The next few times I hung out with Ashlee, I tried to keep things nonsexual since I was genuinely afraid for her safety. We played video games one weeknight, and on the next, we sat back and watched a movie. About ten minutes into the film, she reached over and started unbuckling my trousers, so I quickly sat up and tried to tell her I wasn’t in the mood…even though that was the farthest thing from the truth.
Upon hearing my response, I received a look that appeared to be a combination of hurt and anger. “What?” she finally asked, almost offended by what I had said. “You don’t want to have your cock sucked?”
Again, my policy about honesty came to the forefront as I responded, “Of course I do, Ashlee! But I’m just a little…I don’t know! I’m a little worried!”
“About what?” The perturbed young woman asked as she sat up straight and tried to get to the crux of the problem. “What the hell are you worried about?” She was quiet for a few seconds before she thought the answer had finally dawned on her as her face lit up. “Wait just a minute! You’re not still hung up about my parents coming down here and catching us in the act or something, are you? After last weekend, I would like to think that you know nothing short of a plane crashing into this basement is going to have them down here! They respect my privacy! How much more is it going to take…”
“It’s not your parents, Ashlee!” I firmly told her. “I was just…I was worried about you!”
“Me?” The gothic babe asked as she pointed to herself. “Why the hell would you be worried about me?” Before I could so much as mumble a response, she went on, “The only thing you should be worried about is whether or not I’m receiving my daily dose of dick from Marcus Veovin…and may I remind you that I haven’t had it in nearly four damn days!”
Putting her joking aside, I remained serious as I told her, “I’ve just been worried about you since that little incident in your room.”
“What are you…? Oh my god, are you still going on about that? Marcus, I thought I told you I was just a little dizzy after that life-changing orgasm you helped me achieve! Haven’t you ever jerked it so hard that you almost passed out?”
“Well, maybe it’s different for guys,” Ashlee muttered as she looked away from me momentarily. “If anything, you should feel pretty proud that you had me reeling in such a way that I was on the cusp of passing out!”
“Ashlee, I don’t think it’s anything to joke about. I really care about you, and if I did something to cause you pain…”
“Well, you’re causing me a little pain right now,” the young woman cut me off. “I just want to pleasure you for a bit, but you’re pretty much reverse cock-blocking me.”
“Ashlee, I just want…”
“Let’s just watch the movie, okay?” The brown-eyed beauty crossed her arms as she sat back on the couch and looked upset.
“I’ve never seen this one before, Marcus. I don’t want to miss anything.”
I didn’t even bother zipping back up as I listened to the frazzled female and we watched the movie in silence.
I wasn’t sure if Ashlee even wanted to go to her winter formal, so I hadn’t bothered asking her. I probably should have since most girls enjoyed such occasions, but the raven-tressed beauty wasn’t “most girls.” I was fairly certain she wouldn’t even have fun picking out a dress for such an occasion.
As it turned out, Ashlee’s little band that she had been a part of was going to play a gig on the night of the formal in some other student’s basement. A group of “outcasts” who had decided to not attend the dance were invited, and Ashlee was actually pretty stoked about playing.
I have to admit that I was a little surprised she even invited me to the performance. I was happy to go and show my support, but after our awkward movie night, I hadn’t been expecting her to want to see much of me.
There was another girl who was also in her final year at Ashlee’s school named Harley May. While Ashlee was considered part of the dark and brooding gothic crowd, Harley was somewhat of a wallflower and a nerd. When I say she was a nerd, I certainly don’t mean that in a bad way: In my opinion, nerds are some of the coolest people in the world, and I would’ve certainly classified myself as one since I preferred games that required the mind over those that required the body. I’ve also always loved studying and learning things about literature, history, and science that would make me look like a nerd to most people, but it never bothered me in the least.
Sorry to go off on that little tangent that probably seems completely unrelated, but Harley fell into the category I just described…and since she was also quite timid, she didn’t get out a whole lot due to shyness. I’m pretty sure she could’ve had a ton of friends if she tried, but she just never put herself out there.
Anyway, the reason I bring Harley up is because I had known her since my early years in school. I had met her in a biology class, and we talked off and on every once in a while. We probably would’ve started hanging out had I not been under the impression that she wouldn’t want to see me outside of school, but since I never realized it had anything to do with her shyness, I never bothered asking her.
During my final year of schooling, we started talking a little more again, and after I graduated, she actually called me in the middle of summer to wish me a happy birthday. We would occasionally reconnect for a little bit, and the reason I brought all of this up to begin with was because she had called me and asked me – in the most sheepish voice imaginable – if I would want to attend the winter formal with her. She had called me at the beginning of winter, but I had kindly turned her down since things had been getting hot and heavy with Ashlee. It was one of the hardest things I had ever done because I felt bad doing it and could also tell she had summoned every ounce of her courage to ask me. I had almost considered asking Ashlee if she’d be offended in any way if I went with Harley as friends, but decided I didn’t want to open that can of worms.
