“Damn, you look hot,” I complemented out loud.
“Oh stop,” she said with a playful smile and tone of false humility.
It was just the two of us sharing a small table at the popular restaurant. Her long brunette hair framed her tan face, highlighted by her sparkling brown eyes and devilish smile. She wore a casual white and grey striped cotton dress that showed off her cleavage and the perfect curves of her body.
My mom has always been a role model for me. The fact that she is so fucking sexy was one of reasons I am so impressed with her. Her professional ambition is also impressive, doing whatever it takes to climb into the executive offices of the bank we both work at. Her personality is strong and confident, but playful. Her fit petite body makes her look at least ten years younger than her early fifties She never has a problem attracting desirable men. Attracting them was easy for her; keeping them was another. She’d finished three marriages and had just begun her fourth. She never looks back though. As sweet as he is, she is a master at using men in every way to satisfy her own appetites and pleasures. She is confident and knows how to get what she wants. I have no doubt that is true in the bedroom too.
“Who is this Cliff you mentioned the other night?” she asked. “He must be good if he beat you playing golf.”
I felt my face tighten with embarrassment. “Oh, no one,” I lied, looking down with a sudden interest in the food on my plate. “He’s just someone that Katie Kingston met at a wedding we went to.”
Emotions silently ricocheted in me. I’m highly competitive and hate to lose. Losing the golf game pissed me off – at myself. My anger mixed with a strange anticipated arousal at the thought of him. He is so mysterious. Katie said he was by far the best sex she’d ever had – again and again. I got the first taste of what he’s capable of just off of the eigtheenth green. His cock was mesmerizing. My anger and arousal mixed with nervous anguish. Cliff’s prize for winning the golf game was my complete sexual submission without any limits. I only agreed to it because there was no way I’d lose the game. Then I did. I put myself in this position, securing it with collateral that would relinquish my control. How did I get myself in this situation?
“I can tell it bothered you to lose,” my mom pushed. “I can see it in your face now,” she added. “How much did you lose?”
My heart raced. “Um, ah,” I stammered. “We didn’t play for money,” I answered honestly.
The truth was, Cliff wasn’t interested in my money. An awkward silence hung in the air between me and my mom. She was desperate to know what was at stake in the game.
“Did you see Joey in here the other night when we were here with Maryah and Jordon?” I asked, doing my best to change the subject. “I don’t think he saw us, but I saw him in a back booth. It looked like he was on his dinner break during a shift.”
My mom’s eyes suddenly grew large as if she was caught with her skirt up by my question. “Um, yeah,” she answered, “or no.” She looked down and then back up again as if trying to regain her composure. Her face turned red. It was awkward.
“Yes or no?” I asked. It was an innocent question to try to distract her from the awkward conversation about Cliff and my golf game. She looked back down at the table and squirmed uncomfortably in her chair.
“Um, Joey?” she stammered.
“Joey!” I said, surprised at her sudden nervous awkwardness. “My old boyfriend. Remember? The one you said I shouldn’t be with? The one you said I could do better?” There was a brief pause. “Even though the sex was amazing,” I blurted.
“Yes, of course,” she said. “I mean yes about remembering him, not about sex being amazing with him. How would I know about that?” Her words uncharacteristically stammered. She blushed again.
The air strangely thickened between us. My mom was rarely flustered, especially with such a simple question. “So you did…”
My phone suddenly came to life, buzzing loudly, vibrating everything on the table like a wand on full power. It shook us both out of the awkward conversation filled with more questions than answers. I turned my phone over and read the screen:
Wheels up in two hours.
Pack light with passport.
I’ll pick you up in one hour.
“Wait, what?” I said out loud.
“What is it?” my mom asked.
“Oh, a work thing,” I lied. With my mom working in the executive offices of the bank, I immediately realized that wasn’t a smart way to answer. “Not exactly a work thing. Someone from work.”
“Who is it?” she asked, with a tone more like a boss than a mom, although sometimes the line between them can be thin.
“No, it’s nothing,” I lied again. I picked up the phone and texted back: “Wheels up? Passport? For what?” I pressed send. My phone buzzed immediately.
Flight. Think Tropical.
Dress very sexy. fifty-seventh minutes.
My fingers texted rapidly: “Flight? Tropical? I can’t just fly somewhere.”
Your promise: submission with no limits.
fifty-four minutes.
“What?” I asked out loud again, looking at my phone screen.
“What is it, Ashley?”
“Oh nothing,” I lied again. “Sorry, I need to go,” I announced, still puzzled about her awkward response to my question about Joey. I stood up, picked up my purse.
“Everything OK?”
“Yeah, it’s fine,” I said as I turned to go. “I’ll call you later.”
