
"Her saviour might just be a bit to hot for her to handle."

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I left the city behind me and drove towards the mountains. It was the last week of March and the peaks reflected the snow like a second and third sun so I put down the visor to protect my eyes. The traffic was thick close to the city and there were several trailers behind and in front of me.

I had left the kids with my parents and kissed them goodbye. I needed to get away for a few days so I could center myself again. Several things had happened during the previous week. I lost my job, my husband of fifteen years decided that he needed fresh meat and moved in with a woman, well, a girl is a better word that he had met at the gym.

Our children were crushed, but I was in no state to deal with it. Maybe that makes me a bad mother but there was nothing I could do about it.

I packed my skis and clothes for a few days and then called ahead to the lodge where we usually stayed and booked a room, but for one.

When I reached the little ski resort five hours later I had a headache from glaring into the sun and the white snow all around me. I parked and walked into the reception.

“Mrs. Lambert, it’s so good to see you. Where are Mr. Lambert and the children?” said the owner, Jurgen Horst.

Jurgen had moved to the States from his home country of Austria in the late 70’s and had set himself up as the proprietor of the ski lodge. There were a few others in the valley but his was above and beyond the best, and he was a darling of a man.

“They couldn’t come. I’m just here by myself; I needed some fresh air, that’s all.” I said.

Jurgen had a worried look on his face and said, “It is not good to ski alone, you never know what might happen up there on the mountain.”

“I’ll be fine; I won’t go off the normal slopes.”

“Mm, anyway, it’s good to see you. Please sign here and here.”

The room was small and comfortable, a single bed, a bathroom with a shower stall and a wash basin. The view was spectacular with the mountains behind the pine forest.

I lay down on my bed after taking a headache pill and closed my eyes. I tried to relax but the thoughts of how everything had suddenly become so fucked up wouldn’t let me sleep.

It all started with Josh, my husband, leaving last Monday. I had begged him to stay and asked why he was leaving. He didn’t answer, just got into his BMW and left. The following day I had an argument with a co-worker, it was a stupid thing, but due to my stress level I exploded and told the poor woman where she could shove her pen. My boss heard it all and tried to calm me down, but when I turned on him and said what ten years working for him had done to me, his face turned red and told me to leave immediately.

It was true, the man was impossible, but the job paid well and the hours were good. When I stood outside on the street tears began to run down my cheeks. What was I to do?

At forty-six I was no longer a spring chicken. I had my degree and experience, but who would hire me? The kids were both in their teens so they would eventually come around and understand that mommy and daddy no longer lived together.

On Thursday I got a letter from my husband’s lawyer which informed me that he wanted a divorce as soon as possible. If I agreed he would give me the house and one of the cars plus pay alimony for me and the children. The amount wasn’t too bad; we could live on that until I found a new job. I signed the papers and sent it back to the lawyer.


My headache was gone and when I looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table I saw it was already five in the afternoon and dark outside. It was too late to go skiing so I took a long hot shower and then got dressed.

Jurgen Horst was old school. He liked his clients to dress up when going to dinner. During the after-ski session, normally between five and seven in the evening it was okay to wear ski clothes, boots included, but if you had not been skiing then a formal dress was expected.

When I walked into the large room which was the bar a few heads turned. I am not very tall but I have a good body for my age even though I have to admit there have been some nips and tucks together with some lifts. No silicone, my boobs are natural and still firm and large for my size.

I wore a dark red long dress with high heels and a fake fox fur over my shoulders. My hair was done up and I wore evening makeup.

I smiled at a few couples that I recognized from previous trips and made my way to the long bar. Behind it stood Manuel, the bartender. He was a gorgeous Colombian guy that Jurgen had hired a few years before after he caught him trying to steal skis out of a shed. It was a stupid idea since Manuel couldn’t ski and had never seen snow before he came to America. I guess Jurgen saw the son he never had in the young man and Manuel need a man to guide him after his own father had been killed during a shootout back in Bogota. After that incident, his mother had shipped him off to relatives in the States.

“Mrs. Lambert, you look fantastic this evening,” he said.

“Thank you, Manuel. The usual, please.”

I watched him mix a Bloody Mary and when it was done I bit off a piece of the celery stalk and then sipped the drink from the straw. The alcohol flowed into my blood stream and I relaxed a little more.

I counted six couples sitting at low tables in the bar. It was a good turnout considering the season was almost over. Along one wall a huge log fire burned and sent shadows playing over the walls. Hunting trophies hung all around me and in one corner stood a wolf and in another a bear.

