“I’m too impatienttt to dineee at nineee!”
Badum bum bum
“I must be wined and sixty-nined!” I belted flatly at the top of my lungs as my dog Nala winced and laid her ears flat at the sound of my amazing singing voice.
“Oh shut up! What do you know about the fine vocal arts?”
It was Saturday night and I had a dinner date with… wow. This man has bent me over in a parking lot, practically forced me to masturbate at my job, has me trying a GD butt plug and I still don’t even know what his momma named him. I really must be a tramp.
But damn, does he know how to drive me crazy.
Well, in any case, I had a dinner date at a fancy restaurant and I wanted to look my best. I looked myself over in the mirror and gave a twirl for effect. The dress was a lovely number, a beautiful piece from an upcoming Parisian designer that I had met on work travel in New York. It was a light, tonal beige with a hint of pink, champagne, if you will.
Complete with a plunging neckline, a slit that sat on the waist, and these gorgeous sheer sleeves decorated with tiny, intricate lace patterns that meandered in an out of each other to the point you didn’t know where one ended and the other started. Best of all it was covered in these miniature rhinestones that danced whenever the slightest amount of light hit them.
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall… Jean Claude Van DAMN I’m fine!’ I exclaimed.
I heard Nala wince once more and watched her cover her eyes with her paws.
Everybody is a fucking critic.
I grabbed my clutch and walked down the stairs, “singing” all the while.
“She loves to strut, and showww her stuff.” Cue the hip kick.
I was in such a good mood, this is the most fun I’ve had in a while. I’ve been so worried about my future that every single day has been meticulously planned and rigorously constructed around work and school that in a way, this mysterious, unstructured relationship was… alleviating. I slipped on a pair of stilettos and cat-walked to the door, feeling myself in every way, shape, and form. I was getting ready to grab my car keys when I noticed the envelope containing the butt plug.
“Aw, fuck.”
I had completely forgotten about it, he wanted me to wear it out to dinner tonight.
How do I even use one of these?
I pulled the small sacrum stopper out of the bag and rolled the smooth, silicone around in my fingers. It was small but weighty for its miniature size. I made my way down over to the couch with my phone and propped my legs over the armrest while slipping my heels off, noticing my cute little toes again.
They were hot pink now. I read a few articles on how to use a plug (lube, lube, lube) and surfed a couple porn videos before hopping over to the kitchen to grab some lubricant.
Oh shut up, everyone has that one junk drawer in the kitchen full of random shit, don’t judge me.
I hiked my dress up to my waist and slowly slipped a lubed index into my ass. My eyes closed at the feeling of this new sensation as I realized I rarely thought about anal. Well, I did, but I myself was never included in any of those reveries.
This isn’t so bad, but if I want to get this plug in, I think I better lie down.
I went back to the couch and turned onto my stomach, propping one leg on a headrest and the other stretched as far away as possible. I had to be a hilarious sight with a finger in my ass and my pussy spread wide while all dressed up.
Well, this reminds me of my freshman year of uni.
I applied a generous glob of lubricant on the toy, thankful that it was tiny compared to the monstrosities I had seen on the web. I took a couple of deep breaths before gently pressing it against my ass. I got the tip in about halfway before I had to pause.
Breathe Ally, breathe.
I could feel my sphincter muscles resisting before I took a break to calm down. I browsed through my Instagram feed, double tapping pictures of my friends at parties, beaches, and clubs while I sat here trying to get a plug up my ass.
“Imagine if I accidentally started a live video. ‘Hey, guys, just tryna plug my ass! Oh, hi Grandma!'”
I laughed at my foolishness and went back to pushing in the plug. It went a bit easier this time and I could feel every freaking centimeter, I felt so full by the time the rounded base had nestled in my asshole. I turned the toy over to align the T part with my ass crack and shuddered at the feeling. It felt good, in a different sort of way. I should’ve done this earlier in the week to get a couple of practices in, but it was too late now.
Fuck, I hope I can last the night.
I bent over to pick up my heels and moaned as I felt the increased pressure from the plug. As I locked the door to my flat, I finished the last line of the chorus, albeit much softer.
“That’s why this woman, is a slut.”
While driving through the city my body was getting used to the foreign object lodged inside of me. I got a little shiver every time my left leg rose to push the clutch pedal and soon I was horny as all hell. By the time I reached the restaurant I was ready to jump the valet that was so busy gawking at me he gave me a key to a Lamborghini.
“For me? Really?” I joked while giving them back to him and sauntering off towards the entrance.