I sped to my place, risking a few traffic violations. My mind raced as fast as my car. I promised no limits, but I didn’t think that meant flying off some place. Who does he think he is? Tropical? Do I just pack for the night? I have work tomorrow. My thoughts ricocheted. I looked at the clock. forty-five minutes had passed since his first text. What the fuck!
I took my top and bra off and put on one of my favorite small white short cotton tops that falls off the shoulder with a bared midriff. The top hugs my 34C tits, showing off my athletic build and abs. I put on a short multicolored floral skirt that highlights my firm ass and legs. Three-inch heels raised me to 5’8”. I looked in the mirror. My blond straight hair fell over my tan shoulders. “Sexy he wants, sexy he’s got,” I said, looking admiringly into the mirror.
A whirlwind of emotions stirred in me. I couldn’t believe I was allowing his text to dictate my life so immediately. Yet I was choosing to. His short cryptic phrases communicated an assertive strength and control. His mysteriousness heightened my curiosity but also my nerves. I’d be lying if I said the idea of flying somewhere tropical didn’t make me excited. But so quickly? Needing a passport meant somewhere out of the country. I can’t fly internationally! What about work tomorrow? It was all so fast, so crazy. It didn’t make any sense.
I looked up at the clock. I had only five minutes. I quickly threw things into my carry-on suitcase. A couple dresses. Tops. Shorts. Bra, panties. Sandals. I grabbed the obvious things from the bathroom and threw them in. I closed the suitcase just as the doorbell rang. I opened the door, expecting to see Cliff. Instead there was a large handsome black stud who looked like he could be a linebacker in the NFL. For all I knew, he was.
“My name is Antonio. The car’s waiting. I’ll take your bag.”
“Where are we going?” I asked as I handed him my bag.
“He’ll tell you everything you need to know,” Antonio answered with a gorgeous broad smile.
“You coming too?” I asked, hopefully.
“No, ma’am. Not this time.”
We walked to a black Lexus parked in front of my place. He opened the back door for me.
“Welcome,” Cliff said. “Glad you decided to make it.”
“Did I have a choice?” I asked as I stepped into the car. Cliff and Antonio both watched as my skirt hiked up my legs as I sat, exposing a glimpse of my panties.
“Of course, you had a choice,” Cliff answered. “You always have a choice. Whatever you choose has consequences. I need to know before we leave that you are here willingly and without limits.”
“Where are we going?” I asked. “I’m not sure what I’m agreeing to.”
“You’re agreeing to fulfill your promise and commitment you made when you lost our golf game. Complete willing submission without limits. Nothing else matters. Yes or no.”
I swallowed hard. I put myself in this situation. “Yes,” I said. “I always keep my word.”
“Very good. To the airport,” Cliff said as Antonio stepped into the driver’s seat.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“You’ll see. I think you’ll love it,” he said.
“But I have work tomorrow,” I said.
“Call and tell them you won’t be in. I’d start by saying a few days, but we’ll keep it open-ended.”
“You look nice,” Cliff complimented, changing the subject.
“Thank you,” I answered. Truthfully, he did too. He was wearing a blue linen button-down short-sleeve shirt and white linen pants with sandals. It showed off his muscular physique.
As we got close to the airport, the car turned into an area where private and corporate jets are hangered. I had never been to this part of the airport. To be honest, I had never noticed it. The car pulled up next to a white sleek plane with Gulfstream G650ER printed on the back. The door was open with stairs coming down to the tarmac. Antonio walked around and opened my door, reached his large hand in and took mine in his hand. My hand dwarfed in his. I stepped out of the car as I watched him openly lust over the view of my body. I smiled at the slight movement in the front of his pants.
“Want to take a picture,” I said, as I stood next to him.
“That’s okay,” he said. “I have a good memory. Right up those stairs.”
“Thank you,” I said. I reached over, rubbed my hand across the front of his pants and groped his cock. Like the rest of him, my petite hand was dwarfed by what I felt. “Maybe next time then,” I said with a smile over my shoulder as I walked toward the plane.
Cliff walked around the car and stopped briefly to say something into Antonio’s ear before following me toward the plane. “Antonio will load the bags.”
I walked up the stairs into the private jet. Cliff followed me a few steps behind, enjoying the view of my short skirt. I knew why I was here and decided I would enjoy it.
The private plane was luxurious with leather seats, couches, a small kitchen, a bar, television, a laptop on a desk and what appeared to be a small bedroom in the back. “Damn, this is nice,” I said.
“Ever been on a private jet?” Cliff asked.
“Nope. First time.”
“Lots of benefits to the private part,” he said. “Company owned.”
A man in a white pilot uniform closed the door of the jet, sealing us in. As he turned around, he smiled warmly. “Anything I can get you before we take off?” he asked. His eyes lingered on me lustfully. I smiled back. He had a lean athletic build and sandy hair.
“No thank you Jared,” Cliff answered. “She’ll be the one serving us on this flight,” he announced.