So, why did I bring all of this up? Well, Harley May ended up attending the little get-together at the house where Ashlee’s band was playing. I was definitely surprised to see her, and when she spotted me through the sea of people gathered in the unfinished basement, I could tell that she was instantly abashed and was going to do her best to avoid me. I didn’t want that, though, so I made the effort to wade through the mass of eighteen and nineteen-year-olds to find her.
“Harley!” I called out when I was only a few people away from her. “Hey, Harley!”
She finally turned and acknowledged me. I could see that her face was flushed since her skin was so fair. She really was embarrassed to see me…but she had no need to be.
“Hey, Harley!” I greeted her in the kindest voice I could muster as the shouting of the teenagers around us practically drowned me out. “How have you been?”
“All right,” the wallflower responded as she pushed some of her blonde locks over her right ear. She readjusted her dark-rimmed eyeglasses and stared at the ground as she asked, “How about you, Marcus?”
“Oh, I can’t complain,” I told her as I tried to look in her beautiful, blue eyes that bordered on turquoise. She was doing her best to avoid meeting my spheres as I went on, “I wasn’t expecting to see you at a gathering like this. Are you having fun?”
She simply nodded while staring off to the side.
Harley May Finis was about five feet, two inches of silent beauty. She had long, straight blonde hair and fair skin. Her eyes were as bright as a clear afternoon sky, and like Ashlee, she had thin, pink lips. She was a petite young woman who carried herself by trying to avoid all contact with others. When I had seen her traversing the halls of our school in the past, she had always been the one who would clutch her books to her chest and walk with her head down. She was such a sweet girl…but was socially awkward. Her lack of friends probably made her intelligent beyond her years because she always had time to apply herself where others did not. I can’t state enough that if she was able to overcome her chronic insecurities, the spectacled girl would easily be able to bring any man to his knees. That same shyness was probably why I was so surprised to see her at this particular get-together.
“How’s school going for you this year?” I asked as I took a swig of my soda. Most of the other kids in the basement were enjoying cold beers, but I had never been one for alcohol. I could see that Harley also had a soda in her hands.
“Good,” she gave me a one-word answer. I had a feeling this was going to become a theme, but I didn’t mind.
I knew it wasn’t exactly the time, but since the crowded basement allowed us to speak in relative privacy since everyone else was so caught up in their own conversations, I told the timid blonde, “Harley, I’m sorry about the dance. If I’m being perfectly honest with you, I really wanted to go, but I’ve kind of been seeing someone…”
“Um, yeah. How’d you know?”
“She talks about you a lot at school,” Harley told me. “I think she really likes you.”
I felt my spirits uplifted a bit since Ashlee apparently liked me enough to tell people at the school about me.
“I’m sorry if I upset her at all by asking you,” Harley suddenly apologized in a voice I barely heard. “She never mentioned anything about the dance, and I kind of figured it was my last chance to ever go to one of them with someone I…well, I shouldn’t have asked. I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry about,” I told the wallflower as I tried my best to convince her that I actually would’ve really enjoyed spending the night with her if the stars had just aligned a little differently. “I can’t emphasize how much I would’ve loved going if things had played out in another way. I don’t want you to think I was avoiding you since I’m here and not at the dance, but as you probably could’ve guessed, formal occasions aren’t exactly Ashlee’s scenes.”
“No, I didn’t think they were,” Harley said with a slight giggle. There was no denying that she had one of the prettiest smiles of any woman alive.
I glanced back over my shoulder and tried to spot the musical equipment that Ashlee and her friends had set up earlier. As I did so, I told Harley, “Ashlee’s pretty excited to play tonight. Her and the other girls haven’t done a whole lot lately with their music, so I was a little surprised when this gig popped up. I’m happy for her, though: I think she really needs this.”
“Does her band have a name?” Harley innocently asked.
I shook my head. “No, they never decided on one. I tried to help her come up with one, but…” I cut myself off since it didn’t seem right to tell the wallflower that our brainstorming session had been cut short thanks to an abrupt make-out session.
“Maybe they’ll think of something after tonight if everyone likes them,” Harley suggested.
“Yeah,” I agreed, and then turned back to stare at her once more. I always felt so sorry for her when I looked at her since I knew she didn’t have a whole lot of friends. I suddenly scratched the back of my head as I offered, “Harley, if you’d ever like to talk sometime or anything, we certainly can. Ashlee isn’t the type of girl to get jealous of me for having other female friends. She wouldn’t get mad if you and I hung out or anything.”
The timid blonde answered with a nod.
I was about to say more, but the loud feedback of an unchecked microphone gained the attention of everyone gathered in the basement. Someone else I had known from my school days then came to say hi to me, and after greeting her, I turned back and saw that Harley had vanished. I did my best to relocate her, but I felt that she was still just too embarrassed to be around the guy who had shot her down. It was something I still feel bad about to this day.
One of Ashlee’s friends then spoke into the mic and tapped it a few times to check it out. When she spoke into it again, she asked how everyone was doing…and she did so by overutilizing some curse words. This, of course, seemed to ignite the teenagers and get them pumped up. It was kind of funny because even though I only had a year or two on most of them, I felt like an old man amongst a group of “partying hooligans.”