The restaurant was beautiful. It was dimly lit and there was a soft, babbling waterfall fountain in the far east corner, directly opposite a four-sting quarter that subtly filled the room with its influence. Chandeliers covered the ceilings but were only there for secondary lighting as each table harbored three cylindrical candles in the middle that created this intimate, sensual atmosphere.
“Hello there, mademoiselle, do you have a reservation or are you meeting someone this fine evening?”
Holy fuck, I don’t know this man’s name. Shit, what do I do, describe him? “Oh yeah, he’s a middle-aged rich white guy.” Dumbass.
As I surveyed the area wondering how I could reply to the host, I locked eyes with my Saint Patron of Penis hanging out at a table through a see-through wall of various wines.
“Ah yes he’s right over there, love, thank you!” I replied gleefully.
“Well, allow me to escort you,” he said while grabbing a menu. As he rambled on about fish specials and wine pairings I felt a jolt climb my fucking spine as if Zeus himself had installed Mount Olympus in my asshole and was launching thunderbolts at the walls of my anus.
That cheeky fucking bastard.
The plug was vibrating. I could practically feel the vibrations in my pussy as it rumbled against the nerves in my ass and traveled through my entire body. I don’t know what the fuck it was about being in my ass but holy shit. I had to grip the railing for a second as they ran the course of my entire body, the feeling was so unfamiliar it was driving me crazy.
“Is everything okay, mademoiselle?”
“Yes, yes, sir. Everything is fine,” I responded to the concerned maitre’d.
I could see him through the transparent wall of wines pretending to be engrossed in his menu. What an ass.
We rounded the bend along the wall and he set my menu down on the other side of the table as my “partner” got up to greet me.
“How was the drive?” he asked while engaging in a stiff, formal embrace.
“Fuck you, a vibrating butt plug?!” I whispered.
He ignored my barb and turned to sit down but before he could resume his place I adeptly squeezed past him into his side of the booth and pulled him in along with me.
“Do you mind if I sit next to you, I’m a little cold,” I said with schoolgirl sarcasm.
“I don’t think it’s appropriate, All-“
“You move to that other side and I’m leaving,” I told him matter-of-factly.
He paused for a moment. The king of the pride was being challenged by the lioness, the power he derived being in control warring with his carnal desires. My eyes were full of nothing but fierce determination as we locked gazes, my conviction was starting to waiver the longer this reincarnation of Eros stared into my very soul. I was literally about to back down when he let out an existential sigh and relaxed next to me.
Close one.
“Are you wearing underwear?” he inquired.
“The slit on this dress is way too high for that, it wouldn’t look good.”
As I eased into the recesses of the booth I was aware of the plug again and could feel it pressing against the wall of my vagina as well, adding to the myriad of sensations I was already going through. I’m glad it wasn’t as strong as the one I had in those panties because it probably would have been uncomfortable, that shit was too strong. This plug was like drinking beer after hard liquor, it kept you level.
I was at this base sense of elevated arousal. I stole a glance at him in his three-piece suit and just imagined him picking me up, hiking my dress to my waist and just absolutely wrecking my pussy on this table. I caught my breath and let my body get used to sitting down with the plug in before I started to make light conversation.
“So I’m surprised you didn’t go for a table au derriere,” I joked while he perused the menu. “Do you think they have hot buns as a starter? I’d love some right now. My drive was just peachy by the way, I think the valet parked my car in the rear, I hope he doesn’t move the seat.”
“Oh for fucksake, not even a smile? Peachy? Peach? Like the emoji?” I asked desperately.
“Corniness is not synonymous with hilarity, Allyson,” he calmly replied.
“What do you know, old man,” I said while rolling my eyes.
The plug rolled on and as I grew accustomed to the new sensation I started to really enjoy it. I can’t imagine what I looked like to the waiter as he came by to take our order, I was beside myself with lust. I ran my foot up and down his calf while twirling my hair and constantly shifting around in my seat.
Look at him. So fucking articulate and collected… God, I just wanna have his fucking babies. Well, not literally but if that’s what it takes to keep that dick in my guts so be it.
I almost spat out my water laughing at my own mental ruminations, I’m so stupid I swear. I haven’t been this horny since high school, one false move and I could get tried for sexual assault the way I wanted to jump him out of his clothes.
“And you, Allyson?” I heard his deep voice directed at me from miles away.
“Oh, I’m sorry I was thinking about work, my apologies. Gracious, I didn’t even get a chance to look at the menu.”
