Lily Carter was frustrated. The entire weekend she had her mind on one thing, and it was making her crazy: Mr. Devin (she liked calling him that, it had authority). Through practice with her band on Saturday the drummer, Rianne kept asking if she felt okay. Mom had checked her temperature and had asked if she needed to talk. Three times…And Sandra, well Sandra was pissed off. She knew Lily better than anyone and she could tell her BFF had a secret.
Lily was struggling mostly with her increased arousal. She could not turn it down let alone off. She’d changed underwear so much she was commando by Saturday night. It was so bad she almost said yes when a random dude asked if she and Sandra wanted a ride home from the Starbucks. Luckily Sandra was able to say no thanks for both of them.
Lily had masturbated, and masturbated, and masturbated. By Sunday morning she was fatigued and sore from all of the heavy pressure she was applying on her seemingly insatiable clit.
Sunday afternoon arrived and dinner at Grandma’s was a welcome distraction. G-ma was the best. A woman with auburn waved and hints of sexy silver. And a body that was full and luscious. And she was extremely intuitive. Lily had gone to the backyard to sit on the old swing and play on her phone. She was a bit startled when she saw familiar shoes in her view.
“Earth to Lil’ Lily,” G-ma said, using the nickname she had given when Lily was indeed little. “Your mom is worried about you. She says something is up and you won’t tell her. Is she right?” G-ma looked back at the house and saw her daughter looking through the window at the door. G-ma nodded slightly, and her daughter nodded back. This was the moment…
Lily looked up, her green eyes a little wet and saw the loving look of someone she had always been able to trust. Maybe even more than her mom. “Um…sorta…”
“Oh, come on,” G-ma said taking a seat on the next swing. “Spit it out. It’s a love thing, isn’t it?”
Lily’s face must have reacted as G-ma’s eyebrows went up. Or maybe her grandma could hear Lily’s heart auditioning for Green Day. “Um…sorta?” Lily looked down at her shoes making two trails in the dirt as she swayed back and forth.
“Gonna need more than sorta, Darlin’.” Lily always smiled when her grandma used her country voice. “You can trust me with anything. I’ve known a lot of lovers in my time, and I know how stupid horny boys can be.”
“G-MA! Stop! It’s not – oh my God! ” Lily laugh-shouted. “It’s not a boy…I mean.”
Angela Barts was surprised. Was her granddaughter gay? This may pivot things. “Okay…is it a girl then, because that’s okay with me.”
Lily had leapt up halfway through the last sentence. “Oh My God! Stop! Please. It’s not a girl. It’s…” Real tears came and G-ma was up and had her arms around her in a flash. “Oh no, what am I going to do?” Lily said through a choke.
“You’re going to tell me about it, and we will solve it together.”
Lily nodded and let her G-ma lead her back to the swing. Should she tell it all or edit? Edit, for sure. “I’ve been having sex with a man, a married man. And we got caught.”
Angela’s heart was now beating quickly. “Okay, that’s rough. Are you… in love with this man?”
Lily was surprised to hear the question having expected a reprimand. “Oh god no, not at all. We just…had sex a few times and it just ended.”
Angela was relieved. “Oh…well is that good? That sounds good. And you are on birth control, your mom wisely did that.” Lily rolled her eyes. “Affairs are messy, and someone always gets hurt. Believe me, I know.” It was Lily’s eyebrows’ turn to shoot up. G-ma looked proud. “Oh yes, I have had my lovers…still do. I mean, look at me, I’m a GILF!”
Lily couldn’t help but laugh because she was right. At sixty-two her G-ma was still quite attractive with the family trait of a round ass and nice-sized boobs. Lily hoped she would look this good when she was that age. G-ma went on, “Having sex and playing around is part of being human and despite what society says, monogamy isn’t for everyone. Your grampa knew that. We both did and we were honest with each other.” She paused contemplating how much detail to give then decided Lily needed transparency over anything else. “Chasing a good orgasm is a wonderful journey but I have to be direct, darlin’, for someone your age… that older married man is pretty dangerous.”
Lily nodded. “It’s not him…not anymore.” Lily took a deep breath and rapidly told the entire story: Moony, the bathroom, Mr. Devin, all of it. All the way up until she masturbated this morning.
Grandma Angela Barts was nearly dumbstruck…and turned on. She had to adjust her legs a few times when Lily passionately recalled the orgasm she had with Devin.
When Lily finished there was a silence that had her really worried. G-ma finally broke it.
“Well. that was…quite a story. And I have to say pretty hot.” She waved her hand in front of her face causing Lily to laugh softly. “So, you keep thinking of this Mr. D.” (Lily had left off the full name to protect Devin, at least until she knew what G-ma would do) “And he’s got a nice cock?”
Lily froze, eyes wide then nodded slightly. “Okay…so…wow.”
The next minutes were crucial and had to be handled carefully. G-ma had a serious tone as she unbuttoned another button on her top, the crisp fall air making her nipples wake up. Lily saw and was more turned on now as G-ma went on.
