Our man finds himself with the daughter of his long-time friend after the funeral of her father. She has awakened many long-repressed feelings and emotions, things he didn’t expect from someone almost twenty years younger than himself.
– – – – –
I woke up in a strange bed.
It took about three seconds for me to comprehend where I was, how I got there, and who I had made love to for a good part of the night.
At the four-second mark my headache announced itself. I’m supposed to drink a lot of water before I go to bed, shit. I looked over my shoulder but found the room empty, which disappointed me. I guessed Ashley had chosen to let me sleep while she got the coffee going. Such a nice girl. No, such a goddamn wonderful girl. In spite of my hurting head, I smiled at the memories we made last night. She rocked my world.
Since my separation, I’d slept with seven other women. Except I didn’t actually do any sleeping so I didn’t know the protocol for this type of morning-after situation.
I don’t think I should go out there naked, should I? But I’m not going to wear one of her robes, either. And, I don’t want to get fully dressed because I want to fuck her some more if my head stops hurting.
I settled on putting my suit pants back on, sans skivvies, and left my shirt draped over her chair in the room. I padded out into the hall and heard the television playing; it was two women talking so maybe it was one of those Sunday morning news shows or something.
But apparently my hangover was a little worse than I first realized because as I rounded the corner and stepped into the kitchen, I noticed the television wasn’t on…
… and Ashley and her mother Shelly sat at the dinette table having coffee together. I switched my gaze from one woman to the other as they both stared at me… I couldn’t tell who was more horrified, Ashley or her mom. My brain seized up around this time, and I couldn’t think of one single goddamn thing to say.
Finally, Shelly broke the stalemate. “XYZ.”
XYZ? What the fuck? XY… oh shit. She means the old kids thing; eXamine Your Zipper.
I tried to nonchalantly zip up my pants, but it’s hard to be cool with two women watching as you do that.
Ashley stood up and stepped over to me, giving me a warm hug and a lingering kiss. “Coffee, babe?” She patted my bare stomach and got a mug out of the cupboard. “How do you take it?”
“Black,” responded Shelly, still eyeballing me.
Of course she knows how I take it, we’ve gotten each other coffee a thousand times.
“And two aspirins,” I added.
“Advil okay?” asked Ashley.
“Yeah, sure. Make it three.”
“I need a couple also, honey.” I was pretty sure I knew the source of Shelly’s instant need for headache relief.
Ashley poured the hot elixir into my cup which had a picture of the morning sun and bore the inscription that read “Have an Awesome day!” She handed me the mug and sat down next to Mom with the entire bottle of Advil in her hand.
“Might as well sit down, Joe,” she beckoned.
I took one step but Shelly stopped me.
“Joe. As… nice as your body is for a man of your advancing years, do you think maybe you could put a shirt on?” She smiled at me, but it was a fake smile— her eyes were not happy.
“Yeah, sure, of course.” I set my mug down on the table and went back to Ashley’s bedroom. I checked the window but found thorny rose bushes outside. Damn, so much for making my escape that way.
I buttoned up my shirt, tucked it in, and put on my shoes and socks, too. I ran my fingers through my hair to try and make some semblance of order up there, but my coiffure wasn’t cooperating. Whatever, I sighed.
I heard a door close and found Ashley alone in the entryway, her mother having just left.
“Oh…” I began, not sure what to say.
Ashley smiled sweetly at me. “Still want your Advil?”
“Yeah… more than before, actually.”
“So… I guess a mother-daughter three-way is out of the question?” Even I cringed as I said it; my comedic timing isn’t always spectacular.
“Trust me, it was never in question.” She took a big sip. “So tell me, exactly how successful are you with women? Because you went from dry land to ultra-thin ice there in about two seconds.”
“Sorry, a bad joke.”
“A very bad joke, mister.”
“I’m sorry, I’m… still hungover and my brain isn’t working properly yet. I was not expecting to see your mom here.”
“I know, me either. And she certainly wasn’t expecting you, that’s for sure. Sit.”
I sat down and took my pills. Right around then, I began to smell something glorious… toast.
Ash buttered the four slices when they popped up and brought them over. “This is all I’ve got, I haven’t been able to get to the store in the last few days. Kinda busy, ya know?”
“It’s fantastic,” I mumbled after taking a huge bite. “This really hits the spot.”
“So, Joe. What do you normally do on Sundays? Spend the day with your latest conquest?” She tilted her head at me in the cutest way. She looked incredible in her little shirt and long sweatpants. How is she sitting like that, with her knee almost up to her chin? Oh yeah, she’s young and… flexible.
“Well, I don’t really have a usual. And my conquests are not as many as you may think. I guess I clean up the house a little, wash and wax my car if it’s nice out. What about you? Going to church today?”
“Well, I usually do. With Mom, as a matter of fact.”