“Would you like me to order for you?” he asked me.
I nodded. I didn’t have a clue as to what I was supposed to eat at this siddity ass restaurant anyways.
I listened to him order me what I think was a steak, I was too busy watching his throat and lips move… wishing that chiseled jaw was in between my legs, sucking the very essence out of my now rapidly moistening slit…
Fuck it.
While he and the waiter went on about different wines in French, I ran my hand up his thigh and found my prize. Would you look at that, Mister Cool, Calm, and Collected was rock hard while sitting next to little old me. There was a hiccup on the conversation as I squeezed the head of his cock in his pants but I was too busy looking in the other direction at the waterfall to notice. The waiter left eventually and I felt him shift next to me.
“Why can’t you behave like a gentlewoman for once?” he asked me with gruff annoyance as if he were ashamed of me.
He had me fucked up. I took a deep breath and sat up straight before letting him have it in a monotonous tone that rivaled that of Ferris Beuller’s teacher.
“I’m going to give you six seconds to do six things. Repeat to yourself what you just said, remember who the fuck you’re talking to, reassess if what you said was the right thing to say, change it into something worth saying out loud, then tell me the final result. Otherwise, our night is over,” I told him calmly.
“That was only five things,” he said.
“Yea I know. The sixth is you’re going to get under this tablecloth and eat me out, while I eat out.”
“That’s ludicrous,” he scoffed.
“You asked me why I can’t ‘act like a gentlewoman’ while you parade around here telling me what to do. So it’s okay for you to do all these crazy things to me in public but it’s a problem when I do it? I’m sorry, baby boy, but I am not one of these doe-eyed uni girls that will attend to your every beck and call. You know what I think it is? You want to misbehave and be told what to do.”
“Nah, true shit,” I said flatly.
“That’s not how our agreement is supposed to go. Honestly, I may very well break it off,” he responded.
“You don’t have the balls. You enjoy me just as much as I enjoy you. Your cock is still growing in your pants and I bet it’s at the thought of you getting under this table to eat this good ass pussy while my stilettos dig into your back. Isn’t it?”
“There will be repercussions,” he warned.
“Percussion? So you’re going to beat this pussy up like a drum or what?” I said while laughing.
“I swear you guys all fucking suck. I’m funny, dammit,” I said while pouting in the corner.
The food arrived shortly after and I asked the waiter if he could bring some chimichurri for my steak.
“Right away, miss.”
“Well, my food is here and I don’t want yours to get cold so I suggest you get down there and back up here quickly,” I told him while cutting into my steak. It looked so good.
I sensed no movement from him before I watched him swing his head then slip under the table. I felt his strong paws spread my legs apart and enter through the slit of my dress as he began to eat me out.
“Here is your request, mademoiselle. Where has your husband gone?” he inquired.
“Oh he just went to cleanse his palette, he’ll be back shortly,” I beamed.
The steak was to fucking die for. So tender and juicy, paired perfectly with garlic mashed potatoes and wood-grilled asparagus.
“Oh my,” I said in a feigned British accent, “this side of oral is to die for, please extend my greatest compliments to the head chef. Head, get it? You’re giving me head?” I whispered towards under the table. I softly rapped my knife against the table as I laughed.
I had a stalk in my mouth when I felt a vibrator on my clit and nearly choked.
Holy fuck.
I’m in danger.
I don’t know if the vibrations were clashing and creating resistance or something because I was instantly made aware of the butt plug once again. I had to set my silverware down to grip the table as he rammed the vibrator onto my clit while his tongue lapped at my ocean of a pussy. I don’t think I’d ever been this wet in my fucking life.
Oh my god, I’m going to cum.
It had only been two minutes but I knew that huge feeling of nothingness that was growing in the pit of my stomach was an adumbration to the orgasm I was going to be sent careening into.
What had I done?
I tried to close my legs and turn my hips to get away but his elbows had me locked open as if I were in a gyno’s chair.
“If you don’t stop I’m going to fucking explode. Okay, you made your point. I’m sorry!” I hissed under the table.
Nothing but more vibrating and licking.
“Oh fuck…” I moaned and cringed at an old couple watching me in concern. I smiled sheepishly before I dropped my head down once more, grateful for my hair for covering my face. I really was going to fucking cum, and it was going to be violent. Suddenly a thought struck and I had to get him the fuck out of there. I started to squirm as nonchalantly as I could as not to make a scene.
