But I have never been an exhibitionist and always considered my body sanctified. Larissa however was clad only in her matching white bra and panties. Her plump, pink, puffy areolas were now clearly visible through the material. It had become transparent from the water sprayed on her by the staff of Cancun’s hottest night-spot, “Bare Your Soul”. We stood on stage accepting the hoots of applause from hundreds of horny college students. The competition had been narrowed to just me and my best friend from UCLA’s Class of 2018.
As the noise level rose to a new high I suspected Larissa was making her play to win the competition. The crowd was in a frenzy yelling at us; “Show your Tits!”, “Skin to Win!” and “Drop your Draws!”
As Larissa hooked two fingers in her G-String, the chant became, “Down, down, down!”
One clever woman in the front row even called out, “Fire in the Hole!” She was obviously very impressed with Larissa’s fiery red waist length hair and stunning physique.
I turned just in time to see Larissa start modeling her birthday suit! Her pert 34C breasts with their fat, pink, rubbery nipples now danced in unison with the strobe lights. She was glistening with drops of what undoubtedly was a mixture of water spray, sweat, and her own female lubrication, now awakened by her desires.
The layer of very fine reddish blonde, peach-fuzz hair blanketing her breasts was dueling with the mirror ball. Her legs were as long as the constitution and her hips drew away from her torso like a nut cracker on steroids. She had intentionally shaved her pussy earlier that day, knowing full well what she was going to be doing this evening. The result was a magnificently glowing vulva, her long thick labia flapping around like flags in a stiff breeze. She was statuesque, and she knew it!
I drew in a deep breath and surveyed the situation. It was either here and now, or forever carry the stigma of being a prude. The crowd was acting like a pack of hungry dogs on a T-Bone, practically foaming at the mouth.
Cindy and Sharon our other cohorts from school who had joined us on this vacation, had already bowed out of the contest. They gracefully acknowledged Larissa’s spell over the crowd. Standing off to the side they both encouraged me to one-up Larissa.
Not needing any urging, Larissa continue to strut about the place like she owned it, and truth be told, that night she did! Every person in the joint had their eyes glued to her, inhaling her essence, drinking in her every move. Both men and women alike were transfixed by her godly form, and for the last five minutes she held everyone in a powerful trance.
My mind turned back to my predicament, “bare my soul, or live with the consequences?” As the ever reasonable person I was, I let my lawyerly instincts take over. I quietly slipped off stage unnoticed but dignified, still wearing my undergarments. Thus the three us again relinquished the “title” to Larissa, as she had simply hypnotized the crowd.
That night Larissa didn’t make it back to the hotel room until dawn. She quietly slipped into my bed, as she had done so often in our dorm room, and began to pleasure me. Her tongue slid gently between the folds of my labia, as she began to ever so softly massage my clit with her teeth. She explored the rim of my anus with her tongue in a fashion similar to a lizard snatching its prey. Her delicate touch sending me through one orgasm after another. Whenever she did this she was always careful to try not to wake me as she was an extremely thoughtful lover. Even when I did awaken, I would pretend to be having a wet dream, allowing both of us to maximize the experience.
When she finally fell asleep, I retuned the favor tasting her sweet puckered asshole for the first time in my life. The aroma from her glands wafting into my nose had me performing a tongue ballet deep into her anus that I had never even conceived I was capable of. Repeating her actions that I found so pleasurable, I breached the sphincter of her asshole numerous times. The deeper I penetrated her, the greater my own pleasure.
As I parted her labia I could smell the unmistakable scent of manly lust. She had obviously been having sex with a number of men well into the morning. I tentatively stuck out my tongue and imagined what it might be like to taste a man’s cum. My curiosity finally got the upper hand on my fear and I proceeded to lap the mixture of semen from numerous men which still resided in her pussy. I found the taste to be a little tart but not at all as unpleasant as I had suspected. Perhaps because I was licking cum from a woman’s pussy I was able to convince myself it was acceptable. I fell asleep that night having satiated one of my most desired fantasies.
* * *
The next day on the beach, Larissa gloated in her victory, assigning herself the crown “Queen of Virtue”. (She was quick witted and never missed an opportunity for irony or a double-entendre.) However, she was very gracious, and did not rub it in my face about my untimely exit without displaying my goods.