According to legend, Jurgen had shot them both in the early years of his business when seeing such animals were common in this part of the state. He denied it but with a glimmer in his eye, like if he remembered those days as better.

I was the only single person in the room and I felt the looks I got. Some of the people knew my husband and they must be wondering where he was, making up their own ideas and fuelling the gossip. I didn’t care; I was there to enjoy myself and didn’t want to get talking with them.

When Jurgen announced dinner was ready we all got up and walked into the dining room. It was a copy of the bar except for the wolf and bear. The walls covered in hunting trophies and a smaller fire burned at the short end. We all sat down and Jurgen’s kitchen staff began serving.

The ski lodge had no menu. Everyone ate the same thing for dinner and breakfast. Lunch was often a few sandwiches made to go.

This evening we had salmon as an entree followed by turkey breast in white wine and mushroom sauce. I asked for white wine and a glass of sparkling water. The dessert was Strawberry sherbet and I had a coffee.

After dinner, I had a few more drinks in the bar and talked to Manuel who told me about his family back home. Before ten I decided to call it a night and went back to my room.

The drinks had made me a little tipsy and while I took off my dress, bra, panties and stocking my hands played with my boobs and I giggled like a school girl as they came erect.

Without thinking much about it I lay down naked on the bed and let my hands explore my body. I usually didn’t play with myself at home, mostly because there never seemed to be time. The kids needed something, my husband called me or the phone rang.

Josh and my sex life had been good in the beginning but after the children were born it slowly trickled down to ones a week, then ones a month, to finally a few times a year. I liked sex, and I thought Josh did too, but I guess he got tired of the same pussy every day and in the end just didn’t want it anymore.

My finger slid in between my legs and I was already moist. The little tuft of dark brown hair tickled my palm as I began to run it up and down while my middle finger slid in and out of me. I felt like a dirty little slut and to make it even more so, I spread my legs wider and then pulled my knees up towards my chest. The sloppy sounds my fingers made as they drove me closer to my orgasm were music to my ears. I could smell my juices mixed with the body cream I was wearing.

When I came I came hard and loud. I knew the walls were thick so I really let go of one of those porn type moans as my body bucked and my legs trembled while the orgasm rushed over me.

When it was over I lay in the darkness and wondered when I would get a real cock in my yearning cunt. It never dawned on me that Josh had just left me and that maybe I should try to get some time between him and a new man. Who gave a shit? I didn’t need a man; I wanted a cock to fuck me. I felt like a horny teenager and it made me laugh.


The following morning I woke up with the sun. I quickly got dressed in my ski clothes and then went down for a hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, strong coffee, and some fruit.

I was first in the line to the lift that would take me up to the top of the mountain and I got to sit on the bench type contraption all by myself. As the lift brought me higher and higher I took in the views around me. Below the pine forest was thinning out and the snow took over. A few minutes later there were no trees just miles and miles of snow and rocks. I saw no other skiers so I presumed I was the first that morning which was good. It had snowed overnight and there was a ten-inch layer of powder snow. I loved to ski powder, it felt like I was skiing in ice-cream.

When the lift chair reached the summit I slid off it and glided to a stop. The lift attendant, an older man, nodded but didn’t say anything. I checked my goggles and then pulled down my hat over my ears. The sun hadn’t reached this part of the slopes and there was a cold wind blowing in my face.

I pushed off with my poles and began to make long turns through the powder snow. I knew I had about a mile before I reached the point where I had to turn and use a track to get back to the lift again.

On three sides were tall mountains and the slope I was on was shaded by them. As I skied down I saw from the corner of my eyes how the sun slowly reached over the tops and began to light up the valley.

Suddenly there was a booming sound, like thunder. I turned to my right only to see a white cloud coming at me. Avalanche, went through my mind. I lowered myself into a hunkering position and went straight down. I am a good skier with strong legs and shoulders, but after a minute of being in that position at that speed, my legs began to feel like cooked macaroni. I knew I couldn’t keep it up for much longer and I was hoping to escape through the trees where they would slow down the oncoming mass of snow.

I was wrong, suddenly my legs gave up from under me and something hit me so hard in the back that all the air was pushed out of my lungs. I fell, the skis coming off my feet, then I lost my poles. The goggles were ripped off my face together with my hat and I began to roll over and over. When I tried to breathe snow entered my mouth and nose and I was suffocating. Meanwhile, my body was slammed into the ground with each roll. I covered my head as best I could but then I hit something hard and everything went black.


“Lady, lady, can you hear me? Please wake up!”

