Asking For Eggs – Ch. 05

"Marie finds an excuse to visit Oliver and can't stop herself from being a bit naughty with him."

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Five days later I find myself in a supermarket.

What more do I need? It feels like I have forgotten something. I hate that feeling when being in the supermarket. Kind of knowing that I must have forgotten something, but not being sure. I hate to use grocery lists. Having a grocery list makes me feel too much like a grandma.

Well, looking at my cart, I’ve collected a lot of stuff. I should have everything. At least all the essentials I need.

At checkout, a customer is angrily arguing with the cashier. The poor girl. What can she do about it? That’s why I don’t like to get a job like that. Too much stress from random people. And you have to be always polite. Ugh, I would hate that.

The drive back home is uneventful. It’s a Tuesday morning at eleven, not too many people on the streets.

Back home while sorting the groceries I just bought, I realize that I forgot the eggs. How can I forget the eggs? They’re essential. Damn. I bought post-it notes, but I forgot the eggs. Typical. I am planning to make a birthday cake for my daughter. She is turning twenty tomorrow. Ah damn.

Ok, Marie, I have to relax, let’s think about my options. I could drive back, but that would take too long for some damn eggs. Or I could ask one of my neighbors. Well, yea that’s the best idea. Who could I ask?

I’m not super close with most of them and some are on vacation. Oliver shoots back into my mind. I didn’t have time to think about him much since our last incident. Oh no, I couldn’t ask him. It would be too suspicious. Why would I want to meet him?

Well, thinking about it, it wouldn’t be so suspicious. I mean that’s what good neighbors do right? Help each other out. And I could pretend that I didn’t know or forgot that his parents are on vacation. Mhhhh I’m vicious. A feeling of excitement shoots through my body. My rationalizing mind has lost and my emotions have already decided that I will do this.

I quickly stow the rest of the groceries and walk upstairs to my room. I look at myself in the bedroom mirror. I’m wearing a gray top and a long black skirt almost down to my ankles. That doesn’t look sexy. What was I thinking going out grocery shopping like that? I’m not a grandma… Well, I am married after all, but that shouldn’t mean I shouldn’t take care of my appearance.

I change my top into a dark blue one showing just a little bit of cleavage, but not enough to appear slutty. I leave the bra off since the top is quite tight and holds my boobs in place while my nipples are only barely visible through the fabric. I pair a shorter white skirt with that while deciding to pair it with my white matching sneakers.

That’s looking much better already. I quickly go to the bathroom to freshen up and reapply some makeup. Plus I put some lipstick and perfume on. It isn’t a crime to look pretty as a woman!

I look at myself in the mirror again and I’m happy with the results. My green eyes are looking content and my dark brown hair is falling beyond my shoulders. I’ve always been really happy with my hair. I take one last look and turn around to go down.

On the stairs, I feel a bit stupid having styled up for a neighboring kid for a thirty-second interaction. I push the thought back. Now it’s time to be confident and act with reassurance.

I put on my shoes and walk out of the house. Today it’s not as hot as before. I’m liking it more this way.

I get a little anxious looking around if any of my other neighbors are watching me going to Oliver’s house. I feel quite stupid about it. I’m just getting some fucking eggs damn. On the last few steps, I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell.

His parents are still out of town, so he must be alone. Why is my heart racing so fast? Contain yourself, Marie.

A few seconds go by. Nobody answers. What if he is not home now? I feel stupid now and press the doorbell again. I just wish he is home. Walking back home with all those unfulfilled expectations would feel somehow weird.

There’s no point. I turn around. And while I do I can hear the door opening. I turn back and I see Oliver standing there. He is wearing shorts and a black T-shirt which seems to be one size too big for him.

“Hi Oliver,” I say.

“Hello, Mrs. M,” he replies. He seems surprised. Is he blushing?

“I just came by to ask your mom for some eggs. I completely forgot to buy them today when I was in the supermarket and I really need them for a cake I want to make.” I try to speak firmly and cheerfully. I feel confident. I got this. “Is your mom home?”

