Awakened To My Bisexual Hunger By Old Friends

"Homophobic working man discovers his hunger for cocks and cum later in life."

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My name is Owen, and now at the age of fifty-eight, I live in Oshkosh, Wisconsin with my wife of thirty-seven years, Emma. We were born and raised in Oshkosh and live frugal lives on my wages as a machine operator at a plastic packaging company, and hers as an elementary school teacher.

I’ve always been a rugged, man’s man, and grew up hunting and fishing with my lifelong friends, Oliver (who friends call Ollie) and Henry, who are my age and also work as machine operators at my company. Our families have socialized from the time we were married, and my friends and I still enjoy hunting, fishing, and drinking together. We’re also avid Green Bay Packers fans and for us, splurged buying one share each of the Packers’ stock for two hundred dollars apiece back in 1997, just to feel more a part of our favorite team.

Our wives aren’t that interested in football, and us guys go to as many home games as we can get tickets for during the season, usually two or three games, and making the hour drive each way on game days. But at least once a season, we drive up and stay overnight so we can enjoy drinking and getting drunk together, without having to worry about driving home. It was during just that sort of an overnight trip three years ago that the main events in this story began.

Game in Late-December

We drove up for an afternoon game in late-December, after having arranged to have Monday off from work, took a taxi to the field after parking at our cheap motel, and we froze our asses off in the stands. The temperature was in the teens, and those aluminum benches can be cold and hard on the ass, even with cushions. We drank beer on the way up there, drank more beer in the stands, and even snuck in plastic flasks with whiskey in our socks to sip on during the game.

The booze seemed to help keep us warm and we were all drunk when we walked to a restaurant near the field for dinner, before taking a taxi back to the motel. We had more beer in a cooler in the car, so we continued drinking in our room, which had one queen-sized bed. We asked for a room with two full-sized beds and an additional folding porta bed, but none were available when we made the reservation.

It didn’t seem like a big deal for us to share the queen-sized bed, since we had been friends for most of our lives, even though that would be a tight fit for three, six feet tall, burly men, and would allow little room to turn over. I wouldn’t say that we were outwardly homophobic, but we did our share of kidding amongst ourselves about some of the boys in high school and even men at work, who displayed gay mannerisms, but never in a way that the gay guys knew.

We did, though, tease each other about sexual matters over the years, mostly about our wives and what we wanted to do with them, and there was even some teasing about our cock sizes. We had seen each other naked many times over the years, starting with taking showers together in high school, since we were all active in sports, and then even sometimes at work.

Although we had never seen each other’s cocks on hard, I was teased since my soft, circumcised dick is only about three inches long and thin, and my ball sack is tight, which means my genitals don’t hang at all. But Ollie and Henry have thick, uncircumcised cocks that appeared to be about six inches long on soft, so they dangle and swing freely between their legs, along with nice sets of egg-sized, low-hanging balls.

It was embarrassing for me not being well-hung, and I never told them how much I admired and was curious about their bigger cocks, even though they caught me watching them a few times. They even acknowledged the disparity in our cock sizes in high school, by making comments about wanting to help me satisfy my girlfriend, and later in life about taking care of my wife.

We were in the room with the television on, providing background noise, when I made a comment that elicited teasing. I said, “Damn, guys, I was freezing my balls off at the game.”

Ollie laughed and said, “Yeah, and that was a bigger problem for Henry and me, with our big balls hanging down. Your dick and balls probably disappeared in the cold. Let us know if you need any help taking care of Emma on some of the cold nights in Oshkosh.”

Then Henry said, “You might have to take care of Emma by yourself, Ollie. I’m having a hard time getting it up with this erectile dysfunction (ED) since I’ve been taking these fucking high blood pressure pills. I wouldn’t mind trying though, since my soft cock is probably bigger than Owen’s hard dick, and I could still enjoy those big breasts of hers.”

I said, “Yeah, right, you two fucking animals wouldn’t stand a chance at bedding down with my Emma. She dated all of us at one time or another in high school, and she chose to marry me. Having big cocks isn’t as important as a lot of the other qualities I have.”

