Ashley’s Surprising Descent as a Submissive Sub (Part 3)

"Ashley completes her surprising transformation into a submissive slut in Costa Rica"

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The small rugged open-air jeep bounced down the dirt path, jostled back and forth by the rocks under a thick canopy of the remote Costa Rican rainforest. José was doing his best to keep up with Cliff in the jeep ahead. The moist summer air was as thick as the foliage. My skin was moist, mostly uncovered wearing only the tiny black bikini top and a short jeans skirt Cliff gave me. I did my best to hold on, grabbing the side of the jeep with one hand, and having no choice, the muscular leg of Lee with the other. He reciprocated, not to stabilize himself, but to take advantage of my naked leg pressed against his. My tiny skirt was hiked up from sitting down, offering glimpses of my bare pussy beneath. Lee’s thick fingers strategically moved up my leg with each bounce of the jeep, as if pretending the bounces of the vehicle were causing it. I looked down to see his pinky finger dangerously close to my still-wet pussy, and glanced over to see his cock straining the front of his shorts. It confirmed my suspicion.

My small 5’6” athletic frame was squeezed next to Lee in the back of the jeep. My shoulder-length blond hair blew in the wind behind me. Cliff’s words rang in my ears, “Ashley, you will do anything it takes to make them happy.”

Lee looked over at me the moment I glanced at his cock. I looked up at his eyes. He smiled devilishly. I offered a confident look. There was a brief awkward moment. I could tell he wondered what he could get away with. What would I allow? We had just met minutes before. He was a complete stranger, yet told by Cliff, I would do anything to make their stay pleasurable.

I only have myself to thank for being in this situation. A few months before, my friend Katie and I went to a wedding of another mutual friend. I bet her to see if she could get a stranger sitting at the bar to kiss her. She laughed it off and said she could get him to fuck her if she wanted. The bet was on, and she won. I told her she would need pictures to prove it. After the night, she found herself surrendered to him, partially due to the compromising pictures. She wasn’t complaining. He was by far the best sex she’d ever had, and that was saying something. The handsome mysterious stranger was Cliff.

Cliff offered Katie a proposition to win freedom of her willing obligation to him. It was a simple golf game, against me. If I won, she would be free; if he won, I would willingly agree to take her place: complete submission with no limits. Katie pushed that there was no pressure to the wager. I didn’t have to do it. She was secretly enjoying her submission to Cliff. She would understand if I felt unsure about my ability to win the golf match. She also knew I never back down from a competitive challenge. There was no way I would lose the game. Then I did.

Days later I received a text from Cliff telling me to pack for the tropics, bring my passport and be ready for his chauffeur Antonio to pick me up in an hour. Before I knew it, Cliff and I were on a private corporate jet to Costa Rica. The last two days have been strangely magical. My infamous strong will was melting like butter under the Latin sun. Cliff’s strong gentle confidence was addicting. The way he touched me was unlike anything I had ever experienced. And that cock. My stubborn competitiveness was turning in on itself. Rather than being determined to win for myself, I found myself strangely determined to be the prize he always dreamed of. I was willingly surrendering myself to him.

Now his clients and potential business partners had arrived. Cliff invited them to the all-expense-paid tropical paradise to work the deal and to do some team building that would be important for their future work together. He was determined to close this deal and have them leave with smiles on their faces. That was why he brought me.

Janice and Todd were a married couple from Tennessee. Janice was about my height and size but with brown hair. She had a warm down-to-earth smile. Todd was around 5’11” with an average build and dad bod. His light brown hair was receding, showing some balding up front, compensated with a mustache and beard shaved close. They were in the lead jeep with Cliff.

Matt and Lee were from Canada. Matt was about Todd’s height but looked closer to my age. He had dark hair and dark eyes. He was tan, fit and muscular. Lee was the oldest of the four, big. He had just retired as a firefighter. Despite being in his early 60s, he had a youthful demeanor that seemed always ready to play hard. He was easily the tallest of the guests, close to 6’3” with a big frame. His short greying blond hair was pushed up in front. He had a round jovial face and a big smile. His boisterous laugh and voice made it clear he was the life of the party in the firehouse. Matt sat in front of me in the front passenger seat of the jeep next to José. Lee was enjoying being crammed in the back seat next to me.

I looked back up at Lee’s face, and, with a sultry smile, moved my petite hand down his leg to the bulge in front of his shorts. It was hard to grab all of it through the material, but I gave him a firm squeeze. Lee gasped in surprise at my bold move that also gave him permission. His huge thick hand slid down my leg. The side of his pinky finger pressed into the length of my moist pussy. The bumpy movement of the jeep caused his finger to bounce up and down against my erect clit and the folds of my pussy.