I winced a little at hearing that. “Ash… should we, should I just go home now? Let things cool off? I don’t want to cause trouble for you or your mom.”
“Hey, you’ve already caused trouble for me. So, sure, go home if you don’t want to see me anymore. And by anymore I mean ever.”
I thought about this for a full two seconds. “So… When’s the church service starting?”
She smiled at me, her guard relaxed. “Good answer, but you can relax, tiger. I told Mom I wasn’t going today. Besides, you need some food. Finish your coffee, we’re going to Frank’s.”
– – – – –
Ashley screeched the tires as we left her complex. I was now regretting giving her the keys and letting her dive.
“What kind of car is this? A Mustang?” she asked.
“It’s a Cougar. A 1967 Mercury Cougar.”
“Mercury… so like a Ford, though, right?”
“Yeah, they’re a subsidiary of Ford.”
She smirked. “Kind of cliche, don’t you think? Older man buys a muscle car?”
“It’s a beautiful car, it’s distinctive, and it says I have style and taste. Please, drive a little… easier?”
“I’m putting it through its paces. Besides, a BMW says you have style and taste.”
“No, a BMW says I want to be just like everybody else.”
The seat belt dug hard into my shoulder as Ashley performed a maximum performance stop at a red light. It was only two miles to Frank’s but that meant about ten stoplights, if I was lucky.
“Traction control… that’s for babies, right?” Ashley reached up and flipped the switch off.
“No! Leave it on…”
The light turned green and the engine revved at over 5,000 RPMs… and the car barely moved. The air filled with tire smoke though as they burned through their treads. Very quickly, she let off the gas and put the traction control switch back to the “on” position. The car jerked and we sped away towards breakfast.
“Might be a good idea to leave that on, huh.” She ignored me.
“How much horsepower does this old thing have?”
Old thing?
“It’s listed at around 760. It’s a new motor, the Ford GT500 Predator. It’ll get 20 miles per gallon if you don’t drive like… well… like you’ve been driving it.”
She giggled. “I bet you baby it … and anyway, this is fun.”
We got to Frank’s without further incident, but we did get a lot of waves; a pretty girl in a muscle car does attract a lot of attention. Ashley seemed to eat it up, too.
We were able to find a small booth with two seats facing each other. If I had my druthers, I would have gotten a bigger booth so I could sit beside her, but we were able to play footsies under the table and that was a small concession.
“Coffee?” Madge asked us, her bored tone grated on my nerves a bit. She was the stereotypical middle-aged waitress that time and good fortune seemed to have left behind. I decided to aggravate her a bit.
“I’ll have a cup. How about you, little baby girl?” I turned my cup over from its facedown position.
Ashley picked right up on it. “Whatever you think is best for me, Daddy. I don’t want another spanking like last night.”
We clasped hands on the table and gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes. “Two coffees then, Madge.”
Madge filled our cups after giving us a horrified look and then ambled away, but we both heard her mumbling something about “… they don’t pay me enough for this shit…”
“You’re a bad man, Joe.”
“I know, but I’ll make it up to her.” I dug my wallet out and found a hundred-dollar bill.
Ashley’s phone buzzed and she reached into her back pocket just as Madge was coming back to take our order. “Get me whatever you’re having.”
I looked up at Madge who was looking fairly annoyed at this point. I slipped her the C-note and, surprise, her attitude changed rather quickly. “Two orders of scrambled eggs, hash browns, lots of bacon, fruit, whole wheat, and orange juices.” She winked at me and hustled off to put my order in.
“We got trouble,” Ashley informed me. “Mom is not very happy. She wants to see me for lunch. And she doesn’t want to see you.”
“Well, that’s kind of to be expected, isn’t it? To her, I must look like the guy in the trench coat who’s looking through the elementary school fence,” I somewhat teased.
“Yeah, probably so.”
I inwardly cringed and wished that she hadn’t agreed with me so quickly.
We each took a sip from our coffees before she continued. “But, Joe. I’m in this for real. Are you? Now that we can look at this in the light of day? Because if you aren’t, then there’s no sense in getting Mom all riled up, know what I mean?”
I put my coffee cup down. “Other than your driving, I have zero issues with you, Ashley. You said you’ve dated a lot of toads in your life. I haven’t, but I don’t need to do that to know when I’ve met someone who’s extraordinary.” I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. They were a beautiful mix of hazel and gray, and, swear to God, they seemed to sparkle. Her expression didn’t hold any… malice, or hidden agendas, or anything except sweetness. This was such a welcome change from my soon-to-be ex-wife Alice, whose eyes could only be described as shifty at best.
“Let’s eat our breakfast, take a little walk, then go back to your place for a shower and some shagging.”
“I can’t wait to fuck you again, Daddy,” Ashley replied, just loud enough for Madge to hear as she brought our plates of breakfast.