Ashlee’s friend – who was the lead vocalist for their group – continued to tell everyone gathered about the music they would be hearing for the next twenty to thirty minutes. She then told everyone to get into it and “rock along” with them. It occurred to me in that moment that if the adults of the house had been home and not out of town for the weekend, this shindig probably would’ve never transpired. Again, I was thinking like a crotchety old man.
I tried to make my way closer to where the band was set up so I could get a better view. Ashlee was the bassist for the group, and as expected, she looked super-hot in her black sports bra with a long-sleeved, fishnet top over it. The sleeves had holes for her to put her thumbs through. She also had on one of the short, latex skirts she was so fond of, along with the typical thigh-high stockings and boots. She wore a spiked dog collar as well, and her makeup was dark to match the rest of her ensemble.
The music started up and was extremely loud…perhaps the old man in me speaking from my twenty-year-old self. I’m sure the tunes could be heard throughout the entire block, so I crossed my fingers that an annoyed neighbor didn’t end up calling the local constabulary. The sensible part of me wanted to try getting Ashlee’s attention to see if they could lower their volume before everyone got in trouble, but my rational side knew that not only would that not be an option, but I couldn’t stop the female quartet who had the floor from playing their hearts out. Besides, this was a moment Ashlee had been dreaming about for a long time. She may not have been playing on a grand stage in front of tens of thousands of screaming fans, but every group had to begin somewhere…and for her, this very well could’ve been it.
I cheered along with the other teenagers in the room and caught Ashlee’s attention more than once. She always smiled in my direction when we made eye contact, and she even winked on one occasion. I could tell that she was having the time of her life, and I was truly happy for her. Most of the others crammed into the basement seemed to approve of the music also, and they were hooting and hollering for more after the band wrapped things up about forty-five minutes after starting.
After a screeching encore, the musical portion of the evening wrapped up and the lead songstress took the mic one last time and thanked everyone for the support. She then reminded them that the party wasn’t over yet, and there was still plenty of beer to be had. Like the rowdy teens they were, the crowd cheered for her words as everyone seemed to break into groups and typical teenage conversation ensued.
Ashlee put her bass down and made her way toward me through the small group clustered close to where she was. She gave me a slap on the chest and a kiss on the cheek as she asked what I thought of the performance. She was pretty sweaty from pouring her heart into her songs, but I personally thought that was a plus. She looked absolutely fantastic.
“You were wonderful!” I sincerely told her what I thought. “Damn, girl…you never told me how great you ladies really are! I’ve always wanted you to play a little for me, but you never would!”
“I can’t play without the rest of the group!” The dark-haired babe tried to convince me as she laughed. “Hearing my bass alone wouldn’t be good enough!”
“Well, you’re pretty damn incredible if I do say so myself,” I told the gothic chick as I noticed a few of the other teenagers in the basement filtering out. I was sure the party was moving upstairs as well, and I knew a few of them were stepping out for a smoke break. “You truly have a talent and I hope you continue to pursue your dreams.”
“And you should be doing the same!” The black-haired stunner told me.
“What do you mean?”
“Your writing, Marcus! You’ve always wanted to be a writer, but you haven’t worked on any of it in months!”
I had absolutely no idea how Ashlee knew anything about that. Writing had always been a hobby of mine, and during my final year in school, I had been doing an awful lot of it. I thought about one day making a career out of being an author or even doing a little reporting so I could write a few columns, but it had been months since I had even picked up a pencil and put it to paper.
At that moment, the girl who had been drumming for the group walked up to Ashlee and grabbed on to her left arm as she glanced at me before whispering something into her ear. The young woman I had come to watch nodded a few times in roughly three-second intervals before the drummer looked me over one last time and vanished into the crowd.
Ashlee suddenly gave me a look that I interpreted to mean a lot more than the simple happiness hidden behind it. I somewhat glanced around the area before turning my attention back to her and shrugging while simply asking, “What is it?”
The raven-tressed dazzler continued to gaze at me with that sprightly look. At least another five seconds passed until she reached out and grabbed my hands. She then started dragging me through the crowd and toward the steps that led up to the main level of the house we were in.
I let Ashlee lead the way as we passed through a few small groups of talking partygoers in the kitchen. We continued past a dinner table and to a hallway that had four distinct doorways. The young woman leading me on took me to the far door on the right and guided me into the room behind it. Once inside, she securely closed it and flipped the lock.
I glanced around and could see that we were in what looked like a master bedroom. I was more than positive that it had to belong to the parents who were hopefully quite far away so none of us in their home would get busted for our social gathering…a gathering that I’m sure the adults had no idea was even going on.
“Quite the party,” I told Ashlee as I walked over to a dresser and looked at a photo on display. “I’d hate to think of what the couple in this picture would do if they arrived home in the next five minutes.”
“Oh, Marcus! Quit being so damn stuffy! You’re such a buzzkill sometimes!”
