Ava’s Awakening

"Marriage vows put to the test"

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Ava stood in the shower, warm water running down her massive breasts, washing away the sticky cum. She still couldn’t fathom the events that led to this moment in time. After a thorough cleaning, she dried off, wrapped herself in a soft, cotton towel and made her way into the bedroom.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Ava stared at the picture on the night table. A smiling couple on their honeymoon, a picturesque resort in the background. They were very much in love, ready to begin a long and wonderful life together. How had it all gone so wrong, so fast? Two weeks earlier, Ava had been in the middle of planning a special, intimate dinner for her and her husband when an unexpected encounter changed their lives forever.

Philip had been the love of her life. High school sweethearts, the two married one month after graduation. Now, fifteen years later, she fought hard to keep the spark alive. His job as a college professor left little time for romance. Philip strived to be the best, obsessed with gaining tenure someday, sometimes sleeping in his office overnight, pouring over textbooks. At first, she worried that he might be having an affair with one of his students. But, as time went by, she realized that all his time and energy was focused on his career.

Ava still loved her husband, but his constant neglect left her feeling lonely and unwanted. Just thirty-three years of age, Ava kept herself in magnificent shape, a voluptuous woman who needed physical love and affection. Although she took her marriage vows extremely seriously, Ava found it difficult to keep her eyes and mind from wandering. At the beginning, she told herself it was harmless. Only looking, no touching. She would never cheat on her husband. Never.

Stopping off at the liquor store to get Philip’s favorite bottle of red, her lone errand for the day, Ava’s will would be put to the test that morning. As she browsed the aisles, Ava felt eyes on her. From behind the counter, a young man surveyed her every move, like security attempting to nab a shoplifter. His gaze followed her up to checkout where he finally revealed the reason for his scrutiny.

“Mrs. Anderson?” the handsome man said, his eyes wide with surprise and recognition.

“Do I know you?” Ava asked, giving him the once-over. She liked what she saw; from his wavy brown hair, to the boyish grin on his strikingly attractive face. He introduced himself as Jason. He informed her that he was a student in Philip’s English Lit class. One day Jason had noticed her picture on Professor Anderson’s desk.

“The most beautiful woman I had ever seen,” Jason told her.”I couldn’t believe my straight-laced teacher had such a gorgeous wife.”

Ava blushed, enjoying his compliments, his sexy voice penetrating her heart with words of admiration. He shamelessly flirted with her, a married woman. She basked in Jason’s flattery. Feeling the power of his stare, Ava averted her eyes. She regained her composure.

“English Lit. You do have a way with words,” Ava said, doing a little flirting of her own. She relished the attention he showered on her.

“I am good with my mouth,” Jason teased, waiting to see how far this stunning woman was willing to go. Ava froze for a second, unable to think. Although she felt an electric connection with him, Ava thought it best to stop before this went any further. She cleared her throat, nodding toward the bottle of wine. Disappointed, but not defeated, Jason rang up the wine. She handed over the money.

As she turned to leave, Jason reached out his hand, offering her a card: ‘The Lucky Lush’ in bold letters across the top of the card. He played in a band, live performances every Friday night at the downtown establishment. Jason extended an invitation for her to come by sometime and check it out. Bring the old man if she could drag him away from his work. Ava thanked him and walked out the door, smiling from ear-to-ear.

Joy filled her as she drove home. A hot, younger man had made her feel desirable again. Plus, a romantic evening with her hubby would surely bring back old memories, a time when they couldn’t keep their hands off one another. She’d cook a wonderful meal, they’d drink wine, maybe even dance a little. A night of passion with Philip, a definite possibility. Then the ring tone played on her cell and all those plans were washed away.

Ava listened, once more, to her husband telling her how he had to work late. Another evening all alone in their big house awaited her. This time she just hung up when he finished with his excuses. No ‘I love you,’ she just ended the call abruptly. Ava seethed as she sat in her car in front of her home. But this time she had another option. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out the card, her mind taking her to a place she knew she should avoid. Remembering how Jason had come on to her in the liquor store emboldened Ava to go against her conservative instincts.

