When my mum rang me, five days before Christmas day, to tell me that my Aunt Ella, her sister, was coming to spend time with us over the holidays, I wasn’t entirely surprised. After Tony (the cheating sod), had left her, six months prior, and she’d shown all the textbook signs of taking the demise of a twenty-year marriage badly (i.e. drastic hair change, weight gain and losing all risk aversion), it would have been cruel to have left her on her own in that big old Victorian townhouse, with nothing more than a three grand, show-grade Weimaraner to keep her warm. When she told me however that I and my aunt had to share a room, however, I couldn’t hide my annoyance.
“What do you want me to say?” My mum sighed on the phone. “You know that the guest bedroom is being renovated, and my room’s too small.”
“Too small? Big enough to fit a forty-inch television in it though. What if she snores? I literally can’t believe you’re making me share a room with my aunt. There’s only one bed and I’ll have to sleep in a sleeping bag. Bloody hell!”
“Well,” she started, pausing in thought, “you loved camping, before.”
“Yeah— mum, when I was literally a kid.”
“Look. My house, my rules.” That was mum’s final word for everything, and being nineteen, I thought she’d have shed it by now, especially with me growing into a literal man. Yet, looking back, I should have been thanking her; singing her praises and thanking my lucky stars for such a whimsical idea. If it weren’t for my mum, I’d never have received the best Christmas present of all: losing my virginity to my sexy aunt.
On the evening of the 22nd, after an evening of us all sitting on the sofa, watching Christmas films and collectively demolishing a box of Quality Street, I left my mum and her sister, slightly tipsy, heading to bed just before the evening news. It’d been a long day and as much as I was coming around to the idea of Aunt Ella spending time with us, I wanted to avoid the awkwardness of us going up to sleep at the same time; like a weird married couple, doing our evening routine or something. Brushing my teeth and dressing down to a pair of boxer shorts, I slipped into my dusty sleeping bag, falling fast asleep as soon as my head hit the makeshift pillow made with an old jumper, bundled into a pile.
I was fast asleep, deep within the abyss of bubbly-laced dreams, when a strange noise woke me. I rubbed my eyes, looking up in the darkness at my bed, across the room. The duvet’s shape was certainly my aunt’s— I could tell by the large contours and curves that draped her venus-like form. Yet the noises that were coming from her direction, were less familiar. She was breathing heavily; her throat sounded dry, as she panted, the bed moving with a hurried motion.
At first, I thought she was crying— it wouldn’t have been out of character, not only with her being a drama queen but given the aftermath of the divorce, likely still looming. Yet, the squelching sound of watery flesh; the gasping with each thrust of pleasure as she fingered her hairy, middle-aged fanny in the same room as me, thinking I was nothing but fast asleep, was as unexpected as can be. There was no doubt in my mind that my Aunt Ella was fingering herself, there in the same room as me. I was speechless.
I lay there, watching her in the darkness as she masturbated, over and over again, my cock growing from a thumb-sized nub to a throbbing rod as I listened in the dark. Each time she orgasmed, she let out a long, muted ohhh, with a heavy ‘h’ that conjured visions of a sticky mess between her juicy thighs for some lucky soul to lick clean. Laying there as still as I could, I rubbed my cock within the cocoon of the cheap sleeping bag, trying my best not to be heard or cum, as she played with her fat vulva, eager sticky lips and hungry pussy well into the rainy night.
When morning finally came, sunlight gleamed through my bedroom like a glaring flare. Stretching and rubbing my eyes, I slowly got to my feet and gasped. There Aunt Ella was, fast asleep on my bed. Her curvaceous, pristine, hairless thighs were open for my private viewing, her leg hanging off the side of the bed limply, the choppy waves of her tummy ready to be grabbed, licked and worshipped.
Her panties— a pair of pink, french knickers, covered her fat vulva, pubic hair sticking out of the sides like a rogue beard, defying any form of being tamed. Down her gusset was a large damp patch of grey, making the cleft of her vulva show straight through; cummy wet fabric stuck to the tender flesh of her fanny. The only parts of her body that was obscured were her giant breasts and her sleeping face. I couldn’t help myself.
High on the rush of such a taboo, yet exhilarating sight, I put my hands down my trousers, quietly lacing it with vaseline behind me on my dresser, gazing into my aunt’s fat crotch as I began playing with my needy cock. Each stroke of my hand against my lubricated dick, made me think of being inside her warm, welcoming, hungry cunt.
I’d never had sex before (the most I’d got was a handful of blowjobs from a girl I met on a family holiday to Tenerife, three years back) and so the fantasy of losing my virginity to a sexy older woman gripped my horny teenage brain, let alone a sex-deprived blood relative. My heart thumped in my chest with risk and arousal, as I imagined her slopping slit swallowing my cock and all its leaky contents. Suddenly the duvet stirred.
