Assisting The Bradys Ch. 7

"It's Auction Night!"

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My life had taken a wonderful turn since Ben and the twins arrived. I don’t remember ever being this happy. I found myself wishing that I had met Ben first but quickly squelched those thoughts. The reality is that I hadn’t met him first. Anne was so very obviously his true love, and wishful thinking on my part wasn’t going to change a thing. If I were to follow my heart all I would do is create chaos for the people I care about, especially Ben. No, I had to accept the fact that I don’t always get what I want and be happy with the joy I’ve been given.

I will admit that the auction idea turned me on to no end. The auction would allow me to share my wonderful experience with my friends. I could talk about him until I was blue in the face and not come close to what they would discover by actually feeling his touch. It also allowed me to share the details without betraying Ben’s trust. I doubted that he wanted to be the subject of gossip. His participation in the auction would speak louder than any words I might have.

I set about calling a few select friends and inviting them while swearing them to secrecy. The last thing I wanted was to overwhelm Ben with a crowd of people. I needed to keep it relatively small and intimate. Relative is the operative term. I girded myself for the embarrassment that would follow if Ben refused to participate. I didn’t mind that much because the opportunity was too exciting to resist and well worth some trivial embarrassment.

The guests would gather at my house. Once everyone had arrived, the men would go to the Brady house, leaving Ben with their wives. While we auctioned Ben, their husbands would be playing with Tera, Trisha, and Tess. After Ben got going, I would join Tera and the girls for a little fucking of my own. All would have a lovely time. There was one more thing I wanted.

I wanted to see Anne in all her glory. I wanted to see what the woman that Ben loved looked like when she came on multiple cocks. The two of them were the sexiest couple I had ever known. I wanted to see everything they would show me, and then I wanted them to do it to me. I knew one thing for sure. I needed Anne and Ben in my life. They gave me something I didn’t know I was missing, and I hoped my affection would give them something they could cherish as well.

Their happiness was the important thing. Anne could decide for herself when the time was right. Either way she went was fine with me as long as she and Ben were happy. I thought that this evening was a decision point for them, and they needed to face it. I didn’t know everything that had happened, but I knew enough to know that they were experiencing new sexuality and establishing their boundaries. I sincerely hoped that tonight would clarify things for them in a fun way.

Anne knocked on my patio door, smiling and obviously refreshed from her nap. I waved a hand and she came inside. “You look rested and, I must say, very sexy.”

She blushed and shot me a lustful look. “I’m flattered. You have to be the hottest woman I’ve ever met.”

I sidled up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, settling my hands on her ass. I looked into those amazing green eyes, then closed mine as our lips met. Her kisses are sweet, loving, and oh-so erotic. We became lost in each other and would have continued if the groans from my twins hadn’t interrupted us.

We broke apart reluctantly and looked over at my two sons. They had dropped their swim trunks and were stroking their cocks while watching us with lust-filled eyes. I watched Anne as she studied my boys. I could tell she was enjoying the view a lot as she bit her lip. Her head shook in the negative, but her eyes never left their erections. She tore her gaze away from them and looked at me. “So very tempting, but I can’t, I won’t, not without Ben’s approval.

“But… That doesn’t mean we can’t.”

I grinned and shot a glance at Mike and Matt. “Sorry, maybe later.”

I grabbed her hand and we walked to my bedroom. I firmly shut the door and locked it. I knew my sons and an unlocked door was an open invitation as far as they were concerned. I turned on the music to something romantic and low, then turned to gather Anne into my arms. “Anne, I’ve wanted you since the moment I met you. You are so very beautiful and that alone makes me want you. You did so much more than that. You are the love of Ben’s life, yet you shared him with me and that is a gift I can never repay. But I’m damned sure gonna try.”

The kiss that followed was so emotionally erotic. I felt a connection with her that I had never felt before. That connection magnified my lustful attraction to her and my arousal grew. I made no attempt to resist it and held nothing back. I wanted her to have all of me, just as I wanted all of her.

Her response was everything I’d fantasized it would be and much more. Her lips left mine long enough to kiss down my neck. Her hands released my bikini top and let it fall to the floor, then cupped my breasts. She squeezed them softly and let her thumbs caress my nipples as her mouth kissed down my chest. Her tongue darted out and flicked my left nipple before her lips surrounded it. Her gentle licking and sucking made me moan with desire for her. I cupped the back of her head and held her to me while my other hand released the catch on her top.