With a purpose, Ava stormed into the house, racing up the stairs and into her bedroom. She stripped off her clothing and hopped in the shower, a quick suds and rinse to get her feeling clean and refreshed. Time to find a killer outfit. The thrill of dressing sexy for another man made her tingle all over. Ava began with a pair of silky, black, thigh-high stockings. Black panties covered her shaven pussy. Next, she chose a pink skirt and blue halter top. Going bra-less, Ava enjoyed the sensation of her nipples getting hard under the thin material. Black stilettos completed the ensemble. A spritz of perfume, vanilla with a hint of jasmine, and should headed out of the door.

The Lucky Lush parking lot was packed. Ava found a space and stepped out of her car. What would the night have in store for her? She’d soon find out. Eyes were on her the second she entered the bar. Ava had forgotten how good it felt to feel sexy.

The band played a hard thumping number as the young college girls danced and cheered happily. The band consisted of three young men: a soulful singer with wavy blond hair and piercing blue eyes , whose raspy voice melted the hearts of every female in the place; a shirtless drummer with six-pack abs and a wild flair; and, lastly, Jason, thrashing away on the guitar, his dark good looks surpassed only by his musical skills. She caught Jason’s attention, seating herself at a table, two rows from the stage. His wide-eyed stare betrayed feelings of jubilation at her surprising appearance. Ava flashed a sixty watt smile when their eyes finally met.

She ordered an apple martini and looked curiously around the room. So many college-aged boys and girls singing and dancing to the music. The girls were dressed quite provocatively, short skirts. low-cut tops, bare midsections. Although she was more than ten years older than most of the young ladies, Ava didn’t feel out of place or intimidated. She knew she looked amazingly hot tonight, a woman of beauty and experience, able to give these young men a night of a lifetime. Ava shook those thoughts from her mind. She was here to flirt, nothing more. She was a married woman, who wanted to feel the rush of being wanted. Prove to herself that she could still mesmerize young, handsome men – then go home to her husband and her boring, vanilla existence.

As she sipped her drink, the band finished off a slow song and then announced a ten minute break before they would resume playing for the last hour of the evening. Ava watched Jason step off the stage and walk toward her. He smiled brightly, sitting down next to her and studied her heavenly form.

“I’m so glad you could make it,” Jason stated. ” You look incredible.”

Ava thanked him for the compliment, and the invitation. He asked about Philip. She explained that he had to work late, so rather than stay home all alone she’d decided to go out and have some fun. She caught him leering at her long legs, licking his lips as his eyes roamed over her impressive chest.

“May I say, your husband is a fool. I’d never choose work over a sexy woman like yourself,” Jason said. Ava blushed, savoring his kind words and appreciative tone. She noted how his tight, white tee clung to his fit, sinewy body.

He placed a hand on her left knee. A bolt of electricity ran through her at his gentle touch. Her heart pounded in her chest, beating faster as his hand caressed her stocking-clad thigh. Ava loved the nervous tremor coursing through her entire being. She could feel herself giving in, losing control. Summoning up all the courage she could find, Ava placed a hand on top of his, desperately wishing to remove it from her leg.

“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” a voice said from behind them, startling Ava. Jason’s band mates stood in back of them, friendly smiles across their handsome faces. A hint of recognition crossed their expressions once they got a better look at the stunning woman seated before them. Jason introduced Ava to his buddies, Zach, the singer and Roger, the drummer. All three of the young men were classmates in her husband’s 11a.m. English Lit class.

“You weren’t lying. The picture on Professor Anderson’s desk does not do her justice. She is way more beautiful in person,” Zach said.

“You’re smoking hot,” Roger added in agreement.” Your husband is a lucky bastard.”

The four of them laughed at Roger’s last statement. Ava was taken aback by their gushing praise, youthful good looks and fit young bodies. Her mouth watered as she checked out Roger’s bare torso, his rock hard abs and muscular, hairless chest sending shivers down her spine. Zach’s seductive voice whispered sweet words in her ear, while Jason continued rubbing her thigh. Ava adored all the flirtatious attention and the testosterone fueled boys we’re infatuated with this smoldering siren.

The mood was broken when the manager of the bar informed them that it was time to get back to the show. Each member kissed Ava on the back of her hand, then climbed onto the stage.