“Sorry,” I told my brown-eyed compeer as I turned to face her again. When I laid eyes on her, I could see her thanks to the moonlight filtering in through a window to my right. She hadn’t bothered flipping the light switch on. “You know better than anybody how paranoid I sometimes get.”
Grabbing my shirt by the collar with both hands, Ashlee started backing toward the massive bed in the room while pulling me along. When we were about a foot away from it, she planted a wet kiss on me before falling backward onto the soft mattress…and dragging me down with her.
Ending up on top of the gothic babe, I couldn’t help but place my hands on her sides so I could feel her up. We started kissing a little more as she ran her hands through my hair, and when I finally pulled away, I told her, “We probably shouldn’t be in here, Ashlee. Won’t your friends be wondering where you disappeared to…?”
“Fuck ‘em,” Ashlee told me as she lifted her head so she could slide her tongue into my mouth again. She did her best to hold me close as her hands traveled up and down my back.
I was getting pretty riled up, but it felt weird not just being in an unfamiliar place, but in a room that was pretty much sacred to two adults who were complete strangers to me. The fact that I was making out with a young woman I adored on their bed without them knowing anything about it felt wrong on many different levels. If I would’ve admitted that to Ashlee in that moment, I’m fairly certain she would’ve told me that the very notion turned her on all the more. We were certainly different people in that aspect.
I was wearing a shirt that buttoned up, so while we were making out, Ashlee suddenly reached up and started unbuttoning me. I wanted to stop her, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so. She pushed the shirt open and then hugged her arms around me beneath it. Her hands continued to journey across my body until she decided it was time to open my pants as well.
“Ashlee,” my voice was low as I pulled up yet again. “I don’t know about this. If someone walks in on us…”
“The door’s locked, Marcus,” the black-haired beauty reminded me. “Everyone’s out having a good time. No one’s going to miss us while we have one of our own.”
“Yeah, but…”
Ashlee suddenly stretched her arms downward and reached under her miniskirt. A couple of seconds later, she tugged down the panties underneath and then pulled them off her feet. She threw them off to the side while smiling deviously at me and spreading her legs. If I wanted to take a step back from where I loomed over her, I would’ve had no problem seeing the promised land.
The raven-tressed babe ignored my pleas as she began unbuckling my trousers. At first, I had thought that she would maybe command me to drop down and begin pleasuring her pussy by eating her out, but as she fished my stiffening cock out and pulled me close with an underhand grip, I knew she was ready to take things a step further than we had ever gone before.
Keeping her right hand firmly wrapped around my erect pecker, Ashlee reached up with her left and placed it on my neck. With a strength I didn’t know she had, she pulled me close and told me in a low, feminine tone, “Fuck me, Marcus.”
“Are…are you sure?” I asked in a shaky voice. “I mean, we’ve never…”
“Just stop stalling and fuck me,” she ordered.
My judgment seemed to dissipate as my hormones took the driver’s seat and total control of my body. Had I never done something of the like before, I would’ve been more hesitant, but since I had a little experience, I think I was more open to what was about to happen. I still had a little voice in my head telling me that what was about to transpire may not have been the best idea, but its volume eventually dropped down below a whisper as my hands grasped the top of my jeans and pulled them down. I then leaned in closer as I felt my partner in crime guiding my aroused penis toward her love hole.
I began passionately kissing Ashlee as I felt the tip of my prick against her moist labia, and then I could feel her trying to force me in as we continued to pant and wheeze. My heart began racing in my chest as I realized I was about to go all the way with a beautiful woman once again, and I could hardly contain myself as I waited to be inside her.
About ten seconds ticked by and I realized that I still wasn’t in Ashlee…and that was when I also noticed that she was getting a bit flustered. She stopped kissing me momentarily and lifted her body off the bed a bit so she could look down and see what was going on. The frustrated siren used her left hand to grab the bottom of her latex skirt and lift it so she could better view what she was doing, and she again tried ramming my dick inside her…only to find that it wasn’t working to her liking.
Now, I’m by no means a “large” man when it comes to what I’m packing down below, but I couldn’t help but feel a little proud in that moment when I realized that Ashlee was having problems inserting me into her crevasse since she was so tight…and I was apparently a little too “substantial” due to my current state of arousal. Maybe I truly had nothing to do with it, but in that moment, I felt like a “big” man.
“Damn it!” The dark-haired stunner cursed as she suddenly started fingering herself with her free hand. She even brought the appendage to her face so she could lick her fingers in order to try lubricating things down below a little more. She viciously rubbed herself for a few seconds before trying to take my dick in once more. She even spit on my piece a couple of times.
“Um, Ashlee? Would it be okay if I tried?”
Seeing that I was in agreement about having sexual intercourse and wasn’t trying to back out of things, the young woman finally nodded at me from where she lay on the bed and braced herself on her elbows as she watched me. She was just as eager to have me in her as I was to get in.
Being careful not to trip on the pants that were around my ankles, I did my best to get even closer while taking my manhood into my right hand. I used my left to gingerly support myself against Ashlee’s right thigh as I lined up my wanker and guided it toward the wet crease. I gave it a few tugs before taking a page out of Ashlee’s book and spitting on my right hand for a little extra lubricant. It took some finagling, but with the friction lessened, I was finally able to pop my tip in.
