Aurelia, The Others, And Me – Chapter 2

"Aurelia finally gets her hands back on me."

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The morning had started awkwardly. Marco was sheepish, trying to laugh off his drunken antics from the night before. Meanwhile, Bela hovered around, offering lingering glances and playful nudges that made my chest tighten with guilt. She deserved better than being a temporary distraction, but that’s exactly how I had treated her.

As I sat in my cubicle, pretending to focus on the client file before me, my mind drifted back to last night. I could still feel the weight of Bela’s legs wrapped around me, her soft murmurs in my ear. But each time, the memory was interrupted by a flash of Aurelia. Her teasing smile on the dance floor, the smirk on her lips in that photograph. It was as if she was everywhere, pulling me back into her orbit. 

The guilt gnawed at me, not just because of Bela but because of what it said about me. I had used her to escape the tangled mess of feelings that Aurelia’s reappearance had stirred up. But it hadn’t worked. If anything, it made everything worse. And now, I couldn’t stop worrying about how it might affect things at Marco’s. If Bela felt hurt, would I need to find somewhere else to stay? The selfishness of that thought only made me feel more ashamed.

Around lunch, Nat texted me, renewing her offer to go on a run later today. The rest of the day dragged on at a glacial pace until I finally found myself riding the subway again. I dropped by Marco’s to get changed, glad no one else was there. 

I made my way to the square Nat had mentioned, arriving a little early. The sun was low, casting a soft, golden light over the busy street. I sat on a bench, letting the sounds of the city wash over me as I tried to push away my anxiety. Maybe the run would help clear my head. 

A few minutes later, I spotted Nat walking toward me. She looked slightly uncomfortable like the workout gear was new and unfamiliar. Still, she managed to wear it well. But my attention was stolen by the stunning redhead woman standing next to her.


Of course, Nat had brought her. It all made sense now, her awkwardness when making the offer, the tense conversation I had caught between them at the party. This was a setup.

But I couldn’t bring myself to be angry. Not when Aurelia looked like that. Her athletic shorts clung to her hips, accentuating every curve, and her sports bra revealed her midriff’s smooth, pale skin. Her red hair was tied up in a high ponytail, swaying with each step, and despite everything, I couldn’t stop myself from staring.

“Hey, Tom!” Nat’s voice was upbeat as if nothing was wrong.

“Hello, Nat,” I paused, turning to her friend. “Aurelia, I wasn’t expecting to see you today.”

“Oh, I texted you earlier asking if it was okay for me to come, Thomas.” Her tone was neutral, her face the very image of indifference, but a spark in her eyes dared me to react. “You must’ve missed it.”

Crap! She was still blocked on my phone. Did she know that?

“I guess…”

Nat shifted awkwardly beside her, glancing at me with an apologetic smile. “Well, now that we’re all here… shall we start?”

In a strained silence, we set off at a brisk pace. Aurelia took the lead, her ponytail trailing behind her, while I struggled to match her rhythm. Two years of being cooped up, glued to my desk, working on my startup had taken its toll. Still, I was determined to keep up, even if it meant ignoring the burn in my legs.

But to my surprise, Nat seemed to be struggling even more than I was

Before long, her black hair was plastered to her forehead, damp with sweat, and she slowed to a halt, hands on her knees, panting. 

“You guys are going too fast,” she said between two ragged breaths.

Aurelia jogged back to her, barely winded, and crouched beside her.

“Come on, Nat! The first kilometer is the hardest,”  she leaned over, rubbing her shoulder. “You just need to get into the rhythm.” She looked up at me. Despite her supportive tone, I could see that competitive glint in her eyes. “Right, Thomas?”

Her smirk and the use of my full name was egging me on. “Yeah, sure.”

Truth be told, we were going too fast for me, too, but there was no way I would admit that in front of her. I could already feel my lungs burning. Still, I wasn’t about to let Aurelia make me look weak. I straightened up, willing myself to act like this was nothing, even though my muscles were already screaming at me to stop.

Nat groaned and waved a hand, still bent over. “Rhythm, my ass,” she muttered, shooting Aurelia a glare through her sweat-soaked bangs. “I knew this was a bad idea.” She pushed herself upright, her breathing still heavy. “I’m going home. You two maniacs can keep going, but next time, make sure that you don’t burn me before we even get started.”

“Oh, sorry, sweetie.” Aurelia’s tone was sugary. She reached out and gave Nat’s arm a light pat, but there was no real effort to convince her to stay.