The respectfulness of these three men, in their early twenties, gave her a sense of calm. It also made them even more attractive in her eyes. She drained another martini while she contemplated the situation. Ava became wet as she considered the possibility of sleeping with one or more of these young studs. The fact that they would be sitting in Philip’s class on Monday, images of the lovemaking clearly in their minds while Philip rambled on, oblivious to what the three had done to his wholesome wife, made her pussy drip all the more.

The final hour of their performance moved along at a reasonable rate, Ava thought, despite her anxiousness for a resolution to her growing conundrum. Jason ripping up the guitar, Roger banging wildly on the drums and Zach belting out the lyrics to Motley Crue’s ‘Dr. Feelgood’ was an appropriate finale to the group’s set. If she resigned herself to cheat, they would all be feeling good by the end of the night. The crowd roared in appreciation as the song came to a close. A third glass of liquid courage might help Ava make her decision: go home and sleep until noon or hang with the band and have the most memorable night of her life.

“Do you have to go home?” Jason asked, sitting beside her. He noticed the way she was glancing at her watch. He knew the answer by the expression on her face. But, as he would find out for the second time later that evening, this woman was full of surprises.

“Yes, I do,” Ava replied, feigning disappointment.”And I want to take the three of you home with me,” she added, looking over his shoulder as the other two sidled up behind Jason. The young men exchanged enthusiastic smiles, while Ava came to grips with her decision. Her infidelity now a certainty, she would take this opportunity to let go of her inhibitions and enjoy all the pleasures and desires that had been repressed for so long.

The foursome exited the bar. Ava hopped in her car, waiting for the SUV to pull up alongside her. Inside, the three listened intently to her directions. They would follow behind her, but in case of a mishap, Ava wanted to be sure that they found her house. If she didn’t have this erotic experience tonight, Ava was afraid she would chicken out and miss her chance at a deliciously wicked encounter.

The closer she got to home, the more excited Ava became. Two fingers managed to work their way into her panties as she drove. She toyed with her clit, keeping herself on the edge. Ava would not allow herself the sweet release of orgasm. The boys would be in charge of every climax she’d experience this evening.

Ava pulled into her driveway, followed closely by the black SUV.

Thrilled that the moment was finally here, she licked the juice from her fingers then climbed out of the car into the cool night air. Jason was beside her in a flash, taking her by the arm and escorting her up the walk. Zach and Roger hurriedly followed behind. Ava fumbled with her keys as she attempted to unlock the front door. The three martinis plus her raging hormones made it hard to complete the simple task.

Finally getting the door unlocked, Ava welcomed the three into her home. Ava led them into the living room, telling the young men to make themselves comfortable. She found them sitting on the spacious couch when she returned with a bottle of champagne. One more drink would wipe away any reservations she might have left. Four long flutes were filled with the bubbly liquid. They toasted to a memorable evening and took a few gulps of the champagne. Ava took a deep breath as she placed her glass down on the end table. No turning back!

Jason took the lead, standing and wrapping his arms around her waist. He inched his face closer and kissed her softly on the lips. Ava parted them slightly to allow his tongue to slip inside her mouth. The first kiss was electric. Jason held her tight against him, their kisses growing more passionate. She sensed a twinge of remorse building inside her, but she couldn’t stop. His lips felt too good. Ava hadn’t been kissed this with such tenderness and fire in a long time. Zach and Roger looked on, jealousy cutting them to the bone.

“Let’s take this to my bedroom,”Ava said, forcing herself from Jason’s wonderfully sweet lips. They gleefully followed Ava up the stairs, their eyes glued to her swaying hips and beautiful bottom, pressed tightly against her skirt.

Walking to the end of the hall, Ava paused before the white double-doors of the master bedroom, the room she shared with her husband. Her heart was nearly beating out of her chest as sweaty palms turned the knob and pushed the door inward. A huge king-sized bed dominated the room, mirrors on either side to catch every carnal act. Scanning the lush bedroom the guys focus was drawn to , what looked to be, Ava and Philip’s honeymoon picture on the bedside table. Their college professor and his gorgeous bride smiling happily as they held each other tight.

Ava grinned when she noticed them staring at the picture. Her pussy began to tingle at the thought of fucking her husband’s students on their marital bed. She took off her heels and sat down on the edge of the comfy bed. The three moved quickly toward her. Zach and Roger, playfully but firmly, held Jason back then proceeded to sit on either side of Ava. Zach made the first move, leaning in to kiss Ava flush on the mouth. Ava found him to be an excellent kisser. She enjoyed his soft, sensual style. In the meantime, Roger ran his left hand over her silky black stockings, inching her skirt up slowly to reveal the black lace panties that covered her sweet spot.