The voice sounded like if it was miles from me, but slowly it came closer and my eyes flickered open.

“Oh God, you are alive! I am so glad.”

The face looking down at me was young, and he had a big smile on his face.

“Are you okay, is anything broken?” he said.

“I..I..do not know.”

My entire body hurt and when I tried to take a deep breath my ribs exploded in pain.

He must have seen it on my face because he said, “You might have broken a rib or two, and you have a gash on your forehead.”

He helped me to stand up and as he did again the pain cut through my side. I took several short breaths and the pain flowed away.

“Can you walk?” he said

“I think so, but shouldn’t we wait here? I mean someone will be coming for us.”

He looked up the mountain and slowly shook his head. “That might take several hours. The avalanche left debris all over the slope and we are cut off.”

I realized I had no idea who this young man was. “Who are you?”

“Oh, sorry. I’m Mike. I was on the slope across from you, I live in the next valley, over there,” he said and pointed.

“I’m lucky you saw me.”

“Yeah, but it took me a while to find you. I thought you would be buried under several feet of snow, but luckily you ended up on top.”

I looked around at the ravaged landscape. We were below the tree line but there were no trees, only stumps where they had been; cut off like toothpicks by the snow.

“What should we do?” I said, feeling weak again.

“There is an old log cabin a bit further down. We can take shelter there until they can send a search party for us.”

“Are you sure? Wouldn’t it be better to stay here, where we are more visible?”

He pointed at the sky. “Look, a storm is coming.”

I followed his arm and he was right. Dark clouds had begun to form and the sun was gone. The wind had increased and I felt the temperature had dropped a few degrees since I had been on the lift.

“We have to take shelter or we will die out here. Trust me. I have lived here all my life and I know how the weather can turn on you.”

“Okay, lead the way, but go slow.”

He put his arm around my waist and we began the slow walk to the cabin over fallen trees, branches, and upturned rocks.

After a few hundred yards I realized my ribs weren’t that bad after all and I could walk without Mike’s help. This made us be able to move faster and after half-an-hour I saw the roof of a building in front of us.

“There it is,” said Mike.

The door was locked but Mike used a small rock to break one of the windows in the door and reached inside to unlock it.

The inside was bare; a wooden table with four chairs, a wood stove and a wooden sofa with an old blanket thrown over it.

“Maybe there is food,” Mike said and opened the only cupboard that hung over the stove. It was empty.

“We can melt snow and boil it so we can drink,” I said.

Mike sighed. “With what? There is no wood.”

He was right. The basket that was supposed to hold the wood for the stove was empty, just a couple of old pine cones rolled around at the bottom when Mike lifted it up.

He went outside but came back quickly. “There is nothing outside either. There were a saw and an ax, but the few logs I could find are frozen and there is no way we can fit them in the stove without cutting them.”

“Shit, no food, no water, and no heating. What about just melting the snow, or eating it?”

Mike shook his head, “No. Eating snow makes you thirstier. You have to boil it first.”

“Fuck!” I said and sat down on one of the chairs.

“What’s your name?” said Mike after he had sat down opposite me.


“I am sure we will be okay. The police and rescue services know about this place and they will come here as soon as they can. All we have to do is sit tight and keep warm.”

I felt my eyes burn and the tears began to flow, and between sobs, I said, “I can’t take anymore.”

“Shh. Calm down. Everything will be fine.”

He took my hands in his and that was when I told him everything that had happened. I had to talk to someone, to let it all out. My parents were no good, they were sure it was my fault Josh had left, saying that I should have stayed at home instead of having a career.

When I was finished and had dried my eyes Mike said, “Your ex-husband is an asshole. You are a beautiful woman, and it is his loss.”

“Thanks. That’s kind of you.”

I wondered how old he was, maybe twenty but not more than twenty-five. He was tall and seemed to be strong but he still had that innocent boyish look on his face. He had a mop of brown hair that fell over his blue eyes and he kept moving it to the side.

We talked and he told me he worked with his father who was a landscaper but he would go skiing as often as he could, most of the time alone. His friends preferred other sports and he had no girlfriend.

As the hours went by darkness came and so did the storm. The wind howled outside and we could feel the draft coming in between the poorly isolated logs that made up the house.

The temperature dropped and I began to shiver even though I was dressed in my ski outfit. Maybe it was the shock, but my hands trembled and my body shook.

Mike got up and went over to the old sofa and picked up the blanket. After shaking off the dust he put it around my shoulders.

It didn’t help, I continued to shake and shiver. “It is so cold,” I said.

“We could use our body heat to warm us,” said Mike.