Cindy and Sharon had decided they wanted to return home without tan lines and as such were now lying under the blazing sun completely au naturale! Larissa thought this was a grand idea and immediately joined them. Of course we got the attention of everyone on the beach, both male and female. I did feel a little out of place still wearing both pieces of a two-piece micro bikini.
Cindy’s beautiful long black hair was rolled up into a bun. It contrasted marvelously with the ample 38D breasts that were soaking up the rays. With her very slim waist and hips she almost looked out of proportion. But being only 5′-2″ complimented her; she was a package of dynamite! Her nipples were inverted as some women’s are, and the sun had turned her huge saucer sized, normally very pale pink areola’s a deep shade of bronze. She had decided to let her pubic hair grow naturally. Thus she displayed a thick wiry black bush which gave her clit and labia all the privacy they deserved.
Sharon on the other hand was a beautiful brunette who stood about 5′-6″ and was barely able to fill out a 32A cup. As she came out of the water, the bumps on her chest seemed to be made up of all nipple and areola. Her thick red areolas had contracted and swelled forcing the nipples to stand at attention. She is a sight to behold when she is aroused as her nipples stick out at least three inches from her flat chest! Her bulbous pale pink clit and wrinkly red labia were in full view for anyone who wanted to see. Her hood had retracted and as she had shaved her pubes almost entirely, her clitoris was now peeking out past her thighs, like a player in a game of hide-and-go-seek. She had left only a small patch of somewhat longish brown hair above her love button. She called it her shag meter, saying that if she was really horny she would know because the hair on her mons veneris would stick out at least as far as her nipples.
Larissa re-aligned herself with the sun. And being her usual self she raised her butt slightly and spread her legs wide open. She then declared that she wouldn’t “have even a single tan line!” Not only were her labia on full display to anyone walking along the waters edge, but her tight, brown puckered asshole was fully exposed too! She has very meaty labia minora, the kind guys make fun of with comments like “double-bubble”. And for anyone who has ever had the pleasure of dining on such a beautiful set of lips they know how hearty a meal they can provide.
* * *
After returning from our last spring break prior to graduation we set our minds back on school, and the daunting task of “passing the bar.” Larissa found this to be quite funny, as the irony of the words and her demeanor was exact opposite. She would be the last person I would expect to pass a bar without going in for a drink. Finding a thesis for Larissa came so easily for her. She chose to write hers on, “Women Extracting Power from Men through Law”, the title said it all.
She had finished her thesis more than three weeks prior to the deadline and submitted it straight away. As a result she got her grading back two weeks later. Ten professors reviewed it, and she was given the highest mark ever scored at UCLA, 998 out of a possible 1000. (Two of the professors were straight females.) For this she was awarded the stately honor of ‘Graduate Cum Laude’, something awarded to only three other students in the history of the school. Again, Larissa got more of a laugh from the words than the award itself.
Now with only a week until my own thesis was due I sat at the kitchen table staring at a blank piece of paper, at a total loss for a topic. Larissa walked in wearing only a sheer nightie. She was out late partying yet again, and in a sleepy voice she said “good morning”.
She handed me the LA Times and plopped down in the seat across the table from me. I brushed the newspaper aside and told her I had to work on my thesis. However, even in her semi-intoxicated stupor she was able to open the Times to show me a small story written about her being awarded UCLA’s most prestigious honor. I could tell she was excited about the story as she started to play with herself under the table. She has a tendency to do this when she gets excited.
I couldn’t believe it, here was a woman who coasted through school and partied more than Bozo the Clown, yet she was worthy of an article on the fourth page of the Times? And as if being given the award wasn’t enough, now she was a minor celebrity! As her digital activities intensified they became audibly clear. Her fingers were soaked with her love juices; they squelched going in and out of her hot honey pot. I tried to ignore her but she insisted I read the story. I quickly scanned her fifteen minutes of fame and told her it was very nice. To dispel my hidden frustration I continued to read the other stories in the Times. One article which immediately caught my attention was headlined ‘Five Billion Lawyers: No Honor Amongst Thieves!’
As I read on, the article stated that there were an estimated five billion lawyers in the world. This represented approximately half the entire population now on earth. As such, everyone could be divided into two categories: Lawyers and people that needed their services. It continued on about how corrupt lawyers had become in a society rife with litigation. The article was packed with facts and stories of corrupt attorneys concerned only about money, not their clients nor even justice. One interesting point was how many lawyers were now acting as bail bondsmen for their clients by being the financial backer of the bond. In this way they were able to substantially increase revenues with minimal risk.