Jason had removed his shirt and pants while he watched his friends playing with Ava. Clad in only his boxers, Jason walked over to the threesome, dropping to his knees in front of Ava. By this time, Roger’s hand was inside her panties, two fingers circling around her moist lower lips. Ava sighed her appreciation as he slipped those wet fingers deep within her aching mound. Jason slid her stockings down, her long, smooth legs. He surprised Ava when he put the toes of her right foot into his wet mouth. She shuddered as Jason licked and sucked one toe at a time.

“Fuck, yes,” Ava moaned, not able to suppress her delight, as Roger’s tongue flicked across her engorged clit. The triple stimulation of Roger’s mouth on her pussy, Jason’s sucking her toes and Zach’s licking and biting her neck brought Ava to the edge rather quickly. Seeing how excited they were making her spurred the three to increase the intensity. They all wanted to see Ava cum, something they had wished for ever since the first time the three had discussed her after class one day.

“Oh, yes!” she screamed. “I’m going to cum.”

Ava’s entire body shook as her first, of what would be many more orgasms, shot through her. Roger was the lucky recipient of her sweet, succulent juices. After lapping up as much as he could, Roger offered his tongue to Ava, who greedily licked every last bit of her nectar from his talented tongue. Jason replaced his buddy between Ava’s legs. He eagerly ate her pussy, the sweet smell wafting up his nostrils. The other two had taken off Ava’s top and were nibbling on her massive breasts. Her nipples stood firm as two sets of teeth playfully bit and scraped the sensitive buds.

A second orgasm built up in her loins and it wasn’t long before she started writhing on the bed, profanities escaping past her lips. This was only the beginning, Ava thought. She would have plenty of time for her own satisfaction, but at this moment she wanted to return the favor. Ava instructed the young men to stand before her, a half-circle of sexy, hard bodies.

Her hands trembled as she reached for their belts. Pulling down the zippers would release their dicks quicker, but Ava wanted to see those young, hard cocks in all their glory. Jason had stripped down to his underwear earlier. In a flash, she had the other two down to their boxers , as well. Her pussy dripped as she measured the length and thickness of their manhood , running a hand over the impressive bulges and giving the shafts a healthy squeeze. By her estimation, all were bigger than her husband’s, the smallest seemed to be at least seven inches and quite thick. The largest, a ten inch cobra, pulsing and ready to strike.

Enough with the teasing, Ava told herself. Her mouth watered as she revealed three beautiful, young cocks to her hungry eyes. She began with Jason, the reason she had ended up here in the first place. His cock twitched as she grasped it firmly in her right hand. The pre-cum, sweet to the taste, coated the tip of her tongue as she swirled it over the bulbous head. Ava loved the look of sheer bliss on his face. She sucked him long and deep while she stroked the other two cocks with her soft, delicate hands.

She felt like such a slut, a bad wife. taking each big cock, in turn, down her throat. Ava ran her hands over Roger’s rippled abs while the other two stroked their cocks in anticipation of re-entering her warm, wet mouth. Out of her mind with lust, Ava furiously replaced one cock with the next, desperate to see one exploding, hot, sticky cum shooting across her massive breasts. She sensed one of the three getting close. Focusing all her attention on Zach, she sucked him deep, her hand furiously pumping his cock until it spurted white gold.

“That’s it. Cum in my mouth, baby,” Ava commanded, stroking him faster and faster, the inevitable eruption drenching her in a shower of cum. He fell back onto the bed, totally spent and quite satisfied for the moment. Now, she wanted to be fucked. Her pussy ached for a nice, thick cock, pounding deep inside her horny hole.

“Who wants to fuck me first?” she asked, spreading her long legs, two fingers opening her lips to show the soft, wet pink inside. Jason moved to her in the blink of an eye. His ten-inch pole in hand, he slipped it gently inside her steaming box. This was exactly what he had hoped for the first time he’d laid eyes on her in the liquor store. Her pussy, tight and wet, felt better than he could’ve ever imagined.