“Uh, she is, uh,” Oliver stutters a bit before responding. “She is on vacation in Spain with my dad,” Oliver says and pauses for a second. “But I can give you some eggs if you need them. I think we have some,” he rushes to add.

“That would be wonderful Oliver,” I reply stressing the last two words.

This is getting fun now. He seems to be so shy and flustered. I’m enjoying this.

“Oh, ok, come on in. I’ll get the eggs,” he adds hastily.

“Oh no worries, I have time,” I say while entering their hallway.

To think of it I have never been here before. We have invited Oliver’s parents to our house once but they didn’t return the favor yet. Maybe they will in the future.

“Can I see the kitchen?” I ask while Oliver is already walking away. He turns around. Why did I say that?

“Ok, sure,” he replies.

“I’m just interested in how your parents designed the kitchen because we have also done it recently and it’s always nice to see how other people are doing it,” I add justifying my ask.

While I follow him, I pinch my left nipple and I can feel it getting hard. Let the game begin.

In the kitchen, I see some empty pizza cartons and dirty dishes.

“You are turning this into a bachelor pat huh, while your parents are away?” I say jokingly.

Oliver replies, all flustered, “Oh no, yea, I mean, I just like pizza. How many eggs do you need?” he asks, switching the topic.

“Eight should be enough,” I reply.

He hands me the eggs while looking into my eyes for the first time. There’s something about this young guy which excites me.

“Can I have a glass of water?” I ask.

“Sure,” Oliver replies.

When handing me the glass of water, he notices my hard nipple and he stares at it just a fraction of a second too long. Oh, you naughty boy, you like that huh?

I have a sip of the water and there are a few seconds of silence in the room. Oliver seems to be very nervous. I should make some more small talk. What should I talk about?

I start with the easiest thing which comes to mind. “Where did your parents go on vacation again? You mentioned Spain, did you?”

“Yes, they went to Spain for three weeks. Seville and Madrid.” It seems like Oliver speaks with confidence for the first time. This is good.

“Ah, that’s nice. I want to go to Spain one day too,” I say looking at him.

“The food is supposed to be really good,” I add.

“Oh yes,” he replies.

“I’m just so bored right now being a stay-at-home mom with the kids being grown up already. They will probably soon move out of the house,” I say automatically.

Why am I telling details of my life to him? I have never spoken with him before.

“Anyway,” I add quickly, “thank you for the eggs, you have been my lifesaver!” I say suddenly and excitedly. And then I lean forward to give him a small peck on the cheek.

The split second after I did it, I feel really ashamed. What did I just do? Fuck. But I don’t have much time to think. I keep on the happy act and turn around to go towards the entrance. Oliver seems really flustered and he freezes for a solid three seconds or so. Only then he follows me to the entrance door.

I turn around to him again briefly, trying not to make eye contact any longer than necessary.

“Thanks again, Oliver. Bye,” I say while leaving.

“Bye,” he says. I can barely hear him reply.

Back on the street, I start to pace, but then catch myself walking slower. My thinking mind kicks back into full gear. Well, that was fun. I just overdid it a little at the end. The poor boy was totally flustered throughout. Pinching one of my nipples was genius. Good job Marie, I’m thinking to myself, while I reenter our house with the eggs and a smile on my face.

Giving back the eggs

It’s been two days since I borrowed the eggs from Oliver. I went over to give some new ones back to him, but he didn’t seem to be home.

Now I’m getting ready for a jog and I’ll try again with him before I’ll start. It’s even better now if he is home. I am just wearing short yoga pants and a sports top. The shape of my breasts is nicely visible. Plus my yoga pants are pulled up tight which showcases my ass and a little bit of a cameltoe with my pussy lips. I smile at myself in the mirror.

I walk over and ring the doorbell of his house. This time he opens quickly. He seems surprised. Maybe he was expecting someone else.

“Hello Mrs. M,” he utters.

“Hello, Oliver. I just came by to bring you back some eggs,” I reply.

“Oh, you didn’t need to bring them back.”

“Oh don’t be silly Oliver take them already.” I wave off his remark with a smile while I hand the eggs over to him.