We were drinking much more heavily than usual that night, even compared to our other annual overnight games, and we finally stumbled into bed at about midnight. We were all wearing boxer underwear and t-shirts and it took us a few minutes to get settled in the tight space on the bed. We ended up with Henry in the middle on his back, with Ollie and me on either side on our sides, facing out.

Touching Another Man’s Cock for the First Time

I lay there for a few minutes with my head spinning from the booze, and was close to passing out, when I felt Henry turn onto his side, facing my back. I was almost asleep again when Henry rolled farther against my back, and I thought that I felt his soft cock lump pressing against my ass. I lay there frozen for what seemed like an eternity, wondering if he realized what he was doing and if he had fallen asleep against me like that. I waited even longer, and then it occurred to me that if he were asleep, I might be able to reach back to feel his cock and satisfy the curiosity I’d had since high school.

He didn’t stir when I slowly reached behind me and pushed my hand between my ass and his crotch. I gently and slowly rubbed up and down his soft cock lump, and even reached down to feel his big balls, before partially cupping his cock in my hand and stroking it. I liked the thickness, weight, and heat from his cock meat, but froze in place when he began gently thrusting in my hand.

Henry sleepily started whispering like he thought I was his wife, Charlotte, and then realized what was happening. He said, “That feels good, honey, and even though I can’t get it up to fuck you, maybe you can suck it for me. Uh, wait, shit; is that you Owen; what the fuck? But shit, man, that feels good.”

Ollie sat up and look over, asking, “What the fuck’s going on over there?”

I pulled my hand away from Henry’s cock, as Henry lay on his back again, and I acted like Ollie had just wakened me up, saying, “Damn, Ollie, you just woke me up.”

He wasn’t about to ignore whatever he thought might be happening, and asked, “Come on guys, what the fuck is going on?”

I knew that Henry was awake when I began stroking him, before he began thrusting, because he tried to explain while acting confused, saying, “Uh, shit, I don’t know, Ollie. I think I accidentally rolled into Owen’s back, and he must have instinctively reached around to see what was pressing against his ass. He was holding my cock while I was half asleep and dreaming it was Charlotte stroking me.”

Ollie laid back down and said, “Sure, okay, whatever, but it sure seems to me like there was some gay shit going on. Just get to sleep.”

We settled down again, and despite all the booze I drank, I had a hard time getting to sleep from the excitement of feeling Henry’s cock and balls, even though it was also embarrassing for me. I was concerned about facing the guys in the morning, especially Henry, and afraid that he might decide to tell Ollie more about what happened.

About a half-hour later, when I was almost asleep, I heard a slight rustling of clothes before Henry rolled my way and against my ass again. I thought he might be mostly asleep and accidentally rolling against me as before but learned differently when he reached over and pulled my hand back to his crotch. But that time, he had pushed down his underwear, and I was gripping his bare cock.

I didn’t stroke his cock that time, not until he leaned in and whispered, “That felt so good before, Owen, now do it some more for me. See if you can get me off.”

It was obvious that I was yielding my self-respect and manhood when I began stroking his soft cock, and his precum was oozing onto my hand. I liked the feeling of his foreskin sliding in the precum over his thick meat, even though it was soft. I wanted to get into a more comfortable position and released his cock before rolling over to my other side to face him, where I was able to fondle his big balls with one hand as I stroked his cock with the other.

I don’t know why I had so easily lapsed into that homosexual or bisexual posture with Henry. Maybe it was the booze or maybe it was my curiosity about his cock from thirty years earlier that was driving me to stroke his cock that way. There was ambient light from the motel sign shining through the window, and I saw that Henry was smiling at me, as he mouthed, ‘thank you’. I was so ashamed that I looked away, but not ashamed enough to stop stroking him.

It felt funny stroking a soft cock, but his meat is thick and substantial enough that it was easy to do, and it felt pliable in my hand. Henry had his eyes closed and put pressure on my shoulder, trying to push me farther down in the bed, as he whispered, “Suck it for me, Owen, please suck it for me.”

