aunty betty

"a stunning and rebellious 17 year old girl learns discipline the hard way"

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The year was 1979, and I was in the final year at a very exclusive girls boarding school just outside London. Being a a very tall striking blond with an outgoing personality made me extremely popular and some people even considered me rather arrogant. However I was really quite unassuming. In fact I never assumed as this would only lead to assumptions. The school I attended was very prestigious and very high standards of behavior were expected from all the girls.  Any girl who did not meet these expectations was seen to rather swiftly,keeping in mind that at this time corporal punishment was the norm and most of the female teachers were not backward in coming forward when it came to administering same. However apart from the usual slapped legs which were more or less routine I had managed to avoid the more severe punishments that many of my less sophisticated classmates had received.

It was the mid term break and I was scheduled to spend time with my aunt, a single mother with a 19 year old daughter Amanda.  It had been a few years since I had seen them because they had been living overseas for a while and I looked forward to seeing both of them again.
My aunt was also a very tall and extremely attractive woman who taught physical education at another exclusive girls school in east London.  She was only 37 years old and was very athletic having won a gold medal for  England in swimming in the Commonwealth games when she was only a teenager. However she had a fearsome reputation as a strict disciplinarian in both her professional and private life. I knew some of her students and even the slightest hint of naughtiness would result in an immediate and very harsh leg smacking usually followed up by a trip to her study where a good slippering was usually on the cards.

My cousin Amanda picked me up from the station and I was surprised to see her wearing a very short skirt and heavy makeup since  I knew Aunty Betty did not approve of immodest dress and was also very strict about makeup.

I was also dressed rather immodestly in a very short skit and always wore a lot of makeup. When we arrived home Aunty Betty was not there. As Amanda helped me unpack I noticed rather severe handprints on the back of each of her upper thighs and realised that unless I changed into more appropriate clothes and took care of my makeup my thighs would be warmed up as well. Amanda said not to worry since  my aunt would not be home for some time and offered me a cigarette.

Well we were relaxing smoking away when suddenly Aunt Betty burst into the room unexpectedly. I was too shocked to react but she quickly embraced me and gave me a big hug and a kiss. She then turned me around , lifted up the back of my rather short dress and delivered eight stinging smacks to the back each of my upper thighs and told us to wait there for her. I was a bit scared and asked Amanda what was going to happen. Amanda said a good thrashing was on the cards.

I had never been thrashed before and asked her what she meant but before she could answer Aunt Betty appeared with a very thick leather strap. Amanda was the fist to bend over the chair.  Her skirt was lifted and she was given four of the best across her thin cotton panties. Her panties were then lowered and she received an additional four across her bare bottom. I then received the same. After Aunty Betty left the room Amanda opened a jar of cream and we rubbed it on each others bottoms which was very soothing. We then kissed passioately and consoled each other.
Needless to say my stay turned out to be very interesting.

Published 17 years ago

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