Ashlee’s mouth dropped open and she let out a satisfied squeal as I pushed another inch into her…and then another. I could see her staring down at my cock as it probed unknown territory, and when I had it about halfway in, her eyes closed tightly and her head dropped down onto the bed. Her hands grabbed the comforter she was on and began squeezing so tightly that I thought she was going to rip it.
Instead of pushing my length entirely into her, I pulled back before working my way forward again. Ashlee was extremely tight, and I could feel her insides engulfing my solid erection. I repeated what I had just done a few more times as the gothic babe writhed in delight on the bed before I stopped to ask, “Are you doing okay, Ashlee? Am I hurting you?”
“Oh, fuck, Marcus! It feels FUCKIN’ GREAT!” The perspiration on her body sparkled in the moonlight as she admitted, “It hurts, but it’s a good hurt! HOLY SHIT!”
I looked toward the doorway and was half expecting someone to burst in after hearing her screech, but I recalled that she had locked the door. Even if someone tried getting in, we would be able to hear them first.
“Keep going, Marcus! Don’t stop! I want ALL of you in me!”
Hearing the sultry desperation in her voice, I complied to her orders and picked up the pace a bit. I went a little deeper with each thrust, and I could feel my erection throbbing within her incited pink. While doing so, I reached forward and started groping the mounds on her chest, and when I could no longer hold back, I tore at her top and accidentally ripped her fishnet.
“Oh, shit!” I called out when I realized what I had done. “Ashlee, I’m so sorry…”
The stimulated female answered by grabbing her shirt where I had accidentally ripped it and quite literally tore it the rest of the way off. She then sat up just enough in order to allow me access to her top that resembled a sports bra. She held her arms up and commanded me to pull it off. It didn’t take me long to follow said orders.
We were right back to having a howling good time as I began to pound so hard that we could hear my balls smacking against her body with every thrust I made. I continued to squeeze her exposed tits as her fingernails dug into my sides. The sweat was flying as we made the beast with two backs.
My cock continued to explore unconquered territory as I felt Ashlee’s sweet spot bulge. I could feel her insides flooding with arousal, and I watched as her arms suddenly started flailing about. Once again, I came to a halt because I thought I may have been hurting her, but she quickly told me not to stop. And once again, I listened since I wanted nothing more than to pleasure her, and I came to the realization that she was reaching for one of the decorative pillows just above her head. When she finally had one of them, she crammed it into her face and screamed into it.
Feeling the vision of hotness quake below me, I could tell that what had gone down in her bedroom when I had been eating her out was about to happen again. Personally, I found female ejaculation to be extremely arousing, so I wanted to coax everything I could out of her. I continued to pound away until she removed the pillow from her face and confirmed what I already knew…and I pulled out as a hot gush of fluid sprayed out of her.
I was no longer concerned about how we left the room. By the time we were done with our uncontrolled fuck fest – pardon my language – I knew we’d be leaving the room a shambles for the poor people who would have to clean it up. Of all the teenagers in the house, I wasn’t even sure who lived here…but I felt bad for his or her parents when they came home and witnessed the carnal devastation left in Ashlee and mine’s wake.
Ashlee’s pelvic region continued to tremble and writhe as she squirmed about and blasted her juices throughout the immediate vicinity. Some of her wetness showered over me…and I absolutely loved it. I wanted to be drenched in her fluids.
When I could see that her body was calming down and she was coming back from the high she had just enjoyed, I stepped back over and escorted my rigid staff back toward the hole I had been pummeling only moments earlier. I could clearly see that Ashlee also wanted it back in her, and she reached down with one hand and used two fingers to spread her pink for me. I struggled for a few seconds again, but eventually I made my way inside her.
I went right back to rocking her world as she clenched around me. Her nails gouged my skin again and it sounded like she was speaking in tongues as I wailed away. We both enjoyed ourselves immensely for about two more minutes until everything happening made me hit my peak just as she had. Thinking about that gorgeous, gothic chick beneath me erupting as she had made me realize I could no longer hold my own fluids in, and I pulled out while taking my dick in my right hand and beating it senseless. “I’m going to cum, Ashlee! I’m going to cum!”
The brown-eyed beauty sat up and carefully pushed me backward so I didn’t trip on my trousers that were still around my ankles. She then dropped off the bed and onto her knees as she presented her tits to me and opened wide. She stuck her tongue out after telling me, “Cum on my face and tits!”
I stepped forward and placed my left hand on her head for support. I continued to crank away at my cock as I noticed her eyes staring longingly up at me. She was ready for my payload…and I was ready to give it to her.
I fired string after gooey string of thick semen all over the gothic chick who loved it dirty. I couldn’t tell you for sure how many blasts I discharged because I lost count while watching her juggle her jubblies back and forth. She was doing everything in her sexual arsenal to keep me turned on…and it was working. She was going to look like she had fallen into a pool full of vanilla pudding by the time I was done.