I had never even thought about touching another man’s cock, much less sucking one, and I resisted the pressure, saying, “Sorry, man, I can’t take a cock into my mouth.”

Henry smiled, and whispered, “Okay, I understand, maybe next time. But if you were willing to jack me off this easily, I don’t think it’ll be that hard to get you to blow me one day soon.”

I continued stroking his cock until he started breathing more heavily, and put his hand over mine, as we jacked him together. Then he laid more fully on his back as his cock began to jerk and spasm, as squirt after squirt of cum shot onto his stomach. I could hardly believe the volume of his load, when compared to my smaller ejaculations, and his cock continued throbbing as the smell of semen flooded my senses.”

Henry laid there with his eyes closed for a few seconds, before whispering, “Get out of bed so I can go to the bathroom and clean up this mess. Thanks, Owen, that felt so fucking good having you do it for me, and I think my cock got harder towards the end.”

Some of his copious load was running down my hand, and when Henry went to the bathroom, I couldn’t resist licking it off. It was a little bitter from the booze, but tasted a lot like my cum, which I eat out of Emma’s pussy after we fuck. He came back and I moved to let him back into the middle, as he whispered, “Fuck, man, that was fantastic, and we can talk more about it later.”

I went to sleep quickly after that, even though I was both excited and ashamed of what I had done with Henry. It was hard to believe that I had really jacked him off, and even eaten a little of his cum.

We slept until 9:00 am and woke up hung over, and I was hoping that Ollie would have forgotten about waking up in the night and talking to us about me putting my hand on Henry’s cock. No such luck, and the first thing he said after taking his morning piss, was, “Was I dreaming, Owen, or did you say that you accidentally put your hand on Henry’s cock last night?”

I replied, “No, and fuck you, Ollie. I didn’t say that; Henry said that, and I don’t remember a thing. I think you were both dreaming.”

Ollie said, “Okay, if you say so, but I don’t think I was that drunk, that I don’t know what I heard.”

We had time to get showers and cleanup before our 11:00 am checkout time, and then we stopped at Denny’s where we could get breakfast at that time of day. From there, it was just an hour’s drive back to Ollie’s home in Oshkosh, where I parked after picking up Henry on Sunday.

Henry and I were in my car headed to his home, when he said, “We’ve got to talk about what happened last night, Owen. That felt so good, and my cock got a little hard right at the end. I don’t know what got into you, man, but I have to take responsibility for starting it.”

I said, “This is so fucking embarrassing, Henry, and I never in a million years would have dreamed that I’d touch another man’s cock, and certainly wouldn’t have jacked him off. I’m not sure what came over me, but maybe it was the way you two assholes have been teasing me about my small dick and your big cocks, and I just had to have a feel of it. Is that what you were hoping for when you pressed your cock against my ass?”

He answered, “No, it was an accident when I first pushed against you, and I didn’t think anything about it since you didn’t say anything or move away. But then you reached back to feel my cock, and I knew that I had to see how far you were willing to go.”

We were just getting to his home, when I said, “It happened, so I’ll just have to live with it, but you can’t tell anyone else about this, and especially not Ollie.”

The Next Couple of Days, Bowling, and Sucking on Saturday

I ate lunch with Henry and Ollie on Tuesday and Wednesday, and thankfully, nothing more was said about Sunday night. We mostly talked about our Wednesday bowling night, which was a good distraction for me.

Things went okay at bowling, but I saw Henry and Ollie whispering a few times, and Henry would look at me, smile, and grip his cock in his pants, when no one else was looking. It seemed that he was trying to egg me on by offering his cock to me again.

We had been making plans to go to our ice shack on a nearby lake to fish on Saturday. We usually start early, and sometimes stay most of the day and into the evening. It’s as much of a man cave getaway as it is for fishing, and we have several friends who have ice shacks near ours on the lake. There are other friends too, that we get reacquainted with during the winter fishing season.