Slowly, but surely, the familiar face of my Aunt popped out from beneath the billowing layers. It wore a sleepy, dazed look, her bushy hair obscuring her ageing face slightly, while she pushed her frizzy mane out from her symmetrical, oblong-shaped head, beautiful even without makeup. Quick as a flash, my hand retreated from my boxers. Our eyes locked, intensely. At first, she grimaced, wearing a suspicious frown. Then, looking down to her crotch, and then to mine, a cheeky, leering grin formed on her creased face.
“Sleep well, darling?” she asked, slowly, showing off her soaked gusset, proudly.
The following twenty-four hours were hellish. There I was, pacing around the house, worried sick as to whether my aunt would tell my mum about what my aunt had seen; or what I thought she’d seen. I’d be there in my room, sitting on my bed, the sheets heavy with the scent of her natural musk and skin moisturiser, rocking back and forth with anxiety. Then I’d have a quick wank, to take my mind off things, and it would, but then I’d get so horny at the thought of Aunt Ella’s sticky snatch, that I’d have to have another one, using her dirty knickers, stuffed in the front of her pristine, futuristic-looking suitcase, as a sexual aid, sniffing the yellow-stained goodness of her used panties while I came over and over
Still, by the evening, mum seemed none the wiser, and us sitting all around the table, laughing beneath the cosy light and passing hot pyrex dishes around, nothing seemed amiss, apart from the odd, covert wink from my aunt, sipping on her third flute of Bollinger.
The following morning, late for work, I burst into the bathroom, needing to clean my teeth before cycling two miles to work for the last day before the holidays. Barging the strong teak door open, I had to double-take at the scene in front of me. There she was, illuminated by a yolky glow of sunlight. Aunt Ella— fully naked, sat on the toilet. Her cloud-like frizzy hair draped over her shoulders, her bare breasts, hanging slightly, sitting on her welcoming, warm stomach. Never having seen her breasts until that moment, I was amazed at their size; her dark tan nipples and saucer-sized, dimpled areolas made me salivate at their width. Above her right breast sat a faded script tattoo, which I didn’t know existed. Our eyes locked, and reading the embarrassment on my face, she smiled, simply.
“I— am— so sorry,” I began, backing out of the door. She shook her head, dismissively. “I had no idea anyone was in here. Honest.” Truth is, I was being honest, but I couldn’t have been rewarded in a better way, for a genuine accident like this.
“Hey— it’s fine,” she said, placidly. Even sat on a toilet, she looked fuckable in ways I couldn’t even articulate. How could Tony have left her, I thought to myself, standing there, bashfully. She looked down at her crotch, a trickle of piss trailing from between her legs into the toilet bowl. “I was nearly finished anyway. I’m sure a handsome boy like you has seen it all before, right?” I nodded once.
Closely I watched her as she finished pissing, wiping herself, and with a deep sigh, her eyes fixed on my crotch. I tried my best to hide my erection; to tame my arousal at the sight of my curvy, busty Aunt and her beautiful naked body, but my cock was as honest as ever, rising to a pitched tent there and then. What happened next, changed my life, irreversibly. Slowly, my Aunt Ella began rubbing her tits, each time harder and harder. Closing her eyes, enjoying the sensation in its entirety, she handled her bust erotically, massaging them, performing for her horny nephew. I backed against the door, closing it shut. I’d never, in all of the porn I’d ever watched, or toothy blowjobs received, witnessed anything so sexy in my life.
“See anything you like, sweetie?” she asked, breathily, seductively pinching each of her nipples, pulling on her heavy milkers. I nodded. Slowly, and gradually, she parted her thighs as wide as they’d go. Her pussy was now hairless; a sight that shocked me at first glance, but didn’t deter me in the slightest. Puffy and engorged, it looked fit to burst; a juicy camel’s toe, ready to be licked and devoured in all its milfy goodness. Freeing my cock from my trousers, I spat into my palm, ready to empty my balls in this incestuous joint performance. Just as I started stimulating my throbbing, teenage cock, a knock on the bathroom door startled me.
“Ella— you finished yet, or what!?” My mum whined. “We need to get a move on if we’re gonna make it to that sale. Get your arse into gear!”
Nestling into the nook of the sofa, I tried to get comfortable. My body was restless; probably in its newfound craving to fuck, and I just couldn’t relax.
“And, some Baileys.” Aunt Helen said aloud, pensively.
“Baileys?” Mum asked.
“Yeah. The big one.”
Mum glanced at the shopping list being made on her mobile phone, squinting at the harsh backlight.
“So I’ve got: bottle of Baileys, a tube of Pringles and two boxes of mince pies.”
“Exactly.” Answered my Aunt Ella. She was lying on the sofa adjacent to me, a pair of simple grey tracksuit bottoms, the waistband tucked into a faded pink t-shirt that, being too small, clung to her heavy curves as if glued. Her erect nipples were visible even in the low light of the room; a small detail that made me smile uncontrollably. My mum turned to me, ready to get out of the door, into the winter night. It was Christmas eve, and having demolished all of the cupboards and two shelves of the fridge, mum had offered to do a quick Tesco run— something that neither myself nor Aunt Ella had any problem with whatsoever.