I quickly highlighted this fact and felt I might just have a topic for my thesis. I went to the couch to research my topic on the web leaving Larissa alone in a room now fully scented with her love aroma. Through some research I became aware that there was a growing hatred of lawyers in general and especially toward wealthy ones. I now knew what I was going to write about. I diligently worked sixteen hours a day for the next six days writing my paper. And a week later, I had typed the final exclamation point on a true masterpiece.
As is customary, the only element left was to give it a title. As a poke of fun at both myself and my dearest college friend and roommate, I gave my work the apt title… ‘LAWYER CUM LAUDE: BARE YOUR SOUL!’ That morning I proudly submitted my thesis for grading, making the deadline with a full ten minutes to spare.
My professor noted that of the entire graduating class, I was the last student to submit my paper! And with a sneer she remarked, “Only six pages dear, do really think you will receive a passing grade?”
I was crushed, almost in tears. I had poured my heart and soul into my work. Larissa having overheard this and seeing my reaction came over to console me. And she did a great job of it by kissing me passionately, full on the lips! In between slipping her tongue down my throat and licking me behind my ear, she told me my thesis was marvelous and that someday I would become a fantastic lawyer, garnering fame and fortune.
She also turned to my professor and remarked, “You have very nice tans lines, but if you ever want to be taken seriously or be considered a REAL woman you should get an allover tan!”
The only response from my professor was evident in the rapidly growing redness appearing in both her cheeks.
And with that my college days were over. I started working the following week as an intern at my fathers Law practice. I lost touch with Larissa, Cindy and Sharon within a matter of a few weeks, as we now had very hectic schedules. They had all moved across the city to work for one of the most prominent law firms in the country.
* * *
Nearly seven months after graduation I finally received a letter from the Dean’s office at UCLA. Almost as an afterthought, a single curt sentence stated that my thesis was accepted. To celebrate my father planned a lavish party to be held New Year’s Eve, inviting many of the city’s elite lawyers. Perhaps he was trying to pawn me off to another firm, hoping no one would think nepotism was the reason for my quick advancement in his practice.
Most interns are glorified secretaries, doing filing and typing duties while they learn the business. Indeed I had started out working on “Category 3” cases the day I had arrived. And after only two months was being given a chance to help out with some low profile “Category 2” files. On one occasion I was even consulted on what my father said was an important “Category 1” (reserved for the most serious offences) issue he had. All this was almost unheard of for an intern who had not even officially passed the bar yet.
* * *
Someone tooted one of those stupid party favor paper rollout whistles in my ear and I felt a headache coming on. I needed another drink. My debutante party was turning out to be a real dud. Perhaps most of the guests knew I was not terribly interested in men in general. Word may even have leaked around town that I had never even slept with a man. The guests had slowly trickled off after dinner and my grand coming out seemed unfulfilled. Maybe this was indeed what Law was all about; stuffy, boring and crass. As I was making small talk with a couple of geeky young male lawyers, someone came up behind me and put their hands over my eyes.
In a low tone I was told, “At half past midnight you are to go to the upstairs library and lock the door behind you. Once inside you will find some items on the table, follow the instructions left with the items.” I was so excited by this request, I allowed the messenger to retreat without even turning to identify them. I was strangely intrigued. Was my father planning something special for me…surely not?
The stroke of midnight came and went, and I truly felt that the first day of the New Year had brought me nothing special. It was almost 1AM when the last few guests bid my father farewell. Seemingly this party was more about him than me. Then my senses lit up. My presence had been requested in the library! Perhaps I had consumed too many drinks in hopes of quashing my disappointment in the party to remember. Feeling a little light headed I tackled the two flights of marble steps leading to the library.
I swung the large oak door open and entered the library. I closed the door behind me and bolted the brass hatch from the inside. Slowly I proceeded to the table in the middle of the room. Perhaps I was being cautious, or maybe the alcohol was slowing me down. I took some time to scour my surroundings as any good lawyer would. The room seemed quite normal with the exception of what was on the table. There was a blindfold and a large purple, velvet hand bag on the table. A single sheet of white paper…