Our ice shack, that we built ourselves out of wood and is well insulated, is a good size at ten feet by twelve feet, which gives us room for a card table, chairs, two old army cots, as well as a propane heater that keeps us toasty warm. We have a small, propane-powered refrigerator too, to keep our beer cold after the shack is heated. We drink a lot of beer out there on the lake, and often play poker and other games with our various friends, as much as we fish.

My friends and I usually go to the lake together, but as we were getting into our trucks after bowling, Ollie said, “I’ve got to help my wife with some things early on Saturday, so it might be mid-morning, by the time I join you. You guys go ahead and get the shack warmed up for us.”

The rest of the week until Saturday was uneventful, and although I tried to put what happened in Green Bay out of my mind, I couldn’t help thinking about how much I enjoyed feeling Henry’s cock and jacking him off, and especially seeing his big cum load and smelling it. It felt so naughty, but also exciting to do something nasty like that with my friend, and I liked the thickness and weight of his cock, even though it was soft because of his ED.

Things were pretty much back to normal with our friendship, and other than Henry gripping his cock at the bowling alley, nothing more had been said about it. In one respect, I was glad that it was over since I was able to explain it away as being drunk, but I was also wondering if it would happen again, and maybe even hoping that it would.

I picked up Henry early on Saturday morning, and after stopping by the grocery store to stock up on beer and snacks, we were on the lake by 7:00 am. It was cold enough that year and the lake was frozen enough that I drove out on the ice and parked next to our ice shack. We got the heater going, reopened the fishing hole with our auger, and cleaned up the shack, since we left it messy the last time out, and settled in to fish.

We drank beer and talked about mundane things like the weather, our jobs, and families at first, but then at about 9:30 am, Henry said, “We haven’t had much chance to talk about what happened in Green Bay last weekend, but I can’t stop thinking about it. I figured that it’s embarrassing for you, and even a little embarrassing for me, but I really enjoyed it, and thought you did too. Have you been thinking much about it?”

I lied and replied, “Well, all I’ve been thinking about it is how weird and so much out of character it was for me to do that, and for you to encourage it. In all our years as friends nothing like that has ever come up, and we’ve even laughed about some of the boys in high school and other men we’ve seen that seem to have gay tendencies. I know that I was just jacking you off, but that’s still a pretty gay thing to do for guys like us.”

Henry said, “Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that too, and it did seem kind of weird and a little nasty. I know that we were drunk, but it sure seemed like you enjoyed doing that for me, and I was wondering, you know, wondering if you’d like to do it again. My wife doesn’t have much interest in my limp cock, and I’m horny as fuck, since I haven’t gotten off since Green Bay. Come on, Owen, I’ll just lie back on the cot and you can get me off again.”

I really wanted to do it, but for the sake of my ego I didn’t want to seem too eager, and put up a little resistance, saying, “I know that we both have a little buzz on from the beer, but I don’t know, man. I don’t want to make this a new normal thing for us to do every time we have a few beers and you’re horny.”

He said, “Okay, man, I hear you, but I’m even hornier now after talking about this shit. Would you mind that much if I take off my pants and take care of it myself? You can at least watch me.”

Henry didn’t even wait for me to answer before he took off his boots, pants, and underwear, before sitting on the end of the cot, with his big, soft cock and huge, hairy balls dangling between his legs. I liked looking at his big genitals and shamelessly stared as he began stroking his cock.

He called me out for staring at him, saying, “Come on, Owen, I can tell that you’re attracted to my meat, so just come over here and stroke it for me, even if for just a minute or so. It feels good having someone else’s hand on it, and it’s already leaking for you.”

I gave in, saying, “Okay, Henry, but just for a minute or so.”

After throwing a seat cushion down on the wooden floor between his legs, I knelt on the cushion and took his oozing, soft cock into one hand, as I weighed and fondled his balls with the other. I was close enough to smell the musky aroma of his hairy crotch. It was somewhat stimulating, and made the whole thing seem so real and intimate to me, as compared to the way I jacked him off in Green Bay.