– – – – –
As the shower water heated up to the appropriate temperature, we both undressed in her bathroom. Her lithe body was a wonder to watch as she stripped down, her hair falling forward until she stood back up.
I love how confident she is, completely unashamed of her body. Women my age aren’t like this at all, they always start pointing out their flaws for me as I’m trying not to notice them…
Our bodies melded together under the hot spray, joined perfectly as if they were made to fit together. Holding her just felt right, I couldn’t get over how much I was enjoying her. Our lips came together in such sensual kisses that I had to let go of her with one arm and put it against the tile so we didn’t fall over. Good kissing has always been the thing that gets me going the most. A wonderful body doesn’t mean much to me if she isn’t kissing me like she means it. And Ashley sunk her heart and soul into her kissing… and drew me in like no other had before.
Of course, the byproduct of kissing was my cock getting hard, and he quickly became an issue. His insistence could not be denied any longer as he inserted himself between us.
“Daddy,” Ashley whispered barely loud enough for me to hear above the water. “I’ve neglected your cock, I haven’t even put my lips on him! It wasn’t my fault though. I knew if I touched it last night he would have cum, and I wanted you to fuck me again.”
“Well, you did kinda hurt his feelings. He was missing you this morning, in spite of my hangover.”
“Ohhhh… I can’t have him mad at me, I don’t want that at all. Here, let me sit down.” With one hand she swiped the several plastic bottles of conditioner and shampoo and god-knows-what-else off the little corner shelf that doubled as a seat. The loud noise wasn’t enough to deter me, though, and I moved forward as she sat down, her head at the perfect level. Her lips welcomed my member and she grabbed my ass cheeks to pull me in further.
Her hot and wet mouth surrounded my excited cock as she continued to take him deeper. Is there no end to her surprises? I wondered as he banged into the back of her throat. She adjusted herself, and I felt him enter her tight throat. This was new to me, my wife never took him more than halfway, and neither had any of the other women I’d dated. This new sensation of fucking her throat was incredible, and when her nose touched my stomach I had to steady myself again.
Ash pushed me back out completely, gasping for breath and drooling. I turned the nozzle so it shot against the shower door and not on either of us. She looked up at me with such loving eyes, it was still something that I was just beginning to get used to.
“Daddy, would you like to fuck my mouth?”
“You’re… okay with that? I mean, really?” She was offering me another dream, another fantasy of mine that I had nearly given up on. “Can you breathe?”
“Yes Daddy. Just notice my hands, okay? If they are on your ass then go as hard as you can. If I put them on your front then I need air or a rest or something, okay?”
She moaned as I entered her mouth again. I rested my hands on the sides of her head like I’d seen in the pornos. She took me deep in her throat again and grabbed my ass cheeks, pulling me deeper. I got the hint and took her at her word; she wanted me to fuck her mouth.
Slowly at first, I backed her off and then eased him back into her throat as she looked up at me. I noticed there was a point there where she stopped breathing for a moment until I pulled back out a little, so I made sure not to block that for too long. As I sped up, she closed her eyes to concentrate on my granite cock going into her mouth. Forcefully, I grabbed her head and fucked her face… fucked her mouth like a pussy… fucked this gorgeous woman’s skull as I grunted and cursed and called her dirty, sexy names…
I was getting close when her hands went from my ass to the front of my legs and she pushed ever so slightly. I reluctantly backed off and she gasped several hard breaths, drooling like I had never seen, and then she looked up at me. “Okay I’m good… (gasp)… keep going until you… (gasp)… cum down my throat.”
I was already close, and this twenty-second break did little to cool my ardor. I forced my cock down her throat again and pounded her like I would a common whore or, more correctly, like the woman that I loved. In less than a minute those fantastic feelings began to rise, and that glorious pressure built until I couldn’t stand it any longer… and my cock burst in absolute glory as I emptied my semen down her throat in hot, fiery ropes. She swallowed several times as I came for an extended amount of time. Ash looked up at me, nose in my stomach, and I realized she couldn’t breathe. To her credit, she hadn’t pushed me off so that I could enjoy my orgasm to the fullest— but I could tell she was hoping for some oxygen pretty soon.
I pulled out and pulled her up to kiss her, half expecting to find traces of my cum in her mouth, but I came deep and she swallowed all of it. I kissed her hard as she held on to me, both of us breathing hard through our noses. I released her mouth as the water sprinkled on our faces, beading up and running down in little rivulets. Her eyes searched mine, she was looking for something. Approval? Reassurance? I’m not the best with these kinds of things, so I just went with my gut instinct.
“I love you, Ashley.”
Her eyes and her smile indicated that my gut was correct.
– – – – –
After we dried off, I carried her to her bedroom. I had scrubbed every inch of her little body and made her cum in the shower, but I wanted to give her a little more attention; California was always in a drought and taking super-long showers didn’t feel right.