“You sure you don’t want anything from the shops?”
“I’m sure, mum.”
Shrugging, my mum said her goodbyes and closed the front door, plunging me and my aunt into silence as we sat in the living room, watching the same Christmas films we watched year in, and year out. My aunt yawned, scratching her chest, before looking over to me, smiling.
Having masturbated over the sight of her more times than I could count, in the last few days, I wasn’t tired of any attention she gave to me. Even though we’d had zero body contact, my cock craved her flesh; my semen craved her cunt. My lips craved her suckable nipples, sticky tongue and even the warmth of her obscured, yet fragrant arsehole. My fantasies ran amongst themselves, melding and mixing as I goofily stared back, before she opened her mouth, breaking the silence.
“You know, if you’re cold, you can come and sit with me. I won’t bite.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, My face reinforced the sentiment.
“Are you sure? I mean—”.
Aunt Ella interrupted.
“Of course, sweetie. Come and spoon with Aunt Ella. Bring that blanket over with you too.”
Grabbing the unfolded wool blanket on the corner of the sofa, I walked over towards her, not quite knowing how to sit. Moving her frame, she welcomed me down the side of her, guiding me till I was spooning her. My heart was racing uncontrollably in her side, as she took my hand and framed it around her waist like a belt.
“Wow,” she started, arching her peachy bum into my crotch, “Someone’s heart is beating rather fast, isn’t it? I can feel it— right there in my back.” Pushing harder with her butt cheeks, her arse sunk into my rising erection, as it grew with the delicious stimulation. “And something else seems to be happy to feel me too.” I remained silent, clutching her tummy closer, as she began grinding against me slowly, working her giant peach against my crotch.
“I’ve been watching you sweetie; for a little while that is, and it’s clear to me that you’re still a virgin,” she said, continuing to grind on me. Slowly my hands rose towards her breasts. “It’s OK— being a virgin is good. But Aunt Ella can offer you something fun, to help shift that little title. If you want it, that is? Besides, I’ve been— well, I’ve been so lonely. My kitty cat— she’s been lonely too; she needs a new friend. Do you have a friend for her?” She turned her head towards me, her frizzy hair obscuring our glare. Instinctively pushing it to the side, we kissed.
Instantaneously, my hand started gripping her breasts, causing her to let out a long moan, as our tongues tussled and writhed on one another. Over her head went her t-shirt, releasing her skin for me to handle, my trousers coming off soon after, followed by her tracksuit bottoms. She looked at my throbbing teenage cock in all its glory with an eager glare, forcing it into her mouth, sucking it keenly as I slowly began thrusting back and forth, handling her milkers as she blew me like a stripper doing extras.
Sensing I was close to cumming, she pushed me back into the sofa, and straddling me slowly, looking me square in the eyes as she slowly, surely and dominantly, lowered her weight onto my dick. Feeling her wet, warm, juicy fanny engulfing me made my eyes roll back with pleasure, each eager rocking from her thighs, making her juices run down my crotch to my ballsack. Soon enough she was bouncing up and down, each motion making the tip of my prick nudge the farthest reach of her cervix.
“Aunt Ella’s so wet, darling— you turn her on so fucking much,” she mouthed to me, gyrating her juicy legs and snatch as I grabbed onto her for dear life. “Shower me, baby. Give me the present I’ve wanted all these years from my sexy nephew. I need your cum down my throat, sweetie.”
In the fracas, I began suckling on her nipples, gripping each of her arse cheeks for support. They felt satisfying in my mouth, warm and familiar in a strange way, as I nestled onto her chest.
“Oh, Aunt Ella,” I moaned, “I’m gonna cum soon. This is— ugh, holy fuck, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum.”
“You’re gonna cum? That’s good, sweetie. Go on— suck me, suck me like I’m Mummy. That’s right. Just like Mummy.” I gripped her closer still, hearing my cock squelch inside her leaking hole.
“Oh mummy… Mummy Ella. Take my cock. Take my cock”.
“Deeper, sweetie. Deeper for Mummy Ella. Stretch my soaking fanny, sweetie!”
Hopping off my dick, and dropping to her knees, she began wanking me, working my thick cock, back and forth with slutty devotion, grinning to herself sadistically as I released a seven-spurt load over her face, showering her mouth, nose and hair with my teenage seed. I’d never cum that much from wanking in my entire life, and the sight of the sheer amount of semen made me fall back with shock, both of us laughing as we lay in a sweaty heap.
“Comfort and joy,” I said to her, after catching my breath, beads of sweat covering my face and torso.
“What was that, sweetie?” she asked, toying with her sore, soaked vagina.
“Comfort and joy,” I repeated, to which she smirked, continuing to play with herself, wiping my cream from the side of her mouth, before savouring its lovely sweetness with a long lick from her tired, satisfied tongue.