Baby Girl, Part 1

"Baby girl seduces daddy"

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Dave Larson stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the full length mirror. He examined his tall, lean, muscular body with a critical eye. At thirty seven years old, there wasn’t an ounce of fat anywhere. He still had washboard abs and his pecs were still well defined. There wasn’t even a speck of gray in his sandy brown hair. Yeah, there were some crow’s feet around his grayish blue eyes. But, that was the only sign of aging that he saw.

He sighed deeply, “I might not look like an old man but I sure as hell feel like one.” Wiping a tear from his eye, he turned and walked into the master bedroom to get dressed.

After he got dressed, he sat on the edge of his bed thinking about how fucked up his life really was. He knew he had to do something to shake this mood that he’d been in lately. But, that was easer said than done.

First it had been his mom and dad dying in that dam plane crash. They were well known figures and the media frenzy had been outrageous.

Reporters, god how he hated them. They were like leeches, latching on to you and sucking the lifeblood right out of your body. Their feeding frenzy had gotten so bad that he’d sold his house in Boston and moved his family out here to California. He had picked a small town in the middle of the desert. It may have been n the middle of nowhere, but it was quiet,and peaceful. It kept the media away, and it allowed his family to have some kind of a normal life.

Then, life kicked him right square in the balls again. Only this time, that bitch kicked him so hard it felt like his gonads were in his throat. Two years ago to the day, the bitch took his beautiful wife Maria. The doctors had called it aggressive breast cancer, but he knew it was life, she was just being a bitch again.

He tried once more to shake off the mood he was in but, couldn’t do it; “Fuck it”, he said. 

He went to the kitchen to get the one cup of coffee he allowed himself each day.

He was sitting at the table sipping his coffee when the one ray of sunshine in his miserable life, his daughter Stacy, came strolling in to the room.

“God she’s so fucking beautiful, ” he thought, “She looks just like her mother did at that age. The same long black hair, the same beautiful blue eyes, the same hourglass figure. She’s even got her mother’s big D cup boobs for god’s sake. She’s a little taller than her mother was though. She’s five foot ten in her stocking feet, and her legs are definitely longer. But, she’s still got her mother’s sexy, heart shaped bubble butt.”

He groaned softly as she bent over to grab the orange juice out of the fridge. She must’ve heard him because, she turned her head.

“Are you OK daddy?”

“I’m fine honey, I’m just feeling my age, that’s all.”

“Yeah right, that’ll be the day, you’re thinking about mom again aren’t you? I miss her too daddy.” She sat down next to him and, sipped her juice.

“Yeah, I miss her alot. It’s hard to believe it’s been two years. It feels like we just buried her yesterday.”

She took both his hands in hers, “I know, it feels that way to me too sometimes.”

“Let’s talk about something else sweetie, what do you want for your birthday?”

She yanked her hands away from his. “Don’t you dare go planning any surprise parties for me, I’m not in any fucking mood to celebrate right now.”

He held both his hands up and laughed, “OK, I won’t plan any big surprise parties; I know you’re not in the mood for a big party so, how about something a little more private? Just you me and a small cake with some ice cream. How does that sound baby girl?”

She smiled and said, “Baby girl? Daddy, you haven’t called me baby girl in ages. I didn’t realize how much I missed that until just now; a little party with just you and me huh? OK, I guess I can handle that.”

On day of her birthday he sent her to her room,so he could get her presents ready and set up her little party. He had set out a small cake, 2 bowls of strawberry ice cream, a bottle of imported champagne with 2 glasses, and a bowel of fresh strawberries. When he was done, he called her back out to the living room.

When she saw everything she smiled and said, “Oh my god, daddy, I thought you said a small party.”

He laughed and said, “This is a small party. Here, have a glass of champagne with me.”

She took a sip, giggled and said, “The bubbles tickle my nose.”

He smiled held out the bowl of strawberries and said, “they bring out the flavor of the champagne,, try one.”

She nibbled on one,took a sip of champagne then,giggled again, “oh, that’s good I like that.”

They sat eating cake and ice cream, while sipping champagne. When they were finished, he handed her the first present. She opened it and for the first time in months, squealed with delight.

It was a Toshiba laptop, with all the bells and whistles.

