Ashley Takes Over Part 2

"Ashley explains the rules and disciplinary customs of her homeland as she finishes Tommy's spanking"

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Tommy awoke groggily as he looked up and around the room. He remembered—wait! The boy quickly looked around, remembering what happened the previous day.

His future stepmother had spanked him raw yesterday! 

He felt his bottom through his pyjamas, happy it was nicely healed up. Ashley had given him some special spanking lotion at night before tucking him into bed. He got up and walked out. “Ashley?” He called out. It was eleven in the morning; he had overslept, so he was a little hungry. 

“In the kitchen, bud!” Ashley called out. He walked through his dad’s luxurious house over to where the raven-haired model was. “Making you some brunch,” she smiled. Ashley was just wearing a loose black tank top and sweatpants, seemingly having been working out. 

“Thanks,” he smiled as he sat down.

“Don’t forget you have the rest of your spanking remaining from yesterday, baby. The belt and the brush.” Ashley said nonchalantly as if discussing the weather. 

And that tone unnerved Tommy, at just how normalised she was speaking about his spankings. “Yeah,” he gulped, looking at her. He remembered yesterday when he spent a good half hour getting to suckle on her nice, supple breasts while she kissed and petted him. He realised things couldn’t go back to being the same with them.

“How are things between us, Ashley?” he asked her as she plated some pancakes and mashed potatoes in gravy. 

“What do you mean?” Ashley quizzed, taking the plates to him before going to grab some coffee for them both. 

“Like…with…I was like sucking…”

“Oh, my breasts?” She laughed. “Why? Do you want to do it again?” 

“What? No! I mean, uhh, yeah?” He blinked. “Like I don’t understand,” he shook his head.

“Oh relax, kiddo,” she lightly petted his head. “If you were wondering if you crossed any lines with your dad, then no,” she said seriously with a kiss to his cheek.

He found that hard to believe. 

“But you’re his girlfriend; you’re going to marry him!”

“And be your new stepmother,” she added. “And you’re under twenty-one. I have had this talk with your father; we had decided that if I were to move in and if you would be staying here in this household till college, I’d be raising you like how a boy or girl is treated back in our culture. And your great-grandmother came from our country, so your dad knows all about what happened with you and my boobs.”

It took Tommy a few seconds to process what was said. “What? Like Dad knows?”

“Well, I did call him and told him you got a proper introduction spanking,” Ashley bopped his nose and gave him his coffee.

“And?” Tommy asked worriedly as he sipped his coffee.

“He asked me if I started breastfeeding you yet.”

Tommy spat out his coffee.

“It was a joke!” Ashley laughed. 

“Not funny!” He complained, grabbing some towels to clean up the mess.

“You spat your coffee out; it was pretty funny,” his new future stepmom countered, hugging him from the back and kissing his cheek. “Though I could do it if you’d like.”

He was frozen cold by the kiss; he blinked in surprise at the words. “What? Like breastfeeding?” He asked in shock.

“We have pills for it,” she shrugged. “It’s mostly done as punishment for humiliation with the more… well, let’s say, mafioso boys and girls. Tough big man made to suckle like a baby after he’s whipped out in the middle of the streets. It always happens outside in public.”

“Why don’t we hear about it then in the news?” Tommy countered. That sounded dumb. She was surely pulling his leg.

“Skochka is like completely isolated from outside media.” she explained. And Tommy knew that to be true. Ashley was seen as an exotic woman when her dad started dating. The Skochkan women were also extremely pretty and attractive, so he immediately had a crush on her. 

“So you’ve seen it?” He questioned her.

“Like breastfeeding? I’ve done it a few times when I was babysitting.”

What the fuck?” Tommy realised he swore, getting a glare.

“Do you want to go over my knee now?” she snapped at him.

“Sorry!” He raised his hands. “But that’s… like what?”

“It’s seen as even more humiliating when I was eighteen and the boys were twenty-one, and I was constantly teasing and mocking them. Like we have a huge gang epidemic with young kids joining, so gang members are treated extremely childishly and humiliated to remove any coolness factor they have.” She leaned over to wipe some coffee off his face. 

“Oh,” he looked at her chest. “So you don’t actually have any problem with me sucking on them?”

“Honestly… I’ve always found it cute to have a big, strong boy be a sobbing toddler on my breasts.” Ashley leaned to kiss the boy. “But then again, I had never been married or had a stepson, so it was more like establishing dominance and authority than like actual affection. And you I could have suckled all day.” She hugged him, planting a kiss on his cheek. “And I do plan to have you there all day with two spankings to deal with,” she pointed out.

“Uhhh, yeah,” he nodded. He only got a warmup yesterday, so he knew today would be worse. “Do you want to do it now?” He asked her.

Ashley smiled. “You wanna get it over with, kiddo?”

“Yeah,” he sighed. 

“Alright then,” she kissed him. “Eat your breakfast, strip completely, and go put a condom on and meet me in the living room.”