José and Matt had no way to know what Lee was beginning to enjoy in the back of the Jeep. José’s eyes were on the road. I was sitting behind Matt, making it impossible for him to see what Lee was doing with his right hand.

With skill, I pulled down the zipper to Lee’s shorts and maneuvered my hand in to feel the massive pile of flesh packed beneath the fabric. Fuck he was big, I thought. I manhandled the hardening snake out of his shorts. I was stunned to see the monster I had just freed. Fuck!

I could tell Lee was pleasantly surprised by my bold response to his testing. I was too. Something triggered in me watching his wonder turn to glad surprise by my slutty sassiness. Deep down, I knew Cliff would be pleased too. I did my best to wrap my petite fingers around the girth of his cock. I palmed the head of his cock with my small strong hand, before gripping his cock again. The movement of the jeep provided a perfect rhythm to stroke him.

“Fuck!” he yelled.

Matt turned to look in response, thinking Lee was talking about the road. He wasn’t.

My pussy was getting wetter by Lee’s touch. In one quick smooth fireman’s move, Lee turned his body toward me, put his right hand on my left waist, reached his left hand over to my right waist and picked me up like a rag doll. He turned my body in the air and set me down on his lap, facing him. I reached above me and held on to the roll bar on the back of the small jeep. Lee’s hard cock pushed into the opening of my wet pussy, before burying his entire length into me.

I gasped. “Fuck!” I screamed. My skirt was hiked up, showing my ass to Matt, watching with envy from the front. My tits fell out of the small black string bikini top from the movement. They danced in front of Lee’s round face. I held on to the roll bar to keep from being thrown out of the jeep. My body bounced on top of Lee. God his cock felt good. His strong hands held my waist. His mouth savored my tits.

It didn’t take long before Lee’s body began to quiver beneath me. Thick cum poured from him into me. Feeling him under and in me brought me over the edge, soaking his long shaft. My body shook until I collapsed into his large frame. He held me tight as my body succumbed to the climax.

Just as easily as he had taken me, Lee picked me up and dropped me back into the seat next to him, like discarded trash. His cock still stood tall. My petite hand couldn’t resist stroking him softly, palming his head again.

Lee sat back with a vaunting satisfied grin. “This is going to be a good trip,” he said. Matt watched in desire before turning back around, wondering what might be in store for him.

After a couple of hours driving deeper into the remote jungle, we arrived at our base camp. There were three canvas yurts set up in a small clearing with a fire pit in the center. A picnic table with a stove and other supplies sat off to the side. It was remote and primitive. Rays of sunlight broke through the thick covering of trees. A creek flowed forty feet away. The air was thick with humidity. Sounds of toucans and other birds squawked from their perches high above, watching the intruders who had just invaded their piece of paradise.

We all poured out of the jeeps, eager to stretch after the long bumpy trip. I did my best to pull my short jean skirt down, and recover my tits under the tiny bikini top. Cliff smiled with approval. At his direction, Matt and Lee moved into the farthest yurt. Todd and Janice unloaded their bags into the middle one. “I’ll be in here,” he announced.

“Where will I be?” I asked.

“Depends,” he answered nonchalantly. “Wherever our guests want you.”

Shit, I thought to myself, realizing with new clarity why he’d brought me.

We didn’t stay at the base camp long. Cliff wasted no time making sure our first day in the jungle was filled with breathtaking adventures beyond anything I or our guests had ever experienced. Behind the yurts were six ATVs. We spent the day exploring the area, off-roading through the jungle, and hiking a nearby mountain. By late afternoon, we were all covered with mud and sweat. Cliff led us to a lagoon surrounded by thick dark green foliage. One end had a small beach, the other a cliff with a picturesque thirty-foot waterfall. It looked like a hidden paradise of storied legends.

“Time for a swim,” Cliff announced, as he stepped off his ATV. He boldly stripped off his clothes without any warning, showing off his tan sexy muscular body. “And there’s only one right way to get in this pool.” Cliff walked around to the top of the waterfall and jumped in. We all watched as he hurled his naked body off the cliff and into the water below. His head popped up in front of the waterfall. “Let’s go! Everyone, in the water! It feels amazing.” It was an order as much as an invitation.

Lee and Matt quickly followed suit, throwing their clothes off, climbing to the top of the waterfall and jumping in.

“Come on, Todd and Janice! The water’s great!” Lee yelled boisterously.