I gently placed her in the still unmade bed, laying on her back. I grabbed a couple pillows and stuffed them under her ass to give me a better angle. I pushed her legs toward her and, flexible girl that she was, her knees landed nearly against her shoulders. I marveled at the view of her lovely and hairless pussy; her puffy outer lips cradled her delicate inner lips, which in turn hinted at the lovely pinkness inside… and her swollen clit begged to be licked. Of course with her in this pelvis up position, her asshole was on full display too— I started by licking there.
A little shiver ran through her body as my tongue grazed ever so lightly over her tender little puckered hole. I couldn’t believe that something so small and cute could take my thick cock, but last night she took it like a champ. Right out of the shower, she tasted so clean and fresh. Her pussy began secreting its juices, or maybe it never stopped, her heady aromas filling the air. My fingers began exploring her sex while I continued to kiss her ass; little moans escaped Ashley’s lips as I kept hitting her magic spots. I switched it up after a while, kissing her pussy as my fingers played with her butthole. With big, open-mouth kisses I tried to cover her pussy as much as I could, sucking her lips into my mouth and drinking her tasty secretions.
“Joe… keep going… for the love of God… oh fuck… when you suck my clit… wait… how many fingers is that?”
“Just two, baby.” I quickly latched onto her clit again as I curled my fingers forward, rubbing her spongy flesh inside. The fingers on my left hand found some extra juice and began circling her asshole, preparing it for a digital assault. Soon, I had three in the pink and one in the… back…
Ashley’s hands went to her breasts which she squeezed exuberantly as she climbed up her orgasm trail. She had been watching me work and we exchanged looks several times, but when she threw her head back I knew I was getting her very close. I nibbled her clit, scraping my teeth over it as I forced another finger inside her asshole…
Ascension: complete.
She squealed in ecstasy as her body trembled and shook… and I was rewarded with squirts. Her first hard one shot into my mouth and she reached up to push my head off of her. I swallowed most of it but she shot more straight up into the air— and the crazy spray landed on her stomach, breasts, and face— even into her mouth. I pumped my fingers rapidly in and out of her as I tried to keep her going, but after about five short squirts she collapsed, her legs coming down. I pulled the pillows out from underneath her so she could lay flat on her back, then I crawled up next to her and cupped her sex to keep the pressure on. Her orgasm continued to wrack her body as she moaned and thrashed. I pinched her clit fairly hard and wrung out a couple more small squirts from her which landed on her breasts but didn’t reach her face this time. Damn, it was awesome to see her swallow her own squirt a minute ago.
She gently pushed my hand away so I relented, and I crawled up her wet body, stopping to slurp up her fluids from her navel and other areas. Some had collected right at her neck which I gathered in my mouth but didn’t swallow. Instead, I kissed Ash and dribbled her own juices back into her mouth. She eagerly swallowed as I entered her, our bodies joining completely for the first time in over twelve hours.
“What are you doing to me, Joe?” It wasn’t really a question that needed answering so I just let it lie as we made soft and sensual love. With our lips and sex organs joined, I felt as if our hearts and minds began to join also. All I could think about was her; pleasing her, fucking her, loving my Ashley. Our undulating bodies moved perfectly together as our rhythm slowly increased. Eventually, we couldn’t maintain our kiss so I buried my head in her neck and my hands pulled her harder into me with each stroke. My entire body’s weight pressed her into the mattress— I wanted to pin her to the bed with my cock, fucking her good and hard.
Our lovemaking had gone from gentle to… well it wasn’t really rough sex as it still seemed sensual, but we were fucking each other as hard as we could as we climbed together. When I pushed my finger inside her slick asshole, it sent her over the edge… and I went with her.
I felt her pussy walls clenching my cock as she came, and she felt him flexing inside her as he squirted deep. Both of us completely spent, our legs unraveled and I became dead weight on top of her. As my cock began to shrink, I rolled off to her right side and pulled her with me out of the massive wet spot she left and onto the dry sheets. Still, many moments passed before either of us spoke as we just enjoyed the nonverbal communication between our lips. Her leg crossed over mine keeping us close as we lay side-by-side, reveling in our post-orgasmic bliss.
“I used to…” she began. “Sometimes I would get… well I’ve been to a lot of weddings in the last five or six years. So many of my friends have started their lives, most of them now have children, even my younger brother. And I was… happy for them, of course. But I also began to wonder what was wrong with me, you know? Why couldn’t I find someone to spend my life with? Was I just, I don’t know, weird or something? It’s, um… hard to admit this.” She looked at me.
I hugged her close and held her face in my free hand. “Baby, it’s okay. Trust me, there is nothing wrong with you.”
“Well that’s what I would tell myself, that I just have high standards. It turns out, I was right to hold out. I didn’t know I was waiting for you specifically, but it turns out I was.”
