Ash’s Sex Diary part 9-A

"Ash goes shopping with mom, learns a family secret and more about people around her."

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July 6, 2022   

 I had a fantastic day with my Mom. It was just the two of us. It was just after dinner as I wrote this. Our day started this morning. I was off today from the pizza shop. Dad and Braeden went out to do whatever guys did to bond. Probably hitting themselves with sticks or something.

Well, this morning I went to the athletic center at the high school and met up with some of my fellow softball and volleyball teammates. We play both sports together. We did our workout and some drills to get ready for the coming volleyball season. 

I got home showered and was lounging on the couch reading. The TV was on for some background noise. Mom came into the house shortly after me. She had a practice session with the school’s cheerleaders. She coached all three teams. The Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity. They were all competitive teams. She plopped on the other end of the couch. 

I looked up at her. “Hey, Mom. How are the teams looking? Did you make them sweat?” 

“Yes, I did. They are looking good. We are working on a new pyramid. We can go higher now and throw higher this year.“ 

I nodded. “Cool. Be awesome to see ya’ll compete. I am looking forward to the upcoming seasons this year.“ 

Mom pulled off her shoes and stretched out. Our feet met in the middle of the couch. “I hear you are doing some special exercise routines lately. How are those going? Are you liking it?” She smirked at me. 

I blushed with a smile across my face. “Yes, I am loving it. Amazing the things I have tried and learned. Like a whole new world.“

She smiled, knowing exactly what I was talking about. “So tell me what you have been doing. I am dying to know.“

I had a feeling she was going to ask. “Be right back.”  I went and got my sex diary. I handed her the leather-bound lockable book I ordered just for this. “I write most of them down in here.“ 

She opened the book with a smirk and raised her eyebrows. “A sex diary. I wish I had thought of that.” She started to read. I went into the kitchen and got us both a bottle of water. 

I sat back down and blushed. She was smiling the whole time. “Oh with Luke at the shop? Naughty girl.” 

“Surprised me too. I loved it. Here I thought he was shy.“ I bit my lip watching her. We both squirmed. 

“Your brother taught you a few things. He mentioned some of this.” She paused a moment.” Oh damn, with Tina. I hoped to be your first bi-experience. She sounds hot.” 

I blushed even darker. “It was unexpected. I loved it and would do it again. She showed…” She had cut me off.

“Mr. Santiago!? Really? That old devil. I never would have expected that. Explains a few things though.” She kept reading. 

She was getting all my secrets. I am glad I trusted my Mom with all this. I had been dying for someone to talk to about my experiences. 

“Oh, I love being airtight. One of my favorite things to do besides a gang bang.“ She was still reading. “I might have to hit on Jared. He sounds fun.” 

I gasped and giggled. I could see Mom hitting on Jared. It would be fun to watch what happened. “Oh, that would be fun to watch. I know he has a girlfriend. I don’t know her though.” 

She closed the book and handed it back to me. “I love this. Keep this up. I will not go into it, without your permission. I may start my own.” She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Go get dressed. There are a few shops I want to take you to. We will go to lunch and I will explain what your Dad was talking about.” 

I let out a squeal. I loved to shop. “Cool. Give me twenty minutes.” I lunged off the couch to go to my room. 

I heard Mom behind me. “I need to shower. Give me thirty minutes.” Mom worked out with her girls so she was probably sweaty as well. 

I paused in my room, thinking. I didn’t want to dress up too much or dress down. I chose sexy casual. One of the denim skirts that fit me well. A t-shirt that was short, revealing my belly button. I did not bother with a bra. Then my favorite sandals. I looked in the mirror, and I looked pretty good. I would do me.

I waited for Mom in the living room. I had my cell wallet that had my id, debit card, and some cash. I hate carrying a purse. Mom came down fifteen minutes later. 

She went for the casual look but a little hotter. She wore a dark green button-down shirt-type dress. It came to mid-thigh. It had the hem as a men’s shirt does. So it revealed some of her thighs. A white belt was around her waist. White sandals to match. Her hair was down like mine. We both had thick hair that hung to mid back. Her hair is wavy and blond. Mine is red and wavy too. I got it from my grandma on Mom’s side of the family. 

She dug in her purse. She set up her cell phone wallet like I had mine and grabbed her keys. “You ready go? We have some shopping to do.” 

I was always eager to shop. “You betcha.” I followed her out of the door. We both climbed into her Expedition. After a few minutes, we turned and headed downtown. 

“I thought we were headed to the mall. Where are we going?” This old part of the city was being brought back to life. 

“Oh, we are going to a few specialty stores. You will see. Friends own a couple of them. I think you will like them.” 