Janice looked nervously at Todd. She felt the peer pressure to strip in front of these men she’d just met that morning. I could tell she wondered what Todd wanted her to do. If she did take her clothes off and jump in the water, what else might happen?

“Come on, you three!” Matt yelled, cajoling us.

I looked over at Janice, giving a sheepish look as if I was feeling hesitant too. “I’ll do it if you do,” I said. “Let’s do it together.”

Janice’s nervous look on her face softened. She looked at Todd, and then again at me. I pulled my bikini top off my body, offering a smile.

Todd immediately pulled his shirt off too, almost to encourage Janice to go along. Janice looked at me, making a deeper connection. Whatever was about to happen, we would be in this together. There was strength in numbers, even though that number was two. Janice glanced back at Todd before pulling her shirt off over her head. We looked at each other’s bodies admiringly. We both knew the men were staring too.

“Let’s do this,” I said, pulling my skirt down. Janice and Todd both dropped their shorts at the same time. Todd’s cock was already growing, standing there naked with the two of us like a fantasy threesome.

The three of us ran to the top of the waterfall and jumped into the water. Despite the warm humid tropical climate, the water was cool and refreshing. The small lagoon gave plenty of space for us to spread out, but the group of skinny-dipping strangers stayed near each other. Janice at first tried her best to cover the view of her tits and body in the crystal-clear sapphire water. She stayed close to me and Todd. Our hands accidentally touched in the water. Our connection deepened. Not surprisingly, the clear water did nothing to hide the view the men’s naked bodies either, including the semi-hard cocks enjoying our naked presence with them in the fantastical tropical lagoon.

We stayed there for a couple of hours, openly taking in the magnificence of the place and secretly of each other. We swam, jumped off the ledge at the top of the waterfall and continued the easy conversation. As Cliff had hoped, the time at the lagoon raised the comfort level of the six strangers to new levels, like long-time friends.

We made our way back to basecamp just as the sun was setting over the western horizon. Everyone changed their clothes. Cliff had a small camouflage dress with spaghetti straps for me to wear. He was nice enough to include a pair of leather sandals, my perfect size. After dinner, the five of them sat around the campfire. I served drinks while the five of them casually focused on the details of their potential business venture. The day together greased the wheels of the negotiations. If the joint venture was finalized, it would be a significant risk for everyone, but the potential payoff was astronomical. They decided to sleep on it, and come to a decision the next day. Everyone retreated to their respective yurts. I followed Cliff into his yurt and began to take my dress off, anticipating enjoying the night in one another’s arms.

“What are you doing?” Cliff asked.

“Aren’t we going to bed?” I asked.

“I am,” he said. “Your work is just beginning. Were you listening to the negotiations tonight?”

“Yes,” I answered. “I think they’re close.”

“I agree,” he said, “but they’re not there yet. You’re my closer. I don’t know if you can do it, but I want you to do whatever it takes to make them sign the deal in the morning.”

Cliff’s wording intentionally challenged me. Everything in me rises up when someone says I can’t do something. He knew my competitive nature never turns a challenge down.

“What do you mean if I can?” I asked with an edge.

“If you can,” he answered matter-of-factly. “There is only one way to find out. Whatever it takes, close the deal.”

The challenge felt daunting but irresistible. I walked out of his yurt and closed the door behind me. I looked in the direction of Todd and Janice’s place. “Damn, how did I get myself into this?”

I knocked on the hard canvas door. “Janice? Todd?” I called, hesitantly. I suddenly heard rustling like I was catching them in the middle of something. I realized I was.

“What,” Todd said sharply, more as a statement than a question. “We’re busy.”

“I’m sorry to bother you,” I said. “I just…”

“Can you come back?” Todd asked.

“Todd,” Janice chastised softly, slightly embarrassed. “Cover yourself up.” There was a brief pause. “Ash?”

“Yes,” I answered, nervously, realizing what I was interrupting.

“Please, come in,” she said.

I opened the door and stepped into the yurt. The dim light showed Todd and Ashley in the middle of their king bed. Their naked bodies were covered with the sheets.

“What do you want?” Todd asked with a sternness, clearly annoyed by the interruption.

“Sorry to interrupt,” I said, with a slight blush. “Listen, I know this opportunity you’re here for is a big deal. It is for you. I know it is for Cliff too. There’s a lot of risk involved with the possibility of a huge payout.”

“Or a huge loss,” Todd said.

“Yes, or a huge loss,” I affirmed. “I’m here to help mitigate the risk to make it worthwhile.”

“What do you mean?” Janice asked.

