see it happen again, what can I make you do? What can Hayes make you do? Think about it. I’ll ask you before he comes over.”
She looked at herself in the full-length mirror when I finished. “I think that aloe lotion would feel good.” She looked pensively at me, then added, ”I want you to look up what cuckolds do when their wives get home after meeting with their lovers.” She stopped talking for a moment and said, “No, it’s after they’ve fucked their lovers. What do cucks do, after their wives return, after being screwed by their lovers? Okay?”
I felt my cock oozing. It wasn’t a climax or even a mini climax; it just oozed out. I adjusted my pants, so it didn’t show.
I was wrong, what I told myself, but Autumn knew, even Hayes knew; I didn’t want to see Autumn fucked once; I wanted to experience; no, I want to be a cuckold. That’s why I kept pushing her and got Hayes to meet us in Lassen. That’s why I let Hayes decide I couldn’t have sex with Autumn at Lassen, I couldn’t. Damn, he controlled both of us, so he got what he wanted.
I waited for her to leave the bathroom, and then I cleaned myself with some toilet paper. I waited for a bit, waiting on the toilet, trying to absorb my epiphany about myself.
I’m not who I thought I was. Now, I have to learn quickly. I am a cuckold, not just a guy who wants to watch his wife with another man’s cock in her, fucking her. How far can I go? More importantly, how far does Autumn want me to go? Does Hayes figure into this? Are his wishes going to make her want what he wants? Double hell.
I finished getting ready for bed and joined her in bed. My hands slipped inside her nightgown and held her tits. “I want to make love to you; make love with you, please. Before you go to Hayes tomorrow.”
She didn’t answer, just made a sound, “Umm, oh!”
I pulled her to me, with my fingers pulling on her nipples. “I love making love with you like this.” I was kissing her neck, then expanded my kissing territory to include her collarbone, and then stopped so I could take her nightgown off. When I had it off, I started kissing her everywhere. I focused on the usual areas: her tits, her neck, and her pussy. There was also a spot at the back of her knees that I’d accidentally discovered and included.
She finally broke loose with, “Yes, Joey, don’t wait, now, please now.”
That was what I was waiting for; I forced her legs apart, leaned into her pussy, and sucked on her clit until she was levitating with arousal. God, yes, now I had to fuck her. When my cock touched her, I hesitated just an instant, but long enough that she pulled my cock into her.
Heaven, it felt like heaven. I was kissing her, my hands were on her tits, and my cock was pounding her; it lasted for hours or maybe five minutes. I couldn’t tell before I came.
“I love you, Autumn,” I murmured as I started recovering. “No matter what, you can know that.”
We cuddled until I fell asleep.
In the morning, I left, ostensibly for work, but I called in sick instead. I needed to ponder the ideas I’d had yesterday.
By the time you get to thirty, you should have a good idea of who you are. Right? It seems I don’t, do I? Am I a true cuckold, or a guy toying with it? That’s the question I need to answer. I talked both Autumn and Hayes into cuckolding me, and I’m going to let them do it again too. When I was visiting those Cuckold forums, a lot of what I read there fit with me, but not all of it.
Are there other possibilities? Yes, no, maybe? I don’t want to be a cuckold, I wanted her to cuckold me, once, but if I am, then what? I’m confused.
These thoughts and a lot more swirled through my mind but didn’t resolve into anything. When it approached three o’clock, I knew I had to be home before four to help Autumn. To help Autumn get ready for Hayes.
I came home to an oppressively quiet house; like it wanted to tell me something, but refused to. I was reaching for someone, anyone, to tell me what to do.
I drifted into our bedroom and opened her closet, just looking. Then I started looking at her dresses and I realized I was looking for something for her to wear for Hayes. I pulled out a dress that had always made me think of sex when she had it on and put it on the bed. It was cut so there was no way to wear a bra, not quite black with small gold accents. Then I saw the dress that she’d worn when we’d gone on our anniversary dinner. It wasn’t as blatantly sexual, but god, it made me want to tear it off the entire night.
