Twelve hours ago, Ashlee lay in her bed nude sleeping, dreaming of her classmate. She loved how he used his big, fat, long cock on her. She licked her lips squeezed her breast pushing her erect nipple further while her other hand rubbed her clit faster trying to bring release. It was not working. She needed Nick there now.
A soft knock at her door brought her back down hard to reality. She moaned disappointed, but quickly recovered when she heard Nick ask to come in. She bid him enter and did not cover her naked body from him. Nick entered the room and walked to her bed. He wore only a loose pair of jeans with silk green boxers underneath. His upper body glistened in the sunlight streaming into her room.
Ashlee opened her eyes, sunlight bathed the room playing off the furniture and Nick standing beside the bed. His wavy brown hair shone in the light the color of chocolate, his eyes so deeply brown. She followed the line of his body to his broad shoulders, the muscled edges of his arms, his chest with his dark nipples. There was no hair on his chest or stomach because he shaved it off. She sat up in bed and she looked up at Nick as a patch of sunlight splashed across his chest making him glisten even more.
Ashlee slid off her bed to stand nude before him. She wanted to run to him, jump on him and fuck him. She closed her eyes took a few deep breaths, dropped to the floor and crawled to him. She put her face on his bare foot and kissed it softly. She used her hands to creep up his legs tugging on his jeans until she knelt in front of him. His jeans slipped down his hips revealing a green patch of his silk boxers. Her eyes were level with his crotch and she could see him pressed firm and tight under his clothes. The tip of his cock strained against the elastic of his shorts and she wanted to lower them to release him to enter her mouth.
She moved her hands around behind him digging her fingers into his hard firm ass. This drew a sound from deep within his throat and kept her from ripping off his clothes. He groaned and looked down at her, his eyes wild.
She turned away from his crotch trying to resist her urges, but he stroked her hair and that touch brought her back to his crotch. She looked up at Nick’s face and saw that he wanted her right then and it did not matter what happened. She uttered a low moan from deep in her throat. Nick touched her cheek. “Don’t stop,” he said, in a very soft voice, “don’t stop.”
She licked him through the silk boxers, still gazing into his face. She licked along his length while he threw his head back, eyes closed. He was so hard and firm against her mouth under the silk cloth. She wrapped her mouth around the head of his cock through the silk and brought one hand around to hold him, firm and thick.
He groaned, as he looked down at her, his eyes wild. She drew back from him and saw that the silk turned dark green where her moth touched him. His hands moved to the back of his jeans and he slid them down over his hips revealing himself to her. His cock was long, hard, wide and thick. It was smooth and hung slightly to one side.
She took him in her hand and his breath quickened. She lifted him away from his body, just enough so that she could wrap her mouth over the head of his cock, as she rolled her tongue along him. He shuddered, as she touched him. She drew him deeper into her mouth while sliding her hand down to fondle his balls. He was smooth to touch everywhere. Her mouth and hand felt the smooth perfection. It was amazing.
Ashlee had been with men who trimmed and shaved some, but never one who was smooth. She loved it. It made things easier to take in her mouth, to roll and explore. Every touch, every lick, seemed to elicit new noises from him, whimpers, soft cries, breathless words.
She pulled his pants completely off to spread his legs apart to lick between them along the area from his balls to his ass.
She moved back up his body and took him in her mouth again. She wrapped one hand around what she could not fit and the other grasped his balls, rubbing and playing. His body quivered with his breath coming in quicker gasps. He grabbed her hair and pushed her back from him. He picked her up and kissed her deep and hard. It felt like something between a kiss and consuming her.
With his lips still firmly attached to hers, he ran his hands down her back following the curve of her back and lower over the swell of her hips. His fingers found her thighs. He lifted her with just his hands on her thighs, causing her legs to spread widely. The feel of his hard and ready cock against her body drew sounds deep from Ashlee.
Ashlee’s hand wrapped around Nick’s shoulders and her other hand ran through his silken hair. He drew her lower body away from his. He ran one of his hands to her ass supporting her whole body with one hand. His other hand moved to the front of their bodies seeking his hard cock. She had a second to realize what was next. She moaned into his ear, “Do it. Stick your cock deep inside me.”
He drove his hips forward, upward deep inside her. His cock felt so good to Ashlee, as she let out a moan of pure satisfaction. He entered her without hesitation and gentleness. He pushed against the wet tightness of her body, both hands on the backs of her thighs pulling her to him. Small screams escaped her lips as he pushed deeply inside her.
He walked her backward until she sat on the edge of her bed and most of her body still held in his hands, trapped against him. He stood there with his body pinning her to the edge of the bed with his hands holding her. He looked at her with eyes that were full of lust. He drew out of her slowly an inch at a time until he was almost out. He shoved himself back inside and made Ashlee scream and moan with immense pleasure.
He created a movement that was fast, deep and hard. He plunged so deep into her it felt as if he tried to go through her body. Their bodies smacked loudly, as they slapped against each other.
Ashlee’s orgasm caught her unawares because the pushing and pulling of his body, as he was inside her completely overwhelmed her. Next, she screamed underneath him. Her hands raked nails down his body anywhere she could touch him.
Nick’s screams and moans echoed hers, as his body tightened against her. He threw his head back with a loud groan that spilled from his lips. His seed spread deeply inside Ashlee’s tightness as she shuddered against him. He collapsed on her. His breath came in painful pants and his heart pounded, as she felt it against her. He moved further on to her bed still deeply buried inside her. They lay on her bed breathing hard, pulses quieting.
He moved aside pulling slowly part way out of her and lay quietly beside her. Nick was chortling as he lay there.
“What is so funny?” Ashlee asked.
Nick replied, “God you are so amazing.”
She replied smiling, “You are not so bad yourself.”
“Not bad?” he said.
Ashlee smiled back. “Fine, you were amazing too.”
They lay on their sides looking at each other basking in the afterglow of hard sex.
The door to Ashlee’s room opened suddenly and Kevin walked in briskly. He stopped short when he saw Ashlee lying on her bed with her classmate’s big cock in her hot pussy.
“What are you doing Ashlee?” he asked loudly.
“Oh Kevin, just get over here and take your clothes off. Nick was just leaving.” Ashlee expressed. “I am still horny and want your cock in my ass and pussy. Bye Nick.”
Nick got up, grabbed his clothes and left Kevin standing looking down at the naked body of his girlfriend in heat. He slipped off his shoes and climbed on the bed. Nick waited outside Ashlee’s door until he heard Ashlee moaning and Kevin huffing. He left and decided to go back later and be with both of them.
After he returned and fucked Ashlee again, he fell asleep behind her with his cock still inside. Kevin was in front of her and he slept, snoring loudly. This is where the story began and Ashlee made up her mind. She decided, why pass up the best of both worlds. If a man can have more than one woman in his bed, she could keep both men in her life.