“I’m just about to go for a jog. Do you mind if I can use your toilet real quick?” I ask, looking for an excuse to enter his house.

“Oh yes sure, the toilet is right ahead down the hall to the right,” Oliver says while pointing.

I walk past him and into the toilet. It gives me some time to develop a game plan. I didn’t think about it further. I pull down my pants and push to let a few drops of piss out. I didn’t really have to go. I just went twenty minutes ago at home.

I can’t come up with a good plan and decide to just hold a little small talk with him before I leave for my jog. I wash my hands quickly and go back into the hall. Oliver is still waiting at the same spot I left him. Maybe he is feeling nervous again.

“So, Oliver, how is it going with your parents being away and you having the house all to yourself? Not throwing any wild parties are you?” I say with a twinkle.

He blushes and stutters a bit. “No, Mrs. M, I, uh, I mean I don’t plan to throw any parties. And uh having the house for myself is cool, I like it.”

“I bet you do,” I answer with a smile. “And by the way, you can call me Marie.”

“Ok, Marie, thanks,” he replies shyly.

Oh, what a sweet boy. If I wouldn’t know that he masturbated to my naked body I would think he is so innocent.

“What do you like to do for fun if you’re not into partying?” I ask him to get to know him better while trying to act as innocent as possible, not making any eye contact with him.

“Uh, I, I like to take photos. I mean I like to do photography,” he says hesitantly.

“Oh wow photography, that sounds interesting,” I reply honestly. He seems to be a little proud that I approve. “What kind of photography? Can you show me something real quick? I mean only if you don’t mind.”

“Uh, ok. Most of my pictures are on my laptop, but I have a few here in the living room printed out,” he replies.

I follow him into the living room. It’s a decent-sized room, quite modestly decorated. The people in our neighborhood are not rich. More like the average middle class. He opens a drawer and picks up some prints. Trying to preselect before showing them to me, but I get very close next to him and brush my tits very slightly against his upper arm while I look at the first print. It’s a landscape photo of a mountain with a lonely tree in the foreground. It looks very nice.

“Oh wow, Oliver I like this one. Very cool.”

He shows me more. I’m honestly impressed by his photos. He seems to have some talent.

“You do have talent doing this. You should definitely do more.”

“Thanks, Mrs. M., uh I mean Marie. Thanks, Marie,” he looks at me smiling sheepishly.

I take one photo from Oliver’s hand which I exceptionally like to inspect closer. When turning back to him the photo slips out of my hand and flies a few feet away. Oliver tries to pick it up for me, but I beat him to it. A wicked thought enters my mind.

I bend down very slowly to pick it up while sticking my ass up high directly into Oliver’s direction. While I do this I pretend to have some trouble picking the photograph from the tiles. Oliver has a great view of my ass in my short yoga pants. He must be staring at it right now. I’ll pick up the photo and slowly lift myself up and only then do I turn back around to face him.

He seems to be interested in his own photos, but I just know he must have been watching me.

“These are super nice, Oliver.”

“Thank you, these are just some first prints I have my best ones on my laptop.”

“Oh, that’s so cool. Can you show them to me sometime? I have to go now, but maybe if you have some time. I’ve always been interested in photography,” I say overly excitedly while trying to make it sound the most casual I can.

“Yes sure, I can. I can also show you my cameras and lenses if you’re interested,” Oliver replies a little bit too eagerly.

“That’s so nice of you Oliver. Like I said I have to go now. But what about tomorrow morning at around eleven? Does that work?” I reply trying to fix the date.

“Yes, sure. I’m home tomorrow. You can come by. And I’ll show you my photos,” Oliver replies a little awkwardly. But on his face, I can detect a very friendly and genuine smile.

“Ok, see you at eleven then,” I say while giving him a peck on the cheek.

This became our ritual now and I don’t want to break it. And I’m sure Oliver doesn’t mind either.

“Until tomorrow,” I add.

“Until tomorrow, bye,” Oliver replies while I walk out of the entrance door.

Published 2 years ago

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