I grunted in delight as I finally ejected the last of my seed, and when I finally glanced down at Ashlee again, I could see that I had absolutely covered her in goo. She was a sticky mess, and now that the fun was over and reality was setting back in, I could only wonder how we were going to clean up the devastation we had caused.
“Fuuuck, Marcus!” Ashlee wheezed as she reached down to finger her sopping-wet love hole under her latex skirt. “How much fucking cum do you keep stored away in there? Have you not jerked it since the last time you came on me?”
I let out a sigh in response since I was still doing my best to catch my breath. I surely didn’t want to be thinking about any other women in that moment, but I couldn’t help but come to the realization that Ashlee was the second female I had ever gone all the way with. Sharing such an intimate moment with her meant the world to me.
Ashlee then dropped to her bottom and leaned back against the foot of the bed she was by. “Shiiit, Marcus!” she continued to go on about what we had just done. “That was so fucking incredible! I’m just glad we were finally able to get you in me!”
I smiled upon remembering what the sticky woman had reminded me of. I was proud of the way she talked me up, but I came to the realization that it was time to help her clean up. I started looking around the room for any kind of tissues or clothes I could use to wipe her off.
Ashlee suddenly hit the floor to her left with the palm of her hand while saying, “I think you should come sit next to me for a few minutes. I’d like to savor this moment for a while.”
As much as I wanted to clean things up before we were discovered, I knew the brown-eyed beauty had a point. We had just shared an incredibly tender – albeit hot and sexy – moment, and we needed to bask in it for a while. I plopped down next to her and let her lean against me. I didn’t care if she got my jism on me because we could wipe it off later.
Dropping her head against my right shoulder, Ashlee made herself comfortable as I placed an arm around her and held her close. I felt at peace as I listened to her steady breathing while the moonlight on the other side of the room illuminated enough of the area for me to admire her magnificent form.
Winter break from Ashlee’s school was in full swing when I received a call I would’ve never expected in a million years. I was sitting in the office/storage room down the hall from my bedroom in my parents’ house when the phone first rang. I was surfing the internet on the computer we kept in that room since it was a relatively newer development my family had only recently decided to start paying for. Upon hearing the phone, my hand finally left the mouse long enough to pick it up. “Hello?”
“Hello. Is Marcus there?”
“Speaking,” I said as I realized I had heard the diffident voice before. I was about to ask who it was, but the girl on the other end of the line answered that for me.
“I’m sorry to bother you, Marcus, but this is Harley.”
“Harley!” I energetically said. “It’s good to hear from you! How are you? Are you enjoying your winter break from school?”
“I’m well, Marcus. And yes, I’ve been enjoying myself. How have you been?”
“I’ve been working a lot, but otherwise, I’m doing well! Some days, I think having two jobs is just too much!”
The young woman on the other end of the line did her best to laugh at my poor attempt at humor. We were both awkwardly silent for a bit until I asked, “So, what are you up to?”
“Marcus, have you…have you talked to Ashlee recently?”
“Yesterday,” I responded since I caught a hint of seriousness in Harley’s otherwise timid tone. “She came out to visit me at work for a bit. Why do you ask?”
The phone was quiet for what felt like an eternity until Harley told me, “Marcus, I really don’t want to be the one to tell you this, so I hope it was mentioned at some point when you spoke to Ashlee, but…”
I patiently waited for the young woman to finish her sentence. She was certainly struggling with doing so, and I wondered why whatever it was that she needed to tell me was so difficult to mention. “Go ahead, Harley. You can tell me whatever it is you need to say.”
I could actually hear Harley’s apprehension. When she was finally able to speak again, she told me, “This isn’t something you should hear from me, but I have a bad feeling you’re going to have to. Marcus, I’m not quite sure how to tell you this, but some of the kids from school have been talking and sending messages online. Word has started circulating amongst certain groups of students about the night of the formal…you know, the night of the party at Nikki’s house.”
Ah. So that’s whose house we had been at. I remained cool and collected as I asked, “What about that night, Harley?”
The young woman was silent again as she tried to find the right words to tell me the news she had for me. When she finally spoke, I had no doubt in my mind that it was one of the hardest things she had ever had to tell anybody. “Well, word circulated pretty fast about you and Ashlee…having sex.”
I didn’t think that Ashlee would kiss and tell, but it wasn’t like it was something I was ashamed of. Of course, I didn’t want my parents hearing about it even though it wasn’t like I was of age, but I knew the lectures would be never-ending about how careful I needed to be and how I could be “throwing my life away” if I wasn’t ready to deal with the repercussions. Since I was no longer in school, though, I couldn’t think of any way that they’d find out.
It took me a minute to realize that I was still on the phone with Harley. Since she wasn’t talking, I’m sure she was waiting for me to say something, and I finally did when I mumbled, “Um, yeah. We…did.”
Harley’s end of the line was silent for the longest time until she said in a voice just above a whisper, “Marcus, did she tell you about what she did?”