I started to kiss her but she stopped me. “Joe, I need to say this. I love you. I mean like, really and truly love you. Like, I don’t care what you’ve done in your life. I will help you hide bodies… whatever you need, I’m yours. I know it sounds crazy, or… you probably think I’m crazy, but I really do love you.”
I stared at her for a few moments. “Can I kiss you now?” She laughed and nodded her head. I kissed her hard for half a minute or so.
“I am… (kiss)… the luckiest man… (kiss)… alive… (kiss)… if you really feel… (kiss)… that way.” We both giggled as we kissed more. “And I love you too, I said so in the shower.”
“Yeah, but you just got a blowjob and you would love anyone at that moment.”
“Well, you just got a squirt job and some good lovemaking, so I could say the same thing about you.”
“Listen you,” she teased as she pinched my chin. “Don’t be getting all logical and shit at a time like this.”
“You’re right. You win. You love me more.”
“I do not! You said it first!”
I just laughed and so did she. Then we looked at the time.
“I need another shower, and I think you do too.”
“Only because your pussy keeps spraying everywhere,” I admonished. “You need to keep control of that thing.”
“You be nice or the next thing that comes outta there won’t be squirt.”
I smirked at her. “Promises, promises.”
– – – – –
“Mom wants you to come over for dinner tonight at six o’clock sharp. I’m not supposed to come until six-thirty. Can you make it?”
“Yeah sure, Ash. Did the lunch go okay?”
“Well… sort of, I guess. But she wants to talk to you privately, so that’s why I am supposed to show up later. What did you do after you left?”
“I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond. I had a coupon.”
Ash snorted over the phone. “No man goes there unescorted, what did you get?”
“I got two waterproof mattress pads, one for you and one for me. And I got myself a couple extra sets of sheets.”
There was a few seconds of silence on the line before she spoke. “Are you making fun of me?”
“Absolutely not. I will be trying to make you squirt every time we make love and I want to be prepared.”
She giggled. “You’re a dirty old man, you know that?”
“Yeah I do. Why don’t you Uber to your mom’s and then come home with me? Or… you gotta work tomorrow?”
“That’s a plan, I’ll just take your Cougar to work.”
“Over my dead body!”
“Whatever it takes, Joe.”
– – – – –
Shelly let me in her house and offered me a drink. I made us a couple of strong Moscow Mules. There was none of the usual light-hearted banter between us, the tension was heavy and thick as we stood in the kitchen.
“So…” she said as she stirred her drink with her finger and then licked her finger. “My dear child Ashley seems to think she’s in love with you.”
“Yes, so she said.”
Shelly looked at me for several long seconds. “How… how could you?”
I was afraid of this.
“She’s a grown woman, Shell.”
“She’s my little girl, Joe!”
No, she’s my little girl.
I sighed and took a big sip of my drink.
Shelly continued, her voice rising. “You should be with someone more age-appropriate. She should be with someone more age-appropriate!”
“Shelly, the difference between you and me is only four years less than the difference between me and Ash.”
“She said… she said she doesn’t want to have children. Do you hear me? Did you put her up to that?”
“Shelly,” I paused. I didn’t want to get dragged into all this and try to fight her on each point. “Believe me, this was a surprise to me too. I am not making her do anything she doesn’t want to. She’s a beautiful, smart, funny, and… vibrant woman. And she finds me attractive. Does she seem happy to you?”
She sighed heavily. “That’s not the point.”
“That’s exactly the point! Don’t you want your daughter to be happy?”
She deflated, and pointed to the dinette table. “Sit down, okay? I’m sorry for being like this.” We made ourselves comfortable at the table.
“I Understand, Shell. This is quite a shock.”
“Well, I do want Ashley to be happy and, well you know how I feel about you. You’re an amazing guy and would make any woman happy. And if Ashley likes you then, good for her. It’s just…” Her voice trailed off and I let it hang there. It’s often better to just let a woman talk rather than try and guess what she wants to say.
“You know, Joe, with Mike’s illness, we hadn’t had sex in over three years. And I was a good wife, totally devoted, I never strayed during that whole time. And my reward for being so good was… nothing. My daughter snags the one guy who I thought could help me through this.” She stared at me with such sadness in her eyes.
“Shelly,” I began, not knowing what I was going to say. “I’ve always been fond of Ashley like I am with my nieces. But she’s an adult now and Ashley is… extraordinary and I don’t know how she’s stayed single this long. She—“
“She’s very picky. And I thought I’d seen her in love before a couple of times, but it was nothing like what she feels for you.” She got up and looked out the window. “She’ll be here in a few minutes. I should have… I should have made love to you that night. I mean I’ve had a great life with Mike, but I should have given in to you.”