The last thing I pull out is the peignoir set that she’d worn on our wedding night.
I sat in the chair, looking at what I’d picked out. I was picturing her at his door, waiting for him to answer, and then walking in, and then, he’s kissing her, they are kissing, and his hands are on her breasts.
I had to stop. My hands were on my cock, I wanted to come, but again, I didn’t, so I forced myself to stop.
I was at the kitchen window when she drove up. She sat in the car, not doing anything for several minutes before coming in. When she came in, she saw me and hesitated.
She’s here to get ready for Hayes—to get ready to fuck Hayes, not me. Can I do it without losing control? I feel sick, but seeing her here, knowing where she going and what she’s going to do, I’m aroused.
I step up to her and hug her. I hear me whispering, “God, yes, Autumn, I want you to go to him and WOW him. Let yourself go tonight, and enjoy what he does, what you both do. I’ll be here imagining it. I want you to enjoy it. I want the experience to be more than you imagined possible.”
I kissed her and then led her into the bathroom and started drawing her bath.
When she got out, I carefully dried her, took her skin cream, and put it all over her, rubbing it in.
“You’re going to be beautiful for him, Autumn; he’d better deserve you tonight. Ah, are you coming home tonight? I‘d like you to, but if you think you might not, will you need clothes for tomorrow?”
“No, I’ll be back, before midnight, I expect. I want to come back and sleep with you,” she answered.
When she saw what I’d picked out, she chose the one that I’d picked first—the one that had made me horny.
I kissed her as she left. “Enjoy yourself, just come back.”
Closing the door behind her, I almost collapsed and I barely made it to my chair.
Am I a liar when I told her to enjoy Hayes? It certainly sounded real. I seem to want her to enjoy it but the … hell, what do I want? Why did I say that last? Do I think I might lose her? Shit, I wondered if I’m one of those wimps. The answer is yes.
I tried music, TV, and reading to clear my mind; it was all to no avail. I kept seeing Hayes and her. She’s walking into his house, and he’s kissing her. Is he undressing her now, or is she already naked for him? What is he doing to her, or worse, what is she doing for him?
I heard her car enter the garage at half-past eleven and I got into bed and pretended to be asleep.
When she entered our bedroom, I pretended to wake up and said, “You look like you and Hayes had a good time.”
God, yes. Her lips are swollen and her tits are pink. He handled them both—um, all three? God, is that his cum outside her pussy?
“Autumn, you look beautiful coming home like this. Come here, I want … Autumn, I want to make love to you, just like this.”
I reached up and pulled her into bed, saying, “I can see some of his cum on your pussy. Will you let me take you, please? I want, no, I need to. Please.”
She slipped her hands under my boxer shorts and held my cock. “That’s why I came home; I want you too. Joey, I love you and I missed making love up at Lassen.”
I got her on her back with my lips on her nipples, sucking. Then I moved down to her stomach, where I played with her belly button, and finally to her pussy, licking all his cum off her. I’d never done that, tasted cum before, but it felt good getting it off her.
When I was finally ready, I slipped my cock inside her. She was so wet, and I could feel the difference with his cum still in her; it was so slick, and realizing I was feeling Hayes’ cum, it pushed me over the edge, and I erupted inside her too.
As I was collapsing, I thought I heard her whisper, “In the morning, Joey, I need to talk …”
When I woke up, I remembered what I’d barely heard; she needed to talk to me. What about? It had to be about Hayes and last night. It’s never good news when your wife needs to talk to her husband.
I got up early and made scrambled eggs, bacon, orange juice, and toast and brought it to her. “You said you needed to talk to me. About what?”
“Hayes is … he wants the two of you to share, um, he calls it my cunt. He wants you to share my cunt, but, um, he’s God Joey, he’s bi and he wants to fuck you. He wants the three of us to make love, including you and him, Hayes.” She hesitated, and then said, “I told him I wouldn’t speak for you, but I’d mention it. Joey, is that even possible?”
I sat on the bed, stunned. That wasn’t what I’d expected at all.