“Well, there are some things you can’t control with risks. That’s what makes it a gamble. However, there are ways to make the risk more enticing, more satisfying. There are things we can control to make you glad you took the risk, no matter how it comes out. There are benefits or bonuses you can enjoy regardless of what happens with the deal. All yours, no limits.”

“Like what?” Todd asked.

“That’s up to you” I answered. “What do you want?” I ran my hands down my sides suggestively. “I’ll do anything you want to make the deal happen.”

“Fuck,” Todd said with surprise. “Did Cliff send you in here?”

“Yes,” I answered honestly, “but I’m here because I want to be. I want this deal to go through for him, and for you. There’s nothing I won’t do to make it worth your while. There is no fantasy I won’t fulfill.”

“Damn,” Todd said, suddenly feeling awkward. He was lying naked in bed, his cock already hard from his wife starting to fuck him minutes before. Not it was throbbing. Potential fantasies ran silently through his mind like a porn video. He and Janice had never had a threesome. He fantasized about it, but could never find the way to suggest it to Janice. Janice had never said anything about being with another woman.

“Uh, well, that’s nice Ashley and all,” Todd stammered. “I just don’t think that…”

“Wait Todd,” Janice interrupted. “Are you saying anything Ashley?”

“Anything,” I answered, realizing Janice was not the only one who had never been with a woman. When I walked in I imagined maybe they might want me to do a striptease for them or maybe give Todd a lap dance or blowjob. I never imagined Janice might take the lead.

“Oh fuck,” Todd said shocked. “What are you suggesting?”

“I’m not suggesting anything,” Janice said. “I’m taking Ashley up on her offer. Maybe I’ve secretly fantasized about being with a woman. I can’t imagine you complaining if she joins in right now. Am I right?”

“As always, you’re right,” Todd exclaimed, seeing his fantasies about to come to life right in front of his eyes. “Are you saying I get to fuck you both?”

Janice laughed. “Maybe. What I am saying is you’re both going to fuck me and make this a night I’ll never forget.”

I swallowed hard, asking myself again, How the hell did I get myself in this situation?

Janice threw the sheets down, completely exposing her aroused naked body – and Todd’s. “You’re way overdressed girl. Let’s have some fun.”

I pulled my dress off and let it drop to the floor. Todd and Janice’s eyes were riveted to my body. I felt my nipples harden out of arousal, the closer I got. Todd’s cock bounced over his abs. I crawled up on the bed and moved like a lioness toward Janice’s glistening pussy.

“Oh fuck this is going to be good,” she said. “No one knows how to please a woman like another woman.”

Janice spread her legs, welcoming my face to her already wet pussy. I spread back the folds of her womanhood. Her clit rose, begging for attention. I lowered my lips to her and introduced my tongue to her waiting clit. It was the first taste of another woman I’d ever had. She and I both moaned softly.

Todd leaned over and kissed his wife, his hand cupping her breast. His fingers found her nipple, twisting it lightly, like he knows she likes. Her back arched from her husband’s touch, and her pussy buzzed alive. She dropped her head back in surrender.

My tongue took to her soft folds naturally. I knew what I liked, and let my imagination guide my tongue’s movement. Soft, slow, hard, fast, circles, up and down. Her entire body surrendered to me, helpless and desiring.

“Fuck yes, don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop!”

I slowly increased the pace of my tongue’s circular movement. Janice responded accordingly.

Todd watched in amazement as his wife was being taken to another world. Janice stroked his cock, almost out of a natural response to her being pleasured.

Todd rolled out of the bed and walked around behind me. I was on my knees with my face buried in Janice’s pussy. There was no stopping now. I felt Todd move in behind me. He spread my ass cheeks with his two hands before his right hand slid down between my legs. My body quivered in response. My pussy was already wet. Pleasuring Janice stirred my libido in ways I never imagined. His fingers moved across my lubricated folds until two found their way deep inside me. I gasped.

Janice opened her eyes and offered a smile. In that moment, she didn’t care what Todd was doing. She just didn’t want her swelling pleasure to stop.

Todd seized the opportunity. His cock pressed against my ass. He lowered the head of his cock like a canon until it found its target. His hips thrust forward, burying his cock into my pussy.

I squealed.

Thwack! Todd spanked my ass with his hand as his cock drilled me mercilessly.