Nat snorted, unfazed. “Whatever.” She shot one last pointed look at Aurelia before turning to me. “Let’s keep in touch, Tom.” With that, she started on her way back.

Despite her apparent annoyance, I couldn’t help but smile. This had been what most of high school had looked like: Aurelia and I doing something dumb and the serious Nat getting angry, though back then, I would have been the usual target of her ire.

Aurelia caught my amused look.

“What about you?” She smiled enticingly. “Ready to get back into it?”

I nodded, and without waiting for my response, she bolted. Swearing under my breath, I took off after her, my legs straining to match her pace.

It was hard to tell how long we spent running like kids, darting through the streets without a clear direction. Every time I managed to pull ahead, pushing myself to pass her, she’d slip past me at the next intersection, sticking her tongue out or flashing me a teasing smile over her shoulder. We were both laughing, breathless, racing aimlessly through the maze of the city.

Our comfort with each other was coming back so fast, a light year away from the detachment she’d shown earlier. It was simultaneously disorienting and thrilling, like slipping into a favorite old song you hadn’t heard in years.

Eventually, Aurelia slowed, glancing back to ensure I was still following, before stopping in front of a door I didn’t recognize. I jogged up to her, panting, my chest heaving as I caught my breath. As I reached her side, I noticed a faint sheen of sweat on her brow, her cheeks flushed and glowing.

But if she looked a little winded, I was drenched. With a gentle, almost absentminded touch, she reached out and brushed her hand over my forehead, wiping away the sweat and pushing my damp hair out of my eyes.

“You’re cooked,” she said in a soft tone. Seeing as I was too confused by her unprompted familiar gesture to answer, she added, pointing at the door. “Anyways, this is mine.”

“Oh… sure. I’ll head back home, then.” I stumbled over the words, still a little dazed from her touch, and turned to leave, but I felt her fingers wrap around my hand.

“For once in your life, don’t be stubborn, okay?” Her tone was light but commanding, her hand curling around mine as she guided me up a narrow stairway. The stairs creaked with each step until we reached her door, which she opened, revealing a small, albeit cozy, living room.

I felt out of place, an intruder in her new life standing there, covered in sweat, in the middle of her apartment. 

“I should really get going.” I tried to sound assertive, but my voice betrayed me, inviting Aurelia to brush my protests away. “I’m disgusting, I need a shower.”

She turned to look at me, a flash of annoyance marring her features. “And obviously, my apartment doesn’t have one.” Her smile was back, and she softly punched my shoulder. “Don’t move.”

Aurelia slipped behind a door into what I imagined was her bedroom. Alone, I looked around. This place had nothing to do with the posh apartment she’d shared with Lance. I could picture a struggling artist living here. Each piece of furniture looked like it had been thrifted, and none shared the same style. Yet it all felt strangely harmonious.

She reappeared before I could look closer, thrusting a bundle of clothes into my hands.

“You’re right, though. You are a bit ripe.” She gave me a warm smile, pointing at another door. “Go shower and change. These should fit you.”

Sheepishly, I nodded and went to her bathroom, feeling her gaze on my neck as I did. 

I was already taking off my clothes when I noticed the razor and can of shaving cream on the edge of the sink. Maybe she had a roommate, but the weight in my heart made me suspect what I did not want to think about. After only knowing him for a few months, she was living with Finn, her new boyfriend. 

Climbing into the stall, my eyes landed on the masculine products strewn around. I had been so engrossed with Aurelia’s attention that I had forgotten the games she’d been playing with me.

Deflated, I quickly cleaned myself up, using her floral body wash rather than Finn’s. It would have been weird smelling like another man. But as I got out, I realized the clothes she’d innocently given me had to be his.

My workout gear looked gross, so I resignedly put on a T-shirt and shorts, which were way too big for me. 

My sore muscles started aching as I walked out, making me limp. Noticing it, Aurelia jumped to her feet.

“Looks like we overdid it.” She took both my hands and gently guided me to the couch. Her hands lingered, and I wondered why I let her take such control. Why was I being so passive?

“Here, lie down,” she said softly. “I’ll take a quick shower and be right back.” 

Aurelia seemed almost energized, her eyes bright, as if having me here had restored her power. She smiled, pausing before she headed to the bathroom, her voice tender but light. 

“It’s too funny. You look like a kid in his dad’s clothes.”