“I am not going to tell you what to do – that is unhelpful, but I think you need a safe place to figure this out. I would like to make you an offer. My mother nearly ruined me for life when she made me break up with the first guy I had sex with, and it scarred me badly. I insisted on raising your mom and aunts with an open attitude about sex…and they took advantage of that for sure. Yes, having sex with an older man, albeit a widowed man, is…a challenge. But it can be amazing. Tell you what, you let him know you want to do it again and that you have a place.” Lily looked really, really confused. “Right here! I’ll step out when you need the place, and you can do what you have to to figure this out, and then… who knows. Maybe you will only talk maybe you will not talk much at all.”
Lily’s head was spinning. Is this really happening? “Um…thank you?” she said in a soft voice. “That is so generous and so cool of you.”
“Just change the sheets when you’re done.”
“G-MA!” Lily playfully swatted her on her arm, then buried her face in sudden embarrassment. “Oh G-ma, I can’t stop thinking of that cum!! it was, I don’t know, other-worldly? That’s a big word, right? I think it deserves a big word. And I know it’s crazy but I want that again, like badly! And I want to fuck him. I know that’s not okay to say around here but – “
“That’s your father, not me. Say fuck as much as you want. A woman should know what she wants!” G-ma stood and took Lily’s hands in hers. “Look at me, darlin’. You are a beautiful and sexy woman.” Lily looked down. Angela lifted her chin back up. “Own it, wear it, use it, love it. And I will be here to make sure you are okay. Deal?” Lily answered with a tight hug.
“I love you, you amazing, crazy hot GILF.”
G-ma pulled back and looked at those shining green eyes no longer tearful. Was there something else? Curiosity maybe? “You are damn fucking right I am. Maybe after you two are done old G-ma can have a ride.”
Lily smiled. “I’ll ask him, but he may be too tired after I get done.”
Angela was really aroused. It was time. Maybe it was the emotion of the moment. Maybe because she had not been fucked in at least two weeks, whatever it was, it drove her to take Lily back into the hug and let her hands slide down to the family pride, two luscious ass cheeks, and gently squeezes. Lily gasped. G-ma whispered, “Who says I was talking about him?” She then squeezed again and sucked Lily’s right earlobe causing both to moan.
The two slowly parted and locked eyes. Oh fuck, this is really real. The sexual tension and attraction were potent. Lily wanted to…oh my god…Lily went to kiss her G-Ma, like for real. But stopped breathing heavily.
“What is wrong with me? That’s another woman – and my grandmother!” She couldn’t help but do a quick look up and down and really saw the woman as a woman, a sexy GILF and it made her breath catch. Not just her full figure but her face and neck and those amazing tits! lily felt her pussy pulsing and her hands sweating.
Angela chuckled softly, “Yep…just as I thought. You have the fever darlin’. It’s a family thing, and your mom can tell you it can be pretty epic. For now, let’s let your mother know we had a talk, and you are doing better. Not a lie, right?”
Lily shook her head and took a deep breath. “Okay…but before we do, can we maybe talk in more detail about what that was? Because I am really horny right now.”
Angela laughed as the two took hands and walked back toward the patio. “I still got it!” G-ma said. Lily did not disagree.
After dinner, Mom was happy to see Lily in a mood more like herself: bouncy, witty, and smiling. What her mother had said at the swings seemed to help. Lois Carter knew it would be life-changing. The family, Mom, Dad, Lily and her brother Jarod were loading into the car when G-ma came rushing out. “Hold on, Lois. I want Lily’s help with something I can’t do by myself. Can she stay and I give her a ride later?”
Lois Carter played along and looked skeptical. “Well, we can wait. You want Harry to do it?” Her husband groaned and she playfully swatted him.
Angela shook her head. “No. This involves a lady’s eye and may take a bit. “
Lois insisted. “Well, I can do it if – “
Angela cut off her daughter again. “NO! I mean, no thank you. I want Lily please.” She then gave her daughter a look that said ‘This is about earlier,’ which made Lois smile. She liked it when her mom was aroused.
“Okay, cool. Well, you help your G-ma and we’ll see you at home.” She drew her daughter in for a hug, their large breasts smushing nicely; Lily’s C and Angela’s DD. Lily was again surprised to be somewhat turned on by the woman-to-woman contact. Then her mind raced when her mother whispered, “I’m glad you are staying. G-ma will make it all better. Trust the instincts.” She pulled away her face a bit flushed and admonished, “Not too late it’s a school night.”
Twelve-year-old Jarod chimed in. “Can I stay and help?” He knew it might get him out of that stupid essay he didn’t finish yesterday.
“NO!” all three women said in unison.
“Okay! Jeez…”
A few minutes later Lily and her G-ma sat on her couch. Angla had her shoes off and was sipping some wine. “You want a glass, honey? I won’t tell mom!”
“No thanks. I don’t really like it.”