“How do you mean?”

He sat down on the floor and then laid down on his side. “Come here and lie next to me.”


“Please, it’s the only way to stay warm.”

I got up and did what he asked. When I was lying next to him he put his arms around me and moved in as close as possible. It felt good. Slowly his body heat transferred to mine and I stopped shaking.

“Better?” he asked.

“Mm,” I said.

We must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew was sunlight coming through the dirty windows. Mike was still lying next to me. I had an urge to use the bathroom but there wasn’t one. I had to go outside.

I walked behind the house and pulled down my ski pants and panties. When I squatted I realized that the weather was much warmer.

When I had finished peeing and was about to stand up I heard a sound behind me. I turned, and in doing so my trousers dropped down.

“Oh, I am so sorry. I guess we had the same idea,” said Mike.

“Please, turn around,” I said, feeling stupid and a bit angry.

His eyes moved down to where my cunt was hidden behind my panties. They lingered for a few seconds and then a smile grew on his face.

“I knew you were a hot woman,” he said before turning and walking away from me.

I stood there and watched him while pulling up my trousers. What a rude young man, I thought. But then I blushed. It had been a long time since someone had told me I was hot.

When Mike walked through the door I had taken off my jacket and sat at the table.

“Should we try to walk back?” I said.

He peered out the window. “No, we better stay here.”

“Why? The weather is fine, and I feel better.”

“It’s too dangerous with all those broken tree trunks out there. One misstep and we could break a leg.”

I sighed and leaned back in the chair. Mike had turned from the window and was watching me with his arms crossed over his chest.

“What are you staring at?” I said.

“You. I hope you don’t mind but I find you very attractive.”

“Really? You are aware that I could be your mother?”

He laughed. “Yeah, I do. But I have always liked older women. There’s something sexy about you; maybe it’s that you have more experience than girls my age.”

This was all wrong, I thought. The conversation was taking a dangerous turn and I had to stop it. This kid was way too sure of himself.

“Well, I think you should keep your thoughts to yourself, young man.”

“Oh please, don’t tell me you have never thought about being with a younger guy.”

I turned on my chair so I was looking out the window. “Never. It wouldn’t be right.”

“Why not?”

“Because it just wouldn’t. Please change the topic.”

“Megan, look at me.”

I didn’t want too because he would have seen that I was blushing. He was right of course, I have seen quite a few young men, Manuel, for example, who I found very attractive, but I would never act on it. They were just eye-candy, something to giggle over with my friends.

“Look at me,” Mike repeated.

I slowly turned towards him while saying, “What?”

He had pulled down his pants and his cock hung limp between his legs. It was quite long and thick with brown bushy pubic hair at the base.

“What the hell are you doing?” I said.

“I only thought it would be fair to show you mine after you showed me yours earlier.”

“What do you mean?”

“I watched you take a piss, and I must say you have a beautiful ass.”

“You little bastard, that was not okay. Put your pants back on and stop acting like an idiot.”

Instead, he walked closer until he was standing right next to me. His cock swung a little after he had stopped and to be perfectly honest, it was a prime example of the male sexual reproduction system. I tried to take my eyes off it, but there was something about the situation that excited me.

This complete stranger, a young man I had never met before, was offering me his cock. What was it I had thought about the night before, alone in my bed while rubbing my clit? A cock. I had yearned for a cock, and now I had one.

“C’mon, touch it, I know you want too,” said Mike, his voice slightly husky.

“You are pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

He just smiled and moved a little so his dick swung. I slowly put out my hand and ran my index finger from the base down to the head. As I did, I watched as it slowly filled with blood and became longer and thicker.

“See that? You make me horny,” he said.

Instead of answering I cupped his balls in my other hand and gently squeezed them.

“Mm, do that again,” he said.

I did and he closed his eyes. His dick had reached its erection and the cock head had come out of hiding. It gleamed and was dark red and I wrapped my fingers around his shaft.

“Mm, yes, just like that. Now kiss it,” he said.

For a second I had a panic attack. I saw the rescue workers walk to find me with Mike’s cock in my mouth.

“No, no, I can’t do this,” I said and let go of him.

“Of course you can, it’s just you and me here. We will hear if someone is coming so don’t worry.”

My mind was going crazy; one part wanted this young man while the other said no. I guess the last few days’ frustration won the day and I slowly lowered my head until my lips touched his hot cock head.

“Yes, just like that. Suck it slowly.”

My lips slid over him and down his shaft until I couldn’t take more. It felt weird having another man’s dick in my mouth. It was so different than Josh’s, longer, and thicker and so much harder.