I trusted her. We parked in front of one store. Looked like an old bookstore. The name did not imply books. “Interestingly Sensual” was the name on the door. “Mom, I can’t go in. Says over twenty-one only.” 

She looked up and waved her hand and dismissed it. “Pfft. I called Connie. She knows you are coming. Come on.” She got out of the SUV. I followed her. 

There was a charming antique bell as we open the door. There was a squeal and Mom was embraced by a blur. “JESSICA! “ They both hug. Then to my surprise, they gave each other a sensual kiss. A lover’s kiss. “Damn it has been too long.“

She turned to me with a smile. “Hi, Ashleigh. You are looking good.” 

Still stunned, I squeaked out my voice. “Hi. Mrs. Shaw. Good to see you too.” I got a hug from her as well. Mrs. Shaw was wearing a leather corset, that emphasized her B-cup tits. A very short and tight leather skirt. All in purple. Her heels made her my height. “Thank you for letting me come in.” 

“First call me Connie. Second, you are welcome here. What can I get for you?” Her straight raven hair hung down her back. She gestured to the store. 

I looked around finally realizing this was a sex toy shop. There were shelves with all kinds of kinky things. “Oh, I did not know there was a toy store in town. I was looking online.” 

“Pfft, Ash. Always shop in a store. You can touch things. See how it feels. Someone here to answer questions. Plus I sell more than toys. This is a lifestyle store.” We moved away from the door as a couple came in. 

Mom was watching me. Connie led me into a different part of the store. “I don’t understand. Lifestyle?” I scrunched my eyebrows together. 

Connie explained. She was not condescending or arrogant about it. “Lifestyle refers to sexual lifestyle. Like swingers or in this section BDSM. There are other fetishes. Some cross-over.“ 

I looked around fascinated. Some of the things I recognized. I touched a spanking bench. A small smile formed on my lips. 

“Ah. you have some experience in this area. Can you reveal who your was Dominant? Or do you have orders to not reveal who it is?” 

I shook my head and turned to her. “Nothing like that. It is my boss. Mr. Santiago. He uh. He has a room with stuff like this.” 

She nodded. Mom was just listening. “Yes. He is known as Master Tiago in the BDSM community. He got many of his items from me.” 

My mind was reeling. “Where do you get items like this? This is not at a normal furniture store.” I looked around some more.

“My husband has a shop out back. He makes a lot to order. True diehard Dominants like furniture made to certain specifications. Clint is very good with his hands.” 

Mom purred. “Mmm, he sure is and more.” She got a hip bump from Connie. They both giggle. 

“So Ash, I don’t see a collar on you, so you are not owned or not submitted to a Dominant. That is good. Leaves option open.” 

I needed clarification again. “A collar? Owned? I don’t understand.” I could see I had a lot to learn.

“I will give you a link to a website that will answer a lot of your questions. Then if you have any questions your Mom or I can both answer them for you.” 

Mom stepped up. She put an arm around me. “I know—a lot of information. We got you covered. Now the reason we are here. Connie Ash needs a toy starter kit for bisexuals.” 

Connie clapped her hands together. “Awesome. Let’s go to the toy side.” We followed Connie,  to the side of the store where the toys were at. 

This was a bit more familiar. Some of these toys I knew.  My Mom had some. A few Tina has used on me. We were following Connie as she kept talking to us. 

“Well, every girl has to have at least two vibrators. “She handed me a package. “This one is good. Variable speeds, with a thrusting option. Can be used in the bath.” We took a few steps. This one was much smaller. “I love this one. Fits on the finger to use on the clit. Or someone else can use it on you, put it right on your g-spot.” 

Mom was nodding. “I love it when Mike uses that one on me. Drives me crazy.” She smiled at me.

Connie giggled with my Mom. I could tell they have a history. “And you said you have some girl-on-girl time? Did you like it? “ 

I nodded at her. I decided I loved it when I was with Tina. “I loved it. I learned a lot from her that first time.” 

Connie nodded in understanding. “That first time can be mind-blowing.  It was for me and Sara.” She moved a few steps. “Some like this. Double-headed dildo. Can be intense. By the smile on your face, you already know.” I did have a huge smile on my face. 

She moved to a section that was all strap-on. A large selection. I saw the kind that Tina had. I moved to them. “I have been on the receiving end of one of these.“ I gestured to the black one.

“Mmmm you were with an experienced girl then. These are great. They do require that you be able to hold it in using your Kegel. You know what that is right?” She turned to me, looking curious. I nodded

Mom stepped up. “I have one. I can give a cock a tight squeeze. It is worth it. Though the conventional ones are fun too. They can get much large.” She pointed to one purple one that was a giant.