I stood up and went to her, she turned and gave me a hug. “I’m sorry, hon. You know how I felt about you. But… you told me not to be in love with you, and it took me years to get over you, but… I did. If I knew you still had feelings for me…”
“Oh… I don’t know what I feel, Joe. I don’t know if it’s love or just misplaced lust, or jealousy… It’s all very confusing. Of course I’m happy for Ashley, and I’m happy for you, too. I just wish I could have some happiness, I wish someone would love me the way you love her and … you know … want to make love to me.”
Ashley’s Uber pulled up in front of the house.
“Hon, I wanted to make love to you for years. And I still would, you are smokin’ hot!” She hit my shoulder and shook her head. “But now, I want to see if I can live up to what Ashley thinks of me.” I gave Shelly a quick kiss on her forehead and stepped back from our hug.
“Maybe I’ll ask Ashley if she would loan you out, just for an hour or two.” She was laughing when she said it, but I wasn’t sure if she was joking or not. I winked at her just before Ashley walked in the door.
“Hey guys… we all good?” Ashley looked at me, then her mom and back then at me.
I held my arms open for her. “Hey, hon. Yes, we are all fine.” She gave me a hug and a soft kiss.
Shelly went to the refrigerator and began retrieving food items to start making dinner for us. “You all ready for your trip, honey?” Shelly asked.
I looked at Ashley quizzically.
“Not really, Mom.” She turned to me and explained, “It’s a girls’ trip to Cabo. We go every year, and we’re leaving on Friday.”
“Ah, si, comprendo.”
Ashley smiled at me. “Look at you, Senor Espanol!”
“That’s about the extent of it. Oh wait, I know how to ask for beer, too. Un cerveza fria! That means a cold beer.”
“You speak more than most of us and we’ve been going for years.”
Shelly piped in. “You should bring loverboy here with you, he’d keep you girls out of trouble.”
“Mo-om! It’s a girls-only trip… or… well at least it’s always been just the girls… huh! I wonder what they would think… ah screw it! Joe, have you got a passport? Want to spend six days in Mexico with me and six hot babes?”
“Siete hermanos calores? Si, si!”
And so it was decided, I was going to Cabo San Lucas with Ashley and her six friends.
– – – – –
I began to have doubts about the whole thing early Friday at the Tom Bradley International Terminal at LAX. The screams, the shrieks, the “omigods”… we were really drawing a crowd. And I was at the center of it as all the girls wanted to see what the new guy was like. Ashley had a long string of boyfriends but never one like this, never one as old as me. I began feeling like I was somebody’s dad hanging out with a bunch of young thirty-somethings.
Ashley had me study Instagram for almost two hours last night and I got so I could tell the girls apart and remember their names most of the time. But seeing them online and seeing them in person was a different thing. Rachael was the easiest to spot, her straight jet-black hair hung down her long back. At 5’10”, she was as tall as me but had a much more impressive chest. Samantha and Sandra came next. Though unrelated, they looked rather similar with their bleached hair and similar boob-jobs and apparent Botox routines. Bernadette, a fiery redhead and the shortest of the bunch came in next, quickly followed by Mira and Robyn. Mira was from Sri Lanka and Robyn was a native of Hawaii, and both were stunning. They all seemed nice enough and gushed appropriately… still, I wondered what they really thought; I was a guy on the girls’ trip, and I was an old guy. What woman wants to go on a wild get-away vacation with their dad?
I did see that a bar was open near the gate even though it was not even eight o’clock, and I figured buying a round of drinks might start things off on the right foot.
“Ladies… Ladies!” I finally got them somewhat quieted down. “We’ve got thirty minutes until we board the plane and there is a bar right over there! I’m buying the first round, whaddya say? Tequila Sunrises all around?”
“Ay, Papi!” That was Rachel, the most boisterous one of the bunch. What she said was pronounced like “Eye Poppy” and simply meant “Oh, Daddy!”
Well, her enthusiasm caught on with the troop, and a chorus of “Ay, Papi” followed us all the way to the bar.
Score one for the old man! I also made a mental note of the dynamic at play here: Rachel was the de facto leader, make her happy and the rest will follow.
The young bartender looked a bit frightened as we descended upon his humble establishment but he quickly lined up the glasses and began pouring the Patron, grenadine, and orange juice.
Rachel proposed the toast as we all clinked our glasses together. “To an awesome trip, with my awesome friends aka the Sexy Seven, and also to our newest honorary girlfriend… and Papi! Let’s do it!”
The girls cheered loudly and I took what I thought was a big swig of my drink, but when I looked around they were all still drinking; chugging down their cocktails.
“Come on Papi, you’re drinking with the big girls now, get with it!” one of them teased. That was… Samantha. Or Sandra. Shit! I’m already confused.
“Yeah, Papi, down it” That was my Ashley, I was certain of that. I downed my drink to the approval of the crowd.