Angela nodded, took a large sip, and set down the glass on the end table. Her heart was racing, and her hands were sweaty. She had already loosened two buttons on her top to cool herself some. Her Legs were tucked under assisting with cooling her arousal. It was similar to what Lily had described earlier and it was really awesome and scary. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I’ve been here before.”
Lily gulped. Maybe wine wasn’t such a bad idea. “I know you’re nervous. You didn’t use the coaster.” G-ma snapped her head and gasped. She quickly grabbed the glass and corrected the error. Lily laughed. “G-ma, do you want to…”
Angela took in a breath and sighed it out. “Lily, darlin’, I am very aroused right now and I would like to make love to you. Like two grown-ups because,” she looked at her sexy granddaughter, “You are something to behold. If you are scared or I misread the signals just tell me. And to let you know, I have been with many women in my life, and I will be gentle…until you don’t want me to be.” This last she said as she bit her lip in a sexy self-control gesture. “I can explain later, but I also want to tell you, you are not the first woman in this family I have had sex with.”
That hung in the air with so much weight Lily was surprised it hadn’t crashed with a huge noise. Oh my God, Mom? She went to voice the suspicion and Angela stopped her by leaning over and sealing her lips over Lily’s in a hot sexy and wet kiss. Lily’s breath caught and her heart seemed to stop as her G-ma gave her the hottest kiss she ever had. And that was after the one with Mr. Devin just two days ago. The kiss involved their tongues and lips and cheeks and teeth. Lily was moaning and breathing rapidly through her nose when her G-ma playfully sucked on it -that was different!
The most electric moment happened when G-ma sealed her open mouth around Lily’s and sucked in and then released. The two pulled back both gasping. “Holy fuck.” Lily was amazed. “G-ma. you are so fucking-” she never finished.
The GILF was pushing her back on the couch as their lips met again in another scorching embrace. Their hands were up and down each other’s bodies squeezing and pulling at fasteners. Angela broke away and sat up. She undid her buttons rapidly and tossed her blouse. Lily lifted her own tee shirt off revealing a sexy white bra that held her boobs up in an inviting mountain range of sexy. But not for long.
“I need those!” G-ma said with husky desperation. She reached around her sexy granddaughter and unhooked her in half a second. Lily helped her pull the garment off then G-ma tossed it. They both were still for a moment, panting breath accompanying beating hearts. G-ma was staring at those youthful tits, recalling the days she had introduced all three of her daughters to incestuous joy. She had fantasized about this moment but never thought it would come. She took both in her hands and ran her fingers over their curves eliciting a gasp and sexy squeak form Lily. Angela reached the nipples and sighed as she gathered her fingertips around each and gently pulled up. She then leaned forward and took the left one in her wet hot mouth.
The contact sent both women into a sexual euphoria. Lily took her G-ma’s head in her hands and caressed and encouraged. Angela sucked, licked and flicked. She ran the flat of her tongue around the top of Lily’s sphere and left a wet saliva trail.
“Oh god, that is so amazing…” Lily breathed. She wanted to reciprocate and slid a hand down G-ma’s back. Angela beat her to it and reached back to unfasten while moving over to Lily’s other breast. Once the hefty lingerie was discarded Angela’s aroused nipples were free to rake over Lily’s soft tummy. They both liked that. Lily ran her hands over G-ma’s back and onto her ribcage. She then took both amazing, still all-natural, tits in her hand and gently squeezed. Angela sat up.
“Oh baby, you don’t have to be gentle…unless you want to. Sex is about exploration matched with communication.” She put her hands over her granddaughter’s and squeezed hard. She groaned and let out a long hiss. “And I want it harder – Been too long. fuck…” After a few moments of squeezing Lily sat up some and took a large drown nipple in her mouth. Up close she could see it had pink spots intermixed; blue veins and a few wrinkles showing around the fleshy curves made them spectacular to experience. And it tasted incredible.
Neither knew how long Lily nursed and bit and licked. She even squeezed both breasts together and attempted to suck both nipples at the same time, something she saw in a porn. Angela laughed at the youthful enthusiasm and the memory of having Lois and her sister Barb in a threesome when they were nineteen and twenty-one, each suckling a teat.
And now she was ready for something else. She pulled Lily’s head back and held her face as they kissed hard with no movement. “Let’s get out of these clothes, huh?” Lily nodded and grabbed the waist of her jeans as Angela stood. G-ma untied her pants and slid them down. She stepped out and then tossed them aside. She turned her back to Lily and bent as she grabbed her blue bikini panties and slid them down revealing her finely shaved vulva. It elicited the response she wanted.
“Oh my god, G-ma. Your ass is, wow. And your…fuuu…”
Angela turned back around and playfully dropped the panties on the floor. “I prefer pussy darlin’. Although when the mood hits cunt works too.” With lust in her eyes, she shook out her auburn curls mixed with some wonderful silver highlights. She helped Lily remove her jeans revealing the girl was actually going commando. Lily shrugged, finger playfully between her teeth. “That is marvelous!” G-ma said. She was now between her granddaughter’s legs, the left up on the back of the couch, the right dangling off the front….