It was time for her big present so, he put a blindfold on her, took her by the hand and led her outside.

When he pulled the blindfold off, she just stood there in shock for a few minutes.

“Is that really mine daddy?”

“it’s all yours baby girl.”

Sitting in the driveway was a 1965 mustang convertible, fully restored.

It was her dream car. It had taken him over a year to hunt one down and have it fully restored. He had it painted candy apple red, just the way she had always wanted.

He handed her the keys and said, “Happy birthday baby girl. It’s all yours. But, you can’t drive it today. okay?”

She jumped up, threw her arms around his neck and locked her long legs around his waist and giggled, “Fine, but you’ll have to carry me back in the house. I’ve got a muscle car now and, I’m not walking anymore.”

He just laughed and carried her back to the couch, his cock as hard as a rock.

If she noticed she didn’t let on and when he set her down, she just refilled both glasses with champagne.

She handed him a glass and said, “You forgot to toast the birthday girl.”

He smiled and said, “To the smartest, prettiest, sexiest girl in the whole universe, happy birthday.”

 We clinked our glasses together and she said, “Do you really think I’m pretty, daddy?”

“Yes I do baby girl. I think you’re very beautiful.”
 She smiled and asked, “Am I as pretty as mom was, daddy?”

He chuckled and said, “I think I’ll let you decide that one for yourself, come with me.”

He brought her to his room, handed her a yellow string bikini and said, “Go put this on, and come back here when you’re done.”

He got out a picture of Maria wearing that same bikini. He had taken it just before she got pregnant with Stacy. He taped it to the mirror and waited for Stacy to come back. When she came back, he stood her in front of the mirror.

“Well, what do you think, baby girl?”

She looked in the mirror, then back at the picture. She went back and, forth four or five times.

“How did you get a picture of me wearing this bikini? This is the first time I’ve ever worn it.”

He laughed and said, “That’s not you in that picture. That’s your mom. She was about your age when that was taken. I think, you just answered your own question, don’t you?”

She looked back and forth a few more times.

“My god, we could be twins. I never realized how much I looked like mom.
 He chuckled and said, “Who’s prettier, you, or your mom?”

She giggled and said, “Okay daddy, you got me good this time.”

They went back to the living room and sat on the couch. Stacy laid her head in his lap while they watched a movie on TV, and finished off the champagne.

Out of the blue Stacy said, , “I wanna tell you something but, I don’t want you to get mad at me. OK?”

He smiled at her, “You can talk to me about anything, there’s nothing you can tell me that would make me mad at you, baby girl.”

She laid there chewing on her fingernail for a few seconds, then took a deep breath,

“I don’t know how to say this without sounding like I’m fucked in the head, but I’m not daddy.” I know what I’m saying and I know exactly what I want you to do.”

She went back to biting her fingernails.

He stroked her hair gently.

“Whatever it is baby girl, spit it out. We’ll work through it together, I promise.”

She stopped biting her nails.

“I hope so, because this is something I’ve wanted for a long time and I want it more than anything else in the whole world right now.”

“I can see that, just tell me what you want, for god’s sake.”

She sat up and, thought for a few minutes, a soft, seductive smile came over her lips.

“I think I know a way to tell you what I’m trying to say, but I’m gonna need your help. Okay?”


“First put your hands behind your head. Promise me, no matter what I do or say you’ll keep them there.”

He put both hands behind his head, “I promise I’ll keep them here no matter what.”

“You’ve never broken a promise to me in my life, so whatever you do, don’t break this one. Okay?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t, my hands will stay right here.”

She smiled that same little seductive smile, “Good, now lean back, close your eyes, and don’t open them until I tell you too.”


He felt her stand up, then a minute or so later she sat in his lap.

She put her hands over his eyes, and giggled.

“Keep them closed daddy, I’ll tell you when to open them.”

She was grinding her sexy ass into his groin and it was making his dick as hard as an iron rod. There was nothing he could do to hide it, and he knew there was no way she could miss it.

He started to say something and she put a finger over his lips, “Hush, just sit quietly for a few more minutes.”

He felt her stand up. He thought she was getting off his lap, but a few seconds later she sat back down.

She tapped his cheek gently and said, “Open your mouth and stick your tongue out just a little for me.”