Zach fed his cock to her, watching as she devoured all eight inches. Roger sat on the bed waiting, stroking himself to full hardness. Jason fucked her slowly, easing himself into her soaking wet pussy. Ava sighed as Jason’s thickness stretched her walls. The smell of sex filled the room.

Changing positions, Ava climbed on top of Zach while she sucked off Jason. Not wanting to be left out, Roger slipped behind Ava, spread her cheeks with both hands and worked her ass with the tip of his tongue. Ava delighted in this unexpected pleasure, her body shivering as her virgin hole puckered at Roger’s unrelenting attention. Ava’s pussy clenched tighter around Zach’s shaft as Roger circled his tongue over her moistening asshole. With her aroused hole now winking at him hungrily from the stimulation, Ava shuddered when Roger rubbed his cock across her backdoor, smearing the juices around to properly lube her up. He eased himself gently inside her tight hole, an inch at a time.

“Oh my god,” Ava screamed as Roger’s thick shaft popped her anal cherry. Only two inches in, Roger stopped and let her adjust to the new sensation. His cock throbbed with excitement as her ass began to relax. Another inch slid deeper within her causing a guttural moan to escape her ruby lips. Jason stuffed his aching dick back down her throat. Ava felt like a total slut, all three young men inside her at the same time. Every nerve-ending was ablaze, every sensation pushed to the limit.

She screamed loudly, her animalistic side taking hold. Her pussy and ass were completely filled with hard young cock. Something she never even imagined was displayed before her eyes in the reflection of the mirror. It was like watching a porn movie, only she was the star of this show. Ava gagged as Jason’s monster touched the back of her throat. It pulsed wildly, so close to erupting. The mere thought drove her to suck him harder, badly needing to coax the hot seed from his mighty rod.

Ava teetered on the edge of her own orgasm, her mind unable to fully comprehend the pleasure her body was experiencing. Imagining her husband standing in the doorway, watching three of his students fucking his loving wife, gave her such a kinky thrill that her body could no longer hold back the impending explosion growing deep inside her.

Ava’s entire body quaked as one ripple after another coursed through her, culminating in a final burst she thought might knock her out cold. This was her first encounter with, once mythical, multiple orgasms. She couldn’t define exactly what she was feeling. All Ava knew was that she wanted more.

The group changed positions. Ava straddled Jason’s lean, fit torso, rubbing his large cock against her freshly fucked ass. She slid slowly down on his long cock, six inches throbbing inside her tight back entrance. Zach slipped into her sopping wet pussy, leaving Roger to offer his hard dick to Ava’s hungry mouth. Three cocks filled her once more, sending volts of pleasure through her whole body. From what she could remember of her sex life with Philip, he never stayed hard as long as these young boys. Their hard, powerful thrusts brought her to another mind-blowing orgasm.

Although their sexual performances were very impressive, resulting in too many orgasms to count, Ava wanted each of the young men to finish on her massive breasts. She liked nothing better than having a big load of hot, sticky cum shooting on her chest. Three white showers were all the more thrilling and delicious.

They all pulled out of their respective holes, standing above Ava, who was so ready for her well-earned reward. The first to blow was Roger. His cock twitched, sending streams of cum shooting onto Ava’s beautiful, full breasts. She relished the feel of his hot load on her sweaty skin. Once he fully emptied his seed, Roger backed away and made way for Zach. He stroked himself until his hips rocked forward, globs of sperm hitting her tits then falling down on to her taut stomach. Finally, it was time for Jason. The biggest cock also gave her the largest load. He bucked as cum flew from the large, throbbing head, splattering on Ava’s succulent breasts. Now, covered in cum, Ava basked in the wickedness of the situation.

Her mind was still spinning as she scooped up a finger’s worth of mix-matched cum and put it in her hungry mouth. The combination of three vintages tasted delectable on her tongue. The young men were dressing, chatting giddily with one another, big smiles on their handsome faces. Ava thanked them for a memorable evening. In unison, they responded that the pleasure was all theirs.

It was one in the morning when they exited her bedroom and made their way out the front door, driving away in the darkness of the night. Ava smiled triumphantly as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

“Damn, it’s fun being the bad wife,” Ava said excitedly. She headed towards the bathroom, needing to wash off her lovers’ cum.

Published 9 years ago

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