“Alright, well that was good. Ladies, I want you to know … there’s an old, quaint Mexican phrase that goes back hundreds of years. It’s been passed down from one generation to the next, and I think it fits the occasion perfectly. It goes like this…” They looked at me with rapt attention. I half-shouted, “Mas Tequila!”
“Mas Tequila!” they all responded.. (“Mas” was pronounced “moss” which meant “more.”)
We drank that round and then ambled back towards the gate just as the plane people were getting ready to board us.
Ashley held my hand tightly, her excitement palpable. “How’m I doin’?” I asked her.
“Bueno, Papi. Bueno! You went in early, and you went in hot. Good call! I know everyone’s going to like you, they already do a little bit. Rachel likes you, I can tell. This is going to be great.”
Thank God the resort is all-inclusive, I thought. We haven’t even gotten off the ground and I’m in for $300. Oh well, c’est la vie! No, that’s French. What do they say in Mexico? I guess I’ll find out.
– – – – –
The first thing one notices when getting off the plane is the heat— it felt like we stepped into an oven. Being an old-style terminal, they didn’t have sky bridges, we just walked down the portable stairs onto the tarmac. Well, walked down might be an exaggeration; the eight of us staggered down the steps in various states of inebriation. We found our luggage and the small bus I had arranged for us to take us to our resort.
It was a little after noon when we got to the check-in counter and Rachel made an announcement. “Alright! Ladies, girls, bitches, and Papi… I’m calling for a siesta right about now. Let’s all meet at the pool bar at around 3:00, maybe 3:30 at the latest. Yeah?”
Ashley, less drunk than the others but feeling buzzed, smiled at me warmly as I collected our room keys. Her friends were… interesting, to say the least. All were married except for Samantha and Robyn, but they were all extremely flirty. Not with me so much, but with every other man that we came across. Ashley was quite a bit more reserved than her friends, and that suited me just fine. She didn’t seem to need all of the external validation her gals did. And I could tell by some of the banter amongst them, she wasn’t just “behaving” on my part, she really was different.
However, her public behavior differed greatly from her private self— she was turning out to be a freak in the sheets even if she was a lady on the streets. We made love… at least ten times since the funeral, but not in the last two days as we had each been busy. Ashley changed me in these last seven days. I had always been a horny fellow, but as I got older that drive diminished somewhat. Then with the divorce and the dating stresses, my libido was suffering even further. But now, this wonderful creature had not only re-lit the fire inside of me, it felt like she poured gasoline on it. All she had to do was look at me and smile and… my heart beat faster and I had to catch my breath, lest her fire consume me.
We walked hand-in-hand to our room, each of us pulling our luggage as I didn’t want to get interrupted by a bellboy twenty minutes later. The hot breeze actually felt nice and it blew Ashley’s sundress in such a sexy way, revealing much of her legs as she walked. My cock stirred as we walked down the path, nearing our casita. The girls all had very nice but standard rooms with two queen beds. Our casita (little house) had two bedrooms with king-sized beds, a full kitchen, a stocked bar, a pantry of snacks and fruits, and a great room with giant windows and sliding glass doors overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Ashley jumped into my arms and I carried her around as we explored the place; opening doors and checking out the view. She squealed when she saw the hot tub embedded in the patio deck. We were in a row of casitas but the architects were very smart; there was no way anybody could look onto our patio, we had total privacy. I finally set her down as we stood outside on the back deck.
“Are you trying to impress me, Joe? Because it’s working.”
I shrugged. “Yes, I’m trying to impress the fuck out of you. I want you to enjoy this with me. This is the start of something very special, I think.”
Ashley pulled me in for a kiss, a real kiss. Like I said, we hadn’t seen each other for two days and this morning was a big rush, then the girls on the plane didn’t give us a moment’s privacy, and the feelings all flooded back at once. Her wet lips, her warm mouth, her feisty tongue… I couldn’t believe how much I missed her. I mean, really missed her.
I held her tight, so tight as I leaned back and pulled her up off her feet. She giggled and laughed, then stopped laughing as she saw the look on my face.
“Joe, is… is something wrong. You look so… serious.?”
I set her back down gently. “Ashley, I have to tell you something.”
“O-okay Joe. What is it?”
I stared at her for a good ten seconds, just soaking in her face. I want her. So very fucking much.
“Come on, Joe. Say something! You’re making me nervous.”
“I don’t want you to… ever be away from me that long again.” So much for playing it cool, Mr. Suave. Why don’t you just scare her right off on the first fucking day you’re here. I turned my head and looked down at a very interesting mark on the wood. It kind of looked like someone’s high heel must have—
“Joe… Daddy.” I couldn’t help it, my head jerked up when she called me Daddy. “I’m not going anywhere, okay? Did you forget something? I sought you out, remember? And I’m here because I want to be. You need to put some faith in me, in us, okay?”