“Listen, you NEED to get o – mmm, you need to get out of there NOW!” I tried to say in between various moans, deep breaths and labored breathing.
“I’m fucking seri – oh my God…”
I was moaning audibly now, I couldn’t control it. I stuffed a fucking bread roll in my mouth and clamped down hard, praying for what I knew was coming, to not come. I was praying I wouldn’t come. I felt him jerk my legs towards him and sit my legs on the opposite bench, my stilettos digging into the cushion.
Fuck, it’s going to happen.
That deep, dark pit of orgasm was looming, eager to take me prisoner. If I could describe it naturally it was as if two black holes grew from my vagina and my ass and met in the middle to create one huge black hole. And in that singularity, there is a scientifically impossible super volcano, primed to explode.
And in about ten seconds, it was going to swallow me whole.
I threw my head down onto the table while I bit down hard on my piece of bread in an attempt to muffle my cries as I fell into the abyss. My eyes rolled back and my senses were overloaded to the point of absolute oblivion, followed by a free fall into the erupting volcano. I was flush with heat as I was submerged in the figurative lava, my temperature rising from the pit of my stomach until it erupted at the same time that I began to squirt violently.
Stream after stream of my cum shot into his mouth while all of my muscles clenched and loosened repeatedly. When my eyes rolled forward he was back next to me, a linen napkin tied around his neck as he carved his fish and bit into his creamy potatoes. I was slick with sweat and couldn’t feel my legs, my drooling pussy was pulsating with heat, and I could barely breathe.
Three minutes and you’re squirting, Ally. What is going on?
I couldn’t even finish eating, I spent the rest of the dinner trying to regain my composure, to no avail. I hadn’t ejaculated in years, I honestly thought I couldn’t anymore. I used to get it on and popping all the time but now even when I was on my own, I couldn’t.
“You really know how to punish,” I told him flatly.
“Punish? When?” he responded.
“Don’t play dumb. I know your shirt is soaked under that dinner napkin. You win, I’m sorry.”
“My dear, that was simply cunnilingus. Your punishment begins at my residence.”
“Wait, what?! What do you even me -“
The waiter approached and cut my cries for mercy short as he boxed my food up and bade us farewell.
“Well, allons-y.“
“Where are we going?” I asked.
He simply walked away towards the exit.
I felt like a newborn calf, my legs were so weak I could barely walk. I got up and regained my balance when I saw the older lady looking at me in horror while her husband smiled. I looked down and noticed the slit in my dress was ill-positioned directly over my bare vagina.
I hurriedly turned the waistline and babbled a few apologies before stumbling away towards the exit. When I got outside I saw the valet talking to my date and run off towards the parking lot.
“Oh shit I didn’t tell him to get my car,” I said while ruffling through my clutch looking for the valet ticket.
“That won’t be necessary, you’ll ride along with me,” he said brusquely.
“Well, what about my car?”
“It’s been taken care of.”
The valet smoothly pulled up in his Audi and I thanked him timidly as he opened the door for me. As we made our way out of the parking lot I nervously looked out of the rear view mirror and breathed a sigh of relief as I saw those familiar, halo LED rings staring back at me. I nestled into the luxurious leather of the heated seat and watched him as he drove, the dim interior lights of the console fighting with the overhead streetlights to illuminate his face. I watched the lights and shadows take turns claiming his visage and I couldn’t help but be filled with lust.
That fucking rugged jaw line.
The plug was still going and I was horny again. I spread my legs a bit and slipped a finger into my pussy, still warm and wet from earlier. I reached over with my other hand and unzipped his pants, wondering if he was going to object but he simply kept his eyes on the road. I dug around in his briefs for a moment before pulling his stiff cock from the fabric and rubbing the thick, purple head, covering it in my wetness. His cock was magnificent. It wasn’t huge but it just felt… right, I needed it in my mouth.
I got on my knees in the passenger seat and positioned my mouth over his cock, flicking the head with my tongue before taking him in inch by inch. When his head hit the back of my throat I took a deep breath and pushed on until my nose was touching his pelvis, his cock firmly lodged in my esophagus. I sat there for a few seconds before retracting and giving him a proper blow. I loved sucking dick in the car, it was one of my favorite fantasies.
God, I feel like an Ironman groupie right now, sucking Robert Downey Jr. in a high-tech Audi. Well there’s some fanfic.
His hand crept down the steering wheel and rested on my head as I bobbed and vacuumed at his engorged penis, I couldn’t get enough. I dropped down to his balls and pulled one into my mouth while I jerked the length of his shaft, I knew I could get him to come, but we had already reached his house.