“The living room?” He asked unsurely.

“Your father’s not home, and we don’t get any visitors. I want to be able to swing my arms when I use the belt,” Ashley explained as she ate. 

“Is it going to hurt?” Tommy didn’t like the sound of what Ashley said.

“Oh yes,” she smiled. “And it’s Mommy for the rest of the day, sweetness.” She sliced a spoonful of pancake. “Open up,” she ordered.

“What?” He was surprised, but he opened his mouth as Ashley fed him like he was three.

“Didn’t your mom feed you like this?” she asked slyly. “I still get fed by my mother.”

“No… she was,” he blushed. 

“Right. Your dad has spoken of her enough,” she fed him another spoonful. “Which is why I don’t want you to feel worthless and uncared for. Absentee and abusive parents are treated very harshly in my country; she would’ve been flogged on the streets for weeks on end.”

“I don’t feel bad for her or wish her ill,” the boy quickly spoke up.

“Because you are a sweet boy,” Ashley smiled softly. “A sweet boy in trouble but a sweet boy nonetheless. Go get ready. I want to baby you for a long time after I peel the skin off your ass.”

The dichotomy between cruelty and dripping affection threw Tommy off balance. He made his way to his room to take his clothes off and pulled on a condom. Ashley had ordered a bunch of “spanking sheaths” from her homeland, essentially condoms that went over his crotch so he wouldn’t cum on her or anywhere on the couch. She also ordered a few implements and special oils and creams that were to help heal up a well-spanked butt; the whole shipment would be reached in just over a week. 

As he walked out, he looked at himself in the mirror. He was fully grown and yet about to be spanked like a child by his new mommy! He wondered how his friends would react to this. They all knew Ashley as a famous upcoming model and were jealous of him, but they wouldn’t be expecting how his home life was.

He sighed. Well, they would be jealous of his aftercare, he smiled. It was fun when she let him suckle and play with her breasts; that’s certainly very new. A few of his friends used to be spanked growing up; they did not have moms as hot as Ashley, who let them do that. And breastfeeding? He blushed red at the thought. Would she do that with him? The prospect did…have a certain appeal, he thought.

He had walked into the living room, realising just how naked he was and starting to feel exposed. His dad always saw spankings as discreet; Ashley seems to view it as an embarrassing thing to make him feel little! Mommy is a name young toddlers use after all. He looked around to check where she was and remembered she probably went to take a shower after having been working out all morning. She kept herself in excellent shape for the most part. 

Tommy just sat on the couch, looking at the front door, worried someone would come in when he heard Ashley move behind him. “There’s Mommy’s cute little butt needing a spanking!” 

Tommy turned around and was shocked at her attire—Ashley was wearing the sexiest lingerie he had ever seen her in! “Mommy!” He gasped, eyes widening as he took in the contours of her sculpted frame. She looked absolutely divine! A goddess…of retribution, he immediately realised as his eyes drifted down to the two implements of correction in her hands, the thick oval hairbrush she would use to brush her hair and his father’s thick belt.

“What? You’ve seen me in less clothes in catalogues,” she teased him. “I wasn’t going to put on too much with you needing to be comforted so much, and I need my bra to keep my breasts from swaying when I whip you,” she put the two items on the couch. 

“Y-yeah,” he nodded. 

“Alright. Do you want to start with why you got your bad grades?” Ashley questioned. “Because there’s a chance your current college application could be rejected.”

“What?” He froze.

“Your father is looking into it,” Ashley explained. “It’s not looking good, I have to admit.”

Tommy started tearing up. He wasn’t really the brightest, but he had hoped he had done enough to get into the university in their town. They lived in a remote town, so the other options for colleges were far away. 

“So I may have to move?” He asked sadly.

“The other option I’ve put forward is to move to Skochka,” Ashley added. “My home country. The dean of the National Institute is a close family friend, and he’s fine with your grades.”

Tommy considered this new information. “But the Skochkan National Institute is the biggest tech university in the world! How can they get me in?”

“I’m a Skochkan citizen, and you will be eligible once I marry your dad. It isn’t set in stone, but if your dad fails to get you fixed, the wedding will have to be pushed up.” Ashley seemed to be quite happy with the thought. 

“Wow…” Tommy rubbed his head. “Quite a backup,” he tried to smile weakly.

“I would rather prefer it if we moved to my home country.  Your father is expanding and doing most of his business in Skochka anyway, so it would make the most sense if we all moved to the Motherland,” she added. 

“But would I be able to study? Their classes are at a very high level.”

“Which is why I’ll be coming with you,” Ashley pointed out, grabbing her hairbrush. “Over my knee.”

He groaned and leaned forward, Ashley adjusting herself so he was dangling across her lap, feeling especially childish. She tapped the brush a few times across his right cheek before striking his flesh with a sharp snap.