His copious precum was oozing down my hand, and he put his hand behind my head and started pulling it towards his cock, as he said, “That feels so fucking good, Owen, and I’m getting juicy for you. You told us years ago that you like to eat out Emma after you fuck, so what’s a little cum going to hurt? Come on, old buddy, take my cock into your mouth and suck it.”

I hadn’t been sure that I could even touch his cock again, much less suck it, and there I was considering yielding to the pressure and taking it into my mouth. He continued pulling, and I leaned down, lifted his limp cock to my lips, and began to suck it. He moaned and lay back on the cot while moving his legs over my shoulders to hold me in place and I continued sucking his meat.

His big cock head and foreskin felt and tasted so good in my mouth, and I liked the taste of his precum. I had never sucked any cocks before that and wasn’t sure what it would be like to suck a hard cock, but I enjoyed the thick, meatiness of his soft cock in my mouth.

I looked up over Henry’s belly, with his cock in my mouth, and his head was resting on a cushion as he looked down at me smiling. He said, “Yesss, Owen old buddy, that feels so fucking good, and I don’t know why we didn’t do this sooner, starting years ago. I’m churning up a big load to feed you soon, so keep sucking me just the way you are.”

His comment awakened me to the fact that he intended to ejaculate into my mouth, and I panicked, thinking back on the big load he shot in Green Bay. But I loved sucking his cock and wanted him to cum in my mouth, so I kept sucking as he tightened his legs around my back to keep me from pulling away. I liked the feeling of being held captive that way, almost like I was being forced to suck his cock.

I had been sucking him for about five minutes, when his cock began to harden, thicken, and lengthen in my mouth, to what seemed like about seven and a half inches long. He began thrusting his hips in sync with my movements, as he moaned, “Fuck yeah, Owen, I thought you could get my cock hard if you sucked it. Keep going, man, just a few more seconds.”

His cock began to throb and pulse, as I felt spray after spray of his cum shooting into my mouth. I loved the feeling of his flexing cock, the stream of cum, and the taste of it all, and I kept sucking as I swallowed every drop and kept sucking for more. His cock deflated again as he moaned, “Oh fuck, this is amazing. My wife used to suck my cock every now and then, but she would never swallow, and damn sure never kept sucking after I ejaculated. Suck it, buddy, suck it and drain my cock.”

I kept sucking his cock until he said, “You seemed to enjoy playing with my balls, so suck them for me too.”

The aroma of his sweaty and musky crotch was even stronger when I moved down to suck and lick his hairy scrotum, and suck his big testicles into my mouth, one at a time, and he was squirming and holding me in place even harder with his legs. I had been sucking his balls for a few minutes, when I heard a truck pulling up to our ice shack, and I tried to pull away.

Henry held me in place as the door opened, and Ollie said, “Holy fucking shit, Henry, I didn’t believe you when you bet me that you could get Owen to suck your cock. And now, he’s even chowing down on your balls. Fuck, man, I’m horny as shit, and bet that I can get him to suck my cock and balls too.”

I was beyond being embarrassed, and kept sucking Henry’s balls, with his soft cock laying across my face, until he released the pressure of his legs. I pulled back and said, “Fuck, this is so embarrassing, and it all seems like such a blur. I never intended to suck your cock, Henry, but you were so convincing talking me into it.”

Henry laughed, before saying, “I had a feeling when you reached back to feel my cock in Green Bay that you might be more interested in my cock than you were afraid to admit to yourself, and I hoped that I could convince you to do more. And then, after Ollie made his accusations, and you still jerked me off, I had a feeling that I could get my cock into your mouth. This is great, having a buddy who can drain our nuts for us.”

Ollie was already taking off his boots, pants, and underwear, and then reached into the refrigerator to get a beer, before sitting on the end of the other cot, and saying, “Come on, Owen old buddy, I’ve got a big one here for you that will harden right away. Come on, man, you sucked Henry, so it shouldn’t be a big deal to suck your other close friend, and probably our other buddies too.”