Her mouth came off my breast and met mine again in a kiss that made my knees weak. I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. “I want you so very much.”

I stepped back long enough to take my bottoms off and we met on the bed. Our bodies touched and our lips met again. The feel of her nude body against mine set our kisses on fire. I ached to touch her breasts and when I did touch them, my mouth soon followed. I was thrilled at the soft moans my attention was causing and licked my way down her body in search of more. She parted her thighs for me and I kissed the soft skin inch by inch until I was teasingly close to where she wanted me.

I parted her labia with my tongue, gently licking until her petals opened for me. I ran my wet tongue from her entrance to her clit. I gently sucked her clit and flicked it with my tongue for a teasing moment, then gently sucked her labia, one after the other, while my tongue caressed them. I ran my tongue over her pussy, loving the taste of her and building her desire. Her hands were entwined in my hair and she held me to her as her hips began to move.

I slipped a finger into her pussy and rubbed her G-spot while my tongue manipulated her clit. I took her to the brink and over the top. Her voice rang out in ecstasy, “OH YES, LYNN! Oh, Baby, YES!”

I was almost disappointed that she orgasmed so quickly. I hadn’t had near enough of her taste and I certainly wasn’t done with her yet. I soon found out that she wasn’t done with me either.

She relaxed from her peak while I licked her pussy and tasted her cum. Moments passed that way as we both enjoyed the wonderful moment. Her eyes opened and our eyes met as I licked her softly. “Kiss me, Lynn. I need your kiss.”

Our kiss was overflowing with emotion and we took all the time we needed to express it. When our lips parted we snuggled close while our hands wandered over each other. We were perfectly content in the moment and weren’t in a hurry for whatever came next. That would come in its’ own time.

Our loving kiss became more heated and my arousal grew into a desperate need. Anne took control of my lust. Her kisses down my body and her touch reminded me so much of her husband. Both had a wonderful and loving touch that moved me deeply and set my body on fire. Her mouth on my sex was so wonderfully orgasmic. I couldn’t believe I was orgasming so hard while tears ran down my face. I was on an emotional rollercoaster and the ride was wonderful.

Her sweet kisses tasted of me as mine must have tasted of her. Our mouths stayed together for an endless time in a vain attempt to show how much we desired each other. As wonderful as kisses are, they cannot convey that level of emotion as much as we want them to.

Anne rolled onto her back and patted her cheeks with her hands. “I want your pussy right here. I can’t get enough of you.”

I couldn’t help myself and didn’t try. My logical mind knew it was too soon, too complicated, and asking too much, but I didn’t care. I leaned over her and kissed her lips. “I can’t get enough of you either, Anne. Please know that I want only happiness for you and Ben and that I’m in love with you both.”

Her loving smile brought more tears to my eyes. Her hand caressed my cheek. “Thank you for such a wonderful gift, Lynn. I care for you, too, and I know that Ben does as well. I know we’ll work things out because we all want it so much. Let’s deal with the details later. Right now, I need you on my face.”

I answered her loving smile with a grin of my own and watched her face transform with joy. I spun around and straddled her face. A little wiggling here and there, and we were aligned pussy to mouth on both ends. After that, we lost ourselves in orgasmic delight for a wonderful time.

Time was beginning to press when we forced ourselves apart. We had time for a romantic shower before Anne slipped on her bikini and went next door. I let the caterers in and dressed for the evening. The word was out. The dress code for tonight was as sexy as possible without getting arrested on the way.

The caterers finished up and pulled out of the driveway as my first guests pulled in. It was time for the fun to begin. Within half an hour all of the guests had arrived. They were sipping their drinks and had finished up their greetings to each other when Tera walked into the room, followed by her husband and daughters. Behind them walked Anne, leading her husband by the hand with a smile on her face.

I made the introductions, and that took a while. I started with Bill and Mary Taylor. Their son, Dennis, was home on spring break and had come with them. Next was Stephen and Linda Bennett, with their son John, home for the same reasons. Rick and Susan Davis brought their daughter Sherry. Sherry was a freshman at Duke and home for spring break. Kent and Kim Irons were last and their son Carl rounded out the small party. Carl was a sophomore in college and his eyes were as big as saucers.

His weren’t the only bulging male eyes in the room. Tera and her twins were hot as hell in all of their red-headed glory. The slinky dresses they were wearing covered their amazing bodies while not hiding a damn thing. It was wonderfully obvious that the dresses and their heels were the only clothing that they wore. I could see the drool forming in the guys’ mouths.