I held onto Janice’s waist for stability as Todd fucked me from behind. They were both getting what they secretly dreamed of without knowing until this moment. Both climbed quickly toward mutual climax.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Janice screamed as her body squirmed under me. Janice’s body began to gyrate uncontrollably. One hand reached down to my head. Her fingers combed my hair until she had most of it in her petite hands. She grabbed ahold of it, forcing my face harder into her pussy. Her other hand reached up and squeezed one of her own tits, grabbing hold like a vice. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, here it comes!” she screamed. Her hips bucked beneath me.

Todd matched the pace and force of his wife’s movements, ramming his cock deep into my pussy.

I felt my own first orgasm grow close. There was something so hot about being used by both of them at the same time.

“Oh fuck, harder!” Janice screamed. “Harder, you slut!” she yelled. “Don’t you dare fucking stop!”

Janice had no idea that talking like that makes my arousal skyrocket. I had never heard it from a woman before. It was hot!

Janice’s orgasm began to quell. Her breaths were short and fast. “I have to taste you,” she demanded.

“Oh fuck, I’m so close!” Todd yelled.

“I have to have you now,” Janice insisted.

I raised my head and rose to my knees. I turned my body, straddling her face with my knees. I slowly lowered my pussy to her waiting mouth.

Todd moved forward, standing on the bed facing me. He pushed his cock into my mouth. I moaned tasting my own juices on his rod. He took hold of the back of my head with both hands and fucked my face forcefully.

Janice moaned as her own cum spilled down her throat.

I gasped at the feel of her skilled tongue on my already wet pussy. I rocked my hips gently over her face while Todd fucked my mercilessly with his swelling cock. The head of his cock rammed the back of my throat, causing me to gag, but allowing no relief. His strong hands held my head in place, using me pitilessly as his fuck toy.

Being used like this spiked my arousal. The more ruthless they were, the more aroused I became. Cold chills covered my body. My hips moved faster over Janice, dropping my wet folds over her lips and hungry tongue. “Oh fuck,” I said inaudibly with my mouth being rammed by Todd’s cock. The climax suddenly rocked my body, spraying Janice’s face below me. Her tongue madly lapped up my juices flooding her face. Todd’s back arched and launched his load down my thirsty throat. I gagged then closed my thick lips over his cock again, determined to swallow every drop of his thick nectar. His hands thrust my face against his abs again and again. I reached around him with my hands, pulling him harder against me.

The three of us collapsed into a pile on their bed. “Oh fuck, that was better than I imagined,” Janice confessed.

“Damn, that was hot,” Todd said, offering a kiss to his wife.

“Yes it was, Lover,” she said, reaching her hand down to his cock, already growing back to life.

“Fuck me,” she ordered, with a smile to Todd. “Feel free to come back later if you want,” she said to me.

I stood up and did my best to collect myself. I put my dress on. “I just might,” I said, sincerely. As I walked out of their yurt, the two were fucking each other wildly. I knew Cliff would be proud. I took a deep breath of the thick humid night air and looked at the other yurt. There was no way to know what might happen in there. I knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Lee’s voice bellowed.

I opened the door and walked in.

“Damn, look at her,” Matt said, seeing my silhouette from the full moon behind me.

“Hey boys,” I said with a seductive tone.

“What do you want?” Lee asked.

“The real question is what you two want,” I answered. “I’m here to do whatever it takes to make sure the deal goes through tomorrow.”

“We’ve already decided we’re going through with it,” Matt blurted. “We’re in.”

“Wait, not so fast,” Lee said. “Let’s not miss an opportunity here Matt.”

“Too late,” I said. “I guess rather than convincing you, I’ll need to just stay and reward you.”

“Fuck, seriously?” Lee said.

I took my dress off, taking advantage of the silhouette to show off my fit body. “Fuck seriously or however you want. I’m here to make every fantasy you’ve ever had come true.”

“Oh shit,” Matt said.

I closed the door and surrendered myself to their every wanton desire. As the warm Latin sun came up hours later, my naked body was covered in cum. I ached inside and out, in the best ways. My stomach, pussy, and ass were filled with thick delicious cum. The two men were boundless, endlessly working to outdo the other. The playful competition lasted all night, using me in their quest for sexual domination.

“Well done, slut,” Cliff said, as all four signed the contract and secured the deal.

“You’re welcome,” I said, feeling a strange sense of accomplishment.

“When we arrive back in the states tomorrow, I may release you from your obligation,” he hinted with his handsome broad smile.

“What if I don’t want to be released?” I countered, my words surprising even me.

“You’re even more of a slut than I realized. Hell, I think you’re more of a slut than you realized.”

I smiled. I couldn’t deny it. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to find out,” I answered. I wondered to myself, how the hell did I get here? One thing I knew. I didn’t want to go back.

Published 4 years ago

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