“Mommy’s going to be going through your daily progress, so every night you will study for three hours at home,” she spanked harshly as she spoke, alternating cheeks as she built up a steady rhythm. “And every night if you haven’t done well, you will be going to bed nursing a sore little bottom. You will be spending all of your university time with a butt like a baboon if you don’t shape up!”

“Oowww…oowwiee…yes, mommy!” He cried and gasped with each blow. 

“Skochkan culture values grit and hard work. You are a fine student as long as you have the right motivation and pressure. They liked your profile, so your offer is on merit, not just my recommendation.” Tommy could sense a tone of pride in her voice despite the intense paddling she was delivering to him. 

“Oooww oowahh! Thank you, Mommy!” He couldn’t articulate more as Ashley started working on his lower sit spots. His cries grew louder and louder as she finished him up with a dozen cracks to his thighs. 

“All done, all done, baby,” she soothed him, gently kissing his scorched butt cheeks.  Tommy had tears flowing down his face as she had the boy picked up to straddle her lap. 

“I’ve always wanted to be a mommy to an older boy,” Ashley admitted. “Someone who I can thrash to my heart’s content, and I can pet afterwards.” She unhooked her bra, offering him her breast. Tommy took her erect nipple softly in his mouth, and he began to suckle. He could see she was enjoying it too as he calmed down. He playfully ran his tongue against the nipple, lightly squeezed her breasts, and clung close as she softly massaged his sore buns. 

“You still have the belt to go. Do you want me to finish you off right now, or do you want to be babied for some more?” Ashley asked him.

“Babied,” he replied immediately, curling into her. “I want to know more about the other boys you punish. And … you know.” 

“Nursed?” she smirked. 

“Yeah,” he blushed.

“Why? Does my widdle boy want Mommy to feed you my milk, hmmm? I may start doing it if we move to Skochka and you are especially naughty.” She lightly tickled his stomach. “A red-hot bottom and made to nurse your Mommy’s milk in front of my model friends.” 

The image of what she described got him to blush and harden. Her friends, her supermodel friends from Skochka? Genelia Zol, Diana Minx, and Marianna Moss?

“In front of them?” He cuddled closer. 

“Oh yes. My circle of friends is very much a sisterhood. Once you are my boy, they will all see you as their own. If you are in my city, public spankings and sucklings will be a part of your life.”

“And Dad’s okay with it?” Tommy asked with a blush.

“Your father would be thrilled if you can get into the university there. He knows the culture; he’s been there plenty of times.” Ashley guided the boy up. “Time for the belt,” she ordered.

“Yes, Mommy.” He got up obediently, rock hard. Marianna Moss could be seeing his spanking! He had met her once when Ashley introduced him and was completely tongue-tied and clammy. Tommy had a huge crush on her…wait, would he be able to see Marianna getting spanked? If she was only eighteen and she’s from Skochka, then surely she got spanked sometimes too, right? 

He bent down, imagining the face of the blonde supermodel as his own supermodel disciplinarian put her bra back on and picked up the belt. 

“Do the younger supermodels get spanked?” He asked as Ashley made her way behind him.

“Like Marianna?” She smirked, laying the first lash. “Genelia is like her foster mom when she’s modelling, so yes,” she slowly began working the boy over as he started howling. The brush had really done a number on his butt. She couldn’t really continue with the conversation as she spanked him to full bawling. 

“You can’t take a full belt whipping just yet; your bottom is still not used to being regularly punished.” Ashley mused, walking up to the boy. “I can finish this quickly if you give me permission to punish you in your special place.”

It took the lad a few moments to register what she meant. “Special place?”

“Your butthole is considered part of your bottom and part of what I may punish,” the woman explained. 

Tommy looked at her with a bright blush. 

“What are you going to do?” 

“Well, right now I’m just going to spank you in between your cheeks with my hand. But when you are back in the home country, I may start using a switch or a thin strap to spank your hole. Plugs and ginger roots are also common.” She sat down, and the boy gulped, moving like he was in a trance across her knee. His cock between her silky thighs.

Ashley lightly spread his cheeks to graze his bottom hole. Tommy involuntarily rubbed himself against her thighs. “Every inch of my boy’s bare bottom is for Mommy to punish,” she whispered huskily as she spanked the sensitive inner cheeks. “Maternal authority in Skochka is absolute. An ill-bred man is seen as bringing shame to the family, so the older you get, the harsher I will be.” 

The new sensations were overwhelming to the boy as he squirmed and bit his lip. “Mmm…yes, Mommy,” he replied, his cock trapped between her thighs and his very sensitive bum hole getting smacked by his attractive future stepmom! Tommy wasn’t able to control himself, and he soon began to ejaculate into the condom just as Ashley finished with the spanking. 

“There we go again,” Ashley giggled. “Two for two.” She scooped him back up to a straddling position, kissing him deeply on his cheek as he sat on her lap, dishevelled and red. 

“I think I should take you over to Skochka, darling,” Ashley whispered as she let her bra fall back, guiding him back to her breasts. “So you can see what really happens to naughty boys and girls there.”

Published 1 month ago

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