Jared’s smile grew. “Great,” he said, taking another long admiring look at my body. “Unfortunately, I’m on the clock. With my flying and her service, it looks to be a fantastic flight. I’ll get us cleared for take-off and on our way.” He walked through the cabin to the cockpit.
“Pour us a drink and have a seat on the couch,” he said, with a gesture to the bar as he walked to one of the plush chairs in the middle of the cabin.
“Yes, sir,” I answered sarcastically. His order struck my competitive nerve. I was only here because I lost that golf game. The memories of that afternoon and evening flooded back into my mind. “How could I let that happen?” I wondered to myself. “How could I put myself in this position?” I felt the plane begin to move. There was no going back now. I was here to pay my debt.
An unopened bottle of Casa Dragones Joven tequila sat prominently on the bar with some whisky glasses next to it. I opened the bottle and filled two glasses half full. “This will help,” I thought to myself.
I walked the drinks over to Cliff, one in each hand. “Here you go,” I said with a smile. Rather than taking the drink, he ran his large muscular hand up the back of my bare leg. “Hey,” I said, surprised by his boldness. I was defenseless with the drinks in my hand.
Cliff’s hand continued up my leg and under my short skirt until it cupped my ass. Cold chills covered my body. It was more out of growing arousal than nerves. My nipples tightened. There was something about the mysterious suspense of being alone with Cliff on a lavish private plane as it moved across the tarmac toward a runway, taking off to an unknown international location. The aroma of the expensive leather mixed with the top-shelf tequila in my hands was intoxicating. I willingly boarded the plane knowing there were no limits to what might be required of me. The competitive side of me found the challenge irresistible. Like the blend of aromas, the air was thick with a strange alluring mélange of wills. I am a strong confident woman. I am used to taking charge in my life. None of that mattered now. Wherever the plane was taking us, any vestige of my control was left behind. I willingly relinquished all control to this tantalizing man I barely knew.
Cliff’s hand moved between my legs and continued its ascent until caressing the edge of my pussy. My knees buckled slightly from his touch. His fingers hooked the small thread of fabric separating his skin from my womanhood. With a controlled forceful pull, the thin material gave way and fell into a clump into his hand. I gasped in surprise, trying my best to not spill the drinks. I felt what was left of my thong fall to the floor. His hand slid back up my leg to my helpless pussy. The wetness of my folds betrayed my growing arousal from his assertive control.
“Mmmm, someone’s enjoying this,” he said. His thumb toyed with my swollen clit.
My knees buckled again. I gasped. Nothing attracts me more than strong, confident, self-assured man. I imagine there’s nothing more enticing to him than the submission of a strong woman. Something about him was irresistible. Two of his muscular fingers glided easily into my already soaked pussy while his thumb continued its masterful massage of my helpless clit.
“Oh god, you’re bringing me close,” I confessed.
“Already?” Cliff said with a mischievous smile. “You’re more of a slut than I thought.”
I blushed. “Oh god, oh god,” I said, trying my best not to spill the tequila.
“Drink one of those,” he ordered.
I brought the glass in my left hand to my lips before emptying it down my throat.
“Damn, you’re going to feel that,” he said, surprised I drank it all.
My head spun. Alcohol is an aphrodisiac for me. As the song says, tequila makes my clothes fall off. His working my clit and g-spot was driving me crazy. “Oh fuck,” I said, lost in the moment. “Careful.”
Cliff took the drink from my hand. I placed the empty glass on the table. Cliff pulled me toward him. My legs straddled his waist. “Fuck me Slut.”
I reached down and opened his pants, releasing his familiar, beautiful, long, hard cock. Seeing it almost took me over the edge. My short skirt was pushed up to my waist. I positioned the thick head of his cock and lowered my body over him, swallowing his entire length in my drenched pussy. I gasped again. “Oh fuck, oh fuck. Fuck yes!” I dropped my head back.
“Well then, fuck me Bitch.”
Cliff had no way of knowing his dirty talk just compounded my arousal. Maybe he discovered the effect it had on Katie and assumed it was true for me too. This man was intoxicating. If he made me feel like this already, what else might he have in store? My will and body melted on him like butter. I wanted to devour him; I wanted to be devoured by him.
Cliff reached up and took hold of my tits as my body rocked rhythmically over his. The approaching orgasm in me grew more intense. My petite hands held his muscular shoulders before sliding up to run my fingers through his thick head of hair.
Cliff freely explored my body with his strong hands. The passion between us intensified. His fingers took hold of my blouse and easily ripped it open from the front, exposing my tits. It was nothing but tatters. His assertiveness turned me on. I threw what was left of the top across the plane cabin. I loved that blouse, but loved what he felt like more. There were plenty more tops in my suitcase.
Cliff’s mouth sucked one of my tits into his mouth. His tongue played with my swollen nipple, further heightening…