As gorgeous as they were, Anne stole the show. She has such a sexual presence that she could have worn rags and turned everyone on. She wasn’t wearing rags, although I’ve seen rags with more material. I found out later that Trisha had loaned Anne the dress. It was designed for one purpose and that was to send the message that the wearer was a desirable sexual creature. The top was held in place by a fine ribbon that ran behind her neck. The ribbon connected to the front of the dress in line with her nipples. The silk of the dress plunged from her chest in a narrowing V and ended with the point inches above her pubic arch. The skirt was held up in the back by her amazing ass, and some light elastic in the waistline. The hem of the dress ended a few scant inches below the sweet pussy I had enjoyed so very much earlier.

Her erect nipples pressed against the thin fabric, sending a clear signal about her current state. She was drop-dead gorgeous and every man in the room instantly focused on her. Ben was eating it up. It was easy to see that he was very proud of his wife and the effect she had on people.

Ben looked a bit underdressed compared to my guests, but that was intentional. I don’t know what Anne told him to get him to go along with this, but it appeared to me he was being enthusiastically cooperative. I think the looks he was getting from the ladies might have had something to do with that.

He stood in front of us, not the least embarrassed, in the tiniest speedo made that could contain his flaccid monster. There was no way he was going to remain contained in them when he got hard. I think at that moment, if you would have asked the rest of us, we would have said the same thing, “Can we watch when you two fuck?”

The evening would have been amazing if that alone happened. There were other things on tap for now and I got the ball rolling. “Here’s the deal. All the guys except Ben are going next door. Tera, Trisha, and Tess will go with you and I will be along shortly. Anne will stay here and hold the auction for the women while Lance holds the one for the men. The rules are typical auction rules. What exactly gets auctioned is entirely up to the parties involved.

“Well? What are you waiting for?”

A stunned group of men stood and nearly ran each other over, trying to be the first out the door behind Tera and the twins. The three Pied Pipers of Pussy led their mice next door while swinging their asses enticingly.

I quieted the women’s laughter with a raised hand. “I’m going to help Anne get things started here before I do my part for charity. Let’s kick things off with bids for a kiss from Ben. If you win the bid you may take the kiss or give it to someone. If you give it to someone they must take it. That rule stands for anything else you would care to bid on, assuming Ben agrees. We all do hope that Ben agrees. We will so make it worth his while.”

Anne whispered something in her husband’s ear, then kissed him with a ton of heat. I heard the sighs and muffled exclamations as his cock began to swell. Anne let him go when his cock was semi-hard and in imminent danger of escaping his trunks. Her timing was perfect. I knew my lady friends would do anything to see him fully hard and free of those trunks. I knew I would because I already had and would again any time he wanted. This exact moment would be perfect.

Anne stepped forward. “So, what am I bid for a kiss from my husband?”

The room was silent for a few seconds as my lovely friends drooled. Mary was the first to find her voice. “Five hundred!”

That got things going in a hurry. Anne was kept pretty busy while Mary, Linda, and Susan kept bidding against each other. Kim sat there with a smile on her face and let them duke it out. She was a sly one and knew to hoard her money for the good stuff. Susan’s daughter Sherry kept her eyes glued to Ben’s hot body. That girl had never been near a stud like Ben before and she was ready to throw herself at his feet if he would only ask.

Linda prevailed with an ending bid of six thousand. Anne pointed to Linda and told Ben, “Please give the lady her six thousand dollar kiss. Make her glad she spent every penny of it.”

None of us made a sound as Ben walked over to Linda. He took her hand and she stood with her eyes focused on him. Before she could take a breath he pulled her into his arms. She could feel his growing cock against her belly as his lips touched hers. He kissed her softly, letting his lips say hello to hers, and she relaxed into his arms. I don’t know exactly when he fed her his tongue but it was pretty obvious he had by the way she was suddenly grinding her crotch on his leg.

His hands cupped her ass and he kissed her with that studly heat he has. She was his for the taking and she wanted him to take her now with no fucks given whether anyone watched or not. He continued his kiss and let his hands wander until Linda let out a moan into his mouth. She was grinding her pussy on his leg when she suddenly stiffened. I couldn’t believe that she just orgasmed on his leg!

Ben’s kiss became less intense and gradually softer until his lips parted from hers. He looked into her eyes and smiled. “You…

Published 2 years ago

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