You’re such a dumbass. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. “You’re right. I’m just… I’m not used to someone liking me like you do. It’s been so long… I feel like… like it’s too good to be true.”
She reached behind her back, and I heard her zipper as she pulled it down. She leaned forward and the top of her dress fell from her shoulders, down her arms, freeing her breasts in the hot sun. She dropped her dress further, stepping out of it and throwing it over one of the chaise lounges.
Standing up straight and completely naked, she smiled at me. “Here’s a truth for you: I’m yours. All yours, Daddy.”
I unbuttoned my shirt, kicked off my shoes, and got out of my pants all without breaking eye contact with Ashley for even a moment. All my doubts and fears evaporated as I stood before her.
This is my woman. Take her.
I wrapped my arms around her in a bear hug and kissed her passionately. My lust now unshackled, I ground my cock into her stomach and she lifted a leg to wrap around my thigh. Our hot kiss became hotter as our intensity rose and my brain got out of its own fucking way… leaving me to just feel and enjoy the sexiest person I could ever meet. I grabbed her ass cheek, groping her, sinking my fingers deep into her flesh. She yelped a little when I thrust two fingers inside her wet sex. Then she grabbed my cock, hard, and spoke with her teeth clenched. “What’re you gonna do with this, huh? Daddy? You gonna fuck me with this? Huh?”
I pushed her down on the reclining lounge chair. I wanted it to be flat but I couldn’t waste any time figuring out how the fuck to do that, so I set her on the flat part with her feet on the ground. I roughly pushed her legs aside and crawled in between them. Without any hesitation my cock found her wetness and I shoved my cock inside her.
She moaned in ecstasy and wrapped her legs around my back, locking her ankles together. My toes were off the lounge chair, pushing on the concrete to help me fuck my way into her. Each thrust moved the chair an inch or so backward with an irritating groan. I looked over the chair and saw we were just a couple of feet away from the side wall so I kind of ran with my feet, pushing the chair so that it bumped into the wall and stopped moving, all while keeping my cock inside her.
I pounded her out, slamming my cock into her with a ferocity I didn’t expect and wasn’t sure from whence it came, but her hedonistic cries only spurred me on to try and fuck her more. Only a couple minutes passed but we both were completely soaked in sweat, our bodies sliding sensually against each other and making loud slapping noises. Combined with our grunts, we must have been making quite a commotion as we heard some laughter and catcalls from next door.
I looked at Ashley, practically lost in a sexual fever, and I could tell she didn’t give a fuck, so neither did I. We didn’t miss a beat.
“You want my cum, little girl?”
“Yes Daddy… cum inside me, please cum in me, Daddy.”
“Where…” It was hard to speak. “Where are you?”
“On the edge… (gasp)… Cum, and I will cum with you… (gasp)… Hurry, my love.”
I pushed myself up on my elbows so I could look at my Ashley. Her hair splayed out around her, her sweaty breasts trembling and jiggling, her eyes intently boring into my soul… I wanted to own this woman… I needed to possess her… make her mine… have her love only me…
Semen exploded from my cock and burned its way deep inside her body in glorious spurt after spurt. She screamed to God and her pussy clenched my cock, milking every drop from it as her body rocked in a frenzy. My mind soared in an almost out-of-body experience as my cock continued to quiver deep inside her… and I felt some serious wetness down there from her. I eventually collapsed on top of her, just then becoming aware of my heavy breathing, and hers.
I tried kissing her, and we did, but I was so exhausted that we just lay with our sweaty cheeks pressed together.
After a few minutes of this post-coital bliss, she roused me out of my sex-induced stupor. “Joe… Joe?”
“You alive up there?”
“Hm mm,” I answered negatively.
“Come on, dude. You’re going to get a sunburn, we’ve gotta get out of the sun.”
“Don’t care.”
Truth was, I didn’t think I could summon the strength to move.
“Come on, Jose. Let me at least clean your cock with my mouth.”
“Oh! Well…” I managed to push myself off her.
“Inside. Come on, let’s go.” She helped me up and I noticed a huge wet spot on the lounge chair. I smiled proudly as I followed her inside.
We ambled through the slider into the frigid air conditions casita. It was set at seventy-six but it felt freezing for a few moments.
“In the bed,” she ordered. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
I heard the water running for a while and true to her word, she returned quickly with a small towel that was very wet. And hot! She wiped my face with it, and it felt so good, so relaxing, as she wiped down my torso, too. Suddenly, I felt a different warmth on my cock as her mouth engulfed me, cleaning my cock as she promised. She wiped down the rest of me as I began to drift away. The drinks in the morning, and more on the plane, and then some pretty strenuous sex… well I wasn’t a spring chicken by any means. I felt Ashley snuggle up beside me and pull a sheet over us, and I didn’t feel anything else for hours.
– – – – –
To Be Continued