I pulled back to suck on the head and while I did he turned my face so our eyes met.

“You look so sexy doing that,” he said.

Instead of answering I began to move my head up and down until he let go of a moan while he took my head in his hands and moved me away.

His cock slid out with a slurp and I licked my lips.

“I thought you liked it,” I said.

“I did but I don’t want to come yet. Take your clothes off and sit on the table.”

I stayed where I was and said, “Why?”

“I want to lick you before I fuck you.”

The way he said it was as if he was stating the obvious. But I wasn’t so sure. It was one thing to give him a blowjob, but having him fuck me? I wasn’t so sure about that.

“I am fine, don’t worry about me,” I said.

I stood up to walk away but he grabbed my arm and swung me around and then he kissed me.

His lips were hot and his tongue found mine. I had never met a man who could kiss as well as Mike. Within seconds I melted in his arms. He helped me off with my sweater and then my trousers. Before I knew it I was standing in my panties and my bra, but I wasn’t cold. His hands moved to my back where he undid the bra and it fell to the floor. Cupping my boobs in his hands he kissed and licked the nipples and then sucked them in turn.

My body responded and I felt how I became moist, and by the time his hand slid down my tummy and in under my panties I was soaking wet.

With ease, he lifted me up and sat me down on the table where he pulled off my panties and spread my legs.

“You have a pretty pussy,” he said while spreading my lips.

I giggled. The situation was so absurd I thought I was in a dream. The previous day I had almost died in an avalanche and now I was sitting naked on a table with a man half my age who was about to lick me out.

When his tongue touched my clit I let go of a long moan and lay down on the table. Luckily I don’t weigh much or the old table might have broken.

His tongue found the right places and he used his finger to spread my lips so he could suck on my clit.

My fingers grabbed the edges of the table and my nails dug into the old wood, leaving marks, as my body responded to the oral attack on my cunt.

“Yes, yes, oh, yes! No one has licked me in over a year,” I said between moans.

“You taste good,” said Mike and looked up at me. His face was wet from my juices and he had a horny look on his face.

Then he straightened up and grabbed his cock with his right hand. I used my arms to sit up a little so I could see when his dick slid into me.

“Oh, oh, oh, wow! That feels amazing,” I said and slumped back again.

Mike began to fuck me with a slow steady rhythm, he pushed himself all the way as deep as he could and then pulled back so only his cock head was inside.

My pussy grabbed at his shaft and as he increased speed. The table began to creak under me, but I didn’t give a shit. I had survived an avalanche and I was sure I would survive a fall from the table if it broke.

“Oh Mike, fuck me harder, harder,” I moaned with my eyes closed.

He grabbed my hips and thrust back and forth. My orgasm grew and as I bucked and thrashed my head he fucked me deeper and harder.

“Yes, yes, here I come,” I yelled. My body exploded and shook as the orgasm hit me.

Mike didn’t stop; he kept on going so that half a minute later another orgasm ravished my body.

Then he pulled out and jerked off, his hot cum landed on my tummy and boobs and glittered in the sunlight coming in from the window.

When he was done he simply turned around and left me on the table. I stayed there, trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I had just been fucked like never before by a stranger.

When he came back his cock was limp and I looked down at it. “What happened?”

“I used snow to clean myself, and it’s kind of cold.”

I laughed. “Poor you, would you like me to warm you up,” I said and licked my lips.

He leaned down and kissed my lips and then each nipple in turn. When he looked at me he said, “I would love to go another round, but the rescue team will soon be here. I heard them when I went outside.”

I looked down at my naked body and the cum that was still covering my boobs and tummy. “Oh god, I need to clean up.”

“No time. Just put on your clothes.”

Ten minutes later they arrived. We were led out and a couple of hours later I was safely back in my room. Mike had been taken home to his family in the next valley, and I was alone.

The first thing I did was to take a long hot shower and then I dressed for dinner. On my way into the bar, Jurgen came up to me and said, “You are very lucky. If it hadn’t been for Mike finding you, you would be dead by now.”

I put my hand on his shoulder. “Yes. Mike saved my life.”

A smile played on his lips and he leaned in saying, “I happen to know that Mike is a bit of a lover boy. I bet you spent the night and day safely in his arms.”

I blushed and was about to say something when he walked away. I stared at his back and then went to the bar where I ordered a double Bloody Mary from Manuel while wondering what the Latin man would be like in bed. For some reason, the experience with Mike had woken up something that I had thought I had lost, the need for sexual adventures.

Published 9 years ago

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