Saved by the bell. Lucky prick.
He gently pushed me away and I wiped my mouth as he made himself proper and met the valet who was pulling in with my car, tipping him what I thought was generously before the kid got into an Uber and left. The passenger door swung open and I was gathered into his powerful arms and carried to his front door.
“Ahhhh, I feel like a princess!” I said childishly while dangling my feet.
“This is no castle. The jokes end here,” he gruffly responded.
“Oh, so you’re the villain? Like Bowser? Alright, I’ll be Peach,” I said while laughing.
“Shut up,” He curtly replied. He was serious.
I expected him to set me down to unlock the door, but all he did was press his thumb against the knob and I heard the door click.
A biometric lock? Holy fuck he is Tony Stark!
The inside of the house was gorgeous, very minimalistic, crisp lines and only two colors on display at any time. He effortlessly carried me up to his bedroom and I grew horny as a dog, itching to finally be properly fucked by him. The number of times I replayed our parking lot encounter in my head was ridiculous, it was a movie I couldn’t stop watching. His face was set in stone as he threw me onto his king-sized bed and began to disrobe. I followed suit and tried to wriggle out of my dress, forgetting the zipper down the back.
“Hey, would you be a doll and get that zipper for me?” I said, standing up.
With a powerful paw, I felt him push me over the edge of the bed and heard the sickening sound of fabric being torn as he ripped my dress from the slit around my back, exposing my bum.
“Yo, what the fuc -” I began while turning around incredulously.
I yelped in pain as he delivered a thunderous blow to my bottom. It stung like a motherfucker and made my pussy drool with lust.
“Didn’t I tell you to shut up?”
My emotions were all over the place. On one hand, I was indignant at having my dress being ripped and being talked to in such a way, terrified at being at the mercy of a man I barely knew, and on the other… I was turned on like I had never been before. It was as if all these emotions were thrown in a blender and poured right into the heart of my pussy which drank it all right the fuck up.
I’m so sorry Lucien, it was a lovely dress.
“Listen, if this is about the restaurant, we can talk abo-“
“I don’t see what is so difficult about not speaking. That’s your problem, you refuse to listen. “
No matter, I’ll fix that.
I bit my lip and whimpered, clinging to the bed sheets for dear life as he spanked me relentlessly before ramming into my sopping, wet cunt, forcing his full length into me.
“Oh, God!” I cried out.
He began fucking me from behind, just like he did the week before, once again turning my legs into fucking putty. He grabbed the end of the butt plug and begin to play with it, rotating and sliding it in and out of my ass. It was driving me fucking insane. I missed him inside of me so much, it was like that first hit of a drug after going on a hiatus because your new job was doing drug tests. I mean not that I would know, I’ve never done drugs.
Shit, in my mind I’m still a virgin, Daddy’s Little Angel, that’s me! Speaking of Daddy, I had a B-grade Tom Selleck liquefying my insides and I was loving every fucking second of it. Then came the moment of truth. I moaned audibly as he removed the plug from my ass and slipped his thumb into my arsehole, not missing a beat as he stroked me with reckless abandon. Then the fucker did it. I almost went into a state of shock as he pressed the head of his giant pecker to my asshole, slowly sliding into my ass. He retracted and proceeded to spit onto it, massaging it into my bottom with his thumb before thrusting back in with his cock.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” was all I could muster as he spread my anus and divided my ass cheeks like Moses parting the Red Sea.
I reached around and clawed into his bicep as I tried to relax so I could accept his beer can of a dick, struggling to breathe as I finally felt his pelvis touch my bum. He sat there for a moment, allowing my body to adjust before slowly sliding in and out. It was such a weird sensation, I felt so fucking full.
As time passed the sensation gradually grew into pleasure and soon I was moaning and whimpering as he fucked my ass. I reached down in between my legs and furiously played with my clit as he began to pump faster, filling me with that fuck-lust as he so often did. I was so fucking horny that I slipped two fingers into my pussy down to the last knuckle and fingered myself fervently as he fucked my rear end silly.
“Fuck, you have a tight ass,” he grunted as he pounded away.
It became easier and easier and soon I was hollering like the bitch I was, as he pulled on my hair and smacked my ass after every stroke. I could only imagine the scene if someone were to walk in, my breasts spilling out of my torn dress with my hand in my vagina and my ass getting skewered. I was fucking insatiable. Enough of the submissive bullshit, momma needs a nut.