I selected the blue Feeldoe. “I think I will start with this one. I am all for having a tight pussy.” I was getting an armload full of toys. 

Connie pointed to another selection. “This is an option. These are remote-controlled. Becoming very popular. You wear it. This end slides in, onto your g-spot. This end goes over your clit. They can be controlled by remote, or Bluetooth to your cell, and use the app. It can leave you very horny.” 

“I have one too. Mike likes me to wear it around the house or when we go out. I never wear it to work. Your demented father will turn it on while I am in class.“ 

I could imagine my Dad doing that. “Can I get one?” I look up to my mom. 

She grinned from ear to ear. “Of course. This is a good starter kit.” She turns to Connie. “Maybe something to store it all, you know.” 

Connie moved to a table that has some canvas bags like makeup bags. “These will work for what she has right now. And they are discreet.“ 

I picked up one I liked. I followed Mom and Connie to the counter. A girl was there already checking out the couple that came in behind us. 

“Hey, Trish. Give them the employee discount, please.“ Connie helped me lay the items on the counter. 

Mom came up to the counter. She added a few things. She added a blindfold, handcuffs, and some lube. “These can be fun as well. Trust me.” 

I blushed red. Trish started to open some of the packages and insert batteries. She tested the battery-powered ones. 

She had a soft voice. “Starter kit with a few extras? These are all good. It is good to have a friend to help you with them.” 

I realized she was hitting on me. I smiled at her. “I would love to have a friend with experience. I am Ashleigh or Ash.” 

Trish was slender. She was maybe twenty-one or twenty-two years old. She had dark black hair, in a bob cut. I guessed she was about five feet, eight inches. She had gorgeous blue eyes. I pulled out my cell and opened it. 

“What is your number? I would love to hang out. “ She gave me her number. I saved it with her name. She let me take a pic for the contact list. Then I called her so she would have my number. She took a pic as well. 

“I hope to hear from you soon Ash. I think we would get along great.” She finishes up with the items and rung them up. I was stunned by the price. 

Mom piped up behind me. “Here Ash. Use my card. I got all of this today.” She finished talking to Connie. They kiss and hug. We left the store. I waved to Trish as we went.

“Did you make a new friend Hun? She is cute. She is older than you though.” She started the car and pulled away. We stayed downtown. She went to an area known for its high-end boutiques. 

“Yeah. She hit on me. We exchanged numbers. Do you think she is too old for me?” I looked over at Mom.

Mom parked in front of one of the boutiques. “No. just remember she has more experience than you do. You have been with older people so far.” 

Mom had a good point. “Where are we? I have not been here before.” The store was subtle looking. The name on the door was “Curves” A simple name. We both got out.

There was an electric chime as we entered. A Latina woman came from the back. She was stunning. She had dark wavy hair. Her dress clung to her curves. She spoke with a slight Hispanic accent. She was wearing killer heels. 

“Ah. Jessica about time you came in. How are you Hot stuff?” She hugged Mom tight. She turned to me. I recognized her. Her twin son and daughter were in my class. Isabell was on my softball team. Her brother Isiah was on the football team. 

“Ashleigh, so good to see you. Are you and Jess having a mother/daughter day? That is always a good thing to do.” 

I am hugged as well. “Yes, Ma’am. I am loving it so far. I saw Isabell and Isiah at the ATC this morning working out. Coaches worked us hard.” 

“Nothing wrong with hard work? Makes it worth it. So what can I do for you, ladies?” I didn’t know Mrs. Sanchez that well, but I liked her. She was very friendly. We went deeper into the store with her. 

“Well Lupe, we want some sexy club wear and some hot lingerie. This is the best place to get it for five hundred miles.” 

“You are sweet. I have some new stuff you are going to love.“ She led us to some racks to the back.

We started to look through the racks. I saw some of the price tags. “Oh hell, Mom. These are too expensive. Very revealing too. I could not wear them very often.“ 

Mom picked up an item. “Oh, I know. Could you imagine wearing this to teach?” She holds up a dress that is mostly leather straps. “I would get some attention for sure. These are for special clubs and parties. We are invited to one of the special parties in two weeks that Connie is having.” 

I blinked and looked over at her. “Me too? Aren’t those adults only?” I paused looking at the dresses on the rack. 

Mom kept the dress she was looking at. “Yep. You are invited. Most of the people there are naughty swingers. They like the age difference, incest, and things like that. You are finally of the age to be invited. You will be surprised who will be there.“ 

I am stunned. I had no idea there was a community for such kinks. I picked up a similar strap dress to what Mom had. I chose a blue one, Mom had a black one….

Published 2 years ago

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