I felt a cold wave wash over me, her casual words putting me right back in my place in her new life. She probably didn’t mean it that way, and she was already gone, unable to notice my crestfallen expression.

But the ache in my muscles, the soft hum of her apartment, and the sunbeam warming me dulled the sting of her comment. I felt myself sinking down, fatigue settling as my body gave in to the weight of it all. I might have drifted off if it hadn’t been for the sudden, surprising weight on my chest.

A dark, furry shape had landed squarely on me. A black cat stared up at me with calm eyes. I blinked and then slowly lifted my hand to pat it. The pet seemed to approve, curling into the sunbeam. Its purrs were a soft vibration against my chest, grounding me as I let my fingers sink into its warm fur.

I must have stared at the cat for a long time because Aurelia’s voice startled me.

“Ah! You’ve met Napoleon.” My head whipped towards her. She was already out of the bathroom,  wearing a revealing tank top tucked into short denim cutoffs that didn’t leave much to the imagination. She had a big smile on and knelt next to me, her hand joining mine to pet the purring cat.

“It’s a bit cliché, but he doesn’t usually like strangers.” She tilted her head, studying Napoleon’s relaxed sprawl on my chest. Her eyes gleamed with amusement. “Mind scooting over a bit?”

If I had the physical ability to purr, I would have joined the cat. Instead, I just nodded and slid up the couch. Aurelia settled in, slipping her legs beneath mine. Her fingers found my naked calves, kneading the muscles, which was both soothing and electrifying.

“Still sore?” she asked softly.

I swallowed, her touch making it challenging to keep my voice steady. “Yeah… a little.”

She chuckled, her hands working the tension from my calves. This close to me, she probably could smell that I had used her body wash. But if she did, she didn’t mention it. 

“It’s so nice taking care of you like that,” she murmured, her eyes focused on her hands. “Like old times.”

Her words settled over me, both comforting and bittersweet. “Won’t Finn freak out if he sees us like this?”

She frowned. “He’s always at his stupid bar. I’m alone most afternoons and nights.”

“Oh, that must suck. I had the opposite problem with my ex.”

That sparked her interest, and she looked up into my eyes, her eyebrows raised. But seeing as I was not elaborating, she egged me on in a teasing tone.

“Come on, explain,” she urged. “Don’t leave a girl hanging.”

I shrugged, a reluctant smile tugging at my lips. “We founded our startup together with a mutual friend. We were with each other pretty much 24/7. In a cramped garage.”

Aurelia tilted her head, her expression softening. “I don’t know.” She had a longing look on her face. “I’m so starved for attention right now that… it actually sounds kinda nice to me.”

We shared a quiet laugh, though something in her tone had changed, slipping into a softer, more vulnerable place. She ran her hand over my leg again before adding, almost to herself, “Lance and I were like that, too… at the end.”

My chest tightened at the mention of her ex, the one I’d once seen with her in that unfiltered, raw way that I could never forget. Even now, the memory hit like a gut punch. But as I looked at her, her eyes cast down, I realized she needed to open up.

“What happened between you two anyway?” I asked gently.

She didn’t look at me. “Don’t pretend. I remember that night you stayed with us. You were weirded out. The age gap was a huge issue.” I said nothing. He’d been more than twenty years older than her. “So yeah… I’m his ex-wife. Number three.”

“You got married?” I couldn’t hide the shock in my voice. Her cheeks colored, and she averted her gaze, her hands shifting restlessly against my legs.

“Yup…” Her voice was barely a whisper. “Twenty-six, and I already have a failed marriage under my belt. Nice, heh?” She laughed, but it was brittle, and the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.

I felt a wave of regret for reacting so bluntly. “Hey, come on,” I said, nudging her hand with my knee to draw her attention back. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. I’m twenty-six, and I already have a bankruptcy on my record. Same club, right?”

There it was, her genuine, throaty laughter. “Thanks, we’re just a bunch of losers, I guess.” She ran her hands a little higher on my legs. “Anyway, that’s why I’m annoyed with Finn so much. These days, I mostly date for sex and companionship. He fails pretty hard on the companionship front.”

My mind reeled at the implication. Sex was the only reason she stayed with Finn. I was already picturing what she looked like in bed with him, her pale limbs wrapped around his strong frame. I needed to change topics. Even with my modest length and oversized shorts, my erection would become evident if we kept going.