I was confused. Did Harley mean to ask if Ashlee had told me that she told people? If that was the case, she hadn’t, but again, it wasn’t something I was embarrassed of. Making love to a beautiful woman like Ashlee could’ve been viewed by most as a badge of honor. Unsure of how to answer my friend on the phone, I simply said, “I don’t think so…”
“Marcus, did you want her showing other people the videotape?”
I was momentarily rendered mute. I had absolutely no idea what Harley was talking about. “Huh?”
The reserved female on the other end of the line did her best to explain everything she knew to me. “Well, some of the kids from school were congratulating Ashlee and the others for their musical performance, and when they started asking what the band was called, it was Nikki who told everyone that they had decided on the name, ‘the SPs.’”
“‘SPs?’” I asked, unsure of what the heck she meant.
“I wondered the same thing, and when others asked about it also, Nikki told everyone it stood for…” Harley clammed up and I could tell that she didn’t want to say it aloud. When she finally did so, her voice was once again a whisper as she mumbled, “It stands for the ‘Squirting…Pussies.’”
“Um…what?” I was at a loss for words.
“Marcus, Nikki and the others convinced Ashlee that they wanted to name the band that after seeing the video.”
“What video?” I queried.
“The one that was filmed of the two of you while you were…being intimate.”
My heart sank. I had no idea what Harley was talking about. “Wha…?”
“I don’t quite know the details, but apparently you and Ashlee decided to be…intimate in Nikki’s parents’ room. I don’t know who did it, but someone had set up a camcorder in there and got everything on tape. I guess it’s hard to see since it was pretty dark, but it was obvious that at one point, you made Ashlee…well, you know.”
I was in complete shock. My mind was trying to wrap itself around the information Harley had given me. I couldn’t believe that my first time having sex with Ashlee had been caught on videotape…and I found myself wondering who had set it up. Was Ashlee as upset as I was? Why hadn’t she told me about it so I could be prepared if anyone asked? How had I not noticed anything was amiss in the bedroom? I had a million different questions buzzing through my skull.
“I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you this, Marcus!” Harley sincerely told me. “Ashlee seemed pretty excited about it, and I’m not sure how many people she and her friends have shown the video to. But, yeah…I guess after what was caught on tape, they finally decided to name their band after that little…incident.”
“Wait,” I was finally able to speak up. “Did you say that Ashlee has been showing people the video?”
“Yeah. She’s really proud of it. I mean, it’s none of my business if the two of you truly love each other and are okay with people seeing it, but I guess I just had this feeling in my gut that you probably didn’t know anything about the video.”
“I…I didn’t,” I responded in a hoarse voice as I continued to digest everything Harley was telling me. Deep down, I did love Ashlee…in the same way I had loved Sara, Tessa and the other women who had been huge parts of my life and helped to shape the man I would eventually become. I would always have some part of all the women in my life nestled away in a space in my heart, but to know that Ashlee would allow others to see our most intimate moment without asking me…it hurt.
“I’m sorry, Marcus. This was none of my business, but I…I care about you. I had a feeling you didn’t know about any of this, and I didn’t want something to happen further down the road and you’d find out about it at an inopportune moment. I’m…I’m sorry.”
“No, this isn’t your fault, Harley. I…I really appreciate you calling. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Marcus. I…I better let you go. I…I hope work gets better for you, Marcus.” Harley quickly tried to reiterate her last statement as she said, “I really meant that, Marcus! It wasn’t meant to sound sarcastic or anything!”
I nodded even though she couldn’t see me do so. I understood what she was telling me. “Thank you, Harley. And you enjoy the rest of your vacation before school starts up again. Thank you for calling.” I then hung up the phone and tried to figure out what I was going to do next.
On the afternoon of the final day of the year, I sat next to Ashlee in her basement on the black leather couch we had had so much fun on in the past. She was going on and on about all the fun things she wanted to do during the rest of her winter break from school, and she told me all about a new game she planned on playing for the next few days. She was extremely excited by everything going on.
I wasn’t sure how the hell to bring up that I knew about the video, and I certainly wasn’t going to mention Harley’s name since I didn’t want Ashlee linking anything to the sheepish girl. When I was finally ready, I cut the gothic babe short when I said, “Ashlee, we need to talk.”
Hearing the seriousness in my voice, Ashlee focused her attention on me and asked, “What’s up?”
I nearly froze since I wasn’t sure how she’d react. I remained stern as I finally found my courage and asked, “When you and I made love, did anyone else know about it?”
“What do you mean?” The sly female asked with a devious grin on her face.
“Did you…tell anyone?”
“Well hell yeah I did!” she exclaimed as her words practically jumbled into one and she climbed off her couch to begin dancing about the room. “When a girl gets her pussy pounded by a stud like you, Marcus, she’s going to let the world know about it! Why the hell wouldn’t I?”
I couldn’t say that I wasn’t proud to hear her confession, but I was still bothered. “Is that…all you did?”
“What do you mean?” she asked as she stopped prancing about.
“Did you just tell people about us?” I asked. “I’m fine with people knowing because being with you in that way was a great honor, but did you just tell people about us…or show people as well?”