He felt her rub two fingers all over his tongue, a heavenly scent filled his nostrils and a sweet musky taste imploded on his tongue.

He knew exactly what she’d done when she stood up, He’d recognize the taste and smell of a wet pussy anywhere. He let out a soft moan, and said, “God baby girl, you taste so good.”

“Keep your hands where they are, but you can open your eyes now daddy.”

His beautiful, eighteen year old daughter was naked, and before he could say a word, leaned in to give him a long, tongue dueling, spit swapping kiss.

The saying, a stiff prick has no conscience, was never more fitting than it was at this very minute.

He had known what she wanted all along, but now, she knew, he’d give it to her.

She stood up, took his hand and they walked to his bedroom.

She sat on the end of the bed. He hesitated like he was gonna change his mind and she unbuckled his belt. That’s all it took, he did the rest.
She gasped when she saw his cock, she was a virgin, she didn’t know exactly how big it was, she just knew it looked fucking enormous.

She was nervous as hell, she didn’t know how that huge cock was gonna fit in her tiny, tight hole.

She slid her sexy ass up on the bed. He laid beside her, gently caressing and squeezing her full, firm, high, round breasts.

She moaned softly, “Oh god daddy, that feels so good.”

He licked around her puffy, pink aureole, then popped her swollen nipple into his mouth.

She moaned again and reached for his huge shaft, her tiny hand covered less than a third of it’s length and only about two thirds of it’s generous girth.

He groaned against her ample bosom as he felt her tiny hand sliding up and down his manhood.

Her tight, virgin pussy was on fire, her juices were flowing freely soaking her outer lips and running down the crack of her sexy ass.

He was slowly and sensuously kissing his way down her belly when she stopped him;

“Daddy, please, no, I wanna ride you first.”

She knew that if daddy found out she was a virgin, the fun and games would be over, and that was something she didn’t want.
He was surprised she didn’t want her pussy eaten, but if she wanted to ride him, well, that was OK too. He rolled onto his back and said, “You can play ride ’em cowgirl all you want baby girl.”

She grinned and squatted over him, grabbing his thick shaft she rubbed the plum colored head over her soaked outer lips, coating it with her lavish juices. She pushed the mushroomed head past her engorged outer lips, taking his big, fat cock a little at a time. When she felt the huge head press against her hymen, she stopped for a second and said, “OK daddy, it’s pop goes the cherry time.”

He was shocked and proud, she was eighteen and still a virgin, That didn’t happen much these days. His big head said, “stop her”, his little head said “no fucking way.” His little head won the battle.

She took a deep breath as she slammed herself down, driving his enormous rod past her hymen all the way into her hot, tight, cunt. She threw her head back and screamed out, “Oh my god, that fucking hurt.” She took a couple of deep breaths, laughed and said, “Whew, I’m glad that part’s over with. I feel like a stuffed turkey right now,so just do me a favor, lie still until I get used to having a flagpole stuffed up my twat.”

“Are you OK baby girl?, he asked.

“Yeah, I’m OK daddy, It hurt a little more than I expected, that’s all, Give me minute, to get used to you, and I’ll be ready.”

He was in heaven, her tight, wet cunt felt like hot, melted butter as it gripped his huge cock. “Why didn’t you tell me baby girl?”

She was grinding her hot, sexy ass around in his lap, trying to expand her tight pussy to accommodate his enormous cock. “Tell you what daddy? That I was still a virgin?”

“Yeah, you could have told me you know.”

She put her hands on his shoulders and slowly pumped her hot, sexy ass up and down his massive cock, Her eyes wide with wonder, and an expression of pure delight on her gorgeous face.

“If I had told you, I wouldn’t be riding this beautiful cock right now.

He loved the tight, satiny, slickness of her hot, juicy pussy. It gripped his hard cock like a pipe in a vise, while letting her slide up in down his huge shaft, like a piston in a cylinder. He chuckled softly and said, “Never underestimate the power that a tight pussy has over a hard cock baby girl.”

She picked up speed, pumping her magnificent ass up, and down the whole length of his enormous cock. “God, my little pussy feels so full, I can’t believe how good your cock feels inside me daddy.”

He moaned loudly as her pebbled nipples scraped against his, sending shivers running up and down his spine, his thrusts became…

Published 11 years ago

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