I stood up and put his cock in a vice grip with my sphincter, doing a full 180 as I sat him on the bed and began to ride him. It was so much better with me controlling the pace, a lot easier to play with myself too. I was really getting the hang of it and soon I was throwing it back as hard as I possibly could while violently rubbing my clit. I moaned incessantly as he roughly squeezed my breasts and pulled on my engorged nipples, abandoning them only to choke me good.
“Oh, God yes! Fuck me good, fuck!” I screamed while bouncing on his cock.
I screamed louder as he lifted my legs, holding me by my thighs as he pumped into my ass from below. I held onto his neck as I kept on rubbing my clit, getting close to what I knew would be a vicious fuckfest of an orgasm. He slammed into me repeatedly and all I could do was yell out God’s name in vain with a shitload of obscenities and indeterminate syntax.
“You’re going to make cum. Holy fuck. Shit! Don’t fucking stop. Oh my God!”
His fingers were intertwined as he held my thighs captive in a cradle of his powerful arms, thrusting into me barbarically with my feet in the air as I screamed in aphrodisia. I could feel that familiar feeling growing bigger and bigger and I knew what the fuck was coming next, his carpet was fucked. My head swung back violently as I came, he’s lucky his head was out of the way or I would have knocked him out cold with my big ass head. Stream after stream of my nectar shot out and coated his carpeted floor, my eyes rolling so far back I was absolutely sure I could see my brain if strained hard enough.
“Oh my God. Oh my God,” was all I could muster between pants, struggling to breathe.
I couldn’t fucking breathe but I kept on kissing him, taking huge gasps of air in between kisses while caressing the sides of his face. I finally calmed down and rested my head on his chest, trying to get my heartbeat in check.
“My turn,” I heard him say.
I shot straight up and looked at him with a mixture of incredulity and beseechment as he set me on the bed on all fours. I felt like a puppy being set in the garage for the first time after growing up sleeping in the bed, anxious.
“Your turn?! What?”
Aw fuck.
I gripped the headboard for dear life as he fucked me numb, alternating between my arse and cunt, I was in such a euphoric stupor I could hardly differentiate the two. All I could do was rub my clit and pray for him to fucking cum somewhere, anywhere. My hair was knotted around his fist as he hammered into my twat, roughly throwing my head forward before slipping into my ass. I moaned endlessly as my face pressed into the cool mattress, arching my back and vigorously rubbing on my clit.
After a few seconds, I squirted again, soaking his bedsheets and expending whatever little energy I had left. It was a good thing he was close because at that point if I had any more orgasms I’d be in a fucking coma. He groaned forcefully as he came, spraying thick ropes of his seed into my ass, pulling out to shoot some on my ass and down my back.
He gently repositioned himself next to me, pushing back the strands of my hair that had stuck to my face from the exertion.
“May I speak?” I asked him timidly.
“Of course,” he said with a smile.
“Holy fuck. God damn. I don’t think I ever need to have sex again. I’m pretty sure there’s an imprint of your penis on my damn cervix,” I said while rolling over.
He laughed throatily and rubbed on my nipples as I tried once again to catch my breath.
“Now will you unzip me?” I pleaded.
He happily obliged as I sat up, which hurt like fuck, and pulled up my hair to allow access to the zipper. I slipped out of the ruined outfit and gratefully took a small washcloth to pat myself dry. As I turned to the bed, I saw him naked for the first time, in all his Adamic glory.
He was fucking beautiful. Chiseled and powerful, yet slightly worn, betrayed by the plethora of stretch marks and scars that marred his body in odd places. Irregular, sunken and drawn… bullet wounds. My father carried those same stripes. I slipped into the bed with him and ran my fingers through his chest hair, kissing his nipple or neck every now and then while lightly running my finger across his marks, pondering the story behind them.
“Thank you,” I heard him whisper.
“For what?” I asked quizzically.
“Your time, I appreciate it very much,” he responded.
“Listen, if you can fuck me like that, you can have all my time in the fucking world, that’s for sure.”
“Is that all I am to you?” he asked me.
“No no no I just meant tha -“
“It’s fine with me,” he said with a smirk, shifting my hand down to his growing member.
“Fuck it. Well, fuck me, you know what I mean,” I said with a sigh of feigned exasperation.
I flipped onto my back and opened my legs up wide, eager for him to beat my guts to an orgasmic soup again. As he slid into me for the umpteenth time only one thing crossed my mind.
Oh shit, I forgot that lady’s side of ranch.