Ashlee froze. I could tell that she didn’t know how to respond.
“I heard a rumor about your new band name,” I told the dark-haired female. I then fibbed a bit in order to protect Harley as I said, “I heard that you ladies are going by the moniker, ‘the SPs.’ I wasn’t sure what it stood for at first, but a few guys who came into the video game store yesterday that were at the party kept giving me goofy looks, and when I finally asked them what was going on, they came clean…and I heard what it stood for.”
“Who was it?” Ashlee inquired in a perturbed tone.
“I have no idea what their names are,” I lied since there hadn’t actually been any guys to begin with. “But they told me a videotape was making the rounds amongst certain groups of students from the school…and it was of a ‘graphic’ nature.”
Knowing that I had caught her red-handed, Ashlee took a seat next to me and confessed, “Okay, Marcus. Don’t be angry with me, but on the night when you and I did it, Rachel hid a camcorder in the room and told me it was up and running. I wanted to catch our first time on tape so we’d always have the moment preserved. You can’t blame me for that!”
I couldn’t blame her because deep down, knowing that I had been caught on video was not only kind of hot, but was also quite a boost to my self-esteem. What upset me, though, was the fact that she was showing it to other people without asking me first. It felt like something intimate that should’ve been kept between her and myself. “So, why are you showing it to other people?”
“Why the fuck not?” Ashlee asked as she threw her hands up. “Shit, Marcus, do you realize how amazingly gratifying that fuck was? You ravaged me in every fucking way possible, and you saw how my pussy exploded! Do you realize how jealous the other girls were?”
I was finally able to look Ashlee in the eye as I honestly told her, “I don’t care about the other girls, Ashlee! I care about you!”
My raven-tressed compeer was quiet for a moment until standing up again and asking, “I don’t know why you’re pissed about this, Marcus! You pounded the shit out of me – in a good way – and you seem to be upset by the fact that I want to show that off!”
“I think you should’ve asked me first, Ashlee!” I told the raving female. “Something that should be cherished between the two of us like that shouldn’t be shown to other people!”
“Oh, grow up, Marcus! This isn’t the fifteen hundreds! We’re not living in the golden days, anymore! People fuck…and they show it off!”
I couldn’t believe what Ashlee was saying. I had always known her to be a free spirit, but I never thought it would come to this. I was quite upset, but I could never be truly angry with her. However, that didn’t stop me from asking, “Where’s the tape?”
Once again, Ashlee froze. She didn’t respond right away.
She sat down next to me and admitted, “I…don’t have it.”
“What? Where is it?”
“Nikki has it. She was…she was making a copy for me.”
I was furious as I sprang to my feet. “You don’t even have the tape? You let your friend keep something of you and me?”
“She’s making a copy for me!” Ashlee tried to make things sound better. “She wanted to make sure if I lost one, I would have a spare!”
“I can’t believe this,” I muttered under my breath as I walked over to her TV and stood next to it. “There’s a videotape of you and me making love…and we don’t even have it in our possession!”
“What’s the big deal?” Ashlee asked me. “I’m going to get it back! I couldn’t live without that thing for long!”
“How many people have seen this tape, Ashlee?”
The young woman refused to meet my eyes.
I knew I wasn’t going to receive a straight answer. I was angry, but not at Ashlee. That probably doesn’t make any sense, but I couldn’t truly be upset with her. She had been honest about everything else with me, and she sincerely believed that what she had done hadn’t been bad. Still, I couldn’t get over the fact that something I held as sacred as our moment of love-making was being shown off to perfect strangers and being used to create obscene band names. Maybe I was being overdramatic, but I needed space.
“I…I think I should leave,” I told Ashlee. “I told my family I would watch a few movies with them tonight. They’ll be waiting for me.”
“It’s…it’s okay, Ashlee. We can talk about this more later.”
Ashlee darted over to me and threw her arms around me. “I’m sorry, Marcus! I didn’t mean to do anything to hurt you!”
“I know,” I told her as I returned the embrace. “I know. It’s just that…that moment was something I wanted to share with you…and you only. I just…I just need a little time to think.”
“Okay,” Ashlee responded with a sniffle. “I’ll talk to you soon?”
“Of course,” I told the wonderful woman as I finally broke away and grasped her shoulders. “You have a fun time celebrating the new year, Ashlee.”
“You too, Marcus.”
I turned to leave without looking back. If I looked back, I knew it would hurt too much.
As much as I didn’t want it to happen, I was well aware that the moment I walked out of Ashlee’s house, things would inevitably start to crumble. We were mature about things and remained friends, but we hardly talked on the phone and we rarely hung out. I still adored the girl and I knew she was crazy about me, but that little videotape fiasco caused a rift that drove us apart. When I look back on it, I know it sounds silly and I probably come off as the bad guy, but I truly felt betrayed at the time and didn’t know how else to handle it.
I would always care about Ashlee and would be there for her in a second if she needed me, but taking a break was what was best for both of us. If things were meant to be, fate would bring us back together. Fate…what a funny word.
It seemed to have many different things in store for me…