“Still at odds with your parents?” I could not get the words out fast enough.

She shot me an amused glance. “No, we’re good now. That was an eternity ago. I just don’t take their money. In exchange, they let me live my life. Works out well enough.”

“What do you do for money, then?”

“Still some acting and modeling. I also work part-time at a daycare.”

I chuckled, the mental image of the Aurelia I knew wrangling toddlers too funny to suppress.

“Stop laughing, you butt.” She slapped my thigh but was giggling too. “People change, okay? I like kids now.”

She went back to massaging my legs, and we let a comfortable silence settle, only disturbed by the variations in Napoleon’s purrs. Yet, her behavior from last night made it impossible for me to enjoy the intimacy.

“Why’d you leave that picture on my phone?”

Aurelia froze, blushing even harder than at the mention of her divorce.

“I don’t know…” She was not taking her eyes off my thighs. “I just wanted to get your attention. I guess that’s why I got Nat to set up today’s run, too. Why I asked her to leave us alone.”

“You’re making this so much harder for me, and you know it,” I hoped I did not sound as pathetic as I felt.

Her gaze shot up, her hands pressing more insistently against my skin, her face full of frustration. “It doesn’t have to be this way, Tom. We were best friends for our whole lives. We only started dating because everyone expected us to. It wasn’t even that big of a deal.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. We’d shared every single one of our firsts together. And here she was, rewriting it, stripping our past down to a high school fling. I swallowed hard, my chest tightening.

“It felt pretty important to me, Aurelia. I don’t think I can just… go back to normal.” My voice wavered, the words feeling heavier than I wanted them to.

“It’s been eight years!” She was flushed with anger, the mask of composure she’d held all afternoon slipping. “You’ve punished me enough for our breakup. I get it. You get to block me and move halfway across the world. But now you’re here, and we clearly have a bond.”

Sensing the tension, Napoleon jumped off me and darted out of the room.

“You were the most important person in my life. And you’re keeping me at arm’s length over something that happened when we were kids?” She had tears in her eyes, but she kept going into me. “There were times when I’d see something, a book, a record, any random thing, and I’d think, ‘Oh, Tom would love that.’ But you made me teach myself to ignore it.”

“What do you want me to say, Aurelia?”

“Admit it! Admit you only ever cared about me because you wanted to fuck me.”

Her bluntness took the fight out of me. Did she really believe that? She was progressively leaning over me.

“That’s it, isn’t it? My only value was that I would play with your cock.” Her hands reached for the hem of my shorts, her voice trembling. “I saw the way you looked at me earlier. You got hard just from me mentioning sex. Think I didn’t notice, smartass?”

Before I could react, she slid her hand under the waistband, her fist closing around my cock. Her face showed no emotions apart from the tears rolling down her cheeks. I was frozen in place, my breath hitching, my heart thumping in my head, torn between guilt and helpless attraction.

“That’s why you creeped on me and Lance having sex.” Her words were soft, almost venomous, and my eyes widened in shock. She saw my reaction and continued, her hand slowly moving along my length. “Yeah, he told me. He told me you were jerking yourself off like some pathetic pervert while he fucked me like a man.”

She started to stroke me faster, her hand firm, making her breasts jiggle freely within her loose top. I knew I wouldn’t last long. I knew I should do something to get away. But the softness of her grip kept me in place, drowning out my better judgment.

“This is the price, right? This is what you want?” She was so close to me now, whispering in my ear, her breath hot and wet against my skin. ”I’m just here to satisfy your sick little fantasies, and you’ll stick around. I tried to get your attention for so long, but you’re so simple. I’m just a pair of boobs to you. I’ll be your stupid sex doll, and we can go back to being friends.”

Her words hit hard, breaking through the fog of my conflicted arousal. Did I think like that? Part of me did. I was obsessed with how she looked, the times we had shared, the men she was with. The guilt that washed over me almost made me forget how manipulative she’d been.

Despite myself, I felt the release building, and before I could stop it, I spilled inside the shorts, making a mess of myself and her fingers. My orgasm had a sobering effect on the both of us, pulling us apart. She got her hand out quickly as I jolted off the couch. We were both looking at my sperm on her skin in disbelief.

For a second, she looked lost, as if still processing her own outburst, an ever-increasing stream of tears falling freely now. Then the shock faded, replaced by anger and heartbreak, her chest rising and falling with silent sobs.

“I think you’d better go.” 

Published 3 months ago

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