I was already hooked on sucking cocks and balls and eating cum and moved over between Ollie’s legs to suck his cock. His soft cock is thick and meaty and his balls are huge and hang low like Henry’s, but his cock hardened immediately when I began to suck it. It is about eight inches long on hard and a little thicker than Henry’s meat, so I struggled at first to taking more and more of it into my mouth.

Ollied was vocal and said, “Fuck, man, that feels so good. My wife only rarely sucks my cock, and when she does, it’s more like she’s just mouthing it and not really sucking. But you, Owen, you’re sucking my knob like you’re in love with it, and I’ve got a big, two-week load for you.”

He began thrusting into my mouth as he got close to ejaculating, and then held my head as his thick cock began to flex and squirt into my mouth. I sucked and swallowed and continued as his cock deflated, and Ollie said, “Oh shit, Henry, uh, uh, uh, he really is swallowing my big fucking load.”

I sucked his balls for a few minutes after that, and then we sat at the table to talk. Ollie asked, “My goodness, Owen, when did you figure out that you have a taste for cock and cum? Was what you did with Henry in Green Bay the first time doing anything like this, or have you been taking care of other men on the side? What possessed you to do this shit?”

It was embarrassing as both of my friends stared at me smiling, as I explained, “I’m not sure what got into me, but when I felt Henry’s cock pressed against my ass in Green Bay, I couldn’t resist getting a feel of it. I was thinking back to all the times I’ve seen you in the showers in high school and work, and I guess I was a little envious of your cocks. And then, shit, you’re always teasing me about my small dick, so fuck, it just happened. And now, it’s hard to even face you guys since you must think I’m a sick fuck.”

Henry laughed, and said, “It is a little weird having a cock sucker as a friend, but it’s also a good thing, especially if you have the urge to keep sucking us like this. I don’t get any sex at home anymore, especially with this fucking ED, and you suck my cock so good that it got hard for you.”

Then Ollie said, “I still get pussy at home every now and then, but not enough to keep me satisfied, and I’ve never felt anything as wonderful as you so eagerly sucking the cum out of my cock and swallowing it. I like seeing you between my legs and hope you still have a hunger for it. That will make our hunting and fishing trips, bowling nights, and trips to Green Bay a lot more fun, and there might be some other positions we can try.”

They didn’t even put their pants on, and we sat around fishing and talking with them naked from the waist down. I loved sucking them so much that I sometimes sat between their legs and casually sucked their cocks and balls when they were fishing, which resulted in me sucking them off two more times before dark, when we left for home.

Continuing to Suck My Friends

My relationships with my life-long friends changed after that day in the ice shack. We were still friends and close in many of the same ways as before, before a noticeable dichotomy developed when it came to them using me sexually. I didn’t mind it at all, but they became demanding when we were out together, bowling, fishing, hunting, and at other times, and I was expected to suck them off.

We were too smart to try sneaking into the restroom at work for me to suck them off, but we somehow found ways for me to suck them off an average of three times a week. Some were quick blowjobs, but we especially enjoyed those times in the ice shack and hunting camp, where there was time to get into sucking their balls, and taking my time sucking their cocks.

They even tried out other positions with me, mostly instigated by Ollie, like happened for the first time in our ice shack one day. Ollie had me lie back on the cot, and he straddled me, almost sitting on my face. He wanted to experience what it was like to have his balls sucked dangling in my face that way.

As you might have expected, that led to him sitting down more fully on my face, and I ended up sucking his perineum, until he thought it was funny to sit his ass on my face. None of us had ever heard anything about rimming before that, but it soon became a part of our routine for me to rim them when we had time.

They even encouraged me to suck other men. That started one night when we had been drinking heavily and were playing poker in the ice shack, after having invited two men over from an adjacent shack. Ollie got so drunk and horny that he started talking about me giving him a blowjob, and before that night was over, I sucked off all four of them twice.

I’m fifty-eight now and still enjoying my cock sucking lifestyle with my close friends and others and hope they will continue wanting to feed me their cocks and